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Running Windows Installer service in safe mode. Starting Windows Installer service in secure mode Remove programs through a safe mode

Secure Windows mode is a very convenient and necessary tool. On computers infected with viruses or with problems with equipment drivers, safe mode It may be the only way to solve the problem with the computer.

For download windows In safe mode, any third-party software or driver is loaded, thus increasing the likelihood that the download will occur successfully, and you can correct the problem in safe mode.

In theory, your computer must start the safe Windows mode, if the failure occurs when loading, nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to manually run a secure mode, which is made as follows:

  • IN Windows 7. and more early versions: You must press F8 after turning on the computer, the result is a menu in which you can select the download in safe mode. In more detail about this in the article
  • IN Windows 8.: You need to press SHIFT and F8 when the computer is turned on, however, it may not work. In details: .

What exactly can be fixed in safe mode

After you launched a safe mode, you can make the following steps to fix computer errors:

  • Check computer for viruses, perform treatment of viruses - very often those viruses that antivirus cannot remove in as usual modeare easily removed in safe. If you do not have an antivirus, you can install it while in safe mode.
  • Run the system recovery - If most recently the computer worked stably, and now fails, use the system recovery to return the computer to the state in which it was previously.
  • Delete installed software - if problems are launched or windows work Began after some kind of program or the game was established (it is especially true for programs that establish their own drivers), began to appear blue screen death, you can delete the installed software in safe mode. It is very likely that after that the computer will boot normally.
  • Refresh Equipment Drivers -provided that the instability of the system is caused system Drivers Devices, you can download and install the latest drivers from the official sites of equipment manufacturers.
  • Remove banner from the desktop -safe mode with command line support is one of the main ways to get rid of the SMS extortioner, how to make it described in detail in the instructions.
  • See if the failures are manifested in safe mode - If, with normal Windows loading with a computer, the Blue Death screen, the automatic reboot or similar, and in the safe mode they are missing, then, most likely, the problem is programmed. If, on the contrary, the computer does not work in safe mode, causing all the same failures, that is, the probability that they are caused by hardware problems. It is worth noting that normal operation in safe mode does not guarantee that there are no hardware problems - it happens that they occur only with high hardware of equipment, such as video cards, which does not occur in safe mode.

Here are some of those things that can be done in safe mode. It is far from full list. In some cases, when the solution and diagnosis of the cause of the problem occupied in disabilities long time and takes a lot of strength the best option May be reinstalling Windows.

Do you often install new programs and games on your computer? And how often do you have to delete applications from the system? If you are an active user of computers, then I think, from time to time it gets up and the other task. But sometimes simple uninstalling software From the panel windows management It does not cope with the functions entrusted to it. If you encountered problems when trying delete a program from a computer, then this article is for you. Perhaps the way the way will help you fix errors when removing programs.

Remaining the problems that impede the installation and removal of programs

Despite its rich history and thoughtfulness in detail, windows system Also is not perfect. From time to time of users of this OS, a variety of errors in work are worried. The situation is exacerbated by a huge variety of software for computers, source which may not be sufficiently debugged. In addition, some programs can simply conflict with each other when installing one system. Moreover, errors are able to deliver inconvenience both during installation and work and during the removal of the program from the computer.

If your computer occurs errors when installing or removing programs, first of all, we advise you to take advantage of the means of eliminating problems directly from the OS developer, Microsoft.

Supported platforms
Windows 7.
Windows 8.
Windows 8.1.
Windows 10.

As you can see, the tool works on most modern OS.
Now consider typical problems that are eliminated by this utility.

Download this means You can from the official Microsoft website and from the file attached to this article: Tools Troubleshooting Problems Supplementing or Deleting Programs

Unzorchive executive file. MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_uninstall.meta.diagcab. At a convenient place on the computer and run it.

Errors when installing and removing programs in Windows Secure Mode

If the tool from Microsoft is applied, and you are still cannot delete the program, Or some of the newly installed programs have been sent to the startup and prevents the normal system launch (more about managing the autoload here: Autoload. Adding applications to Windows Startup), then you can try uninstall application via secure Windows mode. This method will come in handy and in cases where the developer software Itself recommends that you delete the program in safe mode.

