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Restore the context menu. How do I restore the desktop context menu? Why is this happening and how to fix it

Disappearing desktop context menu caused by right-clicking an empty space is one of the newer bugs I've encountered Windows users 10. As you probably know, this function allows you not only to create new folders, shortcuts or open video card settings, but also provides fast access to personalize the operating system.

Any violation of the main menu functionality instantly creates significant difficulties in work and limits the user's freedom. In this article, we will look at a few effective solutions to help you recover your missing desktop context menu.

Disable Tablet Mode

Windows 10 is a universal operating system that supports Tablet and PC modes. Therefore, if for some reason you accidentally turned on the function of working with the tablet, then you probably faced the complete disappearance of the desktop and the context menu, respectively.

Let's look at an example of how to fix this.

Method number 1. Desktop Mode

1. Open up start menu and go to Settings.

2. Go to section System.

3. Change the parameter When logging in on the state Use desktop mode.

You can now restart your computer to see if this method helped you.

Method number 2. Check the case if the right mouse button stops working

If context menu Windows 10 is disabled, the right-click function on the desktop will be disabled, thus blocking any interaction with it.

If your computer does not respond when you press a key, follow these instructions:

1. Open up start menu.

2. Enter the command Regedit.

3. Open the app.

4. Follow the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

5. Commit double click by parameter c and set Value 0.

6. Restart your PC to apply the changes.

Important note:
If you did not find the file in the list of registry data NoViewContextMenu, do not perform any other actions. Its absence indicates that the right-click feature on the desktop has not been disabled.

Method number 3. Registry recovery software

If none of the above methods helped, try using a third-party software specializing in registry recovery.

It is quite possible that an unintentional correction of a file was made, which resulted in the failure of all the others, one way or another affecting the functioning of the context menu. Using such applications can easily fix the problem.

We hope the article was useful for you and helped you find answers to the questions posed.

In today's article, I will try to show you how to change the right-click menu, in other words, the context menu. Every time we click on any file, the program with the right mouse button - we see the context menu, and not everything that is offered there - we need it. And sometimes something is missing, you must agree, if you often send documents to a folder, it will be more convenient to add “send ...” to the context menu, two clicks and a file where needed.

Consider three ways:

You can not only delete unnecessary, but also add the desired action to the menu;

Only to remove unnecessary things from the context menu.

The first way:

To change the right-click menu, we need the ShellExView utility. Why she? It's very simple: this utility weighs 80Kb, is easy to use, and allows you to easily edit the context menu.

You can download ShellExView (,), yes, it is in English, you can Russify it, but we will try to figure it out like this. After downloading the program, run it, the first minute it scans the system, then go to Options - Filter By Extension Type

select the context menu, click "ok"


We look at what we don’t like, select it and press the red circle, to the question “are you sure” (it’s true there in English), you press yes. After rebooting the menu with the right mouse button - it will be changed, if you want to return something back - go back to this program, select the desired function and press the green circle.

Second way to change context menu:

Everything is even simpler here, and we can add the desired one to the menu with the right mouse button. Download the utility (to download you need to click the word Download). Unpack the archive, there are two folders x86 and x64, go in and run the program, depending on which one you have operating system(I will not describe how to find out, run the program, if it writes an error, then you need to run it from another folder).

read the license, if you understand English, and click "I Agree"

in the window that opens, select settings, in the window that opens, select the language Russian

We go to the program, the second time it will open in Russian

On the left side is a list of functions you can add, with right side where to add. Also, on the left side, you can select "add your item" and select an action, the program that you want to see when you right-click on a file.

Third way:

C using CCleaner can. Yes, we won't be able to add an action to the right-click menu, but for that, you can easily remove an item from this menu. AND CCleaner program universal, unlike the previous ones, in it you can clean your computer of temporary files, unnecessary junk, change startup, fix the registry, delete programs, play with startup different applications... Read more -. Here, removing from the context menu is simple:

1. Press => search in the top tabs Context menu

2. Select in the list what you want to disable from the menu with the right mouse button => click Vturn off(you can click delete, but in this case it will be difficult to return if you remove the excess, but now you turned it off, then turned it on).

As you can see, Ccleaner is a simple and necessary thing, just two steps and you have changed context menu.

All three ways to change the right-click menu - we've covered. Good luck 🙂

The operability of all devices. In case of failures, breakdowns, it is not always necessary to call specialists, paying for their services sometimes at rather high prices. Many flaws, errors can be corrected by yourself. This kind of crashes, errors include when the right mouse button does not open the context menu. What to do in such cases?

