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How to clean the keyboard on a samsung laptop. How to clean a laptop keyboard from dirt, debris, spilled drinks! When to disassemble

We all love to eat in front of a laptop screen, turning on, say, our favorite TV series. Or have a coffee. Or gnaw nuts ... In any case, 99% of users can find food leftovers in keyboards, unless a laptop or computer is just unpacked and turned on. In addition to food, the keyboard accumulates in its bowels an incredible amount of dust, wool (if there are pets), hair and other debris. And, even if all this "wealth" is imperceptible from the outside, over time it will make itself felt by disruption of the keyboard: sticking or even failure of individual keys, or even failure of the entire input device. As you already understood, today's topic is how to clean a laptop keyboard at home and I will try to tell you about this procedure in as much detail as possible.

So, it's decided to keep your keyboard clean. How to do it? It all depends on how long and in what conditions the keyboard has been used, on the neatness of the owner and, of course, on the place where the laptop is. If you work, for example, in a cement warehouse, then dust will accumulate not only in the keyboard, but also inside the laptop. By the way, if your laptop freezes or shuts down on its own, I recommend reading the article "". Why read it, you ask? If the laptop is dusty, then you may have problems with your laptop components and also decrease the performance of the device.

Some specific and obvious contamination cases will require special action. Therefore, read the article carefully. I will tell everything possible ways"Hygiene" in relation to this device in order, and at the end of the article I will devote to the basics of "first aid" when filling a laptop with liquid.

External cleaning

The easiest way to make the keyboard look "decent" is to take a cloth (dry or slightly damp) and go over all the keys, brushing off the dust and wiping off the dirt. Take special care to remove the end of the keys, as this is where hand grease and dust accumulate.

IMPORTANT: before carrying out any manipulations to clean the keyboard, it must be disconnected from the computer... If we are talking about the laptop keyboard, then you need to turn off the power of the laptop and remove the battery.

A rag or sponge will help you clean the keyboard visually. However, often the main "stocks" of debris are not on the keys, but under them or on the side. And in order to extract them from there, more serious funds will be required.

First, use a brush. You can find special brushes for cleaning the keyboard on sale, but they can be replaced with any soft brush for painting, a small paint brush, and you can even use a toothbrush (it is convenient to use when cleaning the keys). Thoroughly brush between the keys, trying to grab as much space underneath them and extract all the dust. You will be surprised how much there really is. Try not to press hard on the brush, as there are fasteners under the keys, which from your pressure may not withstand and break. Next, I'll show you how they look.

Let's go further. A brush is handy and inexpensive, but it won't help if dirt gets deep inside the keyboard. And the design of the buttons on some keyboards will not allow you to get out all the dust and dirt. And in this case, a balloon with compressed air... You can find it in almost any computer store, and its use should not raise any questions: you just point the spout inside the keyboard and press the trigger (or the spray button) - and all the debris is blown out of the keyboard under the pressure of air. Compressed air cleaning is enough effective method, and it can really make life easier for the keyboard, but it has a drawback.

All the dust from the keyboard just flies into the air, and then it will also need to be collected somehow. To make cleaning easier, I recommend removing everything from the table and leaving only your laptop. Also, the laptop can be laid out on the floor to quickly and easily collect debris from the keyboard.

Vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard

So we come to the "heavy artillery" in the matter of cleaning the keyboard. Removing dust with an air stream is quite effective, but we need the dust not to scatter, but, on the contrary, would collect somewhere, for example, in a vacuum cleaner. The solution is obvious - a vacuum cleaner! But do not rush to pounce on the keyboard with a household vacuum cleaner. Let me remind you that a laptop is a relatively "delicate" device, and therefore for cleaning the keyboard better fit car vacuum cleaner or even a dedicated keyboard vacuum cleaner. With its help, you can get dust from even the most inaccessible places.

If you can choose the power in your vacuum cleaner, then that's great. Set the power to the smallest and try it in action.

If you want to clean your keyboard at home, I have another idea. You can take a regular hair dryer and blow it through your keyboard. When you purge the keyboard, be sure to switch it to cold air, as hot air can harm your faithful friend.

Isopropyl alcohol

We removed the dust, but sometimes other contaminants remain on the keyboard and inside it - traces of sweets, sticky drips from drinks, etc. Against such dirt, a vacuum cleaner and any other dry cleaning products are powerless. But even in this case, there is a solution: take isopropyl alcohol (or a cleaning agent based on it) and apply it on a cotton swab, and then clean it with it. The cotton swab will help you walk between the keys and in other hard-to-reach places, while isopropyl alcohol will remove any dirt that has lodged there.

