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Why can't I turn off the children's internet. Children's package from mts

Especially for parents who want to protect their child, the "Mobile Telesystems" company has developed the "Children's Package" service. Today, the modern flow of information often contains content harmful to persons under the age of majority, manifested in various advertisements, spam and propaganda. A service from MTS Children's Package will help to avoid all this.

In this material, you will find out what this option is, what opportunities are provided and how the service is connected or disconnected.

Children's package from MTS

The service is primarily intended for the convenience of parents. With the kids' package you can:

  • Monitor the balance of a personal account, replenish it (including the function of automatic payment).
  • Secure mobile communications, fully customizable.
  • Control of the child's location using a special USSD request.

Works on all tariff plans (, and others), including archived ones.

Detailed list of package features:

  • With the activated baby package, the child will not be able to send and receive SMS-messages, as well as call all known short numbers.
  • All incoming spam in the form of mailings and advertisements will be disabled on the number.
  • You can independently set up a blacklist of numbers to protect your child from communicating with a circle of unwanted persons.
  • Two lines included. Even during a conversation, the child will see that the parent number is calling and will be able to answer it, while the second line will remain on hold.
  • Accurate definition of geographic location without Internet access. Everything happens through feedback with a GPS satellite, that is, you can turn off access to the network. This function can even be used on push-button telephones old model.
  • The child can independently notify the parents of his whereabouts by sending a quick USSD request.

How to connect

Take the child's phone and dial the following combination from it: * 111 * 1112 # and press the Call key. After a few seconds, information will appear on the mobile screen, here you need to enter the number "1" (Connect) and click "Answer".

Within a minute, you will receive a message containing data on activating the Baby package service. Next, you need to add the numbers of the parents (those persons who will be able to control the service). The operator has provided for the possibility of linking two numbers.

Instructions for adding a parent number:

  • Send a message with the text "8XXX1122334 PARENT" to short number 1112.
  • Confirm the binding of the number by replying to the message.

Important: Cyrillic input, i.e. Russian, is not supported on older phones. In such cases, use the following text: "RODITEL 8XXX0001122".

Locating the child

In order to determine the exact address of the location of the owner of the number, use the following instructions:

  • Send a message with the text "GDE 8XXX0001122" to 1112.
  • A few minutes after the request is processed, an SMS notification will be sent to the parent number with information about the current address of the child.

Important: Mobile Telesystems provides 50 definition requests per month. The service works when a child is on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Setting up call and SMS restrictions

The parent has the right to make independent adjustments to limit the child's communication. To do this, you need to go to, located at Authorization requires entering a username and password.

In your personal account, you can create a "black list" of numbers for incoming and outgoing calls and messages (or separately). The number must be written in international format with a country code.

The advantage is that you can additionally configure the ban time, that is, the time schedule for when you can call and write SMS, and when you cannot.

How to disable

It should be noted right away that the child will not be able to do this, even if he has access to two mobile devices. To disconnect the Children's Package from MTS, the owner of the SIM card must personally come to one of the company's representative offices and inform about his intention.

Only after the user is identified by passport data, the service will be stopped. No other methods are provided and do not exist.


Activation of the option is free, but the service itself is paid and is provided on a monthly basis to holders of MTS SIM cards of any tariff plan, except for the corporate one. The cost is 100 rubles, while sending an SMS to the short number 1112 is free of charge.


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Nowadays, children from an early age have access to the global network. Cartoons, children's programs, educational programs and educational materials - all this became available thanks to modern technologies... But how to protect your child from the fact that he does not need to see early or not at all? Control yourself every minute you spend on the Internet? It's easier to prohibit its use completely.

Operator cellular MegaFon offers its help in controlling where your child goes using global network... The "Children's Internet" service is able to solve many problems - this is what our article is about.

The service connects to almost any Megafon tariff plan and after the required settings the filter of web resources is turned on. The filter works with almost all modern browsers and devices when a megaphone is on the network.

Available for use on tablets, smartphones, phones, modem devices.

Important! While in international roaming the service is suspended!

The "Children's Internet" service filter contains data on more than half a billion unwanted resources and is updated daily. What resources are blocked by the "Internet for Children" service? Websites "for adults", portals with gambling, services for bypassing blockages, etc.

