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Popular google plus. What is Google Plus: A Beginner's Guide

2020-03-13 6

I must say that today the communication of people with each other is acquiring more and more new forms, and not without the help of modern IT technologies, from ordinary e-mail to direct video communications!

Such a state of affairs has somehow eased, but somewhere in general has made it possible for people to communicate directly. This is especially true for those who are far from each other.

So Google has decided to give the world a fundamentally new social network! Here everything is different, although the feeling of something familiar is present. However, you still have never seen anything like this anywhere and never before!

That is why I advise you to go through this user guide. social network Google Plus. Here you will learn about the main interface of the program and will be able to understand this amazing, bright, colorful and exciting world of Google+.

Let's start in order!

Everything about Google Plus +

Main interface

the main work panel is positioned vertically on the left side of the screen. It contains 8 main buttons for using:

  1. « Tape»- here you can read or view information posted by people who have been added to your circles (see below). And also you yourself can publish something for general viewing.
  2. « Profile"- this is not a little important option in which you can leave information about yourself, upload your avatar and view all the posts you have ever published.
  3. « Overview»- here you can view the most popular videos, news and statements of the network.
  4. « Video Meeting"Is a great opportunity to see your relatives, friends and relatives. With this option, you can gather all your friends for communication without leaving home, creating a video meeting with several people at once, or joining an already created meeting.
  5. « Photo"- this button speaks for itself. Here you can create your albums, upload interesting photos, as well as upload photos to the "Photos with me" column, where you can mark your person.
  6. « Circles"- This button is one of the most visible differences between Google+ and other social networks. Using circles, you can divide people into groups. Initially there are four of them: "Family", "Friends", "Acquaintances" and "Subscriptions". If necessary, you can create new circles (see below). This separation allows you to regulate the availability of the information that you have on your page. For example, what the “Family” circle of people will see cannot be seen by people from the “Friends” circle. Using circles, you can add new people of interest to you. Read more about how to use circles below.
  7. « Games"- the name speaks for itself. This column contains a large number of flash games for every taste. To start playing one of them, just click on its icon. And you will find yourself in an amazing virtual world!
  8. « Yet"- when you hover the cursor over this button, a small tab" + Pages "appears on the right. When you click on this tab, a window will appear in front of you, displaying all the pages to which you have been given access, or that you have created yourself. Pages can be of five categories: Business or Location, Product or Brand, Company or Organization, Arts, Entertainment or Sports, Other. In the community, you can also use video meetings, create circles, and post events and news that interest you.

Home page

If you click on the "Google+" icon in the upper left corner, the main page of the network with your account will be displayed on your screen. At the very top is the search bar, with which you can find news, communities, videos or people of interest to you on Google+.

Under search bar there are four tabs: "Feed", "Friends", "Family", "More". When you click on the "Feed" tab, you will see all the news, events and publications from the pages to which you have a subscription and to which you have access will be displayed. The rest of the tabs are circles. When you click on one of these tabs, you will see the posts of people belonging to a particular circle.

To the right of the tabs is a gear-shaped icon. If you click on it, a dialog box with four columns will pop up: "Settings", "Help", "Leave a review", " Short review» .

The Settings column allows you to customize your Google+ page. When you click on "Settings", you will see notification settings, basic privacy settings and work with photos. There will be six sections on the left side of the screen: Account Settings, Privacy, Google+, Products, Language, Data Export... When you click on the "Settings" button, you will automatically be taken to the "Google+" section, where an almost completely intuitive interface is made, and in those places where questions may arise, there is a link "More", upon clicking on which you will be taken to clear instructions that allow you to complete the action you want.

"Account settings" . There is nothing complicated here either. In this section, you can change your password, change your email address, enable or disable the "+1" function (this allows Google+ to find content and ads from other websites that suits you, based on the information in your profile, while leaving your the right to privacy), connect to Google+ accounts from other servers (Facebook, Yahoo, Flicker, etc.), delete your profile and all information about it, as well as delete the entire account. Here you can also configure "Two-Step Verification". This feature will help you improve the security of your page access.

