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How to enable hidden mode in Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer (Internet Explorer) - the safest browser! How to hide the interface in the explorer browser

In 1995, there was a grand time of the Internet and oddly enough Microsoft, having a fantastic (for those times) Operation of Windows 95, did not have anything to do so, at that time, the Netscape Navigator browser was fully reign. One of the creators of Netscape Mark Andressin somehow even dropped the careless phrase that it would be possible soon windows bag of poorly configured programs ...

Microsoft in the blink of Oka realized the entire success of Netscape navigator and understood its strategic miss.

"Web is the most important achievement of computerization and we urgently need your browser," said the head of Microsoft Bill Gates so born Internet Explorer. And the war of browsers began!

Internet Explorer - Microsoft's production browser - appeared in the first version 1.0 in the first 1995. But the first, and the next version 2.0, the success failed. However, on the current tradition, the brainchild Microsoft rarely when they became successful from the first time.

Only the third internet version Explorer, released in 1996, managed to make sound competition to his main opponent - a Netscape Navigator web heater at that time. Verified in 1997 version 4.0 Internet Explorer had a large integration with the Windows operating system, rather than all previous versions of the browser. And it was already more or less complete softwarewhich, in addition to accessing the Internet, opened users access to the browser settings.

All subsequent versions were the results of the Evolution of Internet Explorer. But to the conquest of 90% of the market in 2003, Microsoft browser led not only to the promotion on the evolutionary staircase, but also the fact that the web browser was a built-in tool to the Windows system. Many users who started only to master computer basics, and such, believe me, at that time there were most, simply did not have the concept that Internet Explorer has alternatives. And when one of the alternatives - the Opera browser - began to conquer increasingly popular, plus to this, the browser appeared on the market. Mozilla Firefox.In 2004, the share of Internet Explorer decreased to 80%, based on the future downward trend.

For a long time, Internet Explorer held its position of popularity only and only due to the fact that this is a product from Microsoft. No competitive advantages over popular in the mid-2000s opera browsers And Mozilla Firefox, besides the powerful creator, Internet Explorer was not. The latter losing and, and, and a little later, in almost all aspects later in 2008, in the speed of downloading web pages, in customizability and complementarity, in the beauty of design, in the convenience of the interface and even safe.

Intern Explorer's peak of degradation was 2010, when a number of flaws were detected in the eighth version. But the developers were able to push off from the bottom and plowing upwards, submitted in 2011 the ninth version of the browser with improvements and in terms of security, and in terms of speed. Internet Explorer 9 marked the beginning of the browser revival.

In 2012, together with Windows 8, Internet Explorer 10 comes out - in many ways an improved product than all previous versions, and even in a conceptual style is fundamentally updated operating system - Metro (Modern UI). In addition to the standard desktop format, the browser has acquired an additional appearance in a minimalist Metro application for sensory devices. The final stage of the quality transformation of Internet Explorer has become its 11 version, up to date and on the date of writing of the article, which was timed to the Windows 8.1 output.

About actual version Internet Explorer browser Let's talk more.

Somewhat from the standards, the review will start not from the interface and the Internet Explorer functionality, but from past sins of the browser - slow work and safety problems.


Internet Explorer 11 did not just quickly become the faster of its predecessor versions, but it is ready to compete with many popular browsers, which sooner or later flew almost every newcomer from the staff browser. Thanks to improved support for JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5 and implementation hardware acceleration Internet Explorer, starting with the 10th version, can download web pages just as quickly as browsers, or.


As a result of the painstaking work of the creators of Internet Explorer 11, it became a truly secure browser. In its arsenal - the blocking function of malicious software and the SmartScreen Filter, warning users about the possible danger of downloadable files.

Desktop version of Internet Explorer browser


Opening Internet Explorer 11 in the desktop version for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, we will see the designer and asceticism of the design and interface. New browser tab is represented by page quick accesswhere frequently visited sites are displayed.

In Internet Explorer of the new format (amendment: relative to the new time, but the new compared to the old format previously, version 10) Everything is done to save space so that users of tablets and laptops with small screens did not feel discomfort during web surfing.

