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Creating multimedia benefits using the AUTOPLAY MEDIA STUDIO program on the example of the manual "Learning the native edge. Report "Using the capabilities of the AutoPlay Media Studio program to create electronic educational editions of the program A

Task: Create an application to demonstrate photos with music. Exit from the application is carried out by pressing any key on the keyboard or mouse.
The creation logic will be as follows:
- Create a new project
- We ask the color background of the workspace
- insert a special object "Slideshow" to the page
- We connect the desired photos and sound support to the Slideshow object
- We are able to exit the application by clicking the mouse or on the keyboard
- We make additional necessary settings
- We publish the project

So, let's start, according to our plan.
Run the AutoPlay Media Studio program and create a new, clean project.

Let's call the project "Slideshow":

As a background of the working page of the project, choose a black color. To do this, click on the right button "Page1", with the left and press, select "Properties":

In the window that opens, mark the "Use your parameters" in the field "Background" and choose "Solid Color" - "Black":

The next step insert to our page with the black fill the built-in slideshow object. To do this, in the top menu of the program, click "Object" - "Slideshow" (this can be done using the context menu by clicking in any page of the right mouse button and selecting the Slideshow item):

The frame that appears stretch to the full screen:

Now for the Slideshow facility, we need to add photos and sound support. Audio files can be immediately moved to the folder of the created project. And you can choose from anywhere on a computer or shift media. After publication, the program itself will automatically move the project files to the desired location. I defined my files in advance to the project folder. For those who are not familiar with the program, we note that by default projects are saved to the "My Documents" folder - "AutoPlay Media Studio 8" - "Projects" - "Project Name".
So, how to add packs with images?
Double-click the left mouse button on the Slideshow object, in the "Slideshow Properties" window that click "Add Folder", mark in the Explorer the desired folder With images and then "OK":

As a result, we return to the "Slideshow Properties" window with a list of connected photos. Do not forget to leave (or put, if you do not stand) checkboxes in the positions specified in the figure. It seems that everything is clear here from the context: the duration of one image, autorun, cyclic repetition and smooth transitions Between photo. In principle, all these parameters each determines for themselves and they are not mandatory:

Well, now add sound support in the settings of our slideshow. To do this, let's go to open window "Slideshow properties" in the "Script" tab (1). In the "Script" tab, we will move on JSC "OneNTER" tab (2). Next click "Action" (3). In the action wizard, choose the category "Audio" (4) and, finally, "Audio Load" (5) in the section "Select Action". Click "Next" (6):

In the Explorer window, we find the desired musical composition, and also set the parameters that are responsible for the automatic start of playback and cyclic repetition. Press "ready."

In the Slideshow Properties window, we can see the code automatically generated on the basis of our actions. Click "OK":

Further, according to our plan, we must set the application function by pressing any key on the keyboard or click the mouse. To do this, open the property properties on which our slideshow is located:

In the "Page Properties" window, go to the "Script" tab (1), and then into the ONKEY tab (2). Click "Action" (3). In the action wizard, select the Application group (4) and select the action "Application EXIT" (5). Thus, we pointed out the application that by pressing the slideshow key should close. Click "Next" (6).

In the window that appears, click "Finish" and see a small script as a result of our actions. Go to the "On Mause Button" tab and perform the same actions as for the "ON KEY" tab, or simply copy the script. Thus, we specify the application that it should close by pressing the mouse button. At the end of all actions, click "OK".

At the end, we will make it so that the application opens in full screen. To do this, go to the "Project" menu, select "Parameters" and make a tincture according to Figure:

In the next window, we define the folder where the project will be placed and click "Assembly":

In the end, we get a music slideshow in the form of a single file.
For those who were not clear from the instructions, we offer a video structure:

Step by step guide Under the AutoPlay MediaStudio program! Professionally create menu in just one day - now it is possible! In the video course you are waiting for the best fundamental knowledge by simple language!
$ Cut $ AutoPlay Media Studio is a powerful visual package for quick and high-quality creation menu of the autorun, which appears automatically after inserting the CD / DVD to the drive. The utility has an intuitive understandable interface and easy to learn, in addition to the delivery already included ready templates To make a menu with a variety of buttons to start programs, play sounds, print files, opening Internet sites and other, allowing without difficulty to make the CD interface most friendly and beautiful. W. this package great amount Different opportunities ....

