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The program of cultural and leisure activities. Designing a cultural and leisure program Organization and carrying out a cultural and leisure program


Creation of a cultural and leisure program from idea to implementation


Cultural and leisure
activity represents
a holistic system, the main structural
organization, methodology, material and technical
base of cultural institutions, professional
financing of their activities.
These components are closely interconnected, smoothly
transform into each other on the basis of natural
ties in the context of their sufficiency for
functioning of an integral system.

Cultural and leisure activities

Cultural and leisure
activity represents
by myself
related to other spheres of human
She has an active role in shaping
social practice along with economics,
politics and ideology.

Cultural and leisure activities

Cultural and leisure
activity as a process,
expressing the essence and logic of pedagogical influence,
acts as a connection between the object and the subject.
therefore will consist of
components: subject, object, purpose, content,
means, methods, forms, material and technical
base, financial support of the process.
It is worth neglecting at least one of the components
exclude it from the analysis, and the system stops
function and disintegrate.

patterns of functioning
technologies of cultural and leisure activities,
we rely on a set of basic
characteristics of human existence
moral, religious, artistic and

types, types and forms of cultural and leisure activities, which is engaged in
a person to influence the dynamics of his
characteristics of the deposited values,
established traditions, selected norms and
patterns of behavior based on needs,
motives, goals, conditions and means of achieving
results; actions and operations; subject and
components of the technology mechanism.

cultural and leisure activities
provides on its line "internal"
the vital activity of a cultural institution and at that
the same time is the concentrating beginning
components of the system into which the data
institutions are inscribed.

cultural and leisure
"Organization" and "methodology" - shows that they
characterized as a derived concept -
professional activities aimed at
object (a visitor to a cultural institution and
home member) and due to the influence
socio-economic and cultural factors.
That's why
merging organization and methodology
cultural and leisure activities and their transition to each other
into a friend, the level of this connection and determine the appearance
each cultural institution, the effectiveness of its
functioning and influence on leisure at home.


it is impossible to understand the essence and
cultural institution without taking into account the level and dynamics
organizations and methods, their correlation, transition
into each other.
contradictory because it decides the main
the task is to strictly adhere to the technological
process aimed at creating original
solutions in traditional forms and promotion
new forms based on the initiative movement
people to culture at leisure.


The technology of cultural and leisure activities as
the system consists of several subsystems. They are connected
among themselves and represent the unity of ideal and
subject components:
organizational subsystem;
subsystem of methodical activity;
psychological subsystem.
All three subsystems make up a system of technology,
the main
functioning of a cultural institution.
As a subsystem, part of a larger whole
(technology), cultural institutions are "inscribed" in the system
cultural and leisure activities of the region.


cultural and leisure technology system
activity moves towards a specific goal and
characterized primarily by expediency.
acts in the system of technology of cultural and leisure activities as its most important
system-forming and synthesizing component.
ends require means, forms and methods,
operations, actions, optimal in specific
the goal is the incentive of the whole
technology systems, and tasks serve as goals


the process of the subject's realization of the goal, it can
speak apart from this situation. But in
cultural and leisure
action cannot abstract from the process.
From here
every action has its own
operational basis: how, how can
the set task to be achieved?
This task is precisely the specification of the goal in
cultural institutions. Therefore, the action has
a special internal spring, namely the ways
by which it is carried out.


cultural and leisure
activities reflect the social order of society,
his program and needs, satisfaction
which is itself a historical process.
The General
cultural and leisure
activities can be considered an increase in overall
culture of people, private goals - education
psychological, environmental, etc.


provide for a promising formation,
development, changing human needs.
turn into needs that motivate him
will, motives, and become conscious


cultural and leisure
human needs.
ideal, strategic goal that is
the present stage goes into the plane
practical tasks, giving this process a bright
pronounced social orientation.


goal setting
cultural and leisure activities are divided into two stages,
which are called theoretical
development and implementation.


goals - multi-stage, complex
process, so move arbitrarily from
from one stage of development to another, bypassing
intermediate links are not recommended.
That's why
the goal is the main link in
the mechanism of the technological process of cultural and leisure activities, where the content, meaning,
meaning-creativity becomes a form of accumulation
and concentration of the spiritual potential of the individual,
spent on the implementation of limit and even
transcendental goals of life.
From here
creativity is a way of realization
the semantic potential of the goal, the way it
bringing to life.


and the difficulty of achieving the goal in
human life is that
the process of management is performed not by goals, but
mental activity of the individual, her
to achieve
coincidence of the laws of the development of nature and
societies with laws and logic of development
and constitutes the essence of the technology of cultural and leisure activities and indicates its
systemic nature.


The whole
technological process designed for
merging personal goals with public and.
By organizing
work in accordance with personal
specialists from cultural institutions can
developing and raising personal interests to
public level to seek their unity.
society's goals are achieved
by meeting goals and needs


assessment of the effectiveness of cultural and leisure
activities must take into account the degree of both
achievement of the set goals, and "costly
mechanism "to achieve them.
material, production and moral
order, which are in close unity and
complementary and contributing to each other
That's why
to reveal the effectiveness of cultural and leisure activities in " pure form" excluding
"Cost mechanism" for achieving goals in
the present is almost impossible.


Currently, the economic mechanism
cultural institutions is a set
forms and
organizing public
production and includes: forms of economic ties
use of
economic laws; certain paths, forms and
methods of eliminating economic contradictions,
due to the state of the productive forces and
the nature of production relations in the system
Consequently, the economic mechanism is a concept
complex, reflecting not only economic, but
and production and technical, as well as partially
political and legal relations.

