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How to make a UEFI boot disk. Record the image of the system on the USB flash drive

To the UEFI system can boot from USB flash drives, it is necessary that the latter is formatted in the FAT32 file system. Official microsoft utility for creating loading flash drives, Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool, formats the drive in the file nTFS systemAccordingly, the system with UEFI in native mode is not loaded from such a carrier.

Let's try to independently prepare a USB flash drive and pour Windows 7 distribution on it. What we need:

  • USB (V2 or V3) flash drive with a capacity of at least 4 GB
  • 64 Bit distribution Windows 7 (32 bit versions of Microsoft OS on the UEFI system will not be loaded). Distribution can be in the form of an installation DVD Disc or iso file with image

The procedure for creating an installation USB flash drive with Windows7 for UEFI system:

After performing all the described manipulations, the USB flash drive is in your hands, from which you can install Windows 7 on the UEFI system in native mode. Read more Windows 7 installation process on the UEFI system and all underwater stones we will look at the following article.

How to make a bootable USB flash drive or a disk for uefi

On computers having instead of a regular BIOS - a new UEFI interface, it is desirable to install Windows in EFI mode to improve performance operating system. To install Windows in EFI mode, you will need an image of a 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 operating system or newer. Wherein system Disk To which Windows will be installed in EFI mode, should not be marked in the usual MBR form, but converted to GPT format. This is divided into the 64-bit version of the Windows DiskPart utility.

Option 1. Creating a USB flash drive to install Windows in EFI mode.

1) Create a boot USB drive (USB flash drive) to install Windows 7.

Boot flash drive Must be formatted into FAT32 file system to be recognized as a UEFI boot device USB flash drive should be at least 4 GB. To create a Windows 7 flash drive in EFI mode, you cannot use the program from Microsoft - Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool. This utility Formats the installation flash drive in NTFS and UEFI does not recognize it.

We connect the USB USB USB port. - In the Start menu in the search bar, enter cmd.exe, and click the right mouse button on the object found. In opening context menu Select the startup item on behalf of the administrator. - We enter alternately commands. After entering each of them, press the ENTER ↵ key.

here - # is the USB carrier number obtained in the previous command. Next, the commands completely clean everything on the selected disk.

clean Create Partition Primary Select Partition 1 Active Format FS \u003d Fat32 Assign Exit

Unpacking the image installation disk (ISO file) and all data from it is copied to the flash.

Note: To create a boot disk, you can use ultraiso programwhich immediately creates an installation flash drive formatted to FAT32 file system.

2) open the folder *: \\ EFI (here * - this is the letter of a flash drive with installation files Windows 7). 3) Create a new folder within this folder named Boot. (*: \\ EFI \\ BOOT). 4) Copy the entire contents of the folder *: \\ EFI \\ Microsoft \\ Boot in the *: \\ EFI \\ Boot folder. 5) Using the archiver (for example, 7-ZIP), open the *: \\ Sources \\ Boot.wim or *: \\ Sources \\ Install.wim. 6) Go to the archive to the *: \\ Sources \\ Boot.wim \\ 1 \\ Windows \\ Boot \\ EFI \\ Windows folder. 7) Copy the bootmgfw.efi file from the archive to the USB flash drive, in the folder you created *: \\ EFI \\ BOOT. 8) Now you need to rename the copied BootMGFW.EFI file (*: \\ efi \\ boot \\ bootmgfw.efi) in bootx64.efi (*: \\ EFI \\ Boot \\ BootX64.efi)

Ready! Now in the *: \\ efi \\ boot \\ folder, there must be all the contents copied from the folder *: \\ EFI \\ Microsoft \\ Boot and the BootX64.efi file received from boot.wim or install.wim. Note: For some motherboards, you must additionally copy the bootx64.efi file to the flash drive root either with the same file name or named shellx64.efi.

Option 2. Creating a DVD disk to install Windows in EFI mode.

1) Download the archive with microsoft program CD / DVD PREMASTERING UTILITY and unpack it into any folder. 2) Copy the oscdimg.exe file in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder. 3) Unpack the image of the installation disk (ISO file) in a temporary folder. 4) In the Start menu in the search bar, enter cmd.exe, and on the object found by clicking the right mouse button. In the context menu that opens, select the Startup item on behalf of the administrator. 5) Turn the command to create an ISO file of the installation disk image:

oscdimg -lwin_7_x64_uefi -m -o -u1 -Pef -E -BD: \\ win_7_x64 \\ efi \\ microsoft \\ boot \\ efisys.bin d: \\ win_7_x64 d: \\ win_7_x64_uefi.iso

where are used the following parameters: -l - Specifies Tom Tag. Do not use spaces. -m - ignores the restriction maximum size Image. -o - optimizes the storage using the MD5 hash algorithm to compare files. -U1 - creates an image that has both the UDF file system and the ISO 9660 file system. File iSO system 9660 is recorded using file names 8.3 compatible with DOS. The UDF file system is recorded using file names in Unicode. -p - indicates the value for the platform identifier in the EL Torito directory. For presentation uEFI systems Used EF identifier. Do not use spaces. -E - disables the emulation of the floppy disk in the EL Torito directory. -b - indicates the EL Torito boot sector file, which will be recorded in boot sector or disk sectors. Do not use spaces. D: \\ win_7_x64 - indicates the location source files. D: \\ win_7_x64_uefi.iso - indicates the path to created file ISO.

6) Press the ENTER ↵ key. 7) Write the created image on the blank using the Ultraiso utility.

Windows installation features in EFI mode.

If you accelerate something from your components - it is better to restore the settings in standard values. - In UEFI / BIOS, you need to set the AHCI value for SATA mode and enable ACPI 2.0 if disabled. - If the download from the device does not happen, then in the UEFI / BIOS, install the first flash drive in the download queue. - If you have both USB 3.0 ports and USB 2.0, then for a successful installation it is recommended to connect a flash drive to USB 3.0 port. USB flash drives 2.0 can also be connected to uSB port 3.0. Copy on your flash drive driver for uSB ports 3.0.

1) We connect the USB flash drive into a USB connector and reboot the computer. 2) when the computer is loaded, press the call key Boot Menu.. Depending on the manufacturer motherboard - This is F8, F11 or F12. 3) In the list of devices, you need to select "UEFI: [Your device name]".

When installing on a pure unimpressed disc, go directly to the seventh item. When installing on a disk with existing sections and using the old MBR, and not GPT, do the following:

4) After downloading to the Windows installation screen, press the combination ⇑ SHIFT + F10.

5) We enter the command alternately by clicking after entering each of them the ENTER ↵ key.

diskpart List Disk Select Disk #

Here # is the number hard diskTo which Windows will be installed. It will give it the result of the previous team. Next, enter the commands for full cleaning Total disk:


6) Close the commands window and continue the installation of Windows. 7) We specify the drivers for the USB port 3.0 if the USB flash drive is connected. 8) In the disk selection window for installing Windows, select the item unintended location on the disk and click the Create button. After that, 3 partitions will automatically be created (EFI system section (ESP), the Microsoft backup section (MSR) and the main windows section.) 9) Select the main section and continue the installation of Windows in EFI mode as a normal installation.

Note: If the installation has been completed successfully, and the system is not loaded, then in the UEFI / BIOS, install Windows Boot Manager first in the download queue.

How to create a bootable UEFI USB flash drive

Good day.

On new computers and laptops, many users are faced with the inability to download from the installation flash drive from Windows 7, 8. The reason for this is simple - the appearance of UEFI.

UEFI is new interface, designed to replace the outdated BIOS (and between the case to protect the OS from malicious boot viruses). To boot from the "old installation" flash drive - you need to go to the BIOS: then switch the UEFI on Legacy and turn off sECURITY mode Boot. In the same article, I want to consider creating a "new" loading UEFI flash drive ...

Step-by-step creation Boot UEFI flash drive

What do you need:

  1. directly the flash drive itself (at least 4 GB);
  2. iSO installation image with Windows 7 or 8 (the image is original and on 64 BITS);
  3. free utility RUFUS (Official site: if that, then RUFUS is one of the most simple, convenient and fast programs to create any loading flash drives);
  4. if the utility rufus does not suit something, I recommend WinsetUpfromusB (Official site:

Consider the creation of UEFI flash drives in both programs.

