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Connecting the tricolor set-top box to two TVs. Installing a satellite dish

V modern world Almost every family member has their own TV: in the nursery for sons and daughters, in the bedroom for dad and in the kitchen for mom. Therefore, such a family will probably be interested in how to connect Tricolor TV to 2 or more TVs. There are several connection schemes that differ from each other both in price and in the result of tuning the Tricolor channels. The choice will depend on what features you expect from the second TV:

  • the same TV channel will be displayed on two TVs;
  • different devices will be virtually independent of each other, playing different channels at the same time.

One image on multiple screens

The cheapest way out is split data transmission from one set-top box "Tricolor TV" into two TVs... To do this, you only need to spend money on a cable of a certain length and connectors that are suitable for all devices. If your receiver has all types of connectors, one of the TVs can be connected using tulips and the other using an HDMI cable. In this case, it is possible to establish a connection even with old TV models, since they were all equipped with RCA jacks.

If you have brand-new plasmas everywhere in your house, you probably won't need tulips, since a better image will provide a connection via HDMI. In the absence of a SCART connector, TVs can be connected to one receiver using an HDMI splitter, which will provide you with the required number of ports, but this solution will require additional costs in connection with the purchase of an expensive splitter.

Installation of "Tricolor TV" on two TVs can be carried out using second receiver... To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase newest device, you can install a cheaper receiver of earlier models, because it will not work independently, but show the same thing as the main set-top box. To split the signal from satellite dish into two receivers with your own hands, you will need a satellite splitter (splitter) and a coaxial cable. Choose a branching point antenna cable and cut it off. Then fix the F-connector in place of the cut and connect the splitter to it using the input labeled “IN”. Insert the F-connectors into the opposite double input labeled “OUT” coaxial cables their consoles. It remains only to tune the television on each of them.

Please note that, according to some users, the paid Tricolor channels are not displayed on two TVs at the same time, because one of them displays information about the absence of a signal.

However, some readers may not want to install new wires. In this case, it will be useful for them to learn how to connect a second TV set to one Tricolor receiver using wireless communication. To do this, you need to purchase a video sender. Such a purchase will cost you a significant amount, but you will receive two blocks that connect to the set-top box and the TV and transmit the picture using Wi-Fi technology... By the way, some video senders are almost as expensive as a special set from Tricolor with the ability to view different channels on two TVs, so you should carefully consider whether the first option will be appropriate for your family.

2 TVs for different channels

If your household wants to watch different TV channels at the same time, you will have to fork out for additional equipment anyway. And again, before that, discuss in detail all the "pros" and "cons" of the options below and decide which purchase will bring you more benefits.

The company offers to implement the old already installed equipment "Tricolor" on a new set for viewing on two TVs. For details, ask the sales offices.

So, in order for Tricolor TV to appear in full on the second screen, you can simply buy another attachment with its own antenna. The advantages of such an acquisition are that it is cheaper and does not create cobwebs. extra wires... However, do not forget that you will have to pay double the monthly fee, and two satellite dishes will be crowded on the facade of your house.

Operator digital television provided another solution: the installation of "Tricolor TV" on 2 TVs can be carried out with the help of reception systems digital signal ... It includes the GS E501 receiver (server) and the GS C591 receiver (client), which receive data from one antenna and broadcast channels independently of each other. Buying a set, you get two receivers, a satellite dish with a converter, a Tricolor Multistart access card, two remote controls, two power adapters and a package of documents with useful information... You can learn more about connecting a second receiver. In addition, you only need to purchase a UTP ("twisted pair") cable of a suitable footage.

To connect the server, you need to insert two cables from the antenna into the LNB IN 1 and LNB IN 2 connectors on its rear panel. Then connect the server and client using a UTP cable, placing its ends into the Ethernet ports of the set-top boxes. After that, the system is already connected, all that remains is to insert a smart card into a special slot on the front panel of the server, and you can start searching for channels. ( detailed instructions for installation and configuration of the kit is contained on the official website of the company)

If, after connecting to the server, the client does not search for TV channels, check the pinout of the UTP cable. The crimp should be straight with no crossed wires.

If you do not want to pull the UTP cable throughout the apartment, the video sender will come to the rescue again. To do this, both of its blocks must be connected to the server and client using the same Ethernet port and the corresponding cables included in the kit, and then plug the blocks into the outlet. Between them is established wireless connection, which allows you to transmit different channels to different TVs.

For such a set, one subscription fee is charged, which is 2000 rubles. in year. This configuration of set-top boxes provides high-quality signal reception, so all channels included in the paid package are equally well broadcast on both TVs.

Before making a final decision in favor of one of the options, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, assess your capabilities and strengths and be sure to check specifications their TVs and set-top boxes: do they match modern requirements what ports are equipped for connection. Having decided on, sketch out a diagram of the arrangement of the devices and the cables connecting them in order to accurately calculate their length before buying.

In many families, the number of televisions per apartment is equal to the number of family members. This is normal, because everyone would like to watch television in their own room or nook - be it the kitchen or the nursery. Therefore, the question arises of how to submit a picture from the receiver to all TVs in the house at once. And how to do it at the lowest cost. _______________________________________________________________________________________

TricolorTV supplies its customers with special equipment for receiving and decoding a signal from a satellite - a receiver or a receiver. It is through his connection with a specific TV that a high-quality TV program is broadcast on the screen. There are two ways how you can use the receiver to broadcast to two or more TVs:

  1. Separation of data transmission - no additional hardware required, only cables.
  2. Using a receiver-client with an increased monthly fee for the year.

Let's take a closer look at them - each method has its own nuances.

Connection with one set-top box

One set-top box is enough to transmit TV broadcasting to multiple TVs. However, you will have to endure some of the features of such a connection, which can quickly negate the joy of the cheapness of the method.

First, if you do not use additional equipment, every TV in the house will broadcast the same thing. That is, if on the "main" TV the dad turns on the series, then on the child's TV in the nursery only this channel with this series will be shown.

Secondly, the second TV will need to be connected to the receiver in a different way than the first. If the first is connected via the HDMI connector, then the second will have to be connected using tulips. Here, another limitation arises - on the number of connected TVs. If the receiver does not provide more than two connection methods, then you will not be able to connect more than 2 TVs.

Thirdly, if your receiver and TVs support Wi-Fi transmissions, you can set up the broadcast through them. However, usually receivers are not equipped with the necessary modules, so you will have to purchase a video sender - a set of units that can be connected to both a TV and a receiver. This is an expensive pleasure, which can be easily replaced by purchasing a standard set from TricolorTV.

Fourth, most likely, paid channels will not be displayed on the second TV. The main broadcast will be possible, but the error "no signal" may appear on the second screen.

If you nevertheless decide to choose this method, you will not need to perform particularly complex actions:

  1. Take an HDMI or HDMI splitter and "tulips", and connect everything to the connectors of the receiver.
  2. Route the selected cables to the TVs, and connect to the required connectors.
  3. Tune the channels on your main TV as usual.

Connection using add. equipment

TricolorTV offers its subscribers to pay a small price and enjoy the full broadcast of TV channels on several TVs. Wherein:

  1. You will be able to watch different things on each TV.
  2. Pay TV channels will work on all connected devices.
  3. The connection of the second and subsequent TVs will be made when using the receiver-client, the receiver will remain the same.
  4. The subscription fee for the broadcast may be higher than the standard (not much).
  5. You will need to purchase a UTP cable to connect the entire system.

Usually TricolorTV sells a special set of equipment to customers - a kind of signal decoding system. Usually it consists of two receivers: one is a receiver-server, the main one, to which everything will be connected; the second is a client-receiver, which will help to connect a second screen. The system works in such a way that both receivers broadcast TV independently of each other.

The connection is made like this:

  1. After assembling the antenna, you need to connect the cables (two) to the receiver connectors (usually called LNBIN).
  2. The receiving server needs to be connected to the receiving client via twisted pair UTP - This is done over Ethernet ports.
  3. Insert the smart card into the slot and start a new channel search.

