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Users earn money by reading advertising letters. Earnings from reading advertising letters

How to make money on the Internet: A Practical Guide Dorokhova Marta Alexandrovna

10.1. Surfing and paid emails

Surfing Is a type of income where you are paid to view sites.

Paid letters- this is an earnings similar to surfing, only in this case, your mailbox a letter comes with a link to a website. You follow this link and receive money. In general, the money that pays for such tasks does not even reach the name "money" a little, because, as a rule, one site in surfing or one letter costs some thousandths of dollars. But if you register at a multitude of similar resources at once, you will look through all surfing sites and all paid letters, then maybe you will collect a dollar a day.

And if, in spite of everything, you are not sorry to waste your time on such trifles, then below is presented list of sites on which you can make money by surfing.

1. This foreign sponsor pays one cent per site viewed. It is one of the most profitable services of this kind.

2. This service will pay for visiting sites, reading letters. On the this service operates its own affiliate program... There are three levels of referrals. For referrals of the first level you will receive 15% of their income, for referrals of the second and third levels - 10% of their income. There is also a referral exchange where you can buy or sell a referral. The minimum payout amount is $ 0.5. Payment is made through systems such as WebMoney, e-Gold, Yandex. Money.

3. Is a Ukrainian service that also pays for visiting sites, for reading mail. As in the previous service, there is its own affiliate program. There is a three-level referral system. Having first-level referrals, you will receive 10% of their income, second-level referrals will bring you 5% of income, and third-level referrals - 3% of income. In addition, you can buy yourself a referral or sell it on the referral exchange. The minimum payout amount is $ 0.5. Payment is made through the WebMoney system.

4. Is a service that is popular among people who want to make money in this way. Now it has over 20,000 registered participants. The price of one letter is 0.25 cents. About ten such letters can arrive in your mailbox a day. The minimum withdrawal amount is small - only 10 cents, it is collected very quickly. And after the withdrawal, the money comes almost immediately.

5. On this server, in addition to normal surfing, autosurfing capabilities are provided, when the system does almost everything for you.

6. A sponsor who pays for reading mail, surfing, etc. One letter is priced at 0.3-1 cents. The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 1. There is a four-level referral system. For referrals of the first level you get 10% of their income, for referrals of the second level - 5% of the income, for the third level - 4%, for the fourth level - 2%.

7. This sponsor is distinguished by a high payment for letters - from 0.25 to 2 cents. You will receive five to ten letters per day.

8. A service on which you will receive money for reading letters, surfing. Price per view of one site - from 0.02 cents. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 10 cents. There are six levels of referrals here.

9. This email sponsor sends a lot of paid emails, with a minimum withdrawal amount of just $ 0.15. For reading one letter, you will receive from 0.002 to 0.004 dollars.

10. WM MAIL INFO- a sponsor who pays to read emails. The minimum payout is 50 cents.

11. RUS PAID MAILS... On this service, you will earn on reading letters (from 0.2 to 1 cent per letter) and on clicks (0.1 to 1 cent per click). There is no payout minimum, you can withdraw any amount of money you earn.

12. a service where you will receive 5 kopecks for each day of your visit.

13. ipGold... This sponsor pays 50 rubles for 1000 sites you viewed. The minimum payout is 10 rubles, for this you will need to look at 200 sites.

14. Bxod... Here you can get $ 4.75 per 1000 sites. The minimum for withdrawal is 9 cents, payment is made through the WebMoney system.

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XXV. Write letters by hand Impersonal communication is spreading more and more. Fax, e-mail, mail that is automatically sent to hundreds of addresses, answering machine records, pagers, ATM machines, talking car doors, automatic porter raising

Hello dear readers. In this article, we will talk with you about how to make money by reading letters on the Internet. Although this method of earning does not bring a lot of money, it still remains very popular among users of the World Wide Web.

Unfortunately, I could not find a separate service that provides an opportunity to make a profit only by reading letters. Therefore, I will share with you information about those services on which you can make money in this way.