Huge buttons (so that in them it is easy to get a finger when controlling with touchscreen) "Forward" and "Back" are placed on the left of the address bar, a little less than the "Update" and "stop" buttons are placed on the right, and then the tab panel is already. When adding new tabs, the length of their headers decreases, and the controls remain large ones.

Access to three more important buttons - "home", "Favorites" and "Settings" - located at the very end of the address bar.

Convenient, minimalist, everything in one place is very good implementing a web browser for those who surfs with fingers.

Address and search string

Like most other browsers, Internet Explorer has a combined address and search string.

It is entered both a specific web address and search query.

Search for information in the combined line is not only a pre-installed search engine Bing - Microsoft brain, but also by others search enginesTo add which to the browser you can install their extensions.


Visual bookmarks of the Internet Explorer quick access page are generated automatically, they cannot be configured manually, except to delete. In fact, the same concept is the invision and minimalism of home pages - presented in other browsers, for example, in the same Google Chrome. or Mozilla Firefox. Since the extensions stores of these browsers can offer the user to choose a few implementations of the Express Panel of Visual Bookmarks. Different in this plan Opera, where the introduced express panel of visual bookmarks from the creators of the browser has been it for many years business card. But, compared with this triple browsers, the situation with visual bookmarks For Internet Explorer is very crying. In essence, users who are used to using visual bookmarks have few options for choosing - or leave everything as it is, or to implement visual yandex, or use special Internet services visual bookmarks type or

Perhaps that is method Microsoft. Wants to teach people to a single and universal express panel of visual bookmarks, widgets and labels of start-up, which is the Windows 8 / 8.1 start screen. Thus, in the number of Internet Explorer functionality, it is possible to turn the websites of such sites into separate web applications based on Internet Explorer.

Their labels can be fixed on the desktop, in the taskbar and, of course, in the form of Metro tiles on the start windows screen 8/8.1.

If we talk objectively, then you agree, such an idea of \u200b\u200berasing the faces between the local space of the computer and the Internet is very good.

Moreover, Google relatively successfully implemented this idea in Chrome OS operating systems and mobile Android. But Microsoft, judging by the very sad fate of Windows 8 / 8.1, which is only now, after termination supports Windows HR begins to improve - alas, it did not work out. With separate web applications of favorites sites in Internet Explorer, as a rule, are only played, and not played for a long time - until they play. And then they return to the usual format of working with the Internet - either to ordinary bookmarks, or to visual express panels.

In terms of work with bookmarks, Internet Explorer has pluses. The lack of a beautiful express panel with visual bookmarks will not hurt in working with a browser to those who are used to using ordinary bookmarks. Add your favorite site to "Favorites", and then quickly find it there for opening it is possible using the button in the form of the stars, demonstratively exhibited in a prominent place in the upper right corner of the browser.


Internet Explorer extensions (additions) are called superstructures. Those who are used to working in browsers with an intuitive menu, without tip will be difficult to get into the store of the add-ons. Microsoft tried to hide him, probably not to displaced. However, you can get into the store of the add-ons: you need to select the "Configure Add-in" menu command, and then in the window that appears, press the right option "Search for additional toolbar and extensions".

But this is not the main shock for lovers of browser-designers. The main shock will be the amount of content add-ons presented in the store. Supports are presented very little, the situation aggravates the fact that most of the content is accessible shortcuts various services, not useful built-in functionality.

Not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance

As opposed to the external simplicity and modesty of design and interface Internet Explorer, some menu commands can put not only newcomers in a dead end. For example, among the context menu commands on the Internet Explorer tab, one of them "open in an immersion browser" means nothing but the opening of this web window in Internet Explorer for the Windows 8 / 8.1 Metro interface. By the way, about her.

Metro version of Internet Explorer browser

Browser(BROWSER) - program for viewing internet pages, i.e. the program with which you "go" on the Internet.

There are several browsers:

Internet Explorer.

Netscepe Navigator

Firefox Mozilla.

According to statistics, more than 90% of users are used to navigate internet Explorer Therefore, consider the use of browsers on the example of this program.

