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Ruthless Sitemap HTML. How to create and send Sitemap files

Sitemap is a sitemap.xml file, where there is a list of all web site pages created to speed up the indexation of the resource. There is also a site map for users - it is rather similar to the table of contents in the book. The latter are called HTML cards and are a directory of the project pages displaying the hierarchy.

Today we will tell you how to create a sitemap.xml file yourself, upload to the site and add to search engines. We will analyze and create an HTML card.

Sitemap is a site map, reference catalog to categories, subcategories, project pages with support for the hierarchy (nesting level).Using SiteMap.xml, you can report Google and Yandex search engines, the level of nesting, number of pages and links to them.

Site map example

The most detailed information on the need to use Sitemap.xml is presented in the Yandex.Vebmaster and Google Webmasters directory.

  1. Google supported four formats of site cards - .txt, RSS, .xml and"Google Sites" (if the resource is made using the help of the same service of the Doba Corporation service). Yandex supports only .xml cards.
  2. Google does not support tag .
  3. For Google, be sure to add a link to the site map in the Robots.txt file - to designate it with accessibility to viewing.

To specify the path to the sitemap.xml file, you can use the webmaster account or specify a link to robots.txt file . It is better to do both. If you have a website with huge number Pages, site cards can be several. Standard Google Restrictions:

  • Size SiteMap file up to 50 megabytes.
  • The number of references is not more than 50,000 pieces.

Similar requirements plans Yandex search engine.

The importance of the site map cannot be underestimated. She today is one of the first steps at the beginning of work on SEO-promotion of the site.

Types of cards

You can select two types of site map:

  1. XML Sitemaps. - Designed on search robots, for collecting and processing all links - categories, subcategories, individual pages. It is a set of tags within which there are links to pages and articles.
  2. HTML Sitemap - for users. Is an separate pageconsisting of references broken in accordance with categories and subcategories. Less often - as the usual catalog of existing articles, if the categories themselves do not carry practical benefits. Often you can go from the menu on the main page.

Also, maps can be divided into manually created and generated using online services, plug-ins or modules.

How to create a sitemap.xml file

Creating a SiteMap.xml file implies the use of different ways:

  • Manual. You yourself through any editor (for example, NotePad ++) specify the tags and links in a specific order.
  • Services. Load the necessary links or enter the site address, you get the generated sitemap.xml file at the output.
  • Plugins / modules. Some sites sites (CMS) have built-in plugins that allow you to generate site maps in one press. Others - require additional installation.

It makes no sense to consider in the context of the article Creating a site map manual method, as the automatic coping just. Plus, the human factor is excluded. After all, you can always allow a mistake, do not close the tag or do something wrong.

Creating a site map using an online generator

Maximum simple process. Enough follow the instructions below:

This service allows you to generate a map for a site no more than 500 pages. There are other analogues working on the same principle.

Connection using plugins and modules

To begin with, let's stop at the most popular engine in the world - WordPress. We offer download the "Yoast SEO" plugin, it is universal and will be required to optimize pages to promote search engines. As a pleasant bonus through it, you can generate a site map. The instruction is as follows:

Ready Sitemap Created and Available at - That is, it is in the root folder.

In DataLife Engine (DLE), the card generator is already built-in and is available from the project control panel, for Joomla, you should use the OSMAP module, the XMLsitemap module can be used in the Bitrix XML file.

How to add a sitemap.xml file to the site and download to search engines

If the file is created by CMS, it is located at the root of the site. So, you must add a link to Yandex.Vebmaster and Google Search Console. Next, back to this process.

In case the file was created manually or using a generator, you need to download it before adding to the webmaster office. root folder Site. The easiest way:

Similarly, it is necessary to act with the rest of the sites where it is not possible to automatically generate a site map of the engine or additional module. Is that the level of attachment of the root folders may vary - a lot where to start you need to go along the path of public_html.

In the queue - adding to Yandex.Vebmaster. The instruction is as follows:

Upon successful completion, the robot will know where to look for the card and when visiting the website they will be indexed by all links various levels nesting.

