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The huawei p6 microphone does not work. Huawei P6 problems and how to fix them

In general, if you have an Android smartphone Huawei P6 (or another Huawei from the same generation), and “something is wrong” suddenly starts to happen to it (or for some reason you suspect that “something is wrong” happens), just determine what the “wrong” looks like and find a similar symptom in the following list.

Huawei P6 battery problems

(the smartphone is connected to the charger, the charger is connected to the outlet, but the battery still does not charge)


  • defective socket (sometimes it happens that the outlet does not work well due to worn out contacts, poor connection, etc.) - try connecting your smartphone to another outlet, if the battery starts charging, then the problem is not in P6;
  • damaged charger cable (regular microUSB cables often break) - you need to find a working cable and try to charge the device through it;
  • defective battery - in this case, the smartphone, as a rule, functions properly, being connected to the charger, but does not work or in offline does not work for long, the problem can only be solved by replacing the battery.
Huawei P6 issues - micro-USB port malfunctions

Most often this happens if dirt, dust and other unpleasant substances get inside the connector. First, try purging the port. If, therefore, some other foreign particles are noticeable in it, carefully remove them, for example with a toothpick, and then blow the port again. If after such cleaning the port does not work well, check the microUSB cable.

Huawei's P6 has problems connecting to the Internet (as well as mobile network or wifi)


  • airplane mode activated , which provides for disabling the built-in wireless modules, i.e. Internet access, Wi-Fi and the network of your mobile operator... Often, users turn on airplane mode by accident or forget that it was turned on. Check the "flight mode" in your Huawei P6 ( Settings -> Airplane Mode -> Off).
  • you are in a zone of so-called poor reception mobile operator signal
    This also happens quite often, especially in areas remote from large settlements... Pay attention to the indicator of the connection quality of the smartphone. If it shows the minimum level, then it is better to move somewhere higher and / or go to a more open space.
Huawei P6 speaker problems

(during telephone conversation speaker does not play sound)

The options are:

  • turned off and / or reduced to a minimum volume - check the volume settings. If the volume does not increase, check the control button on the body of the device - it may stick or break from prolonged use. Gently move your finger from side to side, if you notice that it does not move well, then it is better to contact the service. In addition, the internal microswitch can also break, which can only be repaired or replaced by an experienced technician (all about repair Huawei P6)
  • speaker does not work (no sound is played) - most often the reason can be mechanical damage resulting from the smartphone being dropped on various surfaces or its prolonged use. A defective speaker must be replaced.

Huawei P6 screen problems

(incorrect operation of the display: does not turn on, dead pixels, only one color is displayed, a limited number of colors, an offset image, the touch panel does not work, etc.)


  • Brightness "dropped" - in certain modes, the smartphone can automatically reduce the brightness of the screen; go into a dark room and turn on the device, if the image on its screen reads well, then just double-check the brightness settings;
  • the battery is discharged - and the smartphone has turned off, connect it to the charger, if after a while P6 does not turn on, check its battery (see above);
  • displaced safety glass screen
    If the Gorilla Glass on your Huawei P6 is not flush with the LCD, it is possible that debris has fallen into the floor of the screen protector. Gorilla Glass must be removed, cleaned and properly reinstalled. It is better to do this in the conditions of the SC.
  • protective glass is damaged
    If the smartphone has been dropped, and cracks, chips or scratches are clearly visible on the Gorilla Glass surface, this is also a reason to contact the SC. Damaged glass must be replaced.
  • damaged LCD
    ... change!

Huawei P6 camera problems

(poor quality or "black" photos)


  • the camera is covered by a case - this happens with low-quality and / or "someone else's" accessories that fit in size, but were originally developed for other smartphones. Such a case can partially or completely cover the lens of the built-in camera with corresponding consequences for the quality of images.
  • the shutter does not work - in the P6 (as well as in many other smartphones) the shutter of the main camera can "wedge" after too active and / or prolonged use, the problem can be eliminated only by replacing the camera.
  • broken or dirty lens - Due to improper care, dust particles and dirt accumulate and gradually forget the lens. If this happens, then the device must be disassembled and cleaned. If the lens is damaged, the camera must be replaced.

Huawei P6 lock problems

(lock button does not work)

  • smartphone froze - may be due to too many simultaneously running applications, and due to overheating from prolonged active use (as a rule, with gaming applications); if the screen and volume button stop responding, wait 5-10 minutes, if the system is working again, turn off everything unnecessary applications, otherwise remove the cover, remove the battery for a couple of minutes, then reinsert it and turn on the smartphone.
  • lock button stuck - most often due to wear or mechanical damage, gently wiggle it with your finger, if you do not observe the desired effect, the smartphone should be delivered to the SC.
Huawei P6 Touchpad issues (not responding)


  • smartphone is frozen - see previous point
  • damaged digitizer - if the phone falls on a hard surface or there is strong pressure on its screen, then the digitizer is most likely out of order, in which case it needs to be changed.


