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What makes the tab button. Its direct destiny consists only in bundles of combinations of hot keys, the main things are listed below.

The article will consider the modern layout of the computer keyboard and its purpose, the description of the keys and the photo will be given.

The keyboard passed a number of modifications from 1984 to our time. She acquired additional elements to make a computer work easier for beginners and more comfortable for professionals.

Any user is now available equipment for its creative ambitions.

Computer keyboard - Photo, description and device

The number of duplicating keys affects the size of the keyboard. For example, for convenience, some manufacturers provide the device with a separate digital set.

Most hackers and programmers ignore the use of the mouse in the main work. For such users, the distance between the keys is very important, which affects the size of the keyboard.

Location of keys personal computer Differs from the laptop. Because of this, users connect the external device without losing mobility.

"Hot Keys" - the most useful combinations

To speed up work in programs, fast key combinations are provided. They are also called "hot" keys. Conditionally divided into groups.

Exchange buffer:

  • "Shift" + Insert - the insertion of the fragment copied to the clipboard;
  • "Control" + INSERT - copying a fragment into a buffer;
  • "Shift" + Del - cutting out the fragment and placing it into the buffer with the possibility of insertion.

Font editing:

  • "Control" + "and" - the allocation of text "fat";
  • "Control" + "sh" - meanwriting;
  • "Control" + "G" - to emphasize.

Text alignment:

  • "Control" + "D" - on the left edge of the document;
  • "Control" + "U" - centering;
  • "Control" + "K" - on the right side of the document;
  • "Control" + "O" - uniform distribution of text between fields.

The hidden combinations of the operating system allow you to now customize the computer without opening the parameters:

  • Windows + "+" : open the Center for Action;
  • Windows + "I":gain access to Windows settings;
  • Windows + "S":start the Cortana program;
  • Windows + "C":translate Cortana to listening mode.

Keyboard keypad

We will analyze more keys function.


The letters on any keyboard are located on the QWERTY principle, since it was precisely such a layout on printed machines. Programmers from Microsoft decided not to change the transition from printing into electronics to be familiar even to the machines.

This approach was reasonable. Users of printed machines did not conceive how to put one or another symbol. For example, a square bracket or an exclamation mark.

You only need to monitor and switch the keyboard layout on time. Tip from the operating system is in the lower right corner (near the date and time).

Numbers and signs

Between the letter "E" and the "BEXPEIS" key, there are numeric keys from one to zero. When you click on them, the user can dial in the text or produce arithmetic action.

To put the punctuation marks and other characters specified on the buttons with numbers, you should climb the "Shift" key (the side does not matter) and the corresponding digit.

Showing below what icon on which digit is located:

  1. – «!»;
  2. - "quotes" (rus.) Or "@" (eng.);
  3. - "Number" (rus.) Or "Lattice" (eng.);
  4. - "Dollar" (eng.) Or ";" (rus.);
  5. - "percent";
  6. - "colon" (rus) or "tick" (eng.);
  7. - "Question mark" (Rus) or "&" (English);
  8. - "Multiplication Sign"
  9. – «(»;
  10. - She key "0" is responsible for the sign ")";
  11. - It does not have figures, but "Damfis" is drawn. If you click "Shift" + this button, then the "Lower underscore" _ "will turn out.
  12. the last button before "backspase" is "+", and with the "Shift" there will be an "\u003d" icon.

The following punctuation marks can be inserted using the keyboard keys with letters:

On the key with which letter is the symbol Which symbol can be obtained
in the English layout with the SHIFT key in the English layout
H. (Figure bracket left [Square Left Square
Kommersant ) Figure brace right ] Square bracket right
J. : colon ; semicolon
E. "» Quotes 'Upper comma
B. < математический знак меньше , comma
YU \u003e Mathematical Sign More . point

F1 - F12

Twelve keys of the top are called functional. They allow you to work with the operating system without the help of the mouse.

In some cases, it allows you to do without auxiliary programs:

  • F1 - Causes a certificate;
  • F2 - renames the selected file or folder;
  • F3 - opens the search bar;
  • F4 - opens the history of address requests or browser;
  • F5 - update working window;
  • F6 - highlights the tabs of the working window;
  • F7 - launch of spelling and punctuation checking system;
  • F8 - more often used for user loading mode;
  • F9 - Some programs launches the measuring instrument panel;
  • F10 - opens access to the active program menu;
  • F11 - transition to full screen mode;
  • F12 - Opening the Document Saving Menu.


The key to the English Escape is to avoid. Interrupt the operating computer command or cancel.


On the keyboard, instead of abbreviation, an operating system icon is applied. By the default of Windows Opens the "Start" menu.

