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Contents in open office. Essays by means of OpenOffice

For automatic creation Table of contents Install the cursor to the text of the text where the table of contents should be. Select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Pointers", then "Pointers ...". The insert pointer window appears.

In this window, you can carry out the insertion of various pointers, but the original option is the table of contents. In field "Rate up to level" You can specify the headers of which levels should be included in the table of contents.

For example, when 3 in the table of contents will include all paragraphs with style "Title 1", "Title 2" and "Title 3". After pressing the button Ok The system will generate a table of contents and places it where the cursor was located.

Insert drawings

OpenOffice Writer. Allows you to insert pictures (taken from files) and specify their location, as well as whether they will "lie" with text. To insert a picture in the text, select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Picture", then "From the file ..." The insertion window appears from the file from the file.

Here you can choose the desired file..

When the file is selected by clicking (if "Tick" is enabled "View") It is turned on its preview on the right side of the window. To insert the selected pattern in the text, click "Open" .

Clicking the figure with the right mouse button, you can call the drawing settings menu. With this menu you can install, in particular:

  • How will the drawing be located in the text (item "Binding") - on a fixed position in relation to the page, to a certain paragraph, to a certain sign or as a sign. If the drawing is located "as a sign", it is inserted into the string as well as the usual sign (but its size does not change when the font size changes).;
  • Will the text "contend" the drawing and if yes - how exactly (item "Flood").

Saving and reading files

OpenOffice Writer. Saves and reads files in format.sXW. This format is fully published and based on open standards. In addition, it allows you to save and read files in formats.rtf (Rich Text Format), .doc ( Microsoft Word. 95 or 97/2000 / XP) and others.

To save the current text on the disk as a file, select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save"Or press the [Ctrl + S] keys. If the file has already been saved, it will be saved again under the same name. If he has not yet been saved, a window of selecting the name and format of the stored file will appear.

In this window you can choose required catalog To save the file, specify the file name, as well as select its format (type). When specifying the name and type of file, click the button "Save" . After that, the file will be recorded on the disk.

Saving a file under the new name

If you work with a file that has previously been saved, and want to save it under a different name (or in another format - for example, .rtf or.doc), select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save as…" A file selection selection window will appear (see \\ riceris23), and you can specify the new name and file format.

In this window, you can find the right directory and select the file that you want to open. By clicking the desired file with the mouse, click "Open" . Writer. He considers the file and, if reading has passed successfully, you can view and edit the contents of this file.

Editing HTML.

Editing hTML files (format for www pages) in OpenOffice. Extremely similar to editing texts in OpenOffice Writer.. (Really editing HTML is made precisely Writer.operating in special mode). This allows you to create WWW-pages without special training, as well as easy to convert text documents to the WWW page. You can use to edit HTML documents almost all the techniques described above for Writer..

Basic editing HTML

HTML documents can be formatted as well as ordinary documents. However, the resulting WWW pages will be sufficiently uncomfortable for viewing. For correct formatting of HTML documents, you should use special paragraph styles that are automatically offered in the window. "Stylist" When editing such a document.

For the main text, use the style "Main text", for headlines - group styles "Title", for quotation - "Quote" etc. You can specify the alignment of paragraphs, as well as allocate sections of text with bold font, italic or underground. But changing the font is very undesirable - it can lead to difficulties in some users when watching your page.

As you know, an important HTML element is the ability to create links (HyperLinks) to other documents.

In this window, specify the document to which the link is made, as well as the link text. Link text is indicated in the field. "Text". The method of specifying the document to which the link is made is switched to the left side of the window.

When choosing item "The Internet" The ability to enter a link to a document on the Internet in full format (URL). Paragraph "Letters and Messages" Allows you to describe the link to the address email (MailTo) or News Group usenet. (NEWS). Selecting item "Document", You can insert a link to an existing document on the disk. It should be borne in mind that although in the field "Way" It is indicated by the full path to the document, in fact, if the documents are in the same directory, the link is created only on the document name - therefore, in the case of transferring both files to the Internet, the link continues to work.

Finally, point « new document» Allows you to create a reference to a document that is not yet created on the disk. The system provides the ability to immediately create this document (for this you should select item "Edit now" At the top of the window) or create a link without creating a document (item "Edit later"). It is important to correctly select the type of file from the list (for example, "HTML Document"), not just specify the full file name. When the data for the link is entered, click "Apply" . The link will be created.

