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Node Service Delivery Optimization is possible to disable. Checking related services in Process Explorer

Greetings. Delivery Optimization This is part of the name Windows Update. Delivery Optimization - some technology for receiving updates ( system function) Not from Official Microsoft servers, and from other confirmed sources (or network nodes). Under the sources implies trust nodes on the Internet and ordinary computers in your local network. This update type helps to save Microsoft servers power. In Windows 10 there is a configuration of this technology.

As Microsoft itself says - today the update package may be decently weighing and to optimize the delivery they have created Delivery Optimization technology. What is quite logical - why pump patches from the Microsoft server, while the neighbor has this update already. This process Fully confidential and controlled by internal processes in Windows. No personal and personal information is transmitted, it is excluded.

Therefore, it is logical to assume that Delivery Optimization This update folder is not from Microsoft servers, but from other safe sources.

Support for Delivery Optimization technology (also called update delivery service)

Do I need to delete a folder?

My thoughts:

  1. The Delivery Optimization folder contains patchwork, which, after use or to achieve a certain size, must be removed. If Windows does not delete this data - it is possible that they are used or will be necessary in the near future.
  2. In the extreme case, you can clean the system from temporary files, including from patches that may occupy a hard disk space. To do this, clamp Win + R and insert the CleanMGR command - after which the selection window appears, select System. Next, find a tick about updates, mark it and clean Windows.
  3. If there is a situation when the folder takes an impressive place of place, dozens of gigabytes, but it does not work in any way, despite the fact that updates are disabled or do not work. In this case, you can use the extremal deletion method - the Unlocker utility, which is just created to destroy the unsuccessful / blocked files or folders. When installing the utility, do not forget to remove the checkbox with Delta Toolbar, otherwise this advertising toolbar will be installed.

The folder is located here:

C: \\ Windows \\ SoftWaredistrationTribution \\ DeliveryOptimization

Before cleaning the folder you need to turn off this technology. You may need to disable the update service.

Folder with DeliveryOptimization files often stores a lot of data

How to disable Delivery Optimization in Windows 10?

Mini instruction:

  1. Open the Parameters window.
  2. Select Update and Security.
  3. Click on the Windows Update Center.
  4. Select additional options.
  5. Disable updates in the menu as and when downloading updates.


CleanmGR Cleaning

Hold Win + R and enter the CleanMGR command, click OK. Specify system Disk. Far in the window, click Clear System Files.

Hello everybody! Once I wrote an article in which I told, but now I already got 10th and today we will deal with what services need to be disabled in windows 10.

What services can be disabled in Windows 10?

How to turn off the service and how to go to them, I wrote, for this I will not repeat. To disable unnecessary services in Windows 10, we go to the service, read what the service means and turn off the attempt.

* BranchCache -Service caches network content. If you do not use home network, I can turn off at all.

*CDPSVC (Connected Device Platform Service) -this service refers from a series of data collection. It synchronizes the calendar, contacts, mail and other user data. I recommend disable this service last time to check, you need it or not. Most likely, it will be needed to you if you use Microsoft account and you need synchronization with a mobile device.

* Coremessaging -Communicates between components. The dispute service is very, because On the network there is no information on it. You can only disable it through the registry and who disconnected, the system could no longer start. For this while we leave.

* Datacollectionpublishingservice. - This thing is generally better to turn off. This is communication operating system With a remote cloud. The service collects so for the statistics of your actions.

* DHCP client -If you use the Internet do not touch in any case. It is this service that assigns you an IP address.

* Dmwappushsvc. - Again collection of information, it is also turned off. it keyboard spy. Sends the actions of your keys to a remote cloud.

* DNS clientAlso necessary service for the use of the Internet. Works with your DNS (serves for correct directions).

* ENTERPRISE APP MANAGENE SERVICE - Service for corporate applications. It can be disabled, but if you use an office for example or Microsoft applications, then you need to experiment. Disable and watch everything will be good in applications.

