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How to remove the background in the table. How to remove background in photoshop - simple ways

Often when working with a different kind of documentation, information packages and statistical reports, it can be noted that the data in them is "highlighted" by a certain color. This is done for convenience to highlight the key points of the document.

In practice, the same preparing hundreds of such multi-pages leads to the fatigue. This marking prevents and, if necessary, to create your report on the basis of an existing document. Knowing how to remove the background in the Word, you can avoid such problems.

Remove page background

If the document has not been provided simply dedicated text fragments, but even with whole color pages, then it is possible to remove them like this:

  1. select the section "Page Markup";
  2. press the "Page Color" button on the "Page background" panel;
  3. mark the point "No color".

Color assigned pages in this document, disappear.

Deleting table background

Selected tables are also not uncommon in technical or financial documentation. Get rid of the total table background can be as follows:

  1. we bring the cursor to any place in the table;
  2. press the right mouse button;
  3. choose the item "No color";
  4. press the "OK" button.

Deleting table cell background

Colored cell background in the Word is removed no more difficult than the background of the entire table. For this:

  1. we bring the cursor to the cell where you need to remove the background;
  2. press the right mouse button;
  3. choose the item "Borders and Pouring";
  4. open the "Pouring" tab in the window that emerged;
  5. in the column "Apply to", select the "cell" (the default is "table");
  6. deploy the palette (the arrow under the inscription "Pouring");
  7. choose the item "No color";
  8. press the "OK" button.

Clean the background chart

Graphic area chart is much more convenient to compare on a white background. To get rid of the colored substrate in them follow:

  1. having a cursor on the border of the diagram;
  2. press the right mouse button;
  3. select the item "Format area of \u200b\u200bthe diagram ...";
  4. go to the point "Pole" (left);
  5. put the point in front of "no fill";
  6. press the "Close" button.

Remove the background of the text

Text in MS Word can be marked in 2 ways:

  • with the help of fill;
  • using selection.

This red, gray or any other marking is also different. In the first case it will be like this:

  1. choose the section "Home";
  2. click on the arrow near the "Fill" button (with the image of the pouring bucket) on the paragraph panel;
  3. choose the item "No color".

In the second case:

  1. we allocate that a fragment that needs to be removed labeling (or allocate all the text);
  2. choose the section "Home";
  3. click on the arrow near the "Color Selection Color" button (with the image of the marker and letters) on the "Font" panel;
  4. choose the item "No color".

This applies to the selected text in the table.

Colored background, or selection individual elements Pages in the Word Text Editor is a tool designed to emphasize and attract attention to the document. But an excessive passion for them is often just annoying when reading or work. Many users are asked about how to remove the color background in the Word. You can do this in several ways, pushing out the version of the text processor.

How to remove the color text background in the "Word"?

In very simple case Color background is used to highlight the text part of the document. In order to solve the problem of how to remove the color background in the "Word", you can use the simplest tool - the fill with the fill with the main

In earlier versions of the editor, it is marked with a tilted bucket, in later a marker with a pencil and a combination of Latin Liter AB. It is enough to highlight the desired text fragment, press the button and select the absence of the fill from the drop-down menu (to highlight the entire document it is easiest to use a Ctrl + A combination).

How to remove the color background when copying?

Very often many have to create their own documents based on existing ones. They also may also have the presence of color background and fill, and applied not only to the text, but also to a whole section or to the entire document.

How to remove the color background of this type in the "Word"? Of course, you can dig in the tool, but it will take too much time. It is easiest to fully remove formatting, because sometimes with other methods such operations are simply impossible.

For this, for example, in the "Word" 2013, when you go to the main tab, you should find the button with the image of the Latin Latera A (or AA) and the eraser. Again, it should be used when the part or the entire document is allocated.

Another simple, but somewhat more long way can be called the initial copying of the desired text in "Notepad", and then re-copying already from this application, followed by insertion into the "Word". The result is the same.

General rules for removing color backgrounds in tables

For tabular data, apply the background removal operations can also be used. You can select the text in the cells, and the cells themselves, and the entire table, depending on what exactly needs to be removed.

In the simplest embodiment, simply select the desired cells and use the fill removal button.

"WORD" 2003

Now a few words about using the menu. For a start, let's see how to remove the color background in the "Word" 2003. This modification is somewhat different from later versions of the program, although the standard tool to fill the text there is also there.