To edit a link, you should install the cursor on it and select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Hyperlink". The same window appears (see \\ riceris25), but filled with data of the specified reference. In this window, you can make the desired changes and click the button. "Apply" .

Saving and read HTML files

Saving and read when editing HTML files is performed in the same way as in Writer.. It is important that in the composition of HTML files, the drawings are not saved. Therefore, when transferring a file to another computer or on the Internet, they can be lost. Even if another computer is transferred to another computer, and the drawings to it, but they are in different directories, drawings may disappear from the document. That this does not happen, it is best to keep all the drawings inserted into the document in the same directory as the document itself, and transfer them to another computer or on the Internet with the document. It should be borne in mind that OpenOffice. Almost any file in HTML format can be considered, but the Russian letters will be correctly shown correctly. It's not an error in OpenOffice., and the lack of such files - the encoding of Russian letters is not specified in them, or incorrectly. To specify the type of encoding, you should switch to the edit mode hTML text (See below) and enter or edit at the beginning of the file (between the conditional lines and) line of the following type:

Instead of KOI8-R, the coding of Russian letters in this file; The most common encodings are Koi8-R, Windows-1251 and UTF8.

Editing the source text HTML

OpenOffice. Allows you to switch from editing the contents of an HTML document in visual mode (i.e., in the form in which it will be apparently in a web browser) to work with the source text in HTML. This can be useful in a number of cases when checking and correcting directly HTML text. To enable or disable the HTML source editing mode, select the item in the main menu. "View", then "HTML source text".

Creating www pages using autopilot

OpenOffice. contains "Autopilot WWW pages", allowing in a short time and without additional costs to create a standard and fairly beautiful www page. To take advantage "Autopilot", select the item in the main menu "File", then "Autopilot", then "Web page ..." A window will appear .

By choosing the values \u200b\u200bof the fields, you can immediately see on the screen, how the created page will look like. Feature the desired view, click "Ready" . You can edit an HTML document that immediately possess the desired appearance. Now it is enough just to fill it with information.

OpenOffice I have been using a long time ago. Four years old from the first beta versions of OpenOffice 2.0. The second generation was quite significantly different from the first and more or less could compete with the then Microsoft Office. 2003, so it was interesting to use alternative free office package. But since my work is mainly related to the text, most of all had to use Writer - text editor.

The other day it took to make a more complex than a simple set of text with the highlight of a couple of words, the design of the document and I decided to implement this event not in the usual Word 2003, but OpenOffice Writer 3.1. In particular, the task was as follows: Create content with references based on headlines; Numbrive all pages except the first.

In general, OpenOffice does not suit me by the fact that it generally allows you to do the same as MS Office, but sometimes the functions are performed so unlikely that it becomes clear why all the scope do not switch to this software package. It suffices to remember the default template setting. And in the numbering of the pages there was a couple of such "frills". But pleases that all these actions are described in detail in the help. Having understood with everything now I share my freshly acquired experience.

Adding content

Immediately make a reservation that I describe the English version of the package, since it is just that I use it. Let's start with the content. It is inserted through the menu INSERT → INDEXES AND TABLES → Indexes and Tables. In the window INSERT INDEX / TABLE The left is the preview area, and on the right - the parameters of the added field. I note that preview in my opinion did more clearly than in Word.

Type of added element (the word "content" I entered myself)

By default, the addition of content is selected. But there are other options. Depending on the selected item inserted to the page.

Registration of the inserted element

On the tab Indexes. Decision and formatting. Region Structure. Consists of five text fields and four buttons. The button indicates a particular element in the content (paragraph number, name, page number, etc.). By clicking on it below, you can choose the style of design. Those characters are added to the text fields that are inserted into the entire line of content. Before or after the desired item. It must be flexible enough, but not very clearly and not immediately understandable.

Adding Pages Numbering

Now numbering pages. Before turning on the footer through the menu INSERT → Footer → All. After you should translate the cursor and select the menu INSERT → Fields → Other (can I. INSERT → Fields → Page Numberif any additional formatting is required). In the Fields window, you can insert various data on the page. I suppose they are small scripts that output one or another information.

Choosing in the first list Pageand in the second Page Numbers. In the third you will be offered to choose the format of pages (symbol, numerical, Roman numbers, etc.). Downstairs there is a field Offset. (offset), where you can specify how many pages skip before starting the numbering.