* KTMRM for distributed transaction coordinator -system feature of transactions. I also leave it.

* Plug-and-Play - Used to automatically recognize changes in the system. For example, when you connect a USB flash drive, this service wakes up ... So we leave as it is.

* Quality Windows Audio Video EXPERIENCE -transfer audio and video over a real-time network. Not needed only if there is no network (or the Internet) in other cases leave.

* Microsoft .NET Framework -All such services are left as it is. They serve to normal work most applications.

* SMP disk spaces - Again, a new service from a series of unknowns. I would turn off and looked at how to work. This service allows you to control the disk space, but turning it off, I calmly could work with files and divide discs.

* Superfetch -Useful feature, works with cache, speeds up Windows. In this service there are 2 parties, on the one hand, it will be faster to run frequently used applications, on the other hand, the RAM will become less. Here I also advise you to test how much it will increase the speed on your computer. And users of S. SSD Discami, I will advise to turn it off, because The response from these disks is so crazy.

* WalletService. - Again the surveillance service, turn off.

* Windows Audio -Manages sound. If you do not need the sound, turn off. In other cases, we leave.

* Windows Driver Foundation - USER-MODE DRIVER FRAMEWORK -for normal operation of the drivers, do not touch. Let it remain as it is.

* Windows Search -Indexing files for search. If you do not use and have time to wait while there is a file, then we turn off. We definitely disable SSD!

* Automatic setting Network devices -need to detect new devices in the network. If you do not use the network and the Internet, you can turn off.

* Auto-tuning WWAN -service for use mobile Internet. If you are using uSB modem, SIM card in a laptop, do not disconnect.

* Offline files -it helps to work, autonomously with inaccessible files that boot before. We put manually.

* AgiPSec policies -Need if there is a network and the Internet.

* WMI performance adapter -need for services requiring WMI, we put manually. If some applications are needed, they themselves will run)

* Adaptive brightness adjustment -Leave if there is a light sensor.

* Windows archiving -If you do not use disconnect. But it is better to read about archiving in Windows you never know.

* Windows Biometric Service -we need only when using biometric devices. In other cases, turn off.

* Windows Firewall -I honestly always turn off, because I have nothing to steal) And if the data is encrypted, it will restore it) But you will advise you to acquire for example Kaspersky Internet Security, which is also antivirus and firewall. And this turn off the nafig, because It sometimes blocks what is not necessary) In general, it monitors the security of your computer and closes the ports so that Vorugi cannot climb into your computer)

* Computer browserI do not need a magnificent network. Manually.

* Broker of Time - Coordinates the background work for the WinRT application. Responsible for the Windows API. Therefore, if you do not know what it is, you can try to disable it, truth to disable it only through the registry. How to do this is information on the Internet. Some users have this service eats a processor resource floor, but after the disconnection, be sure to check the computer stability.

* Broker system events -Again, for WinRT applications, if you turn off check the stability of work after disconnection.

* DevQuery background detection broker - Watching applications in the background, it is better to leave.

* Fast check - If necessary, checks the file system damage. Also the disputed service, but it is better to leave.

* Web client -Nudna If there is no Internet. Used to work with files on the Internet. We leave.

* Virtual disk -Service for working with storage devices. We put manually.

* IP Support Service -Works with the version 6 protocol. I always turn it off itself, so that the service can be disconnected at all.

* Secondary entrance to the system -Put manually, because Some games or programs will turn on it if necessary.

* Office readiness - The service prepares the applications to the first input or when installing new ones. It is better to leave manually when you need it, it will start it.

* Grouping Network Participants -Need for home group. Put manually, you never need ...

* Remote Access Auto Connection Manager -We put manually. Need for remote connections.

* Local session manager - Manages a user session. If you turn off, the system may not boot, it is left for this.

* Device Setup Manager - Adjusts and installs new devices. If you disable, then installing new devices may occur incorrectly. The service works manually and starts when a new device appears. Therefore, we leave as it is.

