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Create ZIP archives. Correct configuration of the WinRAR archiver How Winrar works

- Igor (Administrator)

Zip archiver

Almost every computer user, in one way or another, has come across such archive files as ZIP or RAR (the most popular formats). And despite the fact that Windows contains a built-in component for managing Zip archives However, many users still prefer to install various third-party archivers, as they support more different formats and provide a more powerful and convenient set of tools for managing and creating archives.

Note: Several good archivers you can find in the article Best Free Utilities to Create File Archives.

One of the most famous free software archiver is 7-Zip. It supports many different formats, is built into the explorer context menu and has a pretty good set of default settings. That is why the utility can be classified as "installed and used". But, nevertheless, do not forget that the program allows you to customize many functions to suit your needs.

Note: Of course, this utility can only read and decompress the rather popular RAR format. But, in most cases, one reading will be enough. As a last resort, you can always download and install WinRar to create RAR archives.

Setting associations with 7-Zip files

Windows supports setting up file associations with programs. This allows you to quickly open files without having to first open the programs themselves. After setting up associations, all you need to do is open Windows Explorer and double-click on the required file.

The 7-Zip archiver allows you to specify for which file formats such associations should be configured. And here's how it's done:

  1. Open the list of all programs in the Start menu and select "7-Zip File Manager"
  2. V Windows Vista/ 7, you need to open this manager with administrator rights. To do this, right-click on "7-Zip File Manager" and select "Run as administrator"
  3. When the manager opens, open the Tools menu and select Options. A dialog box will open as shown in the picture above.
  4. On the "System" tab, place a checkmark in front of the file formats with which you want to associate 7-Zip

Configuring 7-Zip Explorer context menu items

7-Zip allows you to customize the available context menu items Windows explorer(By the way, users with 64-bit operating systems need to install the 64-bit version of 7-Zip in order for the program to integrate into the Windows shell.) Some of the points refer to operations on the archives themselves, and some to create archives for selected files. They are set up quite simply, and here's how you can do it:

  1. Continue from step 3 or from step 5 of the previous instructions, and select the "7-Zip" tab (Remember that in Windows Vista / 7 the manager must be run as administrator)
  2. You should see the same window as shown in the picture above.
  3. The first two settings are related to display. Embed 7-Zip into Shell Context Menu - Allows you to include or exclude all 7-Zip menus from the Explorer context menu. Setting "Cascading context menu" - allows you to either group items into "7-Zip" (when enabled), or display the entire list of available actions as separate items (when disabled)
  4. The "Context Menu Items" area contains all the available items. Check the boxes according to your preference
  5. Click the "Apply" button if you want to change the settings on the other tabs. Or click the "OK" button and close the manager.

Now you can customize 7-Zip to suit your needs.

Introducing you free archiver 7- zip... You can use it without any restrictions on any computers, including at the enterprise. No registration for the archiver 7- zip no. It perfectly supports over 30 common archive formats. There is constant support for this project, new versions of the archiver are constantly being released.

1. How to download the archiver 7- zip

After pressing the button "Upload file" the following window will appear:

2 download buttons are underlined with red lines " Download": One for the 32-bit version of the operating system Windows systems, another for the 64-bit version. We select the version we need and click " Download". A new window will open and after a few seconds a window will open with a proposal to save the file. The answer is yes and that's it - the download will complete extremely quickly, since the file size is very small.

The name of the downloaded file looks like this: 7zXXX.exe, where XXX is the number of the downloaded version of the archiver 7- zip, for example 7z920.exe.

2. How to install the archiver 7- zip

To install the archiver, you just need to run the previously downloaded 7zXXX.exe file. First, a window appears with the choice of the installation folder:

By default, this folder is " C: \ Program Files \ 7-Zip". You can leave everything as it is, i.e. do not change anything, but you can either select another folder by clicking the " Browse ..."Or write another path in the line of the field" DistinationFolder". We press " Install". In just a few seconds, the installation is completed and a window appears with its end:

We press the button " Finish". Installation completed.

3. How to work with the archiver 7- zip

Working with the archiver is extremely simple. By default, the archiver adds to Windows context menu their functions, so they are available as items in a drop-down menu by right-clicking on a file or folder. Well, for example, we downloaded the archive of the reconciliation report and it needs to be unpacked. Select the file, right-click and see that in context menu a submenu appeared 7-zip with a number of points:

If we click on a file or on a folder, then in this case the submenu will be slightly different:

All these menu sub-items are intuitive, I will tell you a little about each, but if you advanced user and this is clear to you, you can omit it.