23. The main provisions of the economic mechanism as a backbone element of technology:


Cultural institutions independently plan their
creative-production and financial-economic
activity and social development of the team;
Creative and production activities are based on
on one's own
developed by cultural institutions, taking into account
social orders of the population of the region, labor collectives
creative unions and cooperatives;
Targeted cultural programs are approved by customers and
financed at their expense.

24. The main provisions of the economic mechanism as a backbone element of technology:

Sources of funding for cultural institutions are
appropriations from the fund for the development of culture and arts,
payments under agreements of associations, enterprises,
collectives; fees from ticket sales, sales
creative products and other types of operational
activities and paid services the population; proceeds from
implementation of redundant, obsolete and worn out
equipment, materials and other material values;
deductions and voluntary contributions of citizens, state
and public, cooperative organizations, joint stock
companies, limited liability partnerships.


influence of objective conditions on technology
cultural and leisure activities, one should proceed
from the fact that the main determinant is
category "lifestyle".
dependence on the social microenvironment,
social group or personality totality
conditions, factors, reasons determining
lifestyle, and the very role of these factors are
life differs from living conditions in that
it is the very concrete life activity of the object
and the subject of cultural and leisure activities.


Analysis of objective conditions, external and internal,
direct and indirect in relation to
activities of cultural institutions shows that
external objective conditions are refracted in consciousness
individuals and groups, mediated by their experiences,
interests, attitudes and already act as
an internal factor directly involved in
cultural and leisure activities as a real
practical consciousness.
This factor is internal in the sense that
social processes taking place outside of cultural and leisure activities are reflected in the mind
visitors of cultural institutions.


objective factors on technology
cultural and leisure activities are unequal.
high rankings are occupied by lifestyle,
cultural policy, economic success, prestige
cultural and leisure activities, material and technical provision of cultural institutions.
objective factors that complicate
cultural and leisure activities, should be especially
highlight a high level of cultural development
population due
psychological, family, individual


from acquired knowledge, public and
personal life experience, everyone can
determine the line of their behavior, evaluate
their actions and the actions of others.
on the one hand, creates conditions for
fulfillment of its personal program actions, and with
the other imposes responsibility for their
actions for spiritual, professional growth.


cultural and leisure
fundamentally important is the provision that of the two
essential elements of the subjective factor -
conscientiousness and organization - an element
subjective factor in cultural and leisure
a certain
interest, motive, psychological attitude in
of people.


subjective factors on technology
cultural and leisure activities affect
indirectly, through personality psychology,
social group, i.e. audiences of institutions
culture or home entertainment where
personality formation.


Different groups have different attitudes towards institutions
The most typical forms of manifestation of cultural and leisure activities for representatives of the first
a group that included young people under 20,
characterized by proactive behavior: frequent
performances in a club association, other places;
high rank of personal opinion in the system of factors,
influencing the formation of beliefs and orientations;
leadership in communication both in a cultural institution and
and in the work collective; breadth of interest in issues
other spheres of society; high criticality in
assessment of ongoing cultural and leisure programs;
competence in the organization of leisure.


The second group - people from 20 to 40 years old, differing
proactive in combination with reactive (i.e.
support of the initiative of others) behavior. Here
indicators in their set roughly coincide with
indicators of the first group, however, in a number of cases
not only initiative prevails, but also
focused on political, cultural,
economic life behavior, low criticality in
assessment of cultural and leisure programs, uncertain
motivation and low activity in expanding knowledge;
the decision
production issues.


The third group is represented by people over 40,
cultural and leisure activities. For this group
characteristic: narrowness of the range of sources of information,
are mostly random, situational;
almost complete lack of communication on cultural topics;
lack of expressed interest in culture and
striving to expand knowledge and at the same time
active participation in the public work of the institution


In the process of cultural and leisure activities of the individual
is characterized by an attitude towards active communication, outgoing
from her desire to join this or that event,
fact, to express your attitude towards it.
Meeting this need is one of
the basics of cultural and leisure activities, which
allows the individual in a situation of mass action to become
not only a spectator, but also a participant in the event.
Therefore, the technology of cultural and leisure activities
considers the real ways of activating the personality as
within the framework of the cultural and leisure program, and in
objective activity.


In order to reveal the essence of the object, it is necessary to
influence him, put him in other connections and relationships,
different from those in which he is constantly.
Engaging in action during the program, changing
natural state, the personality will be able to reveal deeper
its inherent features.
Active impact on the object in the process of preparation and
implementation of the cultural and leisure program is
an important reason that the subject must comply with in
their activities. Active impact orients
specific for the organization and methodology of cultural and leisure activities "core", taking into account the maximum
relationships and human activities involved
in the education of cultural and leisure activities.


the above
the most important features of the technology of cultural and leisure
an integral system, the technology of cultural and leisure activities has an appropriate
structure, the elements of which function according to
its general purpose, while obeying
laws of social development.


cultural institutions is as follows
way: social order, purpose, content,
forms, methods, means to achieve the goal,
subject, object, material and technical and
staffing, target adjustment,
end results.
The result
of this process is a program, its
the content of the relationship between the subject-object-object-subject, their personal


cultural and leisure
activity leads to ineffectiveness, and the separation
organizational activities from methodological
leads to primitivism, schematism, stereotyping
cultural and leisure programs.
technological process of cultural institutions
organization and methodology should be optimal
optimality leads to violation
diverse quality relationships in the system
cultural and leisure
processes of the internal dynamics of the whole.


cultural and leisure
activities need to understand the optimal
streamlining of all elements of the technological
process in cultural institutions, with the help
which a clear relationship is achieved,
interaction with visitors.