* Print Manager -Need if you have to print. In other cases, turn off.

* Remote Access Connection Manager -manually. Once generally turned off and could not create a connection. So better manually.

* User Manager - Manages multiple users. If you have one user, put manually.

* Xbox Live Authentication Manager - If there is no xbox, then turn off.

* Download managed card - Disconnect if you do not use the Map application.

* Network Participant Certificate Manager - We leave manually, if necessary, start the sam.

* Desktop Desktop Dispatcher Session Manager -If you do not use transparency from Aero, then you can turn off, will give a big increase.

* Network Participants Manager -Need for the network. We put better manually.

* Account Manager -Better manually. Stores your data, such as logins and passwords.

* Security Account Manager -It is better to leave as it is. If you disable this service, then all changes in the locally security policy will disappear.

* Access to HID devices -Access to fast keys. Disable if some combinations stop working, check back.

* Windows Event Log -records all events. Useful tool for experienced user. Disable it is impossible.

* Productivity Logs and Alerts -system service, leave as it is.

* Software Protection -also the system service, we leave as it is.

* CNG keys isolation -Manually.

* Tools windows managementSystem service, without it, some applications can work incorrectly, so it is better to leave.

* Guest Interface Hyper-V -If you do not know what is Hyper-V, then we turn off.

* Group Policy Client -We leave. Responsible for security policy settings.

* Customer Tracking Changed Relations -Tracking NTFS files, no need. Turn off.

* Microsoft Passport Services Container

* Coordinator of distributed transactions -We put manually.

* SNMP trap -Some programs will collect information about you. So turn off.

* Remote Call Locator Procedures (RPC) -Manually, if necessary, it will be launched.

* Routing and remote access -Need not. Turn off.

* IPsec keys modules for sharing keys on the Internet and IP protocol with authentication -Not needed, but better manually.

* DCOM server running module -System service, leave as it is.

* NetBIOS support module via TCP / IP -If there are no other computers on the network, then manually.

* Configuring Remote Desktop Server - If you do not create a remote desktop server, turn off.

* Immediate Windows Connections - Configuration Registrar -Manually.

* SSDP detection -It is necessary for new devices, but not always such devices can be found. By this manually, and if you do not need, disconnect.

* Interactive Services Detection -Manually.

* Update orchestrator service - Decision on managing work processes in the data center. ORCHESTRATOR allows you to automate the creation, monitoring and deployment of resources in the environment. In general, put manually.

* Share Internet Connection (ICS) -I do not need if you do not share your Internet in network connections.

* Definition of equipment shell -need for the dialog box of the automotive disk or flash drive. To whom it is convenient, most it is necessary. I left.

* Optimization of disk "It's now called a new one, you know what it is." We leave as it is, and if we have an SSD disk, then we turn off.

* Delivery Optimization - This is something like a torrent. For example, download updates or applications from the store, then downloading occurs from the sources found. Thus, the download speed increases. It is better to leave manually when some download will occur, it will turn on automatically.

* Remote Desktop Services Remote Desktop Ports ReverserIf you do not use remote connections, it is not necessary. Better put manually.

* Food -Does not turn off. We leave.

* Task Scheduler -It is advisable to leave as it is, because Now many programs use it.

* Support for the control panel element "Reports on problems and solutions" -Manually.

* Smart Card Removal Policy -for smart card users, better manually.

* Entrance assistant in account Microsoft -It helps in the creation and entrance to the minicrosoft record. It is better to leave manually.

* Network Connection Assistant -Notifications about DirectAccess are not needed, turn off.

* Intermediary connecting to the network - If you do not need notifications about programs in the store, turn off.

* Supplier of the home group -To use home groups. Better manually.

* Wired auto-tuning -Manually.

* Data archiving program - If you use archiving and restoration, then we leave as it is. If not, then turn off.

* Software Copy Software (Microsoft) -Manually.

