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Mobile version template. HTML template for mobile application

In this post we will tell about a mobile template for WordPress. The template is very beautiful, functional, with excellent usability and designed specifically for mobile platforms and "Tablets".

In the template, a convenient menu that can be configured in a black and white gamma or select another color display scheme. The template is made for the WordPress engine including all the necessary pages and is complete in its assembly.

In this case, before us, typical mobile Template for Blog. Considering the dynamics of transition from stationary computerized devices to their mobile embodiments, minor efforts should be taken to enhance the influence of your blogs in the environment. mobile Internet.

Interesting in all respects mobile pattern Dot Mobi It will be found not one application in your Internet projects. Fresh design, professional layout, light weight and excellent usability, will find no little supporters to work with a template for a mobile site immediately after downloading.

This is one of those designs for a mobile site that you do not want to part, feeling for your own sites. However, it will not matter and will be divided with the principle of filing information on the site. Therefore - take it.

Minimalism in the design of HTML templates of web sites and mobile sites, need when content more importantlyWhen the site is made to "read" or to "see".

Such design using minimum styles and web graphicsconsciously puts content to the fore. By and large, there is nothing more to look at this site, except for articles intended to be accurate for reading.

Beautiful mobile patterns Not uncommon in the modern Internet, but how many are free and easy to configure among them? Today we present to your attention, immediately two Mobile Templates Galaxy.

These are two identical structures, but excellent template design, is undoubtedly useful for you when setting up mobile version His web site and development sites under mobile traffic.

Offer visitors your blog about music mobile version of the site. Most modern CMSs are already providing such an opportunity and your participation or effort to adapt.

But if you have a site version for visitors browsing online pages using iPhone or Apad, but you are not satisfied with the mobile blog design due to the lack of a beautiful WAP template for the blog, then you.

This PlayList blog template is the best free design for blogs musical themes. Read on and take the "skirt" at the end of the post.

The site of the portfolio, workshops to create yourself - not so simple. Mobile version of the site portfolio, probably even more difficult. However, when the task is about creating a website, then a mobile version will be quite modern as its continuation.

We picked up good mobile template for the portfolio site in dark colors for mobile browsers and devices that rejuvenates well with the design of the HTML5 web site template. Now you will have his WAP version. Read further, we will show the screenshots for comparison WAP and Web versions.

Before us mini screen template for Mobile Site on HTML5 - Stickkers. This light html5 template with the CSS file weighing about 5kb and only five images used in the site design.

In the modern world, sometimes it is also important to have our own website, such as the availability of a phone or address number email. Unfortunately, not everyone can independently make a beautiful professional site, and sometimes it does not even work the curve. To order programmers is also not the perfect way out, since it is not for everyone to pocket.

From such a situation will help get out free HTML. Web-sites' templates. HTML template Site is a set of ready-made static pages for the site of a certain topic. With the help of such a template, create a simple site can be literally in a couple of hours, with the basic knowledge of HTML markup. In the HTML section, you will get this knowledge if you spend a couple of hours on learning, and if you do not regret the CSS section, you can fully control the design of HTML website templates and set them up completely under your needs.

Another indisputable advantage of sites templates is that they are written in most cases professionals. Under professional template The site is understood not only a beautiful and modern design, but also as the code is written. Search engines look like you have written the site, SEO is optimized code or not, based on this down or increase your position in extradition. Therefore, a good site should be not only beautiful and modern, which is important, but also competently written in terms of code.

Download free HTML site templates and create your projects as soon as possible.

Today, most people go to the network through mobile gadgets - tablets, telephones, in connection with this site optimization also goes to new level. If the user comes and sees that the site is not optimized for mobile devices: the image cannot be viewed, the buttons moved, the fonts are small and unreadable, the design is semen - 99 out of 100%, which will come out and starts looking for another more comfortable. And put a tick that the resource is nonreland, that is, does not correspond to the search query. Therefore, the page design should be necessarily adapted to various mobile devices. What is a mobile version of the site, how to make it, and what is the way it is better to apply? Read more in this article.

So, there are four key ways to adapt the site under the mobile version.

Method First - Adaptive Design

Adaptive templates suggest changing the picture of the site depending on the size of the screen. As a rule, they are set to standard 1600, 1500, 1280, 1100, 1024 and 980 pixels. For implementation apply QUERIES. Itself does not change.