If you combine with the "B" key, then you can achieve coagulation of windows. The transition is carried out by combining Windows + Tab, and Windows + "A" is a search command on a computer.


There is a similar key only on laptops. Designed to switch the settings and function keys.


Switches the registers of the capital and line set of letters in the text. The SHIFT + END combination allows you to highlight the string in the text, the SHIFT + HOME combination cancels the action.

Text design buttons

Here will be presented special keys that help edit user-called text.

Special keys


The purpose of this command from the keyboard is a good removal of the symbol from the left side of the cursor. Apply well in a text editor when typing. When combined with the "Alternative" key ("Alt") cancels the last action in the program.

In the file manager, switches to the superior folder. In the photo viewer, the viewer returns to the previous photo.


The key shares the words in the document text. Makes indents between characters. When the replacement is enabled, it can be used as the "Delete" key. In this case, the reference information from the cursor is erased.

The key is designed to enter the command, confirm the selected action, output to the screen of the result of a mathematical function.


It has a light indicator on some keyboards. When a single press includes a constant text set mode with capital letters.

In the lexicon of users there is an expression "do not capse" (do not write large) - this is a request to disable this feature (Remove big letters).

Tabulation is used in text editors to create the first retirement (red row). When combining the keys with Alt, the possibility of transition between the program windows opens. If an appropriate option in the system is enabled, then turning will be held in the beautiful mode "Aero".

Useful with a disabled or sudden mouse fault. Allows you to transfer the cursor from one row of the context menu to another.

Additional keys

INSERT - Key Even in combination is designed to insert either a fragment replacement. In text editors, it allows you to operate information in the exchange buffer.

Home - In the texts, it transfers the cursor to the beginning of the string, allowing the user to edit without the mouse's help.

Page Up - the transition from the current place to the page above.

Page Down - scrolling the page down.

Arrows - the direction of the keys indicates which way the cursor will be moved. When combination with the "Windows" key moves the active window to the right or left. If you press the up or down direction, the window will unfold.

Pause - designed to stop the multimedia player for a while. Repeated pressing will continue to play.

"Digital Castle" (Numlock) is used to disconnect the numeric keypad.

"Printscreen" key to fix the screen as a screenshot.

Category issues and answers

  • How to make a capital letter on the keyboard?

Using two keys: "Capslock" or "Shift" + key with a letter.

  • How to put a point and comma on the keyboard?

Point at the end of the line can be put in the key located on the left of the right "chiffs". The second way is suitable for english layout - We should press the key with the Russian letter "YU" (for the comma "b"). The example is described in the table above.

Put the comma, you can simply press Del.

  • How to put the top comma on the keyboard?

The so-called apostrophe on the computer is put by switching the layout on english and pressing the "E" key. An example is described in the table above.

Knowing all combinations can be a real lord of its computer. Even when not working computer mouseWork will not be suspended. And the so-called "hotkeys" must be remembered even to a schoolboy as the main assistants when typing and editing text.

As not strange the Tab key is very useful, but few people use it from simple users PC. It is mainly used by those who have long been working on a computer, as well as very often programmers. And for a regular user, this key remains in question.

What is the TAB key?

Simply put, it is used to transitions (elections) of some elements, buttons in many programs. It is especially useful in the absence of a mouse. Below I will give you a few examples, which will allow you to understand its function.

How to use the Tab key?

Example 1.

Create a folder on the desktop. Open it and create a simple text document in it (the "Notepad" file) gave it any name (you can leave the standard). Click once on it with the left mouse button, to choose it.

Figure 1.Selected text file

Thus, our folder is active and a specific file is selected in it. Now click Our Tab key and look carefully for changes in the open folder window (play the game "Find Differences in Picture").

Figure 2. Before and after pressing the Tab key. Transition to the address string

When we clicked on the file in the folder - we made it active, and after pressing the Tab key, the address line has become an active element (there is spelled out where the open folder is written).

Now the "computer's attention" is concentrated on this element and if we click, for example, the Enter key will be available. address bar To edit. See Figure 3.

Fig. 3 Selected address string for editing

Click Tab again. As a result, the search string on the contents in open folder. (see Fig. 4)

Fig. 4 Selection of the TAB key search string

THOSE. We switched to another element, now it is active. We can start simply typing text to search for files. (Fig. 5)

Fig. 5 Changing the file search field in the folder by name

Get to the left menu using the Tab key.

Figure 6. Menu quick access

And when it becomes active, i.e. One of the elements of this menu will be selected. Use the arrows on the keyboard up and down to select the Istal items in this menu. Stay on any of them and press the ENTER key. After that, the contents of the folder that you selected arrows are displayed in the window (see Fig. 7)

Fig. 7 Select the list of quick access folders (arrows)

At myself, I chose the "Video" folder and after clicking on ENTER in the folder window it displays its contents.

