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How to return hidden dialogs. Hidden messages in VK: myths and reality

The need to get rid of the correspondence or any message is implemented simply.You can delete the written message in this way: go to "My Messages" by selecting "Dialog", where we mark the messages you want to delete. The Delete button, located in the upper line of the window, in a matter of seconds copes with this task. Probably, you realize that only you deleted the message, it is open for the interlocutor.

If we talk about how to remove correspondenceIn contact with, To do this, again, you need to go to the "My Messages" section, choose a correspondence to remove. The mouse is on the right upper corner of the dialogue, as a result of which a cross appears. It is worth pressing it - and the correspondence as it did not happen. How to get rid of VKontakte dialogs or restore them, read in this article . Alternative way will work when you are in dialogue ( top string) Press the "Action" button, then the "Clear Message Stories" line. Fast and high-quality promotion of the account and VKontakte group available on this link .

Alien correspondenceIn contact with For some reason may be interested in the user. The simplest is the knowledge of the password. However, who will share them. Hacking a page is the very way to help calm your immense curiosity. The proposal of programs for hacking an account VKontakte will only lead to the viral attack of your computer, which can lead to the loss of its performance. Read more about VKontakte messages read.

Now the answer to the question is, how to read someone else's correspondenceIn contact with. It is impossible to read it. One more important nuance should be remembered. Download dubious programs as a way how to read the correspondenceIn contact with, also undesirable. To turn friends on personal page VKontakte, go to this section .

How to recover VKontakte correspondence?

Messages that were accidentally removed from the dialogue are subject to recovery. This is done without downloading any programs, free.
Just remote correspondenceIf it has a need for it, you can restore immediately in the dialog, clicking on the Restore button. If you come out of correspondence, then return it, then it will not be possible.

If you wish to get acquainted with a fully remote post history, you can, knowing the mobile phone of the interlocutor and having access to it e-mail (This is how messages are automatically received). If Vkontakte's alerts are enabled, the user correspondence is detected by the SMS phone messages. Correspondence disappears at all if the user cleaned it.

Perhaps will not be difficult to ask your interlocutor Vkontakte to send messages. These simple actions allow to solve the problem, how to restore correspondenceIn contact with. Add likes to your posts or Photos VKontakte you can on this

). But what if you suddenly need to access the remote correspondence?

Now we will analyze how to view remote messages in contact with.

If in the correspondence you deleted one or more messages, you can recover it directly in the chat window. To do this, click on the Restore link.

Please note that if you delete some individual messages, then in the user dialogue with whom you are talking, they will be saved.

After recovery, messages will be available in standard mode.

If you have completely deleted the user dialog, it is possible to restore it, through a request to support service (see).

Go to the page:


Please note - in a brief help, it is said that a copy of your conversation is saved by the user who you rewrite. Therefore, you can ask him to send you the entire history of correspondence.

But let's go back to communicating with the support service.

In block "Describe your problem", Dial any text.

Below will be instructions that should help you solve the problem. If you did not find the answer there, press the button "None of these options is suitable".

You will be moved to a new window. Here, click the "Assign Question" button.

Publish your request in a special form. Ask you to restore the pen-with the user. Specify the address or ID of its page (see).

It remains only to wait for the result. The answer will be displayed on the "My Questions" tab.

We check the extension vkopt

Before preparing this material, I analyzed the information regarding the recovery of remote messages. Many advised to use vkopt extension. Allegedly, you can collect all the statistics of your messages (see), and view any dialogue, including remote. I tested in work this expansion. That's what I did.


Select a version for your browser, and install in standard mode. After that, go to your VK page.

Set the parameters as shown in the picture below. Then click the "Go" button.

Wait for a while until all the data is processed.

In the end, you get this result.

All your dialogs will be collected here. Pay attention to the column "Last message". There are the date and time - and they are executed as a link. Developers declare that if you go through it, you will be taken to the dialog page. Even if it was removed.

But this feature does not work! I specifically tried to delete a correspondence with the user, then moved to it from the "Statistics" page. As a result, I got to general list dialogs.

All 3 ways I disassembled in a small video lesson.


As you probably understood - the most fast way View remote correspondence - ask your interlocutor to throw off the message history. All other options require time.

Do not despair if the support service denies you. Try reasonably explained to them the essence. After all, the messages remain at your interlocutor. And this means that they are not deleted from the database. It is logical to assume that if you wish, they can restore them.


Please ask your question in the comments, with a description of the problem

We and our users, regularly discuss possible problems and difficulties. Together we will deal with your problem.

Most users prefers that their messages are confidential and no one could read them. There is a radical method - removal, but I don't always want to lose memories. Unfortunately, the creators of the site VKontakte did not provide for the function of hiding messages. That is why the frequently asked question became "How to hide a dialogue in VK?". In this article, consider everything and against this function.

Ways to hide the dialogue in VK

AT social network VKontakte not fast buttons To hide the dialogue. To do this, you will need help third-party services or programs. If you do not use them, you can only remove the conversation, but it will not be possible to return them. That's why the question of hiding the report is relevant to this day.

Methods that will be given as an example in this article are not ideal. The main minus can be considered functioning only on one device, that is, if you perform the task on one computer, then when entering your account in VCs, they will be visible.

The method was not yet invented to disguise the dialogue with the interlocutors on all devices. All this is because there is no such function in VKontakte, it means that the server cannot be changed into the server itself.

On mobile device

For users mobile phones need to download the app Kate Mobile.. This program enjoys the greatest popularity, as there are many diverse opportunities in it, one of which is to hide the correspondence. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download the Kate Mobile application. This can be done as in Google Play.And in the AppStore. It depends on your gadget.
  2. Install it and log in. Login and password must be administered from the account in VC.
  3. Open messages. On the desired conversation, hold your finger until an additional menu appears. Select "Hide Dialog".
  4. If you do this for the first time, you will need to enter a PIN. It is needed to gain access to disguised correspondence in the future.