* Listener of the home group -Manually.

* PNRP protocol -We also leave manually. Some applications can use the service.

* Publication of function detection resources -Need if you want to show your files to other computers over the network. If you do not want, then manually or disable.

* Work station -better to leave, because Some applications will use this service.

* Work folders - If you use working folders (usually used in organizations), then leave it, if not, disconnect.

* Distribution of the certificate -Better manually.

* Extensions and notifications for printers - If you use the printer, leave if not, then disconnect.

* Expandable authentication protocol (EAP) -Manually.

* Windows Event Collector -Manually.

* Application Information -Manually.

* Server -If the computer is not used as a server or does not use sharing files and printers, then disconnect.

* Tile data models server - If you use the metro interface, then leave if not, then turn off.

* Network service Xbox Live. - Again, if you do not use Xbox, turn off.

* Network login -Manually.

* Network connections -Leave as it. If there is no network or internet, you can turn off.

* COM + Event System -we put manually. Applications depend on this service themselves will be launched if necessary.

* System application COM + -Also manually.

* Microsoft service Passport - If there is no virtual smart card TPM, then disconnect.

* Windows Push-Notifications - If you do not need notifications from applications, turn off. If you need, leave.

* SSTP service -We leave as it is, you need a service if there is an Internet on a computer.

* Windows License Manager - The service is needed to manage application licenses downloaded in the store. If you do not swing anything from there, turn off.

* Windows Mobile Hotspot Service - service is needed for the organization of the point access Wi-Fi. hand out wireless Internet other devices. If you do not distribute, then disconnect.

* WinHTTP automatic web proxy detection service -If you need the Internet, then leave as it is.

* WLAN auto-tuning service -service for wireless networks. Accordingly, if they are not, it is not needed.

* Base filter service -on the one hand, it is not needed (if you do not need security), but on the other, some programs can produce errors. So we leave.

* Service wireless communication Bluetooth - Need if you use Bluetooth headsets.

* Virtualization service Remote desktops Hyper-V - Again, if you do not know what is Hyper-V, turn off.

* Windows service service -need to synchronize time with the Internet.

* Geographic location - Turn off. It is only needed for phones. Internet and so find where you are)

* Sensor data service - If you have not connected any sensors, then disconnect. Leave on phones and tablets.

* Sensor service - Same. Need for phones and tablets.

* Shop demonstration service - Turn off, do not need to demonstrate anything)

* Diagnostic Tracking Service - Service from a series of surveillance, on this we turn off.

* Completion Service as a guest (HYPER-V)

* Download service windows images (WIA) -Need a service only if there is a scanner. She is responsible for obtaining images from scanners and cameras.

* Service requests for shadow copying volumes Hyper-V - Again, if you do not know what Hyper-V is, then we turn off.

* Windows Defender Service - with good antivirus, it unnecessary serviceBut just so do not disable it here.

* Microsoft Iscsi Initiator Service -We put manually if you need programs, they will launch it themselves.

* Network Conservation Interface Service -Need for normal network operation.

* Infrastructure Service Background Tasks - For normal operation of background operations, leave.

* File history serviceNew way File protection, with any changes, files are duplicated. Disable or not the point of each. I would probably turn off, because before it was not and did not need)

* Windows Font Cache -it serves to increase productivity, caches fonts and does not spend time on loading.

* Client license service (ClipSVC) - Need for applications downloaded from the store. If you do not swing anything from there, you can turn off.

* Service Windows Store (WSService) - If you use the store, then we leave if not, turn off.

* Alljoyn router service - If you do not know what it is, turn off.

* SMS router service Microsoft Windows. - On the computer, this service is not necessary!

* Block-level archiving module serviceWe put manually. If you need archiving or recovery, the service itself is started.

* Sensor Observation Service - If there are no sensors on the computer, then not needed.

* Network Setup Service - It is better to leave manually.

* Data Exchange Service (HYPER-V) - Again, if you do not use the Hyper-V disconnect.