The filter works with all major operating systems:

  • Windows OS.
  • Mac OSX.
  • IOS OS (iPhone and iPad).
  • Android OS.

Attention! The operator does not guarantee that the service will work with browsers such as Opera mini, Opera Turbo and using built-in modules to bypass blocking and traffic compression.

What is the price?

What is the cost of connecting to the "Children's Internet" service? The activation of the service itself is free of charge. There is a monthly or daily subscription fee for using it. The amount of the subscription fee is different and depends on the region where the SIM card was purchased. For example, in the metropolitan area it is 300 rubles per month(name - "Children's Internet 2014"), and in most regions of the country 2 rubles for 1 day use.

How to connect?

How to connect Kids' Internet on the device your child uses? There are several ways to do this:

  • On the official website of the company, on the service page without authorization c. Fill out the proposed form and confirm the order of the service by entering the code from the sent SMS.
  • In your Personal Account, after logging into the website at the link in the "Connect Services" section.
  • Sending an SMS command to connect to the 5800 addressee with the word "ON".
  • Sending the USSD command with the combination * 580 * 1 # with the dial key.
  • When calling 0500 (for calls from Megafon numbers) and 8 800 550 05 00 (for calls from numbers of other operators).
  • With a personal visit to the salon or office of the company.

How to setup?

In order for the service to work correctly, it must be configured. This must be done in this order:

  1. In the SMS received on the phone when confirming the connection of the service or on the service page on the site, find the link to download the security certificate.
  2. After uploading the document, register it when registering the device to the service.
  3. After registering the certificate, the service is ready for use and will start working the first time you access the network through the outlet mobile access Megaphone.

Important! In order to avoid unauthorized disconnection of the service, it is recommended to install a special codeword to manage the service.

To make it impossible to disable the “Children's Internet” service for a child without the parents' knowledge, this is done in only two ways:

  1. When you personally contact the salon or the operator's office with the provision of identity documents.
  2. When you call the Megafon contact center and if you answer security questions (document data and a control word, if set).

By activating the Children's Internet service, you agree to the terms of the Offer Agreement published at Carefully study the terms of the contract before using any services!

MegaFon allows parents to protect their children from unwanted sites using a special service " Children's Internet". Thanks to the option, the child will be able to surf the net only to those sites that are available on the white list. In other words, the child can and go to those sites that have been rated by experts as. The number of resources for use exceeds the number of 500 million sites. In addition, 100,000 new sites are added every day.

It should be noted that this option is good for small children. The service was created so that children do not go to prohibited sites.

Do you really want unlimited Internet? Service!

More about the service

To use the service correctly, you will need to install special certificates on those devices on which the option will be used. These certificates can be downloaded from the official website. Also on the site provided detailed description for installing a certificate for each individual device.

The “Children's Internet” service has some limitations, namely, it cannot function along with some other services from MegaFon. More details can be found with the operator or on the company's website. As for the use, you can connect the option anywhere in Russia. The function also extends throughout the country, but guarantees that the operation will be correct in national roaming not guaranteed. Subscribers can be 100% sure that the option works in home network... It should be noted that the conditions of validity will not apply in international roaming.

The activated option cannot be used with browsers such as Opera Mini or Opera Turbo. In addition, those browsers that function according to this technology are also not supported. To work correctly, you will need to use other types of browsers, for example, Firefox.

Parents who have installed this option should be aware that they will not be able to deactivate it on their own. Since no commands or messages are provided to disable, it is also impossible to disable the service via Personal Area... Parents who use the service are advised to put a special password-word during connection, which must be named when disconnecting.

The option will work on any devices on which you can put a MegaFon SIM card. If we talk about the cost, then there is no fee for activating the service, which is a positive factor. But subscribers will need to pay a subscription fee of 2 rubles every day. Thus, the monthly fee for the "Children's Internet" will be 60 rubles. At the same time, access is not limited and is unlimited.

