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How to clean your computer from viruses free and easy? The most effective ways. How to clean your computer from viruses How to clean your computer from viruses

This is not just a program for cleaning your computer from viruses, although its main purpose is just that. It is a complete set of tools to keep your operating system safe and optimized. To be clear, here are the 3 main advantages of 360 Total Security from other freeware programs and most paid software:

  • A combination of several anti-virus engines, including proprietary designs and algorithms such as Avira and Bitdefender. Part of the data processing takes place using the 360 ​​Cloud cloud service, for which your processor and RAM will say thank you and respond with faster work. It is difficult to figure out how to clean your computer from viruses more efficiently;
  • Scanner for inactive and background programs or processes that do not carry a payload, but only slow down the computer. Such applications are closed, after which useful resources are released;
  • Search for junk files and remaining "tails" after deleting earlier installed programs... Remember, for normal operation it is not enough to clean your computer of viruses, you also need to keep its hard drives under control!

Today I want to give useful information for beginners, and for some already more or less experienced users, I think, will also be relevant. I'll tell you about such a popular and hackneyed topic as cleaning your computer from viruses. Almost any user working on a computer and surfing the Internet sooner or later grabs some kind of infection on his computer. And even installed antivirus working with the latest virus databases does not always protect against the penetration of all threats. It so happens that the hop, and missed a worm of some kind! And at the same time, we may not know about it ... Then only the first symptoms of infection may appear, for example, when the computer is turned on, some folder opens by itself or some incomprehensible heresy is going on in the browser, but in general anything can be ...

Therefore, the computer must be regularly manually cleaned of viruses in order to kill the infection that could invisibly enter your computer! And today's article is just about that ...

You can manually clean your computer from viruses using any antivirus. For example, if you have Kaspersky on your computer, then you can start cleaning your computer from viruses. It costs some NOD32, which means you can scan your computer with it.

I will show you how to clean your computer from viruses using the example of the well-known antivirus Avast... I myself have been using it for the last couple of years, first of all because it is free, and secondly, because it protects as it should. "Why did you decide that you are protecting normally ?!" - you ask. Yes, it's enough just not to see any symptoms of viral activity, and also not to see the presence of threats when you regularly start cleaning your computer from viruses using another antivirus and, of course, always observe the stable operation of Windows!

If you would like to install Avast for yourself, you can find instructions on how to install it and the recommended configuration in a separate article, here:

And now let's go straight to how to clean your computer from viruses.

So, here you, for example, grabbed some kind of infection on your computer. By the way, having an antivirus with updated databases on your computer, which is always working and updated, to pick up all sorts of rubbish - you still need to try :) And most often this happens when users climb on some dumb sites or look naked women, for example :)) Or, for example, on unfamiliar sites they start downloading something that is offered, opening pop-up windows and in this spirit. And more often than not, users connect the flash drives of acquaintances, friends to their computer and infect their computer. The virus is transmitted through flash drives very cool :)

This is how often the infection occurs!

How to clean your computer from viruses if Windows successfully boots on your computer and you can open the antivirus installed on your computer!

Follow the steps below:

    Updating the antivirus and its virus databases.

    The first thing to do before you start cleaning your computer from viruses is to update the virus databases from your antivirus. What does it mean to update the virus databases? Virus databases are special anti-virus knowledge bases for various types of threats. Using these databases, the anti-virus can determine whether a file is a threat. At the same time, the databases are often updated (sometimes several times a day) with the sole purpose of making the antivirus respond to the newest threats!

    Updating databases in each anti-virus is the same. Those. you need to go to the update section and click the "Update" button. Buttons and sections may be named slightly differently, but the essence is the same.

    Now I will show the process of updating the virus databases using the example of the Avast antivirus.:

    That's the whole update procedure!

    And although updates are performed automatically (unless, of course, you turned them off yourself !!), before manually cleaning your computer from viruses, I recommend updating the databases yourself so that the antivirus with 100% certainty does not miss any rubbish on the computer due to old virus databases.

    Scanning your computer for viruses.

    After the databases have been updated, you can start cleaning your computer from viruses, i.e. to the scanning process. There are several options for scanning in each antivirus, for example: "Fast", "Full", "Custom". If your computer has not been scanned for viruses for a long time, you need to do a full scan of the computer, i.e. check every nook and cranny of your computer for viruses!

    Again, the scanning process is similar in every antivirus. Only the names of sections and buttons are changed. And the general meaning is as follows: go to the "Scanning" section, select "Full Scan" and start the check with the "Start" button or similar.

    Full computer scan process using Avast as an example:

    • I open the "Scanning" section on the main Avast screen:

      In the next window, select "Scan for viruses":

      Now you need to select a scan option. As you remember, I mentioned the "full" scan. But Avast antivirus has a better check option - "Scan at OS boot":

      What is it and what is it eaten with? Scanning at boot time is a scan of a computer for viruses even before the operating system has loaded (in our case, Windows). This allows you to catch the infection that somehow manages to in the system, for example, to disguise itself and is not visible. But even before the system boots, the entire virus is in full view, because they are inactive and do not perform any of their cunning actions. There is only one drawback - while the scan is in progress, you will not be able to work at the computer in any way. And if there is a ton of information on your computer, then you will not be able to work for a long time :) Sometimes scanning can take several hours!

      So, if your antivirus has the ability to scan before loading the OS (i.e. operating system) and you do not need a computer in time, perhaps up to several hours (while the computer is being cleaned of viruses), then choose this scan option!

      If you do not have time, you need to do some work at the computer while cleaning the computer from viruses, then select the "Full scan" option.

      Having chosen the scanning option, you need to check its settings and, if anything, adjust.

      Scan settings are present in all antiviruses!

      In Avast antivirus, to go to the scan settings, first select the scan option from the list, then at the bottom left click "Scan settings":

      OS boot scan settings:

      First and foremost is the choice of the area to scan your computer. Here you need to select the part of the computer that you want to scan. If the computer has not been scanned for a long time or you suspect that it is infected (you see some symptoms), then I recommend scanning the entire computer, and for this you need to select the item "All hard drives". Optionally, you can scan at least one folder at a time, if you need it :)

      Second, set the scanning sensitivity to maximum so that there are 4 sticks.

      Third, check that both the "Search for potentially unwanted programs" and "Unpack archived files" checkboxes are checked.

      Fourth - select the action that the antivirus will take when a threat is detected. If you don’t want to sit with your head buried in the monitor and watch the scanning process, waiting for it to find some virus so that you can remove it, set the value to “Remove”. Then the antivirus will automatically delete everything it finds. If you want to take part in the process of cleaning your computer from viruses and decide for yourself what to delete, and what to spare and skip, then select "Ask". Then the antivirus, upon detecting each threat, will ask you what to do with it.

      Full scan settings (via the system itself):

      Let's start scanning your computer! To do this, press the "Start" button:

      If you chose to scan before OS boot, then it will be performed after the next system reboot, and not immediately! Simply put, in order for the scan to start, you need to restart your computer and wait for the virus cleaning to start. It will take place in an unusual "environment", on a black screen, without any pretties like in Windows.

      The computer will start scanning and you just have to wait for the completion. If any threats are found, the antivirus will inform you about it.

      In the case of starting an ordinary - full scan, you can interrupt it using the "Stop" button (1) or temporarily pause (to continue later) using the "Pause" button (2):

    Rescanning with another antivirus.

    After you clean the computer and the threats are destroyed, I would do one more run, namely, download a specialized curing program of any other antivirus and scan the computer again. I recommend doing this when the computer was decently infected (for example, a dozen threats were found during a scan with the main antivirus) or after the first cleaning of the computer, you still observe some symptoms of infection. This is quite possible! After all, one antivirus may not detect all threats. Therefore, for reliability in such cases, I scan the computer with two antiviruses in turn. But this does not mean that you have to install a second antivirus on your computer to re-clean it from viruses, not at all! Almost every antivirus developer has special healing programs that you can quickly download and scan your computer for free. At the same time, they do not interfere with the antivirus already installed on the computer.

    For example, I used similar healing programs to clean the computer from viruses developed by DrWeb and Kaspersky. You can choose any to rescan your computer or download from another developer. For example, I give links to utilities from DrWeb and Kaspersky.

    • You can download the healing program from DrWeb here:

      On the page that opens, click the "Free Download" button:

      We agree to send statistics about the work of the program to the developer (otherwise the program will not be able to download!):

      And on the last page we accept the terms of the license agreement, after which we click "Continue" and the download of the program will begin:

      The size of the program is about 170 MB.

      The healing utility from Kaspersky can be downloaded from the link:

      On the page that opens, click the Download button under the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool»:

      After you download one of the curing programs, you can start rescanning to more reliably clean your computer of viruses. Such curing programs for all antiviruses are very similar and have the same number of functions, so I will show you scanning using the example of one program - from the DrWeb antivirus.

      Launching a scan with a healing program from DrWeb.

      I launch the downloaded healing program:

      In the window, put a tick, confirming your consent to participate in the quality improvement program (otherwise you will not be able to continue!) And click "Continue":

      Before starting the scan, enable one option in the settings. Go to settings:

      In the settings I go to the "Exceptions" tab and check the "Archives" checkbox below, so that the archives are also checked during scanning. Then I click "OK" to save the changes:

      Returning to the main window, click "Select objects to scan":

      To scan an entire computer, you need to select all the hard drives of the computer for scanning. Click below on the inscription "Click to select files and folders":

      In the window, check all the local drives of the computer and click "OK" at the bottom:

      Now you can start scanning directly from the window for selecting an area for scanning. Click "Start Check":

      A computer scan will start. The program will find viruses and you can remove them.

Here is such a simple sequence of steps to start a thorough cleaning of your computer from viruses in case you can boot the system and safely open the antivirus.

How to clean your computer of viruses if you cannot start the antivirus in the usual way, or if you cannot load Windows itself!

It can easily be that your computer is so contaminated with viruses that it is simply unbearable to work in Windows and even starting the scanner becomes a big problem (i.e. the computer slows down a lot). Or here's another situation ... Some cunning virus has disabled your antivirus, or it simply does not start due to an error, as a result of which you will no longer be able, as described above, to take and run a computer scan to clean it from viruses. Figurines! The antivirus may not start :) Or maybe you have no antivirus at all on your computer and there is nothing to scan your computer with. Or Windows generally refuses to start due to viral activity (this also takes place!).

In general, in all of the above cases and other similar cases, when you cannot start the scan in the usual way, you will have to run the so-called boot scan - cleaning the computer from viruses from a specially burned disk or flash drive.

Treatment procedure:

    Downloading the bootable version of the antivirus.

    For such a computer treatment, you will have to have a disk or a USB flash drive, where a special bootable version of the antivirus will be recorded (the one that opens and works from the disk / flash drive before Windows boots).

    If such a breakdown (i.e. infection of the computer with viruses) happened at a time when you do not have a disk or flash drive with an already recorded antivirus at hand, then you will have to write it down. Moreover, if Windows does not even load on you, then you will have to do it through some other computer, otherwise there is no way ...

    So, first you need to download a bootable version of the antivirus from the Internet. This version is distributed, as a rule, free of charge and almost every antivirus. Also, in some antiviruses (for example, Avast) it is possible to write the bootable version to a disk or USB flash drive directly through the antivirus itself.

    I am a user of similar bootable versions of the antivirus DrWeb, Kaspersky and Avast.

    • You can download the bootable version of the DrWeb antivirus by clicking on this link:

      On the antivirus website that opens, select one of 2 versions: for recording to disk or to a USB flash drive.

      After choosing a version, scroll through the license agreement and click "Accept License Agreement" below:

      The antivirus will start downloading to your computer. Keep in mind that the download version is about 610 MB in size, which means that you will have to wait while it downloads.