« Open archive"- the archiver manager opens 7- zip where you can do everything possible actions with the archive, including all other items of this submenu:

« Unpack»- open the unpacking dialog box, in which you can select the folder where you want to extract the files included in the archive:

« Unpack here"- unpacking the contents of the archive without any questions directly into the current folder.

« Unpack to ArchiveName"- first a folder with the name of the archive is created (in our example AktSverki) and then the contents of the archive are unpacked into it without any questions.

« Test"- check the archive for possible mistakes... If everything is in order, then a window is displayed with information of the form:

« Add to archive ..." - add this archive to another in the file packing dialog:

« Compress and send byemail ..."- the same as" Add to archive ...", Only then an attempt is made to send compressed file by email.

« Add to ArchiveName. 7z archiver 7- zip.

« Compress to ArchiveName. 7z andsend byemail 7- zip

« Add to"- a file-archive in the format zip.

« Compress to andsend by email"- a file-archive in the format zip and immediately an attempt is made to send the compressed file by email.

4. How to configure the archiver 7- zip

After installing the archiver, the settings menu is located in the program "", which is available along the path " Start» — « All programs» — «»:

After launching it, the following window opens:

Here, as you can see, there are buttons “ Add», « Extract», « Test», « Copy», « Move», « Delete», « Information". Their names speak for themselves, for example: the button “ Add"Is responsible for adding files to the archive (packing the file), the button" Extract "- respectively, for extracting the file from the archive (unpacking the file), but now we are interested in configuring the archiver. Everything is quite simple here. The settings themselves are located in the menu item " Service» — « Settings…":

A settings window that looks like this will open:

The first tab “ System". This is where the archiver associations are set 7- zip with files of the indicated types. These are the types of files that the archiver supports or knows. 7- zip... I recommend that you tick all the boxes by clicking on the button " Select all"And then click on the button" Apply».

What it is? This means that by double-clicking on a file of the above types, it will immediately open 7- zip to view content of this file... For example, we need to view the contents of the 7z archive classifier of addresses of Russia BASE.7z... Just doing double click with the mouse on this file, the archiver manager opens 7- zip and we immediately see the contents of the file BASE.7z (see fig.). This is quite convenient.

The rest of the settings are not so important, they can be omitted.

That's basically all by and large. Use it to your health!

WinRAR is one of best programs for working with archives. In this article, you will get acquainted with its functionality and capabilities in more detail, learn how to properly configure VinRAR. This guide will help you get the most out of its use.

And so the guide how to install WinRAR

All site visitors can download the domestic WinRAR archiver for free by clicking on the link. This is the freshest Russian-language version without malicious codes and viruses. After downloading, you need to double click on installation file- you start the installation process.

The software installer prompts you to read the license and warns that the application is shareware. In reality, nothing terrible will happen in 40 days. From time to time VinRAR will remind you of the purchase, however, it will continue to work in previous regime.

Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete. After that you click "OK" and "Finish". There is no need to change anything in the window that appears - this is called "install with default settings". Congratulations - you have successfully installed WinRAR on your computer!

Getting to know the interface

Next, you will find a solid layer of information on how the archiver interface looks like. Select any archive on your desktop and double-click it. An archiver window will open, in which you will find such items.

  • Menu. Consists of items such as "Commands", "File", "Options", "Favorites" and, of course, "Help". As soon as you click on the link of interest, information about the corresponding menu will appear.
  • Toolbar. Located under the menu. The buttons located here completely duplicate the items of the "Commands" section. Hot Keys or hotkeys are provided. In the subsection "Archiving parameters" you can select the displayed buttons, delete text from them, and so on.
  • Arrow button, address bar... You will see them under the panel. Pressing the arrow key will take you to the parent folder. The combo box allows you to select the current drive / network. You can also open the list by pressing F
  • The file window is also located under the panel. Displays the contents of the folder / archive when it is open in the program. For files, information such as name, size, modification date, and type is displayed. Sorting can be changed with a simple click. Width changes and encrypted content is marked with an asterisk.
  • Status bar. Another rather important point. Located under the WinRAR window. Contains icons "key", "disk". By clicking on them, you can change the current disk and password.

