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Electricity quiz presentations. Abstract of the quiz "His Majesty Electricity"

Nomination: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, OBZH, Preparatory group

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU Combined Kindergarten No. 79 "Fairy Tale"
Location: the city of Oryol

Direct educational activities

Abstract of the quiz "His Majesty Electricity"

Program tasks:

generalize children's knowledge about electricity;

to consolidate the rules of safe behavior in handling electrical appliances in everyday life;

to form the ability to avoid dangerous situations and, if possible, to act correctly;

develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.

foster interest in learning about the world around, foster the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, pictures for the game "What is, what was", signs with electrical safety rules, pictures with rules, Whatman sheet, glue stick, applique mats, trays with cut foil, combs, balloons, pieces of woolen fabric.

Event progress:

- In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, His Majesty Electricity lived. And the news came to him that not all residents of the state know the rules for using electricity. And a lot of troubles came from this. In one house they forgot to turn off the iron, a fire started, in another they decided to fix the outlet and received an electric shock, in the third they turned on many appliances into one outlet, a short circuit occurred. Electricity got angry and decided to leave his state. He was very offended, and really wanted to find those who know the rules of electrical safety very well. So, wandering around the world, it turned out to be in our kindergarten.

(He enters Majesty Electricity).

E: What do they think they are? I am His Majesty Electricity. How can you do this to me?

Q: Hello Your Majesty! What made you so angry?

E: They don't know how to handle electricity in my country! Never mind, let them try to live without electricity, and I, His Majesty, will not return until I find those who know the rules for dealing with electricity.

Q: You are very lucky, Your Majesty Electricity. Our kids know everything about electricity.

E: So straight and all?

Q: Yes, and if in doubt, check us. You can ask children any questions and tasks. If they manage, promise that you will return to your state. Children, do you agree to answer all of His Majesty's questions? (Yes)

Q: Let's have a quiz.

E: Good. For a correctly completed task, I will give you a sign that schematically shows the rule of using electricity. You need to collect 6 signs in order to make a poster that will remind the rules to anyone who forgets them. Only after that I will agree to return to my state. You are ready? Then, to begin with, I suggest you complete the easiest task.

I have bewitched the electrical appliances that people are used to using into riddles. Unravel them.

1 task. "Puzzles"

He has a rubber trunk,

With a canvas stomach.

How his motor will hum

He swallows both dust and dirt. (Vacuum cleaner)

Q: How did you guess that we are talking about a vacuum cleaner? What prompted you? And what is this rubber trunk he has?

Admire, look -

North pole inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there! (Refrigerator)

Q: Why did you decide that this is a refrigerator? What do the words "winter lives" mean?

Ironing dresses and shirts

Iron our pockets

He is a faithful friend on the farm -

His name is ... (Iron)

Q: What words of the riddle helped you guess that it was an iron?

What a miracle, what a box?

The singer himself and the storyteller himself,

And besides, at the same time

Shows a movie! (Television)

Q: Why was the TV called a miracle box? What in this riddle gave you the correct answer?

E: Well done, you have disenchanted electrical appliances! But without me they still won't be able to work! So here's your next assignment.

2 task. Game "What's extra?"

E: Name the extra device in the pictures:

- microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, scissors, iron;

- frying pan, plate, electric kettle, saucepan;

- mixer, juicer, meat grinder, toaster;

- TV, fan, tape recorder, heating battery.

(Pictures are shown on the screen, children explain their choice).

3 task. Game "Dispute of electrical appliances"

Q: And now, dear Electricity, I propose to play a game. The children named so many electrical appliances, but which one is the most important, the most necessary? I invite each of you to take on the role of one of the electrical appliances and prove that it is the most needed one in the house. For example me - washing machine, I am very necessary, without me I would have to wash all the clothes by hand. " (Children choose an electrical appliance and talk about its need).

E: Electrical appliances surround you everywhere. They, like good wizards, help you everywhere. Without them, it would be very difficult for a person. Once upon a time people used completely different objects.