1) After you download RUFUS - just run it (no installation is required). Important moment: Run Rufus is needed under the administrator. To do this, in the Explorer, simply right-click on the executable file and select this option in the context menu.

Fig. 1. Run RUFUS on behalf of the administrator

  1. device: specify a flash drive you want to make boot;
  2. scheme section and type system interface: Here you need to choose "GPT for computers with the UEFI interface";
  3. file system: Select FAT32 (NTFS is not supported!);
  4. next, select the ISO image that you want to write on the USB flash drive (I remind you if that Windows 7/8 is 64 Bits);
  5. tick \u200b\u200bthree items: Quick formatting, creating a boot disk, creating an extended tag and icon.

After the settings produced, click the "Start" button and wait until all files are copied on the flash drive (on average, the operation lasts 5-10 minutes).

Important! All files on the flash drive with such an operation will be deleted! Do not forget to keep all important documents from it in advance.

Fig. 2. Setting up RUFUS.

1) First run the WinsetUpFromusB utility with administrator rights.

2) Then set the following settings (see Fig. 3):

  1. select a USB flash drive to record the ISO image;
  2. check the "Auto Format IT WITH FBINST" checkbox, then set a few more check box with the following settings: FAT32, Align, Copy BPB;
  3. windows Vista., 7, 8 ...: Specify the installation image of ISO with Windows (on 64 BITS);
  4. and last - press the GO button.

Fig. 3. WinsetupFromusB 1.5

Then the program will warn you, that all data on the flash drive will be deleted and ask you to agree again.

Fig. 4. Continue removing ..?

After a few minutes (if there are no problems with a flash drive or iSO) - You will see a window with a message about the completion of the work (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Flash drive is written / work performed

By the way, WinsetupFromusB sometimes behaves "strange": it seems that it hovered, because There are no changes in the lower part of the window (where the informing strip is located). In fact, it works - do not close it! On average, the time of creating a loading flash drive is 5-10 minutes. It is better at all during the operation of WinsetupFromusB not to launch other programs, especially different kinds of games, video editors, etc.

On this, actually, everything is ready and you can proceed to a further operation: Windows installation (with uEFI support), but this topic is the next post ...

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Creating a bootable flash drive UEFI C Windows

Almost everyone modern computers and laptops are not going with old system BIOS, already with new - UEFI. In contrast to the predecessor, it is more "smart" and intellectual. Define that you are used very simple. First, if your computer was pre-installed Windows 8 or 8.1 and when it is turned on, the Ourser is immediately launched, and the controller's ordinary for bios and the system test is used - this is a UEFI. The same if installed SSD Disc And the Windows 8 or 8.1 operating system is used. Although it is worth noting that the presence of this novelty does not deny the possibility of installation and older systems as in as usual modeand in compatibility mode - Legacy. In this post, I will tell you about three simple ways to create a UEFI bootable USB flash drive to install Windows 7 or Windows 8 to a computer or laptop.

The first and easiest way - copying installation files

As long as this can only be checked with Windows 8.1, with no more officially official Windows 10 and on recent versions Ubuntu and Archlinux. Procedure Next: Download the distribution of the operating system in ISO format.

Unpack it into any folder on the disk using the archiver. With ISO images perfectly knows how to work 7zip:

Format a USB flash drive in the FAT32 file system. To do this, go to "My Computer", click right-click on a USB drive:

Select the file system and click on the Start button. After that goes to a folder with unpacked so windows And just copy everything that unpacked directly on the USB flash drive:

All the cunning is that the installers of new operatingers are already optimized under UEFI. It remains only to boot with it and check the performance.