This is one option from many. Clicking and using our key, we chose the elements of the window and did not use the mouse.

Example 2.

We use the Tab key on the Internet

Go to the website (classmates - social network).

Click on the line where we enter a flashing carriage will appear there. Next, enter your or just a couple of letters. Please note that after that, earlier you click on the row, in order to introduce it. In other words, they stretched behind the mouse, looking for the cursor, they put it on and click, and after which the password itself was introduced.

Now we will proceed differently, use the Tab key after entering the login and then by pressing one key, the cursor immediately falls in the password field, after all, it's easier, right? (see Fig. 8)

Fig. eight. Fast passage between information entry fields

That's so approximately used Tab key . I write in advance that it is only part of its capabilities. I advise you to read the article. Very helpful.

On the keyboard, with which we typing the text, there are quite a few keys. And each of them is needed for something. In this lesson, we will talk about their appointment and learn how to use them correctly.

Here is a photo of a regular computer keyboard:

The value of the keyboard buttons

ESC. The full name of this Escape key (pronounced Esqueype) and it means "out". With it, we can close some programs. To a greater extent, it concerns computer games.

F1-F12. In one row with ESC there are several buttons, the names of which begin with the Latin letter F. They are designed to control the computer without the mouse's help - only the keyboard. Thanks to them, you can open and close folders and files, change their names, copy and much more.

But knowing the value of each this button is absolutely optional - most people use the computer to decades and have no idea about one of them.

Immediately under the keys F1-F12 there are a number of buttons with numbers and signs (! "" No.;% :? *, etc.).

If you just click on one of them, drawn the drawn digit. But in order to print a sign, press the SHIFT button along it and on the left or right).

If the sign is printed not the one you need, try changing the language (bottom at the right screen) -

By the way, on many keyboards, the numbers are also on the right side. The photo shows separately this part.

They are located in the same way as on the calculator, and for many people is more comfortable.

But it happens, these numbers do not work. You click on the desired key, but nothing is printed. This means that the digital part of the keyboard is turned off. To enable it, simply press once on the Num Lock button.

The most important part of the keyboard is the keys that print text. They are in the center.

As a rule, there are two letters on each button - one foreign, other Russian. To print the letter in the desired language, make sure that it is selected correctly (at the bottom of the computer screen).

Another language can be changed and differently - click on two buttons immediately: Shift. and Alt. or Shift. and Ctrl

Win. The key that opens the Start button. Most often it is not signed, but it is simply painted on it windows icon. It is between the Ctrl and Alt buttons.

Fn. This key has a laptop - on ordinary keyboards it, as a rule, is not. It is designed to work with special features - increase / decrease in brightness, volume and others.

To turn on, you need to press the Fn key and holding it down, press the button with the necessary function. These buttons are usually at the top - on F1-F10.

Suppose I need to increase the brightness of the laptop screen. For this, I'm looking for a button on the keyboard with an appropriate picture. I, for example, it is F6 - Sun is drawn on it. So, I find the Fn key and then click on F6. The screen becomes a little lighter. To increase the brightness even more, it clicks on F6 again with Fn.

How to print a big (title) letter

For printing one big letter (title) you need to hold sHIFT key And with it to click on the desired letter.

How to print a point and comma

If the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to print pointYou need to click on the last key in the lower alpine row (right). It is located in front of the Shift button.

To print commasClick the same button while holding SHIFT.

When the English alphabet is selected, you need to press the key to print the point, which is located in front of the Russian dot. It is usually written the letter "Yu". And the comma in the English alphabet is where the Russian letter "B" (in front of the English point).

Text design buttons

Tab - Creates an indent at the beginning of the sentence. In other words, with the help of it you can make a paragraph (red string).

To do this, click on the beginning of the text and press the TAB key once. If the red row is properly configured, the text will shift slightly to the right.

Used to print large letters. Is under the Tab key.

Press Caps Lock. Once and release it. Try typing some word. All letters will be printed big. To cancel this feature, press once again on the Caps Lock key and release it. Letters, as before, will be printed with small.

(Space) - makes intervals between words. The longest button on the keyboard is under the letters keys.

According to the rules for design, the gap between the words should be only one (not three and not even two). Roving or displacing the text using this key is not correct. Also, the gap is put only after the punctuation sign - before the gap sign should not be (with the exception of the dash).

Removal button. She erases those letters that are printed before the blinking stick (cursor). Located on the right side, immediately after numbers / signs. Often there is no inscription on it, but simply drawn the arrow directed to the left.

Also, the Backspace button is used to raise the text above.

ENTER - designed to go to the next string.

Thanks to her, you can lower the text below. There is ENTER under the text deletion button.