How to activate the service

First of all, please note that activate this service can people who have reached the age of 18. Accordingly, who have a passport. To activate, you need to use one of the convenient methods:

  1. The simplest is to send a service request to the operator. To do this, enter on the device * 580 * 1 # ... After entering, you need to make a call. Further, the request will be sent, and after a while the client will receive a notification about successful activation services.
  2. No less simple method is to send a text message to the service provider. To do this, write the word “ON” in the body of the letter and send it to 5800. As confirmation of activation, the subscriber will receive a counter message with the necessary information.
  3. Another method of self-activation is to use your personal account on the company's website. To do this, you will need to go through a short registration and receive a password to enter. Then, in the tab with services, find the desired option and enable it by clicking on the desired button.
  4. If you cannot install the service yourself, then it is recommended to take your passport and go to the MegaFon brand salon. Experienced specialists, after confirming their identity, will be able to connect the service and configure it for correct operation.
  5. You can also activate the service through the help desk. To do this, you need to call 0500. After the operator gives an answer, ask him to connect the service. Perhaps the operator may ask you to voice the number and series of your passport or name the code word that was specified when registering the SIM card.

How to turn off Children's Internet on MegaFon

There are many fewer methods provided for deactivating a service. This is for safety reasons so that children cannot turn off the option on their own. So, to disable you should:

  • Contact the MegaFon brand store and ask a specialist to deactivate the service assigned to the number. For this method you will need a document that can prove your identity.
  • You can dial the support operator at 0505. This number suitable for MegaFon customers. In case of making a call from another operator's number or from a landline phone, you need to use 88005500500. After the operator answers, ask him to deactivate the service. To successfully complete the procedure, the operator may require you to name the code and passport data.

Finally, it should be noted that the information is presented for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. For subscribers in other regions, it is recommended to detail information on payment on the company's website or at the operator mobile communications.

Disable service mobile internet Megafon users can do it in several ways:

1.Using USSD messages. You just need to dial in the mobile device a combination of numbers corresponding to the connected mobile Internet option and press the call button. Different combinations for different tariffs:

* 236 * 0 * 0 # - Internet XS;

- * 236 * 1 * 0 # - Internet S;

- * 236 * 2 * 0 # - Internet M;

- * 236 * 3 * 0 # - Internet L;

- * 236 * 4 * 0 # - Internet XL;

- * 105 * 264 * 0 # - Internet 24;

- * 105 * 224 * 0 # - Internet 24 PRO.

Separate commands are designed to unsubscribe from additional Internet options of the operator:

- * 510 * 5 * 0 # - E-book;

- * 522 * 0 # - Children's Internet;

- * 105 * 504 * 0 # - Be calm;

- * 105 * 369 * 0 # - BlackBerry®InternetService;

- * 105 * 221 * 0 # - Non-stop;

- * 105 * 275 * 0 # - Internet Owl;

If the Internet was used to access the network using a tablet or modem, the SIM card must first be removed and reinserted into the mobile device.

2. Register on the official website of the Megafon operator, find the "Service Guide" tab and manage all paid and free services for Megafon subscribers, including refusing Internet traffic or changing the tariff for accessing the Network.

3. Call the free number 0500 and solve the problem with disconnecting an unnecessary Internet tariff, or visit the official office of Megafon in person.

MegaFon allows parents to protect their children from unwanted sites using a special service "Children's Internet". Thanks to the option, the child will be able to surf the net only to those sites that are available on the white list.

In other words, the child can use the Internet and visit those sites that have been rated by experts as safe content. The number of resources for use exceeds the number of 500 million sites. In addition, 100 thousand are added every day.

new sites.

It should be noted that this option is good for small children. The service was created so that children do not go to prohibited sites.

More about the service

To use the service correctly, you will need to install special certificates on those devices on which the option will be used. These certificates can be downloaded from the official website. The site also provides a detailed description of how to install a certificate for each individual device.

The “Children's Internet” service has some limitations, namely, it cannot function along with some other services from MegaFon. More details can be found with the operator or on the company's website. As for the use, you can connect the option anywhere in Russia.

The function is also valid throughout the country, but the guarantee that the operation will be correct in national roaming is not guaranteed. Subscribers can be 100% sure that the option will work in the home network.

It should be noted that the conditions of validity will not apply in international roaming.

The activated option cannot be used with browsers such as Opera Mini or Opera Turbo. In addition, those browsers that function according to this technology are also not supported. To work correctly, you will need to use other types of browsers, for example, Firefox.