ANDROID Secret Codes for HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)

DISCLAIMER: This information is for experienced users... It is not meant for ordinary users, hackers or mobile thieves. We will not be held responsible for any use or misuse of this information, including loss of data or damage to equipment. So use these codes at your own risk and benefit.

Code: - * # * # 4636 # * # *
This code can be used to get information about your phone and battery. The following 4 menus are displayed on the screen:

* Phone information
* Battery information
* Battery history
* Usage statistics

Code: - * # * # 7780 # * # *
This code can be used to reset the factory settings. It will remove the following things:

* Settings Google account which are stored on your phone
* System and application data and settings
* Downloaded apps

This will NOT delete:

* Current system software and related applications
* SD card files such as photos, music files, etc.

PS: After you enter this code, you will see a window asking you to click the "Reset Phone" button. Thus, you get the opportunity to cancel your operation.

Code: - * 2767 * 3855 #
Think before entering this code. This code is used for factory reset. It will delete all files and settings, including internal memory. It will also reinstall the phone's firmware.

PS: After you enter this code, you will not be able to cancel the operation until you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before entering this code.

Code: - * # * # 34971539 # * # *
This code is used to get information about the phone's camera. Shows the following 4 menus:

* Update camera firmware in image (do not touch this option)
* Update camera firmware on SD card
* Get camera firmware version
* Get Firmware Upgrade Counter
A WARNING. Never use the first option, otherwise your phone's camera will stop working and you will need to take your phone to a service center to reinstall the camera's firmware.

Code: - * # * # 7594 # * # *
This code can be used to change the action of the End Call / Power button on your phone. By default, if you press the button for a long time, a screen will appear asking you to select any option from silent mode, airplane mode, and power off. You can turn on direct power off by pressing this button, so as not to waste time choosing.

Code: - * # * # 273283 * 255 * 663282 * # * # *
This code opens the copy files screen where you can do backup your media files, for example: photos, audio, video and voice notes.

Code: - * # * # 197328640 # * # *
This code can be used to enter the service mode. You can run various tests and change settings in service mode.

WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:
* # * # 232339 # * # * OR * # * # 526 # * # * OR * # * # 528 # * # * - WLAN test (Use the "Menu" button to run various tests)

* # * # 232338 # * # * - Shows WiFi MAC address A MAC address is a special code that every device with Internet access has. It is needed in order to "recognize" the device when it is connected to the Internet (network). The MAC address looks like a combination of English letters and numbers, for example, like this: 18-67-B0-42-1D-2E.

* # * # 1472365 # * # * - GPS test HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)

* # * # 1575 # * # * - Another GPS test The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite positioning system developed by the United States. It provides reliable positioning and navigation to users all over the world on a permanent free basis in any weather, time of day, throughout the Earth.

* # * # 232331 # * # * - Bluetooth test HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)

* # * # 232337 # * # - Shows the address of the Bluetooth device

* # * # 8255 # * # * - This code can be used to start GTalk Service Monitor.

Codes for getting information about the firmware version:
* # * # 4986 * 2650468 # * # * - PDA, Phone, H / W, RFCallDate

* # * # 1234 # * # * - PDA and Phone

* # * # 1111 # * # * - FTA SW Version

* # * # 2222 # * # * - FTA HW Version

* # * # 44336 # * # * - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number

Codes for running various factory tests:

* # * # 0283 # * # * - Packet Loopback

* # * # 0 * # * # * - LCD test

* # * # 0673 # * # * OR * # * # 0289 # * # * - Melody test

* # * # 0842 # * # * - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)

* # * # 2663 # * # * - Touchscreen version

* # * # 2664 # * # * - touch screen test

* # * # 0588 # * # * - Proximity sensor test

* # * # 3264 # * # * - RAM version HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)

These codes, dialed from a GSM telephone, are used to enable or disable various standard features and services. Some of them duplicate menu functions, some do not.

@ = Send button (Handset, OK, YES, Navi)
** = enable or activate
* = active
## = turn off and deactivate
# = inactive

Change PIN 1 ** 04 * oldPIN1 * newPIN1 * newPIN1 # @
Change PIN 2 ** 042 * oldPIN2 * newPIN2 * newPIN2 # @
Unblock PIN 1 ** 05 * PUK * newPIN1 * newPIN1 # @
Unblock PIN 2 ** 052 * PUK2 * newPIN2 * newPIN2 # @

PUK - code that must be provided by the operator when buying a phone or connecting. In the absence of this code, or entering the wrong PUK ten times, your phone will be completely blocked!