4 task. Game "What is, what was"

E: The cards in front of you depict household appliances that help people now, and objects that were used before the advent of electricity. Take a card for yourself and find a pair. (Children become pairs: washing machine-trough, vacuum cleaner-broom, lamp-candle, etc.)

Q: And now the next task, we will play a game in which you will need to insert the missing word.

5 task. Game "Say a word"

1. Heats water - a boiler

Cools - ... (refrigerator)

2.Our oven has retired,

Will replace the old woman ... (microwave).

3. Day-day we have a ringing -

Oh, our chatterbox ... (phone)

4. We turned on the lamp quickly -

Our ... (chandelier) shines again.

Q: Yes, electricity is our faithful assistant. It makes electrical appliances work, which make our life so much easier, but in order to use them, you need to know the rules. Electricity is a bad joke, it does not forgive an inattentive attitude towards itself.

6 task. Name the rules.

Q: Look at the picture and name the rules for handling electricity. (Pictures are shown on the screen, children formulate rules).

  1. Don't pull the cord and don't pull

The idea will come out sideways -

The wire will break and you

Can shock you.

  1. If all the appliances at once

You plug it into one outlet

That wiring fire at once

You will get it in this room.

3. You, baby, must remember -

Be careful with the outlet.

You can't play with her in any way

Stick carnations in it.

  1. All children should definitely know:

Electrical appliances must not be turned off

When hands are wet with water.

Such negligence is a step to trouble !!!

  1. If you turn on the iron

You don't need to run away suddenly.

Closing the door in the house

Have you turned everything off? Check it out.

6. The most important rule is that you cannot turn on electrical appliances without the permission of adults and in their absence.

E: Well done! You know all the rules. Here are pictures with these rules. Stick them on this sheet of paper, and put a sign under each picture so that everyone understands what this rule is! (Children stick pictures on a sheet of Whatman paper)

E: Children, do you know that I am not always angry and dangerous? I can be kind and even magical! Do you want to be convinced of this? Then welcome to my laboratory. (Children conduct experiments "Dancing Foil" and "Sticky Balls").

E: Thank you, dear children, you have pleased me with your knowledge. Now I know for sure that there are people who know and follow the rules of electrical safety. And only thanks to you, I agree to return to my state.

E: It's time to say goodbye

But to part with you

We will not, friends.

I am your main assistant,

And without me guys

Nobody in this world

Will not live a day!

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

Shchepachev V.I., master of the p / o Chebarkul professional technical school Quiz "Amazing electricity"

2 slide

Slide Description:

Purpose: in an unconventional, entertaining form to repeat the main program material, to develop the cognitive activity and creativity of students, their ingenuity, observation and sense of humor, to expand their technical horizons. Developing tasks: to develop and consolidate the skills of solving experimental, computational and qualitative problems, to develop the oral speech of students, to teach how to apply knowledge in a new situation; to teach to correctly explain the occurring physical phenomena, to form teamwork skills in combination with the independent activity of students. The task of the pedagogical worker is to create conditions for the manifestation of the activity of students, the development of their individuality; development of research competence of students; increasing their interest in the subject.

3 slide

Slide Description:

Epigraph: Strive to comprehend the science deeper and deeper. Hungry for the knowledge of eternal thirst. Only the first knowledge will flash your light, You learn: there is no limit to knowledge. Ferdowsi (Persian and Tajik poet, 940-1030)

4 slide

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Poster: Let the work be in full swing, Competitions are difficult, Success is not decided by fate, But your knowledge!

5 slide

Slide Description:

1st competition "Warm-up" Teams must answer the questions they were asked and, after completing the tasks, receive two password words, which will become parting words for further success. (Answers are given by the jury). Questions of the assignment for the 1st team: One of the sciences of nature (take the 3rd letter). The positive electrode of the electric battery (take the 2nd letter). Unit of measurement of current strength (take the 1st letter). A particle that scientists have found in the nucleus (take the 1st letter). A non-conductive substance (take the 2nd letter). The surname of the Russian scientist who built the first electric motor (take the 1st letter). ANSWERS: Physics. Anode. Ampere. Neutron. Dielectric. Jacobi. WORD-PASSWORD: "knowledge".