      You can download the bootable version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus using this link:

      Here on the page, click the Download button under the Kaspersky Rescue Disk program:

      The download of the bootable version will begin immediately. It is about 270 MB in size.

      The Avast bootable disc can be burned to a USB flash drive (or created ISO file) directly through the antivirus itself installed on the computer. To do this, the "Rescue Disk" component had to be installed along with the antivirus.

      In the main program window, select Tools> Rescue Disk:

      In the window, you need to select which device you want to burn the bootable version: to a USB flash drive or CD / DVD disk (fits on a simple CD disk):

      There is such a nuance here ... If you immediately choose “ USB device", Then the bootable version will be downloaded and will immediately start writing to the USB flash drive, so the USB flash drive must be connected to the computer in advance. If you select the option of recording to a disc ("Compact Disc"), then recording to the disc will not be performed immediately and the antivirus will create an ISO file (program image), which you can then burn to both the disc and the USB flash drive. Therefore, if you want to immediately write to a USB flash drive, select the "USB device" option and connect the USB flash drive before that, if you want to save the program image and then write it wherever you want, then select CD.

      Click the Create Rescue Disk button.

      If you have chosen the option of recording to a USB flash drive, then the download of the bootable version will immediately begin, after which it will be written to the USB flash drive:

      Keep in mind that downloading can take about half an hour or more!

      If you selected the "Compact Disc" option, then in the next window, click the "Browse" button to select a folder on your computer to save the ISO image of the bootable version:

      An explorer window will open, where you first need to select a folder to save the image, and then specify a name. Specify the name in order not to get confused later on what kind of file it is and what you need it for :) Then click "Save":

      Now, in the previous window, click on "Create ISO Image":

      And as in the case of writing to a USB flash drive, the download of the bootable version will begin.

      After the bootable version is downloaded and written to the USB flash drive (or an ISO image is created), you will receive the message "Rescue disk created":

    You can download bootable versions of some other antivirus, if they have one.

    After you have downloaded the bootable version in the file, proceed to writing the antivirus to a disk or USB flash drive.

    Preparing a disk or flash drive with antivirus for computer disinfection.

    If you created a bootable disk with Avast antivirus with the choice of recording to a USB flash drive, according to the instructions from step number 1, then you already have bootable USB drive and information from this step can be skipped.

    If, through Avast antivirus, you decide to make an ISO file, so that you can then burn it yourself to a disk or a USB flash drive, or you downloaded a bootable version of an antivirus from the Internet in the form of the same ISO image file, then you need to write this file to a USB flash drive.

    Writing images of programs to a USB flash drive is done through special programs... One of simple ways presented here in this article:

    If you want to burn an image to a CD / DVD disc, then in Windows 8 and older you can do this without additional programs! Just right click on ISO image and select "Burn disc":

    Insert the CD or DVD into your computer. In the window that opens, it remains only to select the drive (if you have several of them in your computer) and click the "Burn" button:

    We are waiting for the end of the recording and you can proceed to the next step!

    If you have Windows version 7 or more early version, then you can write the image of the program (ISO) through a special free program... How to do this is described in the article:

    We boot the computer from a burned disk or flash drive.

    After you have burned a disc or a USB flash drive with a bootable version of the antivirus, you need to make sure that the computer does not start Windows after restarting as usual, but starts loading just the burned disc or flash drive. And for this, most often you have to climb into the BIOS settings.

    What it is and how to set up booting from a disk / flash drive there is described in the article:

    We clean the computer from viruses using the bootable version of the antivirus.

    If you managed to create a bootable version of the antivirus, then when booting from a USB flash drive or disk where it is recorded, you will not see the usual windows windows... Instead, another operating system will be opened specifically for scanning for viruses.

    Now I will show you how to clean your computer from viruses using the bootable version using the example of Avast antivirus.