SHOW IMEI HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)
Show IMEI * # 06 # Translated from English "IMEI" means: international identifier of mobile equipment ". As the name suggests, each device should have its own unique "IMEI" that will distinguish it from the rest. When you buy new phone, you may notice "IMEI" on the box or even on the store receipt. If you ever carry mobile phone for repair, then there is a chance that the service center will mark your "IMEI" on the warranty card for identification purposes.

If the code received by entering this command and the code on the back cover of the phone do not match, then your phone is probably "gray".

Deactivate all types of call forwarding ## 002 # @
Deactivate all conditional call forwarding ## 004 # @
Activate all conditional call forwarding ** 004 * phone_number # @

Deactivate and Deactivate call forwarding to another number ## 21 # @
Deactivate call forwarding to another number # 21 # @
Set the number and activate call forwarding to another number ** 21 * phone_number # @
Activate call forwarding to another number * 21 # @
Check the status of call forwarding to another number * # 21 # @

Activate call forwarding to another number if the subscriber does not answer ** 61 * phone_number # @
Deactivate and disable call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer ## 61 # @
Deactivate call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer # 61 # @
Activate call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer * 61 # @
Check the status of call forwarding if the subscriber does not answer * # 61 # @

Activate call forwarding to another number if the subscriber is outside the coverage area ** 62 * phone_number # @
Activate call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the coverage area * 62 # @
Deactivate and turn off call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the coverage area ## 62 # @
Deactivate call forwarding if the subscriber is outside the coverage area # 62 # @
Check the status of call forwarding if the subscriber is out of coverage * # 62 # @

Activate call forwarding to another number if the phone is busy ** 67 * phone_number # @
Activate automatic call forwarding if the phone is busy * 67 # @
Deactivate and deactivate call forwarding if the phone is busy ## 67 # @
Deactivate call forwarding if the phone is busy # 67 # @
Check the status of automatic forwarding if the phone is busy * # 67 # @

N = 5-30 (seconds)
Set the number of rings ** 61 * Voicemail number ** N # @
Undo previous installation ## 61 # @

Change barring password ** 03 * 330 * old Password * new Password * new Password # @
Activate barring of all outgoing calls ** 33 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all outgoing calls # 33 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all outgoing calls * # 33 # @

BAN ALL CALLS HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)
Activate barring of all calls ** 330 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all calls # 330 * Password # @
Check the status of barring all calls * # 330 * Password # @

Activate barring of all outgoing international calls ** 331 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all outgoing international calls # 331 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all outgoing international calls * # 331 # @

Activate barring of all outgoing calls ** 333 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all outgoing calls # 333 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all outgoing calls * # 333 # @

Activate barring of all incoming calls ** 35 * PW # @ or ** 353 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all incoming calls # 35 * PW # @ or ** 353 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all incoming calls * # 35 # @ or * # 353 # @

Activate barring of all incoming calls when roaming ** 351 * Password # @
Deactivate barring of all incoming calls when roaming # 351 * Password # @
Check the barring status of all incoming calls when roaming * # 351 # @
Activate call waiting * 43 # @
Deactivate call waiting # 43 ## @
Check call waiting status * # 43 # @

Disallow sending your phone number # 30 # phone_number @
Allow sending your phone number * 30 # phone_number @
Check the status of sending your phone number * # 30 #

Prevent the display of the caller's number on your phone * 77 #
Allow the display of the caller's number on your phone # 77 # @
Check the display status of the caller's number on your phone * # 77 # @

Questions and comments about secret codes for HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)

Ask a question about Secret Codes HUAWEI Ascend P6-U06 (White)

Probably many smartphone owners have faced the problem of loudness. For example, I was not happy with two things. The first one is a quiet sound of the speaker during an incoming call, and the second is a very loud sound in the headphones during an incoming call.

A little about how Android controls volume

If no headset is connected to your gadget (headphones, hands-free, etc.), then the volume settings will be the same, and as soon as you connect the headset, the settings will be different. For a general understanding, I will tell you a few examples.

Example 1. You are listening to music on your phone, turn on the loud speaker on full power, and when you connect a headset to it and turn on the loud speaker again, the volume may differ (it may be louder or lower, depending on which phone model or firmware version).

Example 2. You are watching a movie in headphones, the volume (meaning the volume of the multimedia) is set to 40% and then after a while you have an incoming call, then the volume in the headphones will change to the general volume, in which case you can get a powerful sound blow to your ears. Believe me, I was blown off the couch more than once in such cases, the fact is that the programmers have poorly adjusted the volume modes.

