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How to overclock the computer in a safe way. How to overclock Computer: Acceleration of AMD processor and AIDA RAM 64 Processor

By default, personal computers and laptops do not work on full power. The manufacturer firm sets a certain reserve of productivity, which under standard operating conditions is not activated. However, users can accelerate the operation of computer equipment about 1.5 times.

Aida64 Acceleration of components

Acceleration of components through AIDA64 may require gamers (in case of shortage of power for modern games), IT specialists (familiarization with the possibilities of "iron"), any users personal computerwho are interested in work hardware. This is not the safest for component personal computer procedure, therefore it needs to be prepared before it is carried out.

What is required for the correct acceleration of the central processor

Before overclocking, you need to make sure that the components will not break due to its execution. The AIDA64 program is designed to prepare for this procedure. Preparatory stage includes:

  • Testing cache, memory. This is required in order to determine whether it is advisable to overclock the CPU. You need to go to the "Service" section and click on the "Cache and Memory Test". If the test results are indicators random access memory And the central processor is almost the same, it means that there is no point in the processor acceleration.
  • Measuring the temperature indicators of the CPU. To do this, use the processor sensors available in the program. If the temperature indicators of the CPU in the state of rest is more than 45 degrees, the acceleration is dangerous, components can break.
  • Testing equipment stability. You need to go to the "Service" section and click on the "System Stability Test". Stability test allows you to determine whether it is possible to increase the load on the system. If the indicators are unstable (sharp temperature drills, emergency shutdown), it means that the acceleration procedure cannot be carried out.
  • Check opportunities. The final stage of preparation for the procedure is considered to determine the permissible value. To do this, you must click on the "Acceleration" button. The optimal processor frequency, the recommended level of increasing power is indicated.

In rare cases, increase the performance of the equipment possible by uniform distribution of the load on the processor nuclei. This process called optimization. It is possible to implement it different programs, For example, CPU Control. You must manually transfer the CPU control to any kernel or set auto-appointment. This method allows slightly increase productivity.

Acceleration CPU through Windows

A lot of productivity improvements have been developed for Windows. One of these programs is the SETFSB. Even inexperienced users will be able to work with her.

After installation and startup, you need to go to the "Control" menu. To clarify the current characteristics of the equipment, select Get FSB. From the bottom to the right you will see the CPU frequency indicator. To increase it, slide the slider on the right side.

To set the optimal performance value, use the parameters that have learned when testing the equipment using the AIDA64 program. By installing suitable values, click on the "Set FSB" button.

Acceleration CPU without third-party programs

The method described above can use everything. It is quite safe, because the user sets the equipment indicators that are recommended by AIDA64. There is a method exclusively for specialists. Its essence is to improve the performance of the equipment by means of bios. Preparation for acceleration is carried out in the same way as during overclocking through the program. Going to BIOS, follow these actions:

  • Laying the desired section "MB Intelligent Tweaker", "M.i.b, Quantum Bios", "Ai Tweaker").
  • In the "CPU HOST CLOCK CONTROL" parameter, change the value to MANUAL.
  • In "CPU Frequency" in the Key in A Dec Number parameter, specify the value recommended by AIDA64.

Overclocking RAM

RAM is intended for temporary storage of data. When starting a PC or any program data from hard disk Loading into the RAM. The greater the volume of RAM, the large quantity Processes can be simultaneously run on the PC.

To overclock the memory you need to reduce timings. Go to BIOS (when starting a PC, click the Delete key, find the "Advanced Chipset Features - Dram Configuration" section. Recommended to write down standard valuesTo, in case of what, return to the default settings.

Set these parameters:


After changing the parameters, saves the settings and restart PC. If the PC does not start, you need to increase the power supply of RAM. To do this, in the BIOS, you need to go to the "Power BIOS" section, "Memory Voltage" section and set the value 3. Try to turn on the PC again. If you did not work, raise the installed timings.

If the PC started, you need to test the performance of performance. To do this, use AIDA64. The program includes a large number of tests that can be used to assess the status of components. Through tests you can check throughput RAM, processor, other components.

To go to the test menu, you need to go to the "Service" section, "GPGPU test" section. Here are the tests of OpenCL GPGPU. Through them, the performance using OpenCl is diagnosed.

