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Wallet w. Payment service W1 - Wallet One from Wallet One

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the conversation about the electronic money popular in the Russian Internet and in the world. The queue has reached relatively new system virtual payments under a very simple name - Wallet One, which was launched by Wallet One (abbreviated as W1).

Among the obvious advantages of this service, one can immediately highlight the ease of registration, the ability to work with your account anonymously, a fairly low or no commission for moving funds within the payment system.

Also noteworthy great amount services that can be paid through this system and a large number of ways to deposit and withdraw money from the account. Well, recently it became possible to connect a Single Checkout for accepting payments on your website (no commission). This payment system reminds me the most.

But a barrel of honey can be spoiled with a fly in the ointment. All these advantages and benefits can come to naught if your account is blocked or there are problems with the transfer or withdrawal of funds.

Unfortunately, there are negative reviews on the Internet about working with Wallet One. True, you are a lot of negativity (for example, according to Likpey or, and even bourgeois and).

Of course, if possible, it is better to work with large market players ala WebMoney (through with protection through) or, but they are also not ideal and not all-encompassing.

Registering a wallet on the W1 website (Wallet One)

Let me tell you about the advantages that the W1 system has, and in the comments you will reflect your opinion on the reliability and convenience of working with it, which you have learned in practice. Personally, I have not had any problems yet, but I am not an active user and holder of this electronic money.

In general, the Wallet One wallet is positioned mainly to pay for cellular services, Internet access, utility bills, exchange for game currency and many other popular and not so popular services. I would not store or save my electronic savings in this currency, because due to the maximum provision of the convenience of registration and use, the system does not place a strong emphasis on ensuring the security of funds storage.

Although even in the super complex WebMoney security system, crackers find holes quite easily. Well, in Wallet One you can, for example, initially link the account to your mobile phone number, and not to the mailbox (they just picked up the password for me, and only then cleared the WMR account). Intercepting SMS is much more difficult technically than gaining access to your mail.

One wallet for this moment it is also notable for the fact that in addition to the usual rubles (W1 RUR) and dollars (W1 USD), it has the opportunity to work with the national currencies of Ukraine (hryvnia), Kazakhstan (tenge) and, attention, South Africa (rand). It is noteworthy that they started working with the South African currency (rand) much earlier than with the hryvnia and tenge. I wonder what exactly this paradox is connected with ?!

Basically, the money you transfer to the W1 wallet is deposited in the accounts of a closed joint stock company called the Information Processing Center (CPI). The service was created in 2007 and the experience gained earlier was used in its development. Prior to that, the CPI company had experience in creating a payment system, namely X – plat. But this is not important and is mentioned here rather for show.

So, registration on the website occurs according to an extremely simplified scheme, which is an undoubted advantage. At the top of the page there is a panel for entering or registering new users:

Click on the "Register" button and watch a window where you are offered a choice either to enter the mailbox address, or to indicate your number mobile phone... It is clear that the option using cell phone to login to your single wallet, from the point of view of security, it greatly outperforms the option with email, because it will be quite problematic for attackers to intercept one-time passwords sent to a mobile phone.

However, the option using an email as a login will allow you keep anonymity, because the cell phone will still be registered in your name. And the loss of a mobile phone will cause serious problems with access to your money, although it can still be solved after communicating with the technical support service.

It will be possible to specify an email at registration, and already in the settings of your single wallet (Settings - Profile), specify the cell number and confirm it (you will receive an SMS with a code). In the future, as a login to enter the W1 site, you can use any of the three options:

  1. Confirmed address of your mailbox
  2. Confirmed mobile phone number in international format (type +7915 ...)
  3. Your twelve-digit wallet number

Pretty convenient, don't you think? When registering with an E-mail specified as a login, a letter with an assigned unique number and a generated login password will fall on the specified mailbox:

You will be free to change this password in the settings (the "Security" tab) to a more complex one. If you specified your mobile phone number during registration, then the password for access and the number of the single wallet will be reset to you in an SMS message. A feature of the EK W1 can be called the fact that you can not shine your main password for nothing (especially on other people's computers).

you can use a temporary password to enter the Single Wallet, which will be valid only for ten minutes:

Depending on the login method, this most temporary (one-time) password will be sent either by E-mail or in the form SMS messages to the room cell phonespecified by you during registration. It is very convenient, in my opinion, and increases security significantly, especially when using a mobile phone number as a login.