In order to do this, you need to click opposite " Two-step authentication"To the" Change "link. You will see a window showing the preliminary steps for authentication. Next, you need to click on the "Continue" button on the right side of the screen. In the next window you will be asked to enter a number mobile phone, to which the code will be sent. Enter and press "Send code", after receiving the code by SMS, drive it into the appeared field and press "Next". After that, it will be written that everything went well.

On unreliable computers, this procedure will need to be carried out every time, and on reliable computers only once every 30 days, while if your number changes, or another one appears, you can always change (or add) it in your profile by this algorithm: Account Settings / Security / 2-Step Verification / Change / Phone / Change (to change); Account Settings / Security / 2-Step Verification / Change / Additional Phone Number / Add Phone Number(for adding).

"Confidentiality". Here you can set up informational access to your page, privacy (which of your friends other users will be able to see), change the settings for accessing photos, visit Personal Area(in which you can make a large number of profile settings), familiarize yourself with the system's privacy policy. Everything in this section is based on intuition, so it makes no sense to thoroughly analyze each aspect. The only thing that should be a little more detailed about setting up circles. When you click on the "Setting circles" link, you will be taken to the sixth button "Main interface" (see section I. Main interface). All your circles of communication will be presented to you. If you want to expand any social circle, just drag and drop the desired contact into it.

You can also make several manipulations with circles.

When you press the "Change circle" button, a window pops up, in which there will be two lines: the upper (narrower) one for driving in the name, the lower one for describing the circle. Delete the previous information and drive in a new one, press "Save". Everything, the circle has been changed.

When you click the "Delete circle" button, a window pops up, which contains a number of warnings about the consequences of deleting the circle, including the loss of connection with the circle participants.

You can also create a new circle. To do this, you need to click on the dotted circle or drag the contact you need into it. In either case, you will need to click on the inscription "Create a circle", located in the center of the circle. After that, a window will pop up in which you will have to enter the name of the circle, if you want to make a description of it, you will need to click on the sentence under the title line "Click to add a description". Next, you must select the circle members. This can be done by searching in the right part of the "Search in circle" window, or through the "+ Add" button located in the left corner of the window. After all this, press "Create a circle".

These are not tricky manipulations with circles.

"Products". This section shows which Google systems you use, as well as displays services from other users with similar preferences.

"Language" . This section allows you to change or add the language of Google products.

"Data export". Here you can download photos, videos, profile data, circles, contacts, recordings from Google+ to your PC.

Also in the sign of the gear there are columns "Help", in which you can find all the information you need, "Send feedback" and "Brief review" (here it is told about the news on Google+).

Also on the main page in the upper right corner there are three buttons: "Start a video meeting", "Account name" (to change the state), "Chat with the user".

When you click the "Start Video Meeting" button, a separate window will pop up in front of you. In order for you to be able to contact via Google+ you will be asked to install a special plugin. Click to install. Installation takes no more than three minutes... Further in the center at the bottom is your webcam image. Above the image there will be an inscription “Add more people”. Click on this button and select the interlocutors, then click "Start". You can also create a public meeting that anyone can join. To do this, press the green button "Join".

When you click on the "Account name" a dialog box will pop up, on which you can select your state with one click: "In place", "Do not disturb", "Invisible". Also, using this button, you can exit the chat by clicking on the line of the same name.

The "Chat with the user" button allows you to invite the person you need to chat. You just need to click on the inscription, drive in the contact's address, press "Enter" and click on the inscription to send the invitation.

These were the most basic tools for using the Google Plus system. This is quite enough to start an exciting journey across the vast expanses of the new social network. There are many additional features, tricks and subtleties. But a whole book would have to be written to describe them all! And it would hardly be interesting to find out everything at once, without even having time to even go to the social network.

So, otherwise, you have to figure it out yourself. It won't be difficult because Google developers+ made sure that everything on their social network was crystal clear.

Basic information


Rumors that Google is developing its own network appeared in the fall of 2010, when the name Goolge Me emerged from nowhere. Later in the spring of 2011 after the order changed Google service Profiles, information about the imminent launch of Goolge "by the social network Google Circles was leaked, but this was also not confirmed. And when the Google + network began its work in test mode on June 28, everyone saw that Google Circles became its basis, introducing the concept of circles, which has become an advantageous feature of the search giant's new social project.
At the time of launch on Google+, it was possible to register only by invitation, but this did not save the newly launched system from overloads, the next day the possibility of sending invitations was closed, which caused the outrage of thousands of users who wanted to join the new trend. Nevertheless, the company quickly coped with the influx of users and within a couple of weeks there were about 10 million people on Google+.