To add a map file to Google Search Console, you need to do the following:

The presence of an XML site card () on the server is strategically important for optimization. The map stores the structure of the current pages of your resource and serves that the search robots faster focusing on the site, and your pages were faster indexed. In other words: the site map indicates search robots the shortest path to the pages. Here is such a carousel.

What is specifically located in the site map?

Sitemap file. XML contains not only the URL of pages, but also additional information Each page:

  • date last change;
  • change frequency;
  • priority at the site level.

Naturally, to register with handles this file is very difficult. Especially if you have a big online store. To simplify life was developedonline site map generator (Sitemap Generator Online)who performs all the routine work for you.

On the this moment There are quite a lot of resources for generating a map, in this article I will talk about the most popularonline generators.

How to generate Sitemap and how does this hello system work?

Almost all services aboutnine generation of site cards Work on the same principle. Even the interface is approximately the same one and the same, only the design of the design and location of the control buttons differs.

So you come to the typicalonline generator ... What are you likely to see? Right! URL entry field. Insert the site you need. For example, we will use the map generator.

Enter the address of our site, select the update frequency (if you need it), you can also use the last update date (to remember when the map was created) and click the "Create" button.

After pressing the magic takes place! You will be able to watch how hardworking service runs on your site, recording each page to the file. After such a marathon, the map generator gives you all your manuscript with the description of each page:

Now we need to save it. To do this, open a notebook, insert our code there, which we gave the hell system, press "Save As", then enter the file name "sitemap.xml. ", Select the type" All Files ", select UTF-8 encoding and press the Save button.

We received a file.sitemap.xml :)

Be careful with registers! The name of the site map must be in the lower register

If you did everything correctly, get such a file:

It is important to remember that the site map is not rubber - the ceiling is 50 000 URL.The finished card can be thrown over the server. The main thing, do not forget to register in Robots that you have a map! Robots harmful and will not look for her :)

If you decide not to use servicesonline Site Card GenerationAnd they wanted to go around the hardcore and write everything yourself, then you should know each of this list:

  1. - Тег в котором указывается данные об url
  2. - В этом теге заключаются данные о многих url
  3. - Используется для указания url
  4. - Хранит дату последнего изменения
  5. - Данные о частотности изменения (могу использоваться атрибуты « always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never» )
  6. Описывает приоритет страницы по сравнению с другими (от 0.1 - холоп до 1 - царь)

, и являются обязательными, остальные могут не использоваться.

Могучий пример

/сайт/ 2016-06-09T11:46:13+04:00 always 1.0сайт/category/ 2016-06-09T11:46:13+04:00 hourly 0.8сайт/page/ 2016-06-09T11:46:13+04:00 daily 0.6

Not royal is the case, files save

Of course not all online generators give you a code, many generate a ready-made site map in the form of a file "sitemap.xml. "You can only download it and throw in the root of the site.

And if you feel that work with files is not for you at all ...

The solution is! Sitemap Generator. For admin without registration and SMS.Consider more details on the example of WordPress admin.

Plugging "Site Map" used for small projects, it displays not such detailed information asonline generators Khopovsky files, but still works.

For installation, go to the Menu section Plugins\u003e Installed\u003e Add New

In the search, enter "Google Sitemaps"

We establish this plugin, activate and (BAC! WOW!) Site map created. It can be additionally configured manually (if you need it). There are also many other plugins to generate a site map. Not only for WP, but also for other CMS and every day there are more and more.

Sitemap XML generator: withovety

  • When creating a site map, you should not forget about the amount. If the file weighs more than 10 MB, it is recommended to split it into several parts. Thus, you will relieve the server from overloads.
  • All URLs must be written uniformly (with www or without www)
  • The site map file must have UTF-8 encoding
  • Always specify the XML language namespacexmlns \u003d "

The sitemap.xml file is a tool that allows webmasters to inform search engines on site pages available for indexing. Also, in the XML map you can specify additional page settings: the date of the last update, the frequency of updates and priority relative to other pages. Information in Sitemap.xml can affect the behavior of the search engine and, in general, the process of indexing new documents. Sitemap contains directives to enable pages in the queue bypass and complements Robots.txt containing page exclusion directives.

In this manual you will find answers to all questions regarding the use of sitemap.xml.