The registration process, and the very work with Wallet One, can be done from a mobile phone. It is clear that to do this, you can simply go to the W1 website through a mobile browser. However, there are developed for different platforms mobile versions for working with a single wallet:

Features of transfers in Wallet One

The web interface on the official website of the payment is quite simple and intuitive. In the upper right corner you will see your twelve-digit number, and you can also see the current balance of funds and inquire about the received notifications. From the balance menu it is also possible to perform all operations with your account, which are also available on the main page:

I will immediately dwell on one feature of the W1 system. When you receive a transfer (no commission is charged for transferring funds within the system), then the money does not automatically drop into your wallet. To do this, you will also need to confirm this payment. The same applies to the transfers you make - until the opponent confirms the receipt of the money transferred to him, you are free to cancel the payment.

But after confirmation it will not be possible to cancel it, although in Wallet One you can play it safe against possible error and in advance protect payment by patronage, i.e. a special code, without which the opponent will not receive money on his account. You can also set the expiration date for the protection code, after which your money will be returned back to you:

Personally, I try to make all payments with protection of protection in order to avoid unnecessary overlaps (we are all human and tend to make mistakes).

Also, as with any other payment system, you are free to issue an invoice. What is noteworthy is that in Wallet One you can make a transfer or issue an invoice even to an opponent who is not registered in it. To do this, for example, when invoicing you will have to indicate either Email address opponent, or his cell phone number:

The W1 system will honestly warn you that such a user is not registered in it, but it will still allow you to issue an invoice. In this case, a new wallet will be promptly created with the Email (or cell number) you specified as a login.

The password and other explanations will be sent to the newly addressed client of the Wallet One system either by mail or in an SMS message:

How to replenish a single wallet and withdraw funds, what is protected money

Such are the things. You can replenish your wallet in W1 in a thousand and one ways, but there are nuances. First, not all methods are equally free. Where no interest will be charged from you, a zero will show off, and in other cases you will need to click on the icon and watch the commission percentages for depositing money in this way:

Secondly, funds can be entered in five different currencies: rubles (RUB), dollars (USD), tenge (KZT), hryvnia (UAH) and South African rand (ZAR). Replenishment is also possible in cash, for example, through ATMs, payment machines (for example,), instant payment services or communication stores (it will be enough to name your single wallet number). For Russia, there is still an option of replenishment through post offices.

Replenishment by a non-cash method implies a transfer from a Visa or MasterCard card (allowing payment on the Internet), as well as a direct bank payment using the specified details. This is where the ambush lies. If you replenish your account from a payment card, then you can spend this money in the future only on a very limited set of services, because in this case the entered amount falls under the “Protected money” regulation.

They cannot be transferred to another wallet in Wallet One or other payment systems, you cannot use them to pay for goods in online stores and credits, and you cannot withdraw them. A nightmare, and nothing more. Users who do not know this get stumped when they try to pay for forbidden things with the funds entered from the card (the system in this case simply speaks of a lack of funds on the account).

To spend secured money from a single wallet is possible only for the following services:

In addition, to top up from a plastic card, you will have to indicate your passport data and verify it (prove ownership). An amount within ten rubles will be withdrawn from the card, and your task will be to indicate the exact amount of the withdrawn money (you can view it through Internet banking or ask the bank operator by phone).

Why do you need to endure all these hardships and problems that arise on the go? It turns out in order to get the ability to withdraw your payment, as it is customary to do when using plastic cards. If this opportunity is not critical for you, then it is better not to bother with protected money in W1 and enter funds into the system in a different way. Remarkably, replenishment from plastic is carried out with the mediation of the one we have already considered earlier.

For example, you can replenish your account using the already mentioned Likpeev, Qiwi, RBC, or. Within the Single Wallet, you can exchange any of the five internal currencies (W1 RUB, W1 USD, UAH, KZT, ZAR) for another. The course is quite acceptable, in my opinion:

Well, I should say a few words about withdrawing funds from W1. Withdrawal methods are provided for three main currencies (rubles, dollars and hryvnia), except for the South African currency, which can only be withdrawn on Skype. Most options will be offered for the withdrawal of rubles:

Opposite each withdrawal method, the commission that will be withheld from you is indicated. The highest (5%) is for postal orders, and without commission you can only buy Ukash e-vouchers (one of the methods of anonymous payment for services and goods on the Internet). Some transfers in Wallet One will be completed almost instantly, and some will take time to complete transactions.