The program will create all the necessary files for autorun and its graphic shell. The user only remains to record a finished project on information carrier. Even without having programming experience, you can create your own software comparable to properties and efficiency with software created by specialists using C ++ / Java.

What results you will receive after studying the course:
You will learn to independently install the program and get acquainted with its interface.
You will get acquainted with the Object toolbar, learn about all the properties of the pages and learn to save the project.
You will learn all about the properties of objects, learn how to add objects and actions.
You will get acquainted with numerous tabs, learn their purpose and understand what the minimization script is
You will learn all the program settings, you will understand how to create an ISO image and be able to record it on the disk

Information about video course
release year: 2015
Author: K. Degtyarenko
Genre: Teaching
Duration: 04:30:41
Language: Russian

01. Installation of the program
02. Program interface
03. Saving the project
04. Pages property
05. Object Toolbar
06. Adding objects
07. Properties of objects
08. Adding actions
09. Minimization script
10. Tabs file_edit.
11. Program settings
12. Align-Page-Dialog-Objects
13. Project tab
14. Publish-View-Tools tabs
15. Creation ISO Image
16. Record ISO image image

Video format: MP4.
Video quality:PCREC.
Video: AVC, 1 492x876, ~ 1383 Kbps
Audio: AAC, 128 Kbps, 44.1 KHz
Archive size: 2,19 GB.

Download AUTOPLAY MEDIA STUDIO step manual. Video Course (2015)
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Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region
state budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Belovsky Technical School of Railway Transport"

Anisimova Tatyana Vladimirovna,


Using the program features

AutoPlay Media Studio.

To create electronic editions


Speech at the regional consultation



Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

As an epigraph to his speech, I want to bring the words of Parley Senior: "How many cases were considered impossible until they were implemented."

In my opinion, this is very interesting. software.

E.the program for the visual creation of the drives of the automotive disks.

Under the shell of the automotive disk, I understand a small program with a set of functions for viewing and working with the contents of the disk.

Of course, it is too narrow definition opportunitiesAutoPlay Media Studio.. With it, you can create electronic publications of educational, CD \\ DVD business cards, presentations, simple games, electronic photo albums, video confesters with easy viewing, simple audio and \\ or video players, small catalogs of goods or services and so on. And all this is actually without knowledge of programming languages. And if you have skills to work with programming languages, the possibility of this program increases significantly. INAutoPlay Media Studio. A large number of visual tools and settings have been collected, which will allow you to create programs "quickly and easily". Especially if applying third-party specialized software To create graphic, video, audio, animation and other objects.

What opportunities provides us with teachers, this software product?

    The program includes ready-made templates for making a menu with a variety of buttons to start programs, play sounds, printing files, opening Internet sites.

    You can also easily arrange your project using any content to your choice - music, video, flash animation, text.

    The application created by AutoPlay Media Studio will be presented in the form of object model. This model consists of a group individual pages, like this is implemented on the Internet sites. On these pages you can place any objects (graphics, text, video, flash, html, etc.).

    Any project element, whether it is an object or page, you can assign a specific action. The program provides hundreds of various actions that can be associated with objects.

    AutoPlay Media Studio can also be expanded by additional modules - plugins. With their help, you can automate some tasks that you perform in the program most often. For example, you can quickly create an animated menus, directory tree, database, and control them.

    Ability to create autorun windows arbitrary shape Using transparency masks. Graphic files in formats can be played as such a mask. JPG, .BMP, .PNG.