The first stage is the analysis of the situation and the formulation of the goal.
The greatest difficulties are caused by cultural and leisure workers.


Based on collected and recorded information
various work plans of the institution are being developed
culture and process program.
The types of plans used in the practice of cultural and leisure activities - annual, quarterly,
monthly - perform two functions:
organizational, i.e. correct goal setting,
of choice
material and human resources,
methodical - the definition of forms, means, methods and


General method:
The first stage is an analysis of the work done for the past
Then comes the development of a program of technological
process. First, a plan is drawn up, which
fixes in its structure horizontal and
vertical forms, massive and durable
programs, ways to achieve the goals set.
The next stage is the collection of materials for
implementation of the plans.
Then the materials collected by cultural and leisure
employees and their assets, enter the scenario
group, where they are transformed into an art form.


The last stage - the implementation of the program - presents
the most difficult and responsible job for everyone
participants. It is necessary to unite their efforts,
overcome nervous tension and solve everything
assigned tasks.
And finally, the final stage of work on the program
- analysis of its implementation, aimed at educating
participants in a sense of self-criticism, the ability to accept
criticism of comrades, instill a sense of responsibility
for the assigned work, evaluate their activities and


So, the technology of cultural and leisure activities
includes the following main stages:
conducting the program,
carried out program.
Dissection into stages allows for clearer and deeper
understand the technology of preparation and conduct


cultural and educational activities under
the concept of "method" is usually understood as the amount
examples of disclosure and reporting to visitors
cultural institutions of the necessary content.
method is the sum
various techniques with which
content will be transferred depending on
organizational and pedagogical
is embodied in a certain form.


cultural institutions embody
at first
director's idea.


in the technology of cultural and leisure
activity is seen as an internal
structure, as a unity of stable relationships
functioning on the basis only of their inherent
From here
structure is the most important characteristic
inexhaustible variety of internal and
external relations, carrying out permanent
changes in technology.


Fundamentals of the artistic type of creativity in technology
cultural and leisure activities are:
a set of socio-pedagogical facts, sources and
carriers of formative influence on the audience;
a variety of content, methods, forms, methods and
the means of their interaction, reflected in the minds of people;
regulation of processes and interactions aimed at
achievement of social and pedagogical goals of cultural and leisure activities;
cultural and leisure
determined by the integral nature of the connection,
content and form;
knowledge of traditions, customs, preservation of continuity
the ability to develop the initiative of the population.


In the very general view the technological chain will smooth
in the following way:
Target Setting> Task Form Tool Methods>
The structure of the joint activity of the subject and the object in
the technological process can be represented as follows:
Subject> Activity> A set of actions object
(effective acts) means of influence> Content
perception> The attitude of the audience - "amateur performance,
audience initiative deed.


Classical classification of forms of cultural and leisure
Every form of cultural and leisure activities
contains four main components:
composition, or harmonious arrangement of elements
the scale
location in space;
means of rational and emotional


Signs that characterize mass forms:
on the contrary, the "special" form of its disclosure:
organization of material, genre of the event;
the way the invitees communicate,
the desired measure of their activity;
organizational and material
qualifications of activists, etc.
conditions available
the number

52.The technology of mass forms of cultural and leisure activities includes:

clear understanding and understanding of the goal by all participants -
organizers of the future program;
of all
program, its moral content, creating conditions
for its implementation;
the choice of rational methods and techniques of rational and
emotional impact that requires consideration
opportunities of cultural institutions, professional
skills of specialists and their assets.


forms: mass, group and individual
- based on the use of initiative and
amateur performances of the broad masses.
Content, form, methods and means are in
as the backbone elements of the methodology.


It seems appropriate to classify forms according to
The subject of activity;
Quantitative indicators of the object of influence,
qualitative characteristics of the institution's audience
Public purpose and tasks of cultural and leisure
Of the main
Organizational features
educational activities.

Cultural and leisure program is a complex of diverse elements assembled together, among which one can distinguish dance blocks, games, meetings with interesting people, concert numbers and much more. You can find the following types of such programs:

  • 1. Educational and entertainment program (competition, quiz, intellectual game)
  • 2. Festive historical program (literary and musical compositions for memorable dates, concert programs, etc.)
  • 3. Dance and play program (evening of relaxation, themed disco)
  • 4. Folklore program (ceremonial holidays)

The cultural and leisure program is aimed at collective recreation of the population; its name often contains an indication of the age of the audience (competitive family program, children's matinee, youth show program). This form of the event is distinguished by the variety and ease of forms of communication - cognitive, entertaining, amateur, providing participants with the opportunity to switch from one type of activity to another. Such programs require the organizers to be creative, imaginative and inventive, as well as to clearly build a script, taking into account the age of the audience.

Currently, in the structure of modern culture, an increasing place is occupied by entertainment programs, various shows, which are assigned a significant role in the ideological, moral and artistic education of people, the organization of their life and leisure.

Popular types of complex leisure programs are show programs, magnificent costumed stage action with the participation of "stars" (in small towns - of local importance), dynamically bright, saturated with special effects, spectacular, carrying a cross-cutting plot with a tie, culmination and denouement.

There are also such types of complex leisure programs as a ball, a theatrical procession, gatherings, literary and musical compositions dedicated to memorable dates, as well as large festive concerts (March 8, May 9, February 23, April Fool's Day - April 1, New Year, Christmas, etc.)

Preparation method:

Stage I - planning

  • · Creation of an organizing committee;
  • · Creation of an organizational and production group;
  • · Setting goals and forecasting results;
  • · Determination of the form, place and time;
  • Development detailed plan preparation of the event, distribution of responsibilities.