Such tests are provided:

  • Performance RAM. Allows you to estimate the bandwidth of memory when changing, deleting files, as well as find out the RAM delay rate. RAM delay - the time interval during which the data is transferred to the CPU into the RAM.
  • CPU Photooworxx. Allows you to assess CPU performance when working with two-dimensional pictures. During the test, the CPU performs such procedures:
    • inserts pictures Pixelno;
    • rots pictures clockwise 90 degrees;
    • deploys an image of 180 degrees;
    • delimits the image;
    • transforms the colors area.
  • CPU ZLIB. During the test, the performance of the processor and RAM is measured. To do this, compress the ZLIB data.
  • CPU AES. Allows you to estimate the performance of the processor by means of AES-encryption.
  • CPU HASH. Here uses caching SHA1. The encoding is made using assembler.
  • FPU VP8. Google VP8 video codecodes are used here. Coding is performed in one pass. The video resolution of 1280x720 is played, playback speed - 8192 kilobit per second.

Types of RAM:

  • SIMM. Outdated view of RAM. Shared on 2 types: with 30 and 72 contacts. Memory with 72 contacts was divided into FPM and EDO. FPM was used before Pentium I (1995) appeared. Then a more productive EDO was released.
  • DIMM. Was released in 1996, used 5 years. Most of the then "Intels" and "Corlorons" were equipped with DIMM memory.
  • DDR. It was released in 2001. The main advantage of the memory was that it passed the information twice for 1 tact.
  • DDR2. Advanced DDR. He worked 2 times more efficiently, since there had 240 contacts instead of 184.
  • DDR3. The number of contacts is the same as DDR2, however, DDR3 is much more productive.
  • Rimm. View of RAM, which is practically not used in computers. Memory was created in 1999, it was used mainly in the game prefixes "Sony" and "Nintendo 64".

Aida64 - optimal option For users who need to diagnose a PC before acceleration. The program has understandable interface, effectively performs its functions. Take advantage of the procedure for preparation for acceleration. Otherwise, the components of the personal computer may not withstand the load and burn, which will make it impossible to further exploit them.


Acceleration of the PC may be required for a variety of reasons. Some users think about how to overclock the computer, because the power is missing for games, others just want to achieve maximum performance. For obsolete techniques, overclocking is in almost the only way to extend its service life.

On how to overclock the computer, they thought simultaneously with his appearance. In processors 8088 with a clock frequency of 8 MHz, radio amateurs replaced the clock generator, after which it could operate at a frequency of 12 MHz, and therefore 50% faster. AT modern computers The acceleration process is significantly facilitated, it can be done through the change in the BIOS settings.

There is also a corresponding software that allows you to speed up the computer components directly from wednesdays Windows. The decision of how to dispersed old computer, lies in changing the position of special jumpers (switches) on the motherboard.

Definition of computer parameters

Acceleration of RAM

The speed of the computer has an impact of both the volume of the installed RAM and its speed. The speed is set by timings that reflect the execution of operations in nanoseconds. Accordingly, the lower the timings, the higher the speed of memory. Also, the speed of the data exchange is also influenced by the frequency of the system bus: the higher it is higher, the more operations can be produced in a second time.

Solving how to overclock the operational memory of the computer are divided into two directions: via BIOS or software can be tried to reduce memory timings. But it is possible to achieve success in this case if the modules are calculated by the manufacturer to low or when the BIOS is installed automatically.

Programs for overclocking RAM

Most programs are cleaned and optimized RAM. But there are also those that allow you to make changes directly from the Windows environment. You can attribute Ramsmash, Turbo Memory, Memmonster and some others. In addition to changing memory settings, they allow you to monitor and its physical parameters, which greatly simplifies overclocking.

An increase in the memory frequency is usually occurring when the processor is accelerated, but in this case the timings have to raise to achieve stable operation of the modules. It should be borne in mind that with an increase in the frequency of memory, heat release increases. Therefore, you need to take care of cooling by installing radiators or more powerful fans in the system unit.

Acceleration of the video card

How to dispersed the computer to the maximum? In this case, it is not without accelerating the work of the video card. This uses various applications supplied by manufacturers or third-party developers. Modern video cards are slightly inferior in performance processor and motherboard.

They also have a central processor, operational video memory and an internal data bus. Therefore, they accelerate graphic processorSo increase the frequency of the video memory. To ensure stable operation, it may be necessary to replace the standard cooling system to more powerful.

Software acceleration of video cards

For overclocking nVIDIA cards The manufacturer comes Rivatuner software. For the Radeon family maps, there is also an application supplied by the developer - AMD Catalyst.. But there are many other programs that allow you to estimate the performance of a particular video card and disclose its potential.

