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the main  /  Education / Bashes Mozil on Windows 7. How to speed up the work of the browser Mozilla Firefox: what to do if it is tupit and slows down

Brakes Mozil on Windows 7. How to speed up the work of the Mozilla Firefox browser: what to do if it is tupit and slows down

WHEN FIREFOX. hangs., IT Stops Responding to Your Clicks and Keystrokes and Doesn "T Seem to Be Doing Anything. Also, A "(Not Responding)" Label Is Displayed in The Title Bar And The Mouse Cursor Becomes a Spinning Wheel Hourglass When "S Over The Firefox Window.Also, The Mouse Becomes a Spinning Wait Cursor WHEN IT "S Over The Firefox Window. This article Gives You Solutions to Firefox Hangs Depending On When They Happen.

  • If Firefox a Lot of Computer Resources, See The Solutions Proposed in and Firefox Uses Too Much Memory (RAM) - How to Fix.
  • If You Get A "Warning: Unresponsive Script" Prompt, See Warning Unresponsive Script - What It Means and How to Fix IT.
  • If Firefox Closes UnExpectedly, See Firefox Crashes - Troubleshoot, Prevent and Get Help Fixing Crashes.

To Resolve Hanging Problems Not Specifically Mentioned in This Article, Or If The Suggested Solutions Do Not Solve The Problem, See Troubleshoot and Diagnose Firefox Problems.

Delete Duplicated Session Restore Files

Firefox May Be Slow to Respond or Hang If Multiple Copies of Its Session Restore File Have Been Created:

Change the Pac Implementation

If you "re using a proxy auto-config file (PAC), Firefox May Hang WHEN YOU ATTEMPT TO LOAD SITES THAT DON" T EXIST OR THAT YOU HAVEN "T OPENED RECENTLY. TO DETERMINE IF YOU USE AN Automatic Proxy Configuration File:

Firefox Hangs While Playing Flash Videos

Firefox Hangs After Using It For A Long Time

Update Firefox.

The Latest Firefox Versions Includes Improvements in Memory Usage, Escecially During Long Sessions. Update Firefox To The Latest Version.

Restart Firefox.

Firefox May Hang If Left Open for Long Periods of Time. To Fix The Issue, Restart Firefox.

If You Regularly Leave Firefox Open So That You Return To Where You Left Off, You May Want To Use Firefox "S Session Restore Feature. For more information, see Configuring Session Restore.

Firefox Hangs While Loading The First Window

Speed \u200b\u200bUp Session Restore

If You Have Many Tabs to Restore, Firefox May Hang While Loading Those Sites. Make Sure That. Don "T Load Tabs Until Selected IS Checked In Your Tabs Settings So That Only The Last Selected Tab Is Loaded At Startup.



Clear Download History

Firefox May Hang WHEN DOWNLOADING FILES IF Your Download History Has Grown Too Large. To Clear The Download History:

Choose a Different Download Folder

Firefox May Hang If The Last Download Folder Location (E.G. A Shared Volume or USB Drive) Is No Longer Available. To Fix this:

See If You Are Now Able to Download Files or Save Images. If This Works, You Can Go Back to Your Firefox Settings, IF You Wish and Select ALWAYS ASK ME WHERE TO SAVE MY FILES.

Firefox Hangs WHEN YOU QUIT IT

Sometimes When You Close Firefox, It May Stop Responding and Remain in Memory, Even Though No Firefox Windows Are Open. This Can Prevent Firefox from Working Properly The Next Time You Open It Or You May See a "Close Firefox" Dialog Box with An Error Message, Firefox is Already Running, But Is Not Responding. A Copy of Firefox Is Alady Open. You Must Then End All Firefox Processes or Restart The Computer Before You Can Reopen Firefox (See "Firefox IS Already Running But Is Not Responding" Error Message - How to Fix It for Other Causes and Solutions).

Close Firefox Completely.

If Firefox Proceses That Remain in Memory AT Exit Are A Recurring Problem, Try the Following Solutions.