The benefits of this method should include:

  • convenient development, since the structure itself is adjusted for the screen parameters, and any update does not require design from scratch, it is enough to correct CSS and HTML;
  • one URL address - the user does not need to memorize several names, there is no need to redirect (redirects from one address to another), which may complicate the work of the webmaster, and the search engine is easier to sort and rank a resource with a single address.

Of course, adaptive patterns have their drawbacks, which, by the way, more than the advantages. Nevertheless, many developers adhere to this concept, for example, Google Corporation, the mobile version of the site of which has an adaptive design. So disadvantages:

  • Adaptive design does not support the same tasks on the mobile device as on the PC. If this is, for example, the mobile version of the Bank's website, where the user will most likely be important information about the course of currencies or the nearest ATMs, then such a design is quite enough. But if it is a complex structured resource with a variety of sections and subsections, it is unlikely to do visitors to visitors.
  • Slow load turns the favorite site in the hated. This is especially true of resources where animation, videos, pop-up windows and other are in abundance. active elements. Due to the big weight, the page will simply "brake", the user is angry and leave, and the search position of the site is to fall.
  • The inability to disabling the mobile version is another weighty flaw. If some element is hidden by such a layout, you can not do anything to open it, unlike sites where it can be turned off and go to a regular domain.

Nevertheless, such a mobile version of the site quickly, without special skills and costs, allows you to adapt the resource to any gadgets. But it will be suitable, in view of the listed deficiencies, to small, simple resources with a minimum of information and multimedia, without complex navigation and animation. For a complex site, 2 other methods will be suitable.

The second method is a separate version of the site.

This method is very common and often with success makes the site on a mobile device more convenient for perception. Its essence is to create a separate version of the page drawn under the application and located on a separate URL or subdomain, for example, In this case, the main functionality is preserved, just differently looks like the design of the site. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • convenient user interface;
  • easily change and make edits, since the version exists separately from the main resource;
  • due to low weight, a separate version of the site works much faster than an adaptive pattern;
  • most often it is possible to switch to the main version of the page with mobile.

But there was no shortcomings here:

  • Several addresses - desktop and mobile version of the site. How to make the user remember two options? Web wizards are often prescribed from a dexted version to mobile, but if this page does not exist in the mobile version, the user will receive an error. It also has difficulties with search engines, which are difficult to rank 2 identical resources, and this directly affects promotion.
  • Mobile version of the site from a computer, if the user does an error on it, will look ridiculous, which can also affect attendance.
  • This version is more often drilled, desktop, so the user will receive a very limited functionality. But at the same time, if something is missing, the visitor can go to full version Page.

In general, a separate mobile site justifies itself and is the most common ways to adapt the resource for mobile devices. It is popular among major online stores, for example, Amazon.

Third way - RESS-design

Google search engine actively supports this direction of mobile design. It is the most difficult, cost, but effective method to adapt the site under the phone or tablet. It is called Ress. This is a resource targeting in a mobile application that can be downloaded for each device separately. For Android - with GooglePlay, and for Apple - with iTunes.

Such applications are fast, free, convenient, have the ability to accommodate various types of information, while the memory of the phone and Internet traffic are not eaten as when visiting the site through the browser. They will easily go on them, as the link will always be on the screen at hand, and there is no need to introduce a complex name in address line browser.

There are, of course, here and its shortcomings, such as difficulty in developing, the high cost of labor of a large number of programmers, the need to make several layout options. Sometimes the mobile device is not recognized by the application. Need regular technical support, Correction of shortcomings. Nevertheless, this option is considered the best of the three proposed due to its productive, uninterrupted work.

The cheapest way to make a mobile site

All of the above methods suggest even a long and complex, but still paid web master's work. If you do not see an acute need for such a development, you will fit a simple and free mobile version of the site. How to make it easier?

Download special templates (plugins) for adaptive design. For example, WP Mobile Detector, WordPress Mobile Pack, Wpsmart Mobile and others. They will help you correctly display the site in the phone, while you will receive several tips, which should be fixed to better adapt the page to the mobile version.

Sure, this method It is hardly suitable for serious resources. Rather, this free opportunity is intended for the small and simplest sites, blogs, news feeds. You should not also forget that Google search engine, as well as Yandex, today makes serious requirements for mobile versions, therefore there is a huge chance to lower their positions using such a method.