The fact is that manufacturers often use the same chip, but the clock frequency and some functions for processing graphics are cut on the younger models. Such programs include GF123CLK, NVMAX, RAID-ON TUNER, POWERSTRIP. They allow you to configure graph processing parameters and make a smooth increase in the frequency of the processor and memory.

Acceleration of the hard disk

Before overclocking a computer for games, it should be understood that the speed of a hard disk is of great importance. Modern games are actively loading and exchanged data with disk, so a slow hard disk can become narrow place In computer performance.

The speed of drives with a rotating disk is significantly lower than the speed of transmitting and processing data by RAM and the processor. A good solution is an installation in a solid-state (SSD) disk system. It is capable of speeding up loading data 2-3 times. At the same time, the prices of these devices as the production volumes increase continue to decline.

Acceleration of work on the Internet

One of the decisions of how to neglect the computer safe wayis the acceleration of work on the Internet. Recently everything more apps And games work online, so this task is becoming increasingly relevant. To accelerate, use the browser optimization and setting up a network connection.

Manually change the browser settings and connection parameters in the presence of appropriate knowledge and experience. For help ordinary users Special applications come to speed up the Internet. The most common one includes:

  • Ashampoo Internet ACCELERATOR;
  • SpeedyFox;
  • Speed \u200b\u200bConnect;
  • Active Speed;
  • cfosspeed.

Control overclocking computer

Huge importance for how to enable the computer correctly, has constant control of the parameters of all associated with the acceleration of components. This is achieved by monitoring BIOS, as well as with special applications. The most advanced of them give comprehensive information about the temperature supply of voltage, as well as the speed of rotation of the fans of all components of the system.

Little to know how to dispersed the computer, it is still required to determine the stability of its work when loading. Such functions are also available in many programs. For this, either complex mathematical functions are used, or the passage of passages from computer games. The most popular includes the following:

  • CPU-Z;
  • 3DMark;
  • AIDA 64;
  • Pcmark.

Many manufacturers motherboards Complete its products with relevant monitoring programs for physical parameters.

Computer overclocking applications

One of the best solutions to dismiss the computer in a safe way is the use of utilities for cleaning and optimizing the computer. They can be cleaned and customized operating systemSo make changes to the settings of components to increase their performance.

To disadvantages of such complex programs You can attribute a high duration of their work. But this is explained by the fact that the scrupulous analysis of all components of the system is made, and some operations, such as the defragmentation of a hard disk, occupy a long time.

But as a result of the action of such programs, it is possible to obtain a significant increase in productivity, without making changes to the operation of the equipment. And changes leading to the operation of components in freelance mode, in any case reduce their service life. The most famous integrated utilities include AVG PC TuneUp, Ashampoo Win Optimizer, GLARY UTILIIES. and many others.

Aida64. (Former Everest) - the best profile program for diagnostics, testing and monitoring for the status of a computer. Easy to use, comprehensive information about the system, a set of unique equipment tests - these are the main reasons for its promnity (more than 1.2 million downloads only from the official site!). In today's article, we will discuss in detail what it is for the utility and how to use it correctly. And the conversation will go about the Russified version, popular among ordinary users and system administrators.

Unfortunately, since 2010, the application has become relatively free (eng. shareware.) And after the "charging" of the Introduction, I ask no little, but $ 40. However, the search for the operating key of the activation does not take a long time (the search engine copes with this well): for example, an assembly 5.80 Easy to activate the eternal "key" UAMKY-JFCD6-FUDA5-W4DH4-U8YDC. Having finished with "suspension", let's go to the most complete functionality in RuNet the functionality of this useful not only overclockers * Applications.


Overcloker* - Man dealing with overclocking (eng. overclocking), i.e. Acceleration of the computer to increase the speed of its work.

Aida64: what it is ?

What is the configuration of my PC? Where to see the temperature of the processor, video card, hard disk? Do they overheat under load? Does the stress on the motherboard do not jump, do fans work? How to arrange a stress test of the entire system? Where to find out the Windows and MS Office product key? What is the degree of battery balance (battery) laptop? The heroine of publication will respond to these and many other questions, and the author is enjoyed for several years.

