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After updating Windows 10, the Start menu. Start button does not work

Relatively recently, Microsoft has released the next version of the operating system called Windows 10. Many things have been optimized, expanded functionality, but in general the concept specified by the company during Windows 8 has been continued. According to the corporation, more than 100 million users have become more than 100 million users. Despite excellent optimization, the system sometimes arises technical problems. In this article we will analyze what to do if the "Start" does not open in Windows 10.

Possible problems

First of all, consider why it can happen. There are several reasons why the Start menu does not open in Windows 10.
The most common cause is system errors. In the interaction of OS mechanisms, malfunctions may arise that do not allow to contact the "launch" when clicking on the icon.
Some users have noticed that after the update of Windows 10 does not open "Start" - this is another reason. It can be concluded not only in the correctness of the program component of the update, but in how it was installed.
Third-party programs may also cause a problem. Moreover, sometimes the user does not even suspect that after the installation of a component, absolutely not related to the work of "start-up", it may have trouble.
The computer froze". Yes, yes, this is not a joke, and it happens. When the processor does not cope with the load, the picture on the monitor becomes static, because of which it may be the impression that "Start" does not open in Windows 10.
These are the most likely causes of this problem. If you faced others and did not find the solution path, write about it in the comments - we will definitely help!

How to solve?

So let's try to figure out what to do if the "Start" does not open in Windows 10.
If the failure occurred due to system interactions, 3 solution options are possible.

Restart Explorer.exe.

This operation sometimes helps in cases where "Start" does not open in Windows 10. To carry out this operation, press the key combination Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC (Opens "Task Manager"), press the "Read more" button (at the bottom of the window), then find the process with the "Explorer" tab and clicking on it right-click on "Restart".

There will be a restart of the process, and the "Start" button, respectively, will also.

We restore the "Start" through WindowsPowerShell

If the "Start" opens in Windows 10, you can use a more efficient method - commissioning in PowerShell. In order to do this, you need to run systemic. Find it as follows: Windows / System32 / WindowsPowershell / v1.0, After that, by calling the menu with the right click of the Select "Run on the administrator name".

After PowerShell opened, enter the following command:

Get-AppXPackage - Allusers | Foreach (Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \\ appxmanifest.xml")

After completing the execution, check whether the "Start" was available.

Registry cleaning

If the Start menu opens in Windows 10 and previous actions did not help, then try to perform the following steps.
First, it is necessary to check the integrity system files. This is done as follows:
1. Call command line Combination of keys win + R.
2. Follow the command sFC / SCANNOW.
If the system returns a message that the system files are all in order, do the following:
1. Again call the command line with key combination win + R.
2. We prescribe the regedit command and perform it
3. In the registry that opens in the left side, go along the way:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ Advanced

4. On the right in the area of \u200b\u200bthe registry window with the right mouse click select
Create -\u003e DWORD Parameter (32 Bit)
5. Set the name parameter Enablexamlstartmenu.And as a value, set 0.

After these steps, close the registry window and restart the system. In 99% of cases, it helps to resume the work "Start".

Other ways to solve the problem

If after the above actions still in Windows 10 does not open "Start", then most likely the reason in third-party applicationsblocking this system process. Try to remember which programs have you recently installed on your computer? Perhaps their deletion will correct the problem.
One of the options that sometimes helps is to create a new user. For this:
1. Call the command line with key combination win + R.
2. Enter the command

Net User_Same_Ser_Same / Add

The most radical way to restore the menu is the system rollback. It always works, except when the problem is created third-party programsSince rollback does not affect the changes on the hard disk among user files.
So, we disassemble why Windows 10 Start menu does not open and offered several most effective ways to solve this problem. If the actions described above did not help, write about it in the comments or in the heading, and we will jointly find how to help you.

The new operating system entails constant updates that brought with them mistakes. Users have to fight on their own and affordable means, so one of the common problems when the Start button does not work in Windows 10. Even Microsoft Corporation cannot give an unequivocal answer, why this happens, but in the top ten, a lot of functions are entrusted to this button: Allows you to run the command line, task manager, access to programs and components, input to Windows parameters and much more. Consider possible reasons And the way to get rid of them.

The causes may be the most likely:

  • crookedly lay down updates;
  • system error - the range is incredibly great.

But the paths of the decision are not so extensive, but rather effective, about each more.

System files are damaged

You access the "Start" menu, but nothing works and responding, except that windows 10 issues a critical error using built-in utilities Let's try to find the problem and get rid of it. It will be about SFC - quality controls system files and independently replaces them on working. You can start the utility only with privileged rights from the command line. So.

Calls CMD from the admin with the hot keys through the task manager, because The cherished button does not work.