This is how easily you can perform the task using the Kate Mobile program. And to see the messages again, you need to click on the magnifier icon and enter the PIN. Immediately there will be a list of correspondence that were disguised earlier. If the need to disappear in their hide, then hold the finger on the conversation, then select "Make a dialogue visible".

On the computer

If you are a user personal computer Or a laptop, then to hide the dialogues there is one very peculiar method. It can be performed using Adblock - this is a special extension for the browser.

Most people use it as a blocker from unnecessary advertising. But not everyone knows that it can also help in fulfilling our goal. This is done as follows:

  1. Click the gear icon in the browser - "Settings". Open "Additions" or "Extensions", it depends on the browser used.
  2. In the search, enter the name of the Adblock program. Install it. It is important to use only it, and not proposed analogues.
  3. After that, sign in vkontakte and go to "Messages".
  4. Next locate the expansion icon. It is located in the upper right corner of the browser interface, and click on it.
  5. A menu appears in which you want to select "Block advertising on this page."
  6. Click on the desired dialog, so that it stands out.
  7. Correspondence should disappear. To confirm, click "Looks Well", then "Block".

Thus, the dialogue will disappear; To return it back, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to "Messages".
  2. Click on the Adblock icon.
  3. Next, in the displayed menu, click "Cancel My Locks on this site."

After that, the dialog will appear again. So simply without additional problems you can hide any correspondence on your computer if they use not only you.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both positive and negative items in this function are not too much. The advantages include the following qualities:

  • do not interfere with unnecessary messages;
  • no need to be afraid that a stranger will see your correspondence;
  • you can not worry about useless chats.

But negative qualities revealed quite a little. These include the following:

  • the user seems too inaccessible;
  • may cause suspicion.

Before masking the dialogue, carefully examine our recommendations. After all, messages disappear only on the device on which they were hidden. Consider this nuance so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Most of the Internet resources and social networks are fighting for their users with personal information to have complete inviolability. That is why messengers with data encryption, correspondence and so on are currently so popular. Some social networks also prefer not to provide access to the correspondence to third parties (in some cases, even the developers themselves do not have the right to read other people's posts). Because of this, there are more fraudsters on the Internet, who are ready to offer services for hacking other accounts, in order to read their messages. Let's figure out how to read someone else's correspondence with legal methods and that it may be necessary for this.

Reading alien messages is punishable?

It is necessary to warn you right away that the official methods of reading the messages of another person does not exist. All that is described below is tricks and tricks. If they do not help you, you will have to resort to the services of hacking specialists to read someone else's correspondence without programs.

Also on the network you can find many proposals for this topic. In most cases, people are offered programs under which viruses and other malware are masked. Sometimes such a software asks to pay a certain amount in exchange for access to someone else's correspondence. In any case, to trust such sources is categorically impossible. Then how to get other people's dialogues from a social network or messenger? Let's figure it out.

How to read the correspondence in whatsapp?

In most messengers, a cross-cutting method of encryption is used, which does not allow you to hack the dialogue of two or more users directly. SAME simple methods The following "tricks" can be considered:

  • if you often see the interlocutor live, then the easiest way to take his device and see messages at the moment when it is missing. However, remember that a person can protect himself with a code on unlocking or fingerprint;
  • using Web version Messenger. For this you will also need a smartphone of the victim. On the computer, open Web Watzap in any browser. Synchronize the site not with your phone, but with a friend's phone. After that, all messages and conversations will be duplicated on your PC. However, it works if the account holder does not suspect something wrong;
  • read the dialogs using spywarewhich can be installed on smartphones under android. Unfortunately, there are no such utilities for iOS. For example, Whatsapp sniffer.which will help get full access For information on the phone "Victims". You can install it for free. First you need to get a unique MAC code: find out from your friend's phone, through Wi-Fi Connection Or using a special SMS message / call victim. Having received Mac code Open the utility and click SpooF;
  • the last option is to contact the hackers for help.

Do not you know how to protect the correspondence in WhatsApp? Link clicks - there is a detailed instruction.

How to read the correspondence in Vaiber?

Wiber exists for hacking program backup Text for Viber, which can be installed with Play Market.. For hacking you need to perform steps:

Easy way if you have access:

How to read the correspondence in classmates?

That's all! Thank you for your attention to new meetings on site pages.

AT recent updates Our favorite client for "In Contact" Kate Mobile has an interesting chip - hidden dialogs. Today we will tell you how to hide the dialogues from curious eyes, how to open them back and how to change the PIN code. To be confident one hundred percent in performance, we recommend updating the application from Play Market, and even better on the official website of the developers. Download on the official website is better, because There may be a problem with audio entries, which we wrote about in our previous article about this application :. Actual version Applications at the time of writing 39.1 - download and install. Now about today's topic.

There is no difficulty anymore, but for those who are not yet informed:

Whatever the mode is activated to close (do not collapse, namely, close) the program and re-run, it is not necessary to leave the application.
Congratulations, small conspirators, the case is done. Now let's talk about the reverse process.

How to open hidden dialogues in Kate Mobile

Now what to find and display secret dialogs to follow these steps:

In order to open a hidden dialogue and he no longer disappeared, clamp your finger on the desired and select " Make a dialogue visible«.

Make a dialogue visible

How to change PIN code in Kate Mobile?

To change secret code On the main screen of the application, click on the "Settings" icon, then go to "Messages", "Hidden Dialogs" and select the "Change PIN" item. You must enter the old pin, and below the new one. The case is made and security messages.
I hope you figured out how to turn on and configure hidden dialogues in Kate Mobile. Below is presented short review Applications: