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Google Market does not download applications. What to do if you can't install Google Play services on Android

Probably not to say that the application service Play Market. (He is Google Play.) In Android systems, one of those components that is most susceptible to the appearance of various errors. Very often, problems are associated with the fact that the installation of applets is impossible. Why not download applications with Play Market? Definitely this question, perhaps, will not even answer the developers of the Android operating system and Google services. Nevertheless, several main reasons are still possible, on the basis of this, eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Why not download applications with Play Market: the main reasons

In general, the service itself seems to be somewhat unfounded to many users, although in just purchased smartphones and tablets, the first time works like normally. Problems start only later, in particular with Play MARKET no applications are downloaded. Waiting for the download may take some time, after which the appropriate message about the cause of the failure is issued. But sometimes only the error code is specified in the notification, and there is no clear explanation of the reasons.

Experts allocate several main points related to the fact that the plays are not downloaded to the Play MARKET:

  • not enough memory on the domestic drive;
  • incorrectly installed date and time;
  • cache overflow;
  • the lack of or incorrect of the installed Google service updates, including Play Market;
  • problems with registered accounts.

About the viruses, which recently divorced so much that they did not have time to keep track of, now it does not matter (although their impact is not excluded). Let us dwell on the problems associated with the Play Market applet themselves and related services, although sometimes even the most common restart of the device helps to eliminate failures.

Cleaning the place on the domestic drive

The most common failure is the situation when some selected application is not downloaded from Play Market only due to lack of free space. Despite the fact that in the service itself, one file size is specified for which it seems to be enough, in fact, the installer "weighs" is much larger. When you try to download, the service usually issues a corresponding notification with a proposal to remove unnecessary applets (although not always).

For such a situation, the conclusion is obvious: some rarely used or unused applications need to be removed. You can do this through the appropriate section in the settings where the desired applet is selected, and after entering its parameters, the removal buttons and uninstallation are pressed. The same applies to big files In the form of photos, video or music. If the user has some optimizer or cleaner, the procedure looks even simpler.

Error: Not downloaded Applications with Play Market. date and time

It is often noted that the settings of the date and time can negatively affect Google services. In this case, you need to check these parameters.

The appropriate section is selected in the settings menu, but when you install the current date and time it is desirable to enable synchronization over the network.

But sometimes synchronization can work incorrectly. In this situation, you need to set the parameters manually, as well as set the correct time zone by turning off the synchronization.

Cash and temporary files

Another problem of almost all Android devices is littering the device due to the presence of a large number of temporary files and cache overflows.

In this case, in the Application section, you need to find the Play Market applet, enter its settings, stop the application and click the cache cleaning button. Sometimes similar actions may be required for other Google services, as well as for the Download Manager.

Installation and Delete Google Services

Often, the problem may be that for the latest Play Market and other services, the latest updates are installed ( automatic update Disabled). Why not download applications with Play Market? Just because the service itself turns out to be inoperable in terms of access to basic functions.

For such cases, you must log in to the Play Market application, press the button on the left at the top and from the menu to select the settings string. Here you just need to turn on auto update (check the box opposite the corresponding item).

You can also check updates in manual mode. To do this, use the menu "On the phone", where the section of the system and the range of checking the availability of updates are selected. All found must be installed. Naturally, you will need to connect to the Internet.

But the updates themselves often cause mistakes. Whether they are in them a lot of bugs, or they have not established completely - no one knows. However, a positive effect can sometimes be achieved by removing them. All the same section of applications is applied for this, and after logging in, the update removal button is pressed. If such actions do not correct the problem, you need to repeat the procedure for other services and Google applets. Please note that in this case, the automatic update must be deactivated for the Play MARKET settings.

Accounts with accounts

Finally, it sometimes helps remove personal data that were used to register when setting up access to Google services.

You can do it through the section reserve copy and recovery where the settings are discarded with removing personal information, after which it will be necessary to restart the device and enter the information again.

Reconnect application

Another solution is to download the Play Market Applet from the Internet, copy the installation distribution in the APK format to the device and install it again.

Special attention should be paid to activating the permission to install applications from unknown sources. If the download and copying will be made from the computer, you will need to activate the USB debugging. The version of the applet itself should have labels like Team Black Out or No Update. Naturally, the applet needs to be chosen solely under its version of Android, which can be found in the "On Phone" section.

Restoration of factory firmware

Finally, you can advise another option to eliminate the problem. This is about complete restoration Original firmware, for example, after installing custom. Why not download applications with Play Market in this situation? All simple! In the firmware itself there is a non-working version of the main applet or its performance was violated due to conflicts between system components.

You can perform for correction hard reset (Hard Reset.), but not to resort to such an extreme method, it is better to connect the device to a computer with installed program control and do the necessary actions with its help (for example, use the application XPERIA COMPANion. For Sony Smartphones line).

The question "Why doesn't Play Market work?" familiar to many users of this service.

Sometimes the cause of failures in the work are a variety of technical problems, or malfunctions in the device from which you are trying to use it.

Answers to this question are many - as the causes of the problem. Consider the most basic problems and paths, thanks to which you can find a solution.

Does not work Play Market. What to do?

Method 1. Restart Android

If the question arose in front of you, why the playing market does not work on android, first reboot the device.

Perhaps simply happened "hanging" systems with which users are often encountered Android .

And the most amazing, this action will help find solutions in the work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other services.

If after restarting the miracle did not happen, try another option to eliminate the problem.

Method 2. Relieve Google Play Market Settings

In most cases, when the problem occurs, the player does not work on the play, helps reset the application settings.

To delete all unnecessary information, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the settings menu of your device;
  • in the menu, select the section under the name "Applications" or "Application Manager";
  • in this menu item, select;
  • when the control window opens, click on the "Clear Cache" button. In older versions, android, it can be called "erase the data".

Now you need to choose all those items that you want to synchronize. Most often make backup copies of "contacts" and personal information stored in the device.

Just click on the section you need.

If you think that infa, which is available in the phone or tablet, is important, then click on the "Options" button and select "Synchronize" there, it will help to make backup All applications at the same time.

Then easily remove your Google account. When you restart it, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup.

Returning to problems in the work of the Play Market - After performing synchronization, return to the previous menu and, instead of "synchronizing", select "Delete".

Confirm the action. Restart the device and enter the account.

Deleting and restoring the account will help with problems associated with the work of Google applications.

If the playing market still does not please good work, try the next item.

Method 7. Incompatible applications

Some applications, independently user installedCan affect the work of the Play Market, right up to its lock.

The list of such programs is quite wide.

Most often, the "pest" turns out to be a popular Freedom, allowing to make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8. Configure the HOSTS file

If Freedom is installed on your device, and you suspect that it was it that it was the cause of failures in the work of the Play Market, then this item will be exactly interesting.

Go to the settings menu and the Application Manager section - installed, select "Freedom".

In the program menu that opens, click on the "Stop" button, and then delete the application.

Restart the device and check the "working capacity" of the playing market. Without changes? Then go to the next item of recommendations.

Method 9. Reset Android settings

Reset all settings stored in the gadget memory is a rather radical action, however, most often it helps to successfully solve many problems in the work of the applications and the system as a whole.

To do this, go to the settings menu. Android and select the "Restore and Reset" section. In this section, confirm the "Reset Settings" action.

It is desirable, before performing this actions, make sure that data synchronization has been successful. As for information stored on a memory card, it will not suffer.

Restart the device and restore the data from the spare copy.

Method 10. Check the Internet connection

Perhaps the problems in the work of the play of the market are concluded in the banal absence of an Internet connection. Check the quality of communication. You can restart the router.

Method 11. Google Accounts Disabled

Sometimes the cause of problems lies in the fact that the Google account is disabled. Go to the menu you need if the Google Accounts application is disabled, activate it.

Method 12. Check the date and time

If there is no "connection missing" constantly jumps out, but at the same time as you are sure, check if the device is installed on the device correctly.

You can once again put the correct time and time zone. It is advisable to synchronize these parameters with the network.

To do this, go to the "Settings" → "Date and Time" menu and put a mark on the "Date and Time of Network" and "Network Time Zone".

Doesn't Play Market work ??? Solution

Why Play Market does not work (Play Market) - 12 ways to solve the problem

Already quite a large number of users wrote on the network that when downloading applications from Google Play there is a problem. If specifically, when they are trying to download something, the client gives the message " Waiting for download" Of course, this would not be disturbed if the message was truthful, and the selected application, indeed, would be in the load queue. But on the fact "waiting" error may appear in the case when no longer occurs, and, accordingly, the queues can not be.

Recent changes made to Google Play Market have influenced how the client processes download requests. If you used to choose several applications at once, now it works with one single. This is the reason that you see a message of waiting, because other applications awaiting boot can be in line. There is an easy way to correct the situation, and we will give this solution to make anyone who encountered this problem can resume the download.

First, you need to clear the download queue so that I certainly have no interference. To do this, just go to the Play Market and swipe on the middle of the screen with right side. From the available options, select " My applications and games" Pressing each individual application that is displayed there as downloaded, will give you access to the X button, which you can use to clean the download.

Some users get rid of the error after the actions described above. But, if this is not your case, you will have to go to the settings section on your device, then from there to the Play Store section. It is necessary to clean the cache and the data using the functions. Clear Kesh and Erase the data. Only information data is destroyed for play Apps Market, so there is no danger of losing important files). If you use the version of Marshm or later android version, select " Memory", and then clean the cache and data From there.

If you still can not download applications, you will have to resort to a compulsory stop ( Force Stop.) Google Play service. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open " Device settings»;
  2. Select Play Market from the list of applications installed on your device;
  3. Click " Forced stop».

If you have done everything we just talked about, you will be guaranteed not to download problems from Play Market in the near future. If ever the error occurs again, you can always reuse this method.

Android owners are constantly faced with the need to download information and applications on their device. The Play Market program greatly facilitates the search for the required content and download games and applications. Many simply do not imagine the existence of a smartphone or tablet without this virtual store. But it happens that when trying to download music or a movie, the user sees a message about the error and service failure on the screen.

Causes of problems in Play Market

Play Market is most convenient and reliable for use. android system. There is everything to provide a worthy level of use of technology, but sometimes problems can occur using or input to the service.

The main reasons for which it is impossible to enter Play Market:

  • there is no account in the Google system;
  • the presence of malicious software (software) in your device;
  • failure in the date and time settings;
  • overflowing cache;
  • failures in connection with the Internet.

If applications are not downloaded

It often happens that the service works, but does not download the required information. There are also a few too important momentswhich is worth paying attention to. After installing the Play Market, the user is started to download applications, but nothing works. And the load scale seemed to move, but nothing would turn out. The problem is also quite solved.

Return to the previous version of Play Market

Sometimes you just need to "roll back" to the penultimate version of Play Market.

  1. In order to delete updates, go to "Applications" ("Application Management").
  2. We find Play Market, click on it.
  3. In the menu that opens, select "Delete Updates".

If there is not enough previous actions, there is a universal method.

Usually after the maneuvers data, the first start and updating the application takes more time, but everything works again as a clock.

If you do not manage to download files without Wi-Fi

Some Android devices users may encounter a situation where Play Market works perfectly through Wi-Fi, but when trying to download anything through mobile Internet Gives "failed to download the file." The moment is unpleasant, but eliminated in a few minutes. There is a fault incorrect setting of mobile Internet.

Video: Enable and disable background data limit on Android

If there is not enough memory for download from Play Market

Many owners of devices running on android are familiar to the situation when the file is downloaded partially or the system gives the message "not enough space in android memory" Here you have to release memory.

You can do the following:

  • get rid of unnecessary applications and games;
  • clean messages;
  • move part of applications to the memory card.

This is the simplest thing that can be done to free up memory. It is also possible to use various utilities for more thorough cleaning.

Most popular and user-friendly Clean Master and Link2SD. It is important not to clean the superfluous, but with a detailed acquaintance everything is clear and even a beginner will cope.

Video: What to do if not enough memory on Android

What if Play Market gives an error message

Often, when you try to download information, a message about all sorts of errors is added. There is also not a panic. Everything is solved easy, if you know about the problems of occurrence. We will analyze the most common mistakes and find ways to solve them.

  • error number 194. Try to clear the cache and delete updates, turn off and re-connect Wi-Fi. If there is no positive result - download across another account;
  • error number 403. The application is not loaded due to the use of different accounts on one device. Try to enter another account;
  • error number 413. Updates and applications are not loaded. In the settings, click "Erase Data" for the Google Play Services application, then click "Stop". I do the same for Google Play Market and clean the cache;
  • error number 491. Speaks the inability to download and update applications. Here we start with the removal of the Google account;
  • error number 492. We carry out the following: "Settings" - "Applications" - "Google Play" services - "Erase the data" - "Stop". This is done for Google Play Market. If no positive changes happened, roll back to the initial settings;
  • error number 495. Negative response when downloading and updating products from Play Market. Solved by this method. In Play Market, mark "Erase the data". We produce the same procedure from Google Services Framework.. Go to Google and delete your account. Restart the device, re-add an account and enjoy the result;
  • error number 498. The download from Play Market is interrupted. Here the problem is the crowded cache. Clean the internal memory from unnecessary applications and files. Clean the cache;
  • error number 504. does not allow you to download the application. We solve the problem in this way. Open in the Play Market settings and select "Erase Data". Then in the Download Manager, we clean the data. We download the application again;
  • error number 919. The application is loaded, but it cannot be opened. Clean the internal memory;
  • error number 921. Does not allow you to download applications. Clean the residual cache files on Google Play Market. If you have no effect to clean the data through the "Settings" menu - "Applications" - "Erase Data";
  • error number 923. Remove Google Account, clean the memory and enter the Google account again;
  • error number 927. Play Market is updated. Wait until the update is completed and try again;
  • error number 941. Frequently pops when you task update the application. Eliminated by the same method as the error 504;
  • error 961. To eliminate cache.