What is a safe mode, all ways to start the system in safe mode, login nuances to the secure mode for Windows 10, differences in actions for previous versions OS, Windows 7 and Windows XP are considered in the relevant article: Secure Windows mode. Safe Mode.. As part of the current record, we will not stop in detail.

Well, we went to Safe modeOpen menu Programs and components in Control panels Windows, we find the application there, which we want to uninstall, press the Delete button and .... Get the error of the following content:

Could not get access to the service windows Installer Installer. May not be installed Windows Installer. Contact your support service.

Moreover, if we try to run the Windows Installer manually, we will get another error

Error 1084: This service does not start in safe mode (SAFE MODE)

Eliminating Windows Installer Startup Errors

To launch Windows InstallerIt is necessary to make changes to the Windows registry.

Open windows registry editor

  • Run the utility Perform Crossing B. Start - All programs - Standard(in Windows 10 utility Perform Located in the catalog Service), either holding the key on the keyboard Start (on some keyboards it is marked as WIN.) I. R.
  • In the window that opens, we drive the REGEDIT command

    and click on the key ENTER

In the registry editor, go to the next branch:


If you work in safe download mode network driversT. next steps need to be done on the branch:

Here, in the left part of the registry editor, you need to create another section, calling it Msisserver

In the created section, on the right side of the registry editor window, from the created string parameter (add a new string parameter, if it does not appear automatically) in the Value field Service.

Save the changes and close the registry editor window.

Now you can start the Windows Installer service. You can do this in two main ways that we consider below.

Running Windows Installer service from the command line

Open command line:

In the current console we enter the command

Net Start Msiserver.

And press the key ENTER. The console will give you a message that the service is successfully launched.

You can manually enter the command, but simply run the BAT file created earlier, which is attached to this article: mSISERVER_START.More about Batnikov and how to write them yourself, you can read in the record Batch files (Bat, Batniki) Windows

Running Windows Installer from the service menu

Open menu Services In Windows:

  • Right-click on my computer (in Windows 7, the conductor is simply called a computer, in Windows 10 - this computer), here you select the control (in Windows 10 this item is on the way additionally - control). Now on the left reveal the menu Services and applications And click on the service option.
  • Either go on the way start - Control Panel - system and safety - Administration - Services

That's all. Now you can safely delete any application in safe windows mode as third-party programs uninstallasts and standard utility The installing and deleting of programms In the control panel.

If you read this post, you already know that the Windows Installer (MSI) does not work by default in the safe mode of Windows. It is very unpleasant, because you may have installed an application or a program in normal mode, which later does not allow Windows 10 to start. Attempting to delete a program from a safe mode causes an error because the Windows Installer installer service does not start in safe mode. Here is an easy way to bypass this problem, which will allow you to run the Windows Installer service in safe mode.

Suppose that after the wrong completion of the work, one of the programs began to prevent the operating system loading in the usual mode. As soon as the desktop is loaded, the OS received Bad_Pool_Header (). If you know which of the installed programs causes a system failure, you need to delete it, if not, you will have to delete one, the last installed applications.

If you try to remove the application that was installed from mSI package In safe mode, you will receive the following error:

Failed to access the Windows Installer Installer service. It may not be installed Windows Installer. Contact your support service.

How to delete a program or application in safe mode

To enable Windows installer Installer in safe mode, follow these steps.

Go to the next registry key.

Create a new subsection named "MSISERVER".

In the created section MSISERVER,set the value for default string parameter on the "SERVICE"As shown below. This will allow the Windows Installer in the usual safe mode (without network support).

Now repeat the same for


This will allow you to enable Windows installer in secure mode with network support. See Screen Snapshot below.

Now open the command prompt and enter:

This instantly activates the Windows Installer service.

Now you can delete any application or program in safe mode!

This trick works in all modern windows versions, including Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

To save your time, you can download ready-made registry files.

The archive has two files:

Enable Windows Installer in Safe Mode - Enable application deletion in safe mode.

DISABLE Windows Installer in Safe Mode -Turn off the deletion of applications in secure mode (Cancel changes).