From the deployed list functionality Aida64 Extreme Edition It is necessary to highlight the following:

  • Detection of equipment. According to the developers, it has the most advanced in its class mechanism for detecting equipment based on a database of more than 170 thousand types of "iron".
  • Tool monitoring. Supports more than 250 temperature measurement sensors, voltage, cooler speed and energy consumption.
  • Screen monitoring and alert. Using the utility, you can continuously monitor the status of the computer, and in critical situations, such as a fan stop or overheating of the hard drive, it will immediately notify the device that happens and turns off the device.
  • Testing system performance and stress tests of equipment. Contains a series of tests that are used to assess the performance of individual parts of the equipment or system as a whole.
  • Information about software . Presented a large database of data established by, security system and windows parameters. Also visually accessible list of working processes, services, DLL-Filets, applications in autorun visited by web pages.

Diagnostics of equipment in AIDA64 (processor, video card, hDD, RAM )

Thanks to the most complete among the "fellow workshops" the list of diagnosed "iron", which has already been studied for 15 years, " the program is able to determine the computer equipment with unique accuracy.". What is easy to check, having found on the tab" Menu"Interesting component and familiar with detailed information On the installed processors (see " Motherboard " → "CPU"And" CPUID"+ in the top panel" Service" → "Aida64 CPUID"), about the motherboard (" Motherboard" → "Motherboard", "Chipset", "Bios."And" ACPI"), RAM (" Motherboard" → "Memory"And" SPD."), video card (" Display"), hard disk (" Data storage") I. sound card ("Multimedia"). General The system is hidden behind the menu item " Computer" → "Total information".

Three useful advice:

  • Degree of Wireless Battery Laptop (Laptop) You will learn through " Computer" → "Power Supply"In the main window of the utility (about how to do it with the PowerCFG standard tool, I wrote).
  • To see the product key (activation code) installed windows and MS Office, run along the path: tab " Menu" → "Programs" → "Licenses".
  • Advertised through the "Driver Update" option Paid DriverAgent driver installer Downloads I do not recommend - "squeak" in the registry, it is not enough for a sense, and a lot of money is asked.

Monitor diagnostics

Aida64. Also comprises the "Monitor Diagnostics" tool, which allows you to calibrate LCD or CRT displays with 45 different tests. What contributes to the detection of any problems with configuration and potential faults (color reproduction defects, an unconfected image, "broken" pixels, etc.). Voiced applet Look at the top panel through " Service" → "Monitor diagnostics".

As in AIDA64 to see the temperature of the processor, video card, hard disk

Everything is simple: on the same tab "Menu" Click on the points " Computer"And further," Sensors", After that, in the right half of the window in real time, the temperature of the" iron "Celsius and Fahrenheit will be displayed. And in the process of basic testings of the system on the chart" Temperatures "will be visible temperature mode Announced in the equipment options (processor - CPU, video card - GPU, hard disk - Local disks, RAM - System Memory).


Aida64 learned to warn if sensor indicators reaches the established critical values \u200b\u200b(see " File" → "Settings" → "Anxiety"). When creating alerts in the" New Element "window on the tab" Actions"Options will be displayed as" Showing the alarm window", "Turn off PC", "Sound", "Run the program"And" Sende-mail".

AIDA64: Stress tests in the basic test stability test

The basic test stability test is perfect for finding components responsible for troubles (English. trouble - "Error", "Problem") in the form of a computer overheating or blue screens of death. During this procedure (" Service" → "System Stability Test") In real time, the temperature and voltage indicators, the speed of the cooler and energy consumption are tracked. The mode feature is that you can activate the extreme heat load for all PC subsystems, which cannot be achieved by other methods. Of course, no one prohibits testing equipment separately, then There are, let's say, first the processor with a mathematical coprocessor (" StressCPU." + "StressFPU."), then memory and cache (" Stresssystem.memory." + "Stresscache.") etc.

At the end of the execution, do not forget to visit the tab " Statistics"Where in a visual tabular form, all the statistics collected during testing will be posted. Ideally, if for a minimum half an hour, the system did not give any error messages and did not reboot, then the computer should be considered stable.

And this is not all functional "goodies" Aida64.! In the review I will tell about the options " Disc test", "Test cache and memory" "Test gpgpu."And about additional tests of the components of your PC.

Dmitry dmitry_Spb. Evdokimov

Aida64 is multifunctional program To determine the characteristics of the computer, conducting various tests that can show how much the system is steadily, it is possible to disperse the processor, etc. It is an excellent solution for testing the stability of low-performance systems.

The test for the stability of the system involves the load on each element (CPU, RAM, discs, etc.). With it, you can detect a malfunction of this or that component and in time to apply measures.

If you have a weak computer, then before conducting the test you need to see if the processor does not overheat under normal load. Normal temperature For the processor cores in the usual load is 40-45 degrees. If the temperature is higher, it is recommended to either refuse to test, or to conduct it with caution.