The second method - using the DiskPart utility

This option is used to install Windows 7 to a computer or laptop with UEFI. First step need to run command windows string. To do this, press the combination of the Win + R keys and in the "Run" window that opens, enter the command: "CMD":

Press the OK button. Now B. command line Runs a service utility to work with sections:

A list of the disks available in the number system will open: Select Disk "Detish number" I think it is clear that in this step you need to specify the number of the USB media received from the list. For example, SELECT DISK 2, as in my case. Clean it completely:

Create a section:


Choosing it:


We make the section Active:

Format in FAT32:

We assign it automatically letter:

But that's not all. On a USB flash drive, find the EFI \\ Microsoft \\ Boot folder and copy it to the EFI folder. As a result, the EFI \\ Boot directory should appear. Now you need to find the file: bootmgfw.efi. To do this, unpack the 7Zip archiver or WinRar Archive Sources \\ Boot.wim. The desired file will lie in the Sources \\ Boot.wim \\ 1 \\ Windows \\ Boot \\ EFI folder \\.

Copy the bootmgfw.efi file in the EFI \\ BOOT folder, and then rename it to bootx64.efi. Ready. We made the UEFI boot flash drive with Windows 7.

The method of the third is the use of special programs

Some programs for creating loading flash drives can do this for UEFI. One of these is the free RUFUS utility. Install and run the program:

Partition scheme and type of system interface set: - "GPT for computers with UEFI interface" in case you use the GPT partition. - "MBR for computers with UEFI interface" If you are using compatibility mode (LEGACY MODE) and the MBR table. Further set the FAT32 file system, feed the program image of the operating system and run the process of recording the installation files to the USB drive by pressing the "Start" button.

After 10 minutes, you will have a finished installation flash drive.

Interface, desirable install windows In EFI mode to improve the operating system.
For windows installations In EFI mode You will need an image of a 64-bit operating system Windows 7 SP1 or newer. At the same time, the system disk to which Windows will be installed in EFI mode must be marked not in the usual MBR form, but converted to the format GPT.. It is divided in a 64-bit version Windows utility Diskpart..

Option 1. Creating a USB flash drive to install Windows in EFI mode.

1) Create a boot USB drive (USB flash drive) for windows 7 settings.

The loading flash drive must be formatted into the file system. be it recognized as a boot device
USB flash drive should be volume not less than 4 GB .
To create a flash drive Windows 7 in EFI mode can not use program from Microsoft - Windows 7 USB / DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL. This utility formats the installation flash drive in NTFS And it does not recognize it.

- We connect the USB flash drive to the USB port.
- On the menu Start In the search bar we enter cmd.exe., and click right-click on the object found. In the opened context menu, select the item
- We enter alternately commands. After entering each of them, press the key ENTER ↵.


here - # - This is a USB media number obtained in the previous command.
Next, the commands completely clean everything on the selected disk.

Format FS \u003d FAT32

- Unpack the image of the installation disk (file ISO.) And all the data from it is completely copying to Flash.

Note: You can use the program to create a boot disk Ultraiso.which immediately creates an installation flash drive formatted to the file system FAT32..

2) Open folder on the flash drive *: \\ EFI (here * - This is the letter of a flash drive with installation files Windows 7.).
3) Create a new one inside this folder named boot.. (*: \\ EFI \\ Boot).
4) Copy all the contents of the folder *: \\ EFI \\ Microsoft \\ Boot in the folder *: \\ EFI \\ Boot .
5) Using the archiver (for example, 7-zip.) Open the file *: \\ Sources \\ Boot.wim or *: \\ Sources \\ Install.wim .
6) Go to the archive to the folder *: \\ Sources \\ Boot.wim \\ 1 \\ Windows \\ Boot \\ EFI \\ .
7) Copy File bootmgfw.efi. From the archive to the USB flash drive, in the folder you created *: \\ EFI \\ Boot.
8) Now you need to rename the copied file bootmgfw.efi. (*: \\ EFI \\ Boot \\ Bootmgfw.efi) in bootX64.efi. (*: \\ EFI \\ BOOT \\ BOOTX64.EFI)

Ready! Now in the folder *: \\ EFI \\ BOOT \\ There must be all the contents copied from the folder *: \\ EFI \\ Microsoft \\ Boot and file. bootX64.efi. obtained from boot.wim or install.wim..
Note: For some motherboards, you must additionally copy the file bootX64.efi. in the root of the flash drive either with the same file name or name shellx64.efi..

