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How to clean the laptop keyboard from spilled fluid. How to clean the keyboard on the laptop

If the laptop keyboard is filled or blurred with crumbs, it can be cleaned at home. How exactly, find out in the article.

Even if someone has not come across such a problem, as a keyboard flooded with any liquid (and this happens very often!), It's very often to clean it from the dust rushing, crumbs from eating or skin sala, which has each and with regular The use of the laptop remains on the keys, over time you will have to each. Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to wash, clean and refresh the keyboard, is very relevant.

Is it possible to wash the laptop keyboard?

You can, even need, especially if any liquid was spilled on it. Moreover, it is necessary to do this immediately, without waiting for it (tea, coffee, beer, cola, etc.) penetrates inside the laptop and will not spoil not only the keyboard, but also the other components.

Important: It is clear that it is not about washing with durable water and full immersion. You must carefully remove and clean the keyboard itself.

If the cleaning is carried out in order to get rid of dust, because the buttons began to fade, or for what reason, then for this you need to highlight the hours of two or three of its time, because the work has to be painstaking.
It is true, to attribute the device to service centerwhere specialists will work on it. You can do everything yourself.

How and what to clean the buttons on the laptop?

It is best to clean the buttons on a laptop isopropyl alcohol or a special keyboard fluid that is sold in the computer equipment departments.

Important: Before you proceed to cleaning the keyboard, the laptop must be turned off, disconnect from the network and remove the battery from it

If the "salvation" of the keyboard passes in an emergency mode, then you can not turn the laptop, just disconnect from the network and remove the battery

  1. Before removing the buttons, you need to progress, as correctly later return them in their own place. To do this, either take a picture of the keyboard, or lay the buttons in the same order as they were filmed (this method is only suitable when a person himself is engaged in the keyboard, so that no one moves these buttons while they are waiting for their return to the place, nor the child nor Animal, nor random movement of your own hand).
  2. Remove the buttons will help an ordinary knife, a small screwdriver or a nail file. The tool used is starting under the corner of the keys and carefully fit it upwards. Learning to shoot the keys from the laptop keyboard better, starting with some low-used keys, for example, from a solid sign or from the letter "E".
  3. You can flush the keyboard buttons with brush (toothbrush, napkin, cotton disk), removing them from it and lowering into the soap solution and cleaning the inner and outer surface from dirt and dust.
    Before mounting them on the keyboard again, they must be carefully dried.
  4. If it happened to neatly remove all the keys, then put them back will not be difficult. The key must be carefully attached to the desired position and then press it slightly. If the key is correct, the audible click must occur - the key has been fixed.
    For the keys more, space, SHIFT, ENTER, you may need to first adjust the metal fastening, but it is also not at all difficult.

VIDEO: How to remove and insert back the laptop key?

How and what to clean the keyboard from dust, garbage, dirt?

It is possible to clean the keyboard from dust and dirt by conducting surface cleaning, or making the "general".

  1. Surface cleaning includes wiping the keys is wet (not wet!) Napkin or cloth, cleaning the gaps between the keys with a brush, vacuum cleaner, a hairdryer or a sphawed aircraft.
  2. "General" cleaning means that you have to remove the keys, all or partially and rinse them with a soap solution or wipe the isopropyl alcohol.

The actions algorithm will look like this:

  • finish work on a laptop
  • disconnect it from the power source
  • take out the battery
  • take a picture of the keyboard, if the "General" is to be cleaned
  • conduct "cleansing" work
  • collect buttons on the keyboard

You can remove the keyboard buttons with a screwdriver.

There are special velcro rubber nozzles for cleaning the keyboard.
Such nozzle is superimposed on the keys and is slightly attached. Thanks to its properties, it fills the inner space of the keyboard and absorbs dirt out of it. After it is easily removed.

How and what to clean the bulk laptop keyboard?