    Opportunity records CD-R (CD-RW) directly from the program. The finished project can be represented as a self-extracting archive or saved by a separate folder on the hard disk.

    Built-in spell check. This option works with Label, Paragraph and Button objects. Full version The programs contain a large number of connected dictionaries, with which AutoPlay Media Studio makes spelling during a text set.

Perhaps it will seemwhat AUTOPLAY MEDIA STUDIO As a program for creating presentations is not very convenient and too complicated (compared to the already familiar to us Microsoft PowerPoint). But this is just because you have not started working with it.

The plan of our work for the next 20 minutes is:

    Installing and launching a PC program (Appendix A. Presentation "Installing Auto Play Studio Media 8")

    Creating a multi-step project "Visiting A.S. Pushkin "(Appendix B. Step-by-step instruction Work on the creation of a multimedia project).

References and sources

    INDIGOROSE.COM - Software Development Tools: [Electronic resource] /http.:// www.. indigorose. com./ products./ autoPlay- media- studio./ video.- tutorials. // . – 20 13 . – 15 october.

    Aleksius.. com.detailed reviews Program components:[Electronic resource] / http.:// aleksius.. com./ autoPlay- media- studio. // . – 20 13 . – 15 october. - Available software site:[Electronic resource] /// . – 20 13 . – 15 october.

Appendix A.

Presentation « Installation AUTO PLAY STUDIO MEDIA 8 »

Appendix B.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a multimedia project

1. Go on the desktop program shortcutAUTO PLAY STUDIO MEDIA 8 And run the program for execution.

2. In the window that opens, click

3. In the new dialog box, select the templateBlank Project. and in the fieldName of your project Enter the titleVisiting Pushkin .

4. Click buttonOK .

5. Right-click on the scratch of the program of the program to call the context menu and select the stringProperties .

6. In the Page Properties dialog boxProperties. : Page 1 In chapterPage in fieldName Enterthe main .

7.In partitionBackground TickClick the buttonOverview Pushkin 1. jpg. projectkushkin 1.jpg.).

8. Turn the radio buttonBy page .

9.In sectionTransition in fieldEffect WIPE. .

10. ClickOK .

11.The lineMenu Press the buttonProject . From the drop-down menu, select RowSettings .

12.The windowProject. Setting. Set in the sectionGeneral Ticker opposite wordsMobile .

13.In sectionDimensions Set width700 , height500 .

14.In sectionStyle Install Radio PointStandard .

15.In sectionOptions Install the tickSet up icon .

16. Click buttonOverview and specify the path to the fileicons (6). iCO. (My Documents of the project is visiting Pushkin onkonki (6).iCO.).

17. All the remaining sections Leave without changes, click the button.OK .

18. On the toolbar, select the toolABC ( floating tipNew object label ).

19. On the surface of the project field, you have an objectNew Label .

20.The right button on it and select RowProperties .

21. In the tag properties dialog box that appears dialog boxLabel Properties. : Label 1 on thefirst tabSettings In chapterAn object Enter the textVisiting Pushkin .

22. Press the buttonFont Font Headset fontGeorgia. , In chapterStyle Choosebold italic , In chapterThe size Choose Kehel36 , In chapterEffects TickSmoothed , In chapterScenario Select from the listCyrillic . ClickOK .

23.In partitionAlignment Install Radio PointCENTER , Orientation0 .

24.In sectionFlower condition in the list Normal Install from paletteRed When you press Choose from paletteBlue

25.Selectsecond tabSettings where in the sectionIdentification in fieldName: Object Enter the WordTitle ; In chapterLocation Do not touch anything; In chapterFeedback in fieldprompt : EnterProject title listedCursor ChooseArrow ; In chapterSounds from the listWhen hovering ChooseNot , from the listWhen you press ChooseStandard (Actually, the sounds can be selected any of the sound library, selecting a string from the listChoose And then clicking the buttonOverview ).