Parents who have installed this option should be aware that the child will not be able to deactivate it on his own.

Since no commands or sending messages are provided for deactivation, it is also impossible to deactivate the service through your personal account.

The option will work on any devices on which you can put a MegaFon SIM card. If we talk about the cost, then there is no fee for activating the service, which is a positive factor.

But subscribers will need to pay a subscription fee of 2 rubles every day. Thus, the monthly fee for the "Children's Internet" will be 60 rubles.

At the same time, access is not limited and is unlimited.

How to activate the service

First of all, please note that people who have reached the age of 18 can activate this service. Accordingly, who have a passport. To activate, you need to use one of the convenient methods:

  1. The simplest is to send a service request to the operator. To do this, you need to enter * 580 * 1 # on your device. After entering, you need to make a call. Further, the request will be sent, and the client after a while will receive a notification about the successful activation of the service.
  2. An equally simple method is to send a text message to the service provider. To do this, write the word “ON” in the body of the letter and send it to 5800. As confirmation of activation, the subscriber will receive a counter message with the necessary information.
  3. Another method of self-activation is to use your personal account on the company's website. To do this, you will need to go through a short registration and receive a password to enter. Then, in the tab with services, find the desired option and enable it by clicking on the desired button.
  4. If you cannot install the service yourself, then it is recommended to take your passport and go to the MegaFon brand salon. Experienced specialists, after confirming their identity, will be able to connect the service and configure it for correct operation.
  5. You can also activate the service through the help desk. To do this, you need to call 0500. After the operator gives an answer, ask him to connect the service. Perhaps the operator may ask you to voice the number and series of your passport or name the code word that was specified when registering the SIM card.

How to turn off Children's Internet on MegaFon

There are many fewer methods provided for deactivating a service. This is for safety reasons so that children cannot turn off the option on their own. So, to disable you should:

  • Contact the MegaFon brand store and ask a specialist to deactivate the service assigned to the number. This method will require a document that can verify your identity.
  • You can dial the support operator by calling 0505. This number is suitable for MegaFon customers. In case of making a call from another operator's number or from a landline phone, you need to use 88005500500. After the operator answers, ask him to deactivate the service. To successfully complete the procedure, the operator may require you to name the code and passport data.

Finally, it should be noted that the information is presented for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. For subscribers in other regions, it is recommended to detail information on payment on the company's website or with a mobile operator.


You can find many on the Internet useful information, but sometimes users stumble upon "garbage" and inappropriate content... It is quite difficult for parents to shield their children from adult-oriented information. To eliminate this problem, Megafon has developed the Children's Internet service, which provides access only to those sites that are suitable for a child.

To use the service, the client needs to pay 2 rubles daily. Prices are indicated for residents of the Moscow region. To clarify the cost of services in other regions, it is recommended to contact the operator.


Subscribers using the children's Internet get the opportunity to protect schoolchildren from information "rubbish". The option blocks access to web resources containing inappropriate content. The database of malicious sites is updated every day.

The service is provided on a paid basis. 2 rubles are debited per day. Additionally, subscribers need to pay for traffic, the cost of which depends on the connected tariff.

The option can be used in the home region and abroad. While in international roaming, access to the function is blocked. The service can be used by subscribers of any tariff plans.

It should be noted that the package cannot work in conjunction with services such as:

  • "Static IP";
  • Dedicated VPN;
  • "Office in your pocket";
  • "Management of remote objects".

Children's Internet can be used from an iPhone, smartphone, tablet and computer, provided that a 3G modem is used. As far as browsers are concerned, the option is not available on Opera. Work with programs such as WhatsApp, Viber and Skype is allowed. In case of problems with the microphone, you need to change the phone settings.

The functionality of the package is designed in such a way that children cannot bypass the protection. At the same time, the option establishes control not only over sites, but also over video clips.

How to connect

Connecting children's Internet on Megafon is performed in several ways. In order to enable the option, you need to:

  • Send SMS with the text "ON" to the number "5800";
  • Go to the official website ru. On the page with the description of the servant, enter your phone number;
  • Dial the USSD code "* 580 * 1 #";
  • Contact the office of the company. Consultants will help you activate the function;
  • Log in to your personal account. In the "Parameters" section, activate the function of interest.