Does I need Sitemap.xml

Search engines use Sitemap to search for new documents on the site (it can be HTML documents or media content) that are not available through navigation, but they must be scanned. Availability of a reference to a document in Sitemap.xml does not guarantee its scanning or indexing, but most often the file helps large sites indexed better. In addition, the data from XML cards are used when determining the canonical pages, if it is not specifically specified in the REL \u003d Canonical tag.

Sitemap.xml is important for sites, where:

  • Some sections are not available through the navigation menu.
  • There are many isolated pages or poorly interconnected.
  • Used technology, weakly supported search engines (for example, Ajax, Flash or Silverlight).
  • There is a lot of pages and is the likelihood that the search craller will miss a new content.

If it is not your cases, then most likely sitemap.xml you do not need. For sites where every important page is available within 2 clicks where JavaScript or Flash technologies are not used to display content, where canonical and regional tags are used if necessary, and fresh content appears no more than on the site the robot comes into the file in the file Sitemap.xml is not necessary.

For small projects in the presence of a problem only a large level of document nesting, it is easy to solve with the help of an HTML site card without resorting to xML use cards. But if you decide that Sitemap.xml is still needed, then read this manual completely.

Technical information

  • Sitemap.xml is text file XML format. However, search engines also support text format (see the next section).
  • Each sitemap may contain maximum 50,000 addresses and weigh no more 50MB (10MB for Yandex).
  • You can use GZIP compression to reduce the size of the sitemap.xml file and increasing its speed. In this case, use the GZ extension (sitemap.xml.gz). At the same time, weight limit remains for uncompressed sitemaps.
  • The location of the Sitemap file defines a set of URLs that can be enabled in this Sitemap. The card containing the page addresses of the entire site should be located in the root. If the sitemap is located in the folder, then all the URL in this sitemap must be located in this folder or deeper ().
  • Addresses in Sitemap.xml must be absolute.
  • Maximum Length of URL - 2048 characters (1024 characters for Yandex).
  • Special mixers in the URL (type of ampersand "&" or quotes) must be masked in HTML essence.
  • The page specified in the map must give 200 HTTP status code.
  • The address listed in the address map should not be closed in the robots.txt file or in Meta-Robots.
  • Sitemap should not be closed in robots.txt, otherwise the search engine does not scan it. The file itself can be in the index, it is normal.

XML card formats

Search engines support a simple text format of the site map, where simply list lists the URLs of the pages without additional parameters. In this case, the file must have an UTF-8 encoding and have an extension .txt.

Also, the search engines are supported by the standard XML protocol. Google additionally supports sitemaps for images, video and news.

An example of a Sitemap file containing only one address.

https://сайт/ 2018-06-14 daily 0.9

XML tags
uRL (Mandatory) - Parental tag for each URL.
lOC. (Mandatory) - the URL of the document must be absolute.
lastMod. - Date of the last change of document in DateTime format.
changefreq - page change frequency (Always, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monchly, Yearly, Never). The value of this tag is a recommendation to search engines, not a team.
priority. - URL priority relative to other addresses (from 0 to 1) for the scan order. If not specified, the default is 0.5.

XML Image Card

Some optimizers are inserted into the sitemap.xml links to images as similar to the links to HTML documents. This can be done, but it is better for Google to use the expansion of the standard protocol and together with the urms to send additional information about the images. Create XML image cards is useful if the pictures need to scan and index, and at the same time, they are not directly available to the bot (for example, JavaScript is used).

An example of a site map containing one page and images belonging to it Вид на Балаклаву Севастополь, Крым

XML tags
image: Image. (MUST) - information about one image. Maximum can use 1000 images.
image: Loc. (MUST) - path to the image file. If CDN is used, then it is permissible to refer to another domain if it is confirmed in the webmasters panel.
image: Caption. - signature to the image (there may be long text).
image: title - Name image (usually short text).
image: geo_location - the shoot place.
image: License. - URL license image. Used with an extended search for pictures.

XML video card

Like the map for images, Google also has an extension of the SiteMap protocol for video, where you can specify detailed information about video content that affects the display in video search. The video site is needed when video is used on the site that the host locally is used, and when the indexation of these video is difficult due to the technologies used. If you bring video from YouTube on the site, then video-sitemap is not needed here.

