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IPhone 5 won't accept charging. What to do if iphone won't charge

IPhone charging problems are one of the most common categories of problems that users face. Over time, the gadget may incorrectly display the percentage of battery charge or interrupt the charge from the cable. Let's take a closer look at what to do if your iPhone does not show charging and how to quickly get rid of this problem.

Causes of the problem

Problems with battery performance and inaccurate charge display may have the following causes:

  • Outdated battery. The wear of this part in 90% of cases becomes the cause of various problems associated with slow charging, rapid loss of battery life and sudden shutdowns of the smartphone.
  • IOS single glitch. Often, after updating the OS shell, an insignificant failure occurs in the interaction of hardware and software components... In this case, a situation arises when the iPhone does not charge, but shows that it is charging. A full reboot of the device can resolve the problem.
  • Broken cable. Pay attention to the condition of the charging cord. To test its performance, connect the cable to any other "apple" gadget;
  • Dirty Lightning connector. Dirt, dust and other particles may delay the electrical signal. As a result, the battery may take several times longer to charge, and the charge indicator may not even be displayed in the phone interface;
  • Broken Lightning connector. It can be damaged by dropping, hitting, or carelessly disconnecting the charging cable. Breakage of this part makes charging the gadget impossible. Replacing the connector may solve the problem;
  • The battery cable is not properly secured. Therefore, the data on the state of the battery will be transmitted more slowly by the hardware components and, accordingly, the phone will not be able to receive the correct information about the percentage of the remaining charge or about what this moment the phone is being recharged.


Reboot the device

If you are faced with an incorrect display of the percentage of the remaining charge and the actual battery voltage, you just need to reboot the phone to get started. This will help get rid of single system crashes.

To reboot, press the phone's power and display unlock keys (at the same time). Hold them down for a few seconds and immediately after the shutdown screen appears, slide the slider to the right. After one minute, the iPhone will restart and the charging display problem will disappear.

Battery Replacement

It is recommended to change the iPhone battery at least once every 2-3 years. Thus, you will not encounter problems of excessively slow charging or sudden shutdown in the cold. In the process of buying a new battery, pay attention to the following subtleties so as not to get a fake:

  • The part must have the original Apple logo and the corresponding numeric codes;
  • All inscriptions on the battery must be printed clearly, white on a black background and in English.

Checking the loop connection

Disconnect the back cover and check the connection of the battery cable by first removing the plug from it with a screwdriver. To disconnect back cover you will need a special suction cup and a Pentaoble screwdriver to remove the two screws near the Lightning connector. To disconnect / connect the loop, take a plastic spatula (spudger).

Everyone at least once in their life had to experience that chilling feeling when, when the iPhone was connected to the network, the coveted lightning icon was not displayed next to the battery icon in the status bar. Don't panic! This is not a breakdown. This is a diagnosable problem. Having identified the cause, you can easily and easily eliminate it without resorting to radical measures. You can find out why the iPhone is not charging on your own. It is enough just to inspect and analyze the condition of the device, as well as the charger itself.

Most often, the reason is sought in the charger.

There may be two reasons why your device refuses to charge from the network. The first is related to the general condition of the iPhone itself. The second is faulty Charger... We will show you what to do in both cases, because most often the cause is not a breakdown, but a malfunction that can be diagnosed and eliminated on your own without resorting to the help of service centers.

So, you plugged the charger into the mains, it works, but the iPhone does not charge. Why is this happening?

Statistics show that more than half of such cases are associated with ordinary debris falling into the Lightning connector. This detail fits very well into the overall design of the iPhone, but is open and not protected by anything. Therefore, dust, fluff and other debris often get there, which can usually be in a pocket or purse. It creates obstacles when connecting the cable, and the iPhone stops syncing and charging from the network. What should be your actions in this situation? How do I remove foreign debris from the connector so that the device works again as before? Here an ordinary toothpick will come to the rescue. Use it to carefully remove the stuck dirt from the connector. This should be done very carefully and only with a soft, wooden tip, so as not to damage the connector. But if you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional.

If after this procedure the iPhone does not start charging, then the reason is not pollution.

Restarting iOS

Perhaps, in this case, all that needs to be done is simply restart iOS. This problem is most common with iPhone 5s or iPhone 4s. Due to a malfunction iOS iPhone just doesn't see the network connection. You just need to plug into an outlet and simultaneously hold the two buttons "Home" and "On / Off." until the iPhone restarts. When the reboot process is complete, you will hear the charging start sound and you will see a screen that shows the charging animation.

