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Full description of the service children's Internet from a megaphone. How to disconnect a child under supervision from MTS: ways to disable payment for Internet games for children on a megaphone

You can find many on the Internet useful information, but sometimes users stumble upon "garbage" and inappropriate content. It is quite difficult for parents to shield their children from adult-oriented information. To eliminate this problem, Megafon has developed the Children's Internet service, which provides access only to those sites that are suitable for a child.

To use the service, the client needs to pay 2 rubles daily. Prices are indicated for residents of the Moscow region. To clarify the cost of services in other regions, it is recommended to contact the operator.

Subscribers using the children's Internet get the opportunity to protect schoolchildren from information "rubbish". The option blocks access to web resources containing inappropriate content. The database of malicious sites is updated every day.

The service is provided on a paid basis. 2 rubles are debited per day. Additionally, subscribers need to pay for traffic, the cost of which depends on the connected tariff.

The option can be used in the home region and abroad. While in international roaming, access to the function is blocked. The service can be used by subscribers of any tariff plans.

It should be noted that the package cannot work in conjunction with services such as:

  • "Static IP";
  • Dedicated VPN;
  • "Office in your pocket";
  • "Management of remote objects".

Children's Internet can be used from an iPhone, smartphone, tablet and computer, provided that a 3G modem is used. As far as browsers are concerned, the option is not available on Opera. Work with programs such as WhatsApp, Viber and Skype is allowed. In case of problems with the microphone, you need to change the phone settings.

The functionality of the package is designed in such a way that children cannot bypass the protection. At the same time, the option establishes control not only over sites, but also over video clips.

How to connect

Connecting children's Internet on Megafon is performed in several ways. In order to enable the option, you need to:

  • Send SMS with the text "ON" to the number "5800";
  • Go to the official website ru. On the page with the description of the servant, enter your phone number;
  • Dial the USSD code "* 580 * 1 #";
  • Contact the office of the company. Consultants will help you activate the function;
  • Log in to your personal account. In the "Parameters" section, activate the function of interest.

To prevent the child from turning off the package on his own, it is recommended to come up with codeword allowing you to deactivate the service.

No commission is charged for connecting the option. Sometimes subscribers leave a comment with the following content: “I activated the option, but the filter did not turn on. What did you do wrong? " This is due to the fact that the service starts functioning only after installing an additional certificate.

Instructions for setting up a certificate on Android

Immediately after activating the option, you need to download the certificate. This can be done by following the link "". The file must be saved to the memory of the android device. After downloading the certificate you need:

  1. Run the file downloaded to the phone.
  2. Enter the name of the certificate. Any name can be specified.
  3. In the field "Use credentials" select " VPN network and applications ".
  4. Click the "OK" button.

After that, all traffic restrictions will be enabled.

Installing a certificate on iOS

Subscribers using gadgets with the iOS operating system can also install a certificate. For this you need:

  • Download the certificate from the site ru;
  • Run the file for installation;
  • After finishing the installation, click the "Finish" button.

This completes the installation of the certificate. Now all that remains is to launch the browser and you can get to work.

How to disable

To disable the "Children's Internet" service on Megafon, you need to do one of the following:

  1. Visit a communication salon or company office, presenting your passport to confirm your identity. The consultant then deactivates the function.
  2. Contact the call-center for help - "0500". The operator will help you remove the option from the list of active services.

There is no other way to disable the package. This will prevent teenagers from turning off the filter on their own.

Who suits

The option is suitable for all subscribers who have children. Thanks to the package, students will be protected from unnecessary information. The advantage of the package is that only the owner of the room can disable it. For those who want to know where the child is late after school, it is recommended to use.

Mobile operator Megafon provides customers with a choice of an extensive list of tariff plans with and access to the network, among which you can choose a service that fully meets your requirements. It is quite easy to activate and deactivate tariff plans on the Megafon SIM card. And how to turn off the mobile Internet on Megafon, and in what ways can this be done?

Shutdown options

Depending on which device you use the service on, you can choose a more appropriate disconnection method. For example, if you only have a mobile phone, then simple options with sending SMS will do. When using a tariff plan from a computer, the Internet is turned off through the official website and personal account. Below is the full list methods:

  • SMS message;
  • USSD codes;
  • Personal Area;
  • application for smartphones.

In each case, the procedure will not take more than a few minutes, so you should choose only based on the capabilities and devices available at hand. Let's figure out how to quickly disable unlimited Internet(according to tariffs) on Megafon, in each of the ways.


After you cancel the tariff plan valid on your SIM card, you can still use the Internet. Since each SIM card has a 1Mb tariffication service, the user will be able to access the network. However, in this case, you will have to pay for each 1Mb of traffic, and not for the full package of services.