Sitemap file for news

If there is a news content and participating in Google news on the news content and participation in Google news, it will be useful to quickly find your fresh materials and index all news articles. In this case, Sitemap must contain only the addresses of pages published in the last 2 days and contain no more than 1000 ulles.

Using multiple cards

If necessary, you can use multiple websites cards, combining them into one index sitemap. Several sitemap.xml are used in cases when:

  • The site uses several engines (CMS).
  • The site has more than 50,000 pages.
  • You must configure the convenient tracking of errors in the sections.

In the latter case, each large section of the site has its own sitemap.xml and all of them are added to the webmasters panel, where it is convenient to observe, in which of the partitions most of all errors (see the search for errors in the site map).

If you have 2 or more sitemap, they must be combined into an index site, which also looks like a regular (except for the presence of SiteMapIndex and Sitemap tags instead of URLSET and URL), has similar limitations and can only refer to conventional XML cards (not for index) .

Sitemap index example: 2004-10-01T18: 23: 17 + 00: 00 2005-01-01

sitemapindex. (Mandatory) - Indicates the standard of the current protocol.
sitemap (Mandatory) - contains information about a separate Sitemap.
lOC. (Mandatory) - Sitemap location (in XML, TXT or RSS format for Google).
lastMod. - Time to change the sitemap. Allows search engines to quickly detect new URLs on large-sized sites.

How to Create Sitemap.xml

Methods for creating an XML Sitemap:

  • Internal CMS tools. Many CMS are already supporting the creation of a site map. To find out if you read the documentation for your CMS, see the menu items in the admin panel or contact the engine technical support. Load on your site https file: //, perhaps it already exists and is dynamically formed.
  • External plugins. If the CMS does not have a site generation functional, and it supports plugins, google, which of the plugins closes the sitemap.xml question for your engine and install it. In some cases, you need to refer to the programmers so that they write you a similar plugin.
  • Separate script on the site. Knowing the XML card and technical restrictions, you can create a sitemap.xml on your own by adding the generation script in CRON. If you are not a programmer, use other items of this list.
  • Sitemap generators. There are many suitemap.xml generators that scan your site and give a download card. The disadvantage here is that each time the site update it is necessary to manually generate a sitemap.
  • Parser. Desktop programs designed for technical analysis of the site usually provide the ability to download SiteMap.xml, generated on the basis of scanned pages. Works similarly to Sitemap generators, only runs locally on its machine.

Popular Online Site Map Generators

Allows you to get a sitmap.xml in several clicks. Supports XML, HTML, TXT and GZ formats. It is convenient to use for small sites (up to 500 pages).

A similar generator, but has a little more settings and allows you to create a map of up to 2000 pages for free.

It has many settings, allows you to import the URL from the CSV file. Free downloads up to 500 ylles.

It does not have limits on the number of pages for scanning. But for large sites, the generation process can hide for several tens of minutes.

Local programs for generating XML Sitemap

G-Mapper Sitemap Generator

Free desktop version of the site map generator under Windows.

Screaming FROG SEO Spider

Flexible site generation tool with multiple settings. Conveniently, if you are already using screenshots for other SEO tasks. After scanning the site, use the Sitemaps menu item -\u003e Create XML Sitemap.

Netpeak Spider.

Less flexible, but also a convenient solution for quick generation Sitemap.xml. After scanning the site, you must use the menu item tools -\u003e Generation Sitemap.

Greetings you, dear friends, on the pages site! Today I will show how to add Sitemap.xml in Google and Yandex. Let me remind you that the SiteMap file is a site map in XML format for search engines, which is not visible to blog visitors. It contains a list of site pages that must be indexed by search robots, information about the degree of importance and update frequency. Creating such a site map helps to improve the internal SEO site optimization.

How to add a sitemap.xml site card in the Yandex and Google webmasters panel

To add a Sitemap file to Google and Yandex, you need to create it first. Next, add a site in the panel for webmasters Yandex and Google and confirm the right to the site. If you have not done this yet, I wrote earlier, and.