Websites for making money by reading letters

In fact, there are quite a few of them, but most of the sites are "" not paying money. Therefore, I have reduced my list to three of the best and tested on personal experience:

  • - a well-known Russian-speaking one, which has existed since 2004 and makes payments in dollars;
  • - no less well-known site, where earnings are paid in rubles;
  • - very similar in design to SEOSprint, and also allows you to withdraw earned money in rubles.

Now let's take a closer look at the methodology and principle of making money by reading letters on each of the above sites.

After registering and authorizing on the site, you can immediately start making money, in our case, by viewing paid letters. To do this, in the left corner of the screen, find the text block “ Earnings», Which in turn consists of three points: writing, surfing,. Click on the item " Letters».

After that you will be taken to a new window in which a list of available letters for reading will be presented. By the way, in the column “ The cost»You can view the amount of money you will receive for viewing this or that letter. To start viewing the letter, you must click on its name.

After that, you will be taken to a page with its description (reading is optional), as well as a link that you need to click on.

When the timer expires, you can close the advertiser's page and return to the "Letters" section again.

Keep a close eye on this section throughout the day as emails appear frequently.

Now let's move on to considering the question of how to make money by reading letters, only on another site - The principle is slightly different and more complicated. But first things first.

To begin with, we register as usual, or log in to the system. Then, on the left side of the screen, we find the "Earn" block with four ways to earn money: reading letters, and completing tasks. Accordingly, we click on “ Reading emails».

After that, a list with the names of available paid letters and their cost per view will open before us. Click on any of them.

Then a dialog box with the text of the letter will open in front of you. Read it carefully and then answer the test (security question) at the bottom of the window.

If you choose the correct answer, a new tab will open in your browser with the advertiser's website and timers. We are waiting for the end of the timer and enter the captcha.

That's all, the money will be credited to the balance automatically. Now do the same with other letters.

Earnings from reading emails on Profitcentr

The principle of making money by reading letters on this site is the same as on Seosprint. Even by appearance these two axle boxes are very similar to each other. Based on this, I think that you yourself will find the block " Earn", And it already contains the section" Reading emails».

How much can you earn from reading emails?

Actually make a lot of money with this method impossible. It's all to blame for the simplicity of the task, and on this basis, its low price. Therefore, I recommend using reading letters as a secondary method to improve your financial condition.

During the writing of the article on the wmmail website, I read letters for - 0.085 dollars, for seosprint - 0.124 rubles, and for profitcentr - 0.1 rubles. I think if you sit at these sites throughout the day, then you can definitely get $ 0.5.

Hello friends! Let it not be a secret for anyone, but on the Internet great amount ways to make money and today we will talk with you about the easiest of them - reading letters, it is also often called surfing or clicks, and someone calls this kind of work "reading the news."

The name itself is not so important for us, the main thing is that this method is the most accessible, does not require any skills to work and is suitable for absolutely everyone!

Here are some of the benefits of reading emails:

  • Time-consuming.
  • No investments and initial payments.
  • In the future, this way of earning can become passive for you and give you a stable income.
  • There are no restrictions on the amount of profit.
  • Work from home.

Paid emails and news: Who pays to read them and why?

Have you ever noticed how much spam your email is receiving? People who do this are trying to advertise their site, product or service. They send these letters in the hope that at least someone will read them and become their client. They are advertisers.

But how to make sure that all sent emails are read and the effect of sending emails is much better? For this, there are special services that allow for money to send mailing to people who are interested in receiving such letters, since they, in turn, will also earn (they will be credited with payment for reading letters).

What do you need to get started?

  1. Register on sites where you can read news, letters for money, they are below in the article.
  2. To receive payments (money earned), for Russian projects, an electronic account will usually be sufficient, and for foreign projects, an account in the Paypal system.

