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How to combine word files into one. How to combine files into one file

How to combine Word files? We have two or three documents that need to be combined. What do we most often do in such cases? We open all these documents, copy all the text and paste into original file... Everything seems to be logical and correct. Yes, that's right, but you can do the same operation much faster and easier. The only inconvenience is if the files were created by different people, with different formatting, and in different versions text editor word. But even in this case, the speed of combining different texts into one document will play a positive role. Then you can select all the text and bring it to one, and. We will now look at how to combine Word files.

How to combine files into Word

· First, we open the main document, into which we need to insert text from other files.

· Place the cursor where we will insert text from another file.

· In the tab Insert, in the block Text choose an icon Paste text, and clicking on the small arrow to open the drop-down menu of this icon.

· In the drop-down menu, select the item Text from file ...

· In the opened window Insert file, select the required file and press the button at the very bottom of the window Insert.

Absolutely everything will be inserted. Both pictures and headers and footers. In the same way, we can insert any number of Word files, and then bring everything to a single style, and format the entire document as needed.

This method is very good when combining a large number of files, when you are working as a whole team.

In order to do this work even faster, it is better to configure it on all computers text editor to a single style, i.e. the same font and size.

Let's look at several options for combining Word documents into one final document using various Word tools.

How do I insert one document into another?

The easiest way is probably familiar to very many, but still a few words about it. A document is opened that needs to be pasted into another, final document, all its contents are selected with the shortcut Ctrl + A, and another shortcut Ctrl + C is copied to the clipboard. After that, the final document is opened, the cursor is positioned at the insertion point and by the Ctrl + V hotkey combination is inserted from the clipboard. Literally a few keystrokes on the keyboard and two documents are combined into one, but there is another way.

How do I insert text from one document into another?

Word tools provide the standard ability to insert one document into another. If on the "Insert" tab, in the "Text" group of buttons, select "Text from file" from the menu of an inconspicuous button named "Object" and then select required document in the "Insert File" window and press the "Insert" button, the result will be the same with fewer user actions. When combining several documents into one, this method is clearly preferable.

How to combine multiple Word documents into one?

Standard function "Text from file"

To insert multiple Word documents into the final document, use the standard Word tool Text from File, which allows you to select one or more file names to insert into your document. To select a group of files, just hold down the Shift button if the files required for insertion are in a row, or Ctrl if you need to selectively insert files. All inserted files must be in one folder, merge documents from different folders will fail. In addition, the described function allows you to insert a limited number of files at a time, about 50-60 files. In general, the function is good, but it has its limitations.

Combine files add-in for Word

Opportunities Microsoft applications Word can be extended by using macros or installing add-ins written in built-in applications Microsoft Office programming language VBA (Visual Basic for Application). The add-in for Word, which will be discussed later, allows you to bypass the described restrictions and allows you to combine any number of documents located in different folders.

In the add-in dialog box, n Using the "Add", "Exclude" and "Clear" buttons, it is necessary to create a list of files for inserting text from them into the final document, specify the position for insertion (by default, the insertion is performed at the current cursor position), if necessary, check the box "Insert page break "(in this case, each next document is inserted with new page) and start the program with the "Start" button.

If you have several documents in Word that you need to work with, then it will be much more convenient if you combine them into one common one. Or you need from several created in Microsoft Word, make one. The second option concerns those who make some kind of report, or students who need to combine the main part of the diploma with special sections and notes.

Let's figure out in the article how to combine several Word files into one using copying or through the appropriate paste function. I will also tell you about how to combine two similar texts so that all the corrections and changes made are visible.

Using copying

To do this, use the usual copying of text from one and pasting it into another document. This method is convenient to use if you have a few files that need to be merged.

Open them and select the one to which you will add everything. Place the cursor in it where you want to insert the fragment.

Then go to any other and select everything in it - press "Ctrl + A". All text in Word can be selected different ways by clicking on the link, read the detailed article.

We return to the one in which we decided to add, and press "Ctrl + V" in it to insert.

As you can see, the two documents are merged. Moreover, using this way, you can choose where to insert the desired fragment - starting on a new page or somewhere in the middle, and the formatting of the inserted part is preserved.

Via the Insert menu

Everything can be done without using copy-paste. If you have a lot of files, for example, 100 or 200 files, then copying them will take a very long time. Instead, it is better to use the following method.

Place the cursor where you want to add. Go to the "Insert" tab and click on the small arrow next to the "Object" button. Then choose from the list "Text from file".

Before doing that, add everything you want to merge into one folder on your computer.

The Explorer window will open. In it, find the folder on your computer where all the other Word files you need are stored. Select one or more with the mouse and click "Insert".