Suppose inserted. Of course, all this was done not through one menu item, as in MS Word, but everything is more or less visual. What can not be said about the withdrawal of the footer from the first page (so that its number is not displayed there). And here it was necessary to first dance the ritual dance with the tambourine, and then climb into the help. Help, which is nice, helped.

Styles pages

AT general essence Such is that the first page needs to set the style FIRST PAGEwhich just does not imply a footer. For this we climb in the menu Format → Styles and Formatting or click. In the window that appears at the top there is a toolbar, switching categories of styles. The required style is located in the category Page Styles. (Where else should he be?). Double-click The mouse over the desired style and everything is the page where the cursor is installed, the footer is deprived.

Well, in general, I really hope that as OpenOffice improves, it will still become not only faster and easier in terms of consumption. random access memory, but also more logical and visual in use.

Earlier, I published a similar material. Now I recycled him and supplemented it to include in the styled guide to the publishing.

The article discusses the creation and configuration of automatic table of contents, nominal, alphabetical and other pointers. These functions are somehow based on styles, which serves good example their practical application.

Automatic table of contents

Automatic table of contents is created on the basis of styles that have levels of structures other than the level " Main text" The table of contents is automatically formed in the form of cross-references, which allows you to quickly move to the desired section. This structure will also be saved when importing to PDF and allows you to use the "Content" function in PDF-viewers.

Settling headlines

Automatic table of contents is formed based on headlock styles. The title style is essentially a paragraph style, but with one difference. Styles of headlines have a structure levels from 1 to 10. The levels of the structure allow you to set the complex design of the table of contents, for example, to make indents of various depths for chapters and underrad.

Setup table contents / pointer

The table of contents and pointer configuration dialog contains several tabs that allow you to adjust the pointer type, structure and design. The setting is quite subtle, which makes it possible to give the table of contents any desired view. As an example, the options for setting up the table of contents can be cited by the book "GIMP for a photographer: effective processing methods", the layout in one column of which was carried out in LibreOffice.

Tab " View"Is responsible for the formation of the table of contents (pointer). In field " Title"The name is entered. In the list " A type»The type of pointer is selected, in our case it" Table of contents"Other types will be discussed below.

Marker " Protected from manual changes»Prohibits Changing the Table of Contents from the document without using the table of contents and pointers dialog. I recommend always to put this marker and all changes only through the dialogue and via styles.

Section " Create a pointerAllows you to create pointers for the entire document or separate chapter. There you can also select the levels of the structure that will be included in the pointer, for example, can be included in the table of contents only first level headers.

Section " Use"Allows you to determine on the basis of which a pointer will be formed. For example, the marker " Structure"Means that headlines will be used to form the table contents. For most cases, the activation of this marker is quite enough. But you can refuse such a method of formation and set " Additional styles", Will be included in the table of contents, to do this, activate the marker" Additional styles"And press the button with three dots. The dialog box opens Appoint styles"(Figure 4). Select the style to be enabled in the table of contents and set it the level using the buttons under the list. Here you can choose any style, even one that has the level of the "Main Text" structure. The appointment of the level in this dialog does not affect the original style and in fact it will have the level " Main text».

Marker " Pointer"The ratio does not have a relationship and belongs to various types pointers that will be discussed below.

Registration of the table of contents / pointer

The remaining tabs in the table of contents and pointer configuration dialog are used for direct design.

Tab " Elements"Allows you to adjust the items of the table of contents / pointer. There are the following types of elements: GN, GK, E #, E, T, No. All elements are buttons. When you click on them, the settings of each of the items become available. Also, all buttons can be deleted / adding and placed in different order. For example, to delete the button, select it and press the " Delete." on keyboard.

The "GN" and "GK" buttons mean the beginning and end of the hyperlink and are usually located at the beginning and end of the structure of the elements. This allows you to make a table of contents / Pointers clickable.

E # button - adds "chapter number". Includes the header number not only for chapters, but also for other levels of headers. The "E" button is the text of the element.

The "T" button is the tab pitch, allows you to configure the distance and settings of the aggregate between the name and number number. Using the drop-down list when you press the right mouse button on the " Aggregate»You can select any symbol for filling.