Circles are the first and most noticeable difference between Google + and other social networks. They allow you to divide your entire social circle into various social user groups. Interestingly, many actions are accompanied by animation, and the HTML5 system also allows friends to drag - & - drop into different circles, while these friends seem to be spinning in this circle before finding their place. When you remove a friend, a strip of smoke appears above him, and when you remove a circle, he rolls out of the screen.


The feed is a common tool for many social networks that allows you to follow the updates of the members of the circles, which can publish here photos, videos, links or their locations.

Photo (Photo)

The Photos section contains all the photos that he has posted or has been tagged with. Google Image Editor + includes privacy settings and publishing features. Here you can also enrich your photo with various effects to give your photos a more professional look.

Video Hangouts

VideoMeeting is one of the Google+ innovations that allows users to participate in a group video chat of up to 10 people. The implemented function of switching the camera (the one who speaks is the focus goes) far surpasses having multiple video channels open at the same time. Interestingly, shortly after the launch of the social network Google+, its potential competitor Facebook introduced the world to the same video chat option (not without the participation of Skype), but only 2 people can take part in it.

Themes (Sparks)

Google+ Themes is inherently a company-created recommendation engine. This section presents the most trending, interesting and read publications on the Internet, selected based on user recommendations using the +1 button.

Google+ Mobile

The proposed mobile version of Google+ is a fairly simple implementation of the new social network. It has two unique features: Instant Photo Upload and Google+ Chat (Huddle).

- allows you to publish pictures from your phone directly to the network automatically. It's a good idea, but only for those with absolutely nothing to hide. In general, if the photo you just took is automatically added to your Google+ profile, your privacy settings can fail, and private photos will accidentally be published for everyone. In addition, this can potentially lead to the creation of a large amount of "garbage".

Chat (Huddle) in mobile version Google+ is a standard feature for group text messaging within the Circle you create.
Recall that Google+ is not yet a product, but only a project, so many more interesting and innovative things may appear on this social network.

Google has been developing its own social network for a long time. The first programs aimed at creating a resource where people could communicate and exchange personal information did not bring success.

But the company's employees did not become upset and continued to develop in this area.

Based on the results that can be seen today, it is safe to say that they have succeeded in almost everything. They released the social network Google Plus, which already has two hundred and fifty million registered people. Despite this, each user is online for no more than ten minutes, which is not a good indicator for the company. Google analysts believe that this is due to the poor interface of the system and insufficiently convenient functionality.

Despite the low level of visits to the social network, Google Plus still has a set of parameters that can interest the average user. But before you start dealing with the functionality itself, you first need to register in the system. For a quick and successful registration on Google+ you need:

    Create your mailbox in search engine google

    During creation mailbox it will be necessary to indicate: desired email address, name, surname, patronymic and many other personal information. Also, at the registration stage, all users are provided with a brief help from google, which tells what kind of social network this google + is.

    At the final stage of registration, the system itself offers to go to the social network. In order to do this, you just need to click on the "Go to the service" button and then "Okay".

After successful registration in the Google system, a person receives full access to social network and can start sharing: photos, videos, music and more with your friends.

Using the Google Plus Network

The social network Google Plus, although it is at the stage of development, is already equipped with a convenient and powerful functional field. Since the network is completely connected with Google, then after clicking on the "Login" button in the system, all personal data between programs from the corporation is synchronized. An example is pictures that sync with google clouds to "my profile" of the google + system.

Inside social system, the user has the ability to customize the interface as it suits him. It is possible to download the information necessary from the account, link the receipt of updates from the page to your email and much more. Updating the profile photo does not take more than five minutes, and the password for entering the system is updated not from the social network, but directly from google account... This approach minimizes the chance of intruders entering the system.

Google Plus 'My Page' is also closely related to other google products. Having a profile in the youtube system, the user can upload videos there directly from the social network. As for the search for friends and correspondence, the filtering of acquaintances can occur by: city, country, region, mutual friends. Communication with friends is not limited and messages are not checked by company employees and robots.

