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Bibliography basics. General Bibliography (Introduction)

1. Historical bibliography as part of the research process.

2. Stages of development of historical bibliography.

3. Types of bibliographic indexes on history.

4. Retrospective search.

5. Formation of the bibliographic apparatus.

I. Searching for sources and literature is time consuming. This simply could not have been dealt with if the historical bibliography had not come to the rescue, which developed special techniques and methods of search, and created bibliographic aids. In recent years, in our country and abroad, a system of scientific information on social sciences, including history, has been created, which helps the researcher to rationalize his work, reduce the search time, ensure the necessary completeness of the collected materials, and make work more fruitful and efficient.

Historical bibliography - an auxiliary historical discipline, the subject of which is the development of techniques and methods of search, bibliographic description, target selection, scientific systematization of sources and literature and the transfer of the information received to the researcher.

Historical bibliography is part of the research process, generated by the development of science itself and reflects the development of science. Historical science determines the scope, content and structure of historical bibliography. At the same time, historical bibliography influences the development of historical science, performing a number of important functions.

First of all, it is search engine function - the definition of techniques and methods of finding sources "and literature on a particular topic. The second function - appraisal : selection of the most scientifically significant and relevant to the search topic from a huge amount of searched materials. The third function is systematizing : bringing the identified and selected literature into a specific system corresponding to the structure of the science itself. Finally, the fourth function is - communicative : reporting to the historian of systematized information in the form of various manuals.

Historical bibliography develops at the junction with two special historical disciplines - source study and historiography.

Source study includes source study heuristics, that is, the search for sources. It is the bibliography that helps to solve this problem, to establish various editions of sources, to systematize them.

Historical bibliography is closely related to historiography, which studies the history of historical science. Reflecting the newly published historical literature or accumulated over a number of years, the historical bibliography provides the basic material for historiographic analysis. For its part, historiography helps the bibliographer to evaluate certain works, to navigate the historical literature.

Basic bibliographic concepts. Historical bibliography reflects the development of historical science, it should not and cannot be isolated from the latter. But unlike historical science, bibliography deals not with scientific knowledge itself, but with the reflection of the latter in printed works and therefore depends on the development of book publishing and bibliography in general.

Bibliography - scientific and practical activities for the preparation and transmission of information about works of print and writing. The main result of bibliographic activity is the creation of: a bibliographic manual. Bibliographic guide - an ordered set of bibliographic records, united according to some criterion. It is compiled by either a historian or a professional bibliographer working in a library or academic institution. There are many types of bibliographic aids. We will indicate only three of the most important ones.

Bibliographic list - a manual with a simple structure. Such lists are published as an appendix to the book, dissertation. The author is a historian.

Bibliographic index - a manual with a complex structure, assuming the presence of auxiliary indexes, a preface, a table of contents, etc. Compiled by a team of bibliographers, edited by historians. Often published as a separate book, devoted to the section of science.

Bibliographic overview - manual, which is a coherent narration about documents - books and articles on a specific scientific topic. Historiographic reviews are also published, which differ from bibliographic reviews by a deeper analysis of scientific literature. These reviews carry a lot of bibliographic information, which allows them to be considered along with bibliographic ones.

According to their intended purpose, bibliographic manuals can be registration , taking into account the printed materials produced in the country; scientific ancillary , designed for scientists; finally, advisory , which are designed to promote education, upbringing and promotion of knowledge among a wide range of people.

In advisory indexes, literature is carefully selected based on the preparation of the reader. The student first uses such aids, but as the specialization deepens, he moves on to scientific auxiliary bibliography.

The bibliography is divided into the current and retrospective . Periodicals informing about new literature in the specialty belong to the current bibliography, which must meet the requirements of completeness, regularity and timeliness. If this or that publication is late in the registration of literature, it loses the function of the current bibliography.

Retrospective bibliographic manuals reflect the literature on a specific issue, published for a specific period. Such a manual can become a noticeable phenomenon in science if it contains everything of value and is systematized in accordance with the structure of science.

Bibliographers highlight promising bibliography containing information on scientific literature coming out in the coming year. These are the thematic plans of the publishers. Knowing about the upcoming publication, you can avoid duplication of topics, coordinate research, order the book in advance.

Exists personal bibliography, which has as its object the works of one person and literature about him, for example, indexes about major historians.

The historian often refers to local history bibliography that deals with literature on a particular locality, province, city, or regional - about a separate country. This bibliography is not "purely" historical, although there are also sections on history. It contains materials on economics, culture and other spheres of public life. In modern conditions of the development of an integrated approach to the study of historical problems of this kind, pointers are of particular importance. They allow the historian to take into account the achievements of related social sciences.

In recent years, computer technology has been increasingly used to prepare bibliographic aids. Relatively new types of signage include permutation pointers . They are based on the extraction of "key" words from the titles of publications, from which the search column is composed; "Keywords" are highlighted "automatically". The second type is cited literature index . In it, under the names of the authors, information about the works containing links to the publications of these authors is given. These pointers are used to search for papers on a topic and to study the intersectoral relationships of scientists. So far, these pointers are used more often in natural and technical sciences, less often in the humanities. Later, in the framework of other courses, special computer search techniques will be dealt with.

Historical bibliography deals with various types of scientific publications on history: with books, articles, reviews. Their search and systematization is possible only if they all have a unified bibliographic description.

A bibliographic description is the required minimum of information about a print product, and the elements of this description are arranged in a strictly established order. Separating marks are important: point, comma, colon, forward slashes, brackets, they are not placed arbitrarily, but in a specific order. Encountered abbreviations individual words in the description are made in accordance with GOST.

The history of the bibliographic description goes back more than one century. It begins with the emergence of writing, but takes on special significance with the invention of typography. By the end of the 17th century. indexes appear in which descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order of authors' names and book titles. It has become the norm to single out the author's surname as the first element of the description and describe the title from the title page. The publisher, year and place of publication are indicated. The first national cataloging code was drawn up by the revolutionary government of France at the end of the 18th century. In Russia, the first instruction appeared in 1809. A significant step forward was made in 1841 in connection with the compilation of the catalog of the British Museum. By the beginning of the XX century. Anglo-American and Prussian systems of description were formed, which still exist today, however, there is a tendency to smooth out differences and unify descriptions.

In our country, in the late 1920s and early 1930s, special instructions were issued, later - GOSTs. For a long time, the rules for bibliographic description were determined by the State All-Union Standard: Bibliographic Description of a Document. General requirements and rules for drawing up. GOST 7.1.84. M., 1984. Nowadays GOST 7.1 - 2003 is in force.

The most complete is the description of printed works on catalog cards and in publications of the Book Chamber. More abbreviated, in which some elements of the description are omitted, it is used in scientific articles and books. There is a special section in GOST, which defines the rules for abbreviated bibliographic descriptions. We will get acquainted with the elements of such a description a little later.

II. A variety of factual material on this issue is quite fully presented in thematic monographs, textbooks and articles. As an example, the following edition can be distinguished: Parfyonov I.D. Basics of Historical Bibliography. Tutorial. M., High School. 1990.-111 p.

When studying the stages of development of historical bibliography, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of points.

The first historical bibliography was the Historical Library, published by Pastor P. Baldouan in Leipzig in 1620.

The largest phenomenon in the bibliography of the ХУ111 century. Became the "Historical Library of France" Jacques Lelong, librarian of monastic segregation. It contained 18 thousand book descriptions.

In France, on May 15, 1791, an instruction was issued for describing books. Abbot Gregoire, head of the Committee for Public Safety, expressed the idea of ​​creating a consolidated catalog of all French books and writing the history of France from a revolutionary perspective.

Lawyer, historian and bibliographer A. Camus made a report on May 27, 1796 at the National Institute of Arts and Sciences, in which he developed the idea that the bibliography of db. designed not for book collectors, but for scientists.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. the first manual on historical bibliography, prepared by the famous French historian-positivist C. Langlois, appears.

The second attempt at creating a manual is associated with the name of Pierre Caron, a prominent historian and bibliographer. Together with G. Brier, he published 11 issues of the "Systematic Index to the New and Contemporary History of France" (from 1500 to the beginning of the 20th century), which included 45 thousand descriptions of books and articles published from 1898 to 1913.

In Russia the first(there are different points of view on the problem of "original authorship") the historical bibliography was compiled by a member of the Academy of Sciences, a Dane by origin, Adam Sellius (1679 - 1745). His "Catalog of the Books of Writers by Their Works Explaining Russian Civil and Church History" was published in Latin in 1736 and translated into Russian in 1815 (164 works).

In Russia, in 1759, the first historical society of V. Krestinin was created (there are other points of view on this issue).

Sami large edition of the second half of the XU111 century. in the field of historical bibliography was the "Experience of the Historical Dictionary of Russian Writers" (1772), published by NI Novikov, which included several dozen names of Russian historians from the 10th to the 16th centuries.

