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What is the format of the USB flash drive for uefi. Secure Boot Facts

More and more devices are starting to be released not with bios, but with uefi. Therefore, many users are thinking about how to make a bootable drive for this option. This article will tell you how to create a bootable USB flash drive for such a firmware. These methods are suitable for versions from Windows 7 and newer, while they must be x64, for 32-bit this method will not work. To boot from such a drive, on the device itself in the firmware you need disable secure launch (Secure boot) and turn on Compatibility Support Module... All this is in one place, in the same place where you choose the order of devices to launch.

Create a UEFi flash drive using the system

All actions can be performed without resorting to third-party applications... To do this, run command line with administrator rights, you can do this through the start. After that, the following operators should be entered in it: diskpart, and then list disk.

In this list, all drives connected to the computer will be presented. The user needs to find the one that he is going to make bootable and remember its number. In the future, this number will be denoted by the letter N. After that, you need to enter into the console following operators:

These teams will allow completely erase the disk, create and format the partition, and mark it as active and assign a letter to it.

Copying Windows files to a USB flash drive

After the steps taken, you will need to move all system files to a new drive. You do not need to transfer the image, but the unpacked files, how to do this will be written later.

If you have Windows 7 on your computer

In this case, everything is simple. Should be completely unpacked Windows image and move all files to a flash drive. You can also use one of the utilities that can read images, open the OS through it and copy files from there.

After that, you need to move the directory efi \ Microsoft \ boot, to the very first folder of this path - efi.

Then, it's worth extracting the file sources \ install.wim... In the unpacked directories, follow the path 1 \ Windows \ Boot \ EFI \ bootmgfw.efi, and copy the last file.

It needs to be renamed to bootx64.efi, after which, it should be moved to the bootable media in the folder efi /boot.

If you are creating a UEFI USB drive on a Windows 10, Windows 8, or 8.1 computer

In this case, everything is much simpler. First, you should right-click on the disk image and select " To plug". After that, you should open the mounted image and select all the data. After that, click RMB again and send it to the drive.

This completes the creation of the flash drive.

Creating a bootable UEFI flash drive in Rufus

it free utility which will help create desired drive... The application should be downloaded from the official website and run; it does not require installation.

In the second paragraph, you need to choose interface and partition diagram... In chapter " Create boot image ", You should specify the path to the system image. The rest of the settings can be left as standard or set to those that the user considers necessary.

In order not to guess, here's a piece of advice:
- If you have an MBR disk layout in your laptop, then do it in Diskpart as usual
- If you have a GPT disk partition in your laptop, then do it in Rufus in GPT UEFI

Then you will not be mistaken and you will be happy !!!

To answer

aaalekseyyy 22.11.2015

Deniska, apparently your BIOS is configured by default to boot from an extended version of Boot UEFI, which is supported only by Windows 8, 8.1, 10.
Windows 7 does not support booting from Boot UEFI Enhanced, Windows 7 needs to downgrade Boot UEFI from Windows 8.1 Enhanced to Launch CSM... And for this, you first need to disable protection. Secure boot.
Also, check that to download and install on a GPT disk, Windows 7 must be x64(64-bit).

To answer

aaalekseyyy 30.11.2015

Deniska, what advice to you:

1. Downgrade the BOOT UEFI version in BIOS to the minimum (If there is Secure Boot, then disable it first).

2. Go from some Windows 7 Live CD, initialize your disk to GPT and partition the disk. I do not advise making large partitions, because, for example, for a 1 TB partition, in case of information loss, only one pass of the Recovery program will take 17-24 hours, and to completely restore the information, it will take up to 3 days of continuous computer operation. Better just create just one section 200-500 Mb, let the rest remain unallocated space, then you will finish it as you need, after installing the system.

Developed more than 30 years ago, the basic BIOS I / O system is significantly outdated by modern standards. It is being replaced by the UEFI specification, which significantly changes the well-established and familiar boot procedure. This article is for those who are interested in installing windows 7 on a UEFI computer.

Replacing Legacy BIOS

The Extensible Firmware Interface was developed by Intel in 1998. Current version the specification is called the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface. Computers manufactured after 2010 are likely to work with UEFI system... Unlike the BIOS, the codes of the new specification can be stored both on a microcircuit motherboard and in special section HDD.

UEFI works with the new GPD markup, which is capable of supporting HDDs larger than 2TB and unlimited partitions. In addition, the UEFI architecture is modular and therefore supports custom applications and drivers.