Example 3. You are talking on the phone and you need to switch to speakerphone mode, and you notice that the speaker is not as loud (or vice versa) as when listening to music; or your partner has begun to hear you poorly, this is because the microphone may have different sensitivity in different modes. Also, when you connect a headset in the same situation and turn on the speakerphone mode - again, different settings. This is how Android controls volume.

We learn the theory of the engineering menu

So let's look at what and how you can do if you tinker a little over the "Engineering menu".

Before making any changes, we recommend that you read the entire article, and comprehend, and then experiment. Also take a piece of paper and write down all the defaults in case something goes wrong. You can start the engineering menu using telephone dialing: we write the following combinations on it (Fig. 1):

picture 1

* # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 83781 # * # * - smartphones based on MTK processor

* # * # 8255 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * - Samsung smartphones

* # * # 3424 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # * - HTC smartphones

* # * # 7378423 # * # * - Sony smartphones

*#*#3646633#*#* – Fly smartphones, Alcatel, Philips

* # * # 2846579 # * # * - Huawei smartphones

Congratulations, you have entered the engineering menu (Fig. 2). Keep in mind that the menu structure may differ slightly on different phones. Find the "Audio" section and go into it. After entering, we see a bunch of unknown lines (modes) (Fig. 3). Here's what these modes mean in Android:

figure 2 figure 3

Normal Mode(settings section in normal or normal mode) - this mode is active when nothing is connected to the smartphone;

Headset Mode(headset mode) - this mode is activated after connecting headphones or external speakers;

LoudSpeaker Mode(loudspeaker mode) - it is activated when nothing is connected to the smart, and you turn on the loudspeaker while talking on the phone;

Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode(loudspeaker mode with a headset connected) - this mode is activated when headphones or external speakers are connected to the smart, and you turn on the loudspeaker while talking on the phone;

Speech Enhancement(telephone conversation mode) - this mode is activated in the normal telephone conversation mode, and nothing is connected to it (headset, external speakers) and the speakerphone is not turned on.

It is better not to poke your nose into the last three sections:

Debug Info- it is not clear for what - infa on the backup of information or its debugging;

Speech Logger- I did not fully understand, most likely, keeping a Log during negotiations or recording chatter. If you check the box next to "Enable speech log", then after the end of the phone call, the corresponding files are created in the root directory of the memory card. Their name and structure takes the following form: Wed_Jun_2014__07_02_23.vm (Wednesday_July_2014__time07_02_23.vm).

What these files are for and how they can be useful to us is not clear. The / sdcard / VOIP_DebugInfo directory (which is the storage location for files with backup information) is not automatically created, if you create it manually, then after a conversation it will remain empty.

Audio logger- good software for sound recording, which supports fast search, playback and saving.

If you approach these modes wisely, you can adjust the volume of Android smartphones or tablets as you like. When entering any of the modes, different volume settings (Type) will become available to your eyes. Here is a list of the basic settings you need to know (Figure 4):

picture 4

Sip- settings for internet calls;

Mic- microphone sensitivity settings;

Sph- settings for the spoken dynamics (the one that we apply to the ears);

Sph2- settings for the second spoken speaker (I don't have one);

Sid- we skip, when you change these parameters during negotiations on your smartphone or tablet, you can hear yourself instead of the interlocutor;

Media- setting the volume level of multimedia;

Ring- volume level adjustment incoming call;

FMR- FM radio volume settings.

Further, under the item for choosing settings, we have a list of volume levels (Level) (Fig. 5). For a better understanding - there are 7 such levels, from level 0 to level 6. Each level corresponds to one "click" on the volume rocker of a smartphone or tablet. Accordingly, level 0 is the quietest level, and level 6 is the loudest signal level. Each level can be assigned its own values, which are in the Value is 0 ~ 255 cell, and should not go beyond the range from 0 to 255 (the lower the value, the lower the sound). To do this, erase the old value in the cell, then enter the new (desired) value and press the “Set” button (the one next to the cell) for assignment (Fig. 6). Be careful when using maximum values, as the speakers can produce uncharacteristic unpleasant sounds such as rattles and other unpleasant effects.

figure 5 figure 6

A warning! Rewrite all factory defaults before making any changes (in case something goes wrong).

You should know this!

Editing modes in the engineering menu

Example 1. How do I increase the volume of an incoming call?

To do this, you need to go to the engineering menu, print the "Audio" section, go into the "LoudSpeaker Mode" and select "Ring" in the volume settings - the volume settings for the incoming call. Then sequentially change (increase) the values ​​of all signal levels (level 0 - level 6). You can also increase the value of the Max Vol section for greater effect. 0 ~ 160, if it is not maximum (I set it to 155 for myself, with a higher value the speaker starts to "wheeze").

Example 2. How do I increase the volume while talking on the phone? (Increase the volume of the small speaker that we put to the ear).