IMPORTANT: never use ethyl alcohol to clean the keyboard. Otherwise, together with the dirt, letters from the keys may come off. Then you have to buy new keyboard or stickers for your keys.

And, finally, if all the means have been tried, and some keys do not work, or stick, crackle when pressed, etc., you will have to look at the problem "from the inside", that is, disassemble the keyboard.

Removing keyboard buttons when cleaning

IMPORTANT: if you disassemble the entire keyboard or remove several buttons, be sure to take a photo of the keyboard "before", so that later you do not have to rack your brains and remember where which key was located. If you have already disassembled the keyboard and are wondering where to insert the keys, then you can find images on the Internet. Enter your laptop model in the search and pay attention to the pictures. And one more thing: remember that any mechanical tampering will destroy the warranty, so be careful.

To begin with, I recommend removing the keys that you think are problematic. For example, they are badly pressed or make extraneous sounds. I would also recommend starting with a key that you very, very rarely use. If something does not go as you planned, then you will not worry about a breakdown.

To remove the button, it is enough to pry it with something sharp (a screwdriver, knife or thin knitting needle) from one edge, then carefully do it from the adjacent corner and so on in a circle until the button is removed. Usually the mechanism is as follows - insert, for example, a knife into the upper right corner and lead it to the bottom. Then the key will rise up.

In keyboards, the keys are held on plastic latches, so be careful when removing and do not use significant force. Once the buttons are removed, use the same cleaning agents I mentioned above: compressed air and cotton swabs with a cleaning agent. Now that the buttons are in full view, you can definitely get rid of all the dirt in the keyboard.

Remember that it is important to always be careful: if you are working with a cleaning agent, you do not allow it to "flood" into the interior of the keyboard, especially on the key contacts. If you have a vacuum cleaner in your hands, try not to collect small parts with the dust - buttons and fragments of fasteners.

When all the keys are clean, you need to insert them where you got them from. Open the photo on your phone or camera, where you took the photo of the keyboard "before". Then carefully insert all the keys back. There is a video below that will show you how to remove and insert the keys into your laptop. But I want to note right away that manufacturers may have a slightly different mechanism that holds the key. Therefore, be careful! You can also through search engine find an example of parsing your brand's keys. Below you can see what the mechanism looks like under the Samsung NP300E5C key:

And, finally, I will give you a slightly exotic tool, not very common among computer masters.

Such sticky elements made of material, similar to rubber, can be bought on the Internet, for example, in China on all well-known sites. The way to use them is as follows: you put this "slime" (by analogy with a toy popular among children) on the keyboard and press down a little. Due to its properties, the substance penetrates between the keys and collects all accessible dust and dirt. Then you simply "peel off" this mass, freeing the keyboard from dirt.

Why did I give this method at the end of the article? Firstly, we need to look for this material and secondly, it seems to me, a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air, or better - they are both in tandem, will be much more effective than this "slime".

In order not to bring the keyboard to a deplorable state and save its life, and yourself - nerves and money, carry out the cleaning procedure regularly. As you can see, this is not difficult at all.

If liquid is spilled

Important information in case you knocked a glass of drink on your PC or laptop keyboard and do not know what to do. The procedure is not complicated, but the further viability of not only the keyboard, but also the entire laptop will depend on the speed of its execution:

As soon as liquid is spilled, turn off the power:

If the battery is not removed, energy will flow into the laptop. In this case, a short circuit may occur and you will have to contact the computer wizard anyway. To remove the battery, you need to turn the laptop over and now move the slider or sliders to the left or right side simultaneously. In the picture above, we see that there are 2 of them.

Turn the laptop over and drain as much liquid as possible. You can leave the laptop in this position for 2-5 minutes so that the liquid spills out as much as possible. Liquid is a very dangerous substance for a laptop. If the motherboard burns out, the repair will cost 30% - 50% of the laptop's price.

Dry your laptop with a hair dryer with a cold air blower.

If, in your opinion, a lot of liquid has got inside, it is necessary to remove the keys and eliminate the consequences of the flood. It is possible that contact with liquid will oxidize the contacts of some keys. In this case, repairing them without the intervention of a master is indispensable.