Hefty cPU, video card decent last sample, solid width of the Internet channel, EDAK under 50 Mbps, is no longer so pleased with the user when it turned up free hours in the online game Favorite to play or a web service to how to use, and Firefox is inhibits.

And the hatch is that it is he (Firefox) is needed to interact with Global web: in it, everything is configured and landscaped as you need, but alas ... literally, expressing on the current computer slang, Mazila Ferfox is terribly tupit: the scroll of pages in it begins to be hopped (lags), the flash does not start, slows down the video on Youtube and still Neither God know what unpleasant principles happen. However, you, dear reader, probably not need to tell about this problem in detail. Since you were on this page, probably your browser Mozilla Firefox. I slow down and you wish to get rid of this problem as quickly as possible.

Well, sincerely look forward to helping you. After reading this article to the end, you will learn why it can slow down the browser (that such a "braking" in Mozilla Firefox can occur) and what you need to do to return it to the former strength, that is, the former speed.

Hurry to assure you that deep knowledge of the computer and network technologies You do not need from you. All that will be needed - maximum attention and patience with the guideline to the following manual. So, focus and roll the sleeves, begin to actively fight the braking Firefox.

Consider the most common causes of deceleration of FF operation (why it begins to "pull") and how to eliminate them.


Web browser update to the latest version - the first tablet from the braking in the first-aid kit for the fireload. Therefore, in initially we try to use this means:

1. Open the "Help" menu section and click the mouse "About Firefox".

2. We are waiting for the update in the opened panel (the procedure is automatically started).

Attention! If you see in the panel immediately after its opening, the latter version is "installed ...", which means that the sore state of the brazier causes another ailment (see other ways).

3. After the update is downloaded to Firefox, close the update setup window and restart the program.

Note. If the procedure performed did not allow proper result - FF did not work better - proceed to the implementation of the following method ( general Recommendation And for subsequent decisions).


How long have you been cleaned about Firefox? If you do not understand the essence of this issue or the date of implementation of this procedure with great difficulty is claimed, calculated months, suppose, then there is a high probability that after implementing the following instructions, your web browser will return to "full-fledged life", will work like this as needed.

To clean all unnecessary files from the FF directory:

1. Press the keyboard together the "Ctrl", "SHIFT" and "DEL" keys. The "Delete History" window should appear.

2. In the "Delete:" period column, set the "All" value.

3. Mark the "checkmarks" all items in the list (in our case, it is archived to clean all the data).

4. Click the Delete Now button.

5. Close the browser.

And again the question is similar to the first, but more global. How long have you been cleaning the system? And here, too, respectively - depending on the answer.

To save Windows from "digital trash" (from it, by the way, not only ff freezes, but also many other programs), we use the popular cleaner utility:

Tip! Free version cCleaner programs You can download on the offset

1. Run the program. In the panel, go to the "Cleaning" section.

2. Mark the elements of the system that need cleaning.

Note. On the Applications tab, you can configure automatic firefox cleaning.

3. Click "Analysis". Upon completion of the search for unnecessary elements, click "Cleaning".

4. Restart the computer. Check FF operation.


If you are sufficiently a lot manipulated the web browser settings, especially internal, which are on the About: Config tab, or installed many different addons, the more possibly, it is possible that something went wrong internal device Fireworks. Happened software failure Or you made a mistake, making your adjustments to options. And FF now slowed down ...

Search in this case that and where it is not entirely justified, at least even in time. There is a more rational output - perform a global browser configuration reset to the status of preset settings (and you look, and it will boost with the speed of the web navigator):

1. Click on the top panel on the right icon "Three Strips" and select the "Help" in the drop-down list.

2. To the submenu, select "Information to solve problems".

3. In the "Adjustment ..." block, clap the "Clear ..." button.

4. Confirm the operation.


Remember how in the song - "and from a blank sheet, again begin first ..."? Imagine this option "romance" can be applied to the browser. Figuratively, of course. In the sense of Take FF completely delete and reinstall again. There are chances of what together with old version "Brakes" will be removed, and the new version will "run" as needed - it will not be hung.