The only problem with this method may be the inability to find channels. This will mean that the UTP cable was not correctly crimped and the wires crossed in the crimp. If this is eliminated, there should be no problems with further broadcasting.

Important! If using a cable is expensive, you can use a video sender and transmit a digital signal over Wi-Fi.

Technologies that allow transmitting a television signal via digital channels are now widely used. This, in turn, contributed to an increase in consumer demand for such a type of household radio equipment as a receiver (TV tuner, TV set-top box). At the same time, due to the fact that many apartments have 2 (and sometimes more) TV sets, the consumer often needs to connect two TVs to one tuner. This question is especially relevant for owners of relatively old analog TVs, since modern models support digital standard broadcast and have a built-in receiver.

What you need to connect

The technology for transmitting a television signal via a digital channel is fundamentally different from analog television broadcasting systems. When terrestrial television each program is broadcast by the television center and received by the TV on a separate channel. Whereas TV channels in digital format are pre-encoded and combined into a package, which is transmitted to the receiver for subsequent decoding of the signal and dividing it into separate programs.

In general, there are three standards for transmitting a digital television signal:

  • DVB-S2 or DVB-S - used in systems satellite TV;
  • DVB-C - used in cable television;
  • DVB-T2 is the most widespread standard for the organization of terrestrial television.

For each television standard of digital television, the corresponding digital set-top boxes have been developed and mass-produced.

Important! All digital TV receivers provide high quality images on the TV screen and are capable of supporting HD resolution.

Tuner selection

In the domestic market of household electronic equipment, you can find a wide variety of models of television receivers. Among them are:

Choosing a receiver, the consumer should pay special attention to:

  • priority type of digital television broadcasting in the area where the TV is installed (for example, the budget model GS-8306 HD supports only one format);
  • digital television signal standard;
  • the number of TV and audio formats supported by the receiver;
  • functionality of the set-top box;
  • the ability to control the receiver using the remote control;
  • the presence of the necessary controls on the body of the set-top box (in case the remote control fails);
  • the presence of an intuitive menu that appears on the TV screen when you press the appropriate buttons;
  • the presence on the rear wall of the receiver of the necessary connectors, including USB and HDMI (for example, in the two-tuner sample GS b521).

It is also necessary to obtain from the seller information about the manufacturer of the receiver and the availability of the factory warranty.

Splitter selection

To watch digital television programs on two television sets in addition to analog antenna (satellite dish, fiber optic cable from the provider or WiFi router) and the receiver, you may need a splitter, whose task is to split the transmitted signal into several components in order to minimize the loss of quality.

To choose the right divider, the owner of a digital television system needs to:

  • determine the television channel with the highest frequency and select the splitter in such a way that its upper limit of the frequency range is higher than this indicator;
  • decide on the number of TVs to be connected - the outputs on the splitter should be no less than TV sets;
  • find out the amount of attenuation of the television signal in the splitter, which is measured in decibels and is indicated on the device case - the lower this figure, the better.

Important! When purchasing a splitter, do not confuse it with a diplexer or coupler.

Setting up the receiver

In order to properly connect all the devices to each other, you need not only to adhere to a certain sequence (which will be described in detail below), but also to pre-configure the receiver. To do this, the TV tuner is located in the immediate vicinity of the television receiver (it is more convenient to use the remote control) and the cable from the antenna is connected to it. Then connect the receiver to one of the TVs by choosing the most suitable connection method. Possible connection schemes:

The receiver is configured according to the instructions attached to it... In general, it is necessary to turn on the TV and the tuner, and then, using the remote control, perform the following manipulations:

  • press the "Menu" button;
  • select and install a suitable communication language for control;
  • set the digital signal standard (if necessary);
  • start searching for channels in automatic, and if necessary - in manual mode;
  • check the quality indicators of the received signal.