Option 2. Creating a DVD disk to install Windows in EFI mode.

1) Download the archive with the program Microsoft CD / DVD PREMASTERING UTILITY And unpack it into any folder.
2) Copy File oscdimg.exe. in the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32.
3) Unpack the image of the installation disk ( ISO.-File) in a temporary folder.
4) In the Start menu in the search string we enter cmd.exe., and on the object found by clicking the right mouse button. In the opened context menu, select the item Launch on behalf of the administrator.
5) Turn the command to create an ISO file of the installation disk image:

oscdimg -lwin_7_x64_uefi -m -o -u1 -Pef -E -BD: \\ win_7_x64 \\ efi \\ microsoft \\ boot \\ efisys.bin d: \\ win_7_x64 d: \\ win_7_x64_uefi.iso

where the following parameters are used:
-L. - Specifies Tom label. Do not use spaces.
-m. - ignores the limit of the maximum size of the image.
-o. - Optimizes the repository using the MD5 hashing algorithm to compare files.
-u1 - Creates an image that has both the UDF file system and the ISO 9660 file system. The ISO 9660 file system is written using files 8.3, compatible with DOS. The UDF file system is recorded using file names in Unicode.
-p. - Specifies the value for the platform identifier in the EL Torito directory. To represent the UEFI system, use an EF identifier. Do not use spaces.
-E. - Disables the emulation of the floppy disk in the EL Torito directory.
-b. - Specifies the EL Torito boot sector file, which will be recorded in the boot sector or the disk sectors. Do not use spaces.
D: \\ win_7_x64 - Indicates the location of the source files.
D: \\ win_7_x64_uefi.iso - Specifies the path to the created ISO file.

6) Press key ENTER ↵.
7) Write the created image on a blank using the utility Ultraiso..

Windows installation features in EFI mode.

- If you accelerate something from your components - it is better to restore settings to standard values.
- in need to set the value Ahci. for SATA mode and enable ACPI 2.0if disabled.
- If the download from the device does not happen, then in install the first USB flash drive in the download queue.
- If you have as USB 3.0. ports and USB 2.0, then for a successful installation, it is recommended to connect a flash drive to USB 3.0 port. Flashki USB 2.0 You can also connect to port USB 3.0.. Copy on your flash drive driver for port USB 3.0..

1) We connect a USB flash drive into a USB connector and reboot the computer.
2) When you boot a computer, press the call key Boot Menu.. Depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard - this F8., F11or F12.
3) In the list of devices, you need to choose " UEFI: [Your device name]«.

When installing on clean unimpressed disk Go directly to the seventh item.
When installing on a disk with existing sections and using the old MBR, and not GPT, do the following:
4) After downloading to the installation screen Windows Press the combination ⇑ SHIFT + F10.
5) We enter the command alternately by clicking after entering each of them. ENTER ↵.


Here # - This is the hard disk number to which will be installed Windows. It will give it the result of the previous team.
Next, enter the command to complete the entire selected disk:

Sonvert GPT.

6) Close the commands window and continue the installation. Windows.
7) Point drivers for the port USB 3.0.If the USB flash drive connected to it.
8) In the disk selection window for installation WindowsSelect item Unintended disk space and press the button Create. After that, 3 partitions will automatically be created (EFI system section (ESP), the Microsoft backup section (MSR) and the main windows section.)
9) Select the main section and continue installing Windows In mode EFIas a regular installation.

Note: If the installation has been completed successfully, and the system is not loaded, then install " Windows Boot Manager.»The first in the download queue.

In relevant Win 8.1. and Win10 Before predecessor Win7. There are a lot of advantages, one of them is working with hard GPT. -Disc. GPT. - This is about new style Markings, from such disks, the OS is loaded faster, they are more loyal to the data recovery procedure, and you can use the entire volume of disk space if it is more 2.2 TB . Mandatory conditions For use advantage GPT. : Bios UEFI On the computer, only the versions Win8.1. and Win10and only them 64 - Bound issues.