List of the best Russian sites for making money on news and letters with a withdrawal of money:

1) VipIp- This unique project has been working since 2003! I will emphasize the main feature: here the execution various tasks, surfing, letters and clicks is carried out using a specially developed program, it tells you everything you need to do - it is very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

2) Socpublic- Perhaps one of the best Russian projects, it has been working and consistently paying money since 2008. Actively developing, modern design well crafted and clear interface site. Payments in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

3) Wmmail- Another powerful project that has been operating since 2004. Payments can be ordered both in rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project.

The best foreign verified sites:

1) NeoBux- I will put in the first place, a website with very large capabilities, has been working steadily since 2008 To have as many tasks for work as possible, you need to log in with a foreign IP address. Unfortunately, the site does not yet support the Russian language, but the interface is simple and intuitive. As a last resort, you can use a Google translator. Payouts in dollars ($):

Detailed instructions on how to work on this project will be coming soon. After registration, to enter your account, leave the "Secondary Password" field blank. Orange links after registration must be viewed every day, in the future I will explain why.

2) Ebesucher- A very unusual project, his main feature- in making money on autosurfing (browsing sites in automatic mode). There is also a section with clicks / letters for work. Perhaps this is one of the most "ancient" projects in this area, do not believe it: it has been working since 2002! Completely in Russian. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project and.

Making money on news and letters: How to learn to work?

The work on reading paid letters is that you need to:

  1. Open the received letter,
  2. Follow the link,
  3. Wait for the timer to end
  4. Get money.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process so that everyone understands how this is done.

By the way, friends! If you are interested in the future to learn about new working ways to earn money with step by step instructions, as well as about projects where I work myself, then you will be aware of all the events!

How to read letters and get paid for it?

Let's take the Wmmail service as an example (the principle is the same for other projects). Paid letters can come as yours email and Wmmail itself. All this can be specified in the account settings. Go:

Step 1) We go to the section - "Letters", in it you will find all the available paid letters.

Step 2) Click on the name of the letter, after which the text of the letter opens:

Important! It is not necessary to read the text of the letters, since more than 90% of them advertise scams and various fraudulent schemes, so immediately click on the blue link, the site will open in a new window.

Step 3) At the top of the page, the timer will start counting down; at the end of it, you usually need to confirm viewing with a number.

After all that has been done, the inscription will appear: "The money is credited."

Step 4) We close the site, read the remaining letters in the same way.

Remember that such letters "live" for 5-10 days, after which they are automatically deleted, so I advise you to go in and read all letters once a day.

As you can see, there is nowhere easier: Read the news and earn money, everything is very easy, and therefore you should not count on mountains of money. The maximum that you can get by reading only letters is 400-500 rubles per month, working on several projects at once. And if you think about it, then this amount is quite enough to pay for the Internet or mobile phone, which in my opinion is quite good.

BUT! Now I will reveal a few secrets for you and give useful tips so that you can reach an income of 2.000-5.000 rubles per month. Agree, this is much better ?! =)

  • Work on multiple projects at the same time. Reading letters, articles, news for money on one project is 5-20 minutes on average (depending on the number of letters, clicks). But what if you register in several services at once and work on them at the same time? With this method, you have two indisputable advantages:
    1. Increase in income,
    2. Reducing viewing time (due to the simultaneous reading of letters in several services).
  • Complete tasks. For all services that allow you to make money by reading letters and news, you can find the section: "Tasks". Friends, this is the very "mine" of money! For example, here is the most common task for you: someone created a site and asks you to go to it, leave a comment on the article, or let's say like it.

    Agree, this is easy and will take no more than 1-2 minutes, and the payment will be like 10-20 letters, do you feel the difference? Therefore, those who have mastered earn decent money. I know people who have 3-5 thousand rubles on assignments per month.