A sprinkled laptop keyboard must be cleaned and dried, otherwise the fluid that spilled or poured the part to it, they will begin to make sure and fail. Worse, all sorts of coca-colas and other drinks can enter into chemical reactions with the details of the laptop, which will also lead to big problems with it.

  1. The buttons on the keyboard will have to be removed, wash and dry them carefully.
    You may have to disassemble the keyboard and on, removing and cleaner layers under the keyboard buttons (three film layers with contacts and tracks on them). If the fluid has been crying on or under these layers, they will also have to be removed and rinsed.
  2. The layers are connected and glued. They must be carefully separated from each other, trying not to hurt paths and contacts. First removes a rubber gasket that protects them. She is removed without problems.
  3. Each layer is washed and dried.
  4. A hair dryer will help to speed up the process, only its air jet should not be hot, contacts can be melted.

The question is how to rinse the keys and the inner layers of the keyboard remains open.

  1. Water, especially water with impurities - not best tool. If you use, then to take distilled water for this purpose.
  2. The best option is alcohol, ethyl 96%. He promotes well and will quickly disappear, and also wipe water.
  3. You can wash the same isopropyl alcohol.
  4. The rubber laying of the keyboard can be washed with flowing water from under the tap.

After wiping the layers, it is necessary to pay attention to the tracks - they should not be damaged. Unfortunately, if the keyboard flooded thoroughly, or time passed, the tracks may be damaged - oxidize, crumble, crack and so on. But they can be restored using a conductive lacquer. It is sold in auto shops. Such a varnish draws those parts of the tracks, which was damaged.
It is necessary to apply the lacquer, so that the closure does not arise between the tracks.

Video: L. cleaning keyboard

How to properly remove keys from a laptop keyboard: keyboard analysis

Buttons are located on the so-called elevators. They are made of plastic, their role is to ensure the mobility of the button.

  1. You can take the buttons first removing the surfaces of them closing, then the elevators on which the surfaces are located.
  2. You can also capture the buttons simultaneously with the elevators.
    After removing one surface of the button (with or without elevator), it can be noted that each of them has three or four holes. To connect elevators, each of which on one side is fixed by the hook, and on the other hand two latches. Distinguishing the elevator, first you need to disconnect the latches, and then the hook.
  3. Collect the washed and the cleaned keyboard is needed in the reverse order, guided by the keyboard photo, which is predefined to put all the buttons in your place: attach a button; hook the hook; Press the button where latches to hear a click and feel fixing the button.

How to clean the computer keyboard without disassembling?

Without viewing the keyboard, the computer is brushed from dust, crumbs and dirt:

  1. Vacuum cleaner (by a car vacuum cleaner). It needs to be adjusted to blowing, so that the resulting air wave foil crumbs and dust.
  2. With a sprinkled aircraft or compressor. In the same way, crumbs and dust blow out.
  3. With a hair dryer, setting it to blow cold (not hot !!!) jet air.
  4. After wiping with alcohol or special solution of the button and the gaps between them with cotton wand.

Laptop keyboard cleaning agent

There are special sets for cleaning laptops, which includes a special liquid, napkin and brush.

Of the homegrown means it is best:

  • isopropyl alcohol that can be slightly
  • distilled water, moisten them with a rag or a napkin and produce cleaning
  • ordinary soap water, however, you need to use with caution so that the napkin will not be too wet, and the moisture did not hit the laptop

Video: K. aK Clean the laptop keyboard?

Each person in the world who has a laptop, at least once in life thinks about how to clean the laptop keyboard.

The problem is that on any keyboard, including on a laptop, various dust and dirt accumulate.

Moreover, this does not depend on how neat the user is. Only the degree of pollution depends on the degree of accuracy, but the garbage itself and dust will accurately accumulate.

Because of this, first of all, with time the buttons will work worse, and in the future the dust can get on some significant inner parts on the laptop.

In addition, the buttons may suffer from spilled fluid.