Google Plus social media feed

Like the most famous social networks, google + has also developed its own feed for easy navigation around the system. The feed has the following buttons: profile, people, photo, popular, communities, events, live streams, pages, addresses and settings. Going into the settings, any user can add the buttons he needs for a quick transition.

In addition, in the "settings" item, you can filter the "circles of visited sections of people." This means that Google will create its own user base that will not be able to view certain sections of the user profile. Very often people restrict access to "My Photos" so that people who accidentally visit the page cannot view them. In general, such a system of restrictions has long been used in social networks such as VKontakte. She managed to recommend herself well, so the google employees added her to the list functionality Google+ systems.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about the recently appeared social network Google plus... tried several times to grab a share of the pie in the market social communication, where he reigns supreme (or, if we consider only the Runet).

But, unfortunately, for them, all the previous inclinations of their team have not met with much success. However, the last attempt can be called the most successful, because according to Google's version, about a quarter of a billion users have already been registered on their social network.

Lot. Nevertheless, with a deeper analysis, it becomes obvious that the interest and engagement of users in Google + is at an immeasurably lower level than that of the same Facebook (what can I say, even if it was bypassed in popularity).

According to some reports, the average time spent by users in social-up with a plus is measured in units of minutes, and in the case of Facebook, in tens of hours. However, of all the variety of such projects, it is today's hero that is closest and most understandable to me.

Features and account registration in Google Plus

Probably, the fact that Google was very far behind in time from its competitors and everyone who had a desire to communicate on social networks has already been disassembled and divided between the market leaders played a role here, and it is not easy to pull the user out of their place of residence.

The team of this giant even tried to buy at one time and tried to build its social networks (Orkut has been working since 2004), but all this either did not work out or did not bring the desired result.

On the other hand, a strong time lag did not always stop and was a serious obstacle for this "empire of good". A striking example-, which, having appeared only in 2008, has already surpassed all other market participants who have been playing on this field for much longer (, and).

Besides social network Google+ itself is based on several fresh solutions, which should, in theory, attract additional attention. Also, do not discount the billionth audience of all their other services (search, Gmail, the aforementioned browser, operating systems for mobile devices Android and much more). All this power is now aimed at engaging everyone more visitors to a positive social network.

Are you a webmaster? Great, so you are interested in, which at the same time allows you to share the pages that the user likes to your account of this social network with a plus.

And the webmaster, for sure, will broadcast announcements of new materials to his account and try to expand the audience of his readers. In addition, on Google+, you can in some way assign the authorship of the texts on your site to you (read about this below).

But there are not so many webmasters, but ordinary users do not seem to be too willing and not too quickly transplanted to a new needle. Therefore, of course, everything in his power is done - right after you automatically become a member of this social network(to prohibit this, you will need to dig into settings).

Well, God bless him, let's quickly go over its capabilities and see how it can be useful for webmasters (selfish interests, so to speak). First, you have to create a Google account, if you do not already have one. It is not easy to do this, but very simple - and consider that the job is done.

After you fill in the fields with personal information for the future account and come up with a unique name for the mailbox, you will be told about the new profile value and immediately offered to add your photo:

The profile has been heavily socialized lately and serves primarily the needs of Google+. If you only need an account to work with mail, then a photo will probably be superfluous, but for communication on a social network, a photo or an avatar will be needed anyway.

As I said, everything is now being done to add the maximum number of users to the Google Plus needle. Therefore, immediately after receiving an account, they will try to send you to this social network:

If you already have an account in the "empire of good", then just go to home page Google plus... You will be immediately offered look for your friends or friends, and also from or. Perhaps these are far from the most popular services on the Russian Internet. It would be more logical to see Facebook, Vkontakte or Twitter here. However, we have what we have:

Found someone worthy in the new social network? Immediately ring it, otherwise he will run away. To do this, just move the mouse cursor to the "Add" or "Subscribe" button next to the desired subject. A drop-down menu will appear with the rings you already have, i.e. circles. To create a new circle, just go to the lowest link:

One and the same subject can be thrust into an unlimited number of circles. Another thing is that the meaning of these very rings (circles) consists in the fact that in this way you seat your opponents in separate pavilions, where you will exchange information with them. For example, you have created a circle "Close friends" and lay out deeply personal things for them that only these most trusted chelas will see.