I hope that my recommendations will help you and you will solve your problem. You can leave your experience in solving this problem in the comments so that users who will read this article can use them.

Your laptop keyboard needs regular cleaning to remove dirt, dust and crumbs. A clean keyboard affects appearance laptop and extends its lifespan. However, you must be careful when cleaning it to avoid damaging it.

  • small portable vacuum cleaner;
  • a tiny brush and other tools that will be covered in the article.

Step 1. Turn off your laptop.

This is the first thing you need to do before you start cleaning your keyboard to prevent the risk of damaging your laptop. Remove USB devices, mouse, and any drives that might be plugged into the laptop.

Step 2. Collection of materials.

To thoroughly clean your keyboard, you will need:

  1. A cup or container is large enough to hold all the keys on your keyboard.
  2. Medical alcohol.
  3. Cotton buds.
  4. Dishwashing liquid or any other mild detergent.
  5. Paper towels.
  6. Flat screwdriver.
  7. Towel.

Most of these materials are probably already in your home, but they are very cheap anyway.

Step 3. Turn the laptop upside down, shake it, or lightly tap the back to remove any particles that may be lurking in the gaps between the keys.

Step 4. Clean up the buttons.

If necessary, you can remove them, but only if you know how to put them back in. First of all, make sure they are removable and easy to change. Then arm yourself with a knife, flathead screwdriver, or something similar. Take extra care when removing them, as fragile plastic joints break easily.

Keep the buttons in a bowl or anywhere else they won't get lost. Buttons such as enter or spacebar are best left. They are large and much more difficult to attach than letters and numbers. To clean them, add dish soap to warm water and rinse them lightly.

Step 5. Take wet wipes and use them to wipe the touchpad first and then the keyboard area.

You should use a fabric that does not leave lint, such as microfiber rags specially designed for this purpose. Dip it in the solution:

  • isopropyl alcohol and warm water;
  • detergent for dishes in warm water;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Wipe off excess moisture to prevent it from dripping into the laptop and damaging it, and wipe the top, bottom, and edges of the keyboard.

Important! If you are using a special cleaner, sprinkle it on a cloth and then wipe the keyboard with it. Do not spray it directly onto the laptop.

Step 6. It is important that the keyboard is dry before using the laptop, especially if cleaning with liquid solutions. Leave the lid open. If you are, put them on the table and dry them.

Video - How to remove and clean a key on a laptop keyboard

Alternative keyboard cleaners

Human inventive mind knows no bounds, and since keyboard contamination is not uncommon, people have come up with many alternative remedies, each with its own characteristics.

Super Clean GYU is a jelly-like mass that slowly spreads over the keyboard, collecting dust and crumbs.

It is actually able to collect some of the debris from the keyboard, but it will not help get rid of the dust and debris that is clogged deep

Up to 300 rubles per package
Portable keyboard vacuum cleaner with brush. Connects to a computer via USB.

When you see a solid layer of dust, and the apple, hp, acer or asus icons are no longer visible behind the husks from the seeds, a serious keyboard cleaning is outlined. How to clean it? Your input device requires careful handling. In the event of a breakdown, the same model may not be found in stores, or it may be expensive even in comparison with the original purchase price. But cleaning the keyboard in different ways is useful knowledge and invaluable experience. How to properly clean the keyboard and in what cases is this procedure required?

When do you need to clean the keyboard

The keyboard needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent problems with the device. Preventive measures of this kind are important in order to keep the original appearance and working appearance for longer. But there are cases when urgent cleaning is required:

  1. The keys began to stick, sink when pressed. May remain in the same pressed position due to strange stickiness at the edge or at the base.
  2. For the key to work, you need to press several times.
  3. The buttons, the keyboard, the space between the buttons are "decorated" with stains, dirty layers and stripes.
  4. By pressing the buttons, strange sounds(not a soft click, but a creak or an unpleasant squeak).
  5. With the naked eye, you can see that between the keys is full of debris, dust, crumbs, pieces of paper, and the buttons themselves are dirty, sticky.

How to disassemble the keyboard

Cleaning should be not only the external case, but also the internal one, so even before the question of how to rinse the keyboard of a laptop or computer, an additional step is needed. How to disassemble the device? The analysis of the device on a laptop and a computer is significantly different. Therefore, we will consider two options for parsing the keyboard to avoid additional difficulties or breakage. You also need to figure out how to safely clean the contacts, wash the buttons, and work with fasteners.