And the most important part for this article: the new specification has a built-in download manager. Thereby Windows installation 7 from USB or external HDD does not require third-party bootloaders.

Creating a bootable USB drive

For creating bootable USB reviewed utility Rufus 1.4.3. The program is notable for the fact that it does not require installation, has a very small size and is distributed completely free of charge. Of course, Rufus supports GPT partitioning of HDDs and work with the UEFI specification. The current version of the utility is available for download from the manufacturer's official website.

After starting the utility, you must specify the name of the flash drive, which will be bootable ( Attention! All data from it will be permanently deleted!), file system(select FAT32), partition scheme and system interface(select GPT and UEFI). Opposite "create boot disk"You must specify the path to ISO image Windows 7.

When all the parameters are specified correctly, you can click on the "Start" button, and the process of preparing a bootable flash drive will begin. This will take some time, depending on the speed of your computer and the USB generation.

In addition to Rufus, you can use the WinSetupFromUSB program. It can also be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. The interface of these two programs is practically the same, so it makes no sense to consider the process of creating a bootable USB flash drive separately.

Installation preparation

In order to start the installation from a USB flash drive, you must first configure UEFI. To do this, you need to restart your computer and press F2 or Delete (depending on your motherboard, for correctness press both keys). After these steps, as in the case of the BIOS, you will be taken to the main control menu.

Press F7 or select the "Advanced" section. Then go to the "download" menu, select the option " USB support”And install Full Initialization. On the menu " secure boot"Set" Windows uefi mode ".

Now open the Compatibility Support Module (or CSM) menu and select "enabled" in the "CSM launch" item. Open additional options and select "only uefi" in the "boot device parameters" item. This item will allow you to filter USB drives and HDDs that I do not know how to work with your specification. Select “both, uefi first” in the “boot from storage devices” column.

Now all you have to do is specify the boot priority. Place the bootable USB stick in the first place, your HDD in the second. The settings are completed, save them with the F10 key, confirm the decision, and the computer will be restarted.

Installing Windows

If the previous steps were performed correctly, after the computer is restarted, the standard installation operating system from a flash drive. Click next, install, accept the user agreement, choose full install.

Now you need to call the command line with the Shift + F10 combination. Next, enter the following sequence of commands:

diskpart (after each command, press the enter button)
sel dis 0
convert gpt

At this point in more detail. With these commands, you will delete all data from the HDD, mark it as GPD and format it for later system installation. Click "update" and "next".

The installation of Windows 7 on the HDD of your personal computer... During the installation process, the PC will be rebooted several times, after which you will need to specify its name and password, time zone and set a list of users. When installation is complete, Microsoft Update will download and install all required patches and drivers, and you can use your computer.

Already dragged on for a blog? But what to do if there are several simple and very convenient ways do it. The reader must be given a choice.

And if we take into account the fact that nowadays laptops are used quite often without disk drives, then you will not get away from this question. Do you agree? Therefore, let's finish off the section about creating bootable Windows flash drives 7 in UltraISO. Not you know what kind of beast is this (UltraISO)? Yes, this is such a free program.

For the sake of a word of mouth, it is worth noting that the solution described in this article is perfect for creating bootable media not only sevens, but also Win 10. There is also UEFI support... Therefore, I personally like this alignment very much.

So let's get started. The first step is to download an application called UltraISO and install on your computer. The process is pretty simple, there isn't much to tell. We take and set. Then we run it and Windows 7. In our case, there will be a 64-bit version:

And then we smoothly move on to practically the last step... Namely, we follow the path " image of the Hard disk ":

And in the window that opens, set the following options:

  • Disk Drive: specify the flash drive for copying files.
  • Recording method: choose USB-HDD +.
  • Do not forget to press the button "Save".

Naturally, you need to understand that formatting the drive will erase all the information on it. Well, in general, that's all, friends, the creation of a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7 in UltraISO has come to an end.

Again, I repeat that this method can be used to record Windows without any problems. Everything is done by analogy. As they say, exactly v- exactly.

The only drawback of this approach is the impossibility of adding something to such a medium. Rather, you can do this, but you will need to manually edit the ISO image in the program and the files in the boot menu.

Therefore, write your thoughts and questions in the comments to the article, I always read them and, if possible, answer. I will also be happy with constructive criticism and business proposals. And now, bye, everyone, let's watch an entertaining video.