Then you can still with all or with individual members of the circle video conference for ten persons stir up what's on this moment in general, it is Google+ that is an exclusive feature. What is noteworthy (and convenient) is that your opponents do not see exactly which circles you put them in, so you can easily create a Pri_urki circle and shove all sorts of radishes or just work colleagues there (although, it is better for them):

If on the page that is shown in the third screenshot, you click the "Continue" button, then you will also be offered to subscribe to the feeds of famous people. There is even a service on the Internet where you can contemplate the Top Most Popular Personalities in Google +, if that's interesting to you.

If you are not interested, you will see all the heartfelt concern for your pastime on this social network:

Well, and on the last step you will need to indicate (if desired) information about yourself, which will be available to all users of the Google+ network:

By the way, if a webcam is connected to your computer, then the service can take a picture of you for a profile immediately (sleepy and not combed) by clicking on the button of the same name. It would be very convenient, in my opinion, it would be possible, however, without a button, but automatically and without the right to delete a photo - you look and the number of users of this social network would be added at the expense of those who wish neighing wandering profiles.

Well, that's all, you press the "Finish" button and you find yourself, in fact, in the very holy of holies - the shell of a social network. Once upon a time, only a select few could get there (by invitation), but now everyone who is not lazy can go there.

Google Plus social media feeds and communication

The interface in many Google services is now unified and the social network uses the same design as the Gmail mail interface I described a little earlier. The same can be said about the use of ajax - everything is at its best and the web page does not reload frequently. New chunks of data are automatically loaded in the manner of Twitter, which allows the news feed to really be endless.

However, this can be a disadvantage as well. For example, I added several users to my circles who are constantly posting, which, in turn, weigh quite a lot.

I go to Google+ from time to time, and with a long and persistent viewing of the feed, the browser starts to seriously slow down. For example, I would not refuse the possibility of including forced pagination in it (breakdown into pages with the ability to navigate through them).

On the main page, they display a summary feed, consisting of new messages from all your opponents from all circles. However, you can filter messages from people who belong to a particular circle. You can find a list of them in the upper part of the window (the "More" button will help you view the entire range of rings):

Now, however, their design has slightly changed in the direction of similarity to other social networks such as Facebook or Vkontakte. It is possible to display news in the feed, both in one and in two columns, and the menu that was always on the left is now hidden under the spoiler with the inscription "Feed". When you click on it, everything will fall into place.

If you have something to say, then do not apply to do it in the specially designed form of the Google Plus window:

As soon as you put the cursor in this field, the window will change its appearance and a list (in the form of a row of buttons) of circles will appear below, the users of which will be shown your future message (post), as well as the link "Add more people" will appear. Clicking on it will open lists of all your communities so that you can select the one you want or the ones you need.

Circle buttons, users who will see this message of yours will be displayed under the message input field, and you will have the opportunity to remove this or that circle from the alert list by simply clicking on the cross. In addition to the communities you have pre-configured, when creating a post, you can choose on the social network Google+ the following options:

There are a few more points that you can use when creating a post on the Google Plus network:

After publishing your post on Google +, you will have the opportunity to make changes (edit) or delete it, as well as prohibit comments or reposting in the event that you forgot to do this before posting:

In addition, in already published messages of yours or others, you can see who exactly they are available to (without specifying circles, of course), and you can also add the +1 record you like, repost it in some of your circles, or offer to hold a video meeting :

If your post receives recognition from users, then in its lower right corner you will see statistics with the number of +1 added to it and the number of reposts. You will also have the opportunity to leave your comment, if it was not prohibited by the author of the post.

Oddly enough, you can even put +1 in a comment, and if you suddenly find that you were in a hurry with its publication and did not notice a grammatical error, then nothing prevents you from editing it using the "Edit" button.

The video displays Russian subtitles (not very informative, though). If you do not see them, then activate this option in the settings of the YouTube player:

Profile, circles and other tinsel in Google Plus

The left menu is a drop-down menu and it will appear after you move the mouse cursor to the upper left corner of the screen. If your page is scrolled down, it will look like this:

And if it is in the highest position, then like this:

There is nothing difficult here. By default, the second tab of the horizontal menu called "Records" opens. All messages (posts) you have left live here.

