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Why it is advisable to update the browser regularly. Updating browsers

I always want to personal computer the latest versions of the programs used have been activated. These primarily include browser programs. Let's consider how to update the browser for free for those of them that are popular in our country.

Why update your browser?

Browsers should be updated regularly, because viruses enter the computer through them, new versions of which appear daily. Programmers and browser developers analyze these attacks and implement new systems in each new release of their products. antivirus protection... Therefore, the latest versions of browsers allow you to protect your computer from viruses. The older ones are more vulnerable. Many browsers are automatically updated, but sometimes Windows may block them. So you have to go through this process manually. There are no difficulties in this, you only need to click a few times with the mouse.

There are also cases of slowdowns in browsers or crashes in their work. This can be caused, in particular, by virus attacks. Often, in such cases, only uninstalling and reinstalling the browser on the computer helps. For this, by the way, it is better to have not one, but several installed browsers on the PC.

How to update Mozilla Firefox browser

It is usually updated completely free of charge. Go to the menu "Help" - "About Firefox" - "Check for Updates" and activate it, if any. Then, after the end of the update, which will be reported in the update service window, the browser should be restarted.

How to update Yandex.Browser

The new versions of Yandex Browser include synchronization of user settings and colorful backgrounds. The smart line has become even smarter, the security system has become stronger. Synchronization facilitates the process of transferring your settings (bookmarks, extensions and passwords) to another computer with Yandex Browser installed. Even if the computer you are using is one, synchronization is still needed. It will help restore the settings if the equipment suddenly fails, since the servers of Yandex.Disk are used to store the synchronization settings, a cloud storage where the data is securely encrypted.

The smart line suggests addresses up to certain pages, it is more convenient and faster than searching for the desired object starting from home page site.

To automatically update the browser, click on the "Yandex Browser" setting button (looks like a gear or three short horizontal lines in the upper right part of the screen). We activate the automatic process of updating the browser. In the context menu that opens, select the "Advanced" item with the mouse, or an additional window will be immediately called up, in which we select the "About Yandex browser" item. In the new page that opens, the search will be performed, and then the installation of the updated version will be performed. After the installation of the new version is completed, you will be prompted to restart the browser. Press the corresponding button - the update is complete.

Manual update of Yandex.Browser

To manually update the Yandex browser, click on its setting button, in the opened context menu select the position "Advanced", in the window select the position "About Yandex browser". If the page that opens contains a message about the availability of an update for manual installation, then click on the "Update" button, and the browser will start updating. After that, you need to restart it. A message will appear stating that the latest version of the browser is installed. Simultaneously with this update, fresh versions some plugins, resulting in improved reading PDF, other types of files, possible difficulties with animation and others are eliminated.

Google Chrome browser update

For this case, the question of how to update the browser is easy to solve. V installed browser usually all updates are automatic. This can be done manually as follows.

If there are updates available, a green arrow pointing up will appear on the side of the settings icon. Click this button and then select "Update Google chrome". After completion, restart the browser.

If this arrow is not there, click "Oh Google browser Chrome ". In the tab that opens, you can see which version is used on the computer. A check mark indicates that latest version browser. If the version is old, then the update will take place immediately. It's that easy to update your Google Chrome browser. Just a couple of clicks.

How to update your Opera browser

This browser is capable of updating in three automatic ways:

  1. Without asking for user permission when a new version appears on the site. The update is launched when the browser is launched (it is not recommended to cancel the update in order to avoid software errors when the browser is running).
  2. Notifying the user about the possibility of installing the found updates.
  3. Without searching for updates (checking for updates - manually - Help menu - Check for updates).

The update itself is carried out by the browser without user intervention. You can change the method like this: in the main settings "Tools" - " General settings"Select the" Advanced / Advanced "tab and the" Security "item. In the opened tab in the position "Opera update" check the required option. Before performing an automatic update, you should save in a separate directory backup settings and other data.

There are also two ways to manually update:

  1. Installing a fresh version over the existing one. This method can bring many undesirable effects, such as loss custom settings and the appearance of errors in the work.
  2. Removing the browser with the subsequent installation of a new version of it. It is recommended to save the custom settings directory to another location before deleting.

How to update Internet Explorer

If you are using Internet Explorer, then to update it, you need to go to the official Windows website, uncheck the "Install Internet Explorer with Yandex services" checkbox and click on "Download Internet Explorer". Then you run it and already update Internet Explorer.


Thus, the article provides answers to the question of how to update the browser. Rather, those of them that are most popular for computers with operating systems Windows in our country.