Now go directly to adding a site map in search engines. Tell search engines about the presence of a Sitemap file in two ways:

  • Add the Sitemap directive to the Robots.txt file. More about this in the article ".
  • Add Sitemap files to search engines in Yandex.Vebmaster and tools for Google webmasters.

Even if you have already spelled out the path to the site map in Robots.txt, the fulfillment of the second method will not be superfluous.

We go to the Yandex.Vebmaster panel by reference, pre-authorized. Select the one in the list of added sites, whose Sitemap file wants to add to Yandex. In the left menu " general information "Choose item" Setting indexing"-" Sitemap files. " On the page that opens in a special field, we enter the full path to the site map and click the "Add" button.

Now the XML site map is added to the Yandex search engine and the Sitemap file will be in processing about two weeks.

If everything is done correctly, then in time it will be possible to observe such a picture:

As you can see, I added two files to Yandex: Sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz. The second is the Painted XML file generated by the plugin for WordPress Google XML Sitemaps. I think compressed file Sitemap add to Yandex is not necessary, since when you click on any of the buttons "more", you can see exactly the same information.

I left both Sitemap files added, as the blog indexing passes without problems, and I see no reason to change something.

If you need to delete the site map, click on the cross in front of the file name (see Previous Figure).

How to add a sitemap file to google

Everybody is done here. Authorizes in Google and enter the tools for webmasters on the link Select the desired site from the list and select the item in the left menu. " Site configuration"-" Sitemap files. " Press the button " Adding / checking the Sitemap file“.

A pop-up window will appear, where we enter the address of the site map and click " Send a Sitemap file". Please note that the address http: // Website / already automatically substituted and you need to add only the missing part.

As you can see add SiteMap.xml to Google And you can get information about it faster than Yandex.

Similarly, if necessary, checking the Sitemap file in Google. Only for this will need to click the button " Check the Sitemap file"In the pop-up window.

If you have errors when adding XML files to Google, delete files from the list (see Figure above) and try downloading them again.

Add Sitemap.xml to Yandex and Google We must once. Now, when new articles on the blog, the search engine will definitely not miss them when indexing, and the process itself will take place faster. The site map is automatically updated in Yandex and Google webmaster panels. Therefore, add each time new file. Sitemap is not necessary.

As you can see, nothing complicated. However, many just forget to add an XML site to search engines. Remind them by sending links to this article in social networks (buttons below).

In this guidebook, we will consider the following questions:

What is Sitemap?

This is a file that contains a list of links to all important site pages. That is, this document sends search engines to the main content on the site.

For what you need a site map

Sitemap is needed if the site has problems with indexing that are called:
1) a large number of pages;
2) lack of references (internal or external) on pages;
3) deep nestedness on the site (confusing structure).


Sitemaps are the following types:

  • HTML;

The simplest explanation of the difference between these formats is that the XML card is primarily intended for search engines, and HTML is for users.

HTML-card - it's just general review The site contains only information and pages that you need to see users. If you are on the site and look for a specific section, when you go to Sitemap HTML, you can easily find it. Despite the fact that this type of site cards is focused on the user, it can also help your ranking in search engines. This is one of the evidence that you care about the convenience of the site for the user.

When drawing up an HTML site card, it is important to consider:

1. Structured content.

The site map must be clear and convenient for user perception. It is desirable that it includes sections, categories, subcategories, etc.

2. Anchorage links.

Protocol XML cards The site is designed for search robots. The XML file contains information about when the URL was last updated, as far as important and how often changes occur.

Usually, Sitemap consists of the following XML tags:

- Determines the standard of the protocol and encapsulates this file.
- contains information about the URL (is the parent tag).
- Contains an absolute URL.

- Specifies the date of the last change of file.
- Indicates the file change frequency.
- Indicates the significance of the document on the site. Range of values: from 0.1 to 1.0 (default 0.5).

Do not install for each URL address too frequent file shift and maximum priority. If frequency and priority marks do not reflect the reality, most likely, search engines will be more inclined to ignore the entire XML card.