To select several pieces in a row at once, select the first one, hold down the "Shift" button and click on the last one you need. If you need to select them, for example, after one, then while selecting, hold down "Ctrl" and select the one you need from the list.

In the example, I have combined three. Please note that they are inserted into the Word in the order in which they are placed in the list for insertion (shown in the screenshot above). For example, my document "Purpose" (the words "Learn ...") was added after the main part ("Let's try ...").

Therefore, if you have what you combine must go in a strict order, then before adding them, open the folder on your computer with them and number each - put a serial number in front of the name.

This way is good to use with large quantity documents. The formatting of each is preserved, but there is no separator between them, that is, if text is simply printed on the pages, then in the combined one it will be necessary to figure out where one ended and the other began.

Combining two different versions

Now let's consider what to do if you have two different versions, on which, for example, two people worked, or you changed one or the other file.

Open a text editor Word. Click on the "Start" button and in the "Microsoft Office" folder click on the "Microsoft Word" item.

A new empty file will open. Go to the tab in it "Review" and click the "Combine" item in the "Compare" group.

In the window that opens, click on the "More" button and put a check mark or a marker in the required fields. Then in the field "Source Document" click on the folder image.

Find on your computer original version, select it and click Open.

Then, by clicking on the image of the folder in the field "Modified document", add the second one to this window and click "OK".

Now the window will look like this.

On the left is the "Summary" area, which lists all the insertions, deletions, and more. In the middle "Consolidated Document"... On the right, you can see the original and modified.

Place the cursor at the very beginning and click the "Accept" button.

The first change will be highlighted.

If you click Accept, the text will turn to its normal color and the underline will disappear. This will highlight the next change.

Thus, all changes made to the document are viewed and either accepted or rejected - the button with a red cross. As a result, you will receive one file, which will take into account all changes.

I will end on this. I hope that at least one of the methods that I have described will be useful for you to combine several various files typed in Word.

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Despite the fact that Microsoft Word has been offering in its new editions for several years the possibility of collaboration of several users when working in one document at the same time, many of us still encounter situations in which it is required to manually combine several documents into one for Word. Now we will consider this possibility in particular for Microsoft Word 2016. Let's go.

Combining two versions of the same document

If you have a task to combine two versions of the same document, then doing it manually is not easy. Especially if the documents have more than one page.

Microsoft Word automates this process by offering the ability to compare differences between documents and then combine them into one file.

As test documents To break down the merge task, I use an excerpt from the article 7 Ways to Free Up Hard Drive Space in Windows.

To compare the two versions

Almost always, when the problem arises of combining two versions of the same document, you need to check the two documents and identify any differences from each other. Sometimes there can be quite a lot of such differences, and then you simply do not want to combine the files.

Original article:

Modified version of the article:

In the original document, we move on to the comparison. In the menu, open the Tab Peer review and then press the button Compare and then on the menu the option Compare.

If the compare documents option is not available, the document is most likely write-protected. In order to remove protection from it, go to the menu File> button Document protection... And remove all restrictions from the document.

Left in the field Original document choose

Word 2016 will automatically create new document... All changes are shown in the left column (1), the result of comparing the two documents is shown in the center (2), and the two documents that were compared are displayed in the right column (3). You can also hide compared documents by running the command Compare > Source documents > Hide original documents.

After analyzing the compared documents, if everything suits you, then proceed to merging the two versions of the document.

To combine the two versions

Now you have before your eyes all the differences between the two documents, which are clearly displayed in the file Comparison results... But how do you determine which changes to keep and which not to accept or reject?

There are two options here. You can manually go through this entire document and edit each change to your liking. Or accept all changes at once, which will be automatically applied.

In the left column Bug fixes on each word we accept the change, or reject it.

Remember: added text is underlined, deleted text is shown as a vertical bar on the left in the margins of the document. The changes you made will be immediately taken into account and their total number in the column Bug fixes will be reduced.

Accepting the results of a comparison of two documents manually is great for small documents. If the size of the document reaches the size of a small book, then editing changes manually, each of us can make a mistake and not notice an important correction.

To accept all changes to compare two documents in Word 2016, click Accept and further - Accept all corrections.

After all changes are accepted in manual mode or automatic, the number of corrections will be zero, as in the picture above.

Combining more than two versions of the same document

Comparing and then merging two versions of the same document shouldn't cause you any questions now. But what if you have multiple versions (more than two) of the same file. Sometimes there are situations when you need to get a review of the same file from several people.

Place the first document you want to combine in the box Original document, in field Modified document place the second revision of the document. Mark the revisions so that they differ from each other. Click OK.

After you receive the merged document, open the window again. Combining documents... Now in the field Original document select the freshly received file Comparison results, and in the field Modified document- next document.

Continue repeating the process for each copy of the file, making sure you give each document you view a unique label, such as the name of the editor.