Moreover, it concerns this most different stamps of laptops - Lenovo, Samsung, ASUS, HP, Acer and others. Therefore, every user must know how to clean the keyboard from dirt at home.

Simple operations

Immediately it should be said that even before making any other operations, several actions should be made, and specifically:

  1. Turn off the laptop.
  2. Salt the plug out of the outlet.
  3. Take a picture of the keyboard.

The latter is needed in order to if the user discern its keyboard, then he could put all the buttons on their rightful places.

Otherwise, it is likely that some button will not be installed in its place and there will be various incidents.

Let's go back to operations directly related to the keyboard cleaning. Let's start with the simplest.

The first thing to be done is to take a conventional soft brush and just take it carefully along the entire surface of the keyboard.

On the Internet, such small brushes are sold on the Internet (shown in Figure No. 1), which are allegedly designed specifically for cleaning the keyboard at home.

Tip! In fact, an absolutely any brush is suitable for this purpose, even the usual child brushes. All you need to make this tool is just gently go through the buttons yourself and in the space between them.

Also on the Internet you can find such interesting things (shown in Figure 2). These are special sticky elements that are made of high density transparent rubber.

№2. Special Rubber Nozzles for Cleaning Keyboard

They are very simple - put one such thing on the keyboard and give a little to it, gradually it fills the space between the buttons, takes all the dust and, thus, removes it when a person cleans this nozzle from the keyboard.

You can buy them, for example, on Aliexpress (link). Practice shows that such pieces are very effective in the fight against dust sediments.

True, they are not particularly effective from the same traces of spilled fluid.

Although, for now, it is too early to go to such problems. Let's focus on easier.

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Help air

Most often, the usual brush or even special nozzles about which it was above, do not help from dust sediments that can be in the keyboard for years.

In this case, it is best to fully disassemble the keyboard and use the vacuum cleaner or a squeezed aircraft.

Under the concept of "disassembled" in this case, it is meant in mind the process of removing all buttons. Remove the buttons with a conventional flat tip screwdriver.

In all laptop models, this process looks almost the same - in Asus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Lenovo and all others. It looks like this process as shown in Figure No. 3.

In some models of laptops, in particular, on Lenovo, you can remove the entire keyboard entirely. To do this, it is necessary to hide it in the side and remove it.

In this case, the paved keyboard will look like shown in Figure No. 4.

The computer panel without a keyboard may look something like that, as shown in Figure No. 5.

Accordingly, here we use the usual vacuum cleaner or a sphailed aircraft.

In the first case, the decomputer of the vacuum cleaner should simply take on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe laptop panel and along the keyboard itself, if it is removed entirely, thereby collecting all the dust and any remains.

It may be necessary to take tweezers and manually remove some particularly small dust particles that are visible to the human eye.

If I had to shoot each button separately, it is better not to blow with them with a vacuum cleaner, because you can accidentally suck and the button itself.

Instead, each of them should simply wipe with an ordinary cloth or brush.

As for sprinkled aircraft, they are sold in abundance on the Internet. To use such products is very simple.

To do this, you just need to click on the button on the tip of the spray, after which the air will come from its pipe.

Accordingly, the can be directed to the laptop panel without a keyboard. Thus, all the dust will simply be blown out.

True, after that it is better to immediately put the keyboard in place so that the same dust will not dare again in the panel.

It is more convenient to still look like the first option, which suggests that all dust is irrevocably removed into the bag of the vacuum cleaner, and not blows into the air, after which it has the ability to settle on the laptop again.

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Cleaning alcohol

This method is just applicable for those cases when something is spilled on the keyboard, most often something sweet and, accordingly, sticky.

In principle, we do not do anything special in this case.

All that is needed is the same way to remove the buttons or the entire keypad and wipe the panel and the alcohol buttons themselves.

To do this, take a conventional paper napkin, sufficiently tight, so that it simply does not spread out of moisture (although it is better, of course, take a medical tampon) and noise it in alcohol.