Again we go into the engineering menu already known to us, print out the "Audio" section, go to the special "Normal Mode" mode, select Sph in it - this parameter is responsible for changing the value of all signal levels in the range from level 0 to level 6. Set the required us level. In the Max Vol. 0 ~ 160, also can be changed to a higher volume power value.

Example 3. Increase the volume and sensitivity of the smartphone's spoken microphone

To adjust and set the required volume level as well as the sensitivity of the spoken microphone, you need to go to the "Engineering menu"> "Audio"> "Normal Mode"> select Mic - microphone sensitivity settings, and for all levels (level 0 - level 6) we assign one and the same value, for example 240. Now the interlocutor should hear you better.

Example 4. How do I increase the volume of audio recording while filming?

Let's say that it becomes necessary to increase the volume of sound recording during video recording, then in engineering menu for our loudspeaker (LoudSpeaker Mode), change the microphone sensitivity settings (mic), increase all values ​​at all levels (level 0 - level 6), for example, set 240 at each level. I remind you about pressing the (set) button - reload your favorite gadget and rejoice.

By the way, do not forget to press the “Set” button after each editing of a certain parameter. This action should fix and accept your command for execution. Otherwise, user-installed parameters are not activated. In addition, a certain number of mobile devices require a reboot in order for the changes to take effect (turn off and turn on the device).

Good luck with your experiments, if something is not clear - write in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you.

Code table for entering the engineering menu

smartphones based on MTK processor * # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 8612 # * # *
Samsung * # * # 197328640 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *
Htc * # * # 3424 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *
Huawei * # * # 2846579 # * # * or * # * # 14789632 # * # *
Sony * # * # 7378423 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 3649547 # * # *
Fly, Alcatel, Philips * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # 9646633 #
Prestigio * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 83781 # * # *
ZTE *#*#4636#*#*
Philips * # * # 3338613 # * # * or * # * # 13411 # * # *
TEXET *#*#3646633#*#*
Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
Blackview * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # 35789 # *
Cube * # * # 3646633 # * # * or * # * # 4636 # * # *
Cubot *#*#3646633#*#*
Doogee * # * # 3646633 # * # *, * # 9646633 #, * # 35789 # * or * # * # 8612 # * # *
Elephone *#*#3646633#*#*,
HOMTOM *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#3643366#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*

Note: the table is constantly updated

  • Telephone
  • USB cable
  • Charger
  • Headset
  • Phone case
  • User guide


In June 2013, we attended the presentation of the Huawei P6 smartphone and after it we promptly wrote a rather detailed "first" acquaintance with the device. Therefore, I will not “spread my thoughts along the tree”, talking about the presentation itself and the positioning of this device.

Frankly speaking, I very rarely expect from Huawei specific models as they differ little from other Chinese gadgets. In the recent past, Honor singled out for itself: a perfectly assembled smartphone, good filling and a more than reasonable cost even at the start. Later, the company got a slim and elegant Ascend P1, and quite recently the P2 came out - quite an interesting upgrade of the previous model. There were other gadgets, but I could not choose something original for myself.

Slowly, photos of the new device from Huawei began to "leak" into the network. Moreover, what I saw in the photo did not bear much resemblance to Huawei products: it was very stylish and subtle, and according to rumors, the new product possessed metal case... Some time after the presentation, it became clear that the thinnest smartphone in the world turned out to be the Ascend P6. And it really was made mostly of metal and glass.

It's no secret that I use the iPhone 5, and before that I used the "four" with the letter "S". I bought these phones not because some device from Apple is necessary for the status, not because there is a MacBook at home and at work, but because it was convenient to use, the materials of the case inspired confidence, it is banally pleasant to hold in my hands. Actually, I told all this because even before I personally met the P6, even from photographs and screenshots of the user interface, it reminded me of something in between the iPhone 5 and 4S, only on Android. I wrote many times in reviews that there is nothing to be ashamed of to create your products based on the designs of others. However, this must be done efficiently. So, Huawei Ascend P6, in my opinion, is one of the best "copies" Apple iPhone in the operating room Android system... And I like it!

Design, dimensions, controls

It's been a long time since original phones have come to my review in terms of design. Anyway, now you rarely see a beautiful "android" -smartphone, basically the manufacturer focuses on the coolest specifications almost never paying attention to appearance: black faceless bricks with huge screens, thick display bezels, plastic cases, but with ten cores, gigapixel cameras and all sorts of smart marketing chips.

You will not find advanced features in Huawei P6, but when you take this smartphone in your hand, you will understand what the ideal balance of weight, dimensions and body materials is. I've always liked angular phones, they look stricter in my opinion. The shape of the Ascend P6 case is rectangular with slightly rounded corners. If the length and width of the device (132.65x65.5 mm) do not cause any special emotions, then the thickness of only 6.18 mm is amazing, since even the iPhone 5 is 7.6 mm thick.