Stage II - script creation:

Option 1 - social order

Option 2 - a scheduled event

  • § Definition of the topic (About what?)
  • § Definition of the super task (For what?)
  • § Selection and research of material (artistic

or documentary)

  • § Writing a script.
  • § Selection of expressive means (music, light,

costumes, decorations)

§ Drawing up a cost estimate

Stage III - implementation of the event:

  • § Preparation of decorative and musical design, costumes, video.
  • § Advertising of the event (media, posters, invitations)
  • § Rehearsal period (selection of participants and distribution of roles, schedule of rehearsals, staging of concert numbers)
  • § Holding an event (with recording on videotape)

Stage IV - analysis of the event.

Technologies in social and cultural activities.

Socio-cultural activities (SKD) are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In Art. 44 establishes the right of citizens:

To participate in cultural life and use cultural institutions;

The right to access cultural property.

In addition, the SKD is guaranteed by the "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture" dated 1992, which defines the spheres of cultural activity, discloses their content, interprets human rights in the field of cultural activity.

Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On general principles local government organizations in Russian Federation»Defines the powers of rural and urban settlements, the powers of the municipal district and the powers of the city district on cultural issues (in terms of cultural and leisure institutions), which are as follows:

Creation of conditions for organizing leisure time and providing the residents of the settlement with the services of cultural organizations;

Creation of conditions for the development of local traditional folk art, participation in the preservation, revival and development of folk art crafts in the settlement;

Creation of conditions for mass recreation of the inhabitants of the settlement and the organization of arrangement of places of mass recreation.

Local issues of the municipal district:

Creation of conditions for providing the settlements that are part of the municipal district with services for organizing leisure and services of cultural organizations;

Creation of conditions for the development of local traditional folk art in the settlements that are part of the municipal district.

One of the tasks of exercising the powers of the local authority on cultural issues (in terms of organizing the work of the KDU) is to create conditions for organizing leisure time and providing residents with the services of cultural organizations.

Leisure means time not busy with work or other business or separate moments of free time, intervals between work. Leisure is subdivided into cognitive, creative and recreational. Thus, the task of cultural institutions of the club type is to provide the population with opportunities to engage in folk art in club formations or to provide the population with various cultural and leisure activities.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 825 "On assessing the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation", the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation includes indicators - the proportion of the population participating in cultural and leisure activities held by state ( municipal) cultural organizations and in the work of amateur associations.

For reference: in 2007, the coverage of the population by club formations in the Bryansk region was 4.00%, in the Central Federal District - 3.46%, in the Russian Federation - 3.91%. Despite the higher indicator in comparison with the indicators in the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation, the Bryansk region in terms of the coverage of the population by club formations ranks 14th among 18 constituent entities of the Federation in the Central Federal District.

Socio-cultural activity occupies one of the leading places in the practical activities of cultural institutions and constitutes a significant part in the activities of institutions of the entire social sphere. The concept of social and cultural activity consists of two fundamental ones: social activity and cultural activity.

Social activities Is an activity aimed at creating conditions that should help each person at different ages to successfully go through the process of socialization and social adaptation. Socialization Is the process of mastering various social roles by a person and assimilating moral norms, rules of behavior, customs and traditions of a given society.

Social adaptation - This is the process of adaptation of the individual to changing living conditions.

Successful passage of socialization and adaptation by a person will allow him, despite life crises and extreme situations, to maintain peace of mind, self-esteem, and labor activity.

Cultural activities - is an activity for the identification, preservation, development, creation and dissemination of cultural values. Cultural values ​​include: languages, dialects, dialects, traditions, customs, rituals, folklore, arts and crafts, works of art, buildings and structures of historical and cultural significance, technologies.

Thus, socio-cultural activity is the process of realizing the social activity of a person or a group of people through the identification, preservation and creation of cultural values ​​by engaging in various types of creativity, as well as activities aimed at self-development, self-realization and self-knowledge of the individual.

Socio-cultural activity is a technological process as a result of which such a final product appears as: a concert, competition, evening, mass celebration, performance, show program or other events.

Event- an organized action or a set of actions aimed at the implementation of something.

Cultural and leisure events include: thematic evenings, oral magazines, disputes, business games, round tables, children's matinees, concerts, evenings of war and labor veterans, theatrical holidays and performances, performances, folk festivals, carnivals, city and district holidays the large quantity population as direct participants or visitors participate in them.

A lot of preparatory work precedes the implementation of this or that event.

Consider the methodology for the preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure activities.

There are: general methods (methods of preparing and holding an event, methods of working with a creative team, etc.); private (method of staging a performance, method of working with presenters, method of stage decoration, etc.).

In general, the scheme of the technology of social and cultural activities can be represented as follows: SOCIAL ORDER - PURPOSE - CONTENT - FORM - MEANS - METHODS - MEASURES - ANALYSIS - CREATION OF A METHODOLOGICAL FOLDER.

Methodology a set of methods for teaching something, the practical implementation of something, as well as the science of teaching methods.

Method a way of theoretical research or practical implementation of something.

Target- what they strive for, what needs to be done.

Funds- techniques, methods of action to achieve a goal.

Analysis- the method of scientific research by considering individual aspects, properties, component parts anything; a comprehensive review of the examination.

Technology- a set of production processes in a particular industry, as well as scientific description production methods.

Recreational- containing elements of entertainment, amusement.

Methodology for the preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure activities.

The methodology for conducting a leisure program can be conditionally divided into seven stages.