You can turn off the mobile Internet Megafon through the LC or the application on the phone / tablet without additional commands. To work with LC, log in to the official website and select your tariff plan in the appropriate section, and then click on the disable button.

The mobile application is installed through the store Play Market or App Store depending on the platform of your device. Authorization occurs automatically if you use a Megafon SIM card on the device cell phone... The procedure for deactivating options is the same as with your personal account.

Using USSD and SMS

Each tariff plan has a unique command and code for sending SMS messages. With their help, you can turn off the selected service. You can also find a complete list of teams on the official website. The line of tariffs "All inclusive" can be turned off using the following combinations:

  • XS (* 105 * 0095 # or SMS to 0500995);
  • S (* 105 * 0033 # or 0500933);
  • M (* 105 * 0034 # or 0500934);
  • L (* 105 * 0035 # or 0500935);
  • All Inclusive VIP (* 105 * 0040 # or SMS to 0500940).

Messages must be sent with the text "stop" to get rid of the "All inclusive" service. Now let's figure out how to turn off mobile Internet on Megafon from another line:

  • you can disable the Internet S option via the command * 236 * 00 # or SMS with the word STOP to the number 05009122;
  • to disable package M, you must use the combination * 236 * 00 # or SMS to 05009123;
  • tariff plan L is disabled by the same command or by a message to 05009124;
  • XL turns off via SMS to 05009125.

As you can see, refusal of options is carried out using a single command, but SMS are sent to different numbers... Now you know how to properly turn off the Internet S, M, L and XL on Megaphone.

Child rate

Waiver of the included child fare is done in a slightly different way. There are no special commands or numbers for him. Let's figure out how to disable children's internet on Megaphone in several ways:

  • by contacting the Megafon center;
  • by calling 0505, if you use a SIM card of this operator for a call;
  • to call from a third-party SIM card, use the number 8-800-550-05-00.

Now you know how to disable the Internet S option on Megafon, as well as many other packages with traffic, if you do not use them for their intended purpose.

It is no secret that the Internet, if we discard the mass of useful information and content contained in its vastness, can sometimes be a real dump. Here you can find a lot of prohibited content, useless, even malicious information, and other files. Of course, every sane person, every parent understands that such content can be accessed by children, which is not the desired outcome of events. The specialists from MegaFon, who created a special service "Children's Internet", were also thinking about this, worthy of giving it separate attention in our feature article.

Briefly about the service

This option is designed specifically to restrict access to sites that contain not only malicious software, but also all kinds of content that is undesirable, or is prohibited from viewing by persons under the age of majority.

If you believe the reviews of active users of the Children's Internet service, then MegaFon has done a good job on the database of prohibited resources, which today contains more than half a billion prohibited resources. In addition, this database is systematically updated, which makes it possible to block access even to new resources containing undesirable materials for children to view.

In general, in addition to inappropriate content, this filter also blocks access to resources such as:

  • Online casinos and gambling sites;
  • Websites for using VPN services and bypassing blocking;
  • Adult sites;
  • Stores selling prohibited goods.

The cost of using the "Children's Internet" service from MegaFon

Before proceeding to consider the technical nuances of this proposal from the operator, you must also pay attention to the financial side of its use. And she is like this:

  • Option connection: free;
  • Subscription fee: 2 rubles per day.

How to connect "Children's Internet" to MegaFon

In order to connect this service to the child's device, you can use one of the possible ways:

  • Connection through the form on the official website, where the subscriber's number is indicated and a button is pressed to activate;
  • Activation by means of a USSD request of the form *580*1# ;
  • Sending a message with the content "ON" (without quotes) to the number 5800 .

The service is activated immediately, but all used traffic on the device with a MegaFon SIM card begins to be filtered according to the “Children's Internet” service only after completing the steps to configure it. We will talk about these actions below.

How to install a certificate for the "Children's Internet" service from MegaFon: step by step instructions

In order for the connected option to work correctly, and all prohibited resources were successfully blocked on the devices used with the operator's SIM card installed, an appropriate certificate must be installed on them.

The universal certificate installed on the child's phone can be downloaded from the following link. It should be noted that on modern phones of production Chinese brand Xiaomi, this certificate may not work, so the operator offers to download a different version of the file.

When activating the service for mobile phone or tablet, the certificate must be loaded directly into the memory of the device used. Next, you need to complete the setup procedure, which for Android devices is carried out as follows:

  1. After downloading the certificate from the above link, the system will automatically offer to install it. If it doesn't, just run the downloaded file.
  2. Enter any name of the certificate.
  3. In the "Use credentials" column, select "VPN and Apps."
  4. Press "OK" (the device may ask you to enter a digital screen unlock code, or a fingerprint to successfully install the file into the system).
  5. Installation completed.