If we are talking about a tuner that converts a signal from a satellite dish, then first should install software supplied with the device. To do this, the receiver is connected to the network and connected to a PC via a USB cable. Then the cable from the cymbal is connected to the tuner and the necessary software is installed. Next, the program is launched, and required settings... And only after that you can connect the set-top box to the TV receiver for further tuning.

Connecting two TV sets

To connect a second TV receiver to an existing digital set-top box, you need to understand that you will not be able to watch different channels on several TVs (be it 2, 3 or more).

Important! The technical capabilities of the digital tuner make it possible to transmit only one program (channel) to several television sets.

However, to one dish (satellite dish) you can use a divider connect multiple receivers and thus provide a broadcast on each TV of a separate program. See the figures for such connection options:

Connection to different connectors

There are several ways to connect more than one TV receiver to one TV tuner. If your TV box has several types of output connectors (Skart, RCA, HDMI, etc.), then you can connect each TV to different outputs(see fig.). However, it must be remembered that the low-frequency signal, passing through an HDMI or RCA cable, quickly attenuates and can completely disappear at a distance of more than 10 meters.

HDMI connection

In the case when the set-top box is equipped only with HDMI output, for connecting multiple TVs need an HDMI splitter with the required number of outputs. In this case, all connected TVs must have an input HDMI connector. The length of the connecting cables with such a connection should also not exceed 10 meters.

Connecting to RF output

Using a receiver with a high frequency (RF) output (RF output) - the best option for connecting several TVs, which are more than 10 meters distant from each other. Owners of receivers with RF output, for example, GS U510 Full HD, just need to purchase TV signal divider(splitter, splitter) with the required number of outputs. All connections are made with a standard 75 ohm RF cable. If necessary, an additional TV signal amplifier can be installed between the receiver and the splitter, which will help to improve the picture quality.

There are quite a few TV tuners that lack an RF output (Tricolor GS B211, etc.). In this case, the connection of television receivers located at a large (more than 10 m) distance from the set-top box is carried out using RF modulator that connects to the low frequency output of an RCA or Skart... Turning on an RF modulator into one of these receiver connectors, install a splitter at the output of the latter with the required number of outputs and a 75-ohm RF cable connect them to TVs (see the example in the figure). Then one of the television channels is set on the HF modulator and all televisions are tuned. If the quality of the TV signal does not satisfy the user, then an additional HF amplifier can be installed between the splitter and the TV.

So, connecting two TV sets to one tuner is possible, but this will require such additional devices as a divider, RF modulator or RF amplifier. But in this case, the broadcast will take place on both TVs of only one channel, and it will be possible to switch programs only in the room where the receiver is installed directly. You should also remember about a decrease in the quality of video material when multiplying a digital signal, which is also affected by the length of the cable that connects TV receivers to the set-top box. However, this problem can be solved by purchasing a splitter with a built-in amplifier.

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Tricolor TV systems for receiving satellite digital television in Russia have already become the same household items as electric irons or vacuum cleaners. The irresistible difference in the quality and noise immunity of an analogue television signal and a digital one is already understandable even for primary schoolchildren.

The question to install or not install the Tricolor TV system has already ceased to be relevant. And at the same time, the problem arises in installing more advanced equipment, which simultaneously expands the reception capabilities and improves the quality of the received signal.

And one more aspect of this phenomenon lies in the fact that part of the population still has television receivers in use for receiving analog signal, while others already have successors of new generations.

All these questions are around the comfortable use of digital signal reception systems satellite system Tricolor TV requires additional consideration.

These questions are not so much in apparent complexity as in the unpreparedness of users for the rapidly replacing technologies for transmitting media content. The most important question now is how to connect the Tricolor to the TV yourself. How does the installation begin?

Installing a satellite dish

In this video, you will be clearly shown that the installation of a Tricolor TV satellite dish does not take much time and effort.

If the antenna and all accessories have already been purchased, you can proceed to self-installation... A satellite dish, popularly simply called a dish, is assembled and prepared for installation at home. For this, the receiving head is mounted on the bracket, then the connecting cable is connected to it. The plate support is fixed to the vertical part of the wall, balcony or other surface.