    Actually, the boot scanner is extremely simple. In the boot version window, under the question “What to scan”, select the area to scan: all hard disks of the computer (All hard disks) or selected folders and files (Selected folders / disks). If you suspect that your computer is infected or you simply haven't scanned it for a long time, then I recommend choosing to scan the entire computer - that is, all hard drives in him! Basically, if I scan a computer, I always choose the full scan.

    In the second step, check the "Scan all archivers" option in order for the antivirus to scan all archives as well. Although it will take longer, the scan reliability will be higher.

    And finally, click "Start scan" to start scanning:

    The computer scan process will start:

    You can cancel scanning at any time by pressing the "Stop" button. As a last resort, you can just restart the computer with the button on the case :)

This is how I personally clean my computer from viruses. I think this approach is effective and since I rarely have problems with a computer (mainly due to hardware, and not the presence of viruses), then this option for cleaning a computer can really be used.

I wish that your computers never catch any infection! :) See you in the following articles ...


Increasingly, users are attacked by Trojans, malicious files that change browser or system settings, constantly display advertising sites or viral ads. Windows protection it does not always work, and it becomes necessary to clean the computer from viruses for free. This can be done in several ways.

How to check your computer for viruses

Threats can penetrate the operating system via the Internet, along with someone else's flash drive or when installing questionable software. The development of antivirus products has given rise to more cunning, sophisticated spyware or malicious codes. Now they can be written to startup, automatically restored after deletion. It becomes more difficult to cure the computer. Here are the ways to clean your laptop from viruses on your own:

  1. The most radical hard way how to clean your computer from viruses - reinstall the operating system. Together with the malicious files, files will be completely deleted from the system partitions or from logical drive... This means that the programs and documents that were on it will be lost. You can save data on other drives, but there is a risk that the infected file lives on them as well.
  2. Formatting the disk. Good way if you know that the virus is not in section C.
  3. Revert to a restore point without malicious files. The operating system is able to roll back to its previous state, for example, yesterday, when worms or Trojans have not yet penetrated into it. Using backup all new files, folders will be deleted and replaced with old ones. Suitable if only system data and directories were affected.
  4. Take advantage of any good antivirus, for example: Doctor Web (Dr.Web), Kaspersky or Nod32. The scanner will detect threats, offer to remove them, treat them or send them to quarantine.

Some viruses are not easy to clean: they open windows in the browser with advertising pages, spend hidden actions... One of them is blocking the operation of anti-virus utilities. In such cases, help can be provided online services to start scanning for the first time. Here are some popular and effective options:

  • BitDefender QuickScan - can be turned on directly on the site online check through a cloud service;
  • Panda ActiveScan - a special module will be loaded, which, through the cloud service, will check the computer for security threats;
  • HouseCall - searches for spy codes and viruses online;
  • Microsoft Safety Scanner - one-time scan from the company;
  • Kaspersky Security Scan - a special utility is used to treat a computer from viruses. You need to download it, but the software works through a cloud service.

The best utilities to clean your computer from viruses

To clean your computer, full-fledged antiviruses are better suited, but you can also use special utilities. The best ones are listed below:

  1. DR WEB CUREIT is a simple free portable utility. You just need to run the program and click "Start check". This can take from 1 to 6 hours (based on the number of scanned objects).
  2. NORTON SECURITY SCAN is another additional remedy protection that will help clean your computer from viruses. Free distribution. Works and is available to the user online, controls the PC in real time.
  3. Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a full-fledged program that is distributed for a fee. There is a special utility that can be downloaded for free - Kaspersky Security Scan.
  4. AVZ is a powerful, popular utility that can solve even the most difficult pest problems. It is very useful in cases when you cannot log into Windows. They run her in safe mode when the system boots. Current version automatically updated for free.
  5. ESET ONLINE SCANNER is another option, how to clean your computer from viruses for free. No installation is required, you just need to download and run the executable file.
  6. AVIRA REMOVAL TOOL - not the most good option cleaning your computer from viruses, but use it because the utility is distributed free of charge.
  7. AVAST! VIRUS CLEANER TOOL - additional protection from Avast antivirus. Works autonomously in cloud service... Searches for and removes spyware, malicious files.
  8. Malwarebytes is a very effective program for removing adware viruses that successfully hide from Kaspersky or Dr.Web. The first month can be used absolutely free of charge, but then you have to purchase a license.