* Service general access Net.TCP ports -The default is turned off. Need if you only need Net.TCP protocol.

* General Network Resources Service windows player Media -Manually. It will be needed to turn on.

* Smart Card Reading Device Enumeration Service - If you do not use smart cards, then disconnect.

* Portable Device Enumerator ServiceUsed to synchronize music, video, etc. with removable carriers. I would put manually. Not always necessary.

* Bluetooth support serviceNeed if there is a Bluetooth.

* Diagnostic Policy Service -Need to diagnose problems ... it honestly helps rarely. Therefore, you can experiment, turning it off. If you need - turn on.

* Program Compatibility Assistant Servicethe service is needed to launch programs that are incompatible with your OS. If not so, put manually.

* Network verification service Windows Defender - Again better good antivirusthan this service, but just do not turn off.

* User Profile Service -It is better to leave. It works with computer user profiles.

* PNRP Computers Publication Service -Need for home groups.

* Pulse Service (Hyper-V) - Watching the state of the virtual machine. If you do not use virtual hyper-V machines, Turn off.

* AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) - If you do not use the store, turn off.

* Windows Error Registration Service -Registers errors. It is better to put manually.

* Device Control Service - It is better to leave manually.

* Service Repository Service - It is better to leave the same manually.

* Assembly Service ETW. Internet Explorer. - Another collector, turn off.

* Service information about connected networks -It is better to leave as it is, for normal network operation.

* Session service virtual machines (Hyper-V) -

* Service touch keyboard and handwriting panels - Need for tablets. If there is no touchscreen keyboard on the computer or graphic tablet, then we turn off.

* Time Synchronization Service (Hyper-V) - If there is no Hyper-V virtual machines that turn off.

* Information sharing service - Leave manually.

* Device Mapping Service - if the computer does not contact with other devices on a wire or by wireless connectionsYou can turn off.

* Network List Service -It is also better to leave.

* System Event Notifications Service -If you are not going to watch windows messages, then you do not need it.

* Service remote control Windows (WS-Management) -Put manually.

* Supplier host service windows encryption - Turn off.

* Device installation service - It is better to leave as it is, a service for proper Installation devices.

* Store service - It is better to leave manually.

* BitLocker disc encryption serviceEncrypt disks. If you do not use, it is better to turn off.

* Application Gateway Service -The service is needed only for work with firewall. Manually.

* Cryptography Services -To install new programs, leave as it is.

* Remote Desktop Services -If you do not use remote desktops, then disconnect.

* Smart Map -If they do not use them, then you do not need it.

* Events receiving fixed images - Need to scan images. Therefore, if there is no scanner, then we turn off.

* RPC endpoint comparableService is needed for incoming traffic. With it, nothing can be done. For this we leave.

* Saving games on xbox Live -If there is no xbox, then turn off.

* Means of constructing finite windows points Audio -If you need a sound, leave.

* MICROSOFT (R) Standard Diagnostic Center - Above the collector, turn off.

* Telephony -Leave manually. If you need, it will start.

* Topics -Eating a lot of memory resources. If not needed, disconnect.

* Shadow copying volume -Creates recovery points, archiving in the background. Put manually. If it is necessary to start.

* Topologist Channel Level -Also manually. If you need, it will start.

* Remote Calling Procedures (RPC) -System service. Leave as it.

* Remote Registry -Allows remote users, manipulate your registry. Disconnect.

* Application Certificate -Manually.

* Node of the diagnostic system -Diagnosis of problems. Put manually.

* Node Diagnostics Service -Also manually.

* Universal PNP-Device Node -Put manually. Not all PNP devices.

* Application Management -Put manually. The service allows you to configure policies for applications.

* ActiveX Installer -Also manually. It will take to establish such an object, it will start it.

* Windows Installer -Installing software. MSI. Manually.

* Windows Module Installer -Sets and deletes components and updates. Manually.