To prevent the child from deactivating the package on his own, it is recommended to come up with a code word to deactivate the service.

No commission is charged for connecting the option. Sometimes subscribers leave a comment with the following content: “I activated the option, but the filter did not turn on. What did you do wrong? " This is due to the fact that the service starts functioning only after installing an additional certificate.

Instructions for setting up a certificate on Android

Immediately after activating the option, you need to download the certificate. This can be done by following the link "". The file must be saved to the memory of the android device. After downloading the certificate you need:

  1. Run the file downloaded to the phone.
  2. Enter the name of the certificate. Any name can be specified.
  3. In the field "Use credentials" select " VPN network and applications ".
  4. Click the "OK" button.

After that, all traffic restrictions will be enabled.

Installing a certificate on iOS

Subscribers using gadgets with the iOS operating system can also install a certificate. For this you need:

  • Download the certificate from the site ru;
  • Run the file for installation;
  • After finishing the installation, click the "Finish" button.

This completes the installation of the certificate. Now all that remains is to launch the browser and you can get to work.

How to disable

To disable the "Children's Internet" service on Megafon, you need to do one of the following:

  1. Visit a communication salon or company office, presenting your passport to confirm your identity. The consultant then deactivates the function.
  2. Contact the call-center for help - "0500". The operator will help you remove the option from the list of active services.

There is no other way to disable the package. This will prevent teenagers from turning off the filter on their own.

Who suits

The option is suitable for all subscribers who have children. Thanks to the package, students will be protected from unnecessary information. The advantage of the package is that only the owner of the room can disable it. For those who want to know where the child is staying after school, it is recommended to use the "Radar" service.


Megaphone is one of the most large companies Russia on the cellular market, offering a convenient and inexpensive set of services in a first-class new generation 3G / 4G mobile network. Many options interesting to users are available at the selected tariff, Additional services Megafon subscribers can connect as needed and expand the scope of service.

In some cases on mobile number a whole set of unnecessary paid services that significantly burden your account and auto payments from the card. They can be determined using regular balance control and detailing, which are available if you enter your Personal Account or receive information using a service sms.

In this case, the user of the Megafon service can independently enable or disable it. The operator does not limit the freedom of subscribers in any way, who in self-service mode can customize the service package. To do this, you need to enter in the phone short command or, using the Internet, disable unnecessary options in the office by pressing one button.

Login to your personal account megafon

Subscribers can use almost any available set of services: from number identification and notification of the appearance in the network, to media content, with the help of which they receive operational news. Below we will tell you how to set up a service package.

The provider offers its customers a wide range of services and options that will help to set up an individual service package on the mobile number in addition to the tariff. There are usual service packages provided by all operators, there are also unique options that you will not find anywhere else.

Megafon additional services are designed to make the use of mobile communications as adapted to personal requirements as possible.

Megaphone personal account

Subscribers can try any services and turn off paid services at any time in Megafon. To manage the services, there is a Personal Account, where both your account and a list of paid and free services that can be enabled or disabled are available.

Using the Internet, the subscriber can get acquainted with all the information: what services and options are connected to Megafon, what command must be entered to quick access how to check a subscriber account, analyze expenses using details, find out the cost, amount of payments and deactivate unnecessary services.

So, what the operator offers to its customers (you can find out more on this page, if you go to the corporate website in your region):

  • the set of options is divided into categories, what services can be connected by subscribers in roaming, using standard communications (calls and SMS) and the Internet;
  • there are additional services that improve usability mobile device: Sms check, Promised payment, Call at the expense of a friend, Live balance, etc.;
  • services are offered to facilitate payments (Payment with bank card, replenishment in the Internet, transfers to other subscribers, auto payment);
  • communication settings ("black" list of subscribers, the "Second number" service is available (additional sim card on one account), AntiAON and others, Who called);
  • a whole list of services for entertainment: Megafon.TV, Megafon.Magazines, Megafon.Books;
  • pay attention to family services: Children's Internet, Radar.

Additional and basic services are connected from your personal account, including using the application cellular company, which can be downloaded in a cellular salon or using Internet services.