This operation is performed as follows:

Stage №1: Uninstall

Removal can be performed in two ways:

Method number 1: OS funds

1. Clause the Start button in the taskbar on the desktop.

2. Go to: Control Panel → Remove the program.

3. The left mouse button click 1 time by the name of the browser in the list of software.

4. Click the Delete command.

5. Follow the instructions that opened the uninstaller.

Method number 2: Using the Revo Uninstaller utility

1. Download from offsite free version Cleaner programs (

2. Install and run on the PC.

3. In the window Revo Uninstaller Click the All Programs tab. Right click on the FF icon right.

4. In the drop-down menus, select the Delete command.

5. Follow the prompts of the standard uninstaller.

6. Return to the Revo Uninstaller interface. Select and run the scan mode. Delete all the rest of the browser (registry keys and files).

Step number 2: Installation

1. At the end of the uninstallation, go to the official page for downloading the web browser distribution

2. Click the Upload Now button.

3. Run the downloaded installer. Follow its instructions, wait for the installation.

Update driver video card

"Test under the monastery" Small Firefox can and an old computer video card driver (even if she and last model). Outdated software support can call failures when started in a web browser of games, services working with graphics when watching videos on YouTube.

How to fix it? The video card driver update algorithm is fade simple:

1. Open the offsite of the equipment manufacturer. For example, nVIDIA company.

2. Go to the driver loading section. Using the search tools, find the software shell specifically for the video card model, which is installed on your computer.

3. Start the downloaded package and install. If possible, set the "clean" installation mode in the installer with a pre-removal of an old shell.

Note. If you do not know the name of the video card model, press together the "Win + Pause / Break" keys. Go: Device Manager → Video adapters. This subsection shows the device brand (brand, model).

Great RAM consumption

In some cases, the flags can consume the PC's operational memory more than usual. As a result, in the browser, too, everything can brake hard. From scrolling pages before playing video, audio, launch online games. System hardware resources simply do not cope with such a load.

Run the RAM flow monitoring and CPU on the computer (find out whether great consumption is really random access memory) You can:

  1. Press the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination.
  2. In the Task Manager, on the "Speed" tab, view the "Loading CPU" and "Memory" parameters.

If they show the limit values \u200b\u200bwhen running Firefox, it means that the RAM overload problem is present.

Reduce the "appetite" of the web browser on the RAM can be followed by the following actions:

1. Delete all unused addons in the browser or reduce their number to a minimum (leave only the most necessary).

Each module that extends the options of the web navigator to one degree or more adds to the RAM browser consumption.

For uninstalling addons, go: Menu → Tools → Additions → Extensions → Delete Button (in Addon Count).

Also disconnect graphic themes for interface design, especially those that are replete with graphic elements. high resolution.

2. Connect the traffic filters and elements on the pages. For example, Adguard (Antibanner), Noscript (script management), NO Flash (Flying Flash Filtering), etc.

3. Check whether the hardware acceleration is enabled in the Flash module (in active state, this superstructure of a plug-in container is reduced to a significant degree reduces the use of RAM):

  • open any web page where flash video is placed (do not confuse with HTML5 player, this is another technology);
  • by right-click on the video player window;
  • in the menu that appears, select "Parameters";
  • in the "Parameters" block, make sure that the "Enable Hardware Acceleration" setting is set "Tick"; If it is not, set the mouse clicking;
  • click on the Close button, restart FF.

4. Check the setting status hardware acceleration In the browser:

click on: Tools → Settings;

in the "Basic" subsection, in the "Performance" block, the "Use ... Performance Settings" option must be installed "Tick";

5. Activate the minimum RAM consumption mode:

  • in address line FF Dial - About: Memory;
  • press "ENTER";
  • on the tab that opens, in the Free Memory block, click the "Minimize Memory Usage" button.