Additional keys

These are keys as insert, home, page Up and Page Down, buttons with arrows and others. They are between the letter and the numeric keypad. Used to work with text without mouse.

Arrows can move the flashing cursor (flashing wand) by text.

Delete serves to remove. True, unlike the backspace keys, it removes the letters not before, but after the flashing cursor.

Home Moves the flashing cursor to the beginning of the string, and the END button is at the end.

Page UP moves a flashing cursor to the top of the page, and Page DOWN (PG DN) - to the end of the page.

The Insert button is needed in order to print the text over the already existing one. If you click on it, the new text will be printed, washing old. To cancel it, you need to click on the Insert key again.

The SCROLL Lock key is almost always absolutely useless - it simply does not work. And in the idea, it should serve in order to scroll up-down text - as it makes the wheel on the computer mouse.

Pause / Break also almost never works. In general, it is designed to suspend the current computer process.

All these buttons are not required and are rarely used by people or never.

But the button can be very useful.

She "takes pictures" screen. Then this snapshot can be inserted into the Word or Paint program. In a computer language, this screen of the screen is called a screenshot.

Keyboard buttons to remember

- If you click on this button and, without releasing it, still on some key with the letter, the letter is printed large. In the same way, you can print the symbol instead of the figure: №! () *? "+, Etc.

- After a single click on this button, all letters will be printed in large. Keep it for this not need. To return the print with small letters, you should click on Caps Lock again.

- Does indent (red string).

- Space. With this button, you can make a distance between the words.

- lowers on the string below. To do this, you need to put a flashing wand (flashing cursor) to the top of the part of the text you want to lower down and press the ENTER button.

- Removes the character before the blinking cursor. Simply put, erases the text. Also, this button raises the text on the string above. To do this, put a flashing wand (flashing cursor) to the top of the part of the text you want to raise up, and click on the backspace.

All other keyboard buttons, except letters, numbers and signs, are extremely rarely used or not used at all.

The usual keyboard can be divided into several areas.

In the highest keyboard area, there are keys that are not used to enter data into the computer. These keys perform auxiliary steps that are shown in the table below.

ESC key - This key is used to cancel action, exit programs, games, exit applications, etc.

Functions "ESC" key .

The main function is the cancellation of the team that was ahead. If you right-click on the desktop or on the menu taskbar and then press the "ESC" key, then the menu will close. If you started playing some game and accidentally press the "ESC" key, you almost always come out of this game. But by clicking on this key again, you will return to your game again.

When you are on the Internet, make the regular address of the site, and then randomly press the "ESC" key, immediately return to the previous address of the site that you have already considered.

In the top row of the keyboard there are function keys (limited to a red rectangle in the picture).

FIFE function keys - F12 Designed to perform certain assigned to them. Actions depend on programs launched in this moment on the computer but typically, the F1 key Used to call a reference system at the moment of the program. If any program is running, then a certificate appears about this program.

"F2" Loading a computer while pressed by this key, or the "DEL" key makes it possible to configure your computer's BIOS.

F3 Calls the search box.

"F5" Reboots the open page of the browser.

"F8" Loading a computer while pressed by this button allows you to work in safe mode operating system.

Actions are rest function keys With the S symbol, mostly are possible in combination with keys - modifiers and may vary depending on the brand and model of the computer. If the actions of any key on the keyboard of your computer differ from those described here, then it can be found in the user manual.

"Pause / Break" . When the computer is loaded, it allows you to put the computer "pause" - to pause the boot process.

The functions of the "Pause / Break" key. When you run the Windows boot, first you see on the monitor appearing information about your computer, about the hard disk, about the status random access memory, About all components. The information displayed on the monitor appears and disappears quite quickly and it is extremely difficult to comprehend it. Here, to get the opportunity to deal with it, you just need to press the "PAUSE" button. And to end the operational system download process, you must click any button on the keyboard. Sometimes used by some programs.


Pressing this key makes it possible to take a picture from the screen of your monitor. When you press this key, it is in the picture in the Red Frame, at the time of clicking on the computer's memory, the image currently in the monitor is saved. Next, the saved image takes from computer memory With the help of an ordinary graphic editor, you can graphic editor "Paint", which is already built into the operational windows system. If you apply the "Alt + Printscreen" keys, you only perform a photo of the active window, but the entire screen. In the picture, the "Alt" keys are located in the frame of blue.

Key switches information output mode to the display screen, in which pressing the cursor keys shifts the screen itself, and not the cursor. When you click on this button, the indicator light immediately turns on. When using this key to control the cursor, you can move the screen. This feature is used in Microsoft Excel., LotusNotes. Especially good it can be seen in excel program. It can be used to scroll text, although the mouse wheel is more convenient. Other programs use Scrollock for special functions, for example, in the Opera browser, the key is used in combination with the numbers to switch voice signals. Currently, this key is practically not used, so there are keyboards where it is not.

