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Articles here Bai. About company

The Belarusian portal is an information and service Internet portal for anyone who lives in Belarus or is interested in the events of the country from abroad. Coverage - 62% of all Internet users of Belarus

A daily portal publishes more than 200 news about Belarusian and foreign events, preparing its own materials, analytical reviews, places video recordings, conducts online broadcasts. The editors carefully ensures that the information is relevant, interesting, professionally created, separated, non-commissioned.

In addition to news TUT.BY offers audiences specialized sections and comfortable servicesdesigned to satisfy daily needs: from weather forecast and billboards to currency exchange rate. Specialized sections TUT.BY are included in the top 3 most popular resources of their topics.

The portal carefully monitors the convenience and security of the use of services provided, gives each opportunity to find and receive information on interests, helps users to form their attitude to events, contributes to communication between users.

The history of the Belarusian portal Tut.By began in 2000. Original TUT.BY offered users free mail, news with archive, weather, currency rates, fuel prices and guest book, forums and visiting meters. Later, Internet advertising sales services began. Gradually, the portal was replenished with new sections, projects and services.

For more than 17 years from the startup Tut.By, has grown into a successful group of companies with different business areas and with a team of more than 350 professionals.

The company invests in several young promising IT companies, constantly supports socially significant initiatives and charitable projects, is interested in startups.

The target audience

The target audience of the portal TUT.BY is all users of the Belarusian segment of the Internet (the country's population, as well as those who are interested in the life and events of Belarus). In the broadest sense, if there is a person in a poine, we consider it to be target audience. On the this moment These are 5+ million Belarusian users who go online at least once every 3 months.


Our goal is to be the first in all senses of this word mass media in Belarus. This means to realize the freedom of speech in the country and remain objective (without a political or any other painting) information and educational portal offering a modern view that publishes various opinions and views, as well as provide efficient and user-friendly local Internet services for users. .


The mission of the portal TUT.BY is to give each user the opportunity to receive objective information on interests, expand the horizons and live a full life.


There are no companies like people without values. We have only three of them, but they permeate all our activities and serve as a measure of the actions of all employees. These values \u200b\u200bare a benchmark for the formation of relationships both within our company and in relationship with customers, partners, contractors, government agencies, etc.


In our understanding it is independence, i.e. Freedom of choice, making decisions and perform specific actions. Therefore, freedom certainly implies personal responsibility for its opinions and elections, and for the result of their decisions and actions. The company encourages personal responsibility and initiative, believing that this is the best way to improve the quality of life of employees and society as a whole.

Right to mistakes

We are convinced that the luggage of mistakes accompanies us on the way of accumulating experience, which will help to cope with the following errors. But if the error acts as a repeating testimony of incompetence, this is contrary to our understanding of this concept.


We build all workflow on trust. It is important for us that customers trusted to us, so we carefully treat publications, obligations and agreements. We trust our employees, expecting expecting effective work and achieving goals.

Corporate social responsibility

In its activities, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY uses the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

In 2014, the Belarusian portal joined the UN voluntary initiative a global contract. In Ov daily work We adhere to the ten principles of a global human rights treaty, labor relations, environmental protection and corruption.

The sustainable development report of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY (2014-2015) is available on the link, for 2016 the report.

However, earlier, since the company's foundation, we sought to influence the formation of a business environment and serve as a positive example of social responsibility for the Belarusian society.

The attention of the portal journalists to social problems helps to unite those who are not indifferent to the problem of people throughout Belarus, draws the attention of the employees of the relevant department and contributes to their decision.

Daily Belarusian portal raises acute public topics on the agenda. We participate in various associations and support socially significant events of the republican scale in order to improve the market, society, ecology, etc. Priority for us is also a start-up movement.

The Belarusian portal Tut.BY itself establishes and organizes socially significant initiatives, for example, in 2006 a popular annual industry international training conference "Business Internet" appeared.

In 2007, the project appeared dedicated to seriously sick children and adults who need help. It contains the appeals of parents and relatives about help collecting funds for the treatment of patients.

In 2010, the art gallery opened its doors, where public exhibitions and creative evenings are held.

The company also works closely with universities, providing internships for students.

Monthly on TUT.BY are held by professional orientation excursions for students and schoolchildren, as well as children from orphanages and children's villages.