In this case, it is better not to take cotton, because its particles can stay on the keyboard, which cannot have a positive effect on her further work. You can take a conventional ear chopper.

The process of cleaning the buttons using it is shown in Figure No. 6.

In general, to get rid of traces of shed drinks, you should use the help of alcohol on the tampon, a wand or a napkin.

In general, the main complexity is to remove the keyboard itself from the laptop. After that, you can apply the vacuum cleaner, and the aircraft with air, and the tampon with alcohol.

An example of this process is shown in the video below.

In this video, one of the users takes off the keyboard with lenovo laptop Z580.

On a laptop, you can work as not carefully, but with time inside the keyboard, dirt accumulates. This can occur, among other things, due to the actions of the statics. The electronic device itself attracts dust. As a result, the keys are seized, letters are not entered. You can clean the laptop keyboard at home. It is necessary to do it if the liquid, sweet or alcohol drinks spilled on it. Clean the keyboard on the laptop is simple enough, the main thing is not to rush and use the right means.

  • soapy water;
  • diluted isopropyl alcohol;
  • special care products.

When working should not use a large amount of funds. They only need to moisten the napkin. After that, it is fairly thoroughly to wash your HP, Dell, MSI keys and another pet. If soap water was used as a cleaning agent, the flare formed after drying can be removed with clean water, mixing the key it.

Today there are on sale special napkins. They can not only clean the laptop keyboard quickly and without residual traces. Special napkins also wipe the display to remove fingerprints from it or raid dust.

Cleaning from garbage

You can remove trash under the buttons yourself, for this you do not need to carry a laptop to the service. The methods below are recommended to use with a certain periodicity, as a measure of prevention. Clean the buttons are useful for Favorite Asus and Lenovo did not bring problems.

Important! Especially it should be noted: all the actions on deep cleaning need to be done necessarily after full shutdown Notebook power.

A vacuum cleaner

Automotive or household vacuum cleaner will help to quickly clean the keyboard from dust and garbage. Before using the device, the laptop is better to flip over and carefully shake to tear large particles from the structural elements. Some of them immediately falls out.

It is necessary to act as follows:

  • use a narrow nozzle for furniture;
  • carefully pass through the vacuum cleaner all intervals between the keys;
  • driving a nozzle need slowly by changing her angle of inclination.

Important! This method Some extent will help promptly save the laptop from a flooded sweet or alcohol-containing drink. The vacuum cleaner will remove some of the extra liquid, preventing the device in contact with electronics.

Compressed air

Today in stores selling out the care of computers, you can buy compressed air can. They easily clean the buttons from the garbage. Each cartoon is attached instructions for use. Main process looks like that:

  • the cylinder tube must be installed at an acute angle to the gap between the buttons;
  • press the air supply;
  • throw the keys first in one direction, then in the other.

Serious cleaning

With a debt of the accumulation of dirt, or after entering the fluid keyboard, the keys may appear, their hard move, failure. You can conduct serious cleaning. To do this, the top of the keyboard, the area of \u200b\u200bthe layers of keys will have to make out. This is done as follows:

  • the angle of the button is attached to a thin screwdriver or knife;
  • the key reaches up to the compartment;
  • on some laptops you need to pry the front line of the button, lift it, then move the pad forward for leaching.

Important! When performing such work, it is worth understanding that the details of the keys are plastic and thin wire elements. There is no excessive effort.

Tips, how to clean the keyboard on the laptop, are as follows:

  • it is necessary to photograph the area of \u200b\u200bfuture works;
  • it is worth trying to remove the button accurately, understanding the mechanics of the process;
  • it is necessary to work sequentially by removing the keys to one or groups;
  • after cleaning the unit of mechanics and plastic lining, you need to insert a button into place.

When cleaning the area, the keys use the same tools as when working on the surface of the buttons. Isopropyl alcohol in undiluted condition acts soft enough. It will not damage the current-leading areas, while quickly dissolving resistant, blind layers of dirt.