With this method, most likely, advertising and pop-up banners will cut off, but the page will be loaded quickly and without "lags".

Principles of mobile versions

It does not matter, the mobile version of the site has been created for free or using the webmaster state, it is made on the RESS system or using an adaptive template. The most important thing is that for its effective work, you need to adhere to several extremely important principles. So, what should be the mobile version of the site? How to make it productive, efficient and productive?

We remove everything too much

Minimalism - what the developer of the mobile version of the site should strive for. Imagine how hard it is to perceive information that is shot by flowers, buttons, banners, and which you have to fragile in search of the desired material. Mobile design should be simple and clean. Select 2-3 colors to separate space (for example, branded). Better, if one of them is white. Share the space of a small screen to understandable and readable zones. Virtual keys Must be visible that the user clearly knew where to press, and saw - this is the product, here is a form to fill data, here's information on delivery and payment.

All additional options that would come in handy in the desktop version would facilitate the user to the user, here will bring only difficulties. Leave only the most important elements. Animation, advertising banners, multimedia, most likely, will only slow down the work site or application and distract from the main thing.


The level of alignment is not less acute, because if it is wrong to make it, the user will only receive the end of important words. Generally accepted is the alignment of the left edge and vertically. Imagine how you scroll through the news feed on the phone. You do it from top to bottom, but not in the left or right side.

An association

When there is no possibility of a long chain of transitions, try to combine several steps to one. For example, the site requires data in several stages - the name, then the address, where the house, street, apartment, etc., is located in each individual cell. So as not to force the user to try to get along a lot of small cells, offer it to fill out only 2 - Name and address.

And separation

Sometimes, on the contrary, it is required to disconnect too much information. For example, in the drop-down menu you have a list of more than 80 cities where delivery is carried out. Group them by regions so that the user does not have to scroll through this huge list. When it will hinder the cursor to the regional center or the area, another list of cities will fall out.


By the way, about the lists. There are two of them - fixed in an alphabetical or different order and with a substitution. Their choice depends on what will be listed.

Fixed is convenient if the user knows exactly what is looking for. For example, a city, number or date. The second option is suitable for long complex names or for cases where there are many variations in the same name, and each brings the user to the goal. The option with the autodistribution is more often used when the visitor needs help. For example, the site for knitting offers to buy the knitting needles. The user introduces the search query "Metal Spins", and in the prompt sees "Figures of 5 mm", "4.5 mm" knitting needles, etc.


This item especially concerns sites where something is sold online, and it is necessary to fill out the standard forms of payment, delivery, etc. If the person makes a purchase from the phone, then, most likely, he has no time to get to the computer, which means the process Shopping must be made as fast as possible and convenient.

For this form may contain already completed data, you can resort to the most popular answers. For example, insert today's date, cash payment method, city, if you work in one region. They can be changed, but if you fall into the target, the user's time will be saved.

Everything is read, everything is visible

Creating a mobile version of the site, remember that all the phones are different, and vision too. Perhaps your site will be viewed from a small screen, so the fonts must be simple and readable, the buttons are quite large so that you can click and do not get to another page, and the images should open separately, large, especially if we are talking about the Internet - Magazine.

Some statistics

Speaking about the adaptation of the site to mobile devices, it is impossible not to resort to statistics to understand how this process is important for promotion.

The numbers are following. Today, 87% of the population are used by gadgets, apparently, except for the youngest children and some elderly people. Economists predict the growth of mobile commerce 100 times for the next 5 years. At the same time, only 21% of sites adapted to work with mobile devices. It means that Internet traffic and the electronic commerce market is occupied only on the small 5th part.

Think about these numbers. Does it make sense to adapt your resource? Of course yes. Moreover, while there is so much free space in this market, you can take your own segment on it.

Where you need a mobile version

Use the mobile version is advisable for any platform that seeks to get a high rating. After all, this is a direct impact on the user, creating comfortable conditions for it for staying on your site.

Without a mobile version, you cannot exist:

  • newsports, since it is their majority that looks through from the phone to work or study;
  • social networks - for the same reason, plus there is a communication factor online, which means that it should be created convenient, understandable chat;
  • reference, sites with navigation, etc., where people are addressed while in search of something;
  • online shops are the ability to attract buyers who do not spend time on shopping, and buy everything through the mobile Internet.