Yuri Zisser

Chairman of the General Assembly of Participants LLC "Hereby Media" (TUT.BY)

Founder of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY, professional programmer, system analyst, mentor, patron. Author of books, tutorials and hundreds of articles in the Belarusian and Russian periodicals. Supports startups, social entrepreneurship and musical projects. Born in 1960 graduated from the North-West Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, with the specialty "Electronic Computing Machines" with a specialization in the field of biomedical cybernetics. He worked on a number of industrial enterprises and in science. Co-owner of LLC "La Bai Media" (TUT.BY), LLC "Reliable programs" (, a number of other Internet companies of various specialization. He worked as an associate professor of the Belgosuniversity of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Back in 2002, a man of the year in the Belarusian Internet was elected on the fifth Belarusian Internet forum. In 2012, he received the title of "Mentor of the Year". The author of the book "Marketing on-line", together with the co-authors released tutorial According to IT entrepreneurship for universities. In 2017, he received the Award "Leader Advocation-2016" Assembly of Business Circles for Perennial effective Promotion Civilized and transparent methods of business dialogue and state. Received the title of "Petsenate of the Year in Culture" in 2016 and 2017.

Hobbies: Travel, game on the organ.

Lyudmila Checkin
Leader: general director of "TUI MEDIA" LLC (TUT.BY)

The "Reliable Programs" LLC came to work in 2008 to the position of lawcond. In January 2011, became a deputy general Director Companies on legal issues. From December 2012 to February 2017, he worked as the Director General of the UE "Reliable Programs", from March 1, 2017 - General Director of the Bai Media LLC LLC. In 2016, he graduated from the EXECUTIVE MBA course in the IPM Business School. In his free time he is engaged in yoga, likes to read.

Alla Lapatko
Chief Engineer TUT.BY.

She graduated from the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College in the specialty "Mathematics - Programmer", Gomel state University in the specialty "mathematician". The UE "Reliable Programs" has been operating since 1995. He managed the Department for the Development of Banking Technologies. Since 2006 - Chief Engineer TUT.BY, from 2009 to 2017 - Director of Railsoft LLC. Manages development software portal. Hobbies: work, literature.

Marina Zolotov

Editor-in-chief Tut.BY.

He graduated from the Faculty of Philology BSU, graduate school of the Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences. Determines and defends editorial policies. In his free time, time is watching news on TV or listens on the radio (and if there is no news, it listens to the Balkan music). Knows Bulgarian and loves this country. Married, has a daughter and son.

Ksenia Ivanova

Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs and Development Ltd. "La Bai Media" (TUT.BY)

In 2006, he graduated from BSUIR in the specialty " Information Systems And technology in the economy, "studied on the Business Maximum program in Mini-MBA format in the consulting group" here and now. " In advertising since 2006. From January 2010 Commercial Director Tut.BY. Coordinates the work of all commercial divisions of the portal, is engaged in the development of advertising tools, participates in the development of the main product and projects Tut.BY, including affiliates. Workshops leads negotiations, charges energy.

Kirill Voloshin

Co-founder LLC "Hereby Media" (TUT.BY)

Received Economic Education at the Institute of Modern Knowledge. Author of a number of publications, reports and ladies on internet marketing. Observer of the newspaper "Computer News" with many years of experience; Published in the publications of the ON-LINE computer, "Hard & Soft", "Computer Gazeta", etc. Associate Professor BSU, a teacher of courses at the Institute of Public Relations and Academy of Postgraduate Education. Hobbies: Humor in all manifestations, skiing, Hastyl / WCS, not very heavy athletics, extreme driving. From 2000 to 2012 Supervisory work Tut.BY. In 2004, at the VI, the Belarusian Internet Forum was inflicted by a man of the year in the Belarusian Internet. Business angel, at the week of entrepreneurship received the title of "Mentor of the Year 2019". Co-owner of a number of Internet companies. Trying to bring up daughter and son.

How is the company, and where to look for the right person

Values \u200b\u200bTUT.BY.

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Dmitry Smirnov,

For several weeks The gradual transfer of the contents of the mailboxes and the entire CTUT.BY user correspondence on the Yandex.poshta service. Recall that it is caused by the closure of Google all services emaillocated outside the domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

We are already answered to the most frequently asked questions of users (we recommend that you read them again), however, in the course of the transfer, new moments arise that require additional clarification.

Remove Cookie Files

If when you authorize on the page, a form on Yandex opens with a proposal to enter a username and password again, we recommend that you close the page, delete cookies (through the browser settings) and try to open again mailbox From the page Below we give links to how to perform it in the most popular browsers: In addition, if before that you used to enter the mail and the same browser, you can try to enter the mailbox using the other that does not store old cookies.

Updating mail and mobile settings

If you previously used the mail collector program or configured authorization to mobile device, after transferring the box, you need to change the settings:
  • mobile devices (in the "Username" field, please enter the mailbox address in the [email protected]).