SHIFT key. The simultaneous press of this key and the symbol key allows you to temporarily switch to the mode of input mode of the capital (capital) letters, or enter another character located on the same key. On the keyboard there are two such keys - left and right, and in some programs their action is different. For example, to enter the uppercase letter "and" you need to click on the SHIFT key and not releasing it, press the I. key

Tab key. It is indicated by the icon in the form of two oncoming shooters and her pressing gives an indent from the beginning of the string - paragraph. Allows the tab - alignment of horizontal symbols. The tab symbol is eight ordinary characters. Tabulation is used when creating text documents. Designed to move the cursor:

  1. when editing texts used to go to the next tab position, i.e. moving the cursor to several positions forward;
  2. in dialog boxes, the transition to the next query field;
  3. the cursor in the next cell is converted.

In other programs, it serves to switch between windows on the screen.

It is located below capslock key. Pressing this key fixes the writing of capital letters. When repeatedly pressing the capital letters are written again. This mode indicates the light indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard. Repeated pressing cancels the mode. When the Capslock mode is enabled. Press the key Enters lowercase letters.

Key Numlock Includes and turns off the numbers located on the right side of the keyboard. If the keyboard is turned on, you can use numbers and arithmetic actions using it.

When you turn on, this mode is also displayed indicator in the upper right corner of the keyboard, signaling that additional keyboard in work. Now, in addition to entering numbers from the field of the main keyboard, they can be entered with optional. True, those characters that are applied to the keys of the additional keyboard simultaneously with the numbers will not work.

In most cases, the described keyboard fields for work is enough, but for lovers of working with compact digital and control keyboard "A la Calculator" has another additional key field - the rightmost. This field is called - an extra keyboard, in contrast to the field of the main keyboard.

When you click on this block, the numbers with the numbers are displayed on the print number, but with one condition - when the "NumLock" key is turned on. Digital keys When the "NUMLOCK" key is turned off, the functions of another plan. Duplicate the "End" key by pressing the "1" key on the main keyboard and duplicate the "HOME" key with the key "7" also on the main keyboard.

The same keys translate the cursor to the end and the beginning of the string. When you press the "3" and "9" key, it is duplicated on the main keyboard with the "Pageup" and "PageDown" key, respectively. The same keys translate the cursor to one screen up and down. When you press the "2", "4", "8", "6" key, the cursor is controlled, it means there is a work dubbing with the arrows.

SPACE key - This key creates an interval between the letters.

The "Space" key is the largest key, located under the alphanumeric key, is used to enter an empty character, regardless of the register switch.

The "Space" key function.

When using the key, the division of words or characters among themselves is made. But this key has an additional mode. When replacing mode, which you can enable using the "Insert" key by pressing the "Space" key, you activate the function, the same, as when you press the "Delete" key (this key makes the erase of characters).

BACKSPACE key - When you press this key, the symbol is removed from the lev from the cursor.

Functions of the "Backspace" or "Left Arrow" key.

When you press this key, we delete the left selected one character or the entire text. When using this key in the file manager, move up one level. And when viewing photos by clicking on this key, we make a refund back on one photo.

Applying the "Alt + Backspacr" keys together, we will cancel the action performed before that.

Key Exercises data entry or confirmation depending on the context:

When when performing work on the computer, you use a digital keyboard, which is on the right, then it is much better to use the "Enter" key, which is located on the same block.

Delete key Designed to delete any object, such as folders, file, etc.:

  1. the text Appeals the removal of the symbol to the right of the current position of the cursor (with the shift of the string to the left);
  2. the windows of the folding file system are deleted to the basket of selected file system.

Also delete unnecessary file. You can, pressing together the keys "SHIFT + DELETE". The "Shift" keys are indicated by a frame of green. Just keep in mind that the file in this case will be removed not through the basket and in this case it is no longer restored.

The "Delete" key, indicated by the blue frame, located on the digital keyboard unit, together with the sign "." Performs the same actions when the "NUMLOCK" key is turned off.

It is possible to open the "Task Manager" when you press the CTRL + ALT + DEL key combination. These Ctrl and Alt keys are denoted by a beige frame.

Key marked with a red rectangle - associated with the insert mode:

  1. the text switches between the insertion and symbol substitution modes or the fragment insert from the clipboard (depending on the settings Microsoft Word.). If you are enabled "Insert" mode, then when you print, then between the two words the right word will move to the right, and the text entered by you will push the words and is printed between them. In this case, the text is inserted and moves the entire end of the phrase to the right.