  • ++ → "File" → Hold down the left click on "Run a new task" → Start the command line with the rights of Administrator

If you did not have time to climb → in the dialog box when opening, type "CMD" and check the "Create a task with administrator rights".

  • Type the "SFC_ / SCANNOW" command, where _ space, look at the screenshot below.

After starting, there must be for a while waiting for completion.

Restart Windows 10 and check whether the problem has been preserved if the Start menu does not work, go to the next method.

Change the mode of operation

It happens that when changing parameters in tablet mode, the problem is eliminated. We need to go to "Parameters", but since the Start button does not work in Windows 10 with the usual method, we use Hot Keys

  • click + [i] → "System" → "Tablet mode" → In the drop-down menu "When entering into the system", select "Use a tablet mode".

Check also that the sliders in "hide application icons on the taskbar in the tablet mode" and "automatically hide the taskbar in the tablet mode" were "off"

  • "Personalization" → "Start" → It is important that the slider be "incl." In "Open the initial screen in full screen mode"

We do a restart and check the performance, if the Start button does not work on Windows 10, tell me what to do next.

Re-registration of Windows applications

Using the built-in reinstall of applications, you can correct a number of problems, but it is worth remembering that data in the corrected applications can be retained during reinstallation, so save everything you need, and from Microsoft Onedrive nothing will disappear. It also happens that other applications can stop working - be prepared to this. We call PowerShell with Admin rights from the Task Manager already familiar to:

  • ++ → Left click "File" → "Run a new task" → In the "Open" field, write "PowerShell" → We must check into the "Create a task with administrator rights" → OK.

Copy and insert with + [V] and press the button for restarting:

Get-AppXPackage -allusers | Foreach (Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \\ APPXMANIFEST.XML")

Text highlighted red - do not be scared, nothing terrible happens, we dropped to initial settings, Restart Windows.

Check if the "Start" in Windows 10 is not important for a 64-bit or 32-bit does not work, then go to the next item.

Incomplete substitution

Why having done so much, the Start menu does not work in Window's 10 - the reason for being damaged base Data "TileDataLayer", and it just needs to be replaced with a working version. We transfer from the newly created new account on your PC, for this:

  • We run CMD (Administrator) - above how to do it.
  • net User TADM01 "PASSWORD01" / Add
  • net User TADM02 "PASSWORD02" / Add
  • nET Localgroup Administrators "TADM02" / Add

So we have created new users with admin rights, and two accounts - because you need to go from under TADM02 and copy the file from TADM01, since it is impossible to do this from the current account. Step by step.

  • Clamp ++ → Select "Exit", not changing the user, namely the output!
  • Log in to the TADM01 user system with password - Password01 → and come out above the specified method again.
  • Now enter the TADM02, password - password02

We need a "conductor", open with HotKey's

  • + [R] → VBE "Explorer.exe" → OK

  • "View" → "Table" → Activate "Hidden Elements"

Go to the address and in the case of a warning of the security system - click boldly "yes."

  • "C:" → "Users" → "TADM02" → "APPDATA" → "Local" → "TileDataLayer" → Right click on "Database" → "Copy"

Now replace our base file

  • "C:" → "Users" → !!! Choose your user !!! → "APPDATA" → "Local" → "TileDataLayer"
  • PCM to the "Database" folder → "Rename" → And give the name "database.old"

  • Right click on free space within the folder → "Paste"

We replaced the working Database and need to be rebooting the system and enter your user. Everything should work.

After you need to delete the created two accounts, we do the following:

  • + [X] → "Control Panel" → "User Accounts" → "Managing another Account"

  • Left click choosing "TADM01" → "Delete an account" → "Delete Files" → "Delete Account"

In the same way, remove the "TADM02" account

Along with the problem of the Start menu in Windows 10, another bug arises independently - the search does not work - all the actions described above will lead to the solution and this task is obviously since search system - Composite component of the "Start" menu.

Did not help?! Radical output - reinstalling OS.

On our site you can find out.

Hello everyone today I want to tell how the problem is solved when start menu does not open in Windows 10. We did not have time to install Windows 10 and won the constant reboot of Windows 10, as a new attack appeared with the Start button. Generally depressing the fact that Microsoft does not study on their mistakes, when issues of fresh operating systems, it seems that they are just on the drum to her, but let's hope that they are dragged and will turn 180 degrees in our direction.

1 way to restart Explorer.exe

The first method that sometimes helps is a simple restart of the EXPLORER.EXE process on the computer. To do this, first press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open the task manager, and then click the "Details" button at the bottom (provided that it is there).

