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The google page is not loading. Google Chrome won't start, slow down or open pages

Google chrome however, like any other browser, it should not actively consume processor resources. An exception may be cases when the flash player works on very weak or old computers. On modern PCs and laptops with at least average performance, a processor load of more than 90% can take place, but for this, resource-intensive tasks such as video playback in 8K / 4K must be launched in Chrome. If an 8K / 4K video is not played in Chrome, some powerful browser toy is not running, other operations that are comparable in power consumption of resources are not processed, but the Windows task manager shows that the processor is loaded by the browser almost to the limit, probably someone and is enriched at your expense. How to get rid of miner in Chrome?

So, in the Windows task manager, we see how the browser loads the processor almost to the eyeballs.

In such cases, the Chrome support site itself recommends:

Clear the history;

Upgrade to the most latest version browser;

Scan your browser with the built-in malware finder.

The first two options will help, well, in very rare cases. Searching for malware will probably resolve the issue.

But only if he can find malicious codes... Chrome's built-in malware search tool itself periodically scans the browser in the background, and if it found something, it would already notify us about it. It is not a fact that hidden miners as part of extensions or on sites open in the browser will be detected as malware. You can run a scan installed in Windows environment antivirus or special utilities to search for potentially dangerous software such as AdwCleaner. But here, too, success will not be guaranteed in every case. The miner hidden in the browser can be calculated as follows.

How to find a hidden miner in Chrome

Launch the Chrome Task Manager with the Shift + Esc keys. We click on the "CPU" column to build the list of processes in descending order. In our case, the first, most actively using the processor resource, we see a certain process "Subframe:". We make a double click on it.

So, we found the culprit of the active absorption of the processor resource. If this is a tab of a site, close it. If this is an extension, first disable it.

Now we are testing Chrome under different loads - we just open websites, launch videos and flash games. And we monitor the load on the processor in the Windows Task Manager. In our case, disabling the extension solved the problem. With the same active tabs, the processor is loaded by 5-10%.

Now all that remains is to go to the extensions section and remove Stop Ads.

Well, we just forget about a site that dishonestly mines cryptocurrency.

How to protect yourself from hidden mining in Chrome

How to anticipate the emergence in the future hidden miners in Chrome? For these purposes, the browser store has special extensions such as MineBlock, No Coin and their analogues. You can resort at the level Windows type entering into hosts file list of domains of well-known sites caught in mining. The disadvantage of any kind of methods to combat illegal mining of cryptocurrency is that hidden mining software and sites that make money in this way from their visitors appear every day. Where is the guarantee that the creator of some harmless extension, say, for implementing the reading mode or customizing the start page tomorrow will not sell his soul to the devil and will not start making money on you? So, not a single browser extension like "Antiminer", not even a single antivirus with regularly updated databases will provide complete, 100% protection against this evil.

If you usually visit trusted sites with a good reputation, if you don't indiscriminately experiment with new Chrome extensions every day, just keep an eye on system performance. If the system starts to slow down terribly, and this is due to Chrome, you will need to do what, in fact, is suggested in this article above.

Google Chrome is a popular web browser that has earned the title of the most used web browser in the world. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use the browser - users may face the problem of launching Google Chrome.

There may be a lot of reasons why Google Chrome does not work. Today we will try to consider the main reasons why Google Chrome does not start, attaching tips to solve the problem.

Reason 1: blocking the browser by antivirus

New changes that are being made by developers to Google Chrome may contradict the security of the antivirus, due to which the browser can be blocked by the antivirus itself overnight.

To rule out or decide this problem, open your antivirus and check if it is blocking any processes or applications. If you see the name of your browser, you will need to add it to the list of exclusions.

Reason 2: system failure

The system could have experienced a serious crash, which led to the fact that Google Chrome does not open. Here we will do it very simply: first, you need to completely remove the browser from your computer, and then download it again from the developer's official website.

Please note that on the Google Chrome download site, the system may incorrectly detect your bit depth, so be sure to make sure you download google version Chrome is exactly the same bit depth as your computer.

If you do not know what bit depth your computer has, then it is very easy to determine it. To do this, open "Control Panel" , set the view mode "Small icons" and then open the section "System" .

In the window that opens, near the item "System type" the bitness will be listed: 32 or 64. If you do not see the bitness, then you probably have 32 bit.

Now, after heading to the Google Chrome download page, make sure that you are offered the version for your bitness operating system.

If the system offers to download Chrome of a different bitness, select "Download Chrome for another platform" and then select the version you want browser.

Typically, in most cases, after the installation is complete, the browser health problem is resolved.

Reason 3: viral activity

Viruses can affect various corners of the operating system, and, in the first place, they are aimed at infecting browsers.

As a result of viral activity google browser Chrome may stop launching altogether.

To exclude or confirm such a possibility of a problem, you should definitely run the deep scan mode in your antivirus. Also, to scan the system, you can additionally use the special scanning utility Dr.Web CureIt, which does not require installation on a computer, is distributed absolutely free of charge and does not conflict with antiviruses from other manufacturers.