But when "replacement" mode, if you insert the word between two words, the word located on the right is replaced by the word you insert.;

  1. in type programs Total Commander. Objects are allocated.

If you press the Inset key, the text will be printed from above printed, washing the last. If you press this key again, this action will be terminated.

In the frame with a blue insert key, which is located on the digital keyboard unit, along with the digit "0" works only if the "Numlock" key is turned off.

We will be able to copy text after its allocation if you apply the CTRL + INSERT key combination. And when we use the "SHIFT + INSERT" keys together, it is possible to insert text.

PGUP, PGDN, END, HOME keys Designed to control the cursor.

HOME key translates the cursor to the beginning of the line, and key End. At the end of the string "), as well as or to the top of the list or end of the list.

Keyboard shortcut + Moves the cursor to the end of the entire document.

Keyboard shortcut + Moves the cursor to the top of the entire document.

PGUP key translates the cursor to the top of the page, and pGDN key - In her end.

Functions with the "Pageup" and "PageDown" key.

The use of these two keys is used in working with text editors, or when working with documents, where the height of the information is much larger than the height of your screen and the need for height to do scrolls. These keys are marked with a red rectangle.

And the "Pageup" and "Pagedown" keys, which are indicated by a blue rectangle and are on the digital keyboard block, only when the "Numlock" key is turned off, make the "3" and "9" screen scroll down or up. The state of the "NumLock" key is under the control of the light bulb (the indicator light is on when the key is in the on).

Key Used to expand the capabilities of the keyboard. It is often used in combination with other keys to activate any action in the program.

Keys Also, like Ctrl, used in combination with other keys.

Functions with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" key.

When using these keys, you are expanding with the other keys of their capabilities. Applying in different variations These keys, you make various actions.

Ctrl + Alt + Del keys These shortcut keys open task manager.

Combination ctrl + A keys Allocate all objects immediately, for example, folders, files, text, etc.

Combination ctrl + x keys Cuts a selected object to the buffer exchange, for example test, files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. Copies any object to the clipboard, such as files, folders, etc.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V. Inserts a copied file or folder from the clipboard.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N. Allows you to create a new document in various programs.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z. Cancels the last action.

Using keys Ctrl + S. The current document is saved.

Using keys Ctrl + P. Print the document.

Ctrl + ESC - Opening the Start menu. This can also be done by pressing the Windows key.

Using keys Alt + Enter. There is a transition full-screen mode And back, for example, if you press these keys to KMPlayer, WindowsMediaPlayer, MediaPlayerclassic, they turn on the entire screen.

Alt keys and keys from 0 to 9 Located on the right side of the keyboard make it possible to enter arbitrary characters that are not on the keyboard. In order to enter arbitrary characters, you must press the ALT key and, without releasing it, press the desired number located on the right side of the keyboard.

Keyboard shortcut Alt + F4. Closes the active application.

Keys Alt + Tab. allow you to switch between open windows. The center of the screen appears panel with all open applications, and when selecting the active window, you need, without releasing the ALT keys, press the Tab key several times.

Combination Alt + Space (Space) Opens the window menu of the window with which you can restore, move, deploy, fold and close the window without mouse.

Alt + Shift. or Ctrl + Shift. - Switching the keyboard layout.

Windows key It is usually located between the Ctrl and Alt keys. When it is pressed, the Start menu appears.

And applying a key with a variety of options along with other keys, you speed up the launch of programs.

When pressing keys Win + E. The conductor will open.

When pressing keys Win + D. All active windows curl.

Keyboard shortcut Win + L. Allows you to switch between users or block the workstation. The keyboard key + F1 calls the center of reference and support.

When pressing keys Win + F. The Search window opens.

When pressing keys Win + Ctrl + F The search box opens.

With help Win + D. You can roll over all windows and show the desktop, and the keys Win + M. Fold all windows except dialogue.

Win + E. Opens the folder "My Computer".

Win + F. - Opening a window to search for a file or folder.

When pressing keys Win + Pausebreak The dialog box of the system properties opens.

Key<Контекст> causes context menu The object at which the mouse pointer is currently being.

When using the key, call the menu in the same way as when it clicks on the right mouse button. This menu corresponds to the program that is enabled for your work. If you are on the "desktop", then pressing this key, you open the menu corresponding to active element Desktop.

Cursor keys (navigation) . Perform various actions associated with the movement of the cursor:

  1. in the text manager, the cursor is one position in the specified direction;
  2. on the desktop in the folder window, it is transferred to another object;
  3. in the menu, the Allocation to the next command;
  4. in the table turn the cursor between the cells.

These keys are also used in many games to manage objects.

These keys are also used in many programs, for example, to move via document pages or when watching photos to go to the next image.

