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How my friends work on the iPhone. We organize hidden surveillance for the owner of the iPhone

Apple's developers have provided the ability to track both their own iPhone and a friend, relative or any other owner of the "apple" smartphone. There are two effective method Implement this operation. First, you can take advantage mobile application Find My Friends, which allows you to track the position of the iPhone on the map. In this case, we are talking about the device of friends, relatives and so on. Secondly, you can track your own iPhone if it was stolen or he was lost. To do this, you must use the "Find iPhone" app. This option is in Apple devices and, moreover, there is its Internet version.

How to track someone else's iPhone?

It should be noted that situations where you need to find out the exact finding of a friend, a friend or relative, are quite common. In these cases, you can use useful feature tracking someone else's phone iPhone. For example, a person is appointed a meeting in a badly familiar place. Instead of listening to explanations from the interlocutor for a long time, how to drive or go to a certain point, you can use free app Find My Friends. This program will indicate the location of the iPhone user. You can install the application both on the phone and on the iPad tablet.

Tracking an iPhone with this program is carried out subject to several requirements. First, the application must be installed on both devices - the one from which tracking is performed, and the geographical position of which is determined. Secondly, mobile number The device of the device that must be traced must be in the list of contacts of another user.

If the conditions are executed, then you need to start the Find My Friends application, and then click the "Add" button in the upper right corner of the program interface. Thus, you can send an invitation to another person, after the adoption of which the user will have the opportunity to track the geoposition of another subscriber on the map.

How to track your own iPhone?

To track your own iPhone, you will need such a convenient option, how to "find the iPhone" or as it is also called Find My iPhone. Many ask whether there must be access to the network for the operation of this functionality. The answer is positive. "Find iPhone" can not work without connecting to the Internet. To transmit data on the coordinates of the geographic position mobile deviceAccess to the web is simply necessary. In addition, to activate all commands that are transmitted through "Finding iPhone", the Internet also needs. These include the inclusion of the disappearance mode, playing sound files or destruction of personal information.

Function "Find iPhone"

Of course, such measures will not protect the owner of the phone from its theft or loss, but will help to significantly simplify the task of searching for such a device. Simply put, "Finding iPhone" will allow the location of the iPhone location. True, some attackers in addition to major skills have good abilities in working with Apple devices. In order for the kidnapper, it is necessary to disable the "Find iPhone" option in the iPhone, you must install a password to unlock the smartphone. To do this, enter the settings section, "Basic", then go to "Password Protection" and select the Enable Password menu item.

How to find out the location of the iPhone?

There are several ways to track the location of your own phone using the "Find iPhone" option. The first option provides for the use of the functionality of the website

On this page, you need to start the application "Find iPhone" and to find your own device.

Among the latter software products Apple.who have passed a thorough redesign - app for mobile platform iOS. His a new version is different external speciesadapted to the general style of "seven" - flat icons, light gamma, etc.

In contact with

The main task of the application My friends (My Friends) In order to point on the map where you are currently being held in time with your gadgets. In some way, it is another narrow-function, but very useful geolocation service for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.. When two people have installed the application on their devices My friendsthey need to activate them using their accounts Apple IDAnd then send an invitation to each other through e-mail. The case is done - now on request service will show on the map, where this person is located along with his phone or tablet.
What is nice - it is possible to disclose the location at its discretion, for example, by activating the option only for the current evening to find it easier to find each other in a lively place. Or switch to alert mode - other users will receive messages when you moved from one key point to another, but no more. The method is good in order to check without unnecessary concerns, whether the child got to school, did the business partner arrived in the city, etc. The application is optimized to reduce the load on the smartphone battery - you can enable / disable the service with a simple touch, most of the time they work in the background. It remains to add that the new and more pretty application My friendsstill for free.

"I am alone, but this does not mean that I am alone," Viktor Tsoi sang in Soviet times. Who would then think that these philosophical lines would soon become prophetic. Life online. This is exactly about us and about our age! After Steve Jobs put the Internet into our pockets, if desired, you can communicate with friends at least a day, not spending a penny on telephone conversations. However, not only to communicate ...

In the shop app. Store Available great amount a wide variety of software products that allow you to communicate with friends. Many developers are trying to combine social features with navigation capabilities, thanks to which we get a number of interesting services. "Find my friends" - This is another attempt to give users the opportunity to get the most out of the possibilities of modern gadgets.

This app from Apple, which allows you to view the current location of the people you brought to the "My Friends" heading. Yes, yes, everything is just just available: you add a person to friends, he responds to your request and after that you have the opportunity to view the current location of each other. At the same time, you can apply privacy settings, disable sending data about your location, as well as receive notifications about the care or arrival of your contact or another. Conveniently? Even more!

It is impossible not to say a few words about the design of the application. As we have already noted, Apple is "finding my friends" developer, and therefore everything is as usual at the highest level. This concerns both the menu items - everything is intuitive and logically thought out and the general design of the application is made in the classic design for Apple. "Find my friends" is really nice to use.

