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How to find out your second mts number. How to find out your phone number on MTS? Simple ways to find out your number on MTS

Reading time: 3 min.

When buying a new SIM card, remembering a lot of numbers the first time is difficult. But the exact knowledge of your phone number is necessary, for example, to tell it to a friend or to top up your account. It is for such cases that MTS has developed for smartphones, tablets (including iPad) and USB modems. various services which you can use absolutely free.

Simple ways to find out your phone number on MTS

The plastic packaging, into which the purchased SIM card was inserted, of course, if you still have it, will help to recall the complex combination of numbers. It is also possible to find out your phone number if you check the contract that you signed at the time of purchase. If there are no documents nearby, use the services of MTS:

  • You can call from your cell phone to the autoinformer number 0887. When you get through, be ready to write down your number - they will dictate it to you. You can find out the MTS number using this service absolutely free of charge, even while roaming in Russia.
  • You can find out the MTS phone number by sending a free SMS with the text 0887 to the short number 111. In response to it, you should receive a message from an auto-informant on your mobile phone, tablet or modem.
  • When using a phone, tablet or USB modem on a computer, you can make a USSD request using the command * 111 * 0887 #. The answer to it will also come in the form of an SMS message.

Checking the number on the USB modem

It is also easy to find out your MTS number on a USB-modem device. After connecting it to the computer, the "Connect-Manager" utility is most often installed automatically. When starting this program, press the USSD button. A window "Select a code" will appear in front of you, in which you must select the option "My phone number". You can find out your number in an SMS message that will be sent automatically.

You can also manually dial and send a USSD request * 111 * 0887 # from the “Connect-Manager” or send an SMS to number 111 with the text 0887. In response, you will also receive an SMS with the number assigned to your sim card.

Application "My MTS" for smartphones and tablets

For mobile phone users on Android platforms and iOS there is a special program “My MTS” - you can install it for free through the GooglePlay and AppStore stores, or download it from the MTS website.

With the help of this application, you can not only find out your number, but also see the balance in the account, find out or change the tariff, enable and disable options, and use other services. However, determine the phone number with of this service possible only when connected mobile internet or Wi-Fi.

The application is installed on tablets and smartphones with Android versions not lower than 2.3 or iOS not lower than 7.0. To receive a link and download the program, check if the Internet is connected, and then send a USSD request using the command * 111 * 1 # - in response to it, you will receive an SMS with a link.

How to find your phone number on iPad

As you know, this device, unlike mobile phone, cannot be used for calls and sending messages. In such a case, you can find out your MTS number in several ways:

  • Look in the "Settings" menu - select the sub-item "General" and "About device". You can find out your phone number in the item "Cellular Data".
  • Using the commands of the "My MTS" application (the options for connecting it are indicated above);
  • You can find out your personal MTS number if you install special program to send SMS.

If for some reason you could not use the above methods, just remove the SIM card from the iPad and insert it into a regular cellular telephone or tablet and send USSD request or SMS request in one of the ways described above - this will be the easiest way to find out the MTS number.

Another, probably the most inconvenient way to find out the MTS number is to call the support service at 0890 (available for calls only from MTS numbers), 8-800-250-0890 (available for calls within Russia from any phone) or + 7495- 766-0166 (available for overseas calls). You can call from any phone, but in this case, you will need to provide your last name and passport data, after which the operator will be able to tell you the numbers of all SIM cards registered in your name.

Of course, if there is a friend or close person nearby with a mobile phone in hand, you can tell him that “I forgot my MTS number” and ask him for a combination of the cherished numbers. However, this method is not always possible.

Articles and Life Hacks

Will the ussd command help me find my mts number? Almost every user mobile device for various reasons, at least once in my life I could not remember my phone number.

One recently purchased a new SIM card and did not have time to remember the number, while the other was given a card at the enterprise. Some people generally find it difficult to remember a long set of numbers.

MTS subscribers faced with such a problem should not worry - there are many ways to quickly find their phone number.

How to get information about your own number

  • The most simple and effective method for a device with not hidden number- you should call your friend from your phone and ask him to dictate to you the number displayed on his screen.

    The disadvantage of this method is that the availability of funds in the account is required.

  • The following method can be used by those who know how to use the device. In the phone menu, you need to find the "Contacts" item, and then select the "Own number" option. The advantages of the method - this function free, it is provided in almost all phones.
  • You can use the services of an answering machine. The subscriber must send ussd command by dialing a combination of numbers 0887.