The first tab "About me" will display everything that you thought it necessary to tell the world community about yourself. Well, in fact, you yourself are free to choose those circles that will have access to this or that section of your profile (at the bottom of the editing window there will be an opportunity to select trusted communities, but by default the option "All circles" is selected there).

Do you want to change this? No problem. Click on the blue button Edit located at the bottom of each block.

In the profile, you can still see the photos and videos you have added, as well as look at those web pages on which you condescended to click on the Google + 1 button. The latter function can be used as a kind of bookmarks for publications on the Internet worthy of your attention. All this disgrace is configured by clicking on the same "Change" button.

If you're from the left vertical menu select next item "Popular", you will be able to contemplate the most popular messages on Google+ at the moment (by the number of their reposts and plus ones).

"Events" allow you to organize various sessions, while you can quickly send the taken photos and videos to the Google + social network from your mobile phone. This option appeared recently, and I have not yet figured out the details of its settings, and I am not a companionable friend, so that I need this cartoon.

In the tab "Photo" from the left menu, tools for viewing and uploading multimedia to a social network are concentrated. In fact, all these photos and videos will be stored in an album belonging to your account. Yes, in addition to your mailbox and Google Plus account, you also get a place to store your photos. True, in Picasa there is a limit on the size of the stored information in 1GB.

But there is one thing - all photos uploaded via Google+ will not be taken into account, which you can use. Let's check. Go to the Picasa online album page and make sure that all the photos you uploaded to the social network appear there:

Now let's make sure that a whole gigabyte of space is still available in this album (click the Download button at the top of the Picasa window):

In general, it turns out that you do not have to pay for expanding your Picasa storage space if the photo upload via social network Google Plus. However, in this case all photos will be cropped to 2048/1536 size, because this is governed by the rules of this social network.

Also on the "Photos" tab you can view and work with albums, with the photos you uploaded in the record, as well as with those photos where someone marked you. Sorry, I didn't use these things, so I shut up.

Go to the tab "People" from the left menu Google plus (previously this case was called Circles). Everything here is laconic and, probably, understandable without my instructions.

On the "My circles" tab, you can create new and add users to them from many places, but it is on the "Who have you added" tab that you can thoughtfully shuffle users between communities by simply holding and dragging their icons to the desired circle.

And the circles themselves can also be dragged and swapped, achieving the most relevant list building. Usability is great. Yes, back in context menu the Action button (located at the top right) be sure to check it out.

Next tab "Addresses" based on your preferences and location, it will offer you to familiarize yourself with various useful establishments (hotels, restaurants, museums, etc.) and see their assessment by other users of the Google Plus social network.

The maximum amount of points is 5 and it is from this that you should build on, well, and also read user reviews, of course. In theory, in Addresses you can even book a table or a hotel room, but personally I am very far from this (for a couch potato and curmudgeon).

Tab "Live" allows you to watch ongoing video meetings and organize video conferences for up to ten people. The person speaking at the moment gets on big screen, and all the rest are visible in the small windows located under it. Initially, there was no such thing on Facebook, and they had to negotiate the use of Skype for this purpose.

Personally, I don't have a webcam and I can't even imagine what a thrill there can be in such communication, but, most likely, I'm just a troglodyte and retrograde. In general, try it yourself, and I will continue already for webmasters or businessmen who are interested in creating a page for their website, business, brand or product on the Google+ network. This is not a difficult matter, but still it is worth saying a few words.

Creating a branded page in Google Plus

Tab "+ Pages" hides in the left menu. There you will see a list of the pages you have already created and you can edit their settings if necessary.

If you have never been here before, then for creation new page in Google + you will need to click on the corresponding button:

In fact, the + pages in Google Plus are all very similar to the same profile that we have already analyzed a little higher. Those. they are actually full-fledged users of the social network, although they are not animate objects. However, there are some differences:

Now how create + page... By clicking on the appropriate button on the screenshots shown above, you will be offered a choice of five types of future branded pages, and it will be your choice that will determine what exactly you can display on it:

For website or blog the best way the second option will do "Product or brand", because in its settings it will be possible to add the Url address of your resource.

First, you will need to select the most appropriate category from the drop-down list:

Then give it a name and indicate the URL of your site:

Then enter its description, contact Email and phone number, and then click on the "Finish" button.