Note that on Xiaomi devices, if the standard installation procedure fails, you can also use another instruction for installing the certificate:

  1. Open the device settings.
  2. Go to the "Advanced" tab and run the subsection "Privacy".
  3. Find the "Install" button and click it to select the certificate to install.

In the same case, if your child is a happy owner of an "apple" device made by Apple, be it an iPad or an iPhone, in a similar technique, the certificate is installed as follows:

  1. Download the certificate file from the above link to the device and wait until the system prompts you to install it on the system.
  2. Click on the "Install" button.
  3. Click on the "Finish" button.

As you can see, on Apple gadgets, installing a certificate into the system is extremely simple.

Installing a certificate on desktop OS versions

If your child uses the Internet from MegaFon directly on his personal computer or a laptop that can run operating systems of the Windows family, or OSX, for example, when it comes to Apple computers, then it is also possible to block the resources being used. To this end, it is only necessary to perform one more configuration procedure, which differs for different operating systems.

To begin with, we propose to understand the instructions for the steps required to complete the successful installation of the certificate on computers under Windows control:

  1. Download the certificate file to your computer.
  2. Open the Downloads folder, or any other folder on the system where the file was downloaded.
  3. Run the file by double clicking on the left mouse button.
  4. The system will display information about the certificate, in the window of which you can find the "Install certificate ..." button. Click on it.
  5. A special wizard for installing certificate files will start in the system, which will display the appropriate windows for you. The first thing you need to do is click on the "Next" button.
  6. In the next window, feel free to click on the "Browse" button.
  7. In the window that opens, select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" folder, where you need to send the previously downloaded file. After that click on the "OK" button.
  8. Then you just have to "click" "Next" and "Finish", thereby completing the installation of the certificate in Windows system.
  9. Click the "Yes" button when you see a system warning on the installation of the certificate file on the computer screen.
  10. Reboot your computer.

On Apple computers running operating system OSX certificate installation is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Download the file to your computer and go to the folder where it is stored.
  2. Run the file by double clicking the mouse.
  3. Thanks to a program called Keychain, you can install the certificate. To do this, select "System" in the "Keychain" menu and click on the "Add" button.
  4. Enter in the appropriate window the user data (username and password) used by you for the system installed on the computer.
  5. Click on the Change Keychain button.
  6. Open the newly added certificate by double-clicking on it, then pay attention to the "Secure Sockets Protocol" item, in which you must select the "Always trust" option from the drop-down list.
  7. Installation is complete.

How to disable the service "Children's Internet" MegaFon

If you want to refuse further use of this service, it will not be as easy to do it as to activate it. In order to disable the option, you must personally appear at any of the operator's offices, having your passport with you, or make a call to the number 0500 or 88005500500 .

Additional terms

Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to some more additional conditions, which you need to know about for the correct use of the "Children's Internet" service in the future. We offer them for study in the list below:

  • The service may work incorrectly if the subscriber is in roaming (both national and international);
  • In the case of using Internet resources through Opera browser Mini or Opera Turbo, access to the Network is completely blocked, and it becomes impossible to open any site. A similar situation is observed in the analogs of the above-mentioned web browsers;
  • The service works on absolutely all devices with an operator card installed;
  • The option cannot be disabled by the child in the company's office, and to contact the contact center when the option is activated, a code word is set, which guarantees that the child cannot disable the service even when contacting the call center.

Telesystem Megafon is constantly expanding the range of its services. New tariff plans regularly appear in the company's arsenal, useful options and additional packages. One of them was the "Children's Internet" option from Megafon. Thanks to her, the child will be protected from unwanted sites and "bad" content. However, he will be able to freely use Internet resources from the white list. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the presented option in more detail.


After activating the function "Children's Internet", parents will be able to protect their children from the streams of web garbage and "non-censorship" wandering in the open spaces World wide web... Parents can independently select malicious sites and blacklist them. The base of unwanted sites is updated every day.

Let's make a reservation right away that for the "Children's Internet" function to work correctly, you first need to install certificates on the child's phone, which can be downloaded on the official page mobile operator... And also on the site you will find detailed description functions and the algorithm for its activation.

The service in question is available for connection to any tariff plans Megaphone. By activating the function, the subscriber will be able to use it throughout the country. However, outside the borders of the Russian Federation, the option will be inactive.