When installed, it will be enough to press a button to control the services. Services are connected after they have been paid for and connected in accordance with the instructions.

Disabling and enabling services for any mobile subscriber Is part of the process of using telecom services.

Users communicate with different subscribers and can restrict calls and SMS from some numbers, prohibit auto-identification of numbers, disable all dialing unnecessary services on the number when leaving the Home region or abroad, so as not to uselessly burden your account with mobile phone or monitor the whereabouts of the child while he is still small.

To effectively manage your personal account and, as a result, the volume of services from Megafon, you need to have information on how and in what situations it is better to do this. Next, we will introduce you to some details on how to remove services on Megaphone.

Megafon customers have experience in using communication services in different mobile networks. All providers offer free service support services, including via sms and ussd commands. These capabilities appeared at the dawn of the development of mobile communications, when sim and devices did not yet support multimedia services and did not provide full access to the Internet.

The subscriber can use ussd code to get quick access directly to the server of cellular services, where in additional settings the list of connected options is stored. You can enable and disable them using a specific command that is entered in the form and instantly executed:

The command is not always known, and using the Internet to view the subscriber account and find out the cost and conditions for connecting to a particular option is not always convenient, you can use another opportunity - call the operator to the Megafon support service by phone 8 800 550 0500/0500 (calls from mobile and 8 800 each are free).

Call to operator Megafon at 0500

With the help of the operator, the subscriber can get rid of unnecessary amounts of payments, change tariff plan, disable subscriptions. If the subscriber called the contact center, this was recorded, so you can always complain when you continue to charge.

A call to a contact center is a good opportunity for those people who are not “friendly” with technology, but use full communication. You can also clarify the information in the salon.

If you like to communicate using SMS, then the method of service management by means of messages, which the operator provides to users of "ordinary" phones, will definitely suit you. You can turn off paid services in Megafon by sending free sms.

The service can be used by all subscribers regardless of the type of device. With the help of the service you can get all the information on the tariff, the list of paid services, connect the Internet, roaming, options, use additional ways balance checks.

Promo - service guide

To simplify "communication" with your phone and set up a package of services, Megafon offered special opportunity"Service Guide" is Megafon's personal account on the corporate website, which is also available through mobile android application. With its help, disabling paid services on Megafon becomes even easier, but only if the Internet is available.

Service guide - tune in to high quality communication services

If something does not suit you according to your tariff, you can always connect additional options that will expand the capabilities of the subscriber.

Above, there are methods of access and how to change connected services without the Internet. To do this, you can enter a free ussd command or a message and get access to the control section of the Megafon cellular server.

This is especially convenient in roaming when the sim is configured for the minimum service package.

Application review service guide from Megafon

Simplified services do not require you to enter a password, a fee, or payment by SMS, but they completely allow you to set up your device's subscriber account for the required monthly payment. At the same time, many subscribers are accustomed to Internet services. Service Guide is a self-service center where you can independently configure a service package from a computer or mobile device.

Benefits of the Service Guide:

  • always at hand, you can enter the screen with one touch using the application;
  • in additional settings, all services are available that will help provide the desired content and a set of options, including when traveling in Russia and abroad;
  • you can change the tariff plan;
  • accumulate and spend bonus points, get a discount, participate in promotions and offers, manage traffic parameters and access speed, replenish an account, send money, receive answers from the administration on the day of contact, automatically set up payments;

So, how to refuse unnecessary payments and control your expenses, calls to the Home region and Russia, change your tariff plan and set of options? This can be done using the Megafon "Service Guide" cellular service.

The service is available to all Megafon customers without exception - how you can use it:

  • use the site and click the button “Enter your personal account;
  • the phone number will act as a login, a password is required to enter, it can be obtained in the following ways (information will appear on the screen): * 105 * 00 #, sms to 000105 with the text 00, you can change * 105 * 01 #. The answer will contain your login password. You can also call 0505;
  • on home page find "Options and services", in order to get details, go to manage the connected services, in a separate tab you can choose from the whole range of services you like;
  • check the connection and disconnection of services. To display the information on the screen, go back to the "Options and Services" tab.

In some cases, subscribers can turn off all paid Megafon services with one command or SMS:

  • send SMS to 5051 with the text STOP;
  • send a ussd request with * 505 #, get a response with a list of all connected paid options, enter the commands one by one to disable them.