Its position should provide a line of sight to the satellite. Any obstacles to the signal path must be removed. An obstacle can be a tree, a building, or even an adjacent balcony.

If there are no other Tricolor antennas nearby, then you can navigate by the sun. At 14.00 the position of the sun will just indicate the position of the satellite. Now it only remains to install the plate on the support, observing all safety rules possible in everyday life.

Be sure to tighten all mounting bolts so that in windy weather the antenna does not dangle and does not lose the direction of the signal.

Connecting the receiver to a TV

Satellite antenna Tricolor TV

In the current variety of receiving equipment and terms, it is easy to get lost. The receiver is a transducer that is connected via a cable to the plate. The connection is made in direct proportion to the purchased kit. All necessary connections are made using the connectors located on the rear panel.

You just need to choose the one you want. There is an LNB IN connector on the rear panel for connecting the antenna cable. This is where the cable is connected using a similar connector. Next to this jack is the LNB OUT jack.

From this connector, you can take a signal that will go directly to the antenna socket of the TV. This is the RF (high frequency) signal output. But, depending on the available receiver, the TV can be connected using SCART, HDMI or "tulip" connectors.

In this case, you need to select a connection option. To get started, you can simply connect the TV antenna jack to the LNB OUT jack using a piece of TV cable.

Wiring diagram of the Tricolor receiver for two TVs

When this connection is established, connect the power supply to the receiver and turn on the button on the front panel. We turn on the TV and the network. “Boot” lights up on the front panel display of the receiver. This means that everything is connected, everything is working, and the receiver is loading.

This will take some time. Now you need to run on the TV automatic search channels. When search system the TV detects a signal from the receiver, the search stops.

After loading, “No signal” appears on the TV screen, and the channel number appears on the display of the receiver. As soon as the antenna captures the channel signal, an information splash screen appears on the TV screen.

Press twice on the remote control button "I" of the receiver. After that, a scale of quality and signal strength will appear on the screen. You can now return to the cymbal for fine tuning.

The tuner is turned on for the first time using other connectors in the same way. The only difference is that on the TV you need to select the connection option with the SOURCE button.

Connecting two TVs to one receiver

In this video, they will tell you how to connect the Tricolor TV set to two TVs. Take this video for yourself!

Appeared kits for receiving satellite digital television the largest operator Tricolor TV provides the ability to connect two or more TVs to one antenna.

But this system has various options. If the same channels are watched on two TVs, this is one case. And if the possibility of viewing various programs is provided, then this will require additional costs, although there is such a possibility.

To view one channel on two TVs, it is enough to buy an additional signal divider and the required cable length. If your receiver provides the ability to connect multiple outputs, then you can even do without a divider.

Connect the output from the receiver to one TV set via the antenna connector, and connect to the other TV via SKART or HDMI. The main thing is that this function is provided on the second TV.

Viewing different channels from one receiver on two TVs will require the purchase of a different receiver and client. The receiver will now consist of two tuners, two LNB connections. The receiver will act as a server, and the client will act as a receiver in an organized local network.

They are connected by a twisted pair, and with certain financial investments, it is possible to organize a connection with a second TV by analogy WI-FI systems using a router, that is, a wireless system.

Both TVs will have personal remotes remote control and will work quite independently. What in this option is the subject of reflection? The cost of such a kit will be quite high. Here it is necessary to calculate the feasibility of purchasing, on the one hand, two conventional sets, and on the other, a set with a new configuration for connecting two TVs.

There are no longer any problems in the question of how to connect Tricolor TV to a TV independently or with the participation of specialists. An important question is to choose the right configuration of the receiving kit so that everything is consistent with the budget.

But, whatever questions arise with the purchase and installation of Tricolor TV sets, its quality characteristics, the ability to watch about 50 different channels with excellent quality have lost any alternative.

The simplicity and reliability of the receiving equipment and the simplicity of its installation and adjustment can be considered the decisive selection criteria.

