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The font decreased on the monitor screen what to do. How to reduce the font on the computer using the keyboard

Some text is difficult to see or they are not at all placed on the PC screen, so in today's theme we will get acquainted how to reduce, increase the font on the computer using the keyboard and windows settings 7, 8. In the first case, the font size will be prioritized in the programs, and some OS elements. In the second case, we will change the text size and all elements of the interface of the Windows itself.

Change of font size in programs and individual OB objects

Users often encounter what you need, reduce, increase the font size on the computer screen in programs, such as: text editors (Word), browsers (Opera, Google Chrome.) other.

In a number of programs, the size of the text is changing both at the time of the current work of the program and all the time through the settings. Describe the change of text using the settings no sense, since this process can be very different in different applications. You can easily find information about this for a separate program on the Internet.

We describe the process of changing the magnitude of the text keyboard and the mouse, fair for most windows Applications. To reduce the font on the computer using the keyboard, clamp the Ctrl button and press the minus sign (to increase the font size of the plus sign). This combination is applicable for browsers and is very convenient for laptops.

The most versatile way is to clamp the Ctrl key, then not releasing it, scroll the mouse wheel up to increase the size of the text and down to reduce. Applicable even B. windows Explorer.

Also change the font size on the computer can separate elements Windows 7, 8. In the article, how to resolve the size of the desktop icons, describes in detail the size of the text of the desktop icons.

In the past instructions, changing the font in Windows 7, the style of the fonts of the part and all OS elements changed. Follow the link above to learn how to open additional settings Registration.

Not everyone windows elements 7, Available Changing the font size, however, select the item to which the text value must be specified. In the "Size" field, click on the current number to select a different value from the list. Having done so, with a group of elements, you will produce thin setting.

In Windows 8, go to the control panel, use the "Minor Icons" view. Find the "Screen" parameter, select it.

At the bottom of the window, you can change the font size to individual items. In the edition 8.1 to access these settings, check the option Select the scale for all displays. Next, specify the element and the font value. After that, click "Apply" and wait for the application.

Changing the font value to all Windows objects

The instruction will show how to increase the font size on the computer or reduce by changing the number of dot points, and all other elements will appear more or less. First you need to find the screen settings (described above). In Windows 7, 8 you will be available for a list of dimensions in percent (standard "small").

To increase the font on the computer screen, select the percentage more than standard. Next, click the Apply button, and then "Get out now."

You can set custom (your) settings. In the seven, click on the left "other font size" (screenshot above). In the eight, click "Custom Size Settings".

In the "Scale Selection" window, set the user percentage of size, by selecting from the preset percent, or clamp the mouse button on the line and pull the right to increase, left to reduce the percentage. Here you can track the value of pixels per inch. The maximum value is 500%. Be sure to check the WindowsXP-style options checkbox so that there are no problems with displaying text in old programs.

After a selection of the required percentage, click OK, then "Apply" and "Get out now."

You can reduce, enlarge the font on the computer manually through the registry. Run the seven or eight registry, visit the Desktop section (in detail in the picture). In the right panel, find the "LogPixels" parameter, double-click Open it. Select the number system to select "Decimal" and set the value in pixels. Next, click OK, restart the PC.

Introducing the table-reference ratio of pixels to scale:

If you set a very large size for your screen resolution, then the image may look distorted, fuzzy. Loading B. safe modeAnd ask an acceptable size, or download the registry file here, unpack it. Run the reg file with a double click, click "Yes" (Account Control Message), then "Yes" and OK. After that restart Windows.

Here you know how to reduce or increase the font on your computer using the keyboard of individual components of Windows 7, 8 and programs, as well as considered the change of text size on the entire screen. What recommendation to use, solve only you.

Increasing the font size on the computer screen may be aware of the user. All people have individual features, including various visual sharpness. In addition, they use monitors from different manufacturers, with different screen diagonal and resolution. In order to maximize all these factors, the operating system provides the ability to change the font size and icons in order to select the most comfortable display for the user.

To pick up the best size of the fonts displayed on the screen, the user is provided with several ways. They include the use of certain key combinations, computer mouse and on-screen magnifier. In addition, the ability to change the scale of the displayed page is provided in all browsers. Popular social networks also have similar functionality. Consider all this.

Method 1: Keyboard

The keyboard is the main user tool when working with a computer. Creating only certain shortcuts of the keys, you can change the size of all that is displayed on the screen. These are labels, signatures under them, or other text. To make them more or less, combinations can be used:

  • Ctrl + Alt + [+];
  • Ctrl + Alt + [-];
  • Ctrl + Alt + (zero).

For people with weak vision, the optimal solution can be a screen magnifier.

It simulates the lens effect when hovering on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe screen. You can call it using a key combination Win + [+].