An outstanding monument of the Russian national bibliography was "The Experience of Russian Bibliography" by VS Sopikov, a book publisher, assistant librarian of the Public Library. More than 13 thousand books and magazines published since the beginning of book printing until 1813 are reflected in his 5 vols. index published in 1813 - 1821.

At the beginning of the 19th century. in 1804 the Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities was created, which in 1846 began to publish the first historical journal "Readings in the Society of Russian History and Antiquities."

In the 30-40s. Х1Х century. Historical departments were created at universities, a department of history and philology at the Academy of Sciences, and in 1846 - the Russian Archaeological Society.

In 1838, the well-known historian A.D. Chertkov published a catalog of his book collection "The General Library of Russia" (contains descriptions of books, manuscripts, periodicals from the XU to the first half of the 19th century, more than 4 thousand entries).

In 1866, the Imperial Russian Historical Society was created, in 1877 - the Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing, in 1895 - the Society of Zealots of Russian Historical Enlightenment, in 1889 - the Historical Society at St. Petersburg University ...

Among the prominent specialists in the field of historical bibliography of the second half of the nineteenth century. : A.A. Kunik, P.P. and B.P. Lambins, V.L. Mezhov and others ...

111. The historian obtains valuable bibliographic information primarily from the historical writings with which he gets acquainted. Usually a history book contains a bibliographic apparatus: footnotes and references to the literature used, and at the end of the book a list of sources and literature on the topic of this book used by the author is attached. The scientific article also contains links and footnotes, which can be used to determine the range of materials used by the author.

But in addition to similar lists of sources and literature available in the historical work itself, there are also separately published bibliographic indexes for individual branches and sections of science. They are compiled, as a rule, by bibliographers using materials from the country's largest book depositories. Several thousand of them have been published all over the world. They provide a great help to the researcher, and one needs to be able to use this wealth.

There are several types of separately published bibliographic indexes. The first type is indexes of literature on world history in general . They are often selective, since it is simply impossible to collect all published literature on all sections of history for several hundred years under one cover. Such indexes are mainly intended for novice researchers, and only record the most significant publications. Such is the bibliography for the "World History" published in our country. Historical guidebooks have been published in many other countries.

Pointers for specific periods of world history. In our country, literature indexes have been published on the ancient world, the Middle Ages and new history... Many pointers and guidebooks on the history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages have been published abroad. Among them should be noted the fundamental indexes to the "Cambridge stories" published in England - antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern history. The situation is more complicated with pointers to recent, or, as it is called in the West, "modern" history. The geographical coverage of historical processes is too great and the published literature is too large to collect all this even in a series of indexes.

Pointers covering the history of individual countries. As a rule, they are compiled in those countries whose history is devoted to. For example, a multivolume history index was published in the USSR. In England and the USA, similar pointers are produced in series, each of the pointers is dedicated to a certain period. These indexes usually include all available scientific literature on all sections of the history of the country, and this is their special significance.

Pointers on the history of individual localities. For historians of our country, this is the history of territories and regions, individual cities. Quite often this branch of historical science is called “local” history. Bibliographies are published on the history of individual counties in England, states in the USA, lands in the Federal Republic of Germany, the history of large cities in New York, Paris, London and others.

Subject guides on the history of specific events and issues. In the Russian bibliography, these are indexes on the history of the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War and other important events in our history. In foreign historiography - on the history of the French bourgeois revolution at the end of the 18th century, the civil war in the United States, etc.

Indexes for individual branches of science. Indexes on economic and social history, history of culture, religion and church, history of social thought are published separately. Bibliographies on the history of the working class, peasantry, and intelligentsia were published in the USSR.

Source pointers. In the named types of pointers, sources and literature are brought together. However, there are also bibliographies of sources published separately: general, specific topics, periods and specific types of sources. Indexes of documentary publications on the history of 1917 and the civil war, the period of the restoration of the national economy, a bibliography of leaflets and proclamations of Russian Social Democrats, the Bolshevik press were published ... Indexes of medieval cartularies, statistical publications and others were published abroad.

Indexes to Subsidiary Historical Disciplines. In the USSR (hereinafter in Russia) this bibliography was published in the collection Auxiliary Historical Disciplines. Many textbooks on numismatics, genealogy, and chronology have been published abroad.

Indexes on the History of Historical Science. This type of pointers has been particularly developed in recent decades. Back in the 1980s, two volumes were published: one on Russian historiography of the pre-revolutionary period, the second on Soviet historiography. In the United States, significant indexes have been published, for example, on methodology and on the historiography of science.

Bibliography of the works of individual historians. Personalia is an important reserve for the selection of literature on a particular topic. Usually it is published in connection with the anniversaries in the life of the historian in journals and collections of articles. Special indexes of their works and literature about their work are devoted to major historians. Biobibliographic dictionaries have been published, which contain data on the place of work, the main works of these researchers. Similar dictionaries have been published in the USA and France. In addition, information about foreign historians can be found in national biographical dictionaries and reference books "Who's Who".

Indexes of the content of historical journals. However, historical bibliography and other means of scientific information do not exempt the researcher from independent bibliographic work. The historian is often concerned with a relatively narrow topic. . In the last issues of the journals for the current year, a list of all materials published for the year is published. In addition, indexes to individual journals have been published for a number of years. There are pointers to some foreign journals. But in general, this type of pointers is underdeveloped.

Indexes of publications of historical scientific societies and institutions. This type, like the previous one, is not strictly historical, but it is important. Knowing where this or that historian worked, you can find his research, his colleagues and students. Each institute of the system of the Academy of Sciences, universities periodically publish consolidated lists of published monographs and articles.

Method for familiarizing with pointers. It is not enough to know about the existence of the index that interests you, you need to extract the necessary information from it, be able to find the necessary sources and literature, without missing the important. Very often, picking up a pointer, students cannot use it. Of course it takes practice. But some preliminary notes can help in this work.

First of all, you should carefully read the title page. There is indicated the topic on which the sources and literature are collected. Having compared it with your topic, you need to determine how much they coincide and how much they differ. Then the chronological framework of the historical period to which the index is devoted should be clarified. Here, on the title page, it is indicated for what period the literature was taken into account.

After that, you must carefully read the introduction. The authors indicate on what principles they selected literature: territorial, chronological, linguistic. It is very important to understand which library collections they surveyed, which journals and bibliographic sources they studied, for example, whether articles from collections, dissertations, abstracts of the latter, or deposited works were included. If in this index similar works no, the researcher will find them from other sources.

In the introduction to the index, the basic principles of its structure are formulated. You should carefully study the table of contents. If you don't, you might miss out on a lot of valuable content.

The most common mistake when working with pointers is the desire to view only the section that directly corresponds to the topic, without looking into the general and related departments. In this case, you can skip a lot of interesting and important material.

When dealing with foreign indexes, one must bear in mind that a different periodization is adopted there - "by kings". For example, in the history of Great Britain, the eras of the Tudors, Stuarts, and the Victorian era are highlighted. Therefore, it is often necessary to look through "adjacent" eras in order to collect material, for example, on the industrial revolution of the last third of the 19th century.

In these indexes, a thematic structure is adopted: in the foreground, political, administrative, then social and economic history. Often, social and economic are listed in separate indexes. Therefore, in order to comprehensively study the topic, you need to look through a number of related pointers.

When working with an index, pay attention to the techniques of bibliographic description. Abbreviations of words and names of magazines are often used, which turn the index into a rebus. You should carefully study the list of abbreviations, which will help decipher the entry. At the end there are auxiliary indexes - alphabetical, geographical, sometimes subject. They can be used for making inquiries, but this does not relieve the researcher of the task of carefully reviewing the entire index.

IУ. Bibliographers have been developing methods of bibliographic search for a long time, looking for the most optimal methods. Even C. Langlois, the author of the first manual on historical bibliography, wrote that "to study bibliography is to study the use of bibliographic tools."

Basically, two methods are used - solid and selective. With a continuous line, all the manuals in which information may appear are sequentially viewed. The method is reliable, minimizing gaps, but time consuming.

Researchers are more likely to use the selective, or concentric, method. In this case, the search is carried out in book bibliographies using bibliographic aids.

Bibliographic search consists of the following main stages. It starts with working in catalogs and library card files. In the identified literature, the book bibliography is examined.

Then the historian finds out what bibliographic manuals exist on his problem, referring to the bibliography of historical bibliography, that is, as bibliographers call it, to bibliography of the second degree.

The next step is to turn to the universal bibliography, which helps to find literature that has not been included in historical indexes. For example, the literature reflected in the index ends in 1965. In this case, the universal bibliography for the "History" section should be reviewed starting from 1965.