In the 21st century, technologies are developing at an unprecedented speed, it is difficult for even a modern person to keep up with progress. To keep it up to date installed programs in Windows, it is better to enable auto-update, we recommend that you do the same for the Yandex browser, and if it does not update, we check for updates manually. Mostly updates to the Yandex browser are extremely useful, but the likelihood of failures is not excluded, then the updates will have to be rolled back. Next, let's talk about whether you need to update Yandex.browser, how to do it, and about possible questions during the upgrade process.

An update is a collection of fixes, innovations, improvements for an application or the system as a whole. All reputable programs release updates, this is a sign of the development of the application.

The principle of development and implementation of innovations is approximately the following:

  1. Collection of information. Developers receive data on possible and necessary innovations. This includes: user complaints, information about discovered vulnerabilities, errors in the application.
  2. Assessment of the need and effectiveness of the implementation of changes. They proceed to the next stage only when a large number of complaints about failures are received or the positive effect of the innovation outweighs the possible risks and costs.
  3. Work planning and development stage. Yandex programmers start searching and making corrections in the web browser.
  4. Testing the work done. An extremely important stage, as it helps to detect vulnerabilities and possible problems with a software product.
  5. Final revision of the application. The detected bugs are fixed.
  6. Update release. Files are made available to a wide audience.

In total, there are 3 ways to update the browser: manual, automatic, or using the installer. Under system update usually means browser auto-update. The browser records the time it checks for service packs in the Task Scheduler. If in set time there was an opportunity to upgrade, everything happens automatically, without user actions.

Do I need to update Yandex Browser?

An important and common question is - do I need to update the Yandex browser? Opinions are divided into two parts:

  • Some say that the browser works well without an update, so there is no need for it;
  • Others indicate visible improvements after the update.

To understand whether it is necessary to update Yandex browser on a computer, we propose to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the action.

  • The level of security is increased by closing vulnerabilities;
  • Productivity increases. Constant testing of work algorithms allows you to find and reduce loading times;
  • New features are added and are often useful;
  • Known bugs are eliminated;
  • It becomes possible to use new applications that work only on the latest versions of the browser.
  • You need to have unlimited traffic. To download the update package, you will need at least 20-50 MB of traffic;
  • Some old features are being abandoned. The new browser may not be able to play some games and may use outdated technologies. For example, in the modern version of Yandex browser, you cannot run Unity Web Player, Flash Player(NPAPI);
  • Changes are made to the design. Sometimes design changes are inconvenient, and not everyone likes them. The choice becomes: get used to what is or roll back the update.

Conclusion: each user decides for himself whether it is worth updating the Yandex browser according to his own preferences. If you actively use outdated features (Flash Player, plug-in management, etc.) that are cut from new versions, it is definitely better not to update. In other cases, the update is useful.

How to check for updates in Yandex browser?

Usually, checking for updates to the Yandex browser results in self-updating. If your goal is to refresh your web browser, this method is ideal:

If you need to check the Yandex browser update without it automatic installation, there is alternative way find out the current version of the browser or not. The principle is simple: we find out the current version of the browser and the most new version available for download, then compare them.

How to determine the current and current version:

How to update Yandex browser?

We can launch the update in three ways:

Manual update

If you don't want to wait for the browser to update itself, we can speed up the process:

Yandex browser auto-update

By default, the browser is updated on its own, without the user's demand and his active participation. This can happen even when the Yandex web browser is not running on the system. Automatic updating has to be activated only if it was previously disabled.

How to turn on automatic update browser if it was disabled:

If you can't find AppData folder, the display is turned off in the system hidden files... Turn on the display of hidden data:

Important! During the listed actions Yandex browser should be disabled.

After the next launch of the browser, updates will start coming automatically.

Web browser installer

By loading setup file and starting it, it checks whether the current version is installed in the system. If you already have the latest version of the browser, nothing happens, it just starts the existing browser. If new versions are found, the browser will be updated during installation.

There is also a more radical way to update - deleting old version browser and installing a new one. The disadvantage of this method is the possible loss of personal data. It makes sense to use it only if it is impossible to start updating by other methods. Before reinstalling Yandex software, we recommend that you enable profile synchronization. To do this, go to the "Settings" page, in the first line, click "Configure synchronization" and enter the profile or register an account on the Yandex.

How to roll back the Yandex browser update?

Although older versions of Yandex browser have lower security and speed of work, the difference is usually not visually noticeable, it is expressed in 10-30% with certain actions. An ordinary user also cannot independently determine the level of security. But in previous versions there is support for useful plugins on NPAPI.