6 slide

Slide Description:

1st competition "Warm-up": Questions of the assignment for the 2nd team: A drawing that shows how to connect electrical devices in a circuit (take 1 letter). Substances, the conductivity of which is intermediate between conductors and dielectrics (take the 11th letter). Unit electric charge(take 3 letter). Current measuring device (take 1 letter). ANSWERS: Scheme. Semiconductors. Pendant. Ammeter. WORD-PASSWORD: "power".

7 slide

Slide Description:

2nd competition "Tasks": Word of the pedagogical worker: And now I invite the teams to take part in the competition "Castle of historians of science and technology". 1 student is invited from the team at will, who need to solve the calculation problems of historical content. Note: I propose a list of tasks of historical content for the competition "Castle of historians of science and technology." Problem No. 1. On July 1, 1892, a tram began to run in Kiev on the Podol-Khreshchatyk line. His motor was rated for a current of 20 A at a voltage of 500 V. What power was the motor? (Answer: 10,000 V = 10 kW). Problem No. 2. In 1887, the Perm plant built a dynamo machine according to the drawings of the Russian engineer NG Slavyanov. It had a power of 18 kW and could give a current with a force of 30 A. What voltage was at its terminals? (Answer: 60 V.) Problem No. 3. The first domestic rectifier was a high-voltage mercury rectifier designed by V. P. Vologdin. It was created in 1922, had a power of 10,000 W and gave a current at a voltage of 3500 V. How much current did the rectifier provide? (Answer: 1.29 A.) Problem number 4. The largest radio station operating in Russia during the First World War was Khodynskaya. She had a current generator with a power of 320 kW, and the voltage at its terminals was 220 V. Find the current generated by the generator. (Answer: 1455 A.)

8 slide

Slide Description:

3rd Contest "Experts" First, a report prepared earlier by the student is read on the topic "The effect of electric current on the human body" (see "Entertaining evenings in physics in secondary school", p. 103). After that, the quiz "Electric current and human safety" is held. The quiz questions are written on bright, multi-colored chamomile petals and are offered to the teams to choose from.

9 slide

Slide Description:

QUIZ QUESTIONS: In the car from the batteries to the bulbs there is only one wire. Why is there no second wire? ANSWER: The second wire is the body of the car. What is the minimum stress that causes damage to a person electric shock ANSWER: Electric shock with a severe outcome is possible at voltages starting from about 30 V. Why is it dangerous to stand in a crowd during a thunderstorm? ANSWER: It is dangerous to stand in a crowd during a thunderstorm because the vapors that electrical conductivity of air. Why is it possible for a person to be electrocuted in damp rooms, even if he touches the glass bulb of an electric light bulb? ANSWER: A glass bulb of an electric light bulb, covered with a layer of moisture, conducts an electric current that, under certain conditions, can cause injury to a person.

10 slide

Slide Description:

QUIZ QUESTIONS: Why does the biological effect of the current depend and what magnitude of the current can cause a fatal outcome? ANSWER: The biological effect of the current depends on the magnitude of the current flowing through the victim's body. A current of 0.025 A causes transient paralysis, and a current of 0.1 A or more is fatal. Why lightning passing through a tree can deflect and pass through a person standing near the tree? ANSWER: Electric current passes mainly through a section of the circuit with less resistance. If the human body turns out to be the best conductor, then the electric current will pass through it, and not through the tree. Christmas tree lights are often made from flashlight bulbs. The bulbs are connected in series, and then each of them has a very low voltage. Why is it dangerous to unscrew one light bulb and stick your finger into its socket? ANSWER: The resistance of a light bulb from a flashlight is small - a few ohms, and the resistance of the entire garland is several hundred ohms, and the resistance of a finger is several thousand ohms. When the circuit is connected in series, the voltage drop across the section is proportional to its resistance. Therefore, on the finger, if you put it into the cartridge, you will have almost all the mains voltage.