Single checkout from W1 for accepting payments on the site

A couple of years ago, Wallet One invited all Internet businessmen to install a form on their website that would allow them to accept payments in any way convenient for visitors.

Through this cash desk, buyers can pay for a product or service both in cash (payment terminals, communication salons, large hypermarkets, banks, post offices or money transfer systems) and non-cash (cards, bank transfer), as well as using the electronic currencies they have ...

The United Cashier does not take additional commission, but intermediaries will still take from you the amount due to them (see details). To activate payment acceptance, you need to enable this function in your account settings (Settings - Online store) and fill in the fields available there:

You will have to confirm the ownership of the site specified when activating the checkout using one of the two suggested methods - either add a file with the desired name to the root folder of your website, or add the required meta tag between the Head tags of your template code. I would choose the first method in order not to litter the page code.

Look demonstration of the work of the United checkout can be on the link provided.

More about technical side read how to connect the cash register to your website. There you can create and set up a payment form, which you will then transfer to your online store. If your site works for, and the online store is implemented with the help, then you can see a small guide on connecting the United Cashier to your brainchild:

That's all I wanted to say about Wallet One. It turns out that this thing is useful and necessary in the economy, if, of course, everything will work as intended. And what do you think?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Electronic money is one of the most convenient and popular ways to make payments on the Internet. Today, almost every user at one point was faced with the need to make purchases in online stores or receive payment from an employer. It is very convenient when users exchange instant payments with each other. This speeds up all work processes many times over, so electronic money gained popularity in a short time. Today we will talk about one more electronic payment system "United Cashier" or Wallet One.

If you seriously decided to create your own online store, it will be very difficult to do without the "United Cashier". Your customers will be able to pay for goods / services in just a few minutes.

What is "Wallet One Checkout"?

To begin with, you should understand that the brand belongs to the Wallet One company. In turn, this is a group of companies that has united a number of services around the world. Today the company has 15 partners from abroad, some of which are located in countries such as Poland, USA, Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Africa, and so on. If you look at the information on Wikipedia, the central office of the United Checkout system is located in London.

Within the Russian Federation, the operator for all payments "United Cashier" is RNKO (non-bank credit institution). In turn, this one has an official license to conduct business in the country from the Central Bank of Russia. And every client can be capable for their money.

Wallet One offers 2 services:

  • Wallet One;
  • "United Cashier".

In the first case, "Wallet One" works for each user (individuals). With its help, you can perform all functions: payment for goods in online stores, exchange, payment for services, transfer and so on. But the service "United Cashier" is designed for doing business. In fact, he gets the status "aggregator". Why? At the moment, "United Cashier" allows you to pay for goods / services on the Internet using 100 different options. What does this include?

  • Electronic payment systems;
  • Acquiring (payments made using bank cards);
  • Mobile operators;
  • Online banking (payments made using the offices of banks that offer their users the "online banking" service);
  • Terminals.

The list of partner banks in the "United Cashier" service is very impressive (we look at the official website or inside the office).

In general, on the site you can find out in more detail what type of business it is very convenient to work with in the system; how to improve the efficiency of payment introduction and much more. If you are a beginner, you can try to set up everything yourself, and then make a test purchase of the product (check the payment functionality).

If you look at the "One Checkout" inside, the service boasts a pleasant design and convenient functionality. In principle, there is nothing to paint here at all because of the intuitively implemented clear interface, therefore, many reviews of the Wallet United Checkout are positive. It is a pleasure to work with such a project and implement it in your business.

Advantages of "One Checkout":

  • Withdrawal of money on request (it is possible to set up a withdrawal according to a specific schedule);
  • Billing for payment (via mobile phone or email);
  • The ability to add several projects at once to one account (full control from one work console for all types of business);
  • "Flexible" types of tariffs designed for certain types of business;
  • Multicurrency. It is possible to accept payments from abroad, promoting their services there.

W1 Wallet One is an electronic payment service that allows real-time financial transactions between all its users. The owner of the system is the Closed Joint Stock Company "Information Processing Center" (CJSC "IPC") located in Moscow. Thus, the legal space W1 is Russia, the functioning of the system and the contractual relations between its participants are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

However, the electronic payment system W1 Wallet One operates not only in Russia, but also in other countries, including Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the South African Republic.