How do I archive?

Files are added in two ways:

  1. Opening the context menu of the file to be sent to the archive.
  2. By running the program.

In the first case, you open the context menu, select "Add to archive"... The archiver window will open, the "Add" dialog box. After configuring the WinRAR archiving parameters, you can start the process.

The second way works like this:

  • Run the WinRAR program.
  • Go to the folder with the files you want to send to the archive and select them.
  • Click "Add".
  • A dialog box will appear in which you need to enter the name of the archive, select the format, compression method. We will return to these settings later.
  • The archiving process is accompanied by an informative window with statistics. To interrupt the installation process, just click "Cancel". You can also minimize the program by clicking Background.

There is also a third way to add files - by the method Drag and Drop, that is, dragging.

Customization subtleties, parameters of the WinRAR archiver

In principle, all the settings are simple and extremely clear, but it is still worth considering the individual parameters.

  • Archive format. The default is .RAR, but the user can set .ZIP. Among the advantages of ZIP, it is worth noting the high speed of creation (archiving is faster), but RAR is more efficient in relation to continuous archives. It supports multivolume packaging. And in the PAP archive is added separate file with recovery information. It allows you to reanimate a physically damaged collection.
  • Compression method. Normal is set by default, but high-speed, fast, maximum are also offered. The stronger the compression, the longer it will take. And vice versa.
  • Modification of an existing archive when new files are added. Synchronizing content is especially useful when you are archiving folders with complex structures.

What other parameters can be activated in the corresponding section? Let's list them:

  • Remove after packing.
  • Create an archive in SFX format, i.e. self-extracting.
  • Continuous archiving.
  • Add an electronic signature. Allows you to generate content certified electronic signature the author.
  • Recovery data - we talked about them above.
  • Testing after archiving. Unlike many archivers, the WinRAR program offers to test the finished archive and check if there are any failures or errors in it.
  • Block. Turn on a lock to prevent accidental or deliberate modification of the content.

The password for restricting access is also a Winrar archiving parameter. However, keep in mind that if you lose your password or forget it, it will be very difficult to open the archive.

WinRAR- this is file archiver... To understand what it is, consider the following situation. Suppose you have a file that is close to your heart, for example, a music file, on your computer. The volume of this kind of information is always large (experts in such cases say that the file "weighs a lot"), and the file, accordingly, takes up a lot of space on your computer.

It, this place, could be used much more productively, but you don't want to part with your favorite music either. This is where the archiver comes to your aid (in our case, WinRAR). If you do not delve into technical terminology and speak in simple human (one might say, humane) language, the archiver allows you to compress files many times, making them compact and easy to store, and, if necessary, expand them to their original size.

How to install WinRAR archiver?

Step 1

First of all, of course, you will need to download a temporary version.

You can do this here:

When you go to the site, find a section called Localized WinRAR versions, inside you will see a Russian link. You need it to download and install the Russian version of the program.

Click on the highlighted line. Now you need to know where you want to place the downloaded file. By silence, this is disk C. The inscription informing about this is in the line at the top and looks like this: C: \ Program Files \ WinRAR... We advise you not to reinvent the wheel and leave this location as the default. If for some reason you decided to reinvent the bicycle and want to place the program in another place - click on the arrow on the side and from the drop-down menu select desired folder or section.

You are asked to indicate which archives your WinRAR archiver can work with. Better to check Select all. In the upper right, in the Interface section, specify where to place the program shortcuts. For example, check the box next to Add WinRAR Icon to Desktop. After all, as you already know, getting from Rabochy into any program is a trifling matter. Why do we need extra difficulties?

On the right below - the section Integration with the Windows shell. It enables you to embed a Windows program. That is, you will work with it using the same techniques and buttons as with others. Windows programs, which is very convenient because you have already learned the buttons.

In general, take a good look around, make a selection, select the one you need and click OK. If a point is not clear to you, go to Help and read the description of the mysterious option.

Click Launch WinRAR to launch the installed archiver (optional). Click Finish to close the window.

How Winrar works

To compress a file, proceed as follows: select the file, right-click and select Add to archive as (file name) in the menu that appears. You will see the created archive next to your file, You can add to the archive and folders, and several files at once. Why waste time on trifles?

The folder is archived in the same way as the file. In order to archive several files at once, you first need to select them. To do this, you need to click on required files while holding down the left mouse button and the Ctrl button.