The historian makes extensive use of reference materials, dictionaries, encyclopedias, using the bibliographic information contained in these publications. Finally, a bibliography on related social sciences is reviewed. For example, working on the history of social thought - in philosophy, political history, the researcher studies legal bibliography, etc.

This is a rough hindsight search scheme. Sometimes the sequence of actions may be different, but all the necessary steps must be passed. And at all stages, again and again, you have to turn to the book and work bibliography - every book or article found becomes a valuable source of information. The main thing is not to miss anything important, essential.

Working with catalogs and library card files. Library catalogs and filing cabinets are made up of cards. In accordance with the rules of bibliographic description, they contain information about the author, title, place and year of publication of the scientific work. There is a card for every book stored in the library. The card contains the inventory number under which it is kept in the library. The inventory number makes it easy to find the book. Therefore, when writing out the title of the book, you must also indicate the inventory number.

When working with catalogs, one has to deal only with the literature that is in a given library, in contrast to bibliographic manuals, which collect all literature, regardless of where it is stored. Often a researcher works in several libraries. The most complete collections of sources and literature are concentrated in Moscow in the State Public Historical Library, the Russian State Library, the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, at the Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences; in St. Petersburg - in the Russian National Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences, etc. Each academic institute, university, pedagogical institute has scientific libraries. You should start work on a topic in the library of your university or city, and literature stored in libraries of other cities should be subscribed to by interlibrary loan.

Each library has its own systematic catalog. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with its scheme. So, with the decimal classification system, the entire book fund is divided into 10 sections. History - 9th section. Each branch of knowledge is subdivided into departments, which in turn are subdivided into subdivisions. Moreover, each subsection has symbol- an index to help navigate the scheme. The main principle of the catalog is that departments and sub-departments are arranged from general to specific.

Within the headings, the cards are arranged by year of publication in reverse chronological order: the newest literature is in the foreground. Within a year, the cards are arranged in alphabetical order of surnames, authors. First, literature in Russian, then - of the peoples of the CIS, and, finally, literature in foreign languages ​​(in the alphabet of languages).

There is an alphabetic-subject index to the systematic catalog, using which you can find the index of the required subsection. You should also look through other sections of the catalog, where there may be historical literature, "Economics", "Political Science", etc.

The subject catalog allows you to quickly find literature on a specific issue, but it is imperative to identify as many subject words as possible in order to more fully select the literature.

The alphabetical catalog, available in each library, contains a list of all books arranged in a single alphabet in Russian by them in foreign languages. If the authors have the same surnames, the cards are arranged in alphabetical order of names and patronymics. When one author has several books, the cards on them are arranged in the alphabet of titles. If the book had several editions, then the cards are arranged in reverse chronological order.

In addition to catalogs, there are various filing cabinets. The card file of journal articles is compiled on the basis of cards published by the Book Chamber, and is formed according to the classification adopted in the publications of the Chamber.

Researchers often use the local history card index if they are studying the history of a city, region, or region. Such card indexes are kept in regional libraries and libraries of universities. There are other types of cards. Therefore, when starting to work in the library, the historian should familiarize himself with the existing catalogs and card indexes.

Work with book and cited bibliography... Having found a book or article, you need to subscribe to the literature indicated in the footnotes. In addition, books often include a list of sources and literature used by the author. After reading the books and articles indicated there, the titles of books and articles are again written out from them. This is how the necessary literature is collected.

Traditionally, since the 1920s, bibliographers have criticized historians for errors in the bibliographic description, inaccuracies in the systematization of the material. These reproaches are true. The design of the bibliographic apparatus should be treated in the same way as any other stage of research. Learning the basics of historical bibliography teaches the skills a researcher needs.

Book and article lists have some advantages. First, they provide faster information than fundamental pointers. Even in the current indexes, we receive information about published literature with a delay of 1-2 years (especially for foreign literature). With regard to retrospective indexes, the boundary of completion of the accounting of literature is pushed back every year, and information is given about the yesterday of the state of the study of a particular problem. From a new article in a magazine or book, we immediately get the necessary directional information.

Secondly, these lists are compiled by a specialist who has studied this literature and sources. Of course, subjectivity of choice is possible, but it is corrected by lists in other articles and books.

As for mistakes in the description, they can be corrected using the catalog or manuals. If the systematization is unsuccessful, then after reading the entire list (they are usually small), you can avoid skipping the article or book that interests us.

The role of book and work bibliography in the system of scientific information on history is constantly growing. This is due to the growing flow of literature on history. No indexes are able to contain information about this literature: even if one tried to collect everything published on a relatively narrow topic in 10-20 years, it would require a multivolume publication. Under these conditions, a scientific book, its bibliographic apparatus provide the most complete directional and operational information to the researcher.

  1. Kazarina V. in the basics of bibliography and information culture study guide


    V.V. The basicsbibliographies and informationcultureEducationalallowance Chelyabinsk 2004 UDC 02 (075.8) BBK 78 K 14 Kazarina, S. A. The basicsbibliographies and informationculture[Text]: Textbook. allowance/ S. A. Kazarina ...

  2. Ingsat project


    M., 2005.44 s.doc Kazarina S.A. V.V. Lutsuk The basicsbibliographies and informationculture. Educationalallowance... Chelyabinsk, 2004.82 p. ... M., 2003.238 s.doc Kazarina S. A. Lutsuk V. V. The basicsbibliographies and informationculture... Chelyabinsk, 2004.42 p.doc ...

  3. Bibliographic Information Center New Acquisitions Newsletter (1)


    ... bibliography educationalbenefits informationculture students) [Text]: educationalallowance/A. V. Sukhikh, N. ...

  4. Bibliographic Information Center New Acquisitions Newsletter (2)


    ... bibliography sociological literature - sociological doctrines - social surveys - the language of sociological research - educationalbenefits... students at the university (development informationculture students) [Text]: educationalallowance/A. V. Sukhikh, N. ...

  5. Educational and methodological literature and other library and information resources and means of ensuring the educational process according to the educational program of postgraduate professional education being implemented in the specialty 07 00 02

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    ... – 1. The basics Russian history course: Educationalallowance for universities ... Science of Science - Library Science - Bibliography... - Number of copies. ... copy - 2. Kazarinov, Oleg Igorevich. ... centuries: Imenkovskaya the culture : Method for students ... Guide: [ Informational collection] / otv ...

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    It would seem that everything is clear. However, this obviousness turns out to be deceptive when asking such questions, for example, which part of the library's activity is bibliographic and, conversely, which part of the bibliography is part of the library's work? What is the relationship between librarianship and bibliography? It is usually said that these are related scientific disciplines that intersect and interact. But how and at what points? We do not yet know the exact and unambiguous answers.

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    Having selected from the one shown in Fig. 18 structures the objects of interest to us (librarianship and bibliography), we get a clear expression of the relationship, the meaning of which is that librarianship has its own bibliographic subdivision, which is at the same time a special organizationally designed bibliography subdivision. We called this subdivision a library bibliography.

    In a library bibliography, as in any other, selected on a similar basis (book trade, archival, etc.), the processes of bibliography and bibliographic services are carried out, which are in essence bibliographic and at the same time directly library processes.

    If we proceed from the fact that librarianship in the most general sense is the science of librarianship, and bibliography is the science of bibliography, then the real ratio of objects of study (librarianship and bibliography) also determines the ratio of the corresponding scientific disciplines. But it follows from this that librarianship and bibliography are not just related or related, but also partially overlapping scientific disciplines.

    In other words, the area of ​​combining library science and bibliographic science forms a branch of scientific knowledge that can be classified as bibliographic library science (in relation to library science) or library bibliography (in relation to bibliography). This scientific discipline is the subject of study of library bibliography and on an equal footing is part of both library science and bibliography. The only difference is that in the composition of bibliographic science, library bibliography is considered, first of all, from the point of view of its specific role, tasks, organization and methodology within the bibliography, and in the composition of librarianship - from the point of view of its specific role, tasks, etc. . within the framework of librarianship.

    This structural dualism in library and bibliographic science and practice exists objectively (although it is not clearly understood by many librarians and bibliographers) and leads, in particular, in the field of higher library education, on the one hand, to a significant duplication of material in library science and bibliographic training courses, on the other hand, to an unjustified gap in the educational process of the problems of cataloging (classification, subject classification, bibliographic description) and bibliography of documents that are uniform in their functional content.

    What about library bibliography (bibliographic library science)? Where is its rightful place: as part of library science or bibliography? At this point, librarianship and bibliography are combined, therefore there are objectively no conditions for an unambiguous answer to the question of inclusion, but subjectively, in each particular case, the decision obviously depends on the initial “frame of reference”, from what initial general positions we approach it - library or bibliographic.

    Thus, a simple and clear, seemingly, in its most general form, the question of the relationship between librarianship and bibliography, librarianship and bibliography, upon closer examination, turns out to be debatable and requires further thorough development and broad discussion.