These are the main ways to solve the most common problems, but there are cases in which an individual approach is needed. The problem of lack of internal memory is sufficiently common. Here knows how to download files from Play Market to the memory card.

Video: How to remove all the errors in the Play Market

How to save information from Play Market on an SD card

When free is ends inner memoryIt is convenient to use external information storage devices. These are represented by all sorts of flash drives and memory cards. Flash drives for smartphones are called microSD cards. They are convenient to store some of the information.

Here is what can be done when filling in the internal memory:

Video: How to transfer applications, files, data on MicroSD memory card

In order to ensure the stable work of its gadgeta, it suffices to comply with certain measures:

  • to prevent data from theft, use only safe browsers and programs;
  • make sure that the date and time correspond to your time zone - incorrect dates and time settings can lead to failures;
  • crowded cache - one of the main problems, clean it on time;
  • watch out for filling in internal memory.

If you stick to these simple rules when working with Android, the likelihood of errors when downloading and updating applications in Play Market is minimized.

In case of problems with Play, a cache cleaning or updating or a rollback of the application store itself, as well as the cleansing of memory, also helps. In any case, it should be understood that there are no insoluble problems in this industry. No wonder users choose this service To search and download content.

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Many users of gadgets faced with such a situation at which there are no applications from the playing market, do not know what to do. Let's deal with how you can fix the situation.

Play Market is a kind of application apps from Google. With the play of the player, you can install on your own mobile device, smartphone, tablet Any application that has passed a strict moderator check.

Although the playing market is quite reliable, stable softwareBut, in some cases it can malfunctions, create problems that are not entirely understandable to regular users.
To eliminate these unpleasant moments, you will need to spend a little personal time.

So, you decide to download the application from the play of the Market, and the error message is displayed. As this message is eliminated, let's understand.
Options for which applications are not downloaded from playing market may be several:

  • There is not enough memory on your gadget to install the application;
  • The device is located in "Flight mode";
  • Unidentified updates;
  • Problems with the account in Google;
  • Errors after updating Ourser
  • Errors in the settings;
  • The incompatibility of the play of the mapeta with your device.

Options for which no applications are downloaded with a lot of play. Let's look at each of them.

There is not enough memory on your gadget to install applications

One of the common reasons is the lack of free space required to install the application, especially if this application is "heavy" enough, it requires a lot random access memory. In theory, in this case, you should show a message about a shortage of memory.

The solution to this problem is to clean your gadget from the extra "garbage". You can also try to download the application to a removable device (USB flash drive), specifying the correct installation path. Perhaps in this case the application is downloaded without problems.

Check the synchronization of the exact time with what is shown on your device. Even with a slight discrepancy, in specifying time, Google does not want to work with the device. Correct the time to set sync.
The same applies to the date, it must be correct.

The device is in "Flight mode"

Check your device settings, it is possible that you have "flight mode", and you did not pay attention to it. In this mode, the application is not loaded. Remove the check box mark, make a reboot. If you have noted this mode, then after it turns off the application must be established without problems.

Unidentified updates

Perhaps you have not been installed in a timely and installed updates required for the corrective operation of the device. Solving this issue is quite simple - check availability, update the system, restart it.

Account problems in Google

Sometimes problems associated with. It is not difficult to determine this, you need to create a new account, download the application from it. If everything happened, it means there was a failure associated with your accounting, it also happens.

Errors after updating Ourser

Such an error with downloading an application may occur as a result of operating system updates. To eliminate this problem, the following actions are required:

Next, four steps are required for each of them:

Then in the account settings, remove the synchronization checkboxes. Make a reboot of your device. Return back all the settings that have done earlier. Again rebooting the gadget. At the end of these actions, Google store should earn.

Errors in settings

If all of the above troubleshooting methods did not give results, then it may have crushed the error
In other settings of your device. In this case, it will help return all settings to the factory.

Check whether you are set to synchronization checkboxes, it is important. Thanks to synchronization, you will not lose your data, after rebooting, they will again appear on your device.

If you have not eliminated the cause, making a reset of all settings to the factory, then you can still call your mobile operatorRefine the parameters required for the correct operation of the device.

Incompatibility of the playing market with your device

Sometimes after various updates, the play of the market is incompatibilities of the playing market with your device. In this case, you can make a program to roll back to the previous version.

Remove Play Market completely from your device, clearing all traces of his stay. Next previous versionif previously downloaded applications. If it did not help, it remains to be extreme - reflash operating system Devices.

Not downloaded applications from Play Market, total

Today we have disassembled for what reasons you do not download applications from Play Market, they learned how to eliminate them. Share in the comments. Whether you faced such a problem how you managed to solve it. If you know more solution solutions, you will definitely share information.

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