The option has some limitations, there are not many of them, but still the subscriber should know about them:

  1. Megafon's "Children's Internet" package does not work with browsers such as Opera, Opera Turbo, Opera Mini, etc. For the service to function correctly, you need to use browsers such as Mozilla, Firefox, etc.
  2. The child cannot independently deactivate the service, since there are no special system requests or options for deactivating it through the Personal Account. However, parents should still set a password to deactivate the service. The password can be any word invented by the parents.

How to connect "Children's Internet" to Megafon

Before activating the package, you need to know how to activate the “Children's Internet” service correctly. And the main rule for activating the "Children's Internet" function on Megafon is that only persons who have reached the age of 18 and, accordingly, have a passport, can start the function.

As for the activation methods, there are several of them:

  • one of the most popular is the sending of the system USSD command. To do this, the parent just needs to dial the number combination * 580 * 1 # on the mobile and press the call key. Immediately after sending the request, an SMS notification will be sent to the adult's phone about the activation of the option;
  • you can also simply connect to the service by sending a text message. To do this, you need to send an SMS to 5800 with the word ON. If the activation is successful, the parent will receive a response SMS with the corresponding content;
  • it is possible to enable the service in Personal account... To do this, go to your page and select the "Services" category. After switching to a category, you will see the entire list of services available for connection. You just have to select the option you want and click the "Enable" button. By the way, if you have not yet registered in the TV system's LC, the registration itself will not take you much time, for authorization you just need to fill in a few empty fields;
  • It is also possible to enable the function by calling the technical support number 0500. After connecting with the operator, inform the employee of the company about your desire and then follow the instructions. However, in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that the service worker may request personal information. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and prepare a passport, or at least remember the code word that you invented at the time of registration in the TV system;
  • and last way activation is a trip to the nearest office of a mobile operator (with a passport). In this case, all that is required of you is to come to the Megafon office center and ask a network worker to help with your question.

How to disable the service "Children's Internet" MegaFon

As mentioned above, the child will not be able to turn off the used service on the phone on his own. However, if the fidget is quite savvy and can enter your passport data in the necessary columns, you just need to come up with a code word for deactivation.

The mobile operator offers a choice of three ways to turn off the service. Below is a detailed algorithm of actions on how to turn off the "Children's Internet" Megafon.

The company "Megafon" collects its own database of sites containing content of a certain level. These include:

  • advertising products for adults;
  • containing information materials for the adult target audience;
  • online casinos and similar;
  • porn sites;
  • sites with obscene materials;
  • resources through which drug trafficking is carried out;
  • phishing sites.

The service allows a parent to block access from any mobile device used by the child to the specified resources.

By connecting it, parents do not have to worry that their child will end up on a porn site, or order a couple of kilograms of TNT.

Sites where you can buy drugs or find instructions on how to create a hydrogen bomb at home are also banned. Agree, this greatly facilitates the task of parents, who personally cannot constantly track all the resources visited by their child.

You do not have to worry that while surfing the Web, your child will end up on portals that copy and save your credit card details or passwords from the Internet bank. Information protection and virus protection are additional bonuses that can be obtained by activating this service.

Filtration of unwanted content is performed automatically after the option is enabled. To work correctly with some sites using the HTTPS protocol, you will need to download a special certificate from the Megafon website to the device from which you access the Network.

The undoubted advantage of the "Children's Internet" is the fact that the child himself cannot delete this service - the company representatives have provided for such an opportunity.

Service activation is free. The price for use is 2 rubles per day, the subscription fee is charged daily. If necessary, you can refuse it if it becomes irrelevant.

Will the child himself be able to turn it off?

This question worries many parents. As already mentioned, the company representatives have foreseen this possibility. But small risks still remain.

If a teenager uses the Internet with such a restriction, he may well be smart enough to find the passport details of the parent with the SIM card, and with the help of the contact center, remove the blocking of access to “interesting” resources.

But not all adolescents are able to think of this, and restrictions of this kind are usually set for children aged 4-12 years. And they, as a rule, do not really understand technical subtleties, so you don't have to worry.

Refusal options using USSD commands or simple SMS messages are not provided for this option.

Disconnection methods

In total, company representatives offer three options for disabling the option for parents. Let's take a look at each of them in detail. See what are the ways to disable mobile internet on the Megaphone on the phone, you can.


To use this method, PUK1 code required your sim card. If it is not there, then you will not be able to disable it in this way.

On service number 5187 send a message with one of the text options to choose from: "Off", "Disable", "Off", "0", "otkl".

In response, you will receive a message with the text: “Send to given number command PUK1 [space] 00000000, where 00000000 is your PUK code number ”.

Enter the text in the specified format in the reply message, not forgetting about spaces. Please check the PUK1 digits carefully before sending.