How practical is this service? Well, it seems that "find my friends" will be quite useful application For parents who installed this program in the ogajet of their Chad. Just imagine how much nerves will be saved in search of a response to the question "Where did our child disappear?". It will be enough to look at the screen and see on the map, where you currently have a young device owner.

As for other cases, then, on a subjective view of the author, the idea of \u200b\u200bgeoposition services is best implemented in Foursquare. Here your friends are independently sharing their location, and do it precisely when they want to inform other users to visit a particular institution.

Of course, "Find My Friends" also allows you to change privacy settings, however, this function is not so flexible here.

IN App Store. One appeared interesting application -. Now you can follow your faithful, track where your child is located (of course, if the child has an iPhone or iPad), find each other in unfamiliar places, etc.

Find My Friends Review

The application works on Apple ID and it is wonderful - no additional registrations needed.

Immediately appreciate the design of the application to the highest score - it looks like everything is unmatched.

We look at the possibilities that the application provides.


Button "+" left in the tab Everything - Adding friends to track their location. I am glad that you can add a lot of friends right away. Write them a message to authorize you. Without approval to see where they are not able to.

Suppose my location wants to know my friend and he sent me a request.

FirstlyI will receive a notice that I want to add to Find My Friends.

Secondly, inside the program you need to go into deposit Inquiries and approve / reject the request.

Permanent readers, probably, have already guessed, who made the tester. :)

Very interesting tab temporarily. In it, you can send a request to your friends to track and limit it tracking time. That is - at the time that will be exhibited, tracking will automatically turn off. Conveniently, if you want to appoint a meeting with a person, and after meeting, tracking this person is already becoming irrelevant.

In the "I" tab, you can see anyone who tracks your location. Immediately you can delete a person from this list by clicking on it and choose the item: "Remove from observers".

Immediately there is a "Hide Observation" switch. Install it in the "On" position to the list of friends could not track you. Actual, if you do not want to delete friends from the list, but you want to hide them temporarily.

Since the application uses standard Google maps, the settings can boast except the map mapping mode (normal, satellite, hybrid).

FAQ program:

Question:What are the requirements of the program?

Answer:Judging by the description in the App Store, the application requires iPad version iOS 5 and operating service icloud. On iOS 4, the application is simply not established.

Output:Find My Friends - Undoubtedly an interesting application, perfectly perfect (especially for design) ... If you need the functionality of this application, then you will not be disappointed in it.

Free app " Find friends»Allows online to find the location of members of your family, relatives and close friends. In this material we will tell about all the details of the use, of course, useful program.

Application " Find friends"Since the release of iOS 9 entered a set of poor software, affordable" from the box ", along with the utility" Find iPhone ".

If you think that you can use the program "Find Friends" only for the purpose of espionage, then you are very mistaken. It is enough to watch the movie Danny Boyla "127 hours" (2010) with James Franco in the lead role, which is based on real events, and you will understand that calmness for loved ones is expensive.

« Find friends"- not the first application in this segment. The opener at this field was Google with its Google Latitude program, the existence of which, however, was discontinued several years ago. Apple, on the contrary, has developed an idea, first providing access to the program only through the App Store, then integrated it into iOS, and now it allowed users to look for the location of friends through the service without use iPhone., iPad or Mac. Well, though without account Apple id can no longer do.

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For those who have iOS 8 and older versions, install " Find friends»You can from the App Store by clicking on.

After starting, the application will automatically make a potential list of contacts, the location of which you may want to know. If your relative or friend is in the list, then simply click on his name. If it did not turn out in the list of desired contact, then enter it email At the top of the window to send an invitation that will come to mail.

To your smartphone is defined by other users on the map, go to SettingsConfidentialityGeolocation services and allow the use of geodata program " My friends».

In the same item, you can selectively disable access to your geoposition for separate contactsAdded to friends.

Added contacts will be displayed on the map as pictograms with images. For convenience, you can switch the map view to " Hybrid" or " Satellite"(Especially relevant in our regions where Apple Maps cards in the" Standard "mode are not worked out).

But find where the contact is - the most banal, which is able to the application. Much more interest is the functions " Notify me"And" Notify contact».

The first function allows you to select the contact and configure the notification to leaving a certain place or zone or arrival to a specific place or zone. For example, you can find out when the contact is included in the kilometer zone to your or predetermined location and so on.

Also through the function " Notify contact»Smartphone can automatically send a friend notice that you left or profit in some zone or place.

It is nice that all places and zones are saved in history and in further configuration will be carried out in a couple of clicks.

Note: If you do not want to start the application every time you enter data from your Apple ID card, then at least enter the four-digit PIN code on the screen blocking iPhone. or iPad (activate Touch ID). This measure is accepted by Cuppertinov for security, in case your smartphone will be lost / stolen so that the attackers cannot track the location of contacts.

The application turned out to be really interesting and clickable - everything is in the best traditions of Apple: the minimum of the functionality (but useful), understandable interface and weathered design.

Based on Yablyk