Internet Explorer Browser

Internet users know many versions of IE. Each a new version Significantly expanded the possibilities of the previous one, and starting with the 5th version that was published in 2000, almost all the needs of users when traveling by Web is satisfied. Compared to other IE programs, it takes a fairly large amount of disk memory, but with existing volumes hard disks modern computers It is not a big drawback.

Browser interface

Like any other program in the Windows system, the IE browser can be run either using the program command group or using a label located on the computer desktop. After starting the browser, a window appears on the screen, the view of which is shown in Fig. 9

If the computer is connected to the network, the browser will immediately start loading the home page - the Web page that the default browser is configured. If this is the first launch of the browser, then the home is the page of Microsoft, which is installed when the browser is installed.

If the browser starts offline, i.e., if there is no connection to the network, the browser will ask for permission to connect. You can stay to work offline, or agree to the connection. Offline mode Apply in cases where you need to visually check the created Web page, use the browser as a means of playing pages when reading various guides, methodical and other materials in the WEB style on a computer disconnected from the network.

Fig. nine

The browser panels are located at the top of its windows. The browser has five panels:

Text menu. Located at the top of the window and contains the file position, edit, view, favorites, service, help. Each of these positions contains a submenu designed to perform certain actions. The browser has a large arsenal of settings, control and manipulation of the menu, so the individual most frequently used positions will be considered separately on the examples that will be described below.

Conventional buttons. This pictographic panel contains buttons that ensure the most frequently used actions: Return to viewing the previous page (Back button), go to the homepage, stop and updating the current page view, etc.

Address bar. This panel begins with the explanatory inscription "Address", next to which the input row is located in which the user can enter manually (from the keyboard) domain name Address or its IP address. If the address is entered manually, it is remembered and if necessary, it can be easily inserted into the input string by selecting from the list that opens with a button located on the right of the input row. This window always contains the address of the page with which the browser is currently connected, regardless of whether it is manually recruited or caused by a hyperlink.

Links. The panel contains several links, the purpose of which is clear from the inscriptions on the buttons ( homepage Microsoft, Online update Windows, etc.). If you need it, you can reprogram the button, replacing the contents from the Favorites folder subdirectory containing the user-contributing links to the most interesting web pages. Rarely used panel, so it is usually removed from the screen in order to expand the viewing area of \u200b\u200bthe current Web page.

Radio. Allows you to connect and listen on a radio station computer.

All panels or each separately can be removed from the screen. The removed panel is easy to return from the "View / Toolbar" menu. The panel can be moved across the screen, lay panels in any order, leave the entire panel or part it. This allows you to significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe review of the Web pages located under the panels. To move the panel, bring the mouse pointer to it, press the left key and press the button with the mouse to the desired key when the key is pressed.

Interface Internet Explorer

Meet the browser. Our acquaintance with this program will be far from cap, so do not be lazy to learn how it follows appearance and basic elements.

? Address bar - In it, we will type the sites we need.

? Window - In it we will view the pages.

? Navigation buttons - With their help, we will move through the pages.

? Menu - All teams that we will give the browser are collected here.

? Context menu , Called by clicking the right mouse button.

All this we have already seen before, and it is not surprising, because in viewing ordinary folders on the desktop, all the same Internet Explorer is involved!

Internet Explorer.

If you press the BANK button earlyThe vertical panel will appear on the left side of the screen - there will be links to the sites who are interested in you. Of course, if you set them there (and how to do it, we will learn a little later).

In the new, seventh version of Internet Explorer (it is with her it will have to work windows users Vista) appeared such useful tools, as Search panel and tabs in which new pages will be opened. In the sixth version, you cannot open several pages in one window - you have to run a few copies of the program or put on the "donkey" a kind of case in the form of a program-superstructure (MAXTHON, AVANT BROWSER, etc.). The new version of IE is capable, like browsers-competitors (Mozilla and Opera), open several pages, switching between them with convenient tabs.

In order to open a page in a new tab, just click at its address with a pressed key. Ctrl.

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book to accelerate your site Author Mazievsky Nicholas.

And Internet Explorer? IE supports a wonderful attribute for tag