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Slide Description:

QUIZ QUESTIONS: Why, when transporting flammable liquids, a chain is attached to the body of a tanker, which drags along the ground during movement? ANSWER: When transported in tank trucks, flammable liquids are agitated and electrified. To avoid sparks and fires, a circuit is used that conducts the charges to the ground. Who owns the words: "Now I know what an atom looks like"? ANSWER: These words belong to the English physicist Rutherford, they were said in 1911. What is lightning? ANSWER: An electrical discharge in the atmosphere in the form of a linear lightning is an electric current, and the current strength changes in 0.2-0.3 s, during which the current pulses in the lightning last. Approximately 65% ​​of all lightning observed in our country have greatest strength current 10,000 A, but in rare cases it reaches 230,000 A. Who invented the incandescent light bulb? ANSWER: Russian inventor - Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin. The American inventor Edison received several Lodygin bulbs: one Russian officer brought them to America. At the end of 1879, Edison created his own light bulb with a screw base and a socket, called Edison's. All patents issued to Edison were formulated only as proposals for improving the previously patented Lodygin lamp. Note: it is necessary to correctly answer the questions of the quiz, for each correctly answered question - 1 token.

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Slide Description:

4th competition "Search": Teacher: and now we will hold a competition called "SEARCH", which was one of the homework assignments. Teams received a task in advance - find in magazines, books Interesting Facts related to the topic "Electricity" and prepare small messages. The floor is given to representatives from the teams. Pedagogical worker: it's time to give the floor to the jury and sum up the results of the competitions.

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Slide Description:

5th competition "Lovers of crossword puzzles": Horizontal: Physical quantity, the unit of measurement of which is named after the Italian scientist Volta. Surname of the Russian scientist who participated in the first experimental research atmospheric electricity in Russia. Vertical: Substances that transmit electric current well. The surname of the Russian scientist who built the first electric motor. ANSWERS: Voltage. Lomonosov. Conductors. Jacobi. Teacher: the jury will sum up the results of the competitions.

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6th competition "What does it mean?" Various equipment for demonstration of experiments is on the table. Representatives from the teams must show the experience they have prepared, and the opposing team must explain the experience they have seen. The wit and originality of the answers are taken into account

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Slide Description:

7th competition "People of Science": Pedagogical worker: in the competition "People of Science", which will now be held, all teams participate simultaneously. The purpose of this competition is to determine the name and surname of the scientist before the rivals, using information about him. One participant from the team is invited to complete the task; Assignment to the participant: name a scientist whose surname consists of 5 letters: the first - in the name of the electrode connected to the positive pole of the current source; the second is the second in the name of the unit of resistance; the third is the third in the name of the device for measuring the current strength, the fourth is the fourth in the name of the unit of current strength; the fifth is the last in the name of the voltage measuring device. ANSWERS: Anode. Ohm. Ammeter. Ampere. Voltmeter. WORD-PASSWORD: Ampere.

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7th competition "People of Science": At the same time, the 2nd stage of the competition is held for all teams. Questions: The great Maxwell said about him: “The studies ... in which he established the laws of the mechanical interaction of electric currents are among the most brilliant works that have ever been carried out in science. Theory and experience, as if in full force and completeness, poured out immediately from the head of this "Newton of electricity". On his gravestone are carved the words: "He was as kind and as simple as he was great." (Andre-Marie Ampere) He discovered one of the most important quantitative laws of the electric current circuit. He established the constancy of the current in different parts of the circuit, showed that the current decreases with an increase in the length of the wire and with a decrease in its cross-sectional area. He found a series of many substances with increasing resistance. (Georg Ohm). A brewer by profession, he was an excellent experimenter, investigated the laws of heat release by electric current, made a great contribution to the kinetic theory of gases. (James Joule.) He was a Knight of the Legion of Honor, was promoted to Senator and Earl. Napoleon did not miss the opportunity to attend the meetings of the French Academy of Sciences, where he spoke. He invented the electric battery, splendidly called the "crown of vessels". (Alessandro Volta.) He became an academician at the age of 39, and his work on magnetism and electricity did not play the slightest role in the election. They, in essence, did not exist. He was elected to the Geometry Section for his research in mathematics and chemistry. (André-Marie Ampere.) He was famous for his absent-mindedness. It was said about him that once, with a concentrated look, he boiled his watch in water for 3 minutes, holding an egg in his hand. (André-Marie Ampere.) He discovered one of the most important laws of electricity in 1785 using a torsion balance. The technique used by him proves once again that the ingenuity of the human mind knows no boundaries. (Charles Coulomb.) Educational worker: now let's summarize. The word of the jury.