When the system scan is completed, and all the infection has been cured or removed, restart your computer. It is advisable if you then reinstall the browser, having previously uninstalled old version from a computer, as described in the second reason.

And finally

If you have recently experienced a problem with your browser, you can fix it by rolling back your system. To do this, open "Control Panel" , set the view mode "Small icons" and go to section "Recovery" .

In the window that opens, select "Start System Restore" .

After a few moments, a window containing points will appear on the screen. Windows recovery... Check the box next to Show other restore points and then select the most suitable restore point that preceded the Google Chrome launch problem.

The duration of the system recovery will depend on the number of changes made to the system after the creation of the selected point. This can take several hours to recover, but after the recovery is complete, the problem will be resolved.

Internet users are either indirectly or directly familiar with the Google browser. For 80%, it is their favorite and is set by the default browser. Fast, easy to use, and extensive interface settings allow you to change it for yourself. Sooner or later, the performance of chromium deteriorates. That will change start page, then the specified search engine, and sometimes even refuses to quickly respond to commands. How to troubleshoot if google chrome slows down, we'll figure it out further.

Google Chrome Browser

The solution directly depends on the root cause that triggered the problem. Therefore, it is recommended that you verify that the problem is with the program. The user can identify a slowing process using the task manager. To do this, click on the lower panel of the RMB, select the appropriate option from the list that opens. Or run the application in a convenient way:

Launching the "Task Manager"

All active processes and the CPU utilization level are registered here. this moment... If the Google Chrome browser gives a strong load, and after removing the process, it decreases, then the reason is identified correctly.

Maybe not everyone knows, but braking is a fact of lack random access memory, if an outdated device is used, where google chrome opens for a long time, you need to throw in the operatives and everything will change for the better. If the user is puzzled, purchased or borrowed memory, threw it in, but everything remained unchanged, do not immediately resort to such a radical solution as reinstalling google chrome. After this operation, saving logins and passwords, bookmarks and other necessary things fly off.

Toolbars in Google Chrome - ways of appearance and methods of removal

If you are still wondering why google chrome is slow, then it's time to get acquainted with additional components. Toolbars are graphical elements of a control panel; they appear on your device along with other programs and are securely attached to the OS. What is most interesting is that often the user not only does not use them in his work, but does not even know about their presence.

Because in the application a large number of toolbars take a long time to load google chrome. If a user has collected a "combo" of more than 5 toolbars, the time it takes to open and load the browser may take 1–2 minutes. Not a single healthy nerve can handle this, especially if the user is in a hurry.

You can uninstall Toolbar through the control panel of your computer through the Programs and Features menu:

We open "Programs and components"

Going to the uninstallation menu, you need to find unnecessary components, right-click on them and uninstall:

you need to find unnecessary components, right-click on them and uninstall

Attention! You may not be able to find everything extra elements on a computer, some of them are located in Google itself.

Extra plugins in Google Chrome - disable and speed up

In addition to toolbars, the browser has plugins, their number is just as large. It is probably already clear that additional process lowers the speed. When the user is not using the plugin, it can be disabled or stopped, and if in the future you need the application to work, it can be resumed.

Plugins are located in the application itself, you can find them only after starting the browser. In the column where the request or the site address is entered, you need to write: chrome: // plugins and click the Enter button, after that the following window will open:

In the column where the request or the site address is entered, you need to write: chrome: // plugins and click the Enter button, after that such a window will open

Don't be alarmed if you are not familiar with many of the components, this is a list of what is installed in the browser. Each name indicates whether an element is active or disabled. With a careful search, the user will find that it does not benefit the average user, and it is recommended to turn it off, and this should be done without a twinge of conscience, surfing the Internet will not be affected in any way. The advantage is that disabling even one plugin will help speed up google chrome.

At running Java, the browser and the OS are susceptible to virus attacks. If the browser continues to slow down, then it is recommended to disable all components except Flash.

Attention! In some cases, google chrome slows down due to a plugin that plays flash animations, so it is better to uninstall the program through the computer menu (it does not appear in plugins).

Browser extensions: disable and uninstall

Another reason why the browser is slow is extensions. You can find out what is installed in the program through the built-in menu. There you need to go to the tools page and then to the extensions:

You can find out what is offered in the program through the built-in menu

The user will be taken to a tab where additional components are installed, and to their surprise, they may find that something is running in the background. Here is another reason identified that google chrome takes a long time to load. As in the cases described earlier, all unnecessary must be stopped and deleted.

Clearing google chrome cache

While the user is using world wide web When traveling from site to site, the browser keeps records and saves data. If you wish, you can find in history not only the resources where you have been, but also what files you viewed, whether they be graphic or musical elements. All of this is in the purview of the cache - an element created to increase the speed of the browser. If you do not clean it, then the storage will overflow, and the user will notice howgoogle chrome slows down. Data cleansing is recommended.

If google chrome does not load, use the instructions below:

  1. Open the program menu and go to the settings page;
  2. From the drop-down list, click on the function of showing additional settings;
  3. After going to the history page, select the "Clear" option (you do not need to remove the marks):
select the "Clear" option

The operation is completed, close the window, and enjoy the increased productivity of the browser.