Some models allow you to disassemble the keyboard on the laptop. This refers to its removable top plate on which the mechanics of keys are mounted. For this you need:

  • remove the buttons around the perimeter;
  • find metal latches or screws;
  • free up the top plate.

Remove the mechanics block must be carefully. After removing it opens access to contact plates. They do not need to pull out of the connectors, it is enough to wipe from pollution. It is necessary to do with the lower parts of the keyboard, which has a configuration of a flat cuvette.

Checking the loop

In the case when no cleaning returns the functionality of the keyboard, it is worth checking the condition of its plume. For this you have to disassemble a part of the laptop. How to do it for your model, worth viewing the Internet. Access to the loop is usually simple, it is enough to remove the entire bottom cover for this. Some models will have to raise the main system fee.

The status of the loop is carefully evaluated. It may be chances and cracks. In this case, the item will need to be replaced, that is, attribute the laptop to the service. When the train is visually intake, it is worth serve its contacts. To do this, the element is neatly pulled out of the connector. Contact sites They are cleaned with alcohol, after which it is thoroughly wiped with a stationery elastic band.

Dismantling keyboard

If the laptop model does not simply raise the plate with the mechanics of the buttons, it is worth understanding: remove the keyboard will be very difficult. To do this, you have to disassemble and dismantle almost all parts of the device. If you are confidence in your abilities, you can see the video on the Internet and proceed to the case.

Tip! To replace or deep cleaning the keyboard, it is recommended to attribute a laptop to the service center. Cleaning the cost after infinity or installation new keyboard Great, but there is a guarantee that experts will do everything right, and problems after their work will not arise.

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All the owners of laptops and computers sooner or later decide to clean the keyboard, because dust is constantly settled on it, dirt falls and it happens that the buttons are just inappropriately poured by anything.

Most owners of smart technicians have a question how to quickly clean the keyboard so as not to harm the technique and increase its service life.

Methods and tools for cleaning the keyboard at home

To clean the keyboard, it is better to use the means intended for these purposes. They are on sale in specialized computer stores. You can purchase a set for cleaning in its composition includes a specialized liquid, brush and napkin.

In the store you can purchase special napkins, a keyboard fluid, as well as small brushes.

The napkin is used to clean the buttons on the keyboard from a variety of surface mud, brush can be removed dust and dirt between the buttons. Using these items, you can quickly clean the buttons quickly, without disassembled the keyboard.

In addition to special drugs, other funds are widely applied, but their use should be made with great accuracy.

You can take isopropyl alcohol, divorced in a small amount of water and wipe the keys, this method Allows you to easily get rid of strong contaminants.

After wiping the keyboard, you need to carefully ensure that the diluted alcohol does not hit the contacts of the buttons. It is impossible to use ordinary alcohol for these purposes, they can erase all the paint from the buttons.

Instead of a special brush for cleaning the keyboard, you can apply a conventional brush with soft and long villi. The napkin can be replaced with a cloth based on a nonwoven fabric. Buttons need to be wiped as often as possible by soap solution, and after witch dry so that there is no moisture left.

What can the keyboard pollution?

Cleaning the keyboard from dirt helps to improve it appearance And prevent the appearance of possible malfunctions, such as:

  • sticking or jamming buttons on the keyboard;
  • the laptop may break due to the pollution of the buttons;
  • due to dust and dirt there is a chance of failures in the work of the unit.

The keyboard must be cleaned from the dirt that appears, otherwise it can occur.

IN by the usual computer It can be replaced without any problems to a new one. In the laptop it is not so simple, and if it breaks, then some problems may arise with its replacement and the cost of work will be appropriate. For these reasons, it is necessary to regularly clean the keyboard from dust.

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Surface Cleaning Computer Keyboard

Any cleaning must be done very carefully, so as not to outline the keyboard. If you regularly clean the keys superficially, then in some cases you can do without deep cleaning.