The first and last conditions are a given, it is impossible to get around. But S. windows versions Not so hard. On the GPT. -Disk in principle can be set up x64 "Seven"True, not without nuances. Below we will talk about these nuances, and also look at universal way Installations Win7. on disk GPT. which will be applicable to the mass of cases only on computers Bios UEFI . Or at least hybrid Bios. with the support By EFI In terms of loading with GPT. -Disc.

1. Win7 on GPT disks: nuances

To Win7. Successfully established on GPT. --Disk, B. Bios UEFI It is necessary to disconnect without fail. Secure Boot - A function that blocks the launch of the device from any non-certified software. What, actually, and there windows Distribution 7.

If a "Seven" Install on empty, still unimpressed and not initialized hDD In compatibility mode Bios UEFI C. Legacy.When installing the system will automatically create yourself MBR -disk. And it is for him that will put the system. However, if B. Bios. Stand hard parameters UEFI - Only this mode of operation, at the same time boot from the flash drive UEFI , in some cases, installation Win7. on the empty disk can go through the same as if we installed the versions of the system 8.1 and 10 . In the process of such an installation, the system itself initializes the disk as GPT. and create the necessary for EFI -System technical sections. And later when reinstalling "Seven" will be without any problems GPT. --Disk with an existing scheme of sections. But we are talking only about part of cases.

Key points in all this - the right parameters Bios UEFI and flash drive UEFI with installation process Win7.. And if in the latter case there is a universal output from the situation in the form of programs for recording UEFI -flash, then in the case of settings Bios UEFI Solving all the decisions can not be a priori. Here, of course, it is necessary to deal with each PC and a laptop individually. However, set "Seven" on the GPT. -Disk can no interference in the settings Bios.unless there instead UEFI or compatibility mode is intentionally not included BIOS - Legacy. This feature exists in the form of an alternative Windows installation mechanism that is offered by the program. This alternative can also be used in the case of implementation at Mattags not fully Bios UEFI , and hybrid firmware compatible with EFI only in terms of load support from GPT. - Discovers and installations DVD but not allowing to load with UEFI - Flash.

Below we consider two installation cases Win7. on the GPT. -disk:

First - When we have something with empty SSD. or HDD. (or when data stored on them does not represent values) ;
Second - When on GPT. -Disk already has a markup, in particular, there are technical sections EFI -windows systems. This is an option without losing data stored on non-system sections.

2. Boot flash drive

To make a planned, we will need a bootable flash drive with and programs for working with a disc marking. For this, accordingly, it is necessary to prepare Live. - Disk, on board which will be all this toolkit. Perfect option - Live. -disk Winpe10 techadmin.. His distribution in B. ISO. -Food you can download here:

Write the downloaded image on the USB flash drive. To do this, use the utility Rufus.. We indicate the USB flash drive in the first column, select the section scheme below - "GPT for computers UEFI» . This is a mechanism for creating the same flash drive UEFI which is principled for Bios UEFI with the selected mode only UEFI . If in Bios. There is also an active compatibility mode, you can select any diagram with the loader. MBR . Then such a flash drive becomes universal, and it will be possible to boot in mode Legacy. On other PCs and laptops. Next, specify the path to the image Winpe10 techadmin.. And click "Start".

While the flash drive is written, connect the installation ISO. -form Win7. To display in the explorer.

Open the folder in the submorted drive "SOURCES", and inside it is looking for a file "Install.wim" - Installation Wim -form. As soon as the flash drive is written, copy Wim -Food and put it in the root of the flash drive.

Thus, our flash drive will contain everything you need to install Win7.. Indeed, in one of the ways described below, the disk to which the system will be installed will be re-made.

After placing a flash drive Wim - Her weight will be approximately 5-6 GB. If this is a flash drive on 8 GB, everything is fine. But if there is only a flash drive on 4 GB, after recording Winpe10 techadmin. go to her root and delete the folder "AdminPe32" .

Now we look at the weight of the flash drive and pretend to be placed there Wim -form. If it still does not fit, the image can be squeezed. Well, or download on the Internet already a compressed distribution with one just the desired edited "Seven".