First, you should find out why the crash occurs, why the Windows 10 context menu does not work. There are several possible reasons here:

  • cluttered registry with obsolete files;
  • the absence of programs included in the context menu, their unstable work.

Let's consider what to do in these cases, how to change the situation when the context menu does not open with the right mouse button.

If the right-click context menu does not appear due to the clutter of the registry with obsolete files, we recommend using a utility for cleaning, for example, Glary utilities... Glary Utilities is a set of system tweakers, utilities that help protect, tweak, and improve PC performance. With the help of the set, you can delete unnecessary files that clog the system, registry entries that are outdated for a long time, optimize the RAM, manage startup, optimize memory and other functions that are useful for the good functioning of the computer. Glary Utilities is free to download.

After setting the settings, clear your device from unnecessary files using the same utility, clean the registry, thereby increasing the speed of the computer.

Freeze bug fix

If, when you right-click on a file, folder, the context menu on the desktop does not work, the computer freezes, the key does not respond to commands, you can eliminate this freeze in two ways, we recommend doing both in sequence. Before proceeding with any of them, you need to have administrator rights. You will have to work with the registry, here you have to be careful, if you do something wrong, the system may crash. Therefore, when starting the process of fixing failures, be sure to create a system restore point before deleting anything.

A "dumb" hang is caused, as a rule, by an unstable program, a frozen program, or when a link in the context menu points to a non-existent resource.

Method one

Follow the steps in sequence:

  1. Check the list that appears for programs you have already removed.
  2. If there is a program in the list that you removed, remove it from the registry. Before deleting any registry key, we recommend that you create a backup copy of it in order to save it in case you need to restore it.

Method two

Algorithm for the second method, when you do not open the context windows menu 10 will be next.

  1. Open the registry editor as described in steps 1–2 of the previous method.
  2. Open the subkey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
  3. In it you will see several subsections with names like "name_programm.exe", "name_programm.dll". Check each one by one, by clicking LMB, to the subsection "command". All subsections should open. If it does not open, look for the “NoOpenWith” parameter in the right part of the window. There is no such parameter - create it. To do this, follow the steps:

  1. Having found the subsection "command", click LMB, check the presence of the parameter "(By default)" on the right side. The parameter must be assigned to the application or network resource existing on the computer.
  • If the parameter refers to a resource that is already missing, the entire section that begins with the name of this resource or program should be deleted. Do not forget to create a backup copy before deleting it for recovery if necessary. Delete by clicking on the name of the section with the right mouse button, then clicking "Delete" - "Yes".

After completing the two methods, the context menu should open, the PC will stop freezing when RMB clicks on the file.

When you right-click on a folder or file, the computer freezes indefinitely.
Today the Daedalus 445-A is one of the lightest 4x night sights. At the same time, it retains sufficient body strength and the reliability of the sight as a whole, allowing installation on different calibers.
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To fulfill the specified in this
in the steps article, you must have local administrator rights on the computer.

The article applies to Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
When working with
computer registry, be very careful, because some changes
can lead to system failure.

Clicking on the right
mouse button on a folder or file, the computer may freeze indefinitely
time. Sometimes this leads to a complete freeze, so to speak "tightly". it
usually occurs due to the item or items of the context menu that link
on not existing program or a network resource for a program that is running
unstable or frozen program. There are two ways to solve this problem, we
we recommend doing both.

Eliminates computer freezes when right-clicking a folder or file.

Method number 1.

regedit and click the "OK" button;
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers

4. Expand the subsection " ContextMenuHandlers"by clicking on the icon
5. Look carefully to see if there is a program in the expanded list that you
have been deleted for a long time, check if everything specified programs I work stably and not
hung up;

6. If there is such a program, then
right-click on the subsection with its name and select the menu item " Delete";

7. When asked to confirm the deletion, click the "Yes" button;

Method number 2.
1. On the start menu, select " Execute";

2. In the "Open" field, type the command regedit and click the "OK" button;

3. In the "Registry Editor" window, on the left side, sequentially expand
specified registry keys before subkey " Applications";
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Applications

4. Expand the subsection " Applications"by clicking on the icon

5. Many subsections will be displayed, with a name like "name_programm.dll"
and "name_programm.exe";

6. Left-click on the subsections one by one:

If the section is not expanded (does not have a "+" sign or
arrows), then on the right side of the window there should be a parameter " NoOpenWith". If not, then create it. To do this, you need to do the following:

6.1. Right-click on the subsection with the name of the program;

6.2. Select the menu item " Create"and select the item" String parameter";

6.3. Name new parameter NoOpenWith;

6.4. Leave the parameter value blank;

If the section can be expanded, then expand it to the subsection " command";

7. Left-click on the subsection " command"and on the right side
windows find the parameter " (Default)";

8. Look at its meaning, the path to the existing one should be written there.
a program or network resource;

9. If you find an entry that refers to a non-existent program or
network share, then delete the entire section that begins with the name of the program.