Surface cleansing should be made at least once a month to remove the dust and all sorts of contaminants that appeared. Computer keyboard It is necessary to flip over and carefully shake, some garbage will fall out of the keys. With the help of the brush, you must go between the buttons, and remove from there stuck the garbage.

To clean the dirt from hard-to-reach places, you can apply a special small vacuum cleaner for a keyboard or a balloon with air (compressed), which can be purchased in computer stores.

To clean the buttons from sticking dirt and fat, you can wipe them with napkins or cloth. It is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not get inside the buttons.

To cleanse the laptop keyboard, the first thing it must be turned off from the power supply and with a cylinder compressed air Clear buttons. After that, the surface of the keys must be wiped with a special napkin and wipe dry with a cloth.

If there are no napkins, you can moisten the rag with a soap liquid and thoroughly clean the surface of the buttons.

If there is a need to remove the keys using a small screwdriver. Buttons are carefully wiping and installed in place, in this case you need to know their location.

Deep cleaning keyboard with severe pollution

It is advisable to produce surface cleaning at least once a month, but deep once every three months. When the keyboard cleaning is performed from dust, and the buttons are still poorly pressed or sticking out, then you have to wash the keyboard, previously disassembled it.

For deep cleaning, you need to remove the keyboard, but it is necessary to do it with special accuracy, otherwise you can damage any details and it can fail.

After the keyboard is disassembled, the keys can be washed in a warm soap solution, contacts and the base of the keyboard need to simply clean with a brush with a soft pile.
If the contamination is strong, then you can wipe the contacts with a napkin slimmed in a soap water or solution to clean the keyboard. Further, all contacts must be wiped out dry so that there are no moisture.

After the procedure for clearing is completed, it is necessary to leave the base and buttons until complete drying. After a complete burden, the keyboard can be collected.

If, after carrying out deep cleaning, some keys do not work well or do not react at all, then repeated cleansing is meaningless, this means that there is any malfunction and the keyboard must be replaced or to give a laptop to repair.

Cleaning the keyboard after spilled liquid

Cleaning the flooded keyboard is quite frequent phenomenon, especially in people who prefer to eat in front of the monitor. If it does not fix this problem on time, the unit may fail. According to statistics, every third computer, which broke and entered the workshop, was flooded with any liquid.

If the fluid was spilled on the keyboard, the following actions should be taken as quickly as possible:

  1. First body need to disconnect the equipment from the power supply, otherwise closure may occur.
  2. Next, you need to flip the keyboard or laptop and wait a bit until the entire liquid follows out from there.
  3. The remaining moisture must be removed using the wool and dry the hairdryer by installing the cold air in the highest power.

If the spilled fluid was quite large quantity, then you need to start the keyboard disintegration or buttons
. When the keys are removed, the keyboard surface is wiped with alcohol (isopropyl), then with a cloth or sponge you need to wipe dry.

In some cases, membranes will have to change (protective). If the spilled fluid left behind sticky divorces or stains, then these places must be cleaned with the help of a special cleaning agent.

After all procedures for cleaning the keyboard from spilled beverages, it must be carefully dried, attach to the network and check for performance.

Disassembly and assembly of keyboard

Many PC users do not know how to disassemble and clean the keyboard, you need to approach this question with all seriousness to eliminate the problems that arise due to the loss of the button or its mechanism:

  1. Before you start the keyboard parsing, you need to disconnect it from the PC and make a key location photo. Do this so that after cleaning it could be collected from proper installation Each button. The analysis is advisable to produce on a solid surface.
  2. The keyboard must be flipped over and starting from the center, unscrew all bolts using a screwdriver (cross). All parts must be put in one place so that they are not lost. After that, you can separate the parts of the case from each other.
  3. If you plan to disconnect the keys, then this is done with a thin screwdriver, hunching them from one side and disconnecting from the top of the keyboard. The key begins to raise a bit and pops out of the retainer. Larger buttons will pull out a bit more complicated, because They have an additional metal retainer.
  4. At the bottom of the keyboard there is a thin film, there are contacts on it, it is strictly forbidden to touch it.
  5. After the keyboard is cleaned, it should be collected, for this, both parts need to be connected and press a little to have a click. Next you need to put each key to the place, guided by the photo taken in advance. After collecting the buttons, you need to spin the bolts on the bottom of the keyboard. Screw to start from the edges so that the keyboard is not shifted.