Loading with just created flash drive. Select the boot with.

3. Installing Win7 on an empty hard drive

So, the first way to install Win7. on the GPT. -Disc is the case when we have either clean SSD. or HDD. (without marking) Or when everything is on them is not valuable, and it can be destroyed. On board Winpe10 techadmin. Run the program.

Switch to the utility.

In the first tab "PHYSICAL DISK" Indicate disc, where are going to put OS. Next click "PARTS MANAGE".

Then -.

In the window that appears by clicking the option "GUID". Next, put the checkboxes "CREATE ESP PARTITION" and "CREATE MSR Partition". Top in block "SETTING" Remove the values \u200b\u200bof the three top blocks. Click "OK" down below. Confirm the actions.

Created a scheme of technical sections EFI -System consisting of ESP. - Separate with file system FAT16 and MSR. - Development. Appoint first ESP. - The letter will need this in the future. Click, in a new window I choose the letter, click "OK".

So with We have formed the necessary partitions for Windows, it is possible to distribute the rest of the disk on the disk to a more useful way - with the help of any of those present on board Winpe10 techadmin. Disc managers.

Here is a whole section FROM You can smash two or more sections.

After that, we return to the program. In the first column of its windows point to the path to Wim - Diversity on the flash drive. In the second - choose ESP. -Evice to whom we gave higher disk letter in the third - section directly Win7.. Future disk FROM . Below in the column indicate the editors of the system. And click "Installation".

Next in the column choose "UEFI" On the right, we look at the left to stood the default value. "Use Bootsect ...". If you wish, you activate the auto operation upon completion of work . According to the result, click "OK".

Upon completion of this, the computer will reboot.

Now you need to boot from the disk, where we just put the OS. Next, we will see the preparatory and configuration steps of the installation.

4. Installing Win7 with GPT disk with existing marking

Installation "Seven" to workers GPT. - Disc - with existing marking, with techzides EFI -Systems (if before this was already Win8.1 or Win10) With data on other sections - will be much easier. Here we need to run the program and, as in the previous case, specify:

Way to Wim-Iw,
Way to EFI- Severe;
Path to the future disk FROM;
Editor Win7.If the distribution provides several of them.

Where to get EFI -section? IN previous case with Created a section with a label ESP.. But Windows 8.1. and 10 When ordinary installation creates technicals in a different way. This may be a circuit with two sections - EFI and MSR. . And maybe with three - EFI , MSR. and Wre . With any scenario, we are only interested in the section EFI that with the file system FAT32..

It is necessary to indicate in the second column.

Specified Program Sections format. For the first EFI - The selection it is necessary that records about non-existent OS are not hid in the bootloader. According to the summary of the clique.

We specify the bootloader parameters and start the installation at the end.

Good day.

On new computers and laptops, many users are faced with the inability to download from the installation flash drive from Windows 7, 8. The reason for this is simple - the appearance of UEFI.

UEFI is a new interface designed to replace an outdated BIOS (and between the case to protect the OS from malicious boot viruses). To boot from the "old installation" flash drive - you need to go to the BIOS: then switch the UEFI to Legacy and turn off the Security Boot mode. In the same article, I want to consider creating a "new" boot UEFI flash drive ...

Step-by-step creation of boot UEFI flash drives

What do you need:

  1. directly the flash drive itself (at least 4 GB);
  2. iSO installation image with Windows 7 or 8 (image is needed original and 64 Bits);
  3. free Utility RUFUS (Official site: If anything, RUFUS is one of the simplest, convenient and fast programs for creating any bootable flash drives.);
  4. if the utility rufus does not suit something, I recommend WinsetUpfromusB (Official site:

Consider the creation of UEFI flash drives in both programs.


1) After you download RUFUS - just run it (no installation is required). Important moment: run RUFUS you need under the administrator. To do this, in the Explorer, simply right-click on the executable file and select this option in the context menu.