First step- the planning stage. On the basis of the approved work plan of a cultural institution or social order of the executive authorities or the order of individual organizations, enterprises or individuals, a decision is made to hold one or another event. At this stage, the following is carried out:

Creation of an organizing committee, which includes people interested in holding this event and having real capabilities for this (representatives of authorities, heads of institutions), media representatives, sponsors, an accountant. Stakeholders - persons who can solve certain problems. For example: when holding events for WWII veterans, representatives of the Councils of War Veterans; for veterans of local wars - representatives of public organizations of soldiers - veterans of local wars. For schoolchildren - representatives of educational authorities and institutions. For disabled people - representatives of disabled people's societies, etc .;

Creation of an organizational and production group, which should include creative specialists headed by the director of a cultural institution (program director, screenwriter, director, graphic designer, sound engineer, head of the production department, administrator);

Determination of the form of the event, place, time;

In the case of events containing the moment of the competition - contests, festivals, exhibitions, etc., a regulation is developed, which indicates the founders of this event, its goals, assessment criteria, financial conditions;

Development of a detailed plan for the preparation and conduct of the event according to the scheme (see Appendix No. 1);

Approval of the program of the held event (see Appendix No. 2). The program of the event is printed on the poster, it can be printed separately. This is subject to availability of funds for printing costs.

Second phase- script writing and approval, development of cost estimates:

Script writing and cost estimate;

Coordination of the scenario and cost estimate at a meeting of the organizing and staging group;

Coordination of the scenario and cost estimate (see Appendix No. 3) at a meeting of the organizing committee;

Approval of the scenario and cost estimate by the head of the institution (program director) or the head of the organization - the founder of the cultural institution (for example, the head of the culture department of the municipality or the head of the settlement).

In the cost estimate for the event, the costs are indicated by indicator codes (according to the economic classification of costs and an indication of the funding sources for the event). In the estimate, a detailed list is made for each type of expense.

For example: consumables:

CD-disk 2 pcs x 15-00 = 30-00

Batteries 4pcs x 80-00 = 320-00, etc.

Sources of funding for the event can be: funds of the regional target program "Development of culture and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Bryansk region (Culture of the Bryansk region) for 2006-2010"; a municipal target program for the development and preservation of culture in the territory of a given municipality; funds for the current maintenance of this cultural institution; sponsorship funds; funds received by the institution from the provision of paid services to the population.

In the case of using the funds of the regional target program, the funds are transferred to the performer of the event in accordance with the agreement concluded between the department of culture and the municipality.

Third stage- implementation of the scenario, which includes:

Work with creative teams, selection of performers, art numbers, working rehearsals, assembly and dress rehearsals;

Stage decoration;

Recording phonograms;

Lighting solution;

Making costumes and props;

Purchase of consumables;

Purchase of prizes;

Working with the media;

Working with sponsors;

Working with potential viewers.

Fourth stage- holding the event.

Fifth stage- analysis of the event (usually the next day):

It is necessary to note all the positive aspects of the event;

Note the shortcomings, while it is necessary to provide arguments;

Make suggestions for the future - how to eliminate the shortcomings, what points to strengthen in order to improve the quality of the events.

Sixth stage- preparation and submission of reporting documents. A text reference is drawn up, which sets out in detail individual moments of the event. It is necessary to reflect both the positive and negative sides holding an event, identify promising issues to improve the quality of preparation of such events.

In the case of using financial resources for the preparation and conduct of events, reports for the funds used are submitted to the accounting department of the institution (settlement). A list is drawn up for the participants of events at which some expenses were made, indicating passport data, insurance certificate, place of residence. The list is certified by the head of the institution (program manager) and submitted to the accounting department. In case of payment for participation in the event of creative teams or individual performers, they are paid wage under a civil law contract. The conclusion of contracts is carried out by a specially created commission approved by the head of the institution or the head himself.

When organizing meals for event participants, the costs are drawn up by the following documents: a service contract with a catering company that provides services, a list of meals (with the data indicated above), food coupons, an invoice, an invoice, an act of work performed. When purchasing food products for cash, sales receipts indicate the name, quantity and cost of the purchased products. All documents are submitted to the accounting department.

Prizes to the participants - winners of various events are awarded by the jury's decision, which is approved by the culture department or the head of the institution or settlement. The protocol of the jury's decision, which determines the winners, is submitted to the accounting department. The presentation of diplomas and prizes is carried out according to the statement, which is submitted to the accounting department with the attachment of a list of awardees with the data on them indicated above. If the institution receives the prize, its receipt by the representative of the winning institution is carried out by power of attorney and invoice. The material assets received as a prize are registered.

Advance reports on the funds provided for this event are submitted to the accounting department, as a rule, within three days.

In the case of writing off the materials used for the preparation and holding of the event, the write-off statement shall detail the reasons for the write-off.

Seventh stage- drawing up a methodological folder, which should include:

Event scenario;

Regulations on the holding of a competition (festival, review, exhibition, etc.);

Plan for the preparation and conduct of the event;

The program of the event;

Lists of event participants;

Jury composition;

Jury protocol;

Samples of printed materials (posters, invitation card, program, etc.);

Master class program (creative laboratory);

Photo and video materials;

Press reviews;

Minutes of the meeting of the organizing committee;

Final reference.

1. Volovik A.F., Volovik V.A. Leisure Pedagogy. Moscow 1998.

2.Voloschenko G.G. Folk leisure: socio-cultural aspects of genesis and development. SPb., 1999.

3.Genkin D.M. Club drama. M., 1983.

