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How to make an application on the phone. How to make an app for android yourself

But I think that among my readers there are many people who have not heard anything about him. In general, if you don't know anything about this service yet, as well as about how to earn it, let's turn the gaps in knowledge.

- This is a platform designed to sell applications for the Android OS, that is, if there is objective, the site sells applications for the operating system, which uses half the world market mobile phones and smartphones.

Google Andoid - This is the operating system like Windows. Only here, it is based on the Linux kernel. With this operating system, it happened about as well as happened to many other projects of Google. That is, initially android company, Inc. He worked herself, herself also developed the technology, and then she simply noticed Google, and bought it in 2005. I bought completely, right with employees. The first release of the platform took place in 2008.

Previously, the android was a sensitive, but today it is already quite a mature operating system. For her, several powerful updates have already come out. The phones are already at all full program Petroot Operations Android. Eric Schmidt-high-ranking Guga officer - says that more than 60 thousand Android devices are sold daily throughout the world. Is there not a gradual monopolization? And in general, nothing surprising, as it were, if we take into account who oversees the whole project.

Earnings on Android Market

And now let's go back to what they started. Earnings lies in the following: you need to create your own application, download it to the Android Market site, appoint a price for this application, and put it on sale. And you can do differently: to put an application for free download, and earning advertising on it.

Immediately I want to clarify two points. The first is that the ability to sell applications is not available for each country. For example, as far as I know in Ukraine and Belarus can not be done, the Russians can be. That is, in theory, it may not work with the platform. The second is that in no hurry to scare the words that it is necessary to develop your application. I understand, many of you are not programmers, yes, I myself am not a prier, but it does not deprive us with the opportunity to make money on Android market, and below I will say why.

Below the example of the most popular applications with price tags

How do the creators of applications on android market

In general, in itself it is logical that if applications are bought, then they can be sold. Therefore, Velkov on the other side Android Market.on the one where applications creators hang out. In general, the most important interference is divided into normal countries, and on abnormal. If you live in a normal country, you can sell applications. But, most likely, you live there where I - in Russia, therefore, we have certain restrictions here, namely, all sellers are required to issue Merchant Account Google Checkout, and citizens living in the post-Soviet space do not have such an opportunity. Such garbage is very similar to the situation with, where it was not possible to accept payments, so it probably also knows how much it will not be. In general, this is such a serious bummer. But, of course, there is nothing unresolved. Here you can work either through friends abroad, or just search through the same panels that offer intermediary services. Such, by the way, abound.

True, if there is no desire to work through intermediaries, then here are two more stores, there are no these wars:

On Android Market, you can earn in three ways:

    Application For Sale Users (Main Viewing)

    Realization of paid functions in free applications

Most likely, you will now decide that in vain read the article, because you are not at all programmers, but do not worry, guys really hard to develop a little? I worked in several companies in which my chief practically did not understand the subtlety of our work. All these people were essentially just representatives, no more. But there was one feature in each of them, which, probably, was not in many of us - this ability to find suitable frames.

So in this case, the main thing is to find those who write to you this application. Although they say that the programmers are people who walked, the more less when I had the need to update the version, I found a prier that I did everything cheap and angrily, and qualitatively. Here the main thing is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe application, the ability to look for suitable shots, well, and, of course, the ability to negotiate.

As for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe application, the easier it will be if you decide to create something very simple, such as a book or a reference book, because it is a job of several hours, and you will not take a lot with you.

Cost of creating applications on Android

In order to objectively assess the cost of developing an application for Android, let's go to our flagship of the domestic market proposal / demand - in the section "Programming for cell phones" It is necessary to consider immediately here that the work in freelancers is charged either in the hour of work, or for the month of work. As already mentioned above, the development of the simplest application will take several hours. Based on this, we see, ask

I found the first profile, I go, I see what a person knows how. I see that among its completed projects is this

For the sake of Google Play., I watch the characteristics of the application, including watching whether it is free. I see that free

Hence two outputs. First, if you come up with some simple application, then you can, ordering him even at the most steep prier, to invest in $ 100. Secondly, this application (which in the example above) taxi bases are free, which once again confirms the performance of the earnings scheme for free applications. Confirms indirectly, but still. To whom Nafig needs to be ordered from a prier to develop an application, then later to post it on android market for free, and nothing has nothing to do with it?

In addition, you can do as follows: Order once a software shell, and then simply change the content in the application. As a result, it will be possible that all subsequent applications will cost us much cheaper.

And in general, if it went. It does not even be necessary to invent himself at all. It can be taken from open sources. Copy, simply speaking. So it turns out that you can make money on Android Market even a newcomer who does not make sense in programming.