W1 service provides its clients with ample opportunities. So, with its help you can:

  • pay for services mobile communication;
  • pay for the services of cable and satellite TV providers;
  • pay for the services of Internet providers;
  • pay utility bills;
  • make a loan payment;
  • accept or send a payment within the system;
  • make a purchase in an online store;
  • transfer funds to other payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, etc.);
  • purchase a Ukash voucher without commission (a universal electronic voucher intended for payments on the Internet);
  • pay with an 8% commission for the services of the international VoIP provider Betamax.

An internal messaging service is also available for W1 Wallet One users.

In order to receive an electronic wallet W1, the user needs to go through a simple registration procedure by entering a login in a special form (E-mail or mobile phone number is used as a login) and a CAPTCHA code, and then to the specified address email or a mobile phone number, a unique 12-digit wallet number and password for entering the system are sent. The user can set his own password instead of the one assigned in the Settings - Security section.

To enter the system, use the wallet number or the e-mail / mobile phone number entered during registration.

Service users can open an electronic account in national currency, as well as exchange their funds for the currency of other countries (Kazakhstani tenge, Russian rubles, South African rand, US dollars, Tajik somoni, Belarusian rubles, euros or Ukrainian hryvnia).

The wallet can be managed in any of the following ways:

  • through personal computer (via the W1 Web web application, accessible from any browser);
  • using a mobile phone (via mobile version W1 Wap web applications or using W1 Java Mobile);
  • using the W1 Symbian Mobile application designed for smartphones based on the Symbian operating system;
  • using the dedicated application W1 Windows Mobile Touch for Windows Mobile devices;
  • using the W1 Lite app for Android OS devices;
  • using the W1 iPhone app, designed specifically for Apple devices.

Wallet One is also available to system participants additional service "United Cashier", with the help of which the reception of various payments in cash, non-cash payments and electronic money is carried out. The service is designed for online stores and allows you to customize the payment form in such a way as to provide the clients of trading platforms with the widest possible choice of payment methods.

There are 2 types of accounts in United Cashier - personal (for individuals) and business (for legal entities), endowed with the capabilities and functions necessary for this or that category of users - individual entrepreneurs or companies.

Depending on the size of the business (from a startup with a turnover of 40 thousand rubles to a large corporation with a turnover of 5 million rubles or more), the system's tariffs for using the service differ. The larger your business, the less commission you will have to pay.

Users of the United Checkout service can use the Delivery service, a joint project of the Wallet One payment service and the Red Express courier service. "Delivery" is valid throughout Russia and allows you to: order services from RedExpress, track the status of orders with delivery and use an additional method of accepting cash from customers.

When connecting the service a prerequisite for an online store is the location of the warehouse in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow or Leningrad regions, as well as the presence of physical goods in the warehouse.

Deposit and withdrawal of funds, service commission

There are several ways to top up your W1 e-wallet account: cash (via payment terminals in various countries of the world; bank transfers in any bank in Russia; money transfer systems CONTACT, Leader, UNIStream, Gorod, Anelik; at payment acceptance points based on cellular salons), cashless (from bank cards Visa and MasterCard; from a bank account through Internet banking systems) and using electronic money (exchange of electronic currency Yandex.Money, RBK Money, etc. in W1; transfer of funds to W1 from payment systems Yandex.Money, RBK Money, MoneyMail and other systems).

With any of the above methods, after replenishing the W1 account, the user receives a free SMS notification of the receipt of funds to the mobile phone number specified by him. However, the term for crediting funds to the Wallet One electronic wallet can vary from a few seconds to 5 days, depending on the transfer method.