Satellite television has long ceased to be something unique, and today, even in the most remote corners of our country, one can find receiving devices or "plates" with the already familiar Tricolor company logo. The owners of the Tricolor satellite television set-top boxes often have a question about whether it is possible to connect 2 TVs to the Tricolor.

TV receiver outputs

In itself, such a connection is not difficult, but there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account before you independently engage in such a connection.

All television receivers produced until recently were assembled in China, and, as a rule, had HF outputs (antenna), "scart" or "tulip". Therefore, it was not difficult to connect the TV to the receiver through the low-frequency output, and through its high-frequency output to connect the rest of the TVs using an ordinary antenna cable.

This is all the more important, since in almost every home there are definitely more than one TV set today, and from time to time it is necessary to decide whether "Tricolor 2" for 2 TVs is how to connect it yourself.

Disadvantages of connecting via HF or "tulip"

True, with such a connection, there is one drawback - this is that it will be possible to watch only one and the same channel on all TVs, and it is not very convenient to constantly walk from room to room to change the program.

Although this problem is eliminated by purchasing a so-called remote control extension cord. Its cost is about 1 thousand rubles.

Recently, the Tricolor company has been actively working to replace the old receiving equipment with a new, more modern one. However, in practice, things turn out to be not so rosy in terms of user benefits.

Before that it was relatively easy to install Tricolor on 2 TVs. How to connect the wires yourself, you could learn from any textbook or just ask a neighbor.

With the advent of the first new receiver 8300, MPEG4 was added to it and the number of channels was increased, but at the same time the RF output and the "tulip" socket disappeared.

Probably the main goal was to reduce the cost of the receiver, but as a result, the ability to connect a second TV via HF was also lost. As a result, everyone who wants to watch two TVs has to pay more. Perhaps the manufacturer specifically decided to exclude the potential to install "Tricolor TV 2" on 2 TVs. How can I connect it to watch different channels?

To watch both TVs again, you have to buy an RF signal modulator, which costs about $ 60. Or purchase a video sender that sends commands, sound and video signal wirelessly over 20-30 meters. Its cost is already about $ 100.

for 2 TVs

Firstly, relatively recently, the Tricolor TV company began to release a new set, which is designed specifically for connecting two and more TVs to one satellite dish.

This kit has several connection options, depending on whether the same channel will be watched on several TVs or different channels are supposed to be watched. The second option will require some additional costs.

If you need to connect the equipment so that the same channel is broadcast on both TVs, then the question of how to connect Tricolor TV to 2 TVs is solved as follows: you only need to buy a splitter of the signal and the required length.

A signal divider is required only if the receiver in use does not have multiple outputs for connecting TVs. If there are such outputs, then you can not additionally spend money on its purchase.

Connecting two TVs to watch one channel

We connect the first TV set to the receiver, and the second TV set through "scart" or The only thing that is required with such a connection is the presence of the corresponding inputs on the second TV set.

If you plan to view different channels on two TVs connected to one satellite receiver, then you will need another receiver, plus a client. You will get a scheme - "Tricolor 2" for 2 TVs. Let's take a closer look at how to connect.

Server-client for viewing different channels

In this case, the receiver will be like two tuners with two LNB connections. It will work as a server, and the second receiver connected to it - the client - will connect to it via a specially created local network.

There are different options for such a connection:

  • You can connect the receivers using a twisted pair.
  • With some additional costs, you can organize a Wi-Fi type connection between them, that is, use a router and get as a result wireless network, specifically for "Tricolor 2" for 2 TVs. How to connect is described in detail in the instructions.

As a result, each TV will have its own remote control, and both TVs will be able to show different channels at the same time.

What should you pay attention to in this situation? That the price of such a satellite kit will not be low. Therefore, it is probably worth determining that in this case it will be most economically profitable to buy two independent, conventional sets, or a "Tricolor 2" set for 2 TVs. How to connect it should now be clear.

Here it is also important that the configuration of the installed kit fits into the budget allocated for solving the task at hand.