If you did not have time to save Google Account Data before transfer

To whom, after the box, you need temporary access to the old Google account to save files from Google Drive, contacts, etc., you need:
  1. Log in with in type account User_name.moved. with former password;
  2. Use the instructions from Google on data transfer (link);
  3. Contacts are easiest to maintain through export, but to Yandex download through imports. Data from Google Drive is the easiest way to save with google service Takeout.
If these ways did not help you and you did not find the answer to your question in, then we recommend that you send detailed description Problems on [Email Protected] (If the current box does not open, you can start / use backup mail). Specialists will help you.

In 2015, the popular Belarusian portal TYT.BY moved to the use of the Yandex postal service, as a result of which the owners of iOS devices experienced some discomfort, as they had to re-configure the email client.

Unfortunately, the setting does not pass in automatic mode, as in the case of Gmail. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that when configuring it is necessary to manually enter the POP and SMPT servers addresses, as well as go through the procedure for completing the registration on the site itself. In this case, this trouble applies to all resource users - both existing and new ones. In the Instructions below, we describe the TUT.BY mail setup procedure on the iPhone and iPad.

How to configure TUT.BY mailbox on iPhone or iPad after switching to Yandex.We

1 . Go to the website in the browser on a computer, smartphone or tablet, enter the username and password, click "Post office".

The resource will automatically cross you on the registration termination page where you need to enter additional account data. Fill in the required fields and click Complete registration.

2 . Go to the Yandex web web interface by reference, click on the gear icon in the right corner near the name account And in the pop-up window, select the section Others.

3 . Choose a section Postal programs in the column on the left.

4 . Install the ticks opposite all items and click Save changes.

Attention. Without performing the above actions, the correct operation of TUT.BY mail on the iPhone and iPad may be impossible.

5 . On the iPhone or iPad, go to the section Settings —> post office —> Accounts.

6 . On the next Ekna, select " Add an account". Since the search for the proposed services is missing, click " Other«;

7 . Going to section "New Account", enter your account data and click "Further". The username must be entered completely, for example [Email Protected]

Select Protocol Imap or Pop For further mail setting on the iPhone or iPad.

8 . Below fill all available cells in this way:

If you have chosen iMAP protocol:

  • incoming Mail Server -
  • outgoing Mail Server -
  • Enter Password and Username. Important! Save in the upper right corner.

If you have chosen POP protocol:

  • incoming Mail Server -
  • outgoing Mail Server -
  • Enter Password and Username. Important! The username must be entered completely, for example [Email Protected] Do not forget to confirm the actions with the button Save in the upper right corner.

In case of problems, try manually register ports for incoming and outgoing mail servers (in most cases it is not required):

Incoming Mail (POP3):
Server Name:;
Use SSL: Yes;
Port: 995.

Outgoing Mail (SMTP):
Server Name:;
Use SSL: Yes;
Port: 465.

For users working in IMAP4:
Server Name:;
Use SSL: Yes;
Port: 993.

On this setting up TUT.BY mail on iPhone and iPad completed.

Belarusian portal Tut.BY. Offers to use free postage With a domain located in the national zone of Belarus .by. - And today this free service is a leader among free postal services in Belarus. Of course it is worth noting that the registration of users with free mailboxes is open not only for residents of this wonderful country, but also to all Internet users without restrictions. By registering on the portal, you will not only get the opportunity to enjoy a free mailbox, but also get a rebellion to participate in the portal projects:, dating on, catalog of resources and Tut.BY forums.

Create a free "Belorussian" (.by) mailbox:

Created electronic email Address will have the following parameters:

  • first 50 MB, and then you can unlimited to increase the size of the box as needed;
  • Maximum letter size - 10 MB;
  • Email address of the view [Email Protected] ;
  • Supports Radot postal customers (Outlook, The Bat! And so on.) By protocols POP3, IMAP4, SMTP
  • web interface (in Russian and Belarusian languages)
  • Possibility of access to mail with mobile phone via a WAP protocol.
  • Mail collection from other mail servers,
  • Antivirus and Anti-Spam Protection
  • Automatic writing processing rules (filters, answering machine)
  • Spellchecking.
  • And much more!

Setting the drawer @ Tut.BY. in Outlook Express and other mail programs

When setting up special difficulties does not occur, most of the parameters remain in short, you only need to properly set the access parameters to the post server:

The server of incoming messages POP3: (port 110)
Server outgoing messages SMTP.: (25 or 2525)
Server IMAP4:
Username: User ID, which you entered during registration
Password your password
SMTP authentication Included in "as an incoming mail server" mode