Basically, the P6 can be considered the thinnest smartphone in the world. Although the Chinese company Umeox announced a gadget with a thickness of only 5.6 mm. It is said to be shown at this year's IFA. Huawei weighs 120 grams, only 8 grams heavier than the iPhone 5, but lighter Samsung Galaxy S4 by 10. Yes, I do not argue, the Galaxy has a five-inch display, but the body is made entirely of plastic.

The Ascend P6 fits perfectly in your hand, it feels like holding a slightly larger iPhone 5 or rather the iPhone 4S. Of course, all this is due to the materials: on the left, right and on top there is an aluminum insert, separated by thin partitions, as in Apple phones. By the way, these parts also serve as antennas. The bottom edge, extending 6 mm from the front and back, is made of durable matte plastic, rough to the touch. The back panel is also metal with horizontal polishing. The front panel and, of course, the screen are protected by durable Gorilla Glass. I have been using the device as my primary phone for three weeks. During this time, not a single large scratch appeared on the display, although for honest testing I used the gadget carelessly: I carried it in my backpack along with other phones, put the front part on a tile, brick, and so on. In general, the surface has passed all the tests. The rear panel, surprisingly, was not scratched either, although it was painted black. In general, only two colors have gone on sale so far: white and black. At the presentation, the P6 was shown in pink, but it will probably appear with us later. By the way, the set includes a cover to match the phone's color, and the UI theme also harmoniously fits into the overall style and color of the device.

The body is monolithic, i.e. it has no removable elements, except for two metal skids for a memory card and a SIM card. The assembly is perfect: not the slightest backlash, squeak, does not crunch or bend when compressed. In general, if you have ever held an iPhone 4S in your hands, then you will have an idea of ​​the quality of the Huawei P6.

On top of the front panel there is a speaker covered with a thin black metal mesh. Its volume is relatively high, perhaps I would have liked it more, but it was almost always enough. You can hear the interlocutor perfectly: the sound is clear, the intelligibility is excellent, there is no echo, there are no extraneous sounds. They also hear you well.

An indicator is located next to the speaker on the left. It signals the battery charge, its discharge, missed calls or messages. In addition, there are a couple of sensors - proximity and lighting. There is a small inscription "HUAWEI" under the screen.

The bottom edge is smoothed, and the main microphone is located on it. At the top there is a microUSB without a cap and a second microphone.

At the bottom left - a jack for connecting a headset or headphones. Closed with a cunning metal plug in the form of a float. Its end can be used as an "iClip" to push out the compartments with a memory card and microSIM, which are located on the right side.

There is also a power button and a volume rocker. Both are metal, thin and almost recessed into the body. It is very convenient to use them. It is good that the lock / unlock key was not installed on the upper end, nowadays it is fashionable to do this in devices with screen diagonals more than 5 ".

On the back there are: a camera installed flush with the body, a small flash and at the bottom - a hole where the speaker is located. I liked that the manufacturer did not emphasize the logo and the name of the company too much - it was neatly applied with white paint on the back from the top in the center.

HTC One and Huawei P6

iPhone 5 and Huawei P6

Samsung Galaxy S4 and P6


This smartphone has a display with a diagonal of 4.7 inches. In my opinion, this diagonal is optimal for the average palm size. In my hand, the Huawei P6 lies perfectly, and it is comfortable to use it. The matrix is ​​made according to IPS technology, has maximum viewing angles, it has no air gap, so the image is perceived better as if it were on the glass surface. At the corners, the brightness is only slightly reduced, but there is no purple or yellow shades. The quality of the matrix is ​​excellent!

Display resolution - 720x1280 (HD) pixels. Today it is not the highest, but it is quite suitable for a 4.7-inch diagonal, pixelation is invisible. Perhaps, with FullHD on the same diagonal, it will be clearer, but it is difficult to catch this difference by eye.

The brightness of the screen matrix backlight is sufficient to read information in the sun without any problems. In shade or under normal lighting conditions, the brightness can be made even lower.

The touch layer is capacitive, supports up to 10 simultaneous touches. The sensitivity is high. It seems to me that at the present time there is no point in specifying the sensitivity, the days of low-quality "tache" in such gadgets have passed.

In the settings there is a color temperature adjustment from warm to cold shades. I set the slider a little further than the middle, since the matrix, in my opinion, took the colors into cold shades.


The device is equipped with a non-removable lithium-ion (Li-Ion) battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh. Well done Huawei, that such a capacious battery has been placed in such a thin case.