You can change the scale of the open page of the browser using a keyboard key Ctrl + [+] and Ctrl + [-], or all the same rotation of the mouse wheel when the key is pressed Ctrl.

Method 2: Mouse

In combination of the keyboard with the mouse, changing the size of the icons and fonts is even easier. Sufficient when the key is pressed "Ctrl" Rotate the wheel of the mouse to yourself or from yourself so that the scale of the desktop or the conductor changes in one direction or the other side. If the user has a laptop and it does not use the mouse in the work - the imitation of rotation of its wheel is present in the functions of the touchpad. To do this, you need to make such movements with your fingers along its surface:

By changing the direction of movement, you can increase or decrease the contents of the screen.

Method 3: Browser Settings

If you have a need to change the content size of the web page being viewed, then in addition to the keyboard shortcuts described above, you can use the settings of the browser itself. Just open the settings window and find the section there "Scale". This is how it looks like:

It remains only to choose the most suitable scale for yourself. At the same time, all web page objects will increase, including fonts.

In other popular browsers, such an operation occurs in a similar way.

In addition to scale scaling, it is possible to increase only the size of the text, leaving all other elements unchanged. This looks like this:

As well as the scaling of the page, this operation There is almost the same in all web browsers.

Method 4: Changing the size of the font in social networks

Lovers for a long time to hang in social networks may also not arrange the size of the fonts, which is used there by default. But since in its essence social networks Also are web pages, to solve this problem there may be the same methods that were described in the previous sections. Any of its specific ways to increase the font size or scale the developers of the interface of these resources did not provide.

Thus, the operating system provides a variety of features to change the size of the font and icons on the computer screen. The flexibility of settings allows you to satisfy the requests of the most demanding user.

In the process of working on a computer, some users need a need to reduce the font on the screen of their display. This may be associated with the use of a computer when all the icons unexpectedly rose in size, or you just want to reduce the font so that there is more information to be placed on the screen - the main thing you have had this need, and you do not know how to implement it . In this material, I will try to help the user and will tell you to reduce the font on the computer using the keyboard, which tools for this exist and how to use them.

If you have a question about how to reduce the font on the PC using the keyboard, it means that the font display on the screen of your computer ceased to arrange you. This can happen due to an overly large size of the font display in the browser or in various service programs (MS Word, Excel, etc.), as well as the need to reduce the size of Windows system fonts, in the case when the inscriptions are displayed not entirely correctly .

How to Subsequent Font Size - Basic Solutions

Among how to make a font on a computer less, the following options are distinguished:

Use the Ctrl and - (minus) keys. This method is quite universal and allows you to adjust the font size in most computer programs, Moreover, as towards the decrease, and in the direction of the increase (Ctrl and the + key). Just clamp the Ctrl key and press the "-" (minus) key to reduce the font size to the desired value.

Use a combination keys Ctrl. and -

Reduce the font size using browser settings. When surfing the network, the need arises to reduce the size of the font browser (in particular, for more comfortable viewing of the site content). To do this, go to the browser settings, look there the size of the font size there (in my Firefox it is in the Content tab) and set the desired font size.

Also in the browser there is an opportunity to completely change the screens of the screen (page scale). If you get in the settings menu, the menu will open, where the display keys of the display - "minus" (-) and plus (+) are located on top (usually);

We change the screen resolution. Another simple font reduction method is to increase the resolution of the screen (the number of points displayed per unit area). Accordingly, the icons and fonts will be reduced in size for more comfortable user perceptions. To make this click on the free space of the desktop with the right mouse button, select the "Screen Resolution" option, and then switch to a higher screen resolution. At the same time, consider the capabilities of your monitor and do not allow permission above the stated characteristics of your device.

Redfish the font size using OS settings. One more effective method To shorten the font size on the computer, we give to the Windows OS toolkit.

  1. We bring the cursor to an empty desktop place, press the right mouse button (or right key on your touchpad), choose "Personalization".
  2. Then choose the "window color", and then - " Extra options Registration. "
  3. In the elements, select, for example, "icon" and put on the right both the font size and the size of the icon.

So you can change the display of different system windows and the value of them with the font.

We change the screen settings. We go into the control panel, go to "Management and Personalization", select the "screen" and change the size towards the reduction (if possible). You can also change the font size using the "Other font size" option to the left.

Font Changes on PC

I described above various methods how to reduce the font on the computer using the keyboard. In most cases, there is enough universal variant of the Ctrl and + keys, in the system cases, it may be necessary to change the screen settings, as well as the use of various personalization options. All this is done easily, does not require special skills and guarantees the user the desired result.

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In this article you will learn how to enlarge the font on the computer and its screen For several points.