Do not forget about malware, which also slows down your work. You can determine the presence and clean google chrome from viruses in three steps:

  • open the advanced settings menu;
  • select setting search engine(there should be .com), if is written, it means that you were attacked by viruses, remove unnecessary characters;
  • delete unnecessary characters and click "OK".

If the described steps did not fix the problem, it is recommended that you reinstall google chrome.


A short conclusion on how to speed up the work of the google chrome browser: the user is advised to uninstall unnecessary components, clear the database and remove viruses.

As you know, the browser from Google Chrome is distinguished by its speed and responsiveness to user commands. Many people make their choice in favor of this browser for this very reason, for others it is, first of all,.

Regardless of why the choice fell on Chrome, it is logical that you expect quality work from it without the slightest delay. But sometimes it happens that by opening given browser, you see that the pages have stopped loading. There can be many reasons for this, however, as well as solutions. That is why I propose to discuss why google chrome does not open pages, and what to do about it.


Considering that on the Internet you "walk" on many sites, there can be a lot of reasons for the problem. One of the most popular is a virus. But do not rush to pull your hair out, it is quite possible that all is not lost, and the situation can be corrected.


If you are thinking about why Google chrome does not open sites, I advise you to do the following. First, run a system cleaning utility, such as CCleaner or any other. It will scan your computer for so-called computer junk that clogs up the system and possibly blocks access to the network. In addition, enable a scan on your antivirus program, which will determine the presence or absence of viruses. If they are found, the program will eliminate them.

If after checking your computer everything is still the same, and the problem is still not viruses, try reinstalling Google Chrome. To do this, remove the browser completely, after checking it again with the utility, so that no "tails" of it remain. Then go to the official website and download setup file, run and follow the instructions. The disadvantage of this method is that all your tabs and bookmarks will not be saved, as well as your login information, so before deleting your web browser, save all the information you need.

Finally, if this does not help, which is very rare, you can resort to the last way... Click on the Chrome shortcut on your desktop and go to settings. There, select the "Shortcut" tab and in the "Object" line at the very end, write "-no-sandbox". It should look like the picture below. Apply and download Chrome again.

Many Internet users are faced with a situation where the Google Chrome browser does not open all or some sites, and also does not respond to requests. The browser loads the pages for some time, after which it displays a message that this web page is in currently unavailable. There are many reasons why Google Chrome is not responding, and this article covers the most common ones.

The first thing users should check when Google Chrome won't open web pages is whether the internet is generally working. If you do not have a network connection, the browser will not be able to perform its functions. You can find out about the presence of a connection using a special icon in the Windows tray. (to the left of the system clock and date). The icon schematically depicts a computer and a suitable one network cable- patch cord. If with your home network something is wrong, a red cross or yellow exclamation mark will be displayed over the icon.

The cross means that the network is physically unavailable at the moment. Check if your router is turned on, if the cable is loose somewhere. If everything is in order with this - try to inspect your patchcord - it may have stopped transmitting a signal as a result of any physical damage (kinks, kinks, twisting, breaks, oxidation of the contacts on the connectors). In this case, you will need to replace the cable and connect the cable of your Internet provider directly to the computer, bypassing the router.

A yellow icon means that everything is in order with the home connection, but the network coming from the provider is not available. In this case, try restarting the router through a special web interface or simply by disconnecting it from the power supply for a few seconds. If that doesn't work, please contact technical support subscribers of your provider and leave a request for the absence of a network.

Problems with web resources

If only some pages won't open in Google Chrome, just try to wait for a while. These problems may arise as a result of technical work on the server of the website or at your provider or any emergency. In this case, you can try to call the technical support of the provider and leave a request, but, most likely, the problems with the work of Chrome will be resolved by themselves in a few hours.

DNS cache

Sometimes such situations can be associated with system failures that damage the DNS resolver cache stored on the personal computer. DNS establishes a link between the IP address of the site server and a link to it. If there are any problems with this service - Google Chrome will "see" the pages, but will not be able to load them.

If your Google Chrome loads for a while, but does not open some web pages, try the following:

With this command, you will clear the cache of the DNS recognizer on your computer so that Chrome can correctly recognize requests to connect to sites.

Clearing Google Chrome cookies

Another reason for the "this web page is not available" error is that your browser's cookies are corrupted. Cookies are used to store the service information of many websites. They record your logins, passwords, and changed settings. When you launch a web page in Google Chrome, it reads information from cookies, automatically logs in to the site and sets all the settings as you left them on the last visit.

If with cookies something happened, and the browser does not open previously visited resources - you need to clean up. To find out how to clear cookies in the Google Chrome browser, we recommend that you read the article on this page.

Antivirus scan and Chrome Cleanup

If, after completing all the actions described above, some page in Chrome is still unavailable, it is recommended to completely scan the system for viruses. You can use any of these for this. antivirus program to your taste. If you do not use an antivirus, it is highly recommended to install one on your Personal Computer... For example, you can use free program from Microsoft - Security Essentials.

After cleaning the operating system from viruses, it is recommended to additionally check it using special utility from Google - Chrome Cleanup Tools. It can be downloaded from the official page of the application at