* Fax -Need if only there is a fax.

* Background Intelligent Transmission Service (BITS) -We leave manually. The service is useful.

* Host library performance counter - transmits performance counters to other users. Turn off.

* Host Supplier Detection Functions -We leave manually. It will be necessary to start.

* Windows Color System (WCS) -Manually. Need to be devices will run.

* Security Center -Watch out for windows security. She infuriates me with his notifications. So turn off or not, choose you.

* Windows Update Center -One side useful feature. Closes holes in the system, updates the drivers, but on the other hand, actively uses the Internet, memory resources and if you turn off the computer when upgrading, may collapse OS. So you also choose what is more important, safety or speed.

* Encrypted file system (EFS) -For security files. Better leave as it is manually.

That's all. In this article, I described the services that can be disabled in Windows 10, as well as it is better to leave, for normal operation of the system. I checked on myself, everything works for me. If you have some more information, write, supplement, this will help many people.

I think you are beautifully familiar with the P2P decentralized download technology (Peer to Peer). You open in the client.Torrent or magnet link, and the desired file is loaded with small fragments from other computers. In Windows 10, the delivery of updates and new builds works in about the same way.

  1. When checking updates, your PC (in the center) refers to the Windows Update service on Microsoft servers.
  2. Windows Update Returns your computer to your computer available updates and assigns sources of their delivery: CDN and the nearest PC on the Internet (for example, computers in your provider's network).
  3. Your PC begins to receive fragments of files from CDN, as well as computers on the Internet and your local network. Unlike CDN, with individual computers There is a bilateral exchange of fragments, as in Torrent.

After downloading, the checksum of each fragment is checked on the client. Suppose, on the diagram above the tablet on the Internet went to sleep and stopped distribution. All fragments that have not surrendered from this device will be discarded and downloaded to other PCs or CDNs.

Fragments of files are small, therefore, the costs of traffic at the occasion from the distribution can be neglected. In the picture you see the eyes of Fiddler, the delivery of an insider assembly fragments by 1MB (however, they are all stretching from Microsoft servers).

Conditions for the new technology

Help does not give a complete picture, so the information below is based, including on the results of my experiments and a common sense. It is easier to list situations in which delivery optimization does not work:

  • On limit connections In order to avoid traffic. This is written in the help.
  • When working from the device from the batterySince the background distribution consumes PC resources, and as a result, the battery is planted. Experiments are not easy to determine, but after several attempts, I have every reason to believe, and common sense suggests.
  • With a disadvantage of disk space. A certain amount of data is cached locally with the aim of further distribution. It is curious that in preliminary assemblies, a number of cache users struck before indecency. Again, my experiments did not give an unequivocal response, but it is logical to assume that the developers have provided a scenario with a lack of free space.
  • In Windows 10 Mobile (?). This is an exceptionally my assumption. Smartphones for their nature are mobile and not always connected to Wi-Fi, and the battery charge must be saved. Therefore, I will be very surprised if P2P will work in a mobile OS.

How to set up delivery optimization

After installation, the function is enabled and configured to maximize download acceleration.

Windows creators provided thin setting In the new control panel and using group policies.

Parameters (new control panel)

Usually, I give a search query, but while the search in Russian is performed very badly.

  1. Open ParametersUpdate and securityUpdate Update Center
  2. Click Extra options, then Select how and when to receive updates.

Here you can finely adjust delivery, excluding computers from the equation on the Internet, or completely disable a new opportunity.

To the honor of Microsoft, the explanations of the new features are very detailed. The same parameters can be configured in the registry as you will see below.

Group politicians

There is a nonsense here. In accordance with the newly released policy of Windows 10, the policies of the new component must be in administrative templates windows address Components \\ Delivery Optimization (Windows Components \\ Delivery Optimization). But I do not see them there either in English, nor in the Russian version of the assembly of 10240. It is possible that the system forgot to put the policy template.