    If you have a bad connection, you can send a service request * 123 * 0887 # completely free of charge and receive a system message with the required number. The service operates around the clock, so the subscriber's request will not be ignored.

  • Operator mobile communications can also help with number identification. After dialing the "111" service and selecting the required options (as directed by the voice prompt), you will be connected to an operator who will answer your question.

Ussd service

  • After dialing the ussd command, a combination of numbers and signs * 111 * 10 #, the card number and detailed information about the number will be displayed on the screen.
  • Ussd request allows the subscriber to receive additional information about the connected system. A similar method applies to phones manufactured after 1999.
  • To save time, experts recommend entering the combination * 111 * 0887 # on your gadget and calling. The advantages of this method are - this option absolutely free and pretty fast.
  • However, this information is often supplemented by with unnecessary words and comments.
All of the above methods will help out the subscriber at any time of the day or night, you just need to choose the most the best option... Of course, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, each subscriber must remember his phone number.

To replenish the balance through the terminal, you will need to enter your MTS phone number. But how can you recognize him if you have forgotten and do not know what to do? The company offers options on how to find out the number of your MTS SIM card for free while in Russia or in roaming:

From phone and tablet

If the above information did not help you or was not clear enough, now we will take a closer look at how to determine your number. Fortunately for MTS subscribers, it will not be difficult to do this after careful reading of the information. So, first, let's deal with mobile phones and smartphones.

As for the tablets from which you can make calls, all three methods of determining the number are similar to those described above. If you, for example, use an iPad, then you will need to go the other way: in the main blocks of the Settings menu, find the About device section, click on it. In the column "Cellular data" your number will be indicated.

And of course, do not forget: being at home, you can spend a minute looking for the documents that were issued to you along with the SIM card after purchase - they will contain a number.

Using the application "My MTS"

Technologies do not stand still, now every self-respecting company has a special mobile app for the most efficient provision of the required information to users and connection of services. Official app company MTS is called "My MTS", it is free and available for download in Google play(for smartphone users on operating system Android) and App Store(for iPhone owners and iPad).

If you don't want to search for an application, send a USSD request * 111 * 1 #. In response to it, you will be sent an SMS message with a link to the application for your operating system.

After installing the application, you will need to go through a very quick procedure for verifying your data: in some cases, you will need to answer the call and press the corresponding number on the keyboard, in others, enter the code from the received SMS message. You do not have to worry, it’s only some 2-3 minutes, after which you will enter Personal Area, where your number will be indicated. With the help of the application, you can get almost any information that may be required in the process of using MTS services.

From USB modem

If you are already using a modem, you have noticed that during the very first connection, a program called "Connect Manager" was automatically installed on your computer. To find out your number, open this program and find the USSD section, which may also be called USSD commands.

In the list of commands that opens, find " My phone number", And click on it. After that, the system will generate an automatic message and send it, it will contain the number assigned to the SIM card in your modem.

If you do not succeed the first, second or third time, do not worry, read the article again and carefully follow the recommended steps. In case of failure, you can always go to the nearest MTS salon and explain to the consultants the essence of your problem - rest assured, they will need only 2 minutes to solve it.

Use the services of your favorite operator with comfort and pleasure!


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How to find your phone number

13 September 2013

It happens that the user cellular does not remember his phone number. Perhaps you bought a SIM card recently, or you just have a bad memory for numbers. Moreover, 10 digits are much more difficult to remember than 7-digit city numbers. If you urgently need to know your mobile number, we'll show you how to do it in just a few seconds.


The easiest way is to call one of your friends or relatives and ask to write down the number that will be displayed when you call or in the incoming list. If your friend is next to you, it will not cost you a penny, because you don't even have to pick up the phone to determine the number. If there is no money in your account, the connection will not be completed, and in the receiver you will hear a polite voice informing about the impossibility of making a call. How to find out your phone number in this case? Here special command codes will help you. They are different for each operator, let's look at all of them.


  • For users of MTS tariffs, an autoinformer works by calling 0887. You don't even have to wait for the operator to answer to find out your number.
  • If you prefer short messages, to find out the MTS mobile phone number, send an SMS to 111 with the text 0887. Your number will be indicated in the reply message.
  • The command * 111 * 0887 # and the call will lead to the same result - you will receive an SMS with the necessary information.