On the Processes tab, find the "Explorer" process (Windows Explorer), click on it with right mouse button and click "Restart" or you can remember the cool CRTL + SHIFT + ESC key combination, which will also open the task manager

Perhaps after restarting the Start menu earn. But it does not always work (only in cases where there is no particular problem).

2 way to fix when the Start menu does not open in Windows 10 is Power Shell

In the second way we will use PowerShell. Because the start and, probably, our search does not work, in order to run Windows PowerShell, go to the folder Windows \\ System32 \\ WindowsPowerShell \\ v1.0

In this folder, locate the PowerShell.exe file, click on it right-click and select the start on behalf of the administrator.

Note: Another way to run Windows PowerShell on behalf of the administrator is to right-click on the Start button, select "Command Line (Administrator)", and in the command line to dial "PowerShell"

(In this case, the separate window will not open, the commands can be entered directly at the command line).

After that, run the following command in PowerShell:

Get-AppXPackage -allusers | Foreach (Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \\ appxmanifest.xml")

Upon completion of its execution, check whether to open the Start menu now.

Another way to create a new user.

If nothing of the described above helped, you can also try to create a new windows User. 10, through the control panel (Win + R, then enter Controlto get into it) or the command line ( nET User user_name / add).

Usually, for the newly created user menu, the start, settings and desktop work as it should be. If you used this method, in the future you can transfer the files of the previous user to the new account And remove the "old" account.

3 way to remove Dropbox

Another factor that Microsoft recognized this was the Dropbox program, a cloud client who somehow blocks some files in Windows 10, if you delete it, then you will start opening normally. Dropbox has not yet commented on it.

This is how the error is solved when the Start menu does not open in Windows 10.

In Windows 10, Microsoft returned to the sources and on numerous requests returned the "Start" button. Moreover, it has undergone significant changes, has become more functional, beautiful and user-friendly.

Windows 10 is constantly updated and no rare cases when when installing a new update, the "Start" button stops working, does not respond to pressing both the mouse and the keyboard. If you do not work the Start button in Windows 10, most likely the fault has become either a renewal curve, or changes in the registry.

There are some simple ways solutions to this problem. Consider all solutions starting from the easiest and ending with the most difficult.

Restarting Explorer.exe Explorer.

Program Explorer (it is the same EXPLORER.EXE process) is one of the main in operational wINDOVS systems And many other programs depend on it. Restarting the conductor can be carried out in two ways.

Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del keys and select "Task Manager". You can also call it right clicking on the taskbar.

In the Task Manager window appears on the "Process" list, find the "Explorer" (Windows Explorer in English windows version 10). Click on it right-click and click "Restart". You can also restart it by pressing the button in the lower right corner.

After that, try running the Start menu. If the method does not help, then read further.

Restore the "Start" menu by editing the Windows registry

Essence this method It is to edit the registry key responsible for the "Start" menu.

Press the Win + R keys combination. In the window that appears, write the Regedit registry key and click OK.

In the registry window that opens, go to the next branch:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ Advanced

Now we need to create new parameter. To do this, click on the right window anywhere right-click and select "Create" - "DWORD Parameter (32 bits)".

Name a new parameter Enablexamlstartmenu.. Click two times on this parameter and assign the value 0 .

After that you need to restart the computer. Make sure that after rebooting the Start button began to start.

We use PowerShell to solve the problem with the "Start" menu

Press the magnifying glass icon next to the "Start" menu and write PowerShell there. Looking at the search windows application PowerShell. Click on it right-click and run on behalf of the administrator.

In the opened Poweshell window, insert the following code:

Get-AppXPackage -all * SHELLEXPERIENCE * -PackageType Bundle |% (Add-AppXPXPackage -Register -DisableDevelopmentMode ($ _. InstallLocation + "\\ AppXMetadata \\ AppXBundleManifest.xml")

Press Enter and restart the computer. Check the Start button.

Official Microsoft utility correcting the problem with the "Start" menu

The guys from Microsoft are aware of emerging problems with the "Start" menu in Windows 10 and even released special utilitywhich triggers almost always.

The troubleshooting window will appear with the Start menu.

If there are no problems with the "Start" menu, the following message will appear. If there were problems, the utility will automatically fix them and start the "Start" button must interfere.

Creating a new user with a start menu "Start"

If none of the ways helped you, you can solve the problem to radically and create a new computer user.

When entering a new user, a new registry branch is created responsible for setting up this new user and, accordingly, under it, the "Start" menu should work.

You will only have to transfer files from the old account to the new one.

To create a new account, type "Control Panel" and click on it.

Go to the "User Accounts" menu.

Select "Managing Another Account".

Click "Add a new user."