Instead of imprisonment

Today, mobile technologies are in the stage of active growth and development, therefore, striving for leadership in the market, any company must ensure that its Internet resource consistent. Due to the growing user requests, sites have to constantly upgrade and adapt under various devices. It is clear that if a person is inconvenient to be on one or another resource, he cannot get information about the product or price, place an order, learn about the delivery, then he will find that site where all this becomes possible. Therefore, to win in a competitive wrestling, it is important to have a flexible, convenient, functional and interesting resource.

Make it will help the mobile version of the Android or iOS website. To do this, you need to choose one of the above redesign methods - an adaptive template, creating a new site on the subdomain and the transition to it by redirect, using free templates or creating mobile applicationWith which the user can easily go and be on the page.

Mobile website template is an indispensable solution for the modern site, which must meet the highest requirements. Any high-quality web resource should have a design that adapts to mobile devices, and for this template must be adaptive or responsive. Such a feature, in particular, have WordPress templates. The sites of many world brands work on the basis of this platform, such as Harvard Business Review magazine, Singer Katy Perry, Fantastic Saga Star Wars and Mercedes-Benz. All these sites are adapted to mod mobile devices, which is a significant plus.

It is now very important that the site is optimized not only under search enginesBut also adapted for mobile devices. First of all, this is due to the increase in the popularity of smartphones and tablets among ordinary users. If your site is not "friendly" to mobile devices, it will look at least inconvenient: small fonts that do not fit the text that you have to scroll right, huge pictures and a lot of trouble. Mobile user Just goes from such a site to the site of your competitor. The importance of adaptation for mobile sites is also dictated by the fact that mobile traffic in a total share can reach up to 50%. Initially, forgetting that the site should have a responsive or adaptive design, you risk not only to lose a huge part of your potential audience, but also reduce your chances of success in principle.

Premium WordPress Templates provide a comprehensive solution that will become a confident base for your site of any type: blog, magazine, online store, corporate website, site site, cinema, non-profit organization and so on. In addition, the design of such templates is made at the highest level and does not contain any flaws either in the code, nor in the layout, it is also responsive.

By choosing a WordPress template and this site, you can be sure that your site will not only aims to attract visitors, but will also work well on any devices and browsers. To save your time, we decided together with our experts to make a small selection of such templates for various purposes. Choose what you like and create a successful website right now.

Mobile website template

Flatsome - Multipurpose and Adaptive WordPress theme

FLATSOME will become an excellent choice for creating a site of any type, be it a blog, shop, portfolio, etc. The versatility of this topic is also expressed in excellent adaptability to devices of different types And to all expansion screens. The topic will look great and work as on mobile devicesand on laptops and personal computers. Simple Drag Page Editor and drop. Let you create and edit the pages of your web site as you want it. The topic is also equipped with WooCommerce plugin, so you will have the opportunity to create your own online store.

Porto - Excellent and Colorful WordPress theme

Porto is a universal and fully resilient WordPress WooCommerce for a business that is also suitable for creating any sites. Porto provides you with the opportunity to use a multitude of elements and powerful features that will help you set up everything you just want. Compared by the functions of other universal topics, Porto has advanced WooCommerce functions, exclusive page layouts, design setting functions and other. Porto guarantees super fast work on all devices, which is very important for any business and online stores.

PUCA - optimized mobile devices WordPress WooCommerce

PUCA is an extremely flexible and configurable WP WOOCOMMERCE topic, which can be installed and changed at your discretion within a few minutes using the rapid import of the demo layouts. PUCA can be used for various purposes: Fashion Direction Stores, Furniture Shops, Electronics, etc. Theme is fully compatible with all SEO standards, which will help your business to take top places in google search. All PUCA pages are fully adaptive, so they can be viewed regardless of the type of device and expansion of the display.

Mobile website templates for business

Lawyer & Attorney - Template for the Lawyer, Lawyer and the Notary Bureau

This is universal legal templatewhich can also be used in the financial sphere. To create a site on it, you need to import a ready-made website or create it through the DRAG-and-Drop Builder. The finished site with the target design has standard sections with the directions of legal practice, examples of successfully completed cases, team members and work regime. You can add a form to record for free legal advice.

In addition, the template is responsive and works well with touch devices, it also supports SEO-plugins and has a high download speed, despite the use of CSS animations. You can add beautiful icons (1200+ pieces) and a slider with stunning effects.