How to clean your computer from viruses yourself

If you want and have free time, you can clean your computer yourself. It is recommended to delete everything from the basket at the very beginning, use CCleaner, which will destroy unnecessary and unnecessary information from the registry, all sorts of garbage. The easiest way to clean your computer from viruses is to format HDD... If it is important to save data on it, you should choose a more complex path, using antivirus and special programs.

Cleaning and formatting the hard drive

Please understand that disk cleanup and formatting are two different things. The first is often carried out in order to free up space on the desired partition by removing junk, temporary and broken (non-working) files. This action does not directly affect the cleaning of malicious files. It can be done as follows:

  1. Go to "My Computer".
  2. On the disk that needs cleaning, right-click.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. In the window that opens, at the bottom, find the "Disk Cleanup" button and click on it.

Formatting completely deletes all the contents of the section along with malicious code... Make sure to back up any important data to temporary media. To complete you need:

  • Confirm all items, click "Run".
  • When finished, go to the "Service" section and click on "Process Manager". Delete anything that is not highlighted in green.
  • Go to the File menu and click Troubleshooting Wizard. Clean up the system.
  • These first steps on how to properly clean your computer from viruses will allow you to identify problems in the system, the location of infected files and neutralize them, but not delete them. You need a full-fledged anti-virus program. AVZ sets the stage for her effective work... Select full validation and wait for the results. All found threats must be removed. If after that ad continues to load, pages open spontaneously - use "Malwarebytes".

    You load the browser, and instead of the desired page, an advertisement opens. Or some applications are being installed by themselves, unknown processes “hang” in the task manager and for some reason the antivirus stopped working. Or maybe instead of the desktop, a threatening message opened that your files are encrypted or Windows is locked. What does all this mean? That your computer got caught by a virus.

    There are many types of PC malware. In the last 2-3 years, malicious programs that display ads without user consent, as well as ransomware viruses, have become especially widespread. If coping with the first is quite easy, then with the second, unfortunately, it is very, very difficult, and often completely impossible. Today we will talk about how to recognize an infection and how to clean your computer from viruses yourself.

    In view of the wide variety of harmful "flora and fauna", a lot can be attributed to the symptoms of infection. In fact, any deviation from the normal operation of the operating system and programs can be a manifestation of a virus.

    To make it easier for you to understand, we will divide the symptoms of infection into direct and indirect. Straight lines indicate 100% virus activity. For example:

    • Messages demanding to pay a certain amount for unlocking Windows or decrypting files (if the system stops loading or the files stop opening).
    • Advertisements that are not tied to a specific site or application.
    • Pop-up windows of antivirus programs with a message about the detection of malware and other unambiguous signs.

    Indirect symptoms do not always indicate infection, as they can occur for other reasons. These include:

    • Slowdown of the computer (so that the computer does not slow down, you need to not only clean it of debris, but also check it with an antivirus).
    • Unknown processes in the task manager (they may not be known to you, but they are not dangerous).
    • Blue screens of death.
    • Inability to install or run antivirus and other security software.
    • Spontaneous change system settings.
    • Errors system functions.
    • Loss of information from hard disk.
    • Inability to get to your page on social networks.
    • Application crashes, etc.

    By the way, the complete absence of external manifestations can be a symptom of the virus. Many Trojans designed to steal personal data of the owner of a PC work completely invisibly. The user learns about the fact of infection only by emptying bank accounts and virtual wallets of payment systems. And also when information from his computer turns out to be in the possession of intruders who use it for extortion or blackmail.