    On the this moment on referrals, I earn an average of 3,500 rubles a month completely passively! And the more referrals I have, the higher my income will be. How did I do it? In addition to the fact that you need to attract a lot of referrals, it is also extremely important. I recently met a man who has more than 25,000 referral profits per month. This is my goal I will strive for it! =)

Answers to frequently asked questions:

I want to earn in hryvnia or only in dollars, what should I do? Friends, in fact, it does not matter at all in what currency your earnings are, because you can always easily profitably exchange your money for any desired currency or withdraw it directly to a bank card.

Hello everyone. Do you want to know, how to make money reading letters on the Internet? Then you are here. Today from this article and her video lessons you will learn about what you can make money reading letters money, how to earn this money and how much money you can earn from reading various kinds of letters, and what letters and where you need to read for this. So, let's begin:

How to make money reading emails

It's very simple: you open the letter, read it (you don't even need to read it almost), follow the link in this letter and get money. Nothing complicated. For an illustrative example, I will show you how to make money by reading letters on the site. Watch the video:

If you are not yet registered on the site, then I advise you to watch a video on how to do this using the example of another equally good site:

To make money on these sites, you will definitely need a WebMoney wallet. And if you still do not have this wallet, then watch the video tutorials on how to create it on this site, and create it soon.

How much can you earn from reading emails

Now you know how to make money by reading emails. It remains only to find out how much money can be made on this. I'll be honest - not a lot of money. But if you use all that I recommend, then your earnings will increase several times. All these sites can be found at the link given above or right here a little below.

And now specific figures... On one such site, you can earn about 5-10 cents just by reading letters. Using all the sites offered, you can earn up to $ 1 per day. It's not a lot, but a pretty decent amount of money will accumulate over time. Yes, and all this does not take time and effort. There will be enough money to pay for your cell phone or something else.

And the longer you work, the higher your ranking will be on some sites. And the higher the rating, the more you will earn money for one letter, which means there will be more money and in general!

Also on the proposed sites, you can earn money not only by reading letters, but also for various other actions, for example, for completing them. And on this, as I already calculated in the previous article of this site, it is already possible earn up to 25 thousand rubles. per month... Of course, not in the first months, because first you need to figure it out, but then it's quite real.

Websites for making money by reading letters

The last site for even easier automatic earnings using the program. Try it and see for yourself!

Try to combine making money from reading letters with various other types of earnings on the Internet, which you can just as easily learn about on this reality blog “Make Money on the Internet”. I advise you to look at other articles and headings in the right column of the site - maybe you will be interested in something even more than reading letters. Maybe you want to make even more money online ...

Bookmark this site so as not to lose sight of it and recommend it to your friends and acquaintances - let everyone know about the possibility of making normal money on the Internet without any divorce and fraud!

On the right, all types of earnings on the Internet, from the simplest and lowest paid to the most difficult and profitable. Master everyone and earn, like me, more than $ 2-3 thousand per month! I wish you all the best!

And remember: everyone can make big money on the Internet!

There are no related articles.

Is it possible to learn how to write letters with an offer of your goods or services so that the addressees become your customers? Can! Today we'll show you how to write an effective sales letter.

In the shoes of the buyer

One day an old woman decided to buy a heater for her home. The seller, seeing the customer, immediately "took her into circulation", ran between even rows of models, meticulously told about all the characteristics, nuances, pros and cons, told about the guarantee. When the managerial flow of words dried up, the woman said: "Thank you, but I am only interested in one question: can this thing warm one single old woman?"

One of the most common mistakes inexperienced salespeople make is to provide customers with redundant information that only they themselves consider important. Your addressee is potential buyer... You need to anticipate what your client is most interested in, and not bombard him with many pages of unnecessary text about the product.

Turn into one of your clients for a short time, then it will be much easier for you to understand their desires, problems and hopes. Ask yourself questions that a person planning to buy from you or use your services might have. Ideally, it would be nice to know characteristics such as age, social level, education, hobbies and political views. But you can do without it. Sometimes it is enough on different days and on different time day drive to the area where your customers live. And if you are going to contact entrepreneurs, go to conferences or read articles about themselves or their business.