Hot keys in the browser

To increase or decrease the scale of the page, it is enough to hold ctrl key And twist the mouse wheel. Up - scale will increase, down - respectively, will decrease. The same can be done, simply pressing + or - when Ctrl is pressed. To restore the font size, the key combination is CTR + 0. .

And use shift keys And the mouse wheel allows you to move on the history of the tabs: SHIFT - Scroll wheel up - Going around the story, SHIFT - Scrolling the Wheel Down - Going on History Back.

If you need to open a new page in the browser in a separate tab, you can hold ctrl key And click on the desired link. New page Open in a separate tab.

ALT + HOME keys Return to K. homepage, but Ctrl + R (or F5) Update page. For compulsory updates without using zaeshed data, the keys serve Ctrl + F5. or Ctrl + SHIFT + R .

By pressing the keys Ctrl + S. , You can save the page on the computer, and the keys Ctrl + P. allow you to print the desired page. Hotkeys Ctrl + G, Ctrl + F, SHIFT + F3, Ctrl + K Designed to search on the current page or on the Internet.

Notebook keyboard features.

Since the keyboard of a laptop by definition should take a little space, there are many functions of "hidden". And in order to find them, there is a magic key . It is not found in all types of keyboard, although there is practically always present on laptops. It is usually in the lower left corner of the keyboard, but there may be other options, there are no standards here. Inscription on the key Highlighted with color (most often blue) or circled frame. On those keys that work together with , inscriptions or characters having the same color as the inscription on the key or they are also circled by the frame.

Inscriptions or symbols having the same color as , activated when combined + (key), i.e. when the key is pressed and keys Press the key where the function you need is depicted in the stylized form. The combination of this key with the function keys (keys of the top row of the keyboard) changes the main steps of these keys. So, the combination of it with the F1 key, translates the computer (laptop) into sleep mode;

  • with F2 - Enables and turns off the adapter wireless communication (Wi-Fi);
  • with F3 - opens a postal program;
  • with F5 - reduces monitor brightness;
  • with F6 - increases it;
  • with F7 - turns on and disconnects the monitor;
  • with F10 - turns on and disables the built-in speakers;
  • with F11 - lowers the speaker volume;
  • with F12 - increases it;
  • the increase in the brightness of the screen is made by the key where there is a "big sun" (there may be the "Sun" icon in combination with the "Enlarge" icon);
  • reduction - on the contrary, where the "small sun" (and maybe the "Sun" icon in combination with the "Reduce" icon);
  • the keys with the "Loudspeaker" icons in combination with the "More" or "less" icons - increase / decrease the volume;
  • locked Mouse - Switch off / Turning on the TouchPad panel;
  • locked Loudspeaker - Turning off / Turning on the sound, etc.

Actions when combining the function keys with the FN key may vary different types Keyboard, so you can clarify them in the user manual, or guided by icons (usually different color), standing on the keys near or below the main value.

Look carefully without hurrying, on the keyboard of your laptop, put the instruction attached to it, spend some time on mastering all these wonders and they will become familiar to you.

Consider the value of some keys on the keyboard: Caps Lock, Tab, ESC (Escape), Num Lock, Del (Delete), Ins (Insert), Scroll Lock, Home, End, Pageup, Pagedown, arrow keys up, down, left and Right.
In the upper right corner of the keyboard with the 101st key there are three light indicators (simply speaking, three light bulbs):

  • CAPS LOCK - mode of capital letters,
  • Num Lock - digit lock mode,
  • SCROLL LOCK - Scroll lock mode.

The on and off of the above modes occurs by clicking on the same keys: CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK (abbreviated NUM LK), SCROLL LOCK (Reduction SCR LK).

In laptops, where the number of keys is smaller, the Caps Lock key is located in the same place, where in the 101-key keyboard. The NUM LOCK key is usually along with F11, and the Scroll Lock key is with F12.

To go to Num Lock or Scroll Lock mode, press the FN key, which is in the lower left corner, and without releasing it, press the NUM Lock or Scroll Lock key depending on which mode is required.

Consider in more detail these three modes.

Caps Lock, Tab, ESC

1) Key Caps Lock. (Translated "Fixation of capital letters") on the left.

If you do not press on Caps Lock (i.e., the light bulb does not burn) and go to text editor (for example, Word or Notepad), then when entering text, all letters (both English and Russians) will be output small.

If you click on Caps Lock (Light Bulb, more precisely, the light indicator is lit), then when entering the text, the letters will be output with capital (large). In this mode, when you press the SHIFT key, line (small) letters will be displayed (the exact action of what is being done in the usual mode, when the Caps Lock light is not lit).

CAPS LOCK mode (or mode of capital letters) is convenient when entering text, consisting of such letters. To enter one big letter more convenient, of course, press the SHIFT key, and without releasing it, press the key with the image of the corresponding letter.