  • Special services will answer you via SMS:
    • dial * 110 * 10 # and call;
    • dial * 110 # or * 111 #, then follow the menu My Beeline (2), My data (1), My number (2).
  • If it is more pleasant for you to communicate with a real person, call the free number 067410. It is designed to connect and disconnect services, however, you will not be denied a request to find out the Beeline mobile phone number.


  • If you are a subscriber of this operator, you just need to dial * 127 # command on your phone and call in order to receive your number in the form of SMS or service message on the phone screen. The service is paid (1 rub.), So you won't be able to use it with a zero balance.
  • Another command is 225 * 5 * 1 # and a call. In this case, 1 ruble will also be withdrawn from the account for the service.
  • How to find out the mobile phone number of the MegaFon operator if there is no money in the account? Free way get the cherished 10 digits - call 0500 and talk to the operator.
  • In order not to forget your number for sure, you can choose a beautiful MegaFon number in the mtSET company.


  • Tele2 has a command * 201 #. By typing it on your mobile and pressing the "Call" button, you will see the mobile number on the screen.
  • Subscribers of the Ukrainian operator Life find out their number in the same way using the command * 161 #.
  • To those connected to operator Velcom from Belarus, the command * 147 # will help.
And in conclusion: in order not to guess how to find out your own mobile phone number, immediately after buying a new SIM card, add it to your contact list. So the number will always be at hand. And stay connected always!

The majority of newly minted subscribers often have the question "How do I find out my MTS number?" And this is understandable, because few people are able to immediately remember the eleven-digit telephone number... And now the time comes to top up the balance, and you cannot do this, because you do not remember your SIM card number. Well, I will help you solve this simple problem and tell you about all available ways find out your MTS number.

How to find out your MTS phone number - all ways

  • Shortcut keys, which will help you to find your phone number MTS-Russia: ✶ 111 ✶ 0887 #. The answer with your phone number will come in the form of an SMS message.

    This combination can be used both in home network, and roaming in Russia or abroad, and even if the phone is blocked, and sending a request is completely free.

  • Find out your MTS number via SMS as easy as shelling pears: you need to send a message with the text 0887 to the short number 111. You will also receive an answer in the form of an SMS message.

    Sending SMS to a short number 111 free only on the home network. When you are in roaming, the cost of outgoing SMS messages is determined by MTS roaming tariffs for communication services.

  • You can find out the number of your MTS SIM card by phone 0887 and the autoinformer will dictate your SIM card number. True, according to the reviews of many subscribers, there is often interference during the connection, and it is very difficult to understand what the answering machine is saying. So it is better to use the first two methods if you want to quickly find out your MTS phone number.

    In the home network, a call to the number 0887 free, and in roaming you will have to pay for the connection in accordance with the roaming tariffs.

So, we figured out how to find out your MTS number on the phone, but what if the SIM card is used in a modem, iPad or tablet - in short, in those devices from which it is impossible to call or send a USSD request or SMS? The answer is in the article.

Alternative ways to find out your MTS SIM card number

Here I will not tell you anything new, but in some cases these tips can be very useful and become almost the only way to find out your MTS number. Especially when it comes to finding out the SIM card number in a tablet or modem:

  • SMS from the operator.
    When connecting, when you turn on the phone for the first time with a new SIM card, the operator carefully sends you an SMS with your number. It says so: "Your phone number is + 7-123-456-7890". So if you haven’t had time to “clean” your phone before you forgot your number, you can look for this SMS in your inbox.
  • SIM card envelope.
    Yes, yes, it can come in handy, because it is on this very envelope that the number of the card that is in your tablet is indicated. Or a modem. Or iPad.
  • SIM menu.
    All MTS SIM cards have service menu MTS-INFO. It can be found in the list installed applications your smartphone. Open the SIM-menu and select "MTS Services" and then "My number". In a few seconds you will receive an SMS with your phone number.
  • Mobile app.
    You can install the My MTS mobile application on your device and see your number through the application - it will be indicated on the main screen. However, the application does not work without the Internet. So, if the SIM card runs out of money, this option will not work.
  • Call to the operator.
    Perhaps this is an extreme measure to find out your MTS phone number or SIM card in another device. The fact is that