  1. device: specify a flash drive you want to make boot;
  2. scheme section and type of system interface: Here you need to choose "GPT for computers with UEFI interface";
  3. file system: Select FAT32 (NTFS is not supported!);
  4. next, select the ISO image that you want to write on the USB flash drive (I remind you if that Windows 7/8 is 64 Bits);
  5. tick \u200b\u200bthe ticks three points: Quick formatting, creating a boot disk, creating an extended tag and icon.

After the settings produced, click the "Start" button and wait until all files are copied to the USB flash drive (on average, the operation lasts 5-10 minutes).

Important! All files on the flash drive with such an operation will be deleted! Do not forget to keep all important documents from it in advance.

Fig. 2. Setting up RUFUS.


1) First run the utility WinsetupFromusb.from administrator rights.

2) Then set the following settings (see Fig. 3):

  1. select a USB flash drive to record the ISO image;
  2. check the "Auto Format IT WITH FBINST" checkbox, then set a few more checks with the following settings: FAT32, Align, Copy BPB;
  3. Windows Vista, 7, 8 ...: Specify the installation image of ISO with Windows (on 64 BITS);
  4. and last - press the GO button.

Then the program will warn you that all data on the flash drive will be deleted And asked you to once again agree.

Fig. 4. Continue removing ..?

After a few minutes (if there are no problems with a flash drive or ISO) - you will see a window with an end to the completion of the work (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Flash drive is written / work performed

By the way, WinsetupFromusb.sometimes "strange" behaves: it seems that it hovered, because There are no changes in the lower part of the window (where the informing strip is located). In fact, it works - do not close it! On average, the time of creating a loading flash drive is 5-10 minutes. Better at all while working WinsetupFromusb. Do not run other programs, especially different kind of game, video editors, etc.

On this, actually, everything is ready and you can proceed to a further operation: Windows installation (with UEFI support), but this topic ...

To boot from a flash drive on a PC or laptop with an active Bios UEFI mode, you need, respectively, the UEFI boot flash drive. How to create it? Installation processes Windows 8.1, 10 and corresponding to them server editions, some live disks support the download in the Distribution level mode (downloaded from the Internet ISO file). Such distributions initially include the "EFI" folder with program codesadapting the bootable media under work with UEFI. In this case, it will not matter which program ISO file is recorded on the USB flash drive. If only the flash drive itself before the recording was formatted in the FAT32 file system.

And what if the distribution is not adapted to work with Bios UEFI? With Live disks, things are easier: Even if the emergency media is not created in the UEFI bootable format, so as to boot in emergency cases - for example, in order to destroy viruses or establish the cause of problems with the computer hardware, it is sufficient to turn off in BIOS uEFI mode And, accordingly, enable either Legacy mode or CSM (compatibility mode). Then in order of download, select the launch from the UEFI flash drive, but with normal. But with the Windows 7 installation process, everything is more complicated. The distribution of this version of the system is not adapted to the BIOS UEFI, and when the computer is started with a conventional bootable flash drive in the BIOS mode LEGACY (or CSM), the "seven" will refuse to be installed on the GPT disk, work with which is one of key advantages Bios UEFI. To install Windows 7 on the GPT disk, loading from the UEFI flash drive will be of fundamental value.

Create a UEFI boot flash drive with the Windows 7 installation process and live disks, the creators of which did not take care of the adaptation of the Distribution under the BIOS of the new format, you can using free program RUFUS. RUFUS is a portable utility designed to record ISO images for loading removable media. The program features include adapting loading media under the Bios UEFI format.

Running the program, in the first column, choose required driveIf several are connected to the computer. In the second column, set the value "GPT for computers with UEFI". We check that the third column stood the value file System "FAT32". All other values \u200b\u200bare left by default and in the "ISO image" column specify the path to the image of the Windows 7 distribution or live disk. Click the "Start" button.

Confirm the start of the process.

The completion of the UEFI boot flash drive process will notify the progress indicator when the scale is completely fill in green. Below the indicator will be seen the status "Ready".

Everything - rUFUS program You can close and test the UEFI flash drive.

We also recall that to download from a UEFI flash drive by not having certified keys (and such software is Windows 7 distributions, some Linux distributions, many live disks), in the BIOS UEFI you need to (Secure Boot).

Excellent day!