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Slide Description:

8th competition "Relay": Teacher: the time has come to test the knowledge of formulas and theoretical material on the passed topic "Electricity", and the "Relay" competition will help us in this. This competition is held in two stages. The purpose of the competition is to test students' knowledge of formulas. 1st stage: one participant from the team is invited to receive assignments; at the same time, the 2nd stage of the competition called "Let's solve" is being held, in which the team captains receive tasks. The time for preparing answers is 5 minutes. The answers are given by the jury. Educational worker: so, friends, let's start!

22 slide

Slide Description:

Pedagogical worker: well, now it's time to sum up the results of our lesson-competition. Today we did a good job: we repeated the main program material on the topic "Electricity", applied our knowledge in new situations. I would like to hope that today's lesson will awaken your thirst for new knowledge, because the "great ocean of truth" still unfolds before you not fully explored. While the jury determines the winner, the lesson is reflected with the students. The word of the jury: summing up, awarding the winners.

It is useful to use intellectual games when working with children aged 5-6 years. They significantly increase the mental activity of children and make classes more interesting.

Objectives of the game


  • To acquaint preschoolers with the manifestations of static electricity;
  • To consolidate the rules for the safe handling of electrical appliances in everyday life.


  • Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.


  • Encourage the desire to negotiate;
  • Encourage interest in observing the world around you;

Materials and equipment for the lesson:

  • notebook;
  • screen;
  • song for physical education.

Materials for experiments:

  • plastic tubes;
  • pieces of woolen fabric;
  • plastic combs;
  • pieces of paper;
  • confetti.
  • balloons

Materials for didactic games:

  • Paired pictures depicting objects.
  • Cut cards with the image of electrical appliances

Reflection materials:

  • palms of three colors;

  • drawing "Helper"

Game progress:

Organizing time

Educator. Guys, there is a package here. Who sent it?

Fixies (from the screen). Hello guys, we sent you the package. You requested that your watch be repaired. Everything is alright with them. Just insert the battery correctly into the socket, plus to plus, minus to minus. Try it yourself.

The teacher takes the watch, examines it and, together with the pupils, inserts the batteries. The clock has started.

Guys, why is the clock running? What is the power hidden in batteries?

Guys' opinions.

Educator: Batteries contain non-hazardous electricity, you can also show electric current. You just need to put the battery in place correctly. The electric current will go, and the device, like our clock, will work

Fixies. We are also interested in what you know about electricity and electrical appliances, and invite you to our laboratory. But for this you need to find a key to it.

Educator. Guys, are you ready to tell The Fixies what you know about electricity and electrical appliances? Pupils' answers.

To do this, we will hold a quiz with you. We are divided into two teams: "Bulb" and "Current".

Children are divided into teams, receive emblems, choose captains.

Educator. Gather yourself, remember everything you know, boldly answer. The jury will evaluate the performance of the tasks. Chips will be given for each task completed correctly.


Educator. There are 5 rounds in our quiz. To tune in to a working mood, let's start with a blitz survey. (Materials in the presentation)

Blitz survey

1. The "Light Bulb" command

Where and what number should you call in case of fire? (To the fire station, 01, 112)

2. Command "Current"

What should be called when calling the fire department? (Address, surname)

Round I

Answers "Bulb"

Continue the phrase: electrical appliances are ... (enumeration).

On the screen there are pictures: a microwave oven, a washing machine, a kettle, a plug. Choose an extra item. Why do you think so? (All are electrical appliances and the fork is cutlery.)

Answers "Current"

Name the items in one word: tape recorder, computer, iron, vacuum cleaner (electrical appliances).

On the screen pictures: a plate, a saucepan, a refrigerator, a frying pan. Choose an extra item. Why do you think so? (the refrigerator is an electrical appliance, and everything else is dishes).