26.ArtOK . In the future, the label can be moved across the working field as you like and anywhere.

27. On the toolbar, select the toolNew object button and from the open folderFile selection Choose any button you like.

28. Permanent object on the desktop to the lower right corner and call the right button on it. IN context menu Select a stringProperties .

29. On the first tabSettings windowButton. Properties. : Button. 1 in chapterAn object in fieldText Enter the textTo visit .

30. Click buttonFont And in the dialog box, select from the list in the sectionFont Headset fontGeorgia. , In chapterStyle Choosebold italic , In chapterThe size Choose Kehel18 , In chapterEffects TickSmoothed , In chapterScenario Select from the listCyrillic . ClickOK .

31.In sectionAlignment Install Radio PointCENTER , Orientation0 .

32.In partitioncondition flowersNormal Install from paletteYellow (or any color, contrast to the main picture background),When you press Choose from palettePink (or any color, contrasting to the main picture background and different from the previous choice).

33.Selectsecond tabSettings where in the sectionIdentification in fieldName: Object Enter the WordTransition button in the menu ; In chapterLocation prompt : EnterGo to the menu page listedCursor ChooseHand ; In chapterSounds from the listWhen hovering ChooseNot , from the listWhen you press ChooseStandard .

34.Select the tabFast action . In chapterWhen. Objectis Clicked. InstallSelection of action from the listShow. Page ; In chapterProperties Select from the listPage for display Following .

35.PressOK .

36.The time is time to add another page. To do this, in the menu bar, clickPage And from the list of commands, selectAdd . Next page will automatically openPage 1 which in our project will execute the role of the menu of our project.

37. For this page we will also assign properties. Call the context menu of the right button on the page of the page and select the stringProperties .

38.Del in the page properties dialog boxProperties. : Page 1 In chapterPage in fieldName EnterMenu .

39.In sectionBackground TickApply custom settings Click the buttonOverview and specify the path to the image filePushkin 2. jpg. (My documents for the project visiting Pushkin  Commus projectkushkin 2.jpg.), turn on the radio buttonBy page , In chapterTransition in fieldEffect From the drop-down list, selectWIPE. . ClickOK .

40. Need to configure the button to go from the menu page to other project pages. They will contain an audio and media system, as well as the return button on the menu page.

41. Take the tool on the toolbarNew object button , Select any button you like and call properties. this object Through the context menu of the right mouse button.

42. Permanent object on the work field in the upper left corner and call the right-button right button on it. In the context menu, select RowProperties .

43. On the first tabSettings windowButton. Properties. : Button. 1 in chapterAn object in fieldText Enter the textTale of the Gold Cockerel .

44. Click buttonFont And in the dialog box, select from the list in the sectionFont Headset fontGeorgia. , In chapterStyle Choosebold italic , In chapterThe size Choose Kehel14 , In chapterEffects TickSmoothed , In chapterScenario Select from the listCyrillic . ClickOK .

45.In sectionAlignment Install Radio PointOn the left edge , Shift left Set the value10 .

46.In sectioncondition flowersNormal Install from paletteDark blue (or any color, contrast to the main button background),When you press Choose from paletteLight green .

47.Selectsecond tabSettings where in the sectionIdentification in fieldName: Object Enter the WordMenu button ; In chapterLocation Do not touch anything; In the Feedback section in the fieldprompt : EnterGo to fairy tale listedCursor ChooseHand ; In chapterSounds from the listWhen hovering ChooseNot , from the listWhen you press ChooseStandard .

48.Select tabFast action . In chapterWhen. Objectis Clicked. InstallSelection of action from the listShow. Page ; In chapterProperties Select from the listPage for display Following (While left so, then change, if you need).

49.PressOK .

50.The you call the right-button right button on the already created and decorated button, select the stringDuplicate . With this operation, we duplicate the button with all its properties. Then you can change some properties of the duplicate button, but for now we simply have a new button under the previously created. And so do it 3 more times. Now our menu consists of 5 buttons.