    Bibliography and scientific information activities. Bibliography and Informatics

    Scientific-informational activity, being by its main purpose scientific-auxiliary, arose as an internal mechanism of science itself (as a means of its informational self-sufficiency), but at the same time this activity could not successfully develop outside the traditional library and bibliographic institutions, their funds and methods. However, the problem of the relationship between these types of activity was interpreted by librarians and bibliographers, on the one hand, and informatics, on the other, not in the same way.

    The fact is that informatics as a scientific discipline in its starting point is based on a number of features inherent in the modern stage of development of science and technology in the conditions of the so-called information crisis, the main features of which were especially clearly manifested in the XX century. In particular, the quantitative aspects of the information crisis have played an important role in the development of informatics - the sharply increased scale of scientific publications, which complicates the primary orientation in huge document arrays and streams. From the point of view of informatics, this side was realized, first of all, as an urgent need for mechanization and automation of processes, which in their essence are library and bibliographic, but which in this aspect are neither library nor bibliographic science (due to their historically formed humanitarian orientation ) have never done anything seriously. Representatives of informatics, having come to these problems as if from the outside, were not inclined to recognize them as library and bibliographic, believing that informatics is engaged in something fundamentally new, organically not characteristic of librarianship and bibliography. This is the main reason for the immediately arisen mutual misunderstanding, opposition of “traditional” and “non-traditional” means and methods information service, quantitative and qualitative approaches, etc.

    Now the situation has changed. Long-term theoretical discussions, a deep understanding of the practical experience of information services led to a convergence of positions, the development of a more consistent understanding of the general and specific in the areas under consideration, although disagreements exist, of course, even today.

    The main thing in this regard is the following.

    Library and bibliography, library science and bibliography are based on ready-made, historically established documentary forms of sources of knowledge and deal with the problems of their use for a variety of public purposes (not only scientific). They do not set themselves the task of optimizing the entire information communications system and are not interested in the problems of the movement of information that is absent in documents (not recorded on tangible media).

    Scientific information activities and informatics consider only information communications of science, but taken as a whole, at all levels and in all forms (including library and bibliographic). The ultimate goal here is to optimize the entire system of scientific communications as much as possible, to bring it in line with the needs of modern science.

    This is a certain coincidence and, at the same time, the difference between objects and goals of library-bibliographic and scientific-information science and practice.

    Formally, the relationship between bibliographic activity, librarianship and scientific information activity within the framework of the special system formed by them can be represented graphically (Fig. 21).

    Bibliographic description
    GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic description of the document

    GOST 7.80-2000 Bibliographic record. Heading
    These are the two main GOSTs that we will deal with in practical classes.

    Ivanov I.I. Bibliography.

    The main title is never abbreviated, the main source for which we compose the description is the title page, by no means the cover. The basis is the title page.

    To clarify that this is a textbook, put the sign ":" and write "textbook".

    The output area always ends with a year - in numbers. The next area - pages, also begins with a number.

    A series is always enclosed in parentheses; the title of a series is never abbreviated.

    We indicate the circulation, and the last area is the area of ​​the international number - ISBN.

    ^ Ivanov I.I. Bibliography: textbook / I.I. Ivanov. - 5th ed. - M .: Kniga, 2005 .-- 300 p .: ill. - (Book business). - 1000 copies. - ISBN5-2345-6789-X.
    Dots and dashes separate areas of the bibliographic description from each other. Areas are made up of elements (city, publisher, circulation is an element). The elements are grouped into areas.

    Any titles are capitalized and not abbreviated! No book titles, no series titles.

    Elements inside the area are written with a lowercase letter (with a small letter) - textbook, ill.

    Heading is not an area of ​​bibliographic description - it is part of a bibliographic record. The title is separated from the description by a dot.

    There is a dot and a dash between the areas.
    ^ Types of bibliographic descriptions

    According to the new GOST, the following types of bibliographic descriptions are distinguished:
    depending on from the object descriptions, from what we describe:

    ^ 1. Single-level descriptions - The above is a classic example of a single-level description. Previously, this type of description was called monographic description.

    2. Multilevel descriptions - used to be called summary description - it is primarily a description of multivolume documents. There it turns out such a ladder, there is, as it were, a general part and below a description of several volumes.

    3. Analytical description - description parts document (paragraph, section, chapter, article).

    Views by the number of elements:

    1. Complete - all elements are included (very rarely used).

    2. Extended - all mandatory and some optional elements

    3. Brief - consists only of required elements
    The description uses the characters prescribed by punctuation.

    The number "7" speaks of belonging to the book system.

    Digit "1" - serial number

    "2003" is the year of adoption.

    According to the new guest, spaces are put before and after the "/" sign, except for the "." and ",". A space is only placed after them.

    If the areas are repeated (there may be several annotation areas, there may be several ISBNs), then between the areas there will be “. - ".

    If we remove some element, then the sign that precedes it also disappears.

    Each area always starts with a capital letter, and elements with a small letter. And all the titles (wherever they are) are always with Bolshoi.
    Area names:

    1. Title

    2. Title area and information on responsibility (we repeat the title of the book once again the author's surname)

    3. Publishing area (2nd, 5th edition)

    4. Specific information

    5. Imprint area (city: publisher, year)

    6. Area of ​​physical characteristics (number of pages)

    7. Series area (always in parentheses)

    8. Area of ​​the note (any Additional Information, circulation, etc.)

    9. The area of ​​the international standard number (ISBN) and conditions of availability (price)

    GOST 7.80 - 2000

    This GOST (and GOST 7.1. - 2003) - does not apply to bibliographic references.

    The title may contain identifying signs, after the surname, for example, we can provide additional information: years of life, specialty of the author, etc.
    Types of headers:

    1. A header containing the name of the person - this is our case: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov.

    2. A heading containing the name of the organization - materials of any conferences, sometimes the name of the organization is brought forward, i.e. in front is the institution.

    3. ^ A header containing a uniform title - this heading is used when compiling bibliographic records for editions of anonymous classical works published under different titles, records for editions of texts of sacred scriptures, liturgical books.

    4. ^ A title containing a document designation - This is the title of the bibliographic record for regulatory documents (GOST, OST, TO, etc.), patent documents, for technical and economic standards and norms.

    5. A heading containing a geographic name - identification signs can be used, for example, Moscow, river. Moscow, city.
    Rules for composing a heading containing the name of a person

    1. The title appears only if we have one, two or three author's surnames on the title page. If the title page contains four author's surnames or more, then there will be no title, the title will be placed in the first place (for example, Bibliography).

    2. The author's surname, as a rule, is separated from the name and patronymic by a comma (in GOST it is written usually). You can interpret it this way, you can put this comma, you can not put it. Separating the surname from the first name is a library tradition, especially important for foreign authors. We decided that if we use initials (Ivanov I.I.), and if there is a full name and patronymic (Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich), then it is better to put this comma. GOST allows you to do this and that.

    3. In the first statements of responsibility (after "/"), we give the name of the author (s) in the form in which they are given on the title page. The new GOST seeks to "photograph" the book, the more information similar to the document, the better. We do not abbreviate the title; we reproduce the author's surname in the same way.

    ^ Ivanov A.I. Bibliography / "here we give the name of the author as on the title page"

    Ivanov A.I. Bibliography / Andrey Ivanov

    Ivanov A.I. Bibliography / Andrey Ivanovich Ivanov

    Ivanov A.I. Bibliography / A.I. Ivanov

    4. Only one surname is placed in the heading - the one that appears first on the title page (if there is no printing emphasis). After the slash, write all the names that are on the title page.

    (note, for example circulation, and any additional information - this is the area of ​​the note; after the "area of ​​output data" that end with the year there is a "area of ​​physical characteristics", i.e. volume, number of pages; at the end - a period.)
    Checking control number 1
    Albert Yu.V. Lists of literature in scientific publications / Yu.V. Albert. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1988 .-- 152 p. - Item decree .: p. 129-150. - 4000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000373-7.