The fastest way is to replenish a wallet using payment terminals, payment acceptance points and a bank card. The longest time will be the replenishment through the branch of the bank of the Russian Federation

The system has established the following service fees and restrictions on the size of a one-time payment when replenishing an electronic wallet:

  • When replenishing the Wallet One wallet with a bank card, a commission of 1.5% is charged; the minimum top-up amount is 100 Russian rubles, the maximum is 3000 rubles.
  • When replenishing by bank transfer, a commission is taken, set by the bank individually; the maximum transfer amount is 300,000 Russian rubles.
  • When replenishing through the money transfer system, a commission from 0 to 2% is charged; the maximum amount of a one-time payment is 300,000 Russian rubles.
  • When replenishing an account in payment terminals, the commission is from 0 to 6%, depending on the terminal; the maximum transfer amount is 14,000 Russian rubles.
  • You can replenish your W1 wallet using payment acceptance points based on cellular salons with a commission from 0 to 5%; the maximum payment is 14,000 Russian rubles.
  • When replenishing the Wallet One wallet using other payment systems (Rapida, QIWI, WebMoney, etc.), a commission from 0 to 5% is charged; the commission for exchanging electronic money of various payment systems into W1 funds is set individually by each exchanger.
  • When repaying the loan, the user will have to pay 2% commission + 50 rubles;
  • Payment for services such as, cellular, television, utilities, etc. are made without commission.
  • Payment of bills of online stores, as well as transfer of funds within the system, occurs without commission.

You can also receive cash from the W1 e-wallet in several ways: by postal orderhaving received cash at any post office in Russia (the commission will be 4.5%); at payment points of the money transfer system CONTACT and Anelik (commission is 4%, but not less than 60 rubles); transfer to bank cards VISA and MasterCard (commission for withdrawal by this method is 2.9% + 60 Russian rubles); transfer to other payment systems with a commission from 0 to 2.9% (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, MoneyMail, QIWI, RBK Money and Rapida, as well as by purchasing a Ukash voucher).

More details on the size of commissions can be found on the official website of the Wallet One system in the Tariffs section.

System security and cash security

The strength of the Wallet One system is instant online payments, not the storage of funds. In this regard, the developers of the service did not focus on the excessive protection of user wallets.

The responsibility for the security of funds lies with the user of the system. The owner of the wallet must independently take measures to prevent unauthorized access to his account, following the simplest security rules: not to disclose the login and password to third parties. account... This data is transmitted over a secure channel in encrypted form only once per session during user authorization, which protects it from interception, and limiting login attempts excludes the possibility of brute force.

As an additional protection of services, only SMS notification is provided to confirm monetary transactions.

In turn, the W1 system does not require any personal data from its client.

The funds stored on the accounts of users of the W1 Wallet One payment system are secured by assets placed on the settlement accounts of CPI CJSC.

The relationship between users of the service and the "CPI" society is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement on the use of the Payment service "Wallet One".

Pros and cons of payment system W1 Wallet One

System advantages:

  • ease of registration and authorization;
  • anonymity (the user independently chooses the amount of personal information provided to the system, there are no requirements for providing personal data to the clients of the system);
  • availability mobile applications for wallet management;
  • integration with many services (online stores, online games, service providers, etc.);
  • a variety of ways to deposit and withdraw funds;
  • integration with other payment systems.

Disadvantages of W1 Wallet One:

  • limits for deposit and withdrawal of funds;
  • lack of LiveChat for quick communication with the administration;
  • low level of system protection;
  • private technical errors when transferring funds;
  • misleading users of the system (there is a case when the administration of the system made a statement about the launch of a new free service "One phone", which allegedly allowed users to make free calls to mobile numbers all over the world, however, in fact, the service fee was still charged).

Payment system W1 Wallet One is a service designed for conducting financial transactions in real time. Jack One appeared in Russia in 2007 (June 2). The owner is the Moscow-based Information Processing Center.

In 2010, Wallet One officially began operating in Ukraine, and a little later in China, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. There are now 15 international partners. Residents of more than 80 countries use the offers, 12 million user profiles are open. The official website is available in 7 languages. In terms of turnover, it is inferior to WebMoney or Skrill, but all the same, the total is quite significant - about 2 billion US dollars per year.

For the most part, the work of the platform is aimed at the comfortable and efficient implementation of financial operations related to payment for mobile services, IP-telephony, TV - satellite and cable, Internet providers, utilities (housing and communal services), systems - security and safety, loan repayment, Internet -hosting, online games, taxi services, payment of fines. This multi-platform system is also suitable for online shopping.

LC web interface

Confirm your actual location the first time you log in. The login is a phone number or wallet number, as well as an email address. At the top is the navigation menu and detailed information about the account, below the window is divided into news, management functions and work (in more detail duplicates the navigation panel). The panel "Selected providers" automatically includes information about the accounts to which payments were made, with repeated transactions there is no need to specify the information again.