51. We go alternately in the properties of each of them and on the first tabSettings We change the text:

On the second button we writeThe Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish ;

On third -Tale of the dead princess ;

On the fourth -The Tale of Tsar Saltan ;

On the fifth -Tale of the Pop and the employee of his Bald .

52. Even the objects on the work field. It is desirable that they are all the same width, length and height, everything was located at the same distance from each other and from the same retreat from the left edge of the project window of the project. To align the friend's friend, allocate all objects and press the button.Align In the menu bar and select a stringLocose vertically .

53.The time is time to create several project pages filled with context. To do this, in the menu bar, clickPage And from the list of commands, selectAdd . A new page opensPage 1 which in our project will introduce us to "a fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel."

54.The this page will assign the properties. Call the context menu of the right button on the page of the page and select the stringProperties .

55.Dext in the page properties dialog boxProperties. : Page 1 In chapterPage in fieldName EnterPetushok .

56.In partitionBackground TickApply custom settings Click the buttonOverview and specify the path to the image file2. jpg. (My documents for the project visiting Pushkin  Commus project2.jpg.), turn on the radio buttonBy page , In chapterTransition in fieldEffect From the drop-down list, selectWIPE. . ClickOK .

57. Need to configure the transition buttons toPetushok On the pages with an audio and media content, as well as the return button on the menu page.

58. On the toolbar Take the toolNew object image cat 3.jpg. (for example, my documents for the project visiting Pushkin  Applying PicturesCot 3.JPG)

59.The properties of this object do this: selectsecond tabSettings where in the sectionIdentification in fieldName: Object Enter the WordLook ; In chapterLocation Do not touch anything; In the Feedback section in the fieldprompt : EnterWatch cartoon listedCursor ChooseHand ; In chapterSounds from the listWhen hovering ChooseNot , from the listWhen you press ChooseStandard .

60.Select the tabFast action . In chapterWhen. Objectis Clicked. InstallSelection of action from the listShow. Page ; In chapterProperties Select from the listPage for display Following (While left so, then change, if you need). ClickOK .

61. On the toolbar again take the toolNew object image and select the desired image in the folder, the picture filecat 1.jpg. (My Documents of the project visiting Pushkina  Additional picturesCOT 1.JPG)

62.The properties of this object do this: selectsecond tabSettings where in the sectionIdentification in fieldName: Object Enter the WordTo read ; In chapterLocation Do not touch anything; In the Feedback section in the fieldprompt : EnterRead fairy tale listedCursor ChooseHand ; In chapterSounds from the listWhen hovering ChooseNot , from the listWhen you press ChooseStandard .

63.Select the tabFast action . In chapterWhen. Objectis Clicked. InstallSelection of action from the listOpen. Document ; In chapterProperties in fieldDocument for opening Click the Browse button and select the document file.Tale of the Gold Cockerel (My documents  for the project visiting Pushkin  Texts of poems  Tale of the Golden Cockerel). In chapterLaunch method Let them turn on the radioNorm . ClickOK .

64. Install the return button to the menu page. On the toolbar, select the ToolNew object button and choose any button you like.

65. Insert the object on the work field to the upper right corner and call the right-button right button on it. In the context menu, select RowProperties .

66. On thefirst tabSettings Windows in the sectionAn object in fieldText Enter the textOn the menu .

67. Press the buttonFont And in the dialog box, select from the list in the sectionFont Headset fontGeorgia. , In chapterStyle Choosebold italic , In chapterThe size Choose Kehel20 , In chapterEffects TickSmoothed , In chapterScenario Select from the listCyrillic . ClickOK .

68.In sectionAlignment Install Radio PointCENTER , Orientation0 .

69.In sectioncondition flowersNormal Install from paletteThe black (or any color, contrast to the main picture background),When you press Choose from paletteRed (or any color, contrasting to the main picture background and different from the previous choice).