As usual, you need to highlight the text fragment, and then go to the format menu where you select the section "Borders and Pouring". In the window that appears on the corresponding fill tab, the background and is removed.

"WORD" 2007-2010

Used end menu is the same, only access to it can be obtained, first entering the page markup menu, after which a sequential transition to the page background is carried out, and then to the borders.

"WORD" 2013-2016

The Vord Vord 2013 and 2016 also differ from all previous ones. In order to delete the background of any type, you first need to use the design tab on the main panel.

A few words finally

More fresh versions The editor has become convenient in terms of the fact that there are not only extended tips for all occasions, and the pop-up panels that appear when the fragments of the text or other elements appear. It is enough just to highlight a part of the text or cell in the table, as the panel will immediately appear quick access The main functions, among which there are and buttons responsible for calling context menus to work with the background and color.

But in any version of the program, so as not to use alternate transitions in different menus, the necessary access buttons to such functions can be made directly to the main panel. In the "Word" 2003, you can use the view menu with the selection of toolbars or the service menu with the transition to the settings where the command selection section has. For the corresponding command, the button is simply dragged into the desired location on the panel.

In the "Word" 2007, the setting is carried out using the "Office" button in the menu, and in the version 2013 and above - from the "File" menu in the "Parameters" section, where the string of the quick access panel is selected. The window will display the window with all available commands. It is enough just to select the desired and click on the Add button in the center of the screen. The button will automatically appear on the main panel.

Many users are very convenient when working with documents, important words, suggestions, maybe even whole paragraphs can be separated in the text. But when such a document falls, the question immediately arises: how can you remove an unnecessary background for text in the Word.

Such a situation can be and if you copy printed from the Internet. This may change the color of all pages in document Word.. It may even be that even one short phrase, copied from the network will be written on gray. Of course, it is easy to rewrite it manually, but what to do if there are a lot of such pieces?!

Now, let's now we with you in this article and will deal with how to remove the background of the text and fill the pages in the Word.

Behind the text

If you are not covered with the whole page, but only the part where the text is dialed, then to remove such a background, select the desired fragment to remove the mouse, go to the tab "Page layout" And in the group "Page background", click on the button "Borders ...".

A dialog box opens, as shown in the screenshot below. Go to the "Fill" tab and in the field of the drop-down list of the drop-down list, select "No color". Click OK.

Remove marker

All in the document typed can be allocated using the marker. Look at the drawing below. Green fragment is a marker selection, lilac is the use of fill. In this case, allocations are not different. Therefore, if in the previous way, in the field you need already stood "no color", consider how to remove the selection of text made by the marker.

We highlight the part for which you need to remove the fill, and on the "Home" tab in the "Font" group, press the black arrow near the button on which the underlined letters A and B. are drawn

From the drop-down list, select "No color". Selection will immediately disappear.

Remove page background

If you have a whole sheet in your document, let's remove the background of the pages in the Word. To do this, go to the tab "Page layout" And in the page "Page background", click on the "Color ..." button.

From the drop-down menu, select "No color". After that, the color unnecessary to us will be removed and all sheets will become familiar - white.

If it did not solve any of the problem described, then select the desired fragment, on the Home tab, locate the button "Clear all formatting" and click on it (the button is drawn with an eraser). At the same time, the size and font will become default, but the fill may disappear.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult. Select or all the text entirely, or only those words for which you need to remove the fill. But how to remove the fill of the text or pages in the Word you already know.

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Webmaster. Higher education in the specialty "Information Protection" .. The author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

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    Discussion: 7 comments

    Balamut Plague, did not quite understand what you need: change the background of the text so that he also become peach; Or pour a page white. If the first option is then create a table of two cells and change the boundaries in it, then copy and paste the text in it. Second option - copy the table completely, create new document And insert there with a table (the background of the page will be white).


Today I wondered: how to remove all the colors except one in Photoshop. The answer was found.

In this operation, we will help the color allocation tool located in the menu Selection - Color Diaposon ...

It creates the selection of the color diapass you specified, selected by a pipette from the canvas. And then you can do anything with this selection. In our case, we invert it and discolive, thus obtaining a black and white image except for some color inserts of the same color.

Election process

Pipette allocate the desired color, and if necessary, select and similar colors, by selecting the pipette mode in advance with the plus - adding the color range to the already selected one. On the black and white diagram you can see the part of the figure that will be highlighted. It is displayed in white.