II round

Assignment: List the known rules for the use of electrical appliances. The teams answer in turn: who will name more.

(approximate answers).

  • Only a working electrical appliance can be plugged into the socket.
  • Do not touch exposed wires.
  • Do not connect several devices to one outlet at the same time - a fire may occur.
  • If smoke comes out of the appliance, it must be turned off immediately.
  • Switch-on electrical appliances must not be left unattended.
  • Children should not touch them.
  • It is dangerous to touch wires and electrical appliances with wet hands!
  • Do not put anything in the sockets!
  • Leaving home, you need to turn off the lights and turn off household appliances!

III round

The task. On the tables of each team are cut cards with the image of electrical appliances. You must collect two cards, agree on who will represent the electrical appliances. And you need to present them like this.

I - washing machine, I help to wash and wring out the laundry. I save time. It would be very difficult without me.


Educator. Guys, I know the Fixies love the song "Helper". Let's turn it on and dance. (Accompanying the presentation)

VI round

What forbidden actions do these pictures indicate?

Question to the team "Bulb"

Question to the team "Tok"

V round

And now I propose the game "What is, what was."

You have pictures with household appliances, which helps now and the items that people used before the advent of electricity.

Participants of "Bulbs", take a picture household appliances... And you, "Tok", a picture with an object that you used before.

Look closely at who's and find a pair.

Children take pictures and match pairs:

washing machine - trough, vacuum cleaner - broom, electric stove - fire, table lamp - candle, fan - fan

Excellent! The task is completed. You have seen how it used to be and how much more convenient it is now. And now, dear jury, will summarize (summing up).

Educator. What are these weird features? They are like jigsaw puzzles. The game is offered or what? Let's collect them. Yes, this is the key to the Fixies laboratory. We go to the laboratory.

Experiments in the laboratory

Educator. Electricity is different: life-threatening and non-hazardous. Non-dangerous quietly and imperceptibly surrounds us in nature. We will run several experiments with non-hazardous electricity. Let's try to "catch" him and play with him.

Materials for each: a piece of woolen cloth, a plastic stick, pieces of tissue paper.

Guys, take your wand and touch the pieces of paper. The paper should "stick" to the sticks. "Stuck"? (No)

How do you get her to do it?

Children's suggestions.

Now we will try to make our wands magical, electric. It is necessary to take a piece of woolen cloth and rub the stick with it strongly. Slowly and carefully bring it to the pieces of paper. What happened? (The papers "stuck" to the stick)

Why did the wand become electric? (Rubbed with a piece of cloth)

Great! You managed to catch electricity.

Remember, while dressing, have you felt a slight crackle, and sometimes even sparks? It turns out that electric current can live in clothes. This is static electricity.

Let's try to catch electricity with a comb.

Materials for each: trays of confetti, plastic combs.

Use the comb to touch the confetti. Is something going on with the confetti?

Children's opinions.

Take combs and comb your hair. Let's bring the combs to the confetti. What do you see?

Children's answers.

It turns out that there is electricity in our hair too. It "caught" while brushing. The hairbrushes are now electric. You can also say - electrified.

So what kind of electricity did we experiment with? What is it like?


Let's say "thanks" to the Fixies for fixing the watch, for interesting experiments in the laboratory.

Let's also evaluate our game. The Fixies will help us here too.

They sent me the Helper and their hands. We will attach them to the "Helper". Please note that the palms are of different colors. If you liked our intellectual game, take the red palm. I didn't really like it - the green one. I didn't like it at all, it was boring, attach a blue palm to the "Helper".

Children attach their palms.

Educator. I also want to appreciate our intellectual game. I liked how you actively answered questions, completed difficult tasks, so I will attach a red palm to the "Helper"!

Prepared by the educator of the first category, Galina Alexandrovna Nazarova.

Currently, electrical appliances in the home and at work have become indispensable helpers that create comfortable conditions for a person. However, do not forget that electric current can be dangerous and it is safe as long as it is under the "lock" of wire insulation.