Examples of successful developers and their earnings

The most problem is, of course, look into the developer's wallet. And so you can only guess how much money they really have. With sites, for example, easier. About how to check on the revenues of site owners, I already, but everything is different with the applications. The exact numbers do not give, so you can evaluate earnings only indirectly. But even if you indirectly evaluate, for example, I can estimate the "on the eye" the earnings of the developers of Icewyrm and Maria Ionova. See themselves, here are their applications.

Everything is free

Here is some of the paid.

So, to evaluate how much exactly bought applications, I can not, but there are approximate data on the number of application installation. This is if you go to the application description, you can see approximately such numbers in the right Sidebar:

These are the statistics on the "Wise Word" application of the developer Icewyrm, full list The applications of which I brought in the screenshot above. As already spoke, he has all the applications free. But see what the potential is huge in them

The number of installations ranges from 0.5 to 1 million. If you believe the information that $ 500 views are obtained from 1 million, you can figure out how much earnings are here. One view of the advertising banner is one page. And if in the application of these pages pieces 100, or even more? The same jokes or winged expressions. The appendix may have thousands of pages. And if every user who downloaded the application will go to the app every day and view the pages, then it turns out thousands and thousands of dollars. And if you consider that the developer will spread not one application, but several, dozens, hundreds, it turns out that the potential of such an earnings is simply huge.

I did not particularly search here the most apparatus, simply, as they say, smeared "on the eye", and that's it. If Google gave more accurate information here, it would be possible to estimate, but so far focusing only on other sources: $ 500 per 1 million views), or in large - invested $ 100, and earned € 56 million (HTTP: //

How to start making money on Android Market

Nothing is impossible. There is only your reluctance. Therefore, I will tell about the prospects for the markets just below, and now in a couple of words I will tell you how to start.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here. A simple analysis of competitors, everything as usual:

    We look who promotes what is promoting today for Android Market. You have data on download there, so you can raise it, which is downloaded, and what not

    You do not need to copy already existing applications. Just take the existing popular applications as the basis, and on their basis come up with something new. In any case, you need to come up with something useful for people.

    To go through profiles of processes that write applications for Android, ask them, maybe there is some interesting idea. At the same time see how much they take for their work

    After there is an idea, we are looking for a suitable freelancer, and ahead

The prospect of the development of the mobile application market, in particular - Android

You can talk here a lot here, but I will better rely on official statistics. She is at least not so fresh, but still very informative. Today Android OS is the most popular. This operating system bypassed the former market leader - Symbian back in 2010

Therefore, today this OS is an unconditional leader in the market.

Of course, it would be great to look into the future, which will be next. After all, today Android leader, and tomorrow may not be the leader. In any case, I think that for several years this OS will live, and will live successfully.

As for us - simple users The Internet, who want, in our age all this is enough. Especially since today does not necessarily create under this species Earn a special site, buy content, etc. Content can generally take in public. Therefore, the most important thing here is the concept of the application. For nobody will sell you a good concept. This is the present work!

How to create an app for Android or iPhone? - These issues are increasingly asked not only web developers, but also the usual owners of small business sites, bloggers.

AT this review Offers to consider which are designers for quick and convenient creating Android and iPhone applications. At the same time, without requiring the user programming skills or other special IT knowledge. Such applications are indispensable for different types of business - it is a great way to expand target audience And attract customers.

Thus, all reviewed in the review to develop applications can be combined under the slogan: simple, quickly and without programming!

free Web service that allows you to convert the content of your site in the Android application and distribute it through Google Play. In addition, the applications created can be both selling and placing advertising in them.
You can create an unlimited number Android Apps Of the three types of content: site, just HTML pages and YouTube video. To create Android AppsGeyser application uses a simple and visual template wizard.

AppsGeyser sites:,

free Online service for fast creation Mobile applications. TheAppBuilder creates applications using a designer and typical templates - for business, events, education, music, sports, etc. The positive application is free, and for 5 cu in the month You can turn off the display of extraneous advertising in the created application. TheAppBuilder allows you to create an Android application, and Windows Mobile.

TheAppBuilder website:

- This is an online service that allows users to create and publish their own mobile applications in several clicks on the Internet. AppsmakerStore Platform Creates Mobile Applications Supported HTML5, iTunes, Android Market, BlackBerry Marketplace, Windows Marketplace and Facebook Without any deep technological skills. This is just 1 app for 6 different platforms. AppsmakerStore is offered in 23 languages, including in Russian and Ukrainian.