    Methods and ways of spreading computer viruses

    In order to pick up a malicious program, it is not at all necessary to visit the "evil" Internet resources. The main distribution channels for viruses and Trojans are social networks, dating sites, forums and platforms where a large number of people "hang out". Another favorite way is to send email emails with malicious attachments or links from which they are downloaded. In addition, to distribute "gifts", attackers use instant messengers (Skype, ICQ and others), open chats, and private messages on social networks.

    In order for the addressee to perform the action necessary for the attacker (click on the link or download and run the file), the latter resort to social engineering methods: they send messages from hacked accounts of the addressee's friends or under the guise of various state structures... The headings and content of such letters are formulated in a very "tempting" way. For example: “Where was it taken like this?”, “I am participating in the competition, please vote for me”, “Immediately repay the debt on housing and communal services, otherwise ...” etc.

    Advertising "surprises" often go in addition to regular free applications, even on official websites. Only when installing a program downloaded from the developer's site, you can refuse them, and if the installer is downloaded from nowhere, more often than not, you cannot. In the latter version, ad junk is installed automatically and actively prevents its removal.

    By the way, in some cases, viruses and Trojans are downloaded to the computer without user intervention - through the vulnerabilities of the operating system and programs. This "bait" is often caught by those who forget to install updates.

    What to do if you suspect a virus

    Auto scan

    The first attempt to remove a virus from a computer is to launch the anti-virus installed in the system. Anyone, the main thing is to update the virus databases before scanning. Success can be counted on 50-70% of the time.

    Windows users 10 and 8.1 can start with the system's built-in " Windows Defender"(Former MSE antivirus). Its detection level is low, but in some cases it is sufficient. For those with Windows 7 or more old version this OS, you will have to use a third-party product.

    If there is no antivirus or it does not cope - it does not detect malware or cannot remove it, use specialized utilities for a one-time PC treatment. The most effective and safe are the following:

    Both utilities are free, universal (designed to remove all types of threats), have a Russian-language interface and run without problems on an infected system. To increase the chances of success, it is important to use the most recent versions of them, which include all current virus databases.

    Scanning with a standard antivirus and one of these utilities increases the effectiveness of treatment up to 80-90%.

    There are other free antivirus products available, many of which are capable of dealing with particularly complex and persistent threats. The highest detection rates with the lowest number of false positives are:

    • Malwarebytes Free. It includes modules for searching and eliminating viruses, Trojans, spyware, rootkits (a special class of malicious programs that hide their presence in the system) and adware.
    • ESET Online Scanner is an online scanner for eliminating all types of threats. For effective treatment, he needs stable Internet access.
    • HitmanPro Malware Removal Tool is a cloud-based scanner designed to neutralize all types of malware, including "0-day" threats (previously unknown). You can use it for free for 30 days.
    • Emsisoft Commandline Scanner is a console-based scanner designed for power users and professionals. Designed to search and eliminate all types of active malware, including rootkits.

    Special products

    Some antivirus vendors release mini-utilities for treating infections of the same type. In particular, Kaspersky Lab. If you know the name of a malicious program and you want to deal with it as quickly and efficiently as possible, look for a suitable utility.

    Live CD and USB

    Automatic scanners help clean up the system 80-90% of the time, but what about the rest? Antivirus boot disks(flash drives) - the so-called Live CD or Live USB. They are able to cope not only with the most "tenacious" infection (for example, with file viruses), but also with the blocking of the system by ransomware Trojans.

    Here is a list of some of them:

    Antivirus Live CD distribution must be downloaded and burned to bootable media(disk or flash drive) only on a "healthy" machine. If you do this on a "sick" basis, viruses can damage distribution files or prevent writing.

    After the burn is finished, boot the infected computer from the anti-virus Live CD and scan the hard drive. Even the most persistent malware will not be able to resist it, since in an unloaded system they are inactive.

    Manual cleaning

    Users, good Windows knowledgeable sometimes prefer to remove malware manually. No, they do not scan every folder for anything suspicious, but use special utilities in scan only mode. The results of the utility check are displayed in a report, by analyzing which the user determines which objects are dangerous and should be deleted, and which are normal.