In order not to get into trouble, you need to know and follow the safety measures when using electrical appliances, as well as the rules of action in case of emergencies related to electricity.

We bring to your attention the materials of the thematic lesson "Electricity around us".

Session Option [PDF] [DOCX]
Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]

Target: shaping the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle.


  • expand students' understanding of electricity;
  • develop sustainable electrical safety skills;
  • develop a responsible attitude for your life and health.


What do the images on the slide have in common?
- Try to formulate a topic class hour. (Topic "Electricity in our life").
- What other areas of your life are connected with electricity?

For the teacher:
Electricity gives us light, heat, sets various mechanisms in motion, allows us to play computer games, cook delicious food, runs rides and can do much more.

Classroom theme:

"Electricity in our life."

How and where does electricity come from?

Teacher: study the diagram.

What type of power plants are the sources of electricity on the slide?
- What other power plants and types of industrial energy exist in the world?
- Try to list and then argue the pros and cons of various types of electricity generation.

For the teacher:

On the slide: a thermal power plant and a hydroelectric power plant.

Power plants and types of industrial energy:

- Nuclear power (nuclear power plants (NPP)).
- Wind power - the use of kinetic wind energy to generate electricity.
- Solar energy - obtaining electricity from the energy of the sun's rays.
- Geothermal energy - the use of the natural heat of the Earth to generate electrical energy.
- Hydrogen energy - the use of hydrogen as an energy fuel.
- Tidal energy - uses the energy of sea tides.
- Wave energy - uses the energy of waves.

Teacher: In order for consumers to receive electricity, it must be transmitted in the least energy-consuming and safe way. Familiarize yourself with the diagram and, using the knowledge of the physics course, try to reason.

What are electrical substations for?
- Who are the consumers of electricity?

For the teacher:

The substation with step-up transformers increases electrical voltage with a corresponding decrease in the current value, while the step-down substation decreases the output voltage with a proportional increase in the amperage.The main reason for the increase in voltage is that the higher the voltage, the more power and a greater distance can be transmitted through the power line.

Teacher: In the Moscow region, electricity distribution is handled by PJSC MOESK (Public Joint Stock Company Moscow United Electric Grid Company).

Check out the site video PJSC "MOESK" and answer the questions.

What are the main activities of PJSC “MOESK”?
- Did you, your parents or friends have to resort to the help of PJSC "MOESK"? Tell us how it happened.

For the teacher:

PJSC “MOESK” renders services for the transmission of electric energy and technological connection of consumers to electric grids on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region. Service area - 46 892 sq. km. The number of the company's clients exceeds 17 million people, which is more than 96% of consumers in the city of Moscow and 95% of the Moscow region.

Mission of the society:PJSC "MOESK", providing power supply to the capital region Russian Federation, strives to ensure the maximum level of reliability and availability of distribution network infrastructure, using energy efficient technologies and innovations, adhering to world quality standards of services provided and best corporate governance practices.

Teacher: Electrical appliances that you use at home and at school, electrical networks and substations that you pass by in the yard and on the street, under normal conditions, regular work safe.

If electrical appliances are used improperly and electrical installations are located in prohibited areas, as well as improper actions in the event of an emergency with a break in electrical wires, a real threat to human life and health arises - electrical injury... It leads to disruption of the normal activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system, respiratory failure, as well as the occurrence of burns, including fatal ones.

Teacher. Answer the questions. Have you encountered:
- with faulty electrical appliances or equipment;
- with violations when using electrical appliances;
- in violation of the rules for being near electrical installations, which led or could lead to an accident?

Reason and try to name the reasons for what happened.

Teacher reference materials: Electric shock (electrical injury).

Teacher6 What are the reasons for receiving an electrical injury, using the knowledge of the courses physics, technology.

For the teacher:

- Damaged wire insulation or damaged socket.
- Water is a good conductor of electricity.
- Damage to the socket, plug.
- There may be a short circuit to the conductive surface of the device or the fire of the device.

- In contact with live parts.
- High humidity, presence of containers with water, wet floor (water is a good conductor of electricity).