Anyway, all politicians are prescribed in the registry. In this case, in the section:

HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ DeliveryOptimization

The directory lists five policies that are specified by the DWORD parameters.

  • Doodownloadmode. - This is actually equivalent to settings in the parameters. It takes values:
    • 0 - Delivery optimization is completely disabled.
    • 1 - Computers on the LAN
    • 2 - computers on the local network, as well as in the specified domain or group. This setting is not in graphic interface. Standard behavior - P2P in the local network and domain, which includes PC. But you can specify a specific SID domain or GUID group (see DogroupID below), thereby clearly controlling the list of PCs involved in the sharing files.
    • 3 PCs on the local network and PC on the Internet
  • Dogroupid - The GUID group identifier to which PC belongs. You can use this option for:
    • restrictions on the number of PCs involved in P2P in a domain with a large number of users
    • creation of a single group of computers participating in P2P in branches from various domains / local networks
  • MaxuploadBandwidth. - Maximum recoil speed in KB / S
  • Maxcachesize.maximum size cache as a percentage of disk volume
  • Maxcacheage. - The maximum storage period of each fragment in cache

Using the last three parameters, you can assign separate PCs of the organization as the main cores with a large long-playing cache and maximum return speed.

Discussion and survey

Faced with the need to deliver huge distributions to millions of PCs, Microsoft has introduced a new one in Windows 10 and very interesting technology. The delivery of corrections is also not worth discounting - an accelerated development cycle, for sure, affects the quality, which is poured into a greater number of updates issued.

Just a couple of days ago, a wave of news related to the optimization of delivery rolled the Internet, and their tone was negative. The criticism was reduced to the fact that Windows 10 spends traffic and sends something on the Internet without demand ("from the box" function is on).

Yes, it would be good to ask users, but it is not very clear how to do it unbelievously. It does not come to mind setting parameters when installing, but most choose recommended and does not see the details. And if you initially disable delivery optimization, then it makes sense to new function There will be no - the overwhelming majority of people will never know about it and will not turn on.

What do you think about this technology? Write in the comments as you set up delivery optimization! The survey, as usual, will give a quantitative alignment.

P.S. A pair of moments on the topic of updates:

  • The update center is now in the parameters.

A similar situation can observe almost any user of the modern Windows 10 operating system, which has not. The Internet is particularly actively using delivery to the delivery optimization service in the first minutes after windows installations 10. Why is this happening and still doing this with this you will learn from this article.

What does the node service meet: the delivery optimization in Windows 10?

The service with a similar name can be found in Windows 8.1. She is responsible for downloading system updates. It is about this that the task manager can be seen as it actively "burns" your Internet. At this point, sites are loaded slower, also slowly downloading any files.

Immediately after installing Windows 10, it starts to actively ship the system updates, bringing its condition to the current one today. Also starts installing drivers for all devices of your PC.

Usually at this point in the same task manager, you can observe the high activity of Windows Modules Installer Worker, which is strongly responsible directly for the installation of downloaded updates.

The activity of the service "Windows Modules Installer Worker"

But not only after installing Windows, there is an increased activity of data. system Services. Several times a month during the output of the system updates, they also make themselves felt.

What to do in this situation?

The answer to this question is simple - nothing, just give your computer time to download these updates. He is in automatic mode Upload update files and install them. After that, the activity of the service of the delivery optimization node will fall and it will stop eatter the Internet.

Activity of the delivery optimization service

The time required for this depends on the performance of the computer and the speed of the Internet. What they are higher, the faster the update setting will occur.


Windows 10 today is the most relevant and updated system. The developers are constantly improving and completed in it.

Node Service: Delivery Optimization in Windows 10 Eating Internet due to downloading system updates files. It happens at the moments of updates, which can occur several times a month.

Do nothing with it. It is necessary to simply wait for the end of the work of this service, after which its activity will fall and the Internet will earn at the same speed.