On the next page, specify that you do not have data for logging in a new user so that you do not have to specify the address email Or a phone number for authorization on a computer.

Windows persistently wants us to attach an account to their services. Click you want to add a user without Microsoft account.

And finally we reached the final point. Specify the username and password of the new computer user.

After that restart the computer and go under a new user. Check the Start button. If everything works, just transfer files from the old user folder to the new computer user folder.

Video solutions to problems with the "Start" button

Especially for those who are easier to perceive the material not in text form, I propose to get acquainted with the video, how to return the performance of the "Start" button.

Although the tenth modification of Windows is alleged, and is an innovative development, with its installation and efficiency, many problems arise. One of these is the situation when the "Start" button does not open (or it is not available at all). Eliminate this failure can be several simple methodswhich are offered for familiarization.

Why does not open "Start" in Windows 10?

On the this moment The reason for this failure is definitely not installed. However, most experts are inclined to think that all the fault of the coronal updates, errors in the paper interface, system settings, Inheritance of errors of the previous OS (if the tenth version was installed on top of the seventh and eighth as an upgrade).

Naturally, the situation is not pleasant. Let's see what can be done to eliminate the failure. The proposed actions are fairly simple and understandable to users of any level of preparation.

In Windows 10 does not open "Start": What to take first?

Suppose that initially everything worked, as it should, but at some point there was an unexpected software failure. Symptoms are that the button does not work or missing, the "Start" menu does not open in Windows 10 (and it is impossible to access the main menu even by pressing the WIN key).

If the user knows exactly when the failure occurred, there is nothing easier than to return the system to the state preceding the emergence of the problem. There are two options here. You can use recovery and select an estimated checkpoint (for convenience you can deploy a list to view all available dates, and not just when critical updates for the system were installed).

But if the problem is that the "Start" does not open in Windows 10, it is related to the installed updates, this technique will not help. By default, the installation of updates is in an active condition, so new packages even with a rollback will be installed again. In this case, you should view the update log and uninstall the most recent. Then set manual search updates, and user deleted packages that will be found again are excluded from the installation list.

Restart Servis Explorer

However, as practice shows, the cause of the failure, which does not open the "Start" panel "of Windows 10, or the button is not available, it does not consist of it.

It is believed that such a situation may be partially provoked by violations in the work explorer servicesresponsible for the graphical interface of the system. Alternatively, you can try to restart it. Since the response from the button or the WIN key to call the menu is missing, you should call the Task Manager through the keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + Del + Alt, SHIFT + Ctrl + Esc or through the RUN program execution console with the Taskmgr.

In the tree of active processes on the tabs of services and processes, you need to find explorer string and use the restart command from the PCM menu, followed by confirming the action.

Creating a new registration record

But the above-described methods of proper effect may not give. The user again faces the fact that the "Start" does not open in Windows 10. We'll have to see what the situation will be if you create a new account and log in.

Since the menu does not function, you can get to the desired partition by the "Run" console. The Control command is entered for the "control panel", and NetPLWIZ is used for direct access.

Here you need to add a user, and then turn it on to the Administrators group. After rebooting the system, it should be included in new registration And check the performance of the "Start" button and the corresponding menu. If everything is in order, you can simply delete previous registration.

Actions with a system registry

If this does not help, and again in Windows 10 does not open "Start", you will have to make cardinal measures that suggest several actions in the editor system registrywhich is called from the same menu "Run" command Regedit.

Here you need to find the EnablexamlstartMenu key, which is located in the HKLM branch with the transition through the Microsoft directory to the CurrentVersion directory. If there is no such record, it is pre-using the PCM on the free space of the right field to be created. Double-clicking is called the settings menu, where zero is specified as the current value. After that, the system restarts should be made.

Use PowerShell toolkit

Almost similar effects can be made in the PowerShell console, which can be called by the same command.

Here you need to register a command that is shown in the image above. By the way, the registry editor and the PowerShell console must be caused solely with the administrator rights of the system.

Start Menu utility and system maintenance

Finally, as an additional solution, you can use the Microsoft Startu utility, which was specifically designed as a twigher to eliminate this problem. You can download it directly on the website of the corporation. The user intervention in the operation of the program consists only in its launch. Everything else is done automatically.

Another means - activation of system maintenance. Access to this tool can be obtained from the properties menu called via PCM on the "Computer" line in the "Explorer". Here you just need to deploy the section and click the Start button. It is possible that such a solution will work, since the system will perform full scan for detecting existing and possible troubleshooting.

In general, at the moment it is impossible to name the true cause of the inoperability and the "Start" button, and the corresponding menu. Therefore, to eliminate failures will have to try all the methods above. Something will definitely work.