Replacing the library database file

A damaged file with library database as a result of a viral attack, failures, due to incorrect user actions can cause arbitrary Firefox freezes. To replace it with a new one:

1. Clause the "Menu" button (the "Three Strips" icon at the top right). Go: Help → Information for solving problems.

2. In the column "Application Information" click the "Open folder" button.

3. Close Firefox, go to the opened folder.

4. Rename files:

  • places.sqlite in places.sqlite.old.
  • places.sqlite-journal in places.sqlite-journal.old

5. Close the folder, start the web browser again.

With the next launch, FF will automatically create a new library database.

Check the start page. Perhaps, in this option, the virus or by you is registered a resource URL, which seriously slows down the launch of the web navigator.

  1. Open in the menu: Settings → Basic.
  2. Specify "show the home page" in the "when starting ..." block.
  3. In field " Homepage»Enter the address of the trusted search engine. For example, or


The "slow down" ff can and malfunctions of any stripes - from worms to Trojans and rootkites. In the unarmed eye to find them, of course, extremely problematic.

Therefore, it is desirable to check the PC with specialized antivirus ADWCleaner and MalwareBytes utilities.

Windows optimization

If "Barrachlit" is not only Firefox, but also other programs, browsers, perhaps the problem is hiding in the OS.

Optimize windows work By means of special parts Reg Organizer, CCleaner or their analogues: Clean the directory from unnecessary files, Correct the errors in the registry.

If none of the above methods helped to eliminate the brakes in FF, try to contact other users and IT professionals at the Russian-speaking

Today we will try to deal with you: "If" Mozilla "is tupit, what to do?" There are several reasons here. Options for dealing with "glitches" are quite varied. So let's quickly try to figure it out in this difficult.

Little place

Well, let's start, perhaps, with the most harmless causes. If you think about the question: "When" Mozilla "tupits, what to do?", Then check how much you have free space on your computer. Maybe this behavior is justified by the lack of space?

The thing is that the browser when working with files and information on the Internet always uses some place on the computer. Yes, leaves after the temporary documents. If you are a true movie lover, and still simplify movies World Wide Web, it is no wonder that you have a miracle "disappeared" gigabytes.

To answer the question: "Mozilla" is tupit - what to do? ", Try to clear your computer. It is perfect for this purpose the utility is the utility CCleaner. It is capable of freeing a lot of space in a few seconds. Now that space is restored, run the browser. Did not help? Then let's see what else you can do.

Plugins / expansion

Let's figure out another moment, which is able to clarify you the question: "If" Mozilla "is tupit, what to do to restore work?" We are talking about a variety of plugins and extensions that users love to load into their system very much.

So, the browser is quite an important part. modern computer. Without it (like without the Internet), you can not submit a user. So, everyone wants to make her browser more perfect and "cool." In the World Wide Web, you can find many free and paid additions, plug-ins and extensions. True, everything has a limit. IN a certain time Your browser will simply "bug" if you set more and more new features on it.

If you are tupit "Mozila", then try to get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary plugins. Go to "Supplements Management" in your browser, after which you get rid of yourself from what is not really necessary. Take a look at the "expansion" and "plug-ins". After that, it is enough to restart the browser. Work improved? Well, then you will continue to think if the "Mazila" is tupit, what to do. Event development options are still a lot.

"Unload" computer

Another small way to help you improve the work of the browser is to rename its folder. In order to solve our today's problem, you will need to "unload" the number of processes performed when working at a computer. But how to do that?

If you think well, the pages open in the browser, as a rule, take a lot of processor power. So it is necessary to somehow overcome this problem. To do this, go to the properties of the "Mozilles" label. Right click on it, and then select the desired line. Ready? Then look at the "Object" field. Scroll through it to the very end. After closed brackets, write "/ prefetch" and save the changes. Now when starting a browser, all the information will be placed in this daddy. It will help work a little.

1000 and 1 day

Well, if you have a problem and "Mozil Firuch" tupits, then this reason to think about how long you have not been care for your operating system. After all, sometimes it becomes quite an important item for uninterrupted and working with applications.