With a laptop, not so simple, as with a regular PC, where you can easily purchase a new keyboard if necessary.

  1. First of all, the laptop needs to be disconnected from the power supply and remove the battery from it. Each key has an individual mount, which is desirable to lay aside together with the button itself.
  2. The analysis is advisable to start with the letters, the button is fitted with a screwdriver, under it is the mount, which you need to very gently shake, starting from the top, so as not to damage it. The lateral parts of the fixtures are very fragile and to disconnect them with extreme caution, so as not to break the latches.
  3. After the buttons with the letters are disconnected, you can proceed to the disintegration of other keys. Some of them will be attended by white.
  4. After disconnecting all the keys, it is necessary to remove the stencil on which special triangles are located corresponding to the buttons. Under the basis of rubber, there is a thin film, to refer to which it is necessary to be extremely neat, it can easily break.
  5. Collection of the laptop keyboard occurs just as it was taken.

Laptop keyboard cleaning features

If the laptop owner does not have the skills on the disaster and collecting keyboard, then it is better to give the device to the master. If the unit is on warranty service, it is strictly prohibited.

If there are no skills in disassembly, then it is better to perform surface cleaning. You can also remove some strongly contaminated keys and clean them.

If such a cleaning did not bring results, you need to give a laptop to the wizard or do everything yourself, having previously done a photo of the keys and remembering the sequence of parsing.

Each laptop model has its own individual location and when analyzing it is necessary to take into account.

Modern Keyboard Cleaning Fixtures

To cleanse the keys, you can purchase special funds in computer stores.

There are special liquids and napkins for cleaning the keyboard from dirt. Silicone rags (lysuins) are also widely used, which, thanks to their sticky properties, collect all available dust and dirt.

Apply it several times until the stickiness properties are completely disappeared. You can apply a small vacuum cleaner for the keyboard, which sucks all the contaminants from the buttons. In addition to cleaning the keyboard, cleaning the cooler. , you can learn here.


When cleaning the keyboard, it must be disconnected from the PC or disable the laptop from the network to avoid short circuit. After cleaning, it is necessary to wait until all the buttons and other mechanisms that are cleaned are not dried.

When parsing a laptop, it is necessary to make a very carefully to handle the film and the attachment of the buttons, otherwise the film can be broken, and the fasteners break.

To extend the life cycle, the laptop or PC is recommended to regularly clean the keyboard from dust and dirt. Surface cleaning is performed quickly and does not take much time.

If, after quick cleansing, the keys continue to shindle, then you need to carry out deep cleaning. In the event of a doubt in the ability to collect and displays a laptop, it is recommended to give it to the workshop to eliminate damage to any parts.

Since laptops are often used outside the home or office, they are dirty much faster than their desktop analogs. Also, laptop keyboards are significantly delicate and to maintain normal operation, they must be cleaned periodically. How to clean the laptop keyboard at home you will learn by reading this article.

Laptop keyboard cleaning

Before cleaning the keyboard on your laptop, make sure that it is disconnected from the network and turned off. Otherwise, you risk traumatized and output electronics. In addition, disconnect the mouse, pull out CD-DVDs and any USB devices, as well as everything that is connected to your computer.

The process of cleaning the keyboard of the laptop itself will depend on how carefully you decide to clean it and what the structural features of your computer are. For example, on some laptops, the keyboard button is easy to remove and put them back. But on others, this procedure may be supervised. In other words, if you are not sure that you can put the buttons back to the laptop keyboard, do not remove them.