If it's hard to understand multilevel menu in the left column (not shown only in home page site), then in the footer of each page there is a sitemap. Reviews indicate that many people like this solution, although some consider it redundant. If it is difficult to understand the multilevel menu in the left column (not presented only on the main page of the site), then in the footer of each page there is a sitemap. Reviews indicate that many like this solution, although some consider it redundant.

The LC provides the opportunity to communicate (sending SMS, phone calls from a computer). Free video hosting, promotions, affiliate program, bonuses and other pleasant moments.

How to register?

The registrant indicates the E-mail / phone number. Next, you should tick off the agreement with the terms of the Public Offer. Press "Register" and the phone will receive a message with a 12-digit number and password. Wallet One can be opened in 11 national currencies.

You can also connect and work with it:

  • using a mobile phone with Internet access ("W1 Java Mobile"). You can access the wap-version of the site from a mobile device with GPRS-Internet and work through the Web interface;
  • for Windows Mobile computers there is an application "W1 Windows Mobile Touch";
  • "W1 Symbian Mobile" is installed on smartphones with Symbian OS;
  • for Windows Vista lovers there is a "W1 Vista Gadget".

Why do I need to be identified?

To identify and manage funds, W1 Wallet uses a registered and confirmed phone number or 12 wallet license plates. This combination of identification data is an analogue of the user's handwritten signature (HSA). It is used for unambiguous, indisputable confirmation of transactions, orders, requests, notifications on behalf of the user.

Go through identification to increase transaction limits and remove other restrictions. It is not possible to obtain the login and password of the account by third parties if the client keeps them secret and adheres to the rules of safe work. Information in encrypted form is transmitted over a secure channel, this happens once per session during authorization, which protects against interception, and the limit of login attempts excludes brute force.

Operations for depositing, withdrawing, transferring funds

The overwhelming number of transactions is carried out free of charge, commission fees are provided for repayment of credit debt (2% + 50 rubles), exchange for the currency of other EPS (up to 2%). You won't have to pay anything for an intra-system transfer. You need to know the recipient's twelve-digit wallet number.

Until the receipt of receipts, the sender has the right to cancel the payment if he found that he was mistaken. Among the options are the indication of the operation expiration date and the enrollment code (password). You can also turn off the confirmation function.

Withdraw funds

  • by postal order (request on demand, with a notice);
  • at CONTACT points;
  • Visa / Mastrcard;
  • Unistream;
  • Bank transfer;
  • ACH Transfer;
  • SWIFT;
  • Casher Check.

Funding methods

The method depends on the currency and state. In the "Replenishment" section, the account currency is selected. A list will open available options... You can specify the option of replenishment: cash, non-cash, electronic.


  • using almost any terminal. Enrollment is often instant, the time for some terminal networks is up to a day. Commission - from 0 to 7%;
  • bank transfer;
  • communication salons Alt Telecom, MTS, Svyaznoy, Euroset, etc .;
  • Contact (commission 1.5%, but not less than 60 rubles);
  • UNI Stream (commission fee - 1%, but not less than 50 rubles, at service points of partner banks of OJSC CB "Unistream" - 2%).

Cashless options:

  • via Internet banking from a bank account: Alfa Click, Sberbank Online, PSB, Russian Standard Bank (only for individuals, commissions depend on bank tariffs, period - 3-5 working days);
  • from Visa and MasterCard cards of Russian banks and financial institutions of the former CIS states, allowing online transactions. The user will have to log in. Before linking the card, "Personal data" is indicated in the "Settings" tab (name, passport data), the mobile phone number is confirmed.

In addition to the above methods, money can be credited by exchanging other electronic currencies through exchange offices. When receiving money from exchangers, confirmation is required from the receiving party to complete the process (Personal Account → "Transfers" → "Incoming" → "Accept"). Otherwise, the balance will not increase. For those registered with QIWI, the possibility of replenishing Valet One from the QIWI wallet is open. And vice versa.

The first time you use the "plastic", you will need to activate it (once, then everything happens automatically). About 10 rubles is blocked on the card account. Activation is carried out in the Personal Account ("Settings" - "My bank cards"). The received amount acquires the status "Protected money", they can only pay for services. Refunds are only possible for the same plastic. You can't:

  • make transfers between wallets, to other PSs;
  • repay credit debt;
  • pay for purchases in online stores;
  • withdraw money in the usual way.