Actually, as promised, you actually get another profile at your disposal, but not personal, but professional. By the way, you can, if you wish, confirm the address of your site (ownership) by clicking on the "Link to + page" button. Personally, they did not demanded anything from me, because from under the same account I enter into, where I have already confirmed the ownership of the same resource.

And now all that remains is to publish interesting information on this branded page so that it can be added and reposted as much as possible. more users, and also added it to their circles. For a website, the ideal option would probably be to set up automatic broadcasting of announcements of new articles on your resource from it. But I don't know how to do it yet. Do you know? Share plizzzz.

You can switch between your + page and your live profile by clicking the small arrow in the upper right corner of the Google+ window (to the right of your photo thumbnail).

You can choose one of three display options:

You can also choose Russian and see what you will be given to do additional settings(widget width, color scheme and type selection). Well, and then, in accordance with the advice, insert the code into the template of your site (you can do it by analogy with and in):

Authorship of articles on your site via Google Plus

In the article about I already wrote about the method that Yandex offers us (add the text of an unpublished article to special section and only then publish it). The method is simple, but at the same time you need to remember to perform the described action every time.

The leader of the world search in this regard has taken a different path and invites us to link our profile on the Google + social network (but not the + page) with its site, and then our photo from the profile of this social network will appear in its results next to your site. Like that:

At the same time, on every page of your site there should be a link leading to your profile page on Google+. Actually, this is one of the main conditions for attribution. In addition, under the title of each article, it would be nice to mention the name of the author that matches what you indicated on this social network.

You should definitely learn what Google Plus is if you have already created social media accounts or are getting familiar with the world of blogging.

I know learning something new is difficult. I know that Google+ is not an intuitive application. But you should at least try.

Many never tried Google +, but there are still people who don't use Twitter!

But sooner or later it's worth starting. Indeed, for many active Internet users, Google + is now the favorite “path” to social platforms.

This article will draw parallels between and Google +.

Google + feed

Users who have logged into Facebook at least once are likely to see many similarities.

This is what the news feed looks like:

On the top left side, you will see the Home button.

Hovering over it opens access to the user profile.

There you can explore new topics, follow events, upload photos, join communities (like Facebook Groups).

Also this tab is used to find new people. There you can also find entertainment materials, games and applications, parties (identical as in) and pages.

If the search has taken the user too far, you can press this button again to return to the main screen.

Sometimes tabs move around depending on how often you use them. Google+ pages work the same way as Facebook pages... More on this later.

Description of the menu options on the left


Circles is where you meet your friends.

Now you can create your own lists on Facebook, but when you connect a new friend, he just goes into the general large list.

This is an easy way to interact with different people, unite them by work, community or by those users who are currently online.

You can create as many circles as you like. People can be in one circle or in several at the same time.

This makes it easier to find the right person.

  1. If you click on the "Find People" button, the program will display a list of your preferred users.
  2. When you find someone you recognize, hover over their name. A menu will appear where you can choose where to add a specific person.
  3. The small number on your profile explains how many friends you have in total. It's perfectly acceptable to connect with people you don't know yet.
  4. At the top of this page, you can click on the "You" button. There is a list of people who have added you to their circles. Click on it.

Circles are "liquid"! It is perfectly acceptable to create new circles, they merge together and / or can be removed. Start with the following options:

  • Acquaintances = add everyone you really know here
  • Family / friends = close people you know in real life,
  • Bloggers = list of people you will connect in the blogging world
  • People I Can't Miss = After you've interacted with someone even a little, move them from acquaintances to one separate circle
  • Potential customers = these are people who might be interested in your services, your potential customers.

To arrange circles, click on a person and then click on a circle with a specific color and name.

A large circle with a plus sign makes it possible to create a new category.

If you click on a circle, you will see that you can edit its name, delete it, or share it.

Whenever you do something on G +, you can specify the circle of people who will see your content.

You can choose a public category (which means the whole world will see it) or choose the circle that interests you the most.

Alternatively, you can leave the event private, and then no one but you will see it.


The profile works just like on Facebook. You have a cover photo, a profile photo, and then a bunch of tabs where you are, videos, preferences, etc.

One of the nice things about it is that your photos will be automatically linked to your Picasa account (if you have one).