Those who often change smartphones to Android or simply test gadgets on this operating system know that the operating time of these devices is usually about the same, regardless of the battery capacity. Of course, if the device is not equipped with a 4000 mAh battery. Therefore, the P6 "lives" for 13-14 hours according to the following scheme: 20 minutes of calls, about 7 hours of 3G (background update of mail, twitter, etc.), 3-4 hours of active connection on the 3G network (browsing sites, reading Twitter, mail and so on), about an hour of photographing.

Lovers of watching videos can count on 5 hours: maximum brightness, maximum volume on headphones.

Communication capabilities

Smartphone works in GSM networks(850/900/1800/1900 MHz), HSDPA (850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz). Speed ​​HSDPA - 21 Mbps, HSUPA - 5.76 Mbps, EDGE - 236 Kbps, GPRS 32-48 Kbps. Unfortunately, there is no connection of the fourth (4G LTE) generation in this model.

There is Bluetooth version 3.0 with A2DP and EDR. Wi-Fi (802.11 a / b / g / n) supports DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance), a standard that allows compatible devices to transmit and receive over home network various media content (images, music, video), as well as display it in real time.

The phone can be used as a hotspot (Wi-Fi hotspot). For data transfer and synchronization, there is USB version 2.0 (On-The-Go).

A little surprised by the lack of an NFC chip. On this moment almost every smartphone in the high price segment is equipped with this wireless short range.

Memory, memory card

RAM device is 2 GB (on average, about 1.2 GB free). Internal memory 8 GB (free about 4.5 GB). The kit does not include a microSD memory card, the maximum amount that can be installed is up to 32 GB (most likely 64 GB cards are supported, but I have not tested).


This smartphone uses two camera modules. The main one is 8 MP, the front one is already 5 MP. Why the front camera is 5 megapixels is not entirely clear, since its quality is average and slightly worse than 2 MP in some Samsung Galaxy S / Note.

The maximum resolution for photos is 3264x2448 pixels, for videos - 1920x1080 pixels.

The manufacturer practically does not focus on the camera, and in the meantime, optics with F2.0 aperture are installed here! The viewing angle is not the greatest, i.e. the lens is not wide-angle - about 30 mm. The minimum shutter speed is 1/4000 s, the maximum is 1/8 s. The minimum ISO value is 100, but the maximum can be set automatically up to 5000! Not every soap dish is capable of working with this value. Naturally, a logical question arises: what about noise? Software suppresses noise very well, we can say that they are completely absent. However, you have to pay with the resolution: in fact, it remains the same, but when you zoom in, you understand that you cannot give more than 2 MP - the detail is reduced. On the phone screen, the picture looks perfect, on the PC you have to reduce it a little. In any case, the algorithm is unique, but certainly not comparable to the algorithm in the Galaxy S4.

Pictures on iPhone 5 and Huawei P6 are practically in the dark

The quality of the photos is very good. To make it easier to compare and understand: the picture looks about the same as on the iPhone 5, only with its own specific color rendition. But the white balance on the Huawei P6 is much better iPhone 5, even in the harshest lighting conditions. The P6 does a great job with exposure, focusing is fast and accurate. For me, the Huawei P6 camera was a revelation - it really takes great pictures in any lighting conditions.

The camera records video in resolution up to FullHD without automatic focus (for focusing, you need to click on the screen). There are several modes: for example, at 720p HDR is available (the quality is average, but the work is noticeable), tracking autofocus (not to be confused with normal autofocus), video with stabilization (the viewing angle is reduced to highlight the stabilized area), without stabilization. The quality is decent. The sound is recorded in stereo, the stereo base is wide, the sound is clear.

EXIF information from a photo file

Characteristics of the video file recorded on the main camera:

  • Format: MP4
  • Video: AVC, 20 Mbps
  • Resolution: 1920х1080, 30 fps
  • Audio: AAC, 96 Kbps
  • Channels: 2 channels, 48 ​​KHz

Sample photos on the main camera:

Examples of panoramas:

An example of a photo on the front camera:


V smartphone Ascend The P6 uses a proprietary chipset, i.e. of Huawei, a division of HiSilicon Technologies. Chip of the K3 family - V2E (Hi3620) - the second generation, the processor has 4 Cortex-A9 cores (the third generation is Cortex-A15), the frequency of each can be from 1200 to 1500 MHz, the technical process is 40 nm (the third generation is 28 nm), ARMv7 architecture. As graphics system- Vivante GC4000 (two eight-core chips, 16 in total).

The device works smoothly, there are no glitches or brakes. You can play any games - they go without problems. The only gripe is the impossibility of installing toys on a memory card: internal memory extremely little, at best enough for Modern Combat 4, and if you need something else, you need to delete the previous game.