    (items - with a small letter)

    Pointer .: (after the abbreviated word "dot")

    At the end (after the ISBN) - period
    Challenge (arrange the areas in the correct order):

    Diomidova G.N. Bibliography: textbook / G.N. Diomidov. - SPb .: Professiya, 2002 .-- 288 p. - (Library). - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-93913-024-0.
    First area of ​​bibliographic description
    Title and liability area
    In the area of ​​5 elements

    1st element.Main title . We have no right to abbreviate the main title - as it is given on the title page, as you remember - the main source for the description is the title page, as it is given on the title page, and we write it. Let's assume:
    Bibliography [Text] = Bibliography: collection::: / ; ; ;

    necessarily not necessary
    ^ 2nd element.General material designation ... Previously, this item was missing. This element is enclosed in square brackets and it is like a separator that separates this element. Always capitalized ( the name of the element is always written with a capital letter) and we do not shorten the words in this item. This general material designation defines the class of material to which the object of our description belongs. Defines Class material. GOST gives the terms that we can use in this element; they are listed in GOST. What is this element for? As I said, according to the new GOST, any document can be described: sheet music, cartographic publications, book publishing, electronic resource - everything can be described using this GOST. This is what this new element is for. So what can we write here:

    - video recording

    - sound recording

    - isomaterial

    - set

    - motion picture

    - microform

    - multimedia

    - item

    - manuscript

    - if this is our usual text book, then this is designated as text

    - Braille (book for the blind)

    - an electronic resource (no reduction in words!)
    ^ Main title - this is a required element, it must be specified in any bibliographic description!

    And the general designation of the material is an optional element. If we need - we will use this element, if we do not need - we will not use it. Well, let's say we compile a bibliographic list of editions used for writing a term paper, and they were mainly used there. text documents and several electronic resources. We will not use this element when describing text documents, we may release. But we will designate these electronic resources. We use these elements when we need them. Or in our list we have maps, notes, electronic resources, and text documents, and we will use this element and designate various types of documents.
    ^ 3rd element.Parallel title Preceded by an equal sign (=). As you remember, we make spaces before the sign and after the sign, except for the comma and dot signs (only a space after them). The parallel title is given in another language or in a different graphic. This is an optional element (optional), at our discretion - we can indicate, we can omit it.
    ^ 4th element.Title information Preceded by a colon (:). If we have more than one information related to the title:

    - translation from French

    - textbook for the 7th grade

    they are separated from each other by colons. Inside the area, the element is written with small letters. One more rule concerning this 4th element - if the information related to the title consists of one word, then we do not abbreviate it: "collection", "textbook", "abstracts", etc., without abbreviating it. And when, for example, "collection of stories", then we can shorten "collection of stories"; "abstracts of reports" - "abstracts of reports." This is also an optional element (optional).
    ^ 5th element.Liability statement Preceded by the slash (/), we put it once, before the element. If we have several information about responsibility: the artist Ivanov, the editor Sidorov, the photographer Petrov, etc., they are separated from each other by a "semicolon" (;).

    ^ Immediately after the slash are given the first statement of responsibility - this is exactly the option when we have one author, two authors, three authors.

    Into the title(before the description) we make only one author, the last name that is given the first on the title page, and in the first statement of responsibility we list: one surname (if one author), two surnames (if two authors) or three surnames - as given on the title page(here we are, as it were, photographing the title page).
    These are the first reports of responsibility- they obligatory are given in any description.
    Subsequent statements of responsibility: artists, editors, compilers - optional.
    One more rule regarding the 5th element: If information about responsibility is given not on the title page, but, say, on the back of the title page (for example, the artist is indicated not on the title page, but on the back of the title page), then we conclude such information in square brackets.
    How to distinguish the 4th element from the 5th?

    Who can be responsible for the document:

    person, organization(surname: editor Ivanov, compiler Petrov, artist Sidorov; organization that took part in the development of this document) If any surname or Name of the organization, then most likely this is a statement of responsibility

    all the rest, this is title information

    Required elements:

    - main title

    - the first information about responsibility
    ^ Optional elements:

    - general material designation

    - parallel title

    - information related to the title

    - subsequent statements of responsibility
    ! Summaries will always check in a practical lesson!
    Once again, the digital designation of the GOST title: 7.80-2000

    Several GOSTs, you should know their digital designation!

    GOST 7.80-2000 (title); (only 1 surname may be in the title that stands on the title page; we can use a comma to separate the surname from the initials - we can not use it; and in first notice of responsibility: 1 surname, 2 surnames or 3 surnames, in the form in which they are given on the title page)

    GOST 7.1-2003 (what we are going through) and

    GOST 7.099 (dedicated to terminology)
    (in the task "to arrange in order all the elements of the first area + heading" the 4th element - [collection] - is enclosed in square brackets because the information is absent in the publication, we formulated it ourselves. What we do ourselves (in the bibliographic description ) - we enclose in square brackets, excluding the comment area, in the area of ​​notes, we can give any information from ourselves, and it is not enclosed in square brackets.
    Assignment: we are trying to compile a bibliographic description of a specific book. The more elements you get, the better: price, prefaces / afterwords by authors, ISBN - the more the better.
    ! Is not indicated in the description,

    - proofreader

    - technical editor
    The first thing you should do is open the title page. Don't forget the series.
    CONSIDERATIONS are required for certification (although it will still depend on how you pass the exam).
    Osipova O.V. Bioorganic chemistry: lecture notes / O.V. Osipova, A.V. Shustov. - M .: Eksmo, 2006 .-- 192 p. - (Exam in your pocket). - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-699-14014-X.
    If we have a main title that ends with a question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis - all this is preserved (since this is part of the title), and after it there will be a bibliographic sign.
    Please note, pages - the last numbered page is indicated. There are usually several pages of text that are not numbered. How do we arrange this with you? So, the last numbered, 130, then we ourselves count a few more pages of text and in square brackets, it turns out 130, p.
    ! It is imperative to write all the tests (at seminars, lectures), even if you do not know anything, because if the work is not handed over, attendance at the lesson will not be read!

    1. Whether the title is a bibliographic description area

    2. In what case is the information in the title



    4. In what brackets are the identifying signs placed after the title (for example: years of the author's life, his specialty, father, son, senior, junior, etc.)

    5. What sign separates the areas of bibliographic description from each other

    6. What sign is placed at the end of the bibliographic description

    7. What sign we put after the heading before the first area of ​​the bibliographic description


    Between the city and the publishing house:

    Between the publisher and the year

    Circulation refers to the area of ​​notes
    O. A. Soloviev Kuskovo / O. A. Soloviev. - 3rd edition. - M .: AST, 2000 .-- 100 p. - (Museums of Moscow and Moscow region). - English text. and Russian. lang. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-124-00068-3: 100 rubles. 60 kopecks.
    (the ordinal edition is indicated only by an arabic numeral with an extension, for example: 3rd edition;

    If there are several notes in the description, they are separated from each other by the "dot dash" (. -);

    price after ISBN separated by colon (:))

    Assignment for the next lecture lesson (and for us a seminar!), Which will be March 14: synopsis of chapter 2 and chapter 3 (pp. 84-172), the textbook does not need to be rewritten, as well as diagrams, graphs.

    We will have a lot of test work on the first 3 chapters, pay special attention to these chapters. The work will be for evaluation, apparently, through a lecture (March 28?)
    So Chapter 1 was set.

    How many periods does Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin distinguish in the history of bibliography? 4 periods.

    Where did the term "bibliography" first appear, and we know it for sure, began to be used? In Ancient Greece, 5th century BC Was this established by Alexander Ustinovich? Malein (you have a separate question on the exam ticket - "Malein's activity", please pay attention to this). Alexander Ustinovich Malein, in the 20s, established that the term "bibliography" meant a book writer, was used in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC.

    You should know that there are 4 editions of the terminological bibliographic GOST. This GOST first appeared in 1971. The last edition, 4th, is GOST 7.099 - "information and library activities, bibliography" (term and definition). And in this 4th edition both the definition of "bibliography" and the definition of "bibliography" are given. I will dictate to you some definitions from this GOST today. You should know that this is the 4th edition, and you must know the numerical designation (7.099, 4th edition ... of the bibliographic GOST) This 4th edition combines terms related to both bibliography and librarianship (before separate GOSTs)

    Basic functions of bibliography
    The main function is information management which splits into 4 subparagraphs.
    1. Signal . Accounting function . The most important, the very first function, both in time of appearance and in importance, is accounting function.

    On accounting functions based on such a type of bibliography as state bibliography.

    Center for State Bibliography - Russian Book Chamber(where everything is taken into account, recorded, copies are received there)

    With "taking into account" - we made a description = bibliographic record.
    2. ^ Second functiongrade. Evaluation function scientific auxiliary bibliography(the terms are used: "critical bibliography", "evaluative bibliography"; but currently the GOST uses the term "scientific auxiliary bibliography")

    The largest center for scientific auxiliary bibliography - ^ VINITI (All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) ;

    And the second major center - INION (Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences)

    What does it mean - we "appreciated" the book? Is this how we can bibliographically evaluate a book? What bibliographic can we create so that there is an assessment? What can we compose?

    We have to review the content to rate.

    annotation(very briefly, estimate) , essay(in more detail) - main types, make up overview(can be compiled into several documents)
    3. ^ Third functionrecommendation ... This function is based on such kind of bibliography as recommendatory bibliography.

    Which organizations are primarily concerned with advisory bibliography for the general public? Who is the mass consumer of recommendatory bibliography? Who is in charge of reading first?