Button № - adds page number. All items have a design that is set on the " Styles" If necessary, any of the elements can be assigned its design style by selecting it from the drop-down list. " Symbol style"(Here are the styles of characters, and on the tab" Styles"- paragraphs).

White fields between the elements allow you to add additional characters between well, for example, spaces.

For each header level, you can configure your set of elements, which allows you to achieve any design of the table of contents / pointer (Figure 8).

On the tab " Styles»Each level of the table of contents / element can be assigned to your design style, which will set the parameters of the color, headset, bowl, indents, etc.

In the list " Levels»Select a level in the list of" Paragraph Styles ", select Style to assign. Send the desired level level using the arrow button in the center between the lists. If necessary, you can call the style parameter editor window by clicking on the " Edit».

In the example, in Figure 8, indents and formatting for different levels were specified in the styles. At the same time, additional styles of characters (Figure 7) were applied to the numbering and tabulation in the headlines of the second level. Thus, in strings with the headlines of the second level used already three styles.

On the tab " Speakers»You can specify the design of the table of contents / pointers in the form of columns. In this case, you can choose and adjust the number and width of the columns (Figure 10).

Changing the table of contents / pointer

To make changes to the design and configuration of the table of contents or pointer, you must click on it with the right mouse button and choose " Edit Table of Contents / Index" Also, you can also make changes to the design through the settings of the styles used for the design of the table of contents / pointer.

Update table of contents / pointer

When making changes to the structure of the document, i.e., adding new heads or elements of the pointer, you must update the table of contents / pointer. To do this, right-click on the table of contents / pointer and select " Refresh Table of Contents / Index" Also, the table of contents / pointer are updated when using the function " Service → Refresh».

Removal of table of contents

To delete the table of contents / pointer, click on it with the right mouse button and select " Delete table availability / index».

Sections: Informatics

Type of lesson: combined.

Purpose: Creating a table of contents of the finished text - poems A.S. Pushkin using the main menu and previously studied formatting skills of paragraphs and symbols.

  • repeat the main functions, the purpose of the text editor, receiving editing and formatting the document,
  • perform practical work "Creating a table of contents in the text document",
  • evaluate the work obtained from the point of view of the technology of creating a table of contents in a text document, as well as from the point of view of suitability to use when writing an abstract.

Equipment, software and clarity:

  • computers of students, teachers, the local network, projector, interactive marker board, marker board, chalk board,
  • Windows (operating system), OpenOffice. ORG Writer (Text Editor), Netop School (Class Management Program), Moodle (Distance Learning System),
  • document containing additional material on text editors ( appendix 1),
  • a document containing the poem A.S. Pushkin ( appendix 2.),
  • algorithm for creating a table of contents with hyperlinks ( appendix 3.).

Lesson plan.

  1. Organizational moment, goal (1-2 minutes)
  2. Actualization of knowledge. (2 minutes.)
  3. Statement of new material (10 min.)
  4. Practical work (20 min.)
  5. Examination of work (5-7 min.)
  6. Summarizing. (1-2 min.)

During the classes

I. Orgmant.

Greeting, checking present. Explanation of the course of the lesson.

II. Actualization of knowledge.

In this lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the types of free software and its functions on the site of distance learning.

For processing text information The computer uses text editors that allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents.

The simplest text editors (for example, a standard Notepad application) allow you to edit text, as well as perform the simplest formatting.

More advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. Orgwriter), which are called text processors, have a wider range of options for creating documents (insert patterns and tables, spelling tools, storing editing, etc.).

To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers, powerful text processing programs are used in the processing of publication - desktop publishing systems (for example, Adobe Pagemaker, Microsoft Office Publisher).

To prepare for publishing on the Internet, specialized applications are used on the Internet (for example, Microsoft Frontpage) to prepare web pages and Web sites. ( Appendix 1)

Check knowledge of the previous topic.

Frontal survey:

  1. What is a text editor?
  2. List the main functions, the purpose of the text editor.
  3. How to run a text editor?
  4. What is text editing?
  5. What is text formatting?
  6. What is a symbol?
  7. What is paragraph?
  8. How to highlight the word?
  9. How to highlight paragraph?