Houzez - Mobile website template Real estate agency

This is not just a template for a realtor or a real estate agency. At its base, you can get a full-fledged system for managing real estate objects with the possibility of their placement in the catalog. This will increase the influx of customers to your site. There are several demo for imports. You can use the effect of parallax and add video to the rear background.

The directory supports multiple layouts to display objects with a list or grid, as well as page layouts of individual objects. Search is carried out according to various criteria: size, type, cost, location and amenities. When searching for property, the user can see objects from him nearby. You can consider in detail the object using the "Virtual Excursion 360 °" function. The template supports professional ihomefinder and dsidxpress plugins.

Total - Universal site template for mobile devices for any business

One of the best-selling templates on themeforest templates for use in various fields of activity: interior design, development, SEO, service sphere, construction, medicine, and so on. You can install one of the demo-topics for your application, but if you have time, do not be lazy and use the Visual Composer Drag and Drop tool to get a really unique design. For this there are special modules for the portfolio, reviews, personnel, galleries and other sections.

The template supports the functions of the store, forum and slider. Using the Events Calendar plugin, you can plan, add and invite to events, and with the CONTACT FORM 7 plugin, you can add a convenient contact form to the site. Support SEO-plugin Yoast.

Website Templates for Mobile Devices - Blog and Magazine

Soledad - WordPress Mobile Site Concept Template for Blog and Magazine

This is the best-selling pattern in the category "Blog and Journal" for 2016. To configure it uses the Live Customizer tool, which works in Real-Time mode and supports more than 300 options. Also, to configure or create a site from scratch, there is a Visual Composer plugin. More than 900+ options main page For magazines and blogs on various topics (travel, music, video, games, movies, food, health, cars, fashion, and so on) and 300+ slider layouts. Five layouts for registration of records, three layout of the side panel and six portfolio layouts. Stunning gallery grids.

Caress - Full Mobile Blog Template on WordPress

The topic Caress has pure and fresh designwhich can be easily customized as you want. To do this, in the Live Customizer tool there are 70+ different options. The template is especially suitable to bloggers that download a lot of graphic content - it provides support for downloading photos from high resolution, organization galleries and adding video that will look very harmonious in the records.

14 layouts are available for blog design and categories. Two types of slider with sticky records. The side panel can also be made sticky and add a WooCommerce store product there and nine widgets for social networks and records. In the footer, too, there are areas for widgets, including for a carousel photo from Instagram.

Vlog - Wordpress Video Block or Log Template

This masterfully decorated template is strictly focused on the presentation of video recordings on various topics. It can be a video blog, a website with video tutorials or a magazine for viral video. To do this, it has complete compatibility with the famous YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion video service.

The template supports more than 200 exquisite layouts and capabilities for a beautiful presentation of text and video confant in the way you need. With the help of the Series plugin, you can group and create from articles and video recordings playlists, which is very convenient for training video. Plugin Video. Thumbnails will help customize a miniature image for video. Similarly, YouTube visitors can deploy video to the entire screen or see it later. Placing banners, you can earn on advertising.

Website templates for mobile devices - online stores

Oxygen - WooCommerce theme store with setup capabilities

The specialized template of the mobile site Oxygen will help you get a store with exquisite design and support of basic functions for selling goods. For pages you can absolutely create your own models using Visual Composer. Slideshow will help attract potential buyers to chassis, shares and special offers. You can make a navigation with a fixed side menu, which can be very convenient.

With the help of an interactive module, buyers will be able to quickly see the goods of interest without leaving the directory pages. The best products can be added to the list of desired or in the basket, which is always available at the top of the site. Some products can also be issued in the form of a lucch. The topic has a responsive design and fully supports all gestures from mobile devices.

Savoy - Minimalist style online store template based on AJAX

Savoy's theme has a simple and at the same time a beautiful design that allows us to make a fixed focus on the goods sold. The functional AJAX will be convenient both in stationary PCs and on mobile devices. His advantage is that the user does not need to go to separate pageTo make some action. In particular, a simple ajax search for goods is supported.

To optimize the productivity of the store uses the function "lazy load" of photographs of goods. Support for a full-screen gallery of goods with the possibility of image approximation. Support for quick viewing, cherry and input / registration forms in a pop-up window.

There are several blog pages layouts. Sliders and galleries freely react to mobile sensory gestures.