Here is a small list of commands that you may need to manage services:

  • Deactivation of the Voice communication (mail) service - * 105 * 1300 #;
  • Deactivation of video messages - * 105 * 2310 #;
  • Refuse to receive SMS messages - * 105 * 1900 #;
  • Disable "Always online" - * 105 * 2500 #;
  • Disable "Change dial tone" - * 105 * 9000 #;
  • Disable cellular conference calls - * 105 * 1600 #;
  • Disable data transfer - * 105 * 1400 #;
  • Disable "SMS-check" - * 105 * 2100 #;
  • Disable "Who called?" - * 105 * 2400 #.

Also useful service commands are posted on the official website of the company:

One of the most useful services and at the same time problems for all mobile subscribers is paid subscriptions... If the disconnection of services on Megafon from the phone is done using services, then in this case you will need to refuse each content service on the mobile phone or enter the special Megafon content subscription service.

They can be turned off via personal section so that unnecessary subscriptions do not burden the bill. Conventionally, in order to refuse all paid content services, the cabinet allows pressing one button within a minute.

Why it is advisable to disable all paid subscriptions at once:

  • firstly, usually they are not provided operator Megafon, they are not connected to the tariff and these are not service options;
  • secondly, subscribers are often "going to" large set the content of subscriptions is completely random - by rash keystrokes and sending SMS in response to offers. You can disable them by sending SMS to the addressee's number with the text LIST, if there are other methods, but the command cannot be used, but only the Internet. This is revealed only after checking the balance;
  • thirdly, sometimes you can disable the option only for a fee, and this cannot be done with a negative balance;
  • fourthly, the transition to another tariff plan can save included in the price of the subscription already in a paid mode. Storing them on an unused number threatens such a nuisance as blocking for non-payment. Timely management of your account will help make roaming use more profitable.

This can be done manually from a computer or mobile phone and at the same time refuse to use. The simplest and affordable way- using the mobile phone menu, you don't have to send sms message or dial ussd command, especially if you are in roaming.

To clean your sim from unnecessary content, use the free option and do not waste time calling support.

Enter the menu section on your phone, where in the additional settings you will find Megafon PRO and Subscriptions for details. Send the LIST message to all numbers, as a result, the content will be deleted on its own without third-party services.

The same will help you to do the same in the salon in accordance with the instructions of the provider. As a result, there should be no paid service. Check the list again according to the menu, subscriptions are disabled after 1-2 minutes.

At the same time, there will be obligatory services that are provided after the fact.

Services and options in your Megafon account

To determine which subscriptions are paid, you can use Check Disabled. In the Personal Account (using the Service Guide), you can select an item in the options:

  • go to "Service Management";
  • click on "Unsubscribe from mailings"

Disconnection is made without withdrawing funds. You can connect content services to your smartphone at any time.

Megaphone subscriptions

In some cases, Megafon clients are involved in porting numbers to another provider. This applies to special types of services, the main condition for the provision of which is the absence of debt.

It is the subscriptions, if they remain activated, that can form a debt by the day of the transition, marked in the official document signed by the subscriber.

Money is debited daily even if there is no actual use of the number, therefore, by the time of transfer, a negative balance will be formed when paying off the debt.

The clauses of the agreement assume that if the number is in arrears, the number is not transferred to another operator.

To pay off the debt, you can use bonus points in a timely manner. If you find it difficult to make all the settings and disable content and options yourself, we recommend contacting the Megafon office.

To protect yourself from most random subscriptions to the Internet, the operator has useful services such as: Stop Content and refusal from mobile advertising.

Banning Megafon content - a reliable fight against subscriptions

You can easily find these services in your personal account in the list of services and you can use them for free.

Do it now!


How to turn off the Internet on MegaFon?

The Internet today has become the same integral part Everyday life like television or mobile communications. Many of us cannot imagine our life without our favorite social networks or news sites. However, there are those who are not frequent guests. world wide web, someone never visits sites at all.

When do you need to turn off the Internet on Megafon?

For them, the presence of Internet access on a mobile phone does not play any role, or even interferes with it. Such people would definitely like to turn off the Internet on Megafon.