4.Zharkov A.D. Technology of cultural and leisure activities. M., 1998.

5.Zezersky E.Ya., Solomonik A.G. Organization and methodology of club work. M. "Education". 1975.

6. Ikonnikova S.N., Chepelev V.I. Clubbing. M., 1980.

7.Kiseleva T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. Social and cultural activities. M: MGUKI, 1999.

8. Mazaev A.I. Holiday as a social and artistic phenomenon. M., 1978.

9. Streltsov Yu.A. Leisure culturology. M. 2003.

10. Yaroshenko N.N. Socio-cultural activities: paradigms, methodology, theory. M., 2000.

11. Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2006. No. 229. M., 2006. Guidelines for the implementation of issues of local self-government in the field of culture of urban and rural settlements, municipal areas.

12. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2007 No. 825 "On the assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation."

13. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1983.

Developed by: Deputy Director

GUK "Bryansk Regional Methodological Center

"Folk art" R.M. Putimtsev

Appendix No. 3





expenses for preparation and carrying out _______________________________

Time spending: _____________ 200__ year

Location: ________________________

Name of the institution responsible for the event: _________


Funding source: regional target program "Development of culture and preservation of cultural heritage of the Bryansk region 2006-2009", (or the name of another program or others) section ____, paragraph _____

P / p No.




Indicators code (by ECR)


program point


Director ________________


Checked the estimate: Ch. accountant ___________________


Isp. ________________


Tel.: _________________

Appendix No. 1





preparation and conduct of the event


(name of the event)


(venue of the event)

P / p No.

Name of types of work

Period of execution


for execution

Developed by:


__________________ __________________

(signature) (decryption of signature)

Appendix No. 2

Detailed schedule of the event by time, location:

For example: PROGRAM

folklore festival "Apple Savior in Salynia"


Meeting guests of the holiday at the entrance to the complex "Folklore Village" by creative teams of Dubrovsky district.

Inviting guests to the hut of the peasant life of the 19th century.

Opening of the exposition of the exhibition of folk costume, towel and decorative arts from the funds of the national museum GUK "BOMTs" Folk Art ".

The transition of participants and guests of the holiday to the Main stage.


Main stage. Celebration opening.


Opening of the peasant hut of the XII century. Excursions.

17.00 - 18.00

Concert program of collectives from Dubrovsky district.


Competitive game program for guests and participants of the holiday.


Transfer of guests to the boarding house "Salyn".



20.00 - 22.00h

Disco. Competitive entertainment program.



Developed by:

_________________________ (full name of the performer)

Head department


________________ _____________________

(signature) (decryption of signature)


The tasks of organizing leisure activities, especially for a specialist in social work, include: the creation of cultural and leisure programs for various groups of the population; search for original solutions and preservation of traditional forms; an individual approach in the process of organizing and implementing a leisure program.

In general, the technology of the cultural and leisure sphere is a well-coordinated system, the main elements of which can be organizational, methodological and psychological and social components. The functional side of these elements is as follows: organizational includes planning, management, financing, distribution of work; methodical - scenario development, rehearsals and leisure programs, analysis of results and generalization of experience; socio-psychological - stimulation, regulation of relations in the social environment, as well as the study of the personality structure of the participant and organizer of cultural and leisure programs.

The technology of leisure programs is always realized through the form by which in cultural and leisure activities it is customary to understand the way of organizing people's activities at leisure; programs can be classified on the basis of the following main features: the content of the activity (play, communicative, competitive, entertainment); number of participants (mass, group, individual).

General approaches to understanding the form of a cultural and leisure program are based on the nature of the interaction of the participants (for example, a mass game, group competition, individual conversation).

Here one should not forget an important component - this is a tool that is a component of the technology of cultural and leisure activities in the social sphere. It is the means that is the mechanism for bringing the content to the consumer (printed publications, living word, television, art, technology). The tool is the bearer of the content, hence its choice can demonstrate how the essence of the content is revealed.

Methods and tools should also not be considered in isolation from each other. In cultural and leisure activities, methods are usually understood as ways of using funds and influencing the audience. A social work specialist, choosing methods for organizing leisure programs, must understand that it is the methods that can increase the impact of funds on the consumer, they are best able to convey information to the audience, make it convincing and perceived.

So, the technology of cultural and leisure activities is based on four main methods:

1) installation,

2) illustration,

3) theatricalization,

Editing is a way of organizing literary material: searching for documentary and fictional material, selecting and fragmenting, combining fragments into a single whole according to the design of the programs. Using the installation method, Social worker basically can rely on documentary material and various devices (contrast and similarity, sequence and parallelism, analogies, metaphors, hyperbole, historical chronology, etc.).

Illustrating - organizing meaningful material in the form of an illustration (it makes information visible).

Theatricalization is the organization of a single action based on a scenario concept that subordinates all the components of an ongoing event to itself.

A game is an organization of an imaginary situation in which they act realistically, using their knowledge, skills, experience, but according to the established rules, in accordance with their role in the game.

So, the technology and methodology of cultural and leisure activities in the social sphere is a creative process. In the process of organizing leisure time, a social worker must remember that their task is to transform ideas (goals, objectives, plans) into specific action programs (scenarios).

Organization and conduct of leisure programs in the modern market similar services the event manager is involved, this function can also be performed by a social worker, whose duties will include:

Preparation of the concept and program of the holiday;

Script writing;

Calculation of the budget.

Any activity, including creative, is based on the technology of AD Zharkov. Cultural and leisure activity as a pedagogical problem [Electronic resource] // Education and society. 2007. № 2. URL: .. The technology of cultural and leisure activities can be presented in the form of a technological scheme: goal - tasks (content of activity) - forms of audience organization - methods and means for solving problems - result.