As a result, when you are finished, the final merged document file will show all the differences between all versions of the compared files using tags.

If you click on the edit marks (vertical red stripes), then you can see all the changes right in the text.

Merging comments, formatting, and more

Combining documents in Word 2016 can be about more than just text. Word 216 offers tools that allow you to combine comments, formatting, headers, footers, and more from multiple documents into one document.

When comparing documents or merging, click the button More.

In the parameters for comparison, you will see a fairly large number of different options available for combining or comparison.

Merging two different documents

In the last part of this tutorial, we will look at how to combine text from perfectly different documents, the text of which, well, cannot be called similar.

Of course, you can take and copy all the text from one document to another, then make a copy of the document and then compare or combine them. But Word 2016 will help solve this problem in a more graceful way.

Open your first document. This file will serve as a container to add all other files. Select from the menu Insert > Text > An object > Text from file and find the document you want to add.

The text will be inserted at the cursor position. So make sure it's in the right place before adding text from the file.

Word 2016 during this operation will retain all formatting of the original document and the added one.

Repeat this process for each document you want to add and save the resulting file when finished.

This small guide will guide you step by step to compare and combine Word documents... There are other ways to merge documents, but these four steps are the most common ways to merge documents, which I hope won't ask you questions.

However, if you have any complications when merging Word documents, then I am always happy to answer your questions.

Describe your problem in the comments to this article and I will definitely try to help you.

Even modern systems data transfers have their limits. The ability to transfer various data and files is very limited. Therefore, when it becomes necessary to send data to someone, we try to do it in small parts. There are a variety of options for how you can separate files in a wide variety of formats. We will talk about this today. So how do you combine files into one file?


The very first and most understandable way to separate data into parts is to create multivolume archives. You can download and install yourself on Personal Computer WinRar program... It supports all known compression formats, and also has a built-in tool that will allow you to split the desired file into small parts.

For example, you need to send a movie by internal work mail. Maybe for official purposes, maybe not. Never mind. The only problem is that its size is about 8 GB, and service mail supports files up to 1 GB. What are we doing? We add our video to the archive, making it multivolume. This way it will break into many small files that we can transfer.

Now the receiving side needs to combine the files into one file. To do this, you must place all downloaded small archives in one folder and start unpacking absolutely any of them. As a result, the files will be merged into one file.

Text and picture

This problem is much easier. If you need to combine files into one file, and at the same time they are text, you will need any editor - Notepad, WordPad, Microsoft Word. In order to do this, you need to open both files in different windows, and then do the following.

  1. In the first document, place the cursor anywhere in the text.
  2. Press "Ctrl + A". You will see how all the text is highlighted.
  3. Press "Ctrl + C". This action will copy the information.
  4. Now go to the second window and put the pointer at the end of the file.
  5. Press "Ctrl + V". The copied text is pasted.
  6. Now click "Save As ..." and create new file, which will be the amalgamation of the previous two.

With everything is a little more complicated. The higher the picture quality, the more complex programs worth using for combining images. Of course, if you don't care about the quality of the result, then you can just use Paint corny. It will look something like this.

  1. To combine the files into one file, open the first file in the editor.
  2. By default, it will be immediately selected in its entirety. Copy it with the same combination as the text in the example above.
  3. Open the second file. Stretching work area... You will see a white box appear. Increase it until you have an area large enough to paste the copied pattern.
  4. Insert the picture. It will overlap the existing one. Don't touch anything. Just hover your mouse over it and click left button... Drag the picture to the white area.

This is how the simplest combination of graphic files into one happens.


As you probably know, PDFs present information in pictures rather than texts. You cannot select it with the cursor or otherwise, and since many documents are saved in this format, the connection PDF files in one - a process for many. Let's try to analyze this special case of union. There are two ways to do this.

  1. Online. Yes, there are services that allow files. You just upload documents online and then download the result. Unfortunately, this method is not always effective, since files of this format are quite large, and if at least one of them contains about 50 pages, then the process can be delayed.
  2. Offline. You just need to download and install full version Adobe acrobat... And follow the instructions below:
  • first, on the main panel, click "Create";
  • then "Combine PDF into one file";
  • add required files from your computer and sort them;
  • click "Combine";
  • that's all, you can save the finished file on your PC.

Creation of viruses

Well, or not exactly viruses. The fact is that there are applications that allow you to "glue" files different formats... For example, you can write a program and save it in ".exe" format, and then glue it to a graphic file. Then the person who opened the picture will automatically launch and execute your utility. In fact, most antiviruses have seen such glues for a long time and neutralize them. So what you can do the most is to play a trick and teach a lesson to your acquaintance, who according to your data is 100% not using any protection. For example, to combine files into one file, you can use the HJ-Split application.