    The result of a check with a variety of antiviruses will dispel or confirm your doubts.

    If the downloaded checksum is not in the Virustotal database, you need to check the suspicious file itself on the service.

    To eliminate a malicious object, click the "Quarantine" and "Delete" buttons in the cell of its name.

    A script will be generated at the bottom of the report (under the table).

    What we see in the screenshot should be supplemented with the lines that we give below. As a result, the quarantine and delete script should look something like this:

    QuarantineFile (‘*’, ”);
    DeleteFile ('*', '32');
    RebootWindows (true);

    Instead of asterisks - paths to files.

    In this way, you can remove almost any virus - Chinese, adware, etc., with a few exceptions. The main thing is to learn to distinguish what is harmful from what is normal.

    If you get sick of advertising

    Browser and adware malware is especially widespread. And, what is most unpleasant, many antiviruses do not remove them, because advertising does not harm the user (the effect on the nerves does not count) - it is even included in many free apps.

    Blockers like AdBlock do not help against malware that opens ads in the browser. They only slightly mask the problem. Only specially "sharpened" utilities can cope with this scourge, the best of which is AdwCleaner. Fortunately, it's free and very easy to use.

    To search for ad viruses, just run the utility and click the "Scan" button. In a few minutes, a report will open in the main window of AdwCleaner, consisting of sections: folders (created by adware), files, assigned tasks (often used to display ads and recreate remote settings), browser extensions, registry keys, infected shortcuts and services.

    Review the report, uncheck the boxes for what you want to keep, and click Clear. After cleaning, the computer will restart and the ads will no longer bother you.

    AdwCleaner successfully copes with such malware as Volcano (writes transitions to advertising pages in web browser shortcuts), Fust (creates copies of executable files browsers with the .bat extension) and many others. Often he even finds something that the user does not notice.

    Periodic cleaning of your computer from various viruses present in its system is a necessary and important task. Otherwise, the performance of the OS may drop dramatically, and in the worst case, the computer is in danger of being repaired.

    To diagnose a computer for infection with virus programs and its further treatment, there are many specially developed software, both paid and free. One of the free and quality apps is AVZ program... It can be found on our website and downloaded to your PC.

    Virus detection using the AVZ program

    1. Before starting the virus cleaning process, start your computer in safety mode. To do this, when you turn it on, use the F8 button to open the context menu.
    2. Then in the window you see, check the option with safe mode.
    3. After your PC boots up, launch the AVZ utility.
    4. Find the line about System Restore in the File menu.
    5. Mark all available lines and give the command to perform the operation.
    6. Next, through the Service tab, go to the Process Manager and exclude all lines that do not have a green highlight.
    7. After that, using the Troubleshooting Wizard, in the File menu, start the system cleaning process.

    The viruses found by the used utility will be detected and neutralized. Now you need to remove them from the system.
    Download another one antivirus program- Dr.Web CureIt! ... It is also free and effective. Run the program and run a full scan. After the malicious files are detected, the utility will ask for their treatment or removal.

    Removing viruses using a third-party computer

    There is a way to remove virus programs from a computer, performed using another PC. To do this, you need a computer uninfected with viruses with antivirus software installed in advance. Before turning on the PC, you will need to disconnect the hard drive from the infected computer and connect it to the uninfected one. Then start the system as well as the anti-virus application. After the program is finished and the viruses are removed, connect the hard drive back.

    How to clear RAM

    In order to clear the RAM, run the Task Manager application on your computer. In the window indicating the processes in progress, remove the programs you do not need by marking them with the cursor and giving the command to end the process.

    Cleaning the registry (for advanced users)

    To perform the task of cleaning the system registry, while in the main menu of the computer, click the Run line. In the line that opens, enter the command regedit.

    After that, you will see a window in which you will need to find the item with the letters HKEY CURRENT USER and open it. Then in the list you see, look for the word Software and click on it. Examine the entire registry of programs that appear before you, and remove unnecessary ones. After this operation, it is recommended to reboot the system.