On laptop

  1. Take pictures of any keyboard before disassembling to avoid the situation “Where was this button?”.
  2. Unplug the laptop, the battery must be removed.
  3. Buttons with different functionalities are attached in different ways. The mechanisms by which this happens are called microlifts. After removing the plastic part, set it aside together with the mount.
  4. To clean the laptop from dust, start disassembling with the letter keys. By snapping off the plastic button, you will see a pair of fasteners that need to be snapped off with tweezers where the microlift is fixed vertically.
  5. Handle the side mounts carefully, take your time, they are very fragile. Removing all microlifts at the same time threatens to break.
  6. Next, go to the buttons for which the microlifts are different. The PgUp, PgDn keys, cursors, the letter Y button under their plastic button are attached with a black / white fastener. We remove the ears from the hooks (on the left side, top and bottom).
  7. Space and Shift are removed in the same way, but differ in that there are not one latches per button, but two.
  8. The last buttons are alt, fn, ctrl and win. To remove them, the side ears are displayed on the right (top and bottom).
  9. Then remove the black stencil. On it, each button corresponds to the desired triangular elastic band.
  10. Under the stencil is a three-layer base film with contact points. They suffer from short circuits when spilled liquid on the keyboard. The layers are very thin and brittle, so work with extreme care to avoid damaging the backing film.

For computer

  1. We disconnect the keyboard from the computer, take pictures from the outside.
  2. It will be more convenient to work on a table sent with a tablecloth. The keyboard turns over, with a Phillips screwdriver all the bolts are unscrewed. First, unscrew in the center, then along the edges, fold everything separately on a tablecloth or in any convenient container.
  3. We separate the parts of the case. Raise the upper part, remove the keys, prying with a screwdriver along the edge. The button will go up and jump off the mounts.
  4. How to remove the buttons "Space", Enter, Shift? They are additionally fixed with metal fasteners; more efforts must be made to remove them from the fixation.
  5. To replace the LED or cord, remove the bottom of the keyboard, then the control board. You will see a thin film with contacts: you shouldn't touch it.
  6. After cleaning and replacing everything, the keys are put into place and fixed by pressing the finger until a characteristic click. Gather all the buttons on the top of the keyboard, align with the bottom, close all latches.
  7. Install the previously extended bolts into the inverted body, twist it halfway so that the body does not move and all the parts fall exactly into their nests. Your keyboard will work for a long time, efficiently, quietly.

How can I clean the keys

The keyboard is disassembled, the keys are all neatly stretched out, let's start cleaning them. There are many ways to combat dirt, stickiness, and creepy streaks on your keys. Each cleaning method differs in labor intensity, strength, amount of time and money spent on the process. Choose how to thoroughly clean your keyboard according to your preference and capabilities.

Suitable cleaning materials:

  1. Alcohol wipes. The process is lengthy in time, since each key will have to be thoroughly wiped with wet or alcohol wipes. But the result will be as ideal as possible, because you have approached each detail individually. Plus, the moisture on the surface of the buttons after such cleaning quickly evaporates, you do not need to wait long for the end of drying.
  2. Hairdryer cleaning. Blowing out an inverted keyboard with a hair dryer is a very quick and easy process. Even with the help of a hair dryer, the liquid spilled on the keyboard is dried.
  3. Cotton buds. We'll have to tinker, but with a cotton swab it will turn out to clean the buttons and the space between the buttons. The main thing is to change the cotton swabs often and, if desired, moisten them with diluted isopropyl alcohol (it will not damage the paint, unlike ordinary alcohol). You can also replace the cotton swabs with a brush.
  4. Specialized vacuum cleaner. If you are looking for how to clean your laptop keyboard at home, a dedicated keyboard cleaner is available for surface cleaning. Another assistant device is a car vacuum cleaner. It is easy to buy a special aerosol can with compressed air to blow everything well in the keyboard.
  5. Slime. A well-sticky special tool helps to effectively clean the laptop from dust or stickiness. Slimes are sold in stores or prepared on their own at home. - detailed instructions... The sticky consistency tends to cleanse the most picky areas and at the same time does not completely stick to the device.
  6. Water procedures. Putting all the keys in a container, fill it with warm water, add a little washing powder or detergent. Leave for a couple of hours and dry after cleaning. The main thing is to carefully check all the buttons inside. They should be free from moisture and dirt.