These restrictions are due to the fact that during the test, the processor is experiencing increased loads, which is why (provided that the CPU is overheated even in normal operation) temperatures can reach critical values \u200b\u200bof 90 or more degrees, which is already dangerous for the integrity of the processor itself , motherboard and components located nearby.

System Testing

In order to start a stability test in AIDA64, in the top menu, find item "Service" (located on the left side). Click on it and in the dropping menu find "System Stability Test".

A separate window will open, where two graphics will be, several points to choose and certain buttons on the bottom panel. Pay attention to the items that are located on top. Consider each of them Read more:

You can mark them all, but in this case there is a risk of overcurrent system, if it is very weak. Overload can entail a PC emergency reboot, and it is only at best. When several items at once, several parameters will be displayed at once on schedules, which makes it difficult to work with them quite difficult, as the schedule will be clogged by information.

It is desirable to initially choose the first three points and spend the test on them and then according to the last two. In this case, there will be less load on the system and graphics will be more understandable. However, if a full-fledged system test is required, then you will have to mark all items.

Below are two graphics. The first shows the temperature of the processor. With the help of special items, you can view the average temperature throughout the processor or by a separate kernel, you can also display all the data per graph. The second schedule shows the percentage of the load on the processor - CPU usage. Still there is such an item like CPU Throttling. With the normal operation of the system, the indicators of this item should not exceed 0%. If there is an excess, it means that you need to stop testing and look for the problem in the processor. If the value comes up to 100%, the program itself will complete the work, but most likely the computer will be rebooted by this time.

The graphs have a special menu, with which you can view other graphs, for example, voltage and processor frequency. In chapter Statistics You can see a brief summary of each component.

To start the test, mark the items that need to be tested at the top of the screen. Then click on "Start" In the bottom left side of the window. It is advisable to highlight about 30 minutes.

During the test in the window, located opposite the items to select options, you can see the detected errors and the time of their detection. While the test will go, look at the graphics. With raising temperature and / or with an increasing percentage CPU Throttling Surrently stop testing.

To complete, click on the button. "STOP". You can save results with "SAVE". If more than 5 errors have been detected, it means that the computer is not all right and they must be corrected immediately. Each detected error is assigned the name of that test, during which it was detected, for example, Stress CPU..

Clock frequency call the number of oscillations that occur in one second. The number of sync clocks, if we talk about a personal computer - these are operations (instructions software code), which performs the processor over this time. From clock frequency, the performance of PC directly depends on and can be accessed, increasing the amount of oscillations.

« Hertz"- so called a unit with which the frequency is measured. This unit of measure was removed by Heinrich R. Hertz. At the end of the 19th century, a special experiment was conducted by scientist, which proved the wave nature of light. According to Hertz, the light is nothing more than an electromagnetic wave distributed by special waves. And the longer the electromagnetic radiation (wave), the brighter we see the light. The light color directly depends on the wavelength.

The clock frequency is two species - external and internal. The board, the processor, the RAM exchange information (data), and for it corresponds to the external frequency. But the internal depends on how quickly the processor itself will work correctly.

If the processor is dispersed, all programs (operations) will work much faster than if it is not done. Acceleration applies in the case when the user is no longer satisfied with the performance of its computer and wants to increase the standard number of sync clocks. What gives this procedure to the user? The possibility is not spent on new processor And continue working with the old, which after overclocking can still serve for a longer time. The computer will become more productive without replacing the equipment, and this is a fact.

Heat the processor, you will come across some problems, quite significant. After completing the procedure, your personal computer will consume more electricity, in some cases the increase is very noticeable. The overclocked processors "sin" by increasing heat dissipation. And the most important thing is that the devices break faster, because they have to work in extraordinary mode. Together with the overclocked processor, the number of oscillations (clock frequency) of RAM, therefore, it can also quickly fail.

What needs to be done before acceleration?

An accelerated reserve is called maximum clock frequency. If you exceed this maximum, the device fails. Almost all processors accelerate without consequences up to 17% exceeding the source data. And there are such devices that can be accessed and less. Intel there is a special series of processors that have a multiplier (there is an opportunity to change it in the BIOS). These devices are and best accelerated.