How to clean the laptop keyboard without her disassembly

If you decide to go on a light path and do not shoot the keys from the keyboard, you can clean the slots between them using a compressed air cylinder. Keep in mind that the jet of compressed air may contain harmful impurities, so observe caution when handling a canister. Just tilt it at an angle and at a distance of 4-6 cm from the keyboard, send a jet of compressed air between the keys. You can tilt the entire computer so that all the dust and garbage from under the buttons are better removed. Just be careful not to drop the laptop.

If you do not have a squeezed air can, use a brush to clean the laptop keyboard. Tilt the computer and sweep the brush all the garbage accumulated in the slots between the buttons.

Turn over the laptop upside down and shake over the garbage bucket to reveal from the keyboard the rest of the garbage. Act carefully and keep the computer tightly so as not to pick it up.

After removing the garbage, wipe each key with a cotton swab moistened in alcohol.

How to clean the laptop keyboard with her disassembly

If you still decided to remove the buttons, carefully remove them using a knife or other similar item. Then put them in a safe place so as not to be lost. We strongly recommend not to take off the space and other large keys. Because of its design to establish them back, you will need a lot of time and effort.

After removing all the coppes from the laptop keyboard, put them in a bowl with water and add a pair of droplets to washing dishes. While the keys will be mocking, make sure the remaining cleaning procedures specified below.

Cleaning the rest of the laptop

Unlike traditional desktop keyboard, you will have to not only clean the keyboard on the laptop, but also to do the rest of it. The laptop has many secluded places to be cleaned - it is CD-DVD drive, ports and touch panel (touchpad). In order not to disassemble the computer, hard-to-reach places can be flushed from dust jets of compressed air aimed at narrow slots. Remember that the air in the canopy is under pressure, so observe caution so as not to damage the device.

Wipe the touch panel (touchpad) and the rest of the laptop plane with a rag, from which there will be no villi, for example, an old t-shirt, a nose, a napkin of a microfiber or a special cloth for wiping electronic products.

Moisten a cloth in a solution of equal amounts of warm water and isopropyl alcohol, in a bowl with warm water and a drop of dishwashes, or just in warm water, if your laptop is not so dirty. Press the rag (droplets of the water that fell into the computer can output it), and then wipe the device from above, on the sides and below. In order to clean hard-to-reach places, for example, a laptop display cover dock, use a cotton swab.

Of course, you can wipe the laptop and a special cleaning agent electronic deviceswhich can be purchased in the store household appliances and electronics. Cleanser spray always on a rag, and not on a computer.

Leave the laptop keyboard drying

Leave your laptop so that he can dry. Do not close the lid. If you used water solution or a cleansing agent in moderate quantity, to dry your technique will not be long. If you filmed all the buttons from the laptop keyboard, spread them on the table or wipe dry with a dry cloth. Put them back only after the computer and the keys themselves are completely dry.

Never connect to the network and / or do not turn on the laptop until you make sure that it is completely dry.

Purified liquid on the keyboard?

If you poured coffee, juice, beer or other liquid on the keyboard, turn it off immediately, disconnect it from the network and pull out the battery. Turn the computer upside down and put on a paper or kitchen towel. Wait a little while the liquid stalks, and then turn the device and wipe the keyboard with a dry towel or paper napkin. We strongly recommend all the keys to remove and make the complete cleaning of the keyboard. If the liquid still got inside the laptop housing, then not to avoid it full disassembly And further cleaning it. You can turn on the computer only after complete device drying.

Maintaining your laptop keyboard clean

Of course, there is no way to keep your laptop in perfect cleanliness with its regular use. But if you do not eat and drink while working after it, it will be much less frequent to clean the keyboard on the laptop and save it electronic circuits From damage to spilled liquid. Also, choose not dusty space to work with the computer - it will be better for both the laptop and for your lungs.