After creating the selection, it must be inverted so that the selected area has become a section of the image without the color selected by us. Selection - Inversion (SHIFT + CTRL + I).

Defruit the region in two ways:

First method

The method is elementary, but its result is somewhat meager than the second

Image - Correction - Color Tone / Saturation ...

The second slider can be removed how much saturation, how much you need and apply correction.

Second way

The second way is to create a layer and filled with black. He wins in the fact that retains the light of light colors, such as yellow, blue, as well as the shadow of dark, such as blue.

You can view description of several methods of discoloration And their comparison.

And so, proceed.

Click in turn:

  • SHIFT + CTRL + NNew layer
  • D.- installation of colors in the palette on black and white
  • X. - shift places in the palette. Black gets up on the background color.
  • Ctrl + Backspace.

As a result, the area that should be black and white has become black. Now it's small - you need to change the layer mixing mode on Color (Color).

Ready. The image was black and white only in the right places. If necessary, it is possible to reduce the opacity of the layer, then the region will not be as discredited. Or vice versa, you can duplicate the layer so that the semi-gray areas have become more gray.

Selection of individual page elements or in other words, color background in text editor Microsoft Word. It is a tool that is designed to attract attention to the document and focusing parts. However, excessive passion for this tool can seriously annoy when working or reading. Many users today are interested in the question associated with how in Microsoft Word you can remove the color background. This can be done with several enough simple ways. It is also worth noting that the selected way will depend on the version used. text editor.

How to remove color background in Microsoft Word?

Color background in the simplest case is used to highlight the text part of the document. To solve this problem, You can try to take advantage of the simplest means. This is a fill button that is put on the main toolbar. In the early versions of the text editor, this button was designated a symbol with an inclined bucket of paint, in later versions of the program as notation this tool A marker with a pencil and a combination of Latin letters AB is used. To solve the problem you just highlight the text fragment, click on the button and select from context menu Point of lack of fill. To highlight the entire document, you can use the CTRL + A key combination.

How to remove color background when copying in Word?

Quite often, users have to create their own documents based on existing ones. In such documents, the presence of fill and color background can also be found, and not only in relation to the text, but also to the whole section or all of the document. How in Word program to remove a color background of this type? You can, of course, dig in the toolkit, however it takes a lot of time. The easiest way to completely remove formatting, since sometimes with other methods to perform these operations it is impossible. IN microsoft program Word 2013 To do this, when you go to the main tab, you must find the button with the image of the Latin letter A and the eraser. It should be used again when allocating the entire document or determined part of it. One more simple, but more than a long method, is the initial copying of the desired text to the "Notepad" editor. After that, you need to re-copy this fragment into the Word application. The result will be the same.

How to remove color background in tables

The background removal operations relative to tabular data can also be used. Depending on what exactly needs to be removed, you can allocate text in the cells, and the cells themselves, and the entire table is entirely. In the simplest embodiment, it is necessary to simply select the desired cells, and then use the fill removal button.

Microsoft Word 2003.

Now let's talk a little about using this version of the program. Let's first figure out how to remove the color background in Microsoft Word 2003. From later versions of the program, this modification is slightly different. However, there is a standard tool for filling text. Here, as usual, you must select the desired fragment of the text, and then go to the format menu and select the section "Borders and Pouring" there. In the window that appears on the Fill tab, you can remove the background.

Word 2007 and 2010

Now let's see how you can remove the color background in the MicrosoftWord 2010 program. This method Also suitable for the 2007 version of the program. Used end menu will be the same, only access to it can be obtained, if you first go to the page markup menu, and then make a sequential transition to the page background and borders.

Microsoft Word 2013 and 2016

These two versions of a text editor differ from the previous ones. To perform an operation to remove the background here, you must first use the design tab located on the main panel. After that, a transition to the page of the page in which there is a special button. If you press it, the drop-down menu will appear, in which you will need to select the "No background" item.


Fresh versions of textual editor Microsoft. Word are more convenient in the way that there are more advanced tips here. There are also pop-up panels here. They appear when selecting certain fragments of text or some elements. You just need to highlight the cells in the table or part of the text, and the quick access panel to the main functions will immediately appear. There are also buttons that are responsible for calling the context menu and work with the background. It is noted that in any version of the text editor, the desired buttons intended for access to such functions are made to the main panel.