Key Tab.(Tabulation) is above the Caps Lock key. When editing Tab texts is usually used to go to the next tab position, that is, after pressing the tab, the cursor moves immediately to setty number Positions. In other programs, its functionality can change, for example, TAB can switch between query fields, etc.

Key ESC (Escape - "Running, saving") is above the Tab keys and is used mainly to cancel any action.

Num Lock, Del (Delete) and Backspace

2) Key Num Lock (Translated "Fixing numbers") on the keyboard on the right.

It is responsible for the operation of a small numeric keypad in two modes: if the Num Lock indicator is lit (i.e., pressed the Num Lock key), then the small numeric keypad works in the input mode from 0 to 9 and the point.

If the NUM Lock indicator is not lit, then the small numeric keypad works in the cursor mode (up, down, down, right, left, home, end, pagep, pagedown). More about key Num Lock

Key Delete. ("Delete") or DEL is usually used to remove characters to the right of the cursor. Key Backspace. ("Step back") or the long arrow left over the Enter key usually removes the symbol to the left of the cursor.

I know that some users when removing characters use the Delete key preferably, and some prefer the Backspace key. The thing is in habit.

Key Insert. ("Insert") or INS is usually used to switch between two characters input modes:

  • input with sliding characters (insertion mode) and
  • input with the replacement of previously dialed characters, that is, the new text is entered, with the "old" text automatically erased (replacement mode).

In the MS Word 2007 editor, the insertion / replacement mode is disabled by default. Apparently, this is done specifically, since accidental pressing of the INSERT key led in earlier Word versions to the fact that the replacement mode was turned on when the old text was removed, and a new one was introduced instead.

In order to enable the insert / replacement mode in the MS Word 2007 editor, press the Office button (Round in the upper left corner). In the window that opens, click the Word Settings button. Then select the "Advanced" tab, in the "Edit Parameters" section, check the box around the item "Use the Ins key to switch the insert and replacement modes".

Home, End, Pageup, Pagedown and Arrow keys

As already noted above, the HOME, END, Page, Pagedown keys, up, down, left and rightly called cursor control keys. Pressing on them, as a rule, leads to the movement of the cursor in the necessary direction or to "turning" what is on the screen.

If you click on the key HOME.The cursor moves to the beginning of the string. Pressing the key End.The user will move the mouse cursor at the end of the string.

Pressing the key Pagep. ("Page Up") leads to the expansion of the contents of the screen, for example, when editing the document to the page up page. If you click on Pagedown. ("Page down"), it will be possible to cross the mouse cursor to a whole page.

Scroll Lock.

3) Scroll Lock. (on the keyboard on top of the right) - widely used in the early 80s, when there was no manipulator mouse.

When the "SCROLL LOCK" mode is enabled, the cursor keys performed the screen movement (up, down, left, right).

When the SCROLL Lock mode is disabled, then the cursor keys work in the usual mode - change the cursor position (up, down, left, right). Now this button can be viewed, for example. If you run Excel and click Scroll Lock, then the cursor keys will move the table, and not a separate selected cell.

In general, the SCROLL LOCK key in different programs It can work as it will be programmed.

Computer literacy exercises

1) Enter Russian and English letters in the text editor when enabled caps indicator Lock. Repeat the same by holding down the shift key. We draw attention to what letters are displayed: lowercase or capital.

2) We are typing now when the CAPS LOCK indicator is turned off. Then print, holding SHIFT. When the line is introduced, and when capital letters?

3) We see the mode of operation Num Lock. When a small digital keyboard works in entering numbers 0, 1, ..., 9 and point. And when does it act in the cursor control mode?

4) Copy the text of this task to the text editor on your computer. Put the cursor in the middle of the text. And check how symbols are deleted using the Delete and Backspase key. When the characters are removed to the left of the cursor, and when to right from it?

5) Experience the INSERT key. If you have Word 2007, then you may need to first hold necessary settings To enable this mode. Put the cursor in the middle of the text. Click INSERT and enter text. What happens: inserting characters or replace them (removal of old and in their place input of new characters)?

6) You can check the little SCROLL LOCK key. The mouse does not need. Go to the electronic excel tablesIn the middle, we enter into a cell, for example, a number 100. Click on the SCROLL LOCK key. In this case, you can arrow (up, down, left, right) to move on the table. It turns out the keyboard analogue of the mouse when moving inside the Excel window.

7) Look in the text editor on the HOME, END key, up, down, down, left, right within two or three lines. Also check the Pageup, PageDown - within two or more screen pages.

8) Copy multiple lines to the text editor. Put the cursor to the beginning of the text, press the Tab key. If everything is done correctly, the text should begin with the "Red Row".

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