The feature of AppsmakerStore is that he offers to choose ready templates for certain industries (for example, legal servicesNight clubs, restaurants and cafes, trade, beauty salons, etc.)

  • "Make yourself" - $ 9.78 per month.
  • "We make the app for you" - $ 249
  • "Reseller" - a special price that needs to be recognized on the site separately.

Always included in all the plans:

  • Unlimited number of content changes and application updates.
  • Updating application content on iTunes and Google Play without the need to re-publish.
  • Send an unlimited number of push notifications to users.
  • Automatically receive and use all updates of the system.
  • Safe hosting on our servers.
AppsmakerStore website:

- Paid online mobile application designer (iPad, Android, HTML5) for small business. Among the features - geolocation, receipt and sending messages, shopping cart, notifications, integration with social networks, placement of information about the menu, a set of services, upcoming events, etc. There are templates for restaurants, realtors, gymnastic halls, etc.

This service Submitting plans:

  • Mobile Site - $ 29 per month.
  • "Mobile application" - $ 59 per month
  • « White Label Partner »Creating applications for your customers - a special price you need to find out on the site separately.
Website biznessapps:

5. AppGlobus.

AppGlobus. - paid, one of the Russian online mobile application designers, allowing users to independently create and publish their application in App Store. And Google Play.

Uses new design And the possibilities of Ionic Framework, which significantly improves the quality of development, and makes it possible to create mobile applications on HTML5, IOS, Android, even without programming skills.

On the this moment AppGlobus is offered in 8 languages, including in Russian. offers the following packages:

  • Startap - 900 rubles / month.
    • Applications: HTML5 / Android, Admin Panel, Shop, No restrictions on Push, no restrictions on installation, no advertising.
  • Basic - 1500 rub. / Month
    • Applications for Android and for iOS, admin panel, store, no restrictions on push, no restrictions on installation, no advertising.
  • Studio - 2000 rubles / month
    • Applications: Windows / Android / iOS, admin panel, shop, no restrictions on push, no restrictions on installation, no ads.
  • Pro - 45000 rub. / One
    • Applications: Windows / Android / iOS, custom-made development, will be placed in the App Store and Google Play, give source
AppGlobus website:

- Paid online service for creating your mobile application for business or personal use. No special skills required. Good suitable for small business, such as online stores. To create your application, you will need only 5 minutes - you just need to choose the necessary modules and design. There is English and Russian versions. offers packages:

  • Start - 599 rub. / month.
    • android applications only, access to the constructor, free templates and application icons, content updates every 48 hours, the source update of the application in Storas itself is not more often 1 time in 2 months.
  • Light - 990 rub. / ME
    • applications and for iOS, access to the design, free templates and application icons, basic screenshots of the application, push notifications - 1 per month, content updates every 24 hours, update the source application in Storas 1 time in 2 months.
  • Standard - 2490 rubles. / ME
    • applications and Android applications and for iOS, access to the constructor, free application templates and icons, application screenshots, support for Skype, Push notification - 10 per month, content updates every 12 hours, update the source application in Storas 1 time per month.
  • Business - 9890 rub. / ME
    • applications and for Android and for iOS, access to the constructor, free templates and application icons, basic screenshots of the application, support for Skype and e-mail, personal manager, push notifications - 50 per month, content updates -Mong, update the source code - without Borders.
  • VIP - 3999 rub. / ME + 150 000 rub. Installation payment

    • applications and for Android and for iOS, access to the design, free templates and application icons, basic screenshots of the application, support for Skype and E-mail, personal manager, push notifications - Unlimited, content updates -Mong, application source updates in Storas - without restrictions.

Provides platform " do it yourself"For creating iPhone/ App , Which also does not require programming skills. This service provides for each organization an easy way to create mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android) applications and publishing materials. Customers can create their own catalogs, flyers, brochures, reports, resumes, etc. and provide them with SAAS solutions. There is English and Russian versions.

iBuildapp is provided in packages:

  • Business (2400 rubles per month) - 3000 installations, unlimited number of views of the mobile site, lack of built-in advertising, publishing an application on iTunes and Google Play.
Ibuildapp website:

- Online service to develop applications (iPhone, iPad, Android). Allows you to create an application based on one of the multiple application templates. Elements of the application created user interface can be associated with features such as sending email, SMS messages, sending to Facebook and Twitter services.

  • Developer - $ 33 per month. (You can create only 1 application)
  • Professional - $ 79 per month.
  • Premiun- $ 129 per month.
  • Enterprise - Price needs to be recognized separately.