If this technique did not work, then we are looking for the reason further.

Charge iPhone from the USB port of a laptop or legacy computer

In this case, charging does not start due to the fact that USB is a standard device. Charging the phone is too complicated for him. In this case, the phone does not have time to receive the charge necessary for normal operation.

Fall damage

The most banal and, alas, common case: if an iPhone, even a new one and absolutely intact from the outside, for some reason does not charge, it is likely that it was dropped or hit. Very often this happens with a gadget that has been in children's hands. Little experimenters do not particularly stand on ceremony with technology, and they do not see a big difference between the iPhone and the ball. Therefore, in this case, the damaged connector is to blame for the fact that the device does not charge, of course. A damaged connector simply needs to be replaced. And don't leave your beloved iPhone unattended.

Using someone else's cable

If you have damaged or lost your own cable, then naturally you will try to use someone else's. This is not always a good idea, because the non-native can be so slow that it looks like the iPhone won't charge at all. In this case, you will have to wait eight to twelve hours.

Defective battery

Why else can there be a problem with charging the iPhone? It would seem that everything is in order with the device, and the charger is working properly, but the process has not moved off the ground. In this case, the reason may be more serious. Your device does not charge because the battery has failed. The fact is that it has a certain number of charging cycles. So it's time to get a new one.

Fault charger

The second major reason why iPhone won't charge may be a faulty charger. In this case, the situations are different. Is the device new but charging won't start? Most likely, you were out of luck and came across a defective charger. Just try charging it through something else first. If the iPhone makes a distinctive sound and you see that it is charging, then the problem is in the charging cable. But it doesn't matter if the iPhone is under warranty, the store will replace it with high quality and on time. If the charger is damaged by being dropped or getting wet, contact a repair specialist. You may need to buy a new one to see your iPhone charging again. But it is much cheaper financially than buying a new device.

So, let's summarize. Your beloved iPhone won't charge? But this is not yet a cause for concern. Research it yourself first. Check the integrity and cleanliness of the connector. Also investigate the charger. It should work flawlessly. The power supply and cord must also be suitable for your particular gadget model. If all these conditions are met, and the device still does not charge, only specialists will help you.

Hey! Charging the iPhone and the problems associated with it is, perhaps, the biggest "misfortune" that awaits the owners of Apple devices. Well ... after forgotten password from iCloud, that's for sure. The site already has a lot of instructions on how to charge correctly, what you can do while charging, and what not, etc. But still, new problems are constantly popping up!

Recently, it has just appeared great amount comments with the same trouble. Users write that they cannot fully charge their iPhone. He does not want (or cannot?) - that's all! Moreover, first charging is in progress as expected, but then it reaches a certain percentage and everything stops. It's some kind of epidemic! Let's figure out what is the reason for this behavior? Go!

What could be causing this? In fact, there are only two options:

  • Problems in the software (the operating system itself).
  • Hardware problems (Phone is not always to blame).

Let's start with the simplest ...

iPhone does not fully charge - iOS "glitch"

Nothing is perfect and operating system iOS is no exception. It may be she who is to blame for the fact that the iPhone is not fully charged.

Typical behavior for this case is when the charge percentage reaches 98-99 and freezes for a long time. It turns out that it’s almost charged, but it’s just a little bit short of the cherished 100%.

What can and should be done here? Here are some solutions:

Important! Everything listed above is worth trying in any case, even if the charge percentage freezes at lower values ​​- it can help. But if it didn't help, then ...

IPhone charging does not reach 100% - "iron" problems

IPhone failure to charge above certain values ​​may be associated with other, more serious malfunctions.

Especially when the charge reaches half or a little more and stops - that is, "not enough" is quite a lot.

There can be two main ones:

As you can see, there are many reasons why the iPhone is not receiving its full charge.

And, unfortunately, some of them are very unpleasant. For my part, I can only wish that you fix the iPhone battery without resorting to serious actions - assembling and disassembling the device, replacing parts, contacting service center etc. Let everything be solved in much simpler ways!

P.S. In order to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome - put "like" and click on the buttons of social networks!

P.S.S. Do you still have or have any questions? Tell us in the comments - let's try to figure it out together!

One of the most frequent malfunctions faced iPhone owners, there is a charging problem. If the iPhone does not charge at all, or the process is too slow, the reason may lie in problems with software and malfunctions of the phone or charger.

Some defects can be removed on their own, for the elimination of others it is better to contact a service center or workshop, where specialists with a sufficient level of experience work, having the necessary spare parts for different generations of iPhone and equipment.