On the other side of the counter

“It is not known what will be popular tomorrow. But whatever it is, it can be sold by playing on human vanity. "

To feel yourself in the shoes of a customer until the end, you can even buy your own product and try it out or use your own service. List the characteristics and competitive advantages of your company's products, write each item on a separate card, and pin the cards on the chalkboard in order of importance. If your offer contains hidden advantages - advantages that are not obvious to you, but very important for the client - you have to reveal them as fully as possible, and maybe even build the entire advertising campaign on them.

Video "Sales letter: How to write sales letters to the mailing list":

Don't end up in the trash bin

Keep in mind that no one is waiting for your letters. Most often women - housewives or personal assistants - are involved in sorting mail in the United States. They use every opportunity to get rid of everyone immediately. extra letters without really reading them. Do everything to ensure that your letter falls into the hands of the immediate addressee.

The envelope must be opened. For this to happen, it must intrigue the recipient. Do the following:

  1. Apply real postage stamps;
  2. Use special stamps *, for example "Answer before such and such date";
  3. Come up with non-standard packaging (tube or large colored envelope);
  4. It is better, if possible, to indicate not the position ( to CEO, sales manager), and the addressee's name.

The recipient must read the letter immediately. Postponed letters, as a rule, sooner or later also go to the trash unread. Follow the AIDA formula (attention, interest, desire, action). The headline will spark interest and curiosity. It depends on this single line, less often - two or three, whether your sales letter will be read further. Successful headlines usually talk about successful people, warn of danger, or reveal other people's secrets.

Get the email answered. Even those who have honestly read the letter can postpone the answer "until tomorrow." Get yourself a set of reminder cards with a checklist possible reasons(for example, fear, doubt, uncertainty). A response may be prompted by information about a limited and high-value offer, a date when it will expire, discounts, or an offer of prizes to the first responder. Simplify the response procedure as much as possible: attach a self-addressed envelope, offer to call for free hotline or specify email address.

* You can add a stamp image when printing on the envelope of the recipients.

Prices and advantages and disadvantages

Know that price is rarely critical when making a purchase, but can seriously affect the speed of decision making. Much depends on how you present the price and what you do to ensure that the client pays as little attention to it as possible. This is accomplished in a variety of ways.

"The most unforgivable mistake a marketer makes is being boring."

You are not required to compare your price with the price of a similar product. For example, when selling audio courses, compare the cost of your CDs not to those of competitors, but to the cost of attending multiple seminars. The client will pay much more for the same information on them.

Name big, memorable numbers. When promoting a manual, mention that it contains 1001 practical advice... When selling apples, calculate how many vitamins and minerals there are in one apple, and tell how many other foods you will have to buy to get the same portion of nutrients.

Describe in detail your production costs quality goods... Tell us how much you had to spend on tests or vendor selection.

The final price can be omitted. Instead, write:

"Your credit card will be charged three times for only $ 11.95 per month."

Admitting flaws is The best way to inspire the confidence of the buyer, and at the same time remind yourself that it needs improvement. List the downsides honestly, adding that your product is constantly improving in various ways. Sometimes you can find attraction even in the weaknesses of your business, as the owner of one Italian restaurant did. In their ads, he compared dishes with difficult to pronounce names and expensive wines served by competitors in silver ice buckets, with his spaghetti topped with sauce and two varieties of plain homemade wine.

Probably the largest group of people who will not respond to a sales letter are those who received the email, looked at it, read it, wanted to reply, but then put it off until later. And "later" too often turns into "never."

Give yourself free rein

Decisive editingmeans that we should throw out every word or phrase from the text that does not heighten the feelings. Do not be disturbed by the thought of the hard work of writing. You don't need to be a genius writer or a Harvard graduate to write business letters.

  • Think like a salesperson. A sales letter is a written presentation of your product;
  • Do not limit yourself in volume: talk about everything. There will still be time for editing;
  • Write without thinking about coherence, grammatical errors or punctuation marks, or the end result. With scissors and glue - or a computer - you don't care;
  • Use the language we speak. Colloquial expressions, slang, short phrases of one or two words are not prohibited by anyone;
  • Make a selection of the samples you like. Organize it the way you like it and look for interesting techniques and inspiration.