Other Sitemap formats

In addition to the above-mentioned site cards, search engines also support the following formats:

For Google:
- RSS, MRSS and ATOM 1.0;
RSS / Atom Fids must contain latest updates Your site. They are usually small and often updated (which is a plus).
- Google sites.
For sites created on the Google Sites platform, Sitemap is created automatically, and it is impossible to make any changes.

For Google and Yandex:
- Text format (TXT).
The file must be in the UTF-8 encoding and consist only of URLs.

Google and Yandex requirements for Sitemap files

1. Use UTF-8 encoding.
2. The maximum number of URLs is 50,000.
3. Links in the sitemap must be on the same domain as the file.

4. If the file is too big, divide it into several and specify them in the SiteMap index file.
5. Server response When accessing the file must be 200 OK.
6. Specify only the canonical addresses of the pages (without get-parameters and session identifiers).

1. Maximum size - 10 MB.
2. Supports Cyrillic URLs.

1. Maximum size - 50 MB.
2. Only digits and Latin letters are supported.

Common Error: To reduce the requirements for bandwidth Channels use GZIP archiver. The size of the sitemap must be 50 MB (10 MB) to compression, and not after.

Tip: Russians domain names You can convert using PUNYCODE encoding.

How to create XML Sitemap

1. To create a site map, first need to determine the canonical addresses that will be added to the file.

2. Determine which file format will be used.

3. Create a file can be manually or using the Sitemap generator.

Google in his help prepared a list of online and desktop, paid and free site card generators. You can get acquainted with all the list by clicking on the link.

Generate Sitemap is easier than it seems. We will analyze how to generate a sitemap, on the example of the Majento Deccting Application:

1. Parsim site.

2. Go to the section "Sites" \u003d\u003e "Generate Sitemap".

3. Save the format in the desired format.

4. Site map is ready.

From online XML generators of the site, the XML Sitemap Generator is noteworthy.

Advanced features of this server allow you to establish certain XML tags, enable / eliminate the necessary documents.

Exclude unnecessary pages can be used with regular expressions.

Google supports advanced syntax for images. To do this, you can create a separate site map for images or add syntax to the existing one. Using the advanced syntax in Sitemap provides a search engine for additional information about the images on the site. It can also help Google to detect and index the images that it cannot find when scanning the site.

As in the usual site map, there are mandatory and optional XML tags.

- similar to the tag Contains an URL of images and additional information.
- URL images.

- signature to the image.
- Place of shooting photos.
- Image title.
- URL licenses image.

Another advanced syntax that supports Google is an XML card for video.

Pros of adding XML tags for video:

1) gives to understand Google, what content on the site;
2) makes it possible to provide a detailed description of the file;
3) will be available for searching in Google video;
4) In search issuance will be displayed video Screensaver (can increase the number of transitions from search results).

The site map for video files consists of the following mandatory elements:

- contains the URL page on which video is posted; If one page placed more than one video, you do not need to create a tag every time , enough in one tag register several times For each video on the page.
- includes all video information.
- URL to a miniature image (screensaver) to video. Recommended dimensions: from 160 × 90 pixels up to 1920 × 1080. Image formats: .jpg, .png, or. GIF.
- The title that must match the title of the page on which video is displayed.
- Video description. Must match the page metapponia. The maximum number of characters is 2048.

Title and description video should be shielded or packed in the CDATA block.

With all XML tags, the site map for video can be found in Google Help.

Where to post a site map

Communicated misconceptions about Sitemap

Since many this file causes difficulties and is a "dark forest", certain myths arise in relation to the site cards. Consider some of them:

- "Enabling the URL to the SiteMap file for XML guarantees that it will be indexed."
Not. It is important to note that SiteMap XML files are only recommendations. The XML Site Map does not guarantee the indexing of the search systems of the pages specified in the file.

- "If I delete the URL from the XML card, it will be removed from the index."
Not. The XML Site Map does not exclude the indexation of pages not included in the XML card.

- "Sitemap XML files is difficult to create and maintain"
Not. Small sites can easily create and place their own XML files manually using the examples above as the formatting manual. For larger sites and sites that change more often, plug-ins or modules available for most CMS can automate the XML file update.


Sitemap file - useful tool To transmit search robots information about the structure of the site. Use this manual to understand how the site map works, how it is arranged, how to generate, place and check the file.

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