Plus, if you have a YouTube account, it will appear on your page too. FROM right side you will see a list of all your friends, as well as people who have added you to their circles.

  • To edit your profile, go to the "about yourself" tab.
  • You will see different categories. Each window has an “edit” button. This is where you add your profile information! This is one of the most important things you can do on Google +.
  • Make sure your slogan is catchy. This is what people see when they hover over a person's name.
  • Write a bio, add hyperlinks there.

User Activity

After editing your profile, it's time to post your first post.

You can scroll through the images (small arrows) just like you can on Facebook.

You can also tag people. Add names, circles, or email addresses to share this information with others.

Please note that if you tag someone in an update, their name will be tagged separately.

You can add tags. It is the user who decides what content should be shared, public and what should be private.

There is also a checkbox on the page: Send by. This means that your post will be separately sent to specific users.

This option is similar to the one on Twitter, you can use your status to help people find your post.

There are many circles, and it is the hashtags that are used to find target audience and make new acquaintances.

If you decide to create a community, share posts in it, and then add them to your profile. This way you can attract many more interested consumers.

Benefits of Google +

Many people still haven't joined this platform.

Perhaps because they are so similar to Facebook?

At the same time, it is absolutely possible to highlight the advantages that are inherent only to this platform:

  • Full integration with YouTube and Picasa video hosting.
  • Display photos are much prettier and look wonderful on Pinterest.
  • Regular engagement on G + helps Google rank certain sites and pages.
  • Video meetings (which is simply not possible on Facebook).
  • Open platform, there are fewer rules and restrictions.
  • Allows people to classify friends more easily.
  • While Facebook is for chatting with friends, Twitter for short messages to people who interest you, Google + combines the best of both worlds.
  • A special feature can be considered events, party mode, and other options that are not available in other integral platforms.
  • Once you get used to navigating, hovering over the menu options will tell you that G + is easier to use than Facebook.
  • Nobody pays you to promote your posts!
  • If you host your blog on Blogspot, you have even more integration options. Go to the "Control Panel" and press the G + button to see the functions available to you!
  • Each post has its own web page, which means it is easier for them to share over the Internet.
  • The ripple effect shows you how far your posts have climbed the popularity ladder and who else is climbing with you.
  • Instantly send photos to your smartphone directly from Google.
  • You can use to communicate. Exchange instant messaging, VoIP calls, video calls, conferences / videos. All this becomes available. In the PC version, you can also open documents for sharing (using Google Drive). Users can change and edit documents in real time, add their own edits and annotations. In the same way, technical support becomes available.

Often users who are just starting their acquaintance with this wonderful platform ask questions:

This will help you share relevant information with the right people.

You can also organize your own feed.

You can customize it so that you only see the latest news from certain circles. It's like a “feature list” on Twitter.

Can I add people to the circle to follow my page?

There are no pages like Facebook. If a person subscribed to your profile, this means that your posts on the page will appear in their news feed.

You can add people to your circle, but after that, you will see their posts in your news feed.

I don't understand why the notification window is needed.

Notification window lets you interact quickly on G +.

It takes a little getting used to, but new message notifications cannot be ignored. When you see a notification, click the arrow to the right of it.

When you do, you will see posts and comments that you can reply to right there, without having to scroll through the feed.

Imagine if every time you receive a notification on Facebook, you reply directly from the notification window without having to navigate to a post? On Google+, it's possible.

How do I turn off all notifications in my inbox?

Click on your profile in the upper right corner and then select “ Account". Click on G + on the left. All notification options by e-mail are there.

I forgot to mention a lot in the news feed. How to fix it?

For example, click on the "Magnifier" on the left.

You will see posts from selected people and their pages, which are automatically pulled up.

There is a sliding scale in the upper right corner.

You can navigate to view different types posts. There you can also edit your news feed.

How easy is it to upload photos to a custom page?

If you have or with a camera, download the official G + app and take advantage of the instant download feature.

Every time you take a photo, it will automatically upload to photo albums on G +.

All current photos can be split (or not) by clicking “Settings general access”. It's a red button at the top of the page.

Many people actively use Google+ for business.

Of course, the potential of Google+ is clear. it large network of 540 million monthly active users and many success stories.