There are especially many such users among the older generation - our grandmothers, grandfathers, and parents.

In the phone, they primarily value the ability to contact you at any time, they are indifferent to the rest of the possibilities of mobile communication.

In addition to them, there are subscribers who use the Internet from certain gadgets (computer, tablet), and use the phone only for calls.

If you have a school-age child, and you are used to controlling the information that he accesses through websites, you too, most likely, will gladly limit his access to the network in your absence and turn off the Internet for him on Megafon.

When you buy a Megafon SIM card in a cellular salon, the seller-consultant is engaged in setting up your tariff, who will take into account all your wishes for the set of services purchased from Megafon, including turning off the Internet. But what if there is no sales assistant nearby, or you didn’t think about personal settings at the time of purchase? Is there a way to turn off the Internet on Megafon on your own?

How to disconnect the Internet from Megafon?

How to check if the Internet is connected on Megafon?

Each Megafon SIM card contains the ability to connect to the Internet and automatically starts it as soon as you insert the SIM card into the phone. The verification method depends on specific model phone. Below are the most common ways to check if the internet is connected on your phone. If they do not suit you, read the instructions for use of your particular device.

If you are using a phone that works on operating system Android(Samsung, HTC, Sony devices), go to the section "Settings" - « Mobile networks» (or "Network connections"), find the item "Internet access via GPRS".

If this item is ticked, then your phone is connected to the Internet.
If you use a device of the brand Apple(iPhone), then go to the section "Settings", Further "Network", find two items on the list: "3G" and "Cellular data".

If they are enabled, then your phone is connected to the Internet.

For users of a phone running on the platform Windows(Nolia Lumia), you need to go to "Phone settings", further into "Network settings", find item "Data connection" and see what position the lever is in: "On"- means the phone is connected, position "Off" means that the phone is disconnected from the Internet.

How to disconnect the Internet from Megafon?

How to turn off the Internet on Megafon?

Method number 1

You can turn off the Internet by unchecking everything in the same section where you checked for a connection. With this method, the ban will be in effect on the phone all the time, regardless of which SIM cards you will later use. It will be possible to cancel the ban by checking the box again in this menu.

Method number 2

You can opt out of the internet using USSD codes- a special set of keys for sending a command message to Megafon to perform certain actions.

By the way, you use the Internet on your phone, sometimes without even knowing it, for example, when you read e-book or browsing the app Email... To disconnect from such Megafon services, there are special USSD commands.

Also, the USSD code depends on the tariff to which you are connected to Megafon.

How to disconnect the Internet from Megafon?

The most common commands (type them on the keys of your phone and press the "call" button):

  • *105*221*0# - cancellation of the Megafon Internet service "Non-stop"
  • *105*224*0# - disconnect from the service "Internet 24 PRO"
  • *105*264*0# - disconnect from the service "Internet 24"
  • *105*275*0# - disconnection from the service "Internet Owl"
  • *105*369*0# - disconnecting device users from the Internet "BlackBerry"
  • *105*504*0# - this command disables the option "Stay calm"
  • *236*0*0# - the command "refusal from the Internet" for subscribers with a tariff "Internet XS"
  • *236*1*0# - the same for Megafon subscribers with a tariff "Internet S"
  • *236*2*0# - "disconnect" for the tariff "Internet M"
  • *236*3*0# - refusal from the Internet for the tariff "Internet L"
  • *236*4*0# - disconnecting the Internet from Megafon for subscribers "Internet XL"
  • *510*5*0# - refusal of the Internet in the application "EBook"
  • *522*0# - disconnection from the service "Children's Internet"

If in this list you did not find a suitable USSD code for disconnecting from the Internet on your phone, use the reference number 8-800-550-05-00 (call within Russia is free) or +7-922-1110500 (free from any country) and find out the correct USSD code for your tariff.

How to disconnect the Internet from Megafon?

Method number 3

You can turn off the Internet through your personal account on the official Megafon website. To do this, go to the Megafon website, on the right above the menu you will see a window for entering your personal account. For the first login, you need to get a password (dial * 105 * 00 # "call"). After entering your personal account, go to the section "My services" and disconnect the Internet from Megafon.