For example.
name_programm.exe \ shell \ open \ command
or name_programm.exe \ shell \ read \ command

10. To uninstall, right-click on the subsection with its program name and select the " Delete";

11. When asked to confirm the deletion, click the "Yes" button;

Sometimes after installing various numerous programs and painful system settings, you can get the following picture. When you right-click on any shortcut or in a free space of the directory or desktop, the explorer.exe error message pops up and the folder just closes, possibly a short disappearance of all shortcuts from the desktop.

Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

Explorer.exe is responsible for most of what you see and interact with in the operating system. It manages the user, displays active tasks, allows programs to run, and implements the Windows OS interface through the file management system. Windows will automatically try to restart this process if it shuts down for some reason. The error that occurred is the result incorrect settings system or conflicts of installed programs with this process.

First, try to remember what changes were made to the computer before the glitch appeared: what was installed, what was updated, what was corrected. Try to remove last changes or, if possible, roll back to an earlier point. But there is another way:

To solve the problem, we need a small program….

If this method did not help you in any way, do not despair, there are still ways. So, now we need the ShellExView utility, which can be downloaded for free from the official website. Run the program and let's go:

1) Sort by the Type column (click on the column name). You will be interested in entries where Type = Context Menu and there is an asterisk in the File Extensions column
2) Disable entries one at a time, starting with non-Microsoft extensions. Disabling is done by right-clicking - Disable Selected Items or by pressing F7.

You can start with the extensions that you suspect the most. Most often it is CmdLineExt.dll
3) After disabling the recording, check the operation of the explorer

In my case, the problem turned out to be "shell extension that provides access to resources"

If the method turned out to be useless, you can try the recovery utility

v command line(Win + R - cmd - OK) type sfc / scannow and press Enter.

I hope these tips were useful to you. Write comments, share with friends and subscribe to new articles (subscription form on the left)

Sometimes users notice that from the context menu that appears when they right-click on a free space on the desktop or inside open folder, the item "Create -> Text Document". This is difficult if you frequently use Windows Notepad or another text editor for writing notes, articles and other usefulness.

The reason for the disappearance of the item for creating a text document is usually associated with the installation and removal of any programs, more often text editors... When deleted, they pull along the registry, in which the attributes for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ ...

This problem can be easily solved by entering the necessary parameters into the registry. To do this, download the file recovery_point_text.rar at the end of the article, unpack it, and inside you will find the file recovery_point_text.reg. When you click on it, your operating system will ask something like: "Make changes to the registry?", Feel free to agree and the problem will be solved. You may need to restart your computer. This trick has been tested and works on all Windows, including Windows 10.

During this operation, the computer will warn about possible wrong work components - do not pay attention, this file contains only commands related to the correct operation of notepad (text editor).

By the way, it never hurts to create backup registry of your computer. Before doing this, clean it and do the following:

Restore the Windows context menu item "New Text Document"

- Find the search string:
For Windows 7.8 - right-click START menu - "FIND" item;
For Windows 10, the same steps, if not displayed in the tray;
- In the search bar, write regedit and press Enter;
- Press the first item top menu"File";
- We press "Export";
- In the window that appears, at the very bottom in the "Export range" field, select (by default) "Entire registry";

- Specify the location of the downloaded file (click on it) and Click "Save".
When downloading a file, do not forget where it was saved on your computer.

An easy way to open the registry:
- key combination Windows + R
- enter into the opened window regedit
- press ENTER to agree with the entry into the registry.

At any time, the registry can be restored by following the same steps, but only using "Import" in the "File" menu. When importing a file, specify its storage location.

Download the file for recovery in the context menu of the "New -> Text Document" item: (Downloads: 2162)

After downloading the file, you can do everything easier:
- unpack it;
- we launch it and agree with all actions in the drop-down windows.