70.Selectsecond tabSettings where in the sectionIdentification in fieldName: Object Enter the WordReturn button in the menu ; In chapterLocation Do not touch anything; In the Feedback section in the fieldprompt : EnterGo to the menu page listedCursor ChooseHand ; In chapterSounds from the listWhen hovering ChooseNot , from the listWhen you press ChooseStandard .

71.Select the tabFast action . In chapterWhen. Objectis Clicked. InstallSelection of action from the listShow. Page ; In chapterProperties Select from the listPage for display Special Page . In the page name section that appears, select the menu from the drop-down list. ClickOK .

72. Create new page Project and call it a cockerel 1. In the properties of the page, we choose the drawing of the rooster 3 as the plance background.jpg..

73. On this page to insert a video content. To do this in the toolbar, take the toolNew video object .

Hello, dear friends. Today we will talk about the AutoPlay Media Studio program, which allows you to create beautiful and functional menu for video courses. This is not the only purpose of this program, but we will look at how to create a menu for a video course.

AutoPlay Media Studio I used to create a menu to your course.

Using the program, you can create a functional menu that will look like professional programs.

This program is commercial and costs $ 295. But, you can try free version or download the program on the Internet.

The menu that I did for my course, it turned out two pages:

Creating a new project and configure it.

By downloading and installing the program, run it. In the first step, you will be asked to create, open and restore the project.

Click on the tab "Create a new project."

After creating a project, you need to do initial settings. That is, set the size of the pop-up window, select the icon and style. To do this, press the right mouse button next to the project work area and choose the item. "Settings".

In the dialog that opens, select the size and style settings required for your menu. This can be done using lists or setting values \u200b\u200bmanually.

Creation I. basic settings The project is over. Go to the setting of the window itself from the menu.

Setting up the menu pop-up window.

Now you need to make the menu window settings. And first of all, add a background image and assign the name of the page. Prepare the image in Photoshop in advance or download from the Internet. You can refer to freelancers, of course, not free.

To do this, click the right button on the window area and select the menu item "Tincture".

Additional settings you do if necessary. Depending on the style of the window, if you changed it, you may need to add the window controls. That is, the closure and transition buttons to the main page.

Adding menu items and setting actions.

When the background image is added, you can start filling the menu items.

To do this, you can use buttons, text or images. And under them fasten links to video clock files, additional materials and so on.

So, you choose the tool on the toolbar « label » And create an inscription within the menu.

When the inscription is added, you can switch to its configuration. To do this double-click The left mouse button on the inscription. In the window that opens there are several bookmarks that you need to fill.

The first tab is "Settings". Here you need to enter the name of the inscription and choose colors.

The second tab is "Properties". Here you assign the name of the object, the size (as needed), the text of the prompt, and the properties of the cursor.

The third tab is "fast action". This tab configures the action that will occur when you click on the link. This can be the opening of the document, launch video, go on the link and so on.

In our case, choose the launch video « Play.Multimedia ». Next, select the file with the video and click "OK".

The remaining menu items are created on the same principle. Only you can use buttons or images for them. It all depends on your designer needs.

The program's toolkit is huge and, if you wish, you can create a very functional menu.

Publish the video course menu.

After you have created and configured all menu items, you need to save it in the finished format with the autorun file.

To do this, on the toolbar, click on the disk button. "Collect"And follow the instructions of the assembly wizard.

Where you need to choose the assembly option, it is determined with the storage location, with the name of the file being launched and click on the button "Assembly".

When the assembly is completed, - you will receive a ready-made course with an interactive menu. Now this course can be run on any computer and undergo training. But in order to start selling a course you have to go through a few more steps from the general algorithm for creating video courses.

Friends, this is all today. And next week, let's talk about and connecting the partner. After that I will publish full.

I wish you good luck! See you in new video tutorials and articles.

Sincerely, Maxim Zaitsev.

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