So let's try to think that you can help us. To begin with, it is worth getting rid of old and unnecessary programs and games. It helps unload operating system. In addition, this service would not hide and this service is in the "Standard" point - "service" in the "start". This process May take quite a long time. Especially if you decide to spend it for the first time in a few years of work at the computer. Till time and proceed. After the case is completed, restart the computer. Try to work in the browser. Helped? Not really? Then let's see why the browser "Mozilla Firefoch" is still tupit.


Now our conversation will slightly change its direction. The point is that if you thought, why "Mozil Firefoch" tupit, and the previous steps did not help, then, most likely, you have viruses on your computer. So now we will start with you to deal with how you can "expel" them from the operating system.

According to statistics, it is the main sources of problems with any applications. Especially with the browser. So, for example, Troyan can make any malicious file that prohibits the launch of the "Mozilles" at all. Yes, and other browsers too. Not the best option.

Even worse, things are when, when you try to enter the Internet, the initial page is replaced by some "abracadabra", and advertising spam appear everywhere. Very often such an infection is able to steal your passwords and logins that have been saved or entered in the browser. Quite dangerous and unpleasant. So let's see how you can answer the question: "If the" mazila "is tupit, how to fix?", If this topic caused by suspected viruses.

Checking the system

So, the first thing you need to do is, of course, to scan your computer using antivirus program. Sometimes it is precisely this step that helps if you do not get rid of the infection, then at least make it easier to work with the browser.

In order for the idea to be crowned with success, you will need to acquire quite suitable Dr.Web. He copes well with the search various spam and other infection. If for some reason you do not like this antivirus, you can use Nod32 or Kaspersky. In general, when you acquire antivirus, start scanning. You will only suit a deep check.

Now you have to wait for a while. At this point, it is better not to work at the computer, since "Mozil Firufoch" is tupit very strongly, like other applications. Scanned completed? Then just cure everything that you can. What is not amenable to treatment - delete. Restart the computer and see if it helped. Not really? Then you should not fall the Spirit. There is still a few trumps in your pocket. Let's get acquainted with them now.

By system

If you think, why "Mozilla" is tupit, then you should look into the registry of your computer. This service helps to find and remove the folders and files hidden from the antivirus program. So this is a very good move. Especially if you encountered spam.

In order to get into the registry, press Win + R. Now execute the "Regedit" command. Ready? Wait a little while the window boots. Now look good what happened. On the left side will be folders with long and incomprehensible names. We still do not use themselves. Instead, it is worth visiting "Edit" and "Search". In the open line, write the name of the virus or spam that you are worried, and then start checking.

When the process is completed, look at the result. Something was discovered? Then you can feel free to click on the line right mouse button alternately, and then select the "Delete" function. When the case is finished, try to start the browser. Anyway there are failures? Then let's deal with the question of if "Mozila" pulls out what to do next.

Work with labels

Another very interesting and simple, but no less effective action than the previous ones is work with the labels of your browsers. If you know what to do, then you can literally get rid of the unwanted mouse start page and spam. So let's try to figure out what you will need from you.

If you think, why "Mozilla" is tupit, and also do not know how to fix it, then look at the properties of the label of this program. To do this, click on the right mouse button icon, and then select the desired line.

You will open a small window. In it, pay attention to the "Object" field. Scroll through it to the very end and see what is written there. If after the file fifox.exe in separate quotes something is written (site or name of the virus), then just erase this inscription. Right with quotes. Now save the changes and see what you will succeed. Restart the browser. Helped? Not? Then try another method that sometimes helps to cope with the problem.

Radical methods

Well, if all options have already been tried, but there is still no sense, then you have several ways. What to choose - decide for yourself. We will only tell you how you can act.

So, the first version of the development of events is to make this date when you still worked "Mozila". To do this, you will need to go to the "Recovery Tool", then select the desired date and wait a bit. True, if you have a dangerous virus on your computer, then the rollback is hardly helped.