    ^ Children and youth .

    Libraries... Reference books are compiled by libraries. Although, of course, anyone can do it.
    4. ^ Fourth function self-government function ... This function is based on such kind of bibliography as Class II bibliography, or (another term is used) bibliography bibliography.

    To briefly explain the essence: a lot of works by A.S. Pushkin, the most different. We have compiled various bibliographic manuals with you: in one we took into account all the pre-revolutionary editions of Pushkin's works, in the other we described all the collected works, in the third bibliographic manual we described the editions published in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, in the fourth - what was published in a foreign language. Those. we made it great amount bibliographic manuals dedicated to Pushkin. These bibliographic aids Idegree(= inside the works of Pushkin are described).
    There are many such bibliographic aids - the bibliographers themselves got confused in these bibliographic aids: what is there? what is not? = and compiled a bibliographic guide, where they described THESE bibliographic aids (i.e., inside not the works of Pushkin, but bibliographic aids are described). That. we got a "bibliography bibliography", or bibliography IIdegree.
    Maybe a bibliographic aid of the III degree? Maybe! (inside - a bibliographic aid of the II degree is described)
    ^ Center for Bibliography, Class II (since Soviet times it is considered so) is Russian National Library(such an unofficial center), located in St. Petersburg(formerly named after Saltykov-Shchedrin).
    ^ The 4 main functions of bibliography: accounting - evaluation - recommendation - self-management

    Basic principles of bibliography

    6 principles... We will not talk about this, the textbook says in great detail (you have a separate question in the tickets - "Principles of Bibliography")

    The only thing I want to draw your attention to is that this paragraph, as it were inside, talks about "the structure of bibliography as an activity" - this is again a separate issue in your tickets, so let's talk about it in a little more detail.
    The structure of bibliography as an activity .

    Bibliography is as much an area of ​​activity as any other: librarianship, publishing, books, etc., it doesn't matter.

    Applicable to it typical structure... This typical we will call the structure:

    1st typical structuralpart this is practice, the bibliography uses the term " bibliographic work"(to indicate this structural part).

    2nd structuralpart the science(in any field of activity). The science of bibliographic information and bibliographic (activity?) Is called " Bibliography"

    3rd structuralpart (any activity) - control... In our case, this is just deals with bibliography II degree (Bibliography bibliography)... Here all bibliographic materials are taken into account, all bibliographic materials are evaluated, recommended, etc. - management is carried out.

    4th structuralpart communication ... Speaking in general view, you can call this structural part " Bibliographic book", understanding this broadly: this and holding conferences, personal meetings, anything.

    (§4) Object and subject of bibliography and bibliography.

    Object of bibliography is an ( bibliography and bibliographic activity = the same) – book, book business.
    Bibliography subject(there is such a pyramid plate; item - it is a side of some object that interests bibliography; because the "book" object is: both a librarian and a publishing object, and so on.) – bibliographic book, i.e. what has to do with bibliography.
    Again, we will not consider this in detail - a large paragraph, everything is detailed in a detailed way.
    §5. Bibliography methodology

    Stands out 3 levels of methods:

    1. Universal methodology

    2. General scientific methodology (what is used by most sciences: the historical method of cognition, the mathematical method, etc.)

    3. Private discipline methodology (what is inherent only in bibliography, let's talk about it in more detail)
    ^ 1st methodBibliographic search(this is where the bibliographic work begins). In turn, bibliographic search has its own scientific discipline - Bibliographic heuristic.
    ^ Bibliographic search has its own submethods:

    1) continuous search method;

    2) selective;

    3) intuitive;

    4) deductive;

    Etc. Once again, I say that this issue is poorly covered in the textbook. There is a separate lecture notes for A.A. Grechikhin "Bibliographic heuristics" (on the Internet there iswww. hi- edu. ru) ... We will not touch on this issue at the lectures; you have several exam questions on this topic ("Types of Bibliographic Search"; "Methods of Bibliographic Search"; etc.)
    ^ 2nd method(we found what we need with you - now we need to bibliographically process it) - Bibliography... it bibliographic information compilation process(a method is a process, a way to achieve a goal).
    Have their own submethods:

    1) the process of compiling a bibliographic description (a method is a process);

    2) annotation;

    3) referencing;

    4) compiling a review (that's all - bibliography submethods)
    We processed with you bibliographically what we found ... =
    ^ 3rd methodBibliographic systematization... (with its own scientific discipline - Bibliographic typology(technology?)) (systematization is the ordering of bibliographic information)
    Have their own submethods:

    1) classification Is a systematization based on a classification scheme. The main classifications that are used in our country are: UDC (Universal decimal classification) and BBK (Library bibliographic classification), which is used primarily in libraries;

    2) subjectization- systematization on subject or by content(we ourselves form subject headings; say, we compile a bibliographic list dedicated to the forests of Russia and form subject headings, for example: birch forest, oak groves, deciduous forests, etc., and arrange our bibliographic records accordingly);

    3) grouping- the simplest type of systematization, systematization by any one criterion(you all know how to do this, say, make a list of references to term paper, abstract - do you arrange your bibliographic descriptions in what order? Alphabetically - this is the bibliographic grouping)
    This means that we have found, bibliographically processed and systematized this bibliographic information ... =
    ^ 4th method-. This is a process bringing bibliographic information to the consumer.
    Their submethods(2 of its main subspecies):

    1) ^ Reference bibliographic service - service based request... You and me must to ask prepare bibliographic information - in response, we prepare bibliographic information.

    2) Information and bibliographic service or more often the phrase is used - bibliographic information , service without request... (The Book Chamber publishes the "Book Statement" every week)

    This is with regard to the methods of bibliography.
    §6. Basic bibliographic category system .

    Here we will write something from GOST 7.099, because the textbook contains outdated information (we are interested in the 4th edition).

    So from GOST 7.099:

    Bibliographic activity- is the area of ​​activity for meeting the needs for bibliographic information;

    ^ Bibliographic guide - it is an ordered set of bibliographic records;

    Bibliographic production- information products containing bibliographic information;

    ^ Bibliographic search - information search based on bibliographic data;

    Bibliographic service- providing consumers with bibliographic information.
    In this GOST there is a definition of "bibliography" and "bibliography". (real GOST also causes controversy, there are a lot of points of view - how to determine bibliography and bibliography, not everyone agrees with the new edition of GOSTs, everything is changing; in our country there are quite a few theorists of bibliography, the largest center is the Library Institute - the Institute of Culture; our university - Grechikhin Alexander Andreevich; therefore, there are no unambiguous interpretations)
    So, GOST 7.099:

    Bibliographyinformation infrastructure providing preparation, distribution and use of bibliographic information;

    Bibliography- a scientific discipline that studies theory, history, methodology, technology, methodology, organization of bibliography.
    Let us examine one more question - "The place of bibliography in the system of book science and bibliography in the system of book science". (I emphasize again, there are different points of view)

    As you understood from Grechikhin's textbook, he brings Bibliography and Bibliography forward, to the top of the system, i.e. emphasizing the governing role of bibliography. Not everyone agrees with this - they build it in a linear diagram, when all areas of activity are separated by commas.
    Let's try to give an approximate scheme, which A.A. adheres to. Grechikhin. Everything, all bibliological constructions, are built on the scheme of Lisovsky Nikolai Mikhailovich (this is the beginning of the 20th century). N.M. Lisovsky(I think I told you this scheme Book business) 3 parts highlighted: Book productionBook distributionBook description.
    Areas of activity related to Book production (where the book is produced): Publishing, (and then print) Printing business. (Printing industry; produced book).

    Book distribution (where we can get the finished book): Book trade, Librarianship(2 main areas of activity dealing with book distribution)

    Book description (what Lisovsky meant at the beginning of the 20th century) - Bibliography.

    These are the areas that make up the Book Industry.
    Everything remains, only the ratio of the parts of the book business is interpreted in different ways. A.A. Grechikhin brings the bibliography ahead, above them - these other areas of the book business, in order to emphasize this manager….
    As for science Bibliography, and its place in the system of Book Science. You and I have a large complex science, the science of book business, which is called Bibliology... And this complex science consists of a number of scientific disciplines (all again according to this Lisovsky scheme):
    (1st part) Book production(science of the book production cycle), A.A. Grechikhin begins this process with the author(the author conceives the book) and there is such a scientific discipline - Authorship(developing quite successfully);
    (2nd part) Publisher, the science of publishing (there is no clear term), usually the phrase is used ^ Editing theory and practice to denote the science of publishing, the science of typography, the printing industry(again, there is no clear term) - sometimes a phrase is used Artistic book design(as given in the tutorial) - these are the sciences of the book production cycle(we produced the book and studied);
    Science book distribution cycle, book consumption(as Grechikhin writes) - book trade science has its own term (it was formulated in the 20s) Bibliopolistics, librarianship called Library science, the final stage of the movement of the book is the readers, there is such a scientific discipline Reader studies(also very actively developing lately)
    (3rd component of Lisovsky's scheme) book description, the science of bibliography and bibliographic information - Bibliography.
    I repeat, we will have a test (for assessment) on the first 3 chapters.
    Now we will work out the tests.