Safe mode is often the only one available option Work with a suddenly refused system, especially when there is nothing at hand. And in many cases it turns out to be quite enough, especially if the malfunction is caused by an incompatible version of software or unsuccessful updates. However, the unpleasant surprise may turn out that the Windows Installer service is disabled in this mode. Fortunately, it is easy to correct and today we will tell you how.

The logic of developers is sometimes difficult to understand. The main purpose of the secure mode is to eliminate the problems that interfer the system loading, incl. Deleting incompatible software or drivers. But the staff of the Windows Installer service for some reason was considered unsafe and turned off in safe mode. It turned out a vicious circle: to remove incompatible according to we should boot into normal mode, which this is actively preventing.

How to be? To contact the support service, undoubtedly, the "valuable" council, but it is usually necessary to restore the system here and now, especially if the "culprit of the celebration" is known. An attempt to launch the service manually is also not crowned with success:

Official Microsoft Recommendation - perform a "clean" loading, turning off all third-party services and autorun items. In many cases, this will help if only we are talking about low-level components launched by regular services (drivers, cryptoproderder, etc.). Therefore, we use the "undocumented" feature and launch the Windows Installer service contrary to the established restrictions.

The text of the error in the screenshot above should bring to some reflections if the system unconditionally declares that this service can not work in safe mode, then somewhere there should be a list of services that can work in this mode.

This list is contained in system Registry In the branch:


for safe mode And in the branch:


for secure network support mode.

Open registry editor and create a section with the name in the specified branch. Msisserver, open it and assign the parameter Default. value Service..

To make it easier to work, you can create ready-made registry files for this in any text editor Create a file, enter the contents specified below and save with the extension. .reg.

For a secure mode:

@ \u003d "SERVICE"

For a secure network support mode:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@ \u003d "SERVICE"

After making changes to the registry, the restart is not required, you can immediately run the required service. To do this, or open the snap Computer Management - Services and Applications - Services Or use the command line:

Net Start Msiserver.

Now you can regularly delete applications using the Windows Installer service in safe mode. Similarly, other services can be launched, but it should be reasonable caution, since this service is a source of failure, it will not be possible to re-boot with the safe mode and will have to take other measures to restore the system.

Not rarely when trying to delete the program, users face that the program is not deleted. When you try to start deleting a program through the "Control Panel", the user receives an error that interrupts the removal process. After that, the program remains on the computer.

If you also do not know how to delete a program that is not deleted, then this article should help you. Here we will look at three simple and effective method solutions to this problem.

Method number 1. Stop all the processes related to the program.

If the program is not deleted, then, most likely, it is in this moment works. To stop the operation of the program, open "" (for example, using the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination) and go to the list of processes. In the list of processes, you need to find those processes that are associated with the program and stop them.

If you have Windows 8 or Windows 10, then you need to click right-click on the process you want to complete, and in the menu that appears to select "Remove the task". In Windows 7 and older versions of Windows, the menu item you need will be called "Complete Process".

After all the processes associated with the program are stopped, you need to repeat the program to delete the program. If a this method did not help remove the program, then try to restart the computer and try again. You may have hung something and thus blocked the removal of the program.

Method No. 2. Use a special program to remove programs.

If the program is not deleted and after restarting, you can try to delete it using special Program. The most popular program of this kind is. This program allows you to delete any other programs. In this case, the removal is possible even in cases where the uninstaller does not work or the program is not displayed in the control panel.

Use Revo Uninstaller quite simple. First you need to run this program and wait until she scan and displays everything software installed. After that you need to click the right mouse button on the program you want to delete and select "Delete" item.

After that, a window will appear in which you want to select a method for removing the program. In most cases, the option "moderate" is suitable.

Here you can click on the "Select All" button and confirm the removal by clicking on the "Next" button.

Method # 3. Delete the program through a safe mode.

If nothing of the above does not help remove the program, you need to download the computer to and try again.

In safe mode, only the main components of the operating system are loaded, other programs that can block deletion are not loaded. Therefore, in safe mode, the removal must pass without problems.