How to increase text size on computer

Regardless of whether you have a laptop with a tiny screen or desktop computer With a gigantic monitor, the fonts of your computer may be too small for the convenience of reading. Or, on the contrary, they can be more than you need. Fortunately, you do not need to invest in a new pair of points. If you have a computer or Mac, you can easily adjust the size of the text as for the whole operating systemand for individual parts of the interface. Methods depend on your operating system and how much you want to do.

Changing text size in Windows 10

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select "Screen Settings".
  1. Find a special slide in a new window " Amend text size applications ... "Right to the text become more. Or move it to the left to make them less. The slider moves in 25 percent increments. You can increase the size of up to 175 percent.

You will immediately notice that the text size has changed, but you will not see that everything becomes more (or less) until you reboot or do not enter the system again. If you are satisfied with the size of the text, you can dwell on this value. However, if you want to try individual zoom values \u200b\u200bor adjust the font size for certain elements user interface (For example: headlines, badges), go to step 3.

  1. Click "Advanced Display Settings" At the bottom of the settings window.

  1. Click "Extended Sizes of Text and Other Elements" At the bottom of the window.

A multiple display screen appears. From here you can choose either A.) Set an arbitrary scaling percentage (for example: 115 percent) or B.) Configure the font size for certain items, such as menus and icons.

5a. Click "Set a customizable scale" in the section "Changing the size of the elements".

A pop-up window will appear with a small ruler. Click on the field as a percentage, enter the number and click "OK". Try various sizes until you find the one you like.

5b. Select the user interface that you want to change, select the font size and check the box "Sea" if you want the letters to be fat. Repeat these steps for headers, menus, message fields, palette names, icons and tips.

  1. Click "Apply". Windows will make you wait or ask you to exit the system and log in again (in case of scaling) before you see changes.

Changing the text size in Windows 7

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select "Screen Resolution".

  1. Click "Make text and other elements in large or smaller."

  1. Select the percentage: smaller, medium or more (100, 125 or 150 percent) and click "Apply".

  1. Exit the system and go again (or restart the computer).

If you are satisfied with the results, stop here. If not, you can try to install your own percentage.

  1. Click "Configure Customizable Text Size (DPI)" in the left navigation panel after you turn back to the display settings window.

A pop-up window appears with a ruler.

  1. Enter the number in the percent field (for example: 135 percent) and click OK.

  1. Click "Apply" on the next screen, and then log in and exit it.

Increase text size in any web browser

Pressing Ctrl + in any of the main browsers - EDGE, IE, Chrome or Firefox - will increase the scale of the web page by making text and images larger. Pressing CTRL - reduces the scale. You can also choose ZOOM in the menu in any browser.

In EDGE I. Internet Explorer. The scaling level remains unchanged on each web page you visit. Nevertheless, in Chrome and Firefox, Magnfication remains constant only in the domain, so if you increase the scale of the image on homepage and then go to, you need to enlarge the image.

Increase the font on the computer is simple enough. For example, it can be done by pressing certain keys on the keyboard.

If you have opened a browser page or a picture, and the text or other elements seem to be small for you, you can increase them by pressing the combination of two keys - Ctrl + (plus sign). Even if you have a scroll wheel in the mouse design, you can use it. To do this, press Ctrl and scroll forward. Depending on the duration of the scroll, the text will increase several times. This is the easiest way to increase text. The method is not constant, as for example, in the browser, if you increase the text on one page, going to another text will have standard size And it will have to be changed in such ways.

Now turn to the system. What can she offer us?

Increase the font on the computer through "Control Panel". An example will be shown on Windows 7.

To do this, click: " Start» → « Control Panel»→ Choose in a new window" Decor».

A new window will open.

In it choose the item " Screen"And subparagraph" Changing the size of the text and other elements».

The font and element settings menu appears. There you will see that there are two sizes setting options - a standard one, which is 100% size, it costs the default, and the average (enlarged) has 125% size. We set opposite the middle tick, and at the bottom we see that a warning appeared that some elements would not be able to fit on the desktop.

What would you know when elements cannot fit on the screen, then in this case a horizontal scroll ruler appears. The bottom line is that this line appears extremely rarely, so it's saying that this setting You will harm you not ready.

In addition, you yourself can choose the font size by selecting in the left panel item " Other font size (dots per inch)».

The menu will open Select scale».

When you click on the arrow, other scales will appear.

Choosing an appropriate and press " OK».

How to increase the font in Windows 8?

In Windows 8, if you have sensory control, it is easy to increase the font. To do this, you need to quickly spend your finger from the right edge of the screen. Will appear " Search»Where to enter the word" Screen».

Touch select " Options", And then click" Screen».
You will be offered several sizes: small (100%), middle (125%) or large (150%).

* A large font is suitable for monitors, which have a resolution of at least 1200 * 900 pixels.