Your task is not to create the best sales letter in the world. Don't get sick with perfectionism. Is it done? Reread the letter. Now you have to rewrite and, most likely, shorten the text. Reduce the letter to a few sentences in the hope of being read large quantity people, it makes no sense. Those who don't need your goods or services will throw it away anyway. And the rest will not be scared away by a long sales letter. On the contrary, the researchers concluded that long letters are read more attentively than short ones.

“In a text of up to 50 words, the reader misses a huge part of the information. If the text contains between 50 and 500 words, it is read much more carefully. "

Grinding and cutting

Now you need to go from the first rough draft to the relatively smooth text. Make stylistic edits. The sales letter should be readable, "user friendly". Keep paragraphs short. The first of them should convince the recipient to read the letter to the end, the rest - persuade him to become your client. If you manage to develop your own individual style, then the work will go easier and faster in the future.

Plan for questions and objections the client might have and answer them honestly. You need to overcome skepticism, eliminate all possible claims and dispel doubts. Formulate the questions so that the answers to them are in the affirmative. The reader should get used to agreeing with you and get involved in the process. Repeat the essence of your proposal several times. At the beginning of your letter, be clear about what it is, then give a few examples, tell a life story, and cite reviews or recommendations. In the postscript, you can once again return to the main topic. As with reading a detective story, many recipients love to look right at the end.
There were times when Feedback on the preliminary text was such that I just threw away the letter and started from the very beginning.

My own editor and artist

You have already written more than one draft, constantly processing and improving the text. For additional independent verification, hand out a sales letter to your family members and see how they react. Read the text out loud to yourself, and then ask your child to do the same. Write down any words that are difficult for him to pronounce or that he does not understand. Perhaps it is better to refuse them. Notit is worth overestimating the intellectual abilities of your clients, focus on the lowest level.

"A postscript can negate all your efforts or, conversely, make a sales letter incredibly effective."

People usually shop under the influence of emotions, and logic serves them to prove the correctness of the choice. Your letter must be emotional. Do not be afraid to overdo it with expression: a text that confuses you with its enthusiasm may seem dry and restrained to the reader. Create joy and romantic feelings in the client, even if not related to your products.

If you are going to seriously use graphics - photos, illustrations, diagrams, coupons, answer sheets, you should discuss this issue with the designers. But you can put several graphic elements in a computer letter, highlight headings and subheadings, insert bulleted and numbered lists, change the font and highlight the most important places with color or frames on your own.

“It's much more to sell your product to customers who already know you, who like you, who trust you, rather than looking for new ones. The hardest thing is to sell a product to a customer for the first time. "

If there is still time

"One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is send emails once and take it easy."

Reread your sales letter again. You are either completely delighted with your own creation, or, conversely, you cannot see it. And yet, strain one more time.

Send a test letter to yourself. When you receive it, you will be able to look at it through the eyes of your own client and understand what is wrong with it or why it differs so little from ordinary "junk" mail.

Set aside the letter for two to three days. This will help you get a fresh perspective on the text, envelope, and attachments. So you will see some more disadvantages.

Show your letter to professionals. If there are no copywriters among your acquaintances, get the opinion of colleagues or friends.

Sales Letter: Printing and Distribution

It's time to send the letter to print. If you need not a dozen copies, but a large circulation, you will not be able to get by with your own printer - you will have to contact a printing studio or a printing house. Remember that the typography must pay for typographical errors.

"It is the sequence of actions, not the creation of the text itself, that will help you make a fortune."

Calculate when the addressee will receive the letter, read it, and when will be able to reply. You can already guess if this will be a reply by mail, a visit to a website, or phone call... From the reaction of customers, you will understand what was written little or badly, and what could be omitted.