How to properly clean your keyboard

When the keyboard is already disassembled, the correct algorithm is needed further action:

  1. Wipe with a damp, regular cloth large microcircuit... We go around the green part so as not to harm.
  2. We are engaged in cleaning the buttons from dirt.
  3. The back and front covers are washed with warm water or wiped with napkins.
  4. Be sure to dry all the details well and assemble our device. If the keyboard does not work after assembly, disassemble it, check everything to the smallest details and reassemble.

Video tutorials: how to clean your keyboard at home

Service centers will be happy to clean your device, but wouldn't it be better to do a useful job yourself? Watch educational videos on how to clean your keyboard at home. Processing from dust, spilled liquid on a laptop keyboard, superficially, without removing the keys - you will learn all these nuances by watching an informative master class.

Learn new things, take information literally "first hand"! Professionals will share their experience with newbies in this business. The video will open the nuances of choosing a method, such as liquid, "general" cleaning. This way you can easily avoid the hassle and keep your favorite keyboard working well. Find the method that suits you and you will succeed the first time!

Cleaning the laptop from dust and spills

How to clean your computer keyboard without removing the keys

Today, laptop or Personal Computer has become an integral attribute of a person, both at home (in the apartment) and in the office. We spend most of our time at the computer. Avid gambling addicts, programmers or designers, even have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the computer. However, this can have serious consequences for the computer keyboard. So, even a small amount of crumbs or pieces of food, getting on the keyboard, clog the keys, over time, they can completely disable one or more keys. While the keyboard of an ordinary PC is easy to clean, the keyboard of a laptop is much more difficult to clean! How do I clean my computer keyboard without breaking anything?


What is the threat of trash under the keyboard?

A dirty keyboard is bad. A dirty keyboard threatens you with lowered immunity, as dust and dirt are ideal breeding grounds for germs.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that preventive cleaning of the computer keyboard is required condition excellent functioning computer technology and your excellent health! Dust, various dirt and heavy dirt, especially drops of liquid spilled on the keyboard, can completely break the keyboard and even cause a short circuit.

And of course, from an aesthetic point of view, a dirty keyboard is, to say the least, unpleasant.

How often should you clean your laptop or PC keyboard?

First of all, it should be understood that, despite the apparent simplicity of cleaning computer keyboard, the cleaning procedure itself should be performed as carefully and carefully as possible.

Cleaning a laptop or PC keyboard is divided into two main types:

A deep cleaning of the keyboard can remove all dirt and dust from both the outside of the keys and under the keys. At the same time, surface cleaning can only remove dirt that is present on the keys, as well as, in part, between the keys.

It is recommended to surface the keyboard once a month. A deep cleaning of the keyboard is required once a quarter.

How do I clean my laptop keyboard?

The cleaning itself is carried out using special brushes and napkins. They can be bought both in specialized computer stores and in markets where components and computer hardware are sold. expendable materials... With the help of brushes, you can effectively remove dust, dirt between the keys. At the same time, the keys themselves can and should be cleaned with napkins. The procedure for cleaning keyboard keys with brushes and napkins is called superficial.

To clean the keyboard, it is not recommended to use liquids with aggressive, abrasive components, such as, for example, gasoline or acetone. If used, the keyboard could be damaged.
If you do not want to spend money on special tools for cleaning the keyboard, you can do with isopropyl alcohol solution and a soft cloth.

Important: You don't need to use a lot of isopropyl alcohol. Also try to be very careful not to erase the letters from the keyboard.

In the event that you require a stronger, thorough surface cleaning of the keyboard, then it is recommended to use special USB vacuum cleaners, or (more efficiently) a can of compressed air.
For deep and complete cleaning laptop or you should disassemble (dismantle the keyboard) and clean the keys and the keyboard itself from dirt.

Sometimes, after dismantling the laptop keyboard, cleaning it and reinstalling it, it does not work. The reason for such a breakdown is simple - you poorly secured the train.

How to clear laptop keys without removing the keyboard?

Cleaning your laptop keys without removing the keyboard is pretty straightforward. To do this, you need to turn off the laptop and, using a can of compressed air, clean the space between the laptop keys, then wipe the keyboard with cleaning liquid and a dry flannel cloth. This completes the procedure for cleaning the laptop, without removing the keyboard. If necessary, using a special screwdriver, you can remove the keyboard keys from the levers and wipe them with a cleaning agent, then reinstall them. Be careful and careful before this procedure. Before you start capturing the keys, take a photo of the layout.