There are 2 ways to return the state of the Yandex browser back if it has already been updated:

  • System rollback;
  • Removing the new and installing the old browser.

How to restore a program, system?

How to cancel the Yandex browser update by rolling back the system:

If point-to-point restore doesn't work, you'll have to roll back the entire system:

The method is convenient and effective, but a successful restore point is not always present. In the absence of system backups, you will have to downgrade in another way.

Installing an old version of Yandex Browser

How to return old Yandex browser after updating by reinstalling:

We recommend that you immediately turn off browser auto-update and do not go to the "About browser" tab, otherwise it may update automatically. If self-updating occurs during installation, turn off the Internet for the period of installing the browser and deleting the files responsible for the update.

How to prevent Yandex browser updates?

By default, Yandex browser is constantly updated. If this behavior does not suit you for any reason (paid Internet, you need to use the old functions, the browser is designed to test software on all versions of the browser), we can prevent Yandex from updating the browser.

How to prevent the Yandex browser from updating:

Why isn't the Yandex browser updated?

Yandex browser is not always updated automatically. Why is this happening:

  • Installed a portable version of the browser from an unofficial source (see section above);
  • The files responsible for updating the browser have been removed (see the section above);
  • A crash occurred during the installation of the browser.

What to do if Yandex browser is not updated:

If that doesn't help, we try to configure the firewall:

  • Download the installation file of the Yandex web browser from the link and run the file. Everything will happen automatically, no prior removal of the browser is required.

How long does it take to update Yandex browser?

"Time is worth money", from which before starting the update, the question arises how long it will take. The entire time spent on installing updates rarely exceeds 1-2 minutes. The duration directly depends on the performance of the computer and the speed of the Internet connection. With average PC performance and good internet installation takes about 30-40 seconds.

Understanding how to enable, disable and roll back updates in the Yandex browser, we can understand exactly what we need specifically. The best solution in our opinion - check for updates, find out what's new in them and assess the need for updates. In most cases, we recommend doing manual update with a certain frequency (from 1 week to 1-2 months).

Every time you go online, you use a browser. Without a browser, there will be no way to view or interact with websites. But it is just as important to understand that the browser, like everything else software may be out of date and needs to be updated from time to time, below we will consider why this is needed.

Why update your browser

First, older versions of browsers are very slow. To display a page that you load using a browser, it must complete a number of different tasks. One of these tasks is the file upload process. These files include images, scripts written in programming languages, and other resources that help improve the look and functionality of the website you visit. Older versions of browsers cannot cope with this task as fast as newer ones. This, in turn, affects the speed of loading web pages and can lead to errors in accessing the page or to the freezing of the browser.

The second problem is that older versions of browsers are very limited in display capabilities. For example, in older browsers, you will have to use an embedded video file to use a simple animation, or Flash file, or script. In either case, the page will take much longer to load, thus increasing your time on the site.

New technologies

New browsers support new web technologies (such as HTML5 and CSS3). These languages ​​serve as the basis for many websites today and virtually all new websites and web applications. Unfortunately, many of these new sites will neither display nor work in older browsers such as IE8 and earlier.

To demonstrate this problem, take a look at the two images below. These images are screenshots taken from a site that uses new technologies to provide information. The first image shows the page as it appears in IE8:

Displaying the same page in Chrome browser or Firefox:

IE8 has a lot of problems: many of the graphical elements are missing, all animation is missing, and even text content does not look correct. This is because the page is built using new web design technologies that are not supported in older browsers.

Benefits of new versions

Now that you understand why we highly recommend upgrading your old version of your browser to a newer one, let's take a look at a number of advantages over older versions:

  • Much less crashes or freezes.
  • Much more protected from viruses, malware.
  • Pages load much faster.
  • A wide variety of useful plugins supported.
  • New browsers will automatically update to the latest version, or will notify you to download an update.

Note: please note that updating your old browser version to the new one is free and will not take long. We strongly recommend that you download new versions of browsers or update old ones only through the official websites of the manufacturers.