All packages support such platforms: iOS (iPhone / iPad) & Android (Phone / Tablet)

Website viziapps:

- online editor that allows you to create applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. It is very simple to use it: your own program can be collected from the ready-made parts. Despite the fact that the AppsBuilder tries to be simpler and more understandable for inexperienced users, some features for programmers are added to it: for example, you can complement the applications created by your own Java scripts.

There are three paid packages in which there are 30 days everywhere - a free trial:

  • Starter (49 euros per month) -1 app.
  • Regular (199 euro per month) - 5 applications.
  • Scalable (from 249 euros per month) - more than 5 applications.
AppsBuilder website:

Greetings to you, dear lovers operating system Android (Android). In today's article, I will try as much as possible to highlight a very interesting topic - a selection of tools for creating your application (online) for gadgets based on a popular, Android operating system.

With development mobile technologyThe mobile application market is developing, including the mobile application market for Android (Android). If you used to make the application only an advanced programmer with thick glasses, which took place five years of study at the university, now this opportunity is available to anyone who wants, and absolutely unfamiliar with programming languages, and also, not turning off the Internet, i.e. online.

In the selection you will find four tools that will allow you to make the application - quickly and simple. All the proposed tools are similar to the constructors, you have to collect your first application from various ready-made components, create the application can be exactly as you collect Lego constructor.

All tools were selected by the following criteria.:

  • The convenience of use. Since to use such a tool will, mostly, people are not familiar with programming and complex elements, the main emphasis, in this small selection, was made on the convenience and ease of using the proposed tools;
  • Intuitive understandable interface . This item and condition logically follows from the previous one. In addition to the application tool interface for Android applications (Android) must be simple, it must still be intuitive;
  • Opportunities. The more different things "knows how to" make a tool - the better. In fact, all submitted applications have the same set of tools, with small differences and changes.

So, we write, start doing the application (all application can be created online), below you can familiarize yourself with the selection of software products and choose for yourself the most convenient and functional tool.


Not bad application creation tool. Undoubtedly, pleases the fact that you can use this tool absolutely free. The minus is that this software does not support the Russian language, but if you taught English, at least a bit, then there should be no problems with the use of theappbuilder. Of all the features of this software Product I would like to note the following:

  • Large selection of templates to create your Android (Android) applications. If you want to make a simple program, then you can easily pick up the proposed patterns of templates;
  • The ability to view detailed statistics on the application you created;
  • A simple and understandable publication created by you, applications in Google Play.


Another good, high-quality tool deserving close attention. As I said above, to create)) You will not be able to program under Android (Android), in this program everything is so simple that you can create an application for your project in a few minutes, simply by collecting it from the parts of the "designer". Below, you can familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the proposed tool.:

  • Big archive of templates on various topics: restaurants, pizzerias, photo studios, holidays, sports, radio, cargo transportation and many, many other templates. You only need to choose the appropriate and start editing it under your needs;
  • Built-in tools promoting your new application. Sometimes, in order to promote and promote your new application, you need to spend a lot of strength and time, built tools promotion in the designer will be able to facilitate your task;
  • The ability to connect your program to an advertising network, so you can make money on the applications you created.

Read 5 min.

Android applications in our time are very in great demand, as smartphones using this operating system are extremely popular, which makes the application market for them just the same. That is why many of those people who wish to make money on the Internet want to know how to create an app for Android? If you are also among them or maybe you are simply interested in this question, then this article must interest you.

Creating an app on Android: Main steps

If we talk about such a process as creating an application for Android, then in most cases it can be divided into the following steps:

  1. We come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe application, select the necessary drawings and icons for the menu;
  2. Select the platform on which will create the program code of our application;
  3. We study the main features of the selected platform in the previous paragraph;
  4. Open the file and start creating an application program code;
  5. We add the buttons used to control;
  6. Keep the file we created with software code;
  7. We carry out independent testing of the application within the framework of the operating android systems, most often this can be done directly from the site on which it was created;
  8. In case of errors or comments, be sure to correct them;
  9. We carry out testing the written application by users;
  10. Fill out the necessary questionnaire, in order to place the written application in Google Play.

With which sites you can write an app for Android?

It is important to note that the moment that you can write an application for the Android operating system, even if you do not have programming skills, as you can always find a fairly large number of sites that allow it to do. The most popular sites that are used for these purposes are:

Each of the sites listed above can be very good to approach those people who wish to create applications for the Android operating system. Their main advantage is that it is possible to create applications with their help without knowing any programming language. However, if you want to achieve a higher level when creating applications using these sites, you should spend time on learning how to work with them. It should be noted, it can be done pretty quickly, so you do not need a lot of time.