The technology of cultural and leisure activities is based on: a set of facts, sources and carriers of the formative influence on the audience; a variety of content, methods, forms, methods and means of their interaction, reflected in the minds of people; regulation of processes aimed at achieving the goals of cultural and leisure activities; knowledge of traditions, customs, preservation of the continuity of generations; the ability to develop initiative among the population in cultural and leisure activities.

Thus, the interaction of the form and content of the program becomes important. Here is one of the most common classifications of forms of cultural and leisure activities: mass (most expensive), group, individual. Each form contains four main components: content; composition, or harmonious arrangement of content elements; scale, character of the audience and its location in space.

The technology of preparing the program begins with the study of the state of the social environment. To achieve a result in the process of conducting a leisure program, it is necessary: ​​to correctly set a goal and determine the tasks that determine this goal; determine in what logical sequence to act; what forms, methods and techniques to use in this case.

The methodology for preparing a leisure program is divided into several stages: The first stage - planning, includes:

Creation of an organizing committee, which includes government officials, heads of leisure institutions, financiers, sponsors, etc.);

Creation of an organizational and production group (composition: program director, director, graphic designer, sound engineer, production manager, administrator);

Goal setting and forecasting of results;

Determination of the form of the program, place and time;

Development of a detailed plan for the preparation and implementation of the program, where it will be clearly indicated: what activities need to be carried out, by what date, who is personally responsible for this.

The second stage is drawing up, discussing and approving a script or program.

The third stage (the most capacious and difficult) is the implementation of the program.

After the program is drawn up and approved, it is necessary to draw up a cost estimate. The presence of the program and cost estimates will allow you to begin the direct preparation of the program. It includes: work with a creative team (selection of performers, working rehearsals, assembly and general rehearsals); preparation of stage sites, their design; selection and production of props and costumes; sound design - searching for a musical solution to the program's concept and working with technical means; work on the video sequence (use of films, videos, slides); work with advertising.

After the implementation of the preparatory work, the moment comes, after which, at the fourth stage, the results are summed up and the results are analyzed.

In its most general form, the technological chain looks like this: target setting ^ task ^ forms methods ^ - means ^ result. Therefore, it becomes obvious that the technological features of cultural and leisure activities can be defined as one of the components of social work. Using leisure technologies, a social work specialist is able to rationally and meaningfully organize people's leisure time, contribute to the satisfaction and development of their cultural needs, creating conditions for the self-realization of each individual, within the framework of free time.

You can turn to the most modern forms of work, use all the variety of means, but if you do not know for what and in what logical sequence to act, what you would like to get in the end, you can hardly achieve a positive result.

So any activity must have results. To achieve results you need:

a) correctly set a goal and determine the tasks that determine this goal;

b) determine in what logical sequence to act;

c) what forms, methods and techniques were used in this case.

All this forms the basis of the technique. Methodology is the systematization of knowledge about the organization of the process and the appropriate ways to achieve the result; it is the design and organization (implementation) of any activity.

Exists different levels techniques. When using the concept of “levels of methodology”, we mean the variability of practical activities.

The level when the whole process is viewed as a whole corresponds to the general methodology; its individual constituent parts (sub-processes) are a private technique; concretized forms of organizing the process - a specific technique.

The general method is a program of action in the appropriate conditions. It includes the general goals and objectives of the activity, the main directions and the total volume of its content, the stages of its implementation, an approximate set of means (the form of organizing their relationship). The general methodology for preparing a mass leisure program is divided into several stages. It should be borne in mind that the number of components of the process of preparing and conducting a leisure program depends on the scale of the event. The city festival and the meeting cafe are incomparable either in scale or in the complexity of preparation. And although the stages of preparation practically remain the same, they will be different in terms of filling with individual components. The entire process of preparing and conducting a mass leisure program in all its complexity can be viewed only by the example of such large-scale forms of work: a city holiday, a carnival, a festival, etc.

The first stage of preparing a leisure program is the planning stage. It includes:

1. Creation of an organizing committee, which will include people who really influence something (government officials, heads of leisure institutions, financiers, sponsors ...). The main principle of the organizing committee's work is the collegiality of the leadership and the personal responsibility of each member of the organizing committee for the assigned work. The task of the organizing committee includes, first of all, the general operational management of departments, commissions, working groups and persons responsible for certain areas of work. The methods here are different: meetings of the organizing committee, working groups, operational meetings, briefings, individual conversations between managers and performers, obtaining urgent information: instructions, report; moral and material incentives for a well-performed task during the preparation of the event, organization and conduct of the event.

2. Creation of an organizational and production group, where practitioners will work (program director, screenwriter, director, graphic designer, sound engineer, production manager, administrator). Skillful selection of creative workers, first of all, a screenwriter and stage director, is of great importance in the preparation of a mass event. The director is not only the creator, but also the organizer of all work, he is responsible for the entire course of events. The artist should strive to find in each case the best pictorial solution to the theme in relation to the stage conditions. The complexity of his work lies in the fact that he has to solve the problem of decoration both on a small and large scale, starting with sketches of costumes for participants and ending with the festive decoration of the stadium, and sometimes the whole city.

The fate of the event depends on the musical setting. Its methods can be different. In one case, all the music is specially written for this holiday, in the other, the newly written music is combined with the already existing one, sometimes all the musical accompaniment is built from ready-made melodies belonging to different authors.

The group plays a huge role in the preparation of the event. technical support, which carries out sound and light design, radio broadcasting of the event.