Why do I need to update the browser?
To answer this question you need to be clear
imagine what a browser is and which one
it performs the function.
I talked about browsers earlier in community posts,
but repetition is the mother of learning, so once again:
The browser is a program specially designed
to browse the web, its task is to parse
the written code of the web page of the site, resource and based on
information provided by the developer about the team-by-team
execution of the existing code, visually display it
on the user's screen.
Got it? No? Simply put, to view blog pages,
communities, sites, etc. and see them the way other users see
and in general, you need a browser to start an Internet session.
Which one? It's up to you, practically
all browsers from offsite sites can be taken for free.
If your browser passes this 100/100 test, then congratulations!
Take the test

If the result is less than 90 points, then the browser
needs to be updated or changed!
Offsites of popular browsers:
2.Mozilla Firefox.
3.Google chrome.
4.Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer is installed on windows by default
and is SYSTEM.
Without updating your browser, you run the risk of being an outsider,
only due to the fact that the actual functions of the site for your
browser are disabled, do not work, or are not displayed correctly.
Browser manufacturers are constantly improving their security
and performance, with an updated browser, your computer
works faster, as well as in new versions of the browser there is
virus protection. Older versions of browsers are not reliable,
By updating your browser, you will increase the speed of opening pages,
security level, as well as be able to use the options,
which were not there or they did not work correctly in
previous versions.
It is not necessary to refresh the browser every time and often,
but the oldest versions must be updated
at least once.

For example, here's an excerpt from a browser update
Opera 11.64 final:
"* Improved overall browser stability;
* Fixed problem with automatic updates
* Fixed an issue where the status was decreasing
site security from secure to unsafe;
* Fixed a bug due to which the pages did not load,
using a secure connection. For instance,
on PayPal and Ebay;
* Fixed special problems with sites and;
* Fixed a browser security issue whereby
some constructions of the site address could be done
arbitrary code. "
You can update Opera browser ,
by following this link.
I recommend updating browsers only from offsite sites.
How do I know when to update my browser?
It's very simple: he will tell you this himself.
To do this, you just need to set the option
automatic updates.
How to do it?

The creators of such popular browsers as Yandex, Chrome and Opera are constantly releasing updated versions of their products.

This is done in order to improve the browser, speed up its work, fix bugs and vulnerabilities that were present in the old version, and add new features.

All these actions are aimed at making it easier for users, making it more convenient, fast, enjoyable and safe.

Yes, exactly safe, because every day there are more and more hackers, viruses that can not only ruin the work with Internet sites, but also cause serious damage to the device. Getting online from an outdated browser is extremely dangerous.

How do you know which version you have?

Before you update Yandex, you need to find out which version you are using (depending on this, the update method changes).

To find out which version of Yandex you are using, you need to go to your browser settings. To do this, click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner. There will be a list from which you need to select "Advanced", then "About the browser". Next, a tab will come out where you can find out if an update is required for your browser.

If your Yandex is as updated as possible, then this will be written about:

If the version you are using is old, then you will be prompted to set up a new one.

How do I enable auto-update?

If you have one of the most up-to-date versions of Yandex in use, then you will not need to update it. Yes, you don't have to keep track of new versions, search for them, download and then install.

The creators of the browser made it easier for users by introducing the auto-update feature. That is, with each new version, your Yandex will be updated automatically.

When does auto-update on Yandex browser not work?

If you do not exit Yandex for a long time (if the browser is constantly open, the computer does not turn off at all), then it will not be able to update, since the configured update process occurs during startup. But the browser immediately makes it clear about the presence of a new available version. How can I enable auto-update in this case? Reload the app.

To install a free update of the Yandex browser, you just need to perform a few simple steps on the site. Click on the menu, then "Advanced", then select "Help" from the list that appears.

Yandex will determine the current version itself and, if it is outdated, update it.

This type of update is very common among browsers, as it makes it much easier to work with them. When the update is complete, a notification pops up to restart your web browser. The included Yandex will be changed.

If auto-update doesn't work, where can I download the new version of Yandex?

You can always download the newest version on the market for free on the official Yandex website. Of course, this can be done in many other Internet sites.

But they often ask for a small message "for verification" or a small amount of money, which will definitely "be returned" after downloading.

Why is automatic updates important?

It is auto-update that makes it easier for Yandex users, thanks to it they do not have to look for a new version of the web browser.

What is excluded due to the presence of auto-update in Yandex:

  • malfunctions when working with some Internet resources;
  • attack by virus programs;
  • slow browser performance.

The web browser gets better with every update.

What are the advantages of the current version of Yandex?

The browser works much better:

  • Synchronization is now available. Now, having connected your phone or tablet to your computer (which takes only a few seconds), you will have the same settings on them as in Yandex on your computer.
  • On the panel, now you can not only put a request, but, if necessary, correct them.
  • Working with Yandex has become even safer.
  • You can set the page auto-refresh interval yourself.
  • Updating does not require unnecessary investment of time.

The Yandex application is one of the best, although it appeared not so long ago. The developers intend to continue to continue in this spirit.