Most often, problems with charging the device are caused by the following phenomena:

Replacing the socket

If the Lightning port where the charging cable is inserted is faulty due to debris, you must carefully clean it.

For this, a thin and long object made of plastic or wood is suitable; Never use metal devices such as paper clips, as they can damage the contacts with static electricity.

After mechanical cleaning, you need to blow out the connector and check if the cord will be detected. The iPhone is often charging normally at the end of the procedure.

If cleaning the socket does not help, the reason may be due to its mechanical damage: The case near the port will heat up, and when connected, the charging LED may blink and turn off.

In the event of a burnout or mechanical damage to the contacts, the help of a master is usually required, since the failure of the lower loop becomes a problem. This part cannot be repaired and is replaced with a new one.

When repairing, it is important that only the original is used for replacement, since cheaper Chinese counterparts rarely differ worthy quality, and when they are installed, the repair will have to be carried out again after 2-3 months of operation.

Battery Replacement

In all iPhone models installed lithium ion battery, the service life of which varies from 6-8 months to a year, depending on the operating conditions. After 400-800 full charge cycles, it sits down much faster and takes longer to charge. In addition, damage to the battery can be caused by the following factors:

  • Mechanical phenomena (fall, directional impact).
  • Using poor quality adapters instead of the original charger.
  • Ingestion of liquid, oxidation of the battery contacts.
  • Short circuit.

In any of these cases, it is better to replace the element: a new battery will hold a charge better and will save you from the difficulties of long-term connection to the outlet. Replacement is most often ordered in the service, since the iPhone is monolithic, and you cannot simply pull out the battery, as on most smartphones. For replacement, a set is used in the form of a Phillips screwdriver and a special Pentalobe and a plastic spatula. Basic actions:

  • The screws at the bottom of the device are unscrewed with a Pentalobe screwdriver.
  • With the help of a spatula, the screen of the gadget is lifted.
  • The battery cable is held by three screws, you need to unscrew them and disconnect the cable.
  • The battery is removed and replaced with a new part, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Software glitch

Often, the cause of problems with charging the device is a failure in iOS: this can be a freeze of the operating system itself, which causes a delay in the response of the controller responsible for supplying current to the battery. To troubleshoot the problem, follow these steps:

  • Press the lock and Home buttons at the same time, hold them in this state for 15-25 seconds, without releasing: the display will show White background with the branded apple logo, then it will no longer be visible and the keys can be released.
  • Turn on the smartphone and connect the charging cable.

This procedure is known as “ hard reboot”And helps if the reason is an OS crash. Typically, the power problem disappears after this.

Problematic firmware

Some users are faced with the fact that after they decided to change the firmware or install an update, the iPhone stopped "seeing" the cord. The problem may be the failure of the update process, the installation of an application that is not certified, or the launch of a virus. You can solve the problem in the following ways:

  • Roll back to previous version firmware. This option is suitable for users who save the backup: this will revert the previous settings from using iTunes... To do this, you need to go into the program and click on the restore button.
  • Revert to original settings. The method is used in other cases, however, this removes all multimedia files and settings, so before using it, you must take care of resetting the data to your computer.

If, after the actions taken, there is still no reaction, most likely the reason is mechanical damage to the elements of the device.

Water ingress

If moisture gets inside the iPhone, this leads not only to damage to the processor chips, but also to difficulties with power. As a rule, in this case, the smartphone screen becomes white or with stripes, the apple-shaped indicator blinks and turns off, and the iPhone cannot be charged.

The situation is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to disassemble the equipment on your own, and water can have time to damage the most important contacts, and a short circuit will completely disable it. In some cases, if a little water gets inside, only a few parts have to be replaced, including the battery itself, in others important components of the processor burn out.

If water gets in, you need to take the device to the service as soon as possible, after wiping the case and screen from moisture outside.

It is not recommended to try to turn on the iPhone after "drowning": this will increase the risk of a short circuit and significantly complicate the repair. In no case should you use "folk" methods like keeping the device in rice, which absorbs water: the main harm is caused by salt microcrystals dissolved in the liquid, which, after drying, remain on the surface and can penetrate deeper.

In the service, the smartphone is disassembled, each part is dried using special equipment, is processed with cleaning compounds, after which the repairman inspects the elements. In the presence of damage, the defective parts are replaced.