Read what is responsible for the process "svchost.exe" and what will happen if you disable it. If you look at the task manager, then pay attention to the set of running processes with the same name "Node Service" or "Service Node". Some of these processes can greatly load the processor of your computer or laptop, and you want to remove them.

Svchost.exe is the name of the host process for services that run from the dynamic layout libraries.

I think it is absolutely not responding to our question. Microsoft tries to escape from use EXE Files for internal windows servicesBy replacing them with DLL files. This approach makes the system more flexible and allows any elements of the system to access common functions. Using DLL files facilitates support and making changes to the system.

but DLL files are not executable and cannot be directly launched in windows system. To perform system tasks, the shell launches the service node file (svchost.exe), which in turn loads the required library and uses required functions. So this service file appeared.

Why is there so many processes of service node (svchost.exe)?

Windows uses a variety of system services for a variety of tasks: automatic update, disk optimization, LAN operation, indexing data for search, etc. For each service is intentionally used separately running processSince otherwise failure in one of the processes will lead to the collapse of all other functions of the system. That is why they are separated from each other.

Services are divided into separate groups that are interconnected logically. For each such group, one running svchost.exe process is used. For example, one process of the service node triggers three services associated with firewall. Another process can run all services related to user interface, etc. In the image, it is clear that one process of the service node starts several related security services, and the other starts the WLAN configuration service.

Is it possible to complete the processes of the service node (svchost.exe)?

Performing various system tasks may require a different number of computer resources. For example, disk defragmentation or point creation windows restoration Slowly slow down the computer with a slow HDD, and the BitLocker encryption service is capable of fully loading the weak processor.

For comfortable windows work 10 It is advisable to use a 4-EX nuclear processor, 6-8 GB random access memory and install the system on the SSD disk. Disconnection system processes It will not have a significant impact on productivity growth. Windows is well optimized and does not start not the necessary services.

System maintenance that requires substantial resources is performed during the inactivity of your PC. If you complete the process required by the system at the current time, it will be automatically started again. To fully disable the process, it is necessary to figure out for what windows functions It is used and disable this feature. For details on the ways of accelerating Windows 10, see our video:

If you notice that one of the copies Service node Or the service associated with it excessively use the processor or RAM, you can check the services involved. This will help to find a direction in which to seek a fault. You can find out services related to specific svchost.exe using standard Task Manager or sourid app Process Explorer. Process Explorer can be attributed to the list of applications that you need to have on your computer.

Check related services in Task Manager

In Windows 8 or 10, the processes are displayed on the tab on the tab "Processes" Task Managersorted by name. If the process serves as a host for several services, you can see the list open the branch of this process. This makes it easy to determine which services refer to each process instance Service node.

Via context menu The right mouse button you can stop the service or execute the search on the Internet for details.

Windows 7 task manager does not group and does not display conventional process names - it shows only a list of running instances "Svchost.exe". For getting for more information On the service right-click Svchost.exe and select Go to Services. After that, the tab opens "Services"where all services running under this process will be selected.

After that, you will see the full name of the service and its description, it will indicate you what needs to be disabled to solve the problem.

Checking related services in Process Explorer

For advanced users, Microsoft offers a process to work with processes in the SysInternals lineup. Just download the Process Explorer and run it - this is a portable application, so there is no need to install it.

Process Explorer also grows related services in each instance. "Svchost.exe". The list of processes do not indicate the names of the services, but the names of the files. The full name is indicated in the Column description, and if you hover the cursor in the name of the files, you will see the full path to it in the pop-up tip.

The utility also displays information about the resources that this moment Uses the associated service.

Can this process be a virus?

The process itself is official windows component. While it is possible that the virus replaced the real Service knot Your own executable file, it is very unlikely. If you want to be sure, you can check the basic location of the process file. In the Task Manager, right-click any Host Host process and select the option. "Open the location of the file".

If the file is located in the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32You can be sure - this is not a virus. But you still can start checking the system to viruses using one of the free antiviruses. God saves man, who save himself!