The logistics group organizes activities for the improvement of the territory, is responsible for the construction of sites, attractions, preparation of the venue for the holiday, is responsible for transport, organizes food, trade services, law enforcement and medical services.

3. Very important point at the stage of planning a mass event: setting goals and predicting results. It should not be forgotten that cultural and leisure activities are pedagogically organized activities, or, in any case, should be so.

4. The preparatory organizational and methodological work includes: determining the form of the future mass cultural and leisure program (theatrical performance, themed evening, masquerade ball, etc.), as well as determining the place and time of its holding.

5. Work on an event begins with drawing up a detailed plan for the preparation and implementation of the program, where it will be clearly indicated: what activities need to be carried out, by what date, who is personally responsible for it. We should not forget: when everyone answers, no one answers.

The second stage of preparing a leisure program is the stage of writing, discussing and approving the script. A script is a detailed literary-textual and organizational development of the content and course of the program. The script sequentially sets out the artistic and real elements of the action; the ways of transition from one part of the action to another (bridges - transitions) are indicated, otherwise the logic of the presentation of the material is violated. It provides an approximate content of the guests' impromptu performances; the design of the program is planned; the use of music, theatrical noises, light, video (cinema, video, slides); insert art numbers are indicated.

The work on the script begins with the definition of the theme and idea, which serve as a criterion for the selection of the necessary material and dictate the form of the program implementation. The lack of a well-designed script leads to a lack of clearly compositional alignment of the program and organizational confusion.

The third stage of preparing a mass leisure program is the most difficult - the stage of implementing the scenario. After the script was written and approved, it became possible to determine what costs are needed to implement the plan. Hence, it is necessary to draw up an estimate of costs. After the script of the cultural and leisure program is approved, the director develops the director's documentation, which includes:

Director's plan for the production;

Director's cut;

musical score;

Light score;

plan for using the video sequence;

Working scheme;

Rehearsal plan.

The director's plan summarizes: the main components of the production, the sequence of numbers in the episodes and the sequence of the episodes themselves in the program; ligaments between episodes; episode numbers; the nature of the mise-en-scène; the need for props, props, musical instruments, suits, phonograms; terms of the main stages of work on a complete stage work; main performers.

The editing sheet reflects the graphic presentation of the director's intention, where all the components of each number and the means of its provision, tasks for all services of the cultural institution are clearly described. There is a practice of using a mounting sheet of twelve columns:

1st column - number in order;

2nd group - the title of the episode in strict accordance with the script and director's plan;

3rd group - the name of the number and its character; author and title of the work;

4th group - performers: soloists, groups;

5th gr. - accompaniment of the number; it is desirable to indicate the need for orchestrations, and if the number matches a phonogram, then you need to indicate the serial number of the phonograms;

6th group - texts performed on stage, sounding on the radio, voice-overs;

7th group - the need for film material, indicating the nature of the tape and the format;

8-gr. - stage decoration of the room;

9th gr. - lighting solution of the room; staging effects;

10th group - costumes for performers; costume accessories (holster, fan, etc.);

11th junior - props and props;

12th group - notes.

Some directors call the cut sheet the director's score.

The musical score includes five columns of the editing sheet: episode, number, performers, accompaniment, film clips. The musical score contributes to the general development of the theme of the program. Enriches it, enhances the emotional impact on the audience.

The light score is one of the most powerful means of expression. The lighting solution, passing through the entire drama of the program, corresponding to the music, text, scenery, creates an artistic image. Each number in the cultural and leisure program requires its own decision.

Mastering the art of lighting and musical design is an important professional aspect of the director of a cultural and leisure program. Correctly selected pieces and performers help to ensure the dynamic of the program and the temperament of the action. When selecting musical material, a director must be able to abandon everything that will hinder the development of the program. Lighting design requires collaboration with an artist.

After the development of the director's documentation, the direct preparation of the cultural and leisure program begins, which includes:

Work with creative teams (selection of performers, working rehearsals, assembly and general);

Preparation of stage sites, their design;

Selection and production of props and costumes;

Sound design - the search for a musical solution to the concept of the program and work with technical means;

Work on the video sequence (using films, videos, slides);

After the preparatory work is completed, the moment comes for a mass cultural and leisure program. Its success depends on many factors, the ability of the event organizers to create a festive mood; accurate work of the director and assistant director, sound engineer, lighting, stage workers; readiness of creative teams, coordination of work technical services etc.

After the event comes the fourth stage - stage summing up and analyzing the results. This stage, as a rule, is not given enough attention, but meanwhile, it is very important. Firstly, after the end of the event, it is necessary to put in order the territory on which it took place. Secondly, to return the equipment, props, decorations, costumes that were rented to the owners. Thirdly, to pay off loans, i.e. make a final settlement with the hotel, if guests invited from another region lived in it, with a motor transport company for the provided transport, pay for the work of a screenwriter, director, artist, etc., make other payments.

Then comes the moment of discussion and analysis of the works of the cultural and leisure program. During the discussion, it is necessary to find out whether the set goal was achieved or not, what fundamental mistakes were made, or vice versa, what new and interesting was achieved.

Based on the results of the program and its discussion, it is necessary to draw up methodological material, which will include:

Minutes of meetings of the organizing committee;

Plan for the preparation and implementation of the program;

A copy of the cost estimate;

Scenario and cut sheet to it;

Sketches of decoration and costumes;

Video material (photographs, video filming);

Reviews of funds mass media and spectators;

Minutes and other documents with materials for discussing the analysis of the event.

Theme. Drama of mass forms of cultural and leisure