If you are still a beginner in creating an application for android, then the following tips may be useful to you:

  1. Before proceeding with the application on the application, create its layout.
    To better navigate when working on the application, it is better to create his layout on paper. Think out where you place those or other menu icons how the interface will look, what functions will be present in the application, then place all this on paper.
  2. Do not forget about the project description.
    The description of your application is very important, since it is with it that you must interest a person so that he downloaded him. That is why, pay this moment enough attention.
  3. Use the original theme.
    So that the application is well bought it should be unique, which is why try using the original theme for it. Of course it is ne required condition For the success of the application, but very significant.
  4. Be sure to test the application.
    Before you lay out the application for sale, be sure to test his work. Check all links, check the location of the icons, check for all the necessary functions and many other points.
  5. Do not exhibit a large value for your first applications.
    The first applications in most developers are not the best. That is why, you should not put a high price on your first application.
  6. Do not worry about failure.
    As you know, it is often the first damn one comes, and in this case there is nothing terrible, the main thing is not to stop and continue to work in this direction and the results will necessarily come.

Promotion of the application

A very important factor for the success of the application is the competent Promotion. How can I promote it? There can help a variety of options, put an advertisement on your application in the accounts you use social networks. Put links to applications from other authors, and in return they will refer to your. Be sure to tell your friends about the application you created.

As you can see, it turns out in creating an application for Android, there is nothing complicated. That is why you must try own forces in this direction.

How to create your Android application and make money on this money, you are looking for information users who want to earn through the Internet. In this article, we will look at several useful services that will help you create your own applications for further earnings.

What is a mobile application

Hello, friends! In our modern world, It is difficult to imagine a person without a phone. Its main accessories and opportunities. These features are mobile applications. What it is? Mobile application is multifunctional programwhich performs a number of specific tasks.

For example, today enjoy in great demand applications - game, to transfer finances, programs Navigators, and many others that are really useful to the user. They are created with the purpose of earning money. They are offered to people in a paid version, during download, you can immediately see how much it costs, a particular application. There is I. free Apps. But such applications are needed to increase their popularity among users. They have a limited functionality of work, and they function for a short time, if they do not pay off.

Services to create applications

Of course, on the Internet you will find quite a few services that create applications. Choose five services to create our application:


These services are by english language. Therefore, it is best to work with them in the browser. There is an automatic page translator into Russian.

How to create your application for Android or iOS

So, in order to create your application, first decide that you will create. For example, the game, a music application or something else. It all depends on the idea. Next, we learn in detail how to create your Android application and use one service in practice.

To create an application, we will take the service - Go to its website, and press the "Login" button to register in the system (Figure 1).

You can register with your account in Google, if you have, or by e-mail. Then, you will fall after registering in your personal Area Application developer (Figure 2).

Click the "Create Now" button and go to the application development process. Select any category of applications from the list. For example, I will choose the website. Click on this section (Figure 3).

Next, I prescribe the address of your site and click on the "go" or "go" button. You need to wait a bit. Then, we go down the page, and click on the "Next" button. We specify the name of our application and continue the process again. Then, we click on the "Next" link several times to complete the creation of the application. Last button "Create" the final stage of this process.

So that our application worked completely, publish it in the Google Play service. Publication price costs 25 dollars. Press the button at the bottom of the site - "publish" fill out all the data and save the changes. After replenishing the account in the system, the application will appear on the Internet.

Earnings on mobile applications, options

And now, consider several options for earning on mobile applications. Here are some of them:

  1. Creating your application. This option is received on the Internet the most profitable for all users. You create your application, install it a certain price. Yours buy it with you, download to your phone and you earn money.
  2. Development of mobile applications to order. In this case, you can use. We are registered on Freelance Exchange, fill your account with your own works and find customers who are ready to pay for the creation of a mobile application for them.
  3. . In this activity, the income will be minimal. You download the application to the phone and earn through the Internet. This was written an article on the blog.

Using these options for making mobile applications, you can create both an optional and main source of income on the Internet.

How much can earn money

Many creators of their application earn big money. For a month you can earn $ 5,000 having your application. Unless of course it is promoted and has popularity.

When performing simple tasks, for example, downloading applications for money, it can earn earnings from 5 to 150 rubles for the installation.


So, we will make the final conclusions. From the article we learned how to create our Android app. Thanks to the services that we reviewed in the article, you will create your application literally in 20 minutes - for this you do not need to be a programmer. They have everything required tools for creating. In the process of creating, follow the steps of instructions that are spelled out in these services and in the article. Then the errors in the process of creating applications will not be. Good luck to you and all the best!

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