III. Statement of new material

Guys, we remembered that the formatting of the document is a change in its external view. Any text processor provides document formatting at five different levels:

  • at the level of symbols (change in the headset, drawing, changing the bow (size) and font color, background, animation),
  • at the level of paragraphs (alignment on the left edge, on the right edge, in the center and in width; indents on the right and left; indenting the first line; indents before and after paragraph; an arstics interval),
  • at the page level (Page Settings, page size, page orientation, frame, footers, page breakdown),
  • at the partition level (the formation of partitions from the next page or on the current page, splitting the text on the speakers),
  • at the level of the document ( page Numbers, Table of Contents).

When creating a new document based on template Normal, he gets a copy of the set of styles from the basic set styles General purpose (from embedded styles): Normal, headlines 1, 2, 3. (Demonstrated on an interactive blackboard - document styles)

Posted by paragraphs of the standard styles of the editor provides fast.

<Рисунок 1>

changing the appearance of the created document by applying styles from the style library. Built-in styles provide headlines formatting different levels and allow you to view the hierarchical structure of the document in mode structure, as well as quickly build a table of contents.

Many users are typing the table of contents manually, not knowing that the text processor is capable of creating it automatically. You just need to designate headlines in the document using styles.

Let's start with the selection of headlines. Put the cursor on the line you want to make the header, and select the "Title 1" style in the drop-down list on the toolbar. In our work, the headline of the first level is the author of poems.

For nested subheadings, use the Style "Title 2", "Title 3" and so on. For example, the name of the poems can be designated by the "Title 2" style.

How to automatically create table contents of a text document? When entering text, assign certain styles to all headlines. And carefully follow hierarchy styles of headlovkovin the document structure. Independent headlines (not invested in any other, for example: Introduction, Chapter 1, ... Conclusion, References) are first Level Headers - "Title 1"embedded in them - the headlines of the second level - "Title 2" and so on.

To determine the level of the title in the hierarchy of the document structure, you can use a simple rule: if the titles in your document are numbered, then the headers of the first level are those that would be numbered by one digit (1, 2, 3), the second - those that would be numbered two figures (1.1,1.2,1.3), the third - three (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3), etc.

We will perform work on the following algorithm: (the algorithm is located in the distance learning system at the address-http: // in section 11 class.

<Рисунок 2>

Use of callouts and pointers

Consider an example of creating an information system using the OpenOffice text processor. It is required to create a table of contents to the poems of A.S. Pushkin. ( Appendix 2.)

1. Save text Document For editor file Text data structures 1in the personal folder and open it .
File for OpenOffice.writer (hyperlink to the file located on the distance learning site)

2. Line Alexander Sergeevich Pushkinwe form as a first level header.

  • select a string
  • run the command style -\u003e Title 1

3. Names of poems form as titles of the second level .

<Рисунок 3>

4. Name Pages:

  • Insert - \u003e Lower footer
  • Insert - \u003e Fields - \u003e Page number

5. Create a table of contents:

  • install the cursor where the table of contents will be (the very beginning of the document)
  • Insert\u003e Table of Contents and Pointers\u003e Table of Contents and Indicators

<Рисунок 4>

  • Remove the label from the "Protected from Manual Changes" item.

6. Open the application edit window (through context menu Or execute commands: insert -\u003e Table of contents and pointers -\u003e Table of contents and pointers).

<Рисунок 5>

7. On the tab Elements Install the editing window (Fig. 6):

1) the header level for hyperlinks;

2) Put the cursor before Element;

<Рисунок 6>

4) Put the cursor after Element(Fig. 7);

<Рисунок 7>

6) Button Elementmust be between the buttons GN(hyperlink Start) and GK.(hyperlink end) - OK

7) Repeat these actions for level 2(Fig. 8).

<Рисунок 8>

<Рисунок 9>

Final version

Actions are demonstrated on an interactive whiteboard in real time and commented by the teacher.

IV. Practical work

Students take place for jobs at computers. Pass on the remote learning siteHttp: // in section 11 class and perform practical work on the algorithm (it was considered above appendix 3.) Led in the system.

<Рисунок 10>

The work is retained in the distance learning system under the proposed name to verify the teacher.

<Рисунок 11>

5. Examination of work

As the work in the distance learning section, the teacher views the work, if the work is done - right, the mark is set, if the teacher believes that the work must be finished, he writes a comment on the work. The student sees a mark or comment and makes a decision, to turn with a mark or finish work.

6. Summing up.

Reflection with students, on the topic of creating a table of contents with hyperlinks and access to the use of this skill in the design of abstracts and articles on other subjects.