Briefs and Benchmarks (GeekBench2, Antutu, Quadrant):

Shell and menu

It has its own shell called EmotionUI version 1.6 installed. You are greeted by a lock screen with a proprietary "lock". It contains: clock, date and a slider that can be moved to the right to unlock, to the left - to access the camera. The main screen is represented by widgets and icons, there is no menu - everything is like in the iPhone. Below are touch buttons "Back", "Home" and call earlier running applications... A little higher is the number of desktops, there are 9 of them in total (they are called by pinching or by holding your finger on the screen for a long time). Inactive ones can be deleted.

A notification panel is pulled out from above. It offers Wi-Fi, data transfer, GPS and more. All this is configured in a separate place.

Scrolling through desktops is accompanied by animation. It can be changed by holding your finger on the display and selecting Navigation.

The settings are standard, but conditionally divided into "General" and "All".

The manufacturer has installed several original applications: for example, "Installing Applications", " Backup"," System Update "," Rights Manager "and" Power Manager ". In the penultimate program, you can assign rights to applications: Push notifications, network access, access to personal data.

Overall, a beautiful and harmoniously fitting shell. At the beginning of the text, I wrote that a certain theme was installed in the device to match the color of the smartphone. For example, I had a black gadget on my review, the "Taste" theme suits it: a dark gray background image and dark brown icons.

The gadget works on the operating system Google android version 4.2.2 is one of the latest.

Calls and messages

In this section I will give only screenshots, since it does not carry anything original and interesting.


Music player ... You must launch the Music application. The screen will display: thumbnails of albums, selection of the required option with settings, player control. While playing a melody, the display shows the thumbnail of the album, player controls, settings and time. The settings contain:

  • Now playing
  • Add to playlist
  • Hand over
  • Set as ringtone
  • About composition
  • Delete
  • Settings
  • Output

In the settings, filtering by duration, displaying folders, activating sleep mode is set.

Above right, Dolby Mobile mode is turned on and ready-made presets are selected. There are 14 of them in total.

The volume in the headphones is high, I liked the quality, it sounds quite good. The bass may be a little lacking, but the mids and highs are excellent. The speaker volume is slightly above average. The thickness of the cabinet makes it difficult to place a large speaker.

FM radio... We hid it in the "Tools" folder. You need to connect headphones, they act as an antenna. The radio operates in the 87.5 - 108 MHz range. Above shows the frequency of the station, at the bottom - a scale, even lower - radio control (back to the station, forward, stop and play). You can save up to 8 "own" stations, output the sound to the speaker and see the list of stations.

Video player... There is no separate program, all videos are in the "Gallery". The device understands videos in MP4, AVI, 3GP format. The resolution can be up to 1920x1200 pixels, the bitrate is small, otherwise the frame drops. Dolby Mobile mode with presets is available in the player.


For a month of using the Huawei Ascend P6 smartphone, no network loss, problems with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth were noticed. The quality of communication is at the level of other similar devices.

To be honest, the P6 is almost the only device I would really like to buy after the test. I liked the design, body materials, the quality of the screen and the camera, it is worth mentioning separately the cool user interface and its smooth operation.

Of course, there are drawbacks, but for me personally they do not play a big role: no NFC chip - I never use it, no LTE - bad, but not critical, little memory - I don't play toys, for the rest it should be enough.

While one thing scares me off - the price. At the moment it is 20,000 rubles. It seems to me that Huawei overestimated Ascend by about 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. But this is just the start of sales, so I would like to believe that by the beginning of the school year the price will be slightly adjusted downward.

I will say banal words, but if you are looking for an analogue of the iPhone 4S or iPhone 5 on Android, then I recommend taking a closer look at the Huawei P6: it fits perfectly in the hand, metal, fast and cute.

Pros of Huawei Ascend P6:

  • Attractive appearance
  • Ergonomics of design
  • Body materials
  • Build quality
  • Thickness
  • Screen matrix quality
  • Camera
  • Shell
  • Smooth animation
  • Memory card slot
  • 2 GB RAM

Cons of Huawei Ascend P6:

  • Lack of LTE, NFC
  • Low onboard memory


  • Class: Smartphone
  • Body materials: glass and metal
  • Operating system: Google Android 4.2.2
  • Processor: 4 cores, 1.5 GHz, Huawei K3V2E
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Storage memory: 8 GB
  • Interfaces: Wi-Fi (b / g / n), Bluetooth 3.0, 3.5 mm for headset
  • Screen: capacitive, IPS 4.7 "with a resolution of 720x1280 pixels
  • Camera: 8 MP (main), 5 MP (front)
  • Optional: accelerometer, light and proximity sensors
  • Battery: non-removable, lithium-ion (Li-Ion) 2000 mAh
  • Dimensions: 132.65x65.5x6.18 mm
  • Weight: 120 g
  • PRICE: 20,000 (Q3)

Roman Belykh (