Teacher: A voltage of 12 volts is considered safe (most car batteries). The most widespread in industry, agriculture and in everyday life are electrical networks with a voltage of 220 and 380 volts. This voltage is economically beneficial, but very dangerous for humans.

Argument what are dangerous for of each the character of the situation on the slide. Why?

For the teacher:Rules for staying near power facilities:

- Do not touch wires that are torn off, hanging or lying on the ground, and do not come closer than 10 meters to them. (You can get into step voltage).
- Do not climb on poles of high-voltage power lines, do not play under them, do not make fires, do not throw objects on the wires, do not fly kites under the wires.
- Do not open transformer boxes, switchboards and other electrical rooms, do not touch electrical equipment, wires with your hands.
- If you notice a broken wire, open or damaged doors of transformer booths or electrical panels, immediately inform an adult about it.
- Do not fish under power line wires. (Many rods are excellent conductors of electricity.)

Teacher: Despite the observance of the safety rules, it is possible that non-standard situations that can lead to accidents. One of the possible situations is a break in electrical wires after falling trees or large branches on them after natural disasters.

If you find yourself next to a broken high-voltage wire, an electric shock can be received, being a few meters away, due to step voltage.

Complete the task.

Make up step voltage reference material using materials.

The material should reflect the answers to the questions:
- What is step voltage?
- How is it dangerous for humans?
- How should you move when you are exposed to step voltage?

Choose a punctuation mark for the phrase. Give reasons for your answer.

Helpful information.

Teacher. In the event of an accident, a prerequisite is to call the emergency services.

"Entertaining questions and answers on electricity"

Place of work: MOU gymnasium №36, Ivanov

Position: Physics teacher

Interesting questions and answers on electricity

We will consider only some questions and answers so far - join, send your questions and answers on this topic!

1 question. In the practice of museum work, there is sometimes a need to read ancient old scrolls, which tear and break even with the most careful attempt to separate the layers of the manuscript. How to separate such sheets?

Answer. With the help of electricity: the scroll is electrified, and neighboring parts of it, receiving the same charge, are repelled from each other. The gaps between the layers of paper increase, and they can be separated without damage. Therefore, the scroll is already easy to unfold with skillful hands and stick on thick paper.

2) Question. Stroking a cat with a dry palm in the dark, you can observe small sparks that appear between the hand and the fur. Why?

Answer. When a cat is stroked, both the cat's fur and hands are electrified. This electrification, as always with the friction of two bodies, is opposite. Charges on a person and wool accumulate, and a spark discharge (short-term electric current in the air) occurs.

3) Question. If you take two wires, iron and aluminum (or two others, but different), stick them into a lemon, and then connect them to a voltmeter, it will show the presence of voltage. Why?

Answer. Citric acid and two wires of different metals form a current source - galvanic cell... The voltage generated by it is less than 1 V. Using wires made of any other metals, a juicy apple or pickled cucumber, we also get galvanic cells.

4) Question. What kind of fish do people sometimes call living power plants? Which fish have special organs for storing electricity? How great is the tension they create?

Answer. The most famous electric fish are electric eel (up to 800 V), electric ray (up to 150 discharges in 1 s, 80 V each, for 10-16 s) and electric catfish (up to 360 V). Their electrical organs are groups of mutated muscle or nerve cells. They serve for defense, attack, orientation and signaling.

5) Question. In the cells, tissues and organs of animals and plants, a certain potential difference arises between their individual sections (this is the other name for the electric voltage). These biopotentials are associated with metabolic processes in the body. What do you think is the magnitude of these potentials?

Answer. The resulting biopotentials are very small. The voltage ranges from a few microvolts to tens of millivolts. To register these potentials, very sensitive devices are required, which make it possible to measure the biocurrents of living tissue without distortion.

6) Question. To check the quality of a flashlight battery, sometimes the tongue is touched to its metal contacts. If the tongue feels a sharp bitterness and burning sensation, then the battery is good. Why does battery electricity taste bitter?

Answer. Human saliva contains various mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.). When an electric current passes through the saliva, these salts undergo electrolysis - decomposition into simpler and "tasteless" substances. Therefore, the tongue feels bitter and burning.

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