Different templates for sites that support mobile devices

Bellevue - Mobile website template with support for booking services

This topic has seven demos for various site options, including for single-page. Premium version of the WP Booking System plug-in will provide visitors the opportunity to simply book the room in your hotel. With Events Calendar, you can add important ICAL support from Apple and export to Gmail to the calendar. There is also Masterslider with support for mobile gestures.

The effect of parallax will make the site visually more attractive. The blog is available in two layouts: standard and Masonry. Stunning page layouts for rooms and rooms. A set of 1300+ clear and scalable vector icons, as well as CSS3 animations will help to decorate the site. For conversion, you can add any shape to the site. Support for seasonal discounts and payment through Woocommerce.

Sport - Sport Club Template on WordPress

Sport is a specialized mobile website template for sports club, center or community. The design is simple and clean, so on your site will be convenient to sit both with a regular PC, and from mobile devices, including with iPhone and iPad with increased image quality requirements.

Included there are two ready-made sites with two color schemes that are easily configured through the admin panel. To create a hat, there is a special builder with support for 40 options for advertising announcements and references to social networks. Four types of gallery: Isotope, Masonry, with slider and single photos (Singles). Support for forum plugins, social networkThe calendar of events and the online store is very useful to the site of the sports club.

Choose only a high-quality mobile site template for your purposes, and you definitely do not regret it. Even more topics for mobile sites can be found in our reviews - and.

Alexander - Founder of the Project Website Web Laboratory of Success, created in support of beginners and continuing Internet entrepreneurs. Lowered workaholic, beyond the shoulders of which professional experience of managing the editorial board of the Internet magazine, creating and managing their own online store. The main occupation: business promotion (including online stores) via Facebook and Google AdWords.. Main passion: Monetization of sites through partner marketing tools and Google Adsense. Personal confirmed records: 3 million blog visitors per month.

I prepared a fresh selection of twenty most interesting premium for WordPress, which are perfect for creating site sites, mobile game lending and applications.

The global development of mobile telecommunications, the availability of the mobile Internet has formed a completely new, dynamically developing market of mobile applications. Which in just a few years has become a huge industry. It is difficult to calculate how many interesting startups focused on mobile devices appeared in recent years. The market is large and profitable, many companies, developers understand this and seek to conquer him.

Development mobile technology, Smartphone productivity growth contributes to improving, improving the functionality and quality of mobile applications. Top smartphones have almost equalized in performance with personal computers. And the office already went around, probably. Against this is not so amazing ubiquitous growth of mobile traffic. Google last week turned off my "live search", for example. Moting is a huge share of mobile traffic and mobile search features. I think the mobile application market is very promising. At least in the coming years there will be only growth, development, improvement, deeper penetration into life, in the so-called. Internet things.

As in any other sphere, any mobile application needs a bright, beautiful packaging in the form of a website-presentation. Where it would be possible to demonstrate his capabilities, tell about the merits, advantages, etc.

Modern single-page topic with a clean design for a presentation of mobile applications, easy customized, has 12 ready-made display options, web fonts, icons, parallaxes, lightboxes, built-in Visual Composer, Slider Revolution and much more.

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One-page lading with wide caustomization capabilities, built-in visual page designer, support for Google Fonts, e-commerce based on WooCommerce, Slider Revolution and many others.

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An excellent adaptive topic for presenting mobile applications, built on Bootstrap with the support of Google Fonts and Google Maps.

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Multipurpose modern theme with a clean design, can work in single-page and multi-invalid modes, has 4 options for making the main page, supports multilingual mode based on the WPML plug-in, Visual Composer constructor, mailchimp mailing, etc.

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Multipurpose theme to demonstrate mobile application applications based on Bootstrap, 2 Main display options, High definition displays support, built-in Visual Composer, Single-Done Import Demo Content and All Traditional Camcope.

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Landing template for vordpress with clean modern designFocused on a demonstration of mobile applications for the three main platforms: Android, iOS and Windows. Well documented, easily adjusted.

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Another adaptive lunding for the WordPress on the C 24 bootstrap options is also sharpened under the presentation of mobile applications, startups. There is a visual page designer and more than 80 embedded design elements, contact forms, Mailchimp mailing integration and more.

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New adaptive Landing template based on Warp 7 Framework for lung lovers, modular sites. It is suitable not only for mobile applications, quite suitable for other spheres.