Crashes with powered iPhone can be associated with various phenomena, to determine which diagnostics are used in the service. If you don't know what to do if your iPhone won't charge, don't try to use artisanal methods, disassemble the device yourself, or change parts. Without the necessary knowledge and experience, you can harm the equipment more, which will affect the complexity and cost of repairs. In case of serious malfunctions in the form of a broken port or freezing, it is better to contact the service immediately.


- the operation is not cheap: Apple gadgets are designed in such a way that an ordinary user simply cannot change the battery with his own hands, so you will have to spend money not only on the battery itself, but also on the work of the master. However, there is no need to rush to contact the service center: perhaps the point is not at all the wear and tear of the battery, although the masters, of course, will not report this and will definitely "attribute" the most "expensive" problem.

Common reasons why iPhone refuses to charge are:

Clogging Lightning (30 Pin). Most often, those who like to carry a smartphone to the beaches stack up with this problem - the charging connector is clogged with sand and the plug cannot fit in the hole as expected. Not only sand can damage the connector - dust, lint, and pieces of fabric accumulate in the pockets of your trousers. Solving the problem of clogging the charging connector is simple: you need to clean the hole with a toothpick.

The main thing: do not use metal sharp objects, such as a needle, for cleaning - this can damage the contacts.

Faulty USB port or outlet. Apple recommends recharging gadgets from outlets, not from USB ports - the ports have a completely different purpose, namely information exchange... However, if you do not have enough outlets in your room and you have to periodically recharge the gadget from your computer, you probably noticed that some of the PC ports simply do not give the iPhone a charge. The problem lies in the amperage: The USB port has an output of only 0.5A, while iPhone charging- 1A. Therefore, the gadget always takes longer to refuel from the port. If the smartphone refuses to charge, try changing the USB port (on PCs and laptops there are usually 3-4) or the outlet.

Faulty cable. The cable that comes with the iPhone is quite fragile - if you constantly bend it, the outer sheath will break very soon. Unintentionally damaging "bare" conductors is as easy as shelling pears. If it breaks down, buy a new one CERTIFIED cable. Please note that if you buy a Chinese accessory of dubious quality for 150-200 rubles, you run the risk of wasting money - Apple developers taught Lightning to "recognize" certified cables, so fans of counterfeiting can easily see the following message on their iPhone 5:

Users of iPhone 4th modification with a 30 Pin connector will not be faced with such a message.

Component breakdown. With such a problem, there is a direct road to the SC. One of three malfunctions is possible: broken connector module(elimination price - 500-800 rubles), failure of the power controller(1400 rubles), battery failure due to wear(the most "expensive" malfunction - you need to store 2500-3000 rubles). The approximate prices are given: of course, the cost of work and components will differ depending on the region of the Russian Federation. Advice: make sure of the quality of the work done back in the SC - recharge your smartphone at least 2%.

What to do if your iPhone stops charging: a phased plan

If the gadget is not powered by original charging, proceed like this:

Step 1. Reboot your smartphone... This decision is so trite that users, paradoxically, are often neglected. A simple reboot can solve a lot of problems with the gadget.

Step 2. Check Cord, Charging Box, USB Port, Power Outlet... Checking, for example, the unit is quite simple: disconnect the cable from it and try to "power up" the gadget from USB. If there is a result, the matter is probably in the block, because the cable is working properly.

Step 3. Strip the charging connector... How and how to do this has already been mentioned earlier.

Step 4. Use Recovery Mode- put the iPhone into recovery mode. Mode Recovery Mode in terms of efficiency, it is similar to a simple reboot, however, it copes better with technical problems (including being able to help with problems with charging).

note: After iPhone disaster recovery, the settings are reset to factory settings, so take care of the safety of important data beforehand.

The gadget is put into mode Recovery Mode so: the user first turns off the iPhone, then holds down the " Home”And finally connects the smartphone to the PC with a cable. The following picture on the screen indicates being in recovery mode:

Exit from Recovery Mode you can by long pressing on " Power».

Step 5. Take the gadget to the SC if none of the above measures helped. The iPhone needs high-quality diagnostics and "surgical intervention". Despite the high cost, waiting for a replacement battery or charging connector does not take more than half an hour of your time.


No matter how reliable and durable the manufacturer presents his product, the user needs to be prepared that one day he will still have to contact the SC. In the case of Apple technology, malfunctions of the charging connector and battery are among the most common. To avoid costly repairs and fall prey to an unscrupulous (or unqualified) craftsman, it is recommended that you take advantage of the manufacturer's extended warranty offer. AppleCare. With such a guarantee, you will be calm about your smartphone for 2-3 years.