Amounts credited:

A complete list of funding methods for Russia (Cash / Payment systems / From a mobile phone.

Conveniences, privileges, wishes

The modern pace of life makes everyone think about the rational use of their own time, thanks to which you can correctly and productively plan every free hour. That is why the need to devote a certain amount of personal time, which is already limited by total employment, to all kinds of financial transactions every month, makes us look for new ways to resolve the issue.

Today, an increasing number of people prefer electronic payment services. Even the most conservative users sooner or later come to the conclusion that a high-quality electronic system for financial transactions is significantly ahead of the most modern standard financial organization in terms of speed, ease of management and control.

First of all, the use of an electronic payment system provides significant time savings. Pay for various services, transfer funds to the required accounts, pay telephone connection or the Internet, purchasing goods online thanks to payment systems is carried out with maximum efficiency and exactly when it is convenient for the user.

For a comfortable and quick solution own financial issues only require Internet access and a desire to keep up with the times. The rest of the difficulties have already been taken care of by the developers of modern electronic payment services, on whose professionalism and conscientiousness the quality of work of such projects directly depends. The system is rightfully considered one of the most successful and efficient payment services.

W1 payment system: reasoned advantages

A single wallet or W1 system is an electronic payment service designed to carry out financial settlements between system participants in real time. Mostly this service is aimed at the comfortable and speedy implementation of financial transactions aimed at paying for services.

W1 is a multi-platform system with which you can pay for mobile services, satellite and cable TV, Internet providers, housing and communal services, Internet hosting, security systems and security systems. This payment service is ideal for fun online shopping and comfortable loan repayment.

The W1 payment system interacts with such common projects as Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI, RBK Money, which also facilitates the prompt performance of various financial transactions. Many of the most diverse service providers are partners electronic system W1, which significantly speeds up the process of transferring funds to the accounts of these companies and increases the safety and correctness of settlements. W1's partners include Beeline, MTS, ROL, Motiv, CenterTelecom, Utel, SMARTS, AKADO, MGTS, Er-Telecom, Mosenergo, RU-CENTER, Alfa-Bank, Oriflame and many others.

A wide client base, a well-established partner network, a user-friendly interface, efficiency and security have made the W1 payment system extremely popular among users, and a huge range of opportunities provided contributes to the continuous development and improvement of this electronic service.

Convenient payment tool: W1 Wallet One

The W1 electronic payment system is optimally adapted for the prompt and comfortable implementation of all kinds of financial transactions.

You can connect to the service using, with a PDA, personal computer or communicator, mobile phone or smartphone, using one of the special applicationsdeveloped by the creators of the payment system W1. The registration process takes minutes, and the subsequent management is as convenient and efficient as possible.

To identify and manage payment transactions, the user's registered and confirmed mobile phone number or a 12-digit wallet number is used. These identification data subsequently confirm all financial orders and transactions and serve as an analogue of the handwritten signature of the client of the W1 service.

It is impossible to obtain a login and password by an unauthorized person if the user observes the measures of secrecy and confidential storage of his own identification data, which are transmitted to him during registration via an encrypted channel and exclude the possibility of interception.

The security system of the W1 electronic payment service also includes special measures to protect the accounts of various service providers: bilateral authorization, electronic digital signatures and certificates. Since the payment system mainly involves conducting one-time micro-payments, the security algorithm is simplified as much as possible from a technical point of view and does not interfere with comfortable work, while remaining reliable protection from abuse.

Accounts in the W1 system are made at points of acceptance of payments using bank cards, terminals, sending SMS messages to a short number, through bank transfer systems, as well as through electronic wallets. You can withdraw funds by postal order by contacting special payment points of the CONTACT money transfer system, as well as using the services of other electronic systems.

Due to the prompt implementation of all operations, the W1 payment service is ideally suited for the timely transfer of funds to other users of the system, replenishment of the balance, payment for a variety of services, financial transactions with other payment systems. The receipt of funds to the account is reported in an SMS message, which also contributes to the comfortable conduct of financial transactions and timely control of the payment process.

Each user has access to a service designed to improve the level of service and control the functioning of the electronic system W1, as well as many convenient and popular options, thanks to which the presence of a Single Wallet W1 is the best way rational planning of your own time.