Installing, reinstalling and restoring the operating system, as well as carrying out some types of diagnostic work, as a rule, requires the mandatory use of special bootable disks or flash drives. But in order for the computer to boot from external media, the appropriate priority should be set in the settings of the basic input-output system or otherwise BIOSa, that is, literally indicate from which source the system should boot.

The procedure for configuring boot from external media is quite simple, however, it raises many questions for many novice users. And this is quite understandable. Firstly, you rarely have to face the need for such a download, and secondly, in different models computers, the procedure for entering BIOS and changing boot priorities may vary in detail. Let's consider everything in more detail.

On this moment There are two types of basic I / O systems: the classic BIOS and its enhanced UEFI. They both represent special programs, recorded on the motherboard microcircuit and designed to configure and check the readiness of hardware components, and transfer control to the PC operating system... Unlike BIOS, UEFI is more autonomous, it has a convenient graphical interface with mouse support, allows you to integrate drivers, run executable files EFI format, without restrictions to work with GPT disks... In addition, computers with UEFI start up an order of magnitude faster than PCs with a regular BIOS.

How to get into BIOS or UEFI

To get into the BIOS or UEFI, immediately after turning on the computer, press and hold the Del, F2, or Esc button. Which button should be used to enter BIOS / UEFI in your desktop or laptop model should be indicated in the supplied user manual. However, on newer Windows 8.1 computers, this can be problematic. If fast boot technology is activated in the system, you simply will not have time to press Del or F2 in time. In this case, you need to do the following:

Open up Settings -> Change computer settings -> Update and recovery -> Recovery -> Special options downloads, and then click Restart Now. After rebooting, you will be taken to the "Select Action" window. Click on Diagnostics -> Extra options-> UEFI Firmware Options... The computer will reboot and you will be taken directly to the UEFI interface.


Determining which interface your computer is using is very easy. To do this, press Win + R and in the window that opens, execute the msinfo32 command, and then in the system information window, find the item "BIOS mode". Old version the I / O system will be marked "Deprecated", the new one will be "UEFI".

Configuring boot from CD / DVD / flash drive in BIOS

Most BIOS versions the Boot section is responsible for configuring boot parameters.

It is he who contains a list of all devices connected to the computer. Because HDD and CD-ROM are built-in components, they will be on the list anyway, but if you want a USB flash drive there, you need to insert it into the USB port in advance, before entering the BIOS. The first in the list is the device from which the system is currently booting. Using the arrow keys, you can change the boot priority, and by pressing the F10 key, apply the new settings.

In some BIOS versions, the Boot section may have additional options, in particular Boot Device Priority, Hard disk Drives and so on.

If booting from a CD / DVD or a regular flash drive, it will be enough to move this device to the top of the list in Boot Device Priority and save the settings. If the flash drive is formatted as HDD, you will first need to go to Hard Disk Drives, select the first device (1st Drive) in the list, press Enter and specify the flash drive in the menu that appears. Then the same will need to be done in the Boot Device Priority subsection. We save the settings with the F10 key. This is for AMI BIOSes.

The procedure for configuring boot from DVD / flash drive in BIOS AWARD or Phoenix is ​​somewhat different. Here in the main BIOS menu you need to find the Advanced BIOS Features section, and in it find the First Boot Device item, which is responsible for prioritizing boot devices. Being on the First Boot Device, press Enter and in the menu that opens (list of devices) select CD-ROM or, if available, a USB flash drive. If there is no flash drive in the list, switch to the first item of Hard Disk Boot Priority, press Enter, select our USB flash drive from the list, move it up the list. To save the settings, press Esc twice, and then Save and Exit Setup and confirm the saving of the parameters with the Y key.

Configuring boot from CD / DVD / USB stick to UEFI

Setting boot priority in UEFI is easier, and not just because you can use a mouse. Most UEFIs have a Boot Priority panel at the bottom of the window, which displays all devices connected to the computer, including flash drives and removable HDDs. To install a boot from a particular device, just drag it with the mouse to the beginning of the panel, and then save the new settings when exiting UEFI.

You can also click the "Exit / Advanced mode" button, go to the Boot tab in the window that opens, select "Boot Option # 1" in the Boot Option Priorities list and set a USB flash drive, hard disk, CD-ROM or other connected to computer device.

New settings are saved when exiting UEFI or pressing F10.

Have a great day!