And if the files are located in a group, then you can select them with one click of the mouse. To do this, place the cursor, for example, in the upper right corner of a group of files, press the left key and, while holding it, move the cursor to the lower left corner (diagonally). You will see the files are framed. All files inside the frame will be highlighted in blue. This means they are marked.

Moving the cursor over one of the selected files, also right-click and select the Add to archive as menu (the name of the folder in which the files are located will be indicated here).

Now let's fetch the files back. Right click on the archive, select Extract to (file name). You can extract it to the current folder, or you can extract it to a separate one: to do this, select the line Extract to folder (the name of the zipped file will be indicated here). You choose - and in front of you new folder... Go into it and make sure that all your files are in place, safe and sound.

To the idea of ​​implementation in Windows environment an archiver that could support many types of archives, Microsoft is not yet ripe. Even current version System 10, into which quite a lot of new functions were initially introduced upon release and as a result of cumulative updates, has not evolved in any way in terms of the functionality for archiving and unarchiving data. Its regular archiver, implemented back in Windows 98 and migrated in the follower version, provides for work only with archives ZIP .

How to provide in Windows work with archives of other formats? Below we will talk about several third-party archiving programs, but first a few words about a few features of the operating system itself.

1.Zip archiver included in Windows

If, for example, you need to urgently unload in cloud service or send a package of files by mail, Windows itself will cope with the task. Files to be sent must be collected in a folder or all of them must be selected in a block, call the context menu, select, then - "Compressed ZIP Folder".

Since unpacking ZIP supported by the operating system, the recipient does not need to resort to using third-party archiving programs, he will be able to freely access the data. The archives are viewed in the system explorer as regular folders, and they are unpacked when the archive files are run.

Unzip ZIP with an indication of a specific data extraction path is also possible from the explorer context menu.

Supported by standard functionality Windows format ZIP is not the most common. Most often, files downloaded from the Internet are packed in the format RAR ... Also on the network you can find files compressed in 7z, TAR, Gz and other types of archives. To unpack them, a third-party archiver with support for the appropriate format must be present in the system.

2. WinRAR

The most popular archiver in the world - WinRAR... Having used it for years, many users do not even suspect that it is paid program... All thanks to the unlimited loyalty of the developers. Being integrated into Windows, from the explorer context menu the program works as usual free product... Only at startup WinRAR or viewing archive data after 40 days after the installation of the program, an unobtrusive notification appears with a request to pay for the license.

WinRAR - a program with a user-friendly interface, extensive functionality, an optimal ratio of the degree of data compression and the speed of operations. It supports many formats, in particular RAR, ZIP, 7-Zip, CAB... It can pack self-extracting archives, split the archived content into parts, set password access.

To compress files using WinRAR in the system explorer, you need to call the context menu on these files and select either or "Add archive - folder_name.rar".

The latter option will create RAR -file with default archiving settings. If you need to select a different type of archive, apply your own compression parameters or use other program functions, select the first option and set the necessary settings.

You can unzip the data directly in the archiver window, as well as from the explorer context menu.


7-Zip Is completely free archiver for Windows. Functional, integrated into the system environment, with the ability to unzip a huge number of formats, but support for archiving only a part of them. The program works with the format of its own production 7z high compression ratio, with third-party ZIP, Wim, XZ, TAR etc. The above WinRAR program 7-Zip loses only by the impossibility of creating RAR -archives and outwardly unattractive interface. Among its advantages is the management of archive files in an interface with a two-panel layout. (type file manager) .

Functions 7-Zip on packing and unpacking archives are available in the context menu of Windows Explorer.

The program can quickly pack data into a format 7z with default archiving options. And when choosing a menu item, we will get the opportunity to use individual capabilities of the archiver.

Working with data through - the most famous file manager - there is no need to install additional programs... It includes its own archiver with support for many types of archives, in particular, RAR and ZIP ... If necessary, you can implement support more formats due to plugin implementation. Working with the archiver included It is carried out using a two-panel layout of the program interface: in one part of the window, the source data for archiving or unpacking is selected, in the other part, the path for the location of the archive or the location of unpacking the files is indicated. The archiver commands are located on the program toolbar and in the menu "Files".

Of the possibilities - dividing the archived content into parts, creating self-extracting archives EXE -format, password access.