Cleaning up the debris under the keyboard keys

Turn off your computer, disconnect it from the network. Then, gently detach the keyboard itself. After that, you need to turn the keyboard down with the keys, and also press the buttons several times and knock on the "keyboard" body with your palm. This will shake out the debris that is stuck between the buttons. Next, you should blow out the gaps between the keyboard keys with a can of compressed air or a special vacuum cleaner.
Second, you should clean up the keyboard keys. To do this, apply isopropyl alcohol to a cotton swab or other cloth and thoroughly wipe the keyboard surface. Finally, wipe the keyboard itself with a microfiber cleaning cloth.

More and more often we sit at the computer. Some communicate in social networks, others listen to music or watch videos, and still others work on the Internet. But you always need a keyboard to work with a computer. If it is dirty, then not only the appearance of the product deteriorates, but also the efficiency of work on the computer suffers. A heavily soiled or flooded keyboard may not function at all.

And without it, it is impossible to work on a computer. Sticky keys will also discourage work. computer system... To prevent the keypad from becoming unusable, you need to take care of it, in no case spill liquid on it.

Today you will learn how to clean a computer keyboard at home. Depending on the pollution, there is different ways cleaning your computer.

How to quickly clean the keyboard yourself

You can quickly clean the keyboard if the dirt is superficial in the form of a small layer of dust and crumbs.

If the dirt is insignificant, then just wipe the keypad with wet napkins, and blow out the debris between the buttons with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner using furniture nozzles or just a pipe without a nozzle

How can I clean the keyboard?

For a computer, you can buy a small USB powered vacuum cleaner. Use a special nozzle to carefully clean all corners of the keypad, removing any crumbs and dust between the keys.

Flip the detached keyboard over and shake... Crumbs, garbage will fly out of it. If not all of the crumbs are removed, tap lightly on the inverted keypad to get rid of any food debris.

You can use a computer vacuum cleaner. To clean the keyboard, use a special liquid sold in specialized stores. Remember to clean the keypad while the computer is off.

How to clean the keys on the keyboard

If the dirt is of moderate severity, then you can clean the fat deposits with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

Before wiping the keys with alcohol, test the sensitivity with the keyboard. The letters can wear out from this substance. To do this, wipe one key with a cotton swab.

If everything is fine, then we continue to remove fat deposits from the keys. Wipe between the buttons with a brush.

How to clean a computer keyboard at home using a slime.

Clean the keypad with a special slime cloth. After removing the rag from the bag, place it on the top corner of the keyboard and wait for it to completely spread over it.

Wait a few minutes, then remove it from this place. And so clean the entire keypad gradually. Slime penetrates into the most difficult places, collecting dust, dirt, killing bacteria.

How to disassemble and clean the keyboard on a computer

There are two ways to clean the keyboard when it is heavily soiled, by disassembling the keys.

1 way how to disassemble and clean the keyboard

2 way how to disassemble and clean the keyboard

With this method, the buttons do not need to be removed.

How to clean a flooded laptop keyboard acer aspire, hp pavilion, lenovo, macbook

There are 2 types of liquids that affect a laptop: aggressive and non-aggressive.

The more sugar and salt, the more aggressive the liquid. Plain water and unsweetened tea are non-aggressive liquids, coffee and tea with sugar are aggressive.

It depends on what liquid the laptop is filled with whether it will work or not. Weakly aggressive liquids that were the reason for flooding the laptop when taking the right measures are less dangerous than tea, coffee, and soda, salty mineral water, cause irreparable damage to the laptop.

Steps to take after flooding the laptop keyboard

  1. Unplug your laptop. Minutes of delay can lead to a short circuit.
  2. Extract from it HDD, flash drives, battery.
  3. Open the lid and pour the spilled liquid out of it. Wipe the remaining liquid dry with a cloth.
  4. We do not close the lid, but let the laptop dry naturally for two to three days.

How to clean laptop and netbook keyboard contacts

Never turn on the laptop without diagnostics. The laptop may work, but water that is not completely dry will lead to oxidation. Motherboard tends to draw in liquid, which can lead to significant damage.

We told you how to clean the keyboard of a computer, laptop and netbook at home. Take good care of the keyboard, clean, wash.

And most importantly, eat and drink where it should be - in the kitchen, away from your laptop. Five minutes of food in the kitchen will save you and your computer from many troubles and troubles.

And you don't have to contact service center for the repair of computer equipment.