    What happened:

    Summary description - description of a multivolume document;

    Analytical - description of the constituent part of the document (section, paragraph, article, etc.)
    The correct sequence for the 1st area is:

    Title proper, General material designation (in square brackets, capitalized), Parallel title (preceded by "="), Title related information (preceded by ":"), Statement of responsibility (preceded by "/")
    The correct sequence of items in the output area is:

    Place of publication (before the publishing house the sign ":"), publishing house (before the year the sign ","), year

    The sign ":" is placed in front of the name of the publisher, and in front of the information relating to the title.

    The "/" sign is placed in front of the statement of responsibility
    Science studying ... bibliographic search - bibliographic heuristics;

    Types of bibliographic systematization - classification, subject classification, grouping;

    Bibliographic search, it includes methods - continuous, selective, by bibliographic references, intuitive

    Bibliographic techniques ( compilation of bibliographic information= this term is always forgotten "Bibliography" please try to remember it !!!), so the sub-methods are summarizing, annotating, reviewing, compiling a bibliographic description

    Classification methods - classification, subject classification, grouping
    The term " Bibliography activities(the same field of activity, Bibliography, as Librarianship, Book trade, Publishing, Printing - these are all components of the Book business)

    The term " Bibliography"is used to mean - science
    Who did not pass test- he was not at the lecture!

    I dictate a bibliographic description - correctly place punctuation marks.

    Let's repeat:

    If there are several statements of responsibility (artist, editor, editor of prefaces) between them the sign ";"

    If we have several information related to the title ":" (4th element - collection, translation from French - between these information ":")

    The series area is rendered in "()"

    The sign after the city in front of the publishing house ":"
    Dragonfly and Ant: Fables: for Jr. shk. age / foreword M. Ya. Ivanova; rice. S.V. Yarovoy. - M .: Publishing house Children's literature, 1985. - 76 p .: ill. - (School library). - 500,000 copies - ISBN 5-063-00124-3. (???)
    Come up with a single author description (as many items in the first area and as many areas as possible)
    What kind of bibliography is based on the accounting function - the state bibliography;

    The Center for State Bibliography, which institution is the Russian Book Chamber, in April-May 1917 was formed by a decree of the Provisional Government in Petrograd; in the 20th year in Moscow; Book Chronicle since 1907

    What type of bibliography - scientific auxiliary, the largest center of VINITI and INION

    On the functions of self-government - bibliography of II Art. or bibliography bibliography. What is described in such a bibliographic guide inside (I give you a bibliographic guide and say: "bibliographic guide II grade" - bibliographic material, what is related to bibliography - bibliographic aids, it can be a textbook on bibliography, it can be a work of fiction, dedicated to bibliography - everything related to bibliography = bibliography grade II)
    Bibliography methods - 4 methods.

    Bibliographic search methods: intuitive, continuous, by bibliographic references, etc.

    Bibliographic methods (this is the compilation of bibliographic information): annotation, abstracting, etc.
    Reference and bibliographic service is based on request (we must be asked). In response, prepare a bibliographic reference.

    The title is not a bibliographic description area. We put a period after the title. The information in the title is given in the nominative case. If we have 4 or more authors, then the book is described under the title. Identifying signs after the title are enclosed in parentheses (dates of life, specialty). Dot-dash between areas. At the end of the description, dot. Period after the heading.
    First area of ​​bibliographic description, 5 elements: Title proper, General material designation in square brackets with capital letters without the right to abbreviate words, Parallel title (preceded by an "equal" sign) in another language, for example, Title information (preceded by a colon), if several information related to the title is always a colon, inside the area elements with a lowercase letter (except for the title, the title is always capitalized), Statement of responsibility, preceded by a forward slash. The first information about responsibility can be the names of a maximum of 3 authors (as on the title page). If there are several subsequent statements of responsibility, they are separated from each other by a sign; (semicolon). If information about responsibility is given not on the title page, but, for example, on the back - it is made out in square brackets.

    The main title is a required element, the general designation of the material is optional, the parallel title is not, the information related to the title is not, the first statement of responsibility is required, the subsequent statement of responsibility is optional.

    ([Text]: collection: translations) General material designation, colon collection, colon translations. This is all information pertaining to the title. If the information related to the title consists of one word, then we do not abbreviate this word (collection - in full, translations - in full). The last element is information about responsibility, preceded by a slash, and the originator is such and such a semicolon, the foreword is such and such a semicolon, the artist is such and such.
    new topic

    Publishing area

    There may be given information about the edition = 4th, 5th, 10th edition.

    In addition, there we can report that it is:

    - facsimile edition,

    - reprint

    - reprint from the 1900 edition

    - official publication

    - (ordinal (if 1, then we do not indicate it))

    1) you and I must necessarily translate the verbal form (if on the title page it is given in verbal form "third edition") to translate into Arabic numeral with incremental ending.

    2) Word order. If "second edition" is written on the title page, then the bibliographic description will look like this: the order is the same as on the title page = 2nd edition. Those. the word order is the same as on the title page of the document. Additional information may be given: corrected, revised, supplemented... Preceded by a sign comma: 2nd ed. , revised or 3rd ed. , rev. or 2nd ed. , add. and rev.

    There may be the first statements of responsibility related to the area of ​​publication (very rare, but there are). It is drawn up as follows: information about responsibility is always preceded by a slash: ed. 2nd / revised from the 1st ed. N. Petrov (if there is, then you need to know that the first statement of responsibility is required in any area), i.e. this is a mandatory element, in fact, the information that this is the second, fifth, tenth edition is also required information. Information that the edition has been revised, corrected, supplemented is also required for any description.
    Next specific area

    If we are describing a regular book, not a periodical, then this area is simply not used. If you ever need to describe sheet music, cartographic, art publications - refer to GOST and write a competent description.

    The area of ​​specific information is used when describing objects that are a special type of publication or placed on specific media. These include:

    - cartographic

    - musical documents

    - serials and other ongoing resources

    - regulatory and technical documents

    - electronic resources.
    Examples. Let's say we are describing a cartographic document. In this case, in this area we will indicate: scale, cartographic projection, coordinates, etc.

    If we describe musical documents, in this case, in this area, information is provided on the form of presentation of the musical text - the score, parts, voices, directions.

    If we describe serial and other continuing resources in this case, in this area, we provide information about the first and last published numbers and (or) the dates of the beginning and end of the existence of the serial document.

    In this area, there may also be information about publication gaps, changes ,. renewals of numbering, etc.

    Let's say we describe a newspaper (not one issue, but the whole one) (highlighted in blue; after a dash = a gap, it continues to be published, we indicated the beginning of the publication of this newspaper and made 3 spaces - left space, this way we show that it continues to be published, then the output data area begins; after 2003, again 3 spaces, because it continues to come out; in the notes area, we indicate that it is of 8 pages, also in the notes area, we indicate that it is weekly):

    Health: scientific popul. gas. - 2003, June -. - Moscow, 2003 -. - 8 stripes. - weekly - this is one of the variations of how you can describe the newspaper and we have indicated a mandatory area - the area of ​​specific information for describing newspapers.
    If we describe electronic resources, then the area of ​​specific information is sometimes called "the area of ​​the type and volume of the resource". There is a special separate GOST 7.82 dedicated to electronic resources(everything is the same there, only in more detail and it came out earlier than our GOST 7.1-2003, so there are even some discrepancies, for example, here this area is called the "area of ​​specific information", and in that GOST "the view area and resource volume ")

    Well, for example, what can we report in this area:

    Electronic data and program (33 files: 2 million bytes) - similar information can be given.

    Or, Electronic, text, graphic, sound data and application program(546 MB) (abbreviate where possible)
    ^ Output data area (there are 3 elements in this area: place of publication, publisher (publishing organization), date of issue)

    Place of publication... There are special GOST abbreviations, which stipulate the name of which cities we are abbreviating:

    Moscow M.