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Simple modern topic to demonstrate a mobile application with two options for designing a main page, support for Retina-displays, built-in constructor Visual Composer, slider Slider Revolution, single-slim content import, megament, more than 600 fonts and many others.

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Multipurpose single-page theme WordPress to demonstrate mobile applications, startups, personal sites. Built based on bootstrap, Built-in Visual Composer Designer, Revolution Slider Slider, Contact forms, Shortcodes, Icons, etc.

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Mobile Application Landing Template with 3 Main page options, 20 design options, simple customization, visual Visual Composer page designer, support for WPML multilinguality plugin.

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Inexpensive multi-purpose adaptive windpress theme with 23 ready-made options.

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Contemporary multipurpose theme With a professional responsive design for the presentation of mobile applications and games. On board Visual Composer, support for the WPML multi-list plugin, mailchimp mailing, forms feedback Contact Form 7.

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Multipurpose optimized Landing template for mobile application developers, software products, startups, creative and design agencies. 4 options for making the main page, simple customization using the built-in Castomizer WordPress, visual design of pages with 40+ design elements, Revolution Slider, 50+ shortcodes, 500+ icons optimized for Retina-displays.

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One of the fastest single-page adaptive topics on themeforest is perfect for startups. 12 ready-made options, import demo content in one click, simple customization, pure code, visual Visual Composer page designer, Revolution Slider slider, WooCommerce e-commerce support and much more.

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The developer claims that with the help of Helium theme, your target pages will turn into a powerful marketing weapon. It is difficult to argue - the topic is very modern, built on the Bootstrap base, SEO-optimized, has 10 display options, slider, 1000+ fonts, built-in Visual Composer with 50+ design elements, support for WooCommerce, Mailchimp, Google Map, Google Fonts, Contact Form 7, portfolio and much more.

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Highly stylish theme With 7 mockups of the main page, 6 shaped display options, 5 basement options, built-in Visual Composer with Ultimate Addons, Slider Revolution, Woocommerce, One Page Navigator, WPML support and single-slim imports of demo content.

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Modern adaptive theme with a blank design based on bootstrap for sites that distribute software. 9 options for the main page, 8 color schemes, 3 options for offion of the site caps, Twitter, YouTube, Font Awesome, etc.

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Creative single-page topic with responsive design, 17 ready-made options, support for Retina displays, built-in Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, support for Google Fonts, various parallaxes and animations.

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Adaptive template target page With a clean modern design and wide caustomization capabilities, it is perfect for mobile applications, products, startups. Built-in Visual Composer, single-grade import, multilingual support on WPML, contact forms Contact Form 7, Revolution Slider slider and much more.

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A very beautiful pattern that will give a mobile application by a professional appearance, while not making it boring. Can be chosen among three options homepageEach of which looks just wonderful. The color gamut of the future online project can be changed as you wish. In addition, DRAG-AND-DROP functionality will allow working with content without deepening in the code.

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An excellent template that will build the desired online project without huge costs of funds on it. It offers a wide range of options for personalization. external view Site. And Elementor Bilder will allow you to forget about the code and all that is connected with it. Do not forget to use the mega menu to make users much easier to navigate on the site.

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Momex is a modern template, which is also, as well as all other ready-made solutions in this selection, allows you to build an impressive online project. You can enjoy a huge selection of options that can be used to improve both the appearance of the site and its functional. For example, among the four blog layouts, anyone can find this option that will definitely like. A package of Cherry Plugins will delight those who want to present services in such a form that convince the target audience to choose them.

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Consor is a wonderful template that is able to submit any business in the memorable manner itself. Therefore, I can advise it to create mobile application sites. In its package, you can find a variety of heder options, with which the most uniqueness of the online project is also achieved. And Wordpress Live Customizer will make it possible to work with the colors and fonts of the future online project without additional effort.

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A full-featured and flexible pattern that will undoubtedly attract a lot of attention. It includes many ready-made pages that will help submit services, create a project gallery and make a lot of more. Together with the Elementor Bilder, the creation of the site will turn into a solid pleasure. After all, it allows you to simply drag the selected content to the right place on the site.

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As you can see, choose from what. You can still see the topics in the "Software" category on TEMPLATEMONSTER. The choice there is not as wide as on themeforest, but something interesting is also found. Let me remind you, picking up a premium-topic for the site should not be bought on its subject. The main thing is the design, structure, and the theme can be "attract" any. Read more about that, and I did not touch in one of my previous articles.

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