The second way is to reinstall the browser. Yes, you will have to sacrifice your bookmarks and information, but sometimes it helps it. Thus, download a new "Mozille" distribution on your computer, an old erase, and what downloaded, install. Maybe it will help.

Another option is to change the browser. Some viruses and system malfunctions are quite often able to make it impossible to start a particular application. Now there are so many browsers that almost do not distinguish each other. So decide which way you choose. Now you know what to do if you suddenly began to pull "Mozilla."

Today we will find out how to identify websites or plugins through which Mozilla Firefox is inhibits. We know that this browser is not inferior to other Internet observers their second place in the rating of popularity has already had a long period of time. Therefore, all users are interested in the stability of his work.

Opening several websites and their individual pages in tabs, you may encounter a situation when Firefox slows down your work. It becomes noticeable even at a good speed of the Internet connection.

The default browser, thanks to the constant support of the team of specialists, perfectly copes with large quantity open tabs. But, the likelihood that any site or plugin can significantly slow his work, exists. It is enough to look at the abundance of multimedia or Flash content, advertising, scripts, etc. on modern resources.

The culprit of sudden braking can be easily determined when you just opened any site and the browser begins to behave wrong. And sometimes it can be not easy, for example, when the content is loaded with time.

Not many know that the developers added two years ago to their application separate page Performance. Several improvements and improvements made it more informative and useful for the user.

This built-in tool we will look at today. Be sure to remember that it will work only with reacting, and not dependent. Well, we will analyze the situation and find out which website or plugin slows his work?

Firefox slows down

Enter the following URL in the address bar:

About: Performance.

for access to the desired information.

You will see 2 sections with information about the use of resources add-ons and web pages. In the first - installed additions, the need for the presence of which is defined in most cases you personally. Therefore, it is necessary to view them and remove the extra.

Clicking the link "More" will provide you with access to advanced information about the amount of memory and processor resources, as well as other information. Accordingly, the "Disable" and "Uninstall" buttons are to disable or delete a separate extension.

In the second section open in this moment Web sites. Buttons "Close Tab" and "RELOAD TAB" -, respectively, "close" or "restart" a separate tab if Firefox slows down.

The most interesting and useful component of the report is a color palette. From light green (good) to red (bad). Between them, various shades informing about the degree of influence on productivity. Remember, sites with the highest influence are located at the top.

Do not think that all you see (in 3 positions) is all, no, just click on the "Show All" button to display it. After you have identified the intruder site, close it or restart the tab that are mentioned above the buttons.

In the event that Firefox finally hung, the output one - in the task manager, remove the task item. After re-launching the session will be restored. That's all!

Many computer tips you can quickly find in. We invite you to our Google+ and Facebook!

What is good in the ultra-fast Internet connection when the browser works with the speed of Dialapa? This article will help you choose the desired direction to track and eliminate the problems. Of course, if you need additional help In anything, our community of volunteers is always ready to help you.

Firefox freezes or does not respond

If Firefox stops responding to your actions and hourglass appear instead of cursorinstead of cursor, a rotating wheel appears and the window becomes whiteinstead of cursor, a rotating rainbow wheel appearsthe window becomes gray, Use Firefox items "freezes" or does not react - how to fix.

I see a warning about non-reprehensive scenarios

"Warning of non-reprehensive scenarios"? What does it mean at all? Believe it or not, but in this case we have an article a warning about the non-reprehensive scenario - which it means and how to fix it, which will help clarify the situation.

Firefox is launched for a long time

Try to use the prompts from the Firefox article for too long.

Check your computer for malicious software

Block unwanted content

There are also firefox add-onsthat can accelerate the download of the pages by blocking the content that you do not need, for example:

  • The disconnect addition blocks the invisible contents of the web page that tracks you on the Internet.
  • Supplement Ublock Origin blocks ads tracking services and other unwanted contents, while less demanding to use the memory and processor than other blockers.