    Saint Petersburg SPb. (Pb., Pg., L.) - in the GOST it is not specified that in different years the city was called differently

    Nizhny Novgorod N. Novgorod

    Rostov on Don Rostov n / a
    We write the names of all other cities in full (and the above ones are ONLY abbreviated).
    M .; Kazan

    M .; Kazan If 2 cities have prepared a document (2 cities on the title page), a semicolon is placed between them

    If there are many cities (there are even 3 cities), and we want to indicate only the first city, we write like this:

    Rostov n / a [and others]

    An obligatory element is only the first city, the one that is indicated first on the title page - the rest can be omitted.
    Another rule of the new GOST is that we indicate the name of the place of publication in the form and in the case as it is indicated on the title page. Those. if on the title page you have "in Voronezh", then it should be so in the description

    In Voronezh: well, this practically does not happen, because there is a GOST for publishers, where it is stipulated that the city should be given in the nominative case. But if suddenly such a situation occurs, you must indicate as on the title page.
    ^ Publisher (Publishing Organization) ... Preceded by a colon. GOST still recommends not to use quotation marks if you have your own name of the publisher. Those. on the title page is Publishing House "Nauka" == it is better to use your own name of the publisher without quotes and without a word publishing house

    M .: Science
    Word publishing house may be included in the name of the publishing house, as we do: Moscow Publishing House state university print. So it will be:

    M .: Publishing house of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts

    If in our statement of responsibility somewhere there was a name of the university, and we understand that it is the University of Printing, there was no abbreviation there, then it is allowed to indicate the abbreviation in the imprint, since it is understood that we have included the name of this institution in our liability statements. And if this is not there, then it should be like this.
    If we have several publishers prepared a document - there are two publishers in the same city - there will be a colon between them

    Kazan: Science: Tatarstan, 2005
    This option can be - 2 cities and 2 different publishing houses in these cities have prepared a document. Then it will be like this:

    SP .: Neva; M .: Kniga, 2006

    The publisher is also a required element, in any bibliographic description we must indicate the name of the publisher, as well as the city.
    Maybe there is such an option - the city is not clearly marked on the title page, for example, the publishing house is called "Voronezh Publishing House" on the title page, so we have to isolate the name of the city and we will have:

    Voronezh: Voronezh publishing house, 2000
    ^ Release date... Comma preceded. Only Arabic numerals are used. If you describe a book, especially the late 19th - early 20th century, Roman numerals were often used - we must be able to translate into Arabic.

























































    1986 will look like this MCMLXXXVI

    2006 will look like this MMVI
    Once again - there are only Arabic numerals in the bibliographic description! Well, again now GOSTs are in effect, publishers are obliged to use only Arabic numerals. But if you describe old books - very much, especially at the beginning of the XX century.
    Release date required. If the city is not indicated on the title page and we could not find it in any way (for example, from the name of the publisher), we can write the name of the city in square brackets and put a question mark:

    If we have no assumptions, we can write with a capital letter (since this is the beginning of the region) "without space", i.e.

    Those. it should not be empty in any case, we must write something.

    The same applies to the publishing house. If we do not know what kind of publisher, we put a colon and if we have no space, then we combine it in one parenthesis and it turns out:

    [B.m .: b.i.],
    As for the year, we have no right not to write without a year, although there may not be a year. We must assume at least something, at least for a century, suppose, say:

    [early XIX century] (the century is written in Roman numerals !!!) or

    (- = 2 spaces; just 2 spaces - if sure, if not sure, then also a question mark) or

    - it seems to you that this is the 20th year, but you are not sure = add a question mark

    There must be some data. You can't write without a year.

    [B.m .: b.i.],
    the name of the publisher can be abbreviated
    Arrange in piles the right option and the wrong one

    Correct: 4th ed.

    Ed. 3rd, rev. and add.

    M .; Samara: Samara Printing House, 2004

    M .: Fund im. Sytina: Zarnitsy, 2005

    M .: Eksmo-press; Kharkiv: Folio, 2005

    SPb .: Eurasia,

    Incorrect 3rd ed. (no build-up)

    Second edition (in words)

    Moscow, St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2005 (there is a comma between Moscow and St. Petersburg, not a semicolon)

    Rostov on Don: Don, 2004 (the name of the city must be abbreviated)

    M .: Publishing house Mosk. state University, Publishing house of Moscow. state universal print, 2004 (there must be a colon between the two publishers)

    Rostov: Ivanova O.P. (we have no right to write without a year, at least we have to guess something)
    Assignment: correctly place punctuation marks in the monographic bibliographic description:

    Grechikhin A.A. Information publications: typology and basic features of preparation / A.A. Grechikhin, I. G. Healthy. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Kniga, 1988 .-- 272 p. - (From manuscript to book). - 8,000 copies. - ISBN 5-212-00003-3: 2 p. 70 k.
    Circulation is always written in numbers (without the use of thousands of words)
    Types of bibliography

    (4 main levels are highlighted in the main view scheme)
    1st. Level General (or universal) bibliography

    (selection by formal criteria (by place of publication, by the number of pages, etc.), and not by the content of the document)
    In turn, this general bibliography is subdivided into a number of subspecies

    Depending on the main social functions of the bibliography

    (^ Accounting, Evaluation, Recommendation, Self-government - on the basis of these functions, a species classification is built)
    So based on the function Accounting (the state bibliography is based on the accounting function) we get General State Bibliography(an example of a manual that we want to refer to this type: the weekly of the Book Chamber "Book Chronicle" - a brochure is published every week, which describes all the books published in the country in a week; Everything that was published in the country in a week is described in the "Book Chronicle" - a formal feature (no matter what content - everything that came out in a week = this is a complete record, therefore it is a state bibliography; General = formal feature, State = full accounting, everything in a week... Received an allowance General State Bibliography)
    On function ^ Ratings- here it turns out General Scientific Auxiliary Bibliography... We can create a manual where the assessment will be present - an abstract or an abstract; and again it doesn't matter what the content of the book is (some formal sign ..., the main thing is that there is an assessment)
    The third subfunction is RecommendationGeneral Recommended Bibliography... I always cite an example of a publication at the beginning of the twentieth century, a very famous manual Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin "Among books". Rubakin's task was to describe the best books in all areas of knowledge (all the best in all areas of knowledge). As a result, we received an allowance The general bibliography - in all areas of expertise, advisorybecause only the best books, selected, bibliographies and received an allowance General Recommended Bibliography.
    And the fourth function Self management(the bibliography of the bibliography is based on this function) - ^ General bibliography bibliography ... It does not matter what content - we have taken into account all the bibliographic aids that are. Well, a concrete example. The Book Chamber publishes a yearbook "Bibliography of Russian Bibliography" - it describes ALL bibliographic materials that were published in the country for a year (all bibliographic for a year). As a result, we got - The general(Everything is described) bibliography bibliography (below fig.1st level)

    2nd. Level of this scheme - Special bibliography

    (then there will be 3rd level - Industry bibliography)

    Generally, all subsequent levels are based on the content of the document... The second and third levels are related as general to particular (special bibliography is general, and branch bibliography is particular in relation to special). Consider an example - everything will be clear.

    The principle of building inside is the same.

    The first subspecies here - ^

    What kind of benefits can there be? For example, we have taken into account all the manuals, all publications on book business published in the country, for example, in 5 years (it does not matter) - all textbooks on book business published in the country in 5 years. As a result, we got = since All benefitsState, on book businessSpecial bibliography = Special state bibliography.

    The second subspecies for functions ^ RatingsSpecial scientific auxiliary bibliography... There is an assessment - there are annotations, there is an editor for manuals devoted to the book business, there is some kind of assessment ...

    On function RecommendationsSpecial Recommended Bibliography... Again a book book. Well, we made it up, say, for schoolchildren. The book is a bibliographic textbook, but intended for schoolchildren. It will be a recommendatory manual, because there will be a selection (not all books on the book business, but only those that may be of interest to schoolchildren). Got Special Recommended Bibliography.

    Well, on the function Self-governmentSpecial bibliography bibliography... We have taken into account everything bibliographic manuals dedicated to the book business. (see level 2 diagram below)

    Next ^ 3rd levelIndustry bibliography

    (we said that the branch bibliography is private in relation to the special one; the example was book business - here we take librarianship as an example; book business consists of what parts, what areas of activity are related to the book: publishing business, printing business (printing industry) , book trade, librarianship and bibliography)

    So, a book on librarianship, just a part of the book business. Everything will be the same.

    ^ Branch state bibliography ... We took into account all the materials on librarianship for the year (everything that came out in the year on librarianship). It turned out the manual sectoralbecause only for librarianship, statefor everything that came out in a year bibliography.

    There is an assessment - Sectoral scientific auxiliary bibliography.

    There is a selection of some kind, the selection was made - ^ Industry reference bibliography (for example, we have compiled a manual on librarianship for the students of the institute ..., the choice was of some kind, taking into account the publishing and intended purpose - we received a recommendatory bibliography)

    AND ^ Industry bibliography bibliography .

    We could take into account bibliographic manuals on librarianship, we could give an assessment to these bibliographic manuals on librarianship, and we could make a sample - select these manuals on librarianship. (see fig. 3rd level below)

    And the 4th level - ^ Single bibliography ( terms such as: Personal bibliography(dedicated to some writer, activist, someone) and