Maximum clock frequency is bad. On the one hand, a personal computer at times increases its speed, and on the other, when the processor heats up to the maximum allowed value, it reduces the temperature by passing the oscillations (tact). Therefore, if you want a device to overclock the maximum, it means that you should take care of a good cooling system. Without cooling, you will not get the maximum percentage on which the processor has dispersed. It will decline due to the fact that it will pass the tact, trying to lower the temperature. Also do not forget that electricity consumption increases. In order for the processor to accelerate, it is possible to work effectively, you need to put new block Nutrition.

Before overclocking the processor, follow these three points:

  1. Boscriber must be updated to the latest version.
  2. You need to know how the processor cooling system works: whether it is installed and there is no fault.
  3. Determine, looking at the BIOS, or with the help of special programs, the clock frequency of the processor, its initial meaning.
You can use, for example, RMClock Utility or. With these free utilities You can spend benchmark tests and measure the maximum clock frequency of the device. Both programs are free and downloaded from official sites.

In addition, check how your processor works during the maximum load. You can use the program for testing. This free, easy to use, but functional utility, Check the stability of the device and displays the results on the screen.

That's just after that you can start overclocking the processor. Below we consider three programs that can be done safely.

Intel processor overclocking programs


Use the first program is very simple, and even inexperienced users will starve. True, the developers do not recommend its beginners to avoid critical errors. This utility is very quick and easy to releave the central processor without rebooting the system. One movement of the slider in a specialized utility and everything is ready.

With this specialized program, any models of processors can be dispersed, but only if the motherboard is suitable. Not all models are supported by it. And in the acceleration of the processor, the motherboard is of great importance. After all, during the procedure, the system clock frequency increases. And this leads to an impact on a clock pulse generator, which is located on the motherboard.

Before you use this utility, go to the official page and check whether the model for your personal computer is in the list of allowed motherboards. The merits of this program include a small weight (only about 300 KB), simplicity in mastering and management, high performance, regular updates.

Recommendation! The program developers do not advise the use of its beginners who do not understand what it can threaten. And besides, an inexperienced user is unlikely to know independently, what a clock pulse generator model is in his computer. It is indicated manually.

Acceleration of the processor using the SetFSB utility:
  • What is the model of the clock pulse generator on the motherboard? Select it from the "Clock Generator" drop-down list.
  • Press "Get FSB". You will see two frequencies of the device itself and the system tire.
  • Move carefully slider, constantly measuring the temperature of the processor. This can be done with the help of a specialized utility.
  • When the position of the slider is optimal, press SET FSB.
The most interesting thing is that the settings are valid while the computer works. The next time you must configure the frequency. Experienced users developers are recommended to run the program not independently, but from autoload.


Another effective program that allows you to overclock all models intel processors. The utility is not free and downloaded from the official market of the developer. The program enters a specialized tool that allows you to overclock the processor and monitor its stability. If you could not use the first program, SetFSB, due to the fact that it did not support your motherboard, then everything can work with this. Since it supports more motherboards.

Besides here and more convenient user interface: There is support for the Russian language. As for the overclocking itself, these two programs work equally: increase the system clock frequency.

How to overclock the processor with CPUFSB:

  • Find a motherboard model in the drop-down list.
  • Find the pll chip model in the drop-down list.
  • Click on "Take the frequency". You will see the initial frequency of the device and the system tire.
  • The frequency is increasing similarly: neat movements before reaching the required level. Do not forget to observe the processor temperature with special Program. Once the desired values \u200b\u200bare installed, click "Set the frequency".
The settings are similar to the first program only at work. Turning off the computer cancels all set settings.


The program also allows you to quickly and easily overclock the processor, has a simple user interface and is easy to assimilate, although on english language. The only minus is no longer supported by the developer, and therefore it is not clear whether you can use it. The utility can be downloaded on the official page for free. Using this program, you will overcress the processor with any model of the motherboard and the clock pulse generator.

This program is also intended only for experienced usersWebly disassembled in Motherboard models and clock pulse generators.

How to overclock the processor with SoftFSB:
  • Find your current clock pulse generator and motherboard.
  • Find out what this moment Tire frequency and processor.
  • Gently move the slider until you determine the desired frequency. Do not forget how in similar programs, monitor the temperature of the processor.
  • When the optimal number of clocks is selected, click on SET FSB.
Like this three work universal utilities. If you are afraid to use them, download programs from maternal manufacturers. They are safe in operation and are suitable for inexperienced users who are afraid to harm the computer with their actions.

These utilities that you met above can be used for personal and laptop computers. But when overclocking the processor on portable computers You should be the most prominent in order not to harm and disable the processor. System clock frequency should not be increased to the limit value.