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Share disk d. No access to network folder

Hello! Faced such a problem: external drive no longer works under Windows. You can see it during connection, but when I try to open it, a message appears: “No access to G: /. Access denied".

In "my computer" the parameters of the disk are not visible, it is indicated that the volume is 0. With standard disk management with using Windows the entire volume is displayed, and the occupied one too. With a program like R-studio, you can access all the files. Also, the disk works fine under various Unix systems (Linux, MacOS, TV, etc.). Help me please. It seems that the decision is not at all difficult. I understand that just formatting and rewriting information is possible, but there is no desire to rewrite 500 GB. And I also want to know for the future. Waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance, Maxim

This is a correspondence by mail with a user asking for help. Perhaps she will help someone.

Good afternoon, Maxim!

If the data is very important to you, then try to extract it using type recovery programs to another media. Check their performance or copy them under Unix, and then you can deal with the problem.

If the information is not so important, then you need to issue the g: command on the command line and see what the checkdisk program shows about errors in the file system. The program will not make any changes to the file system. If serious errors are not detected by the program, then file chkdsk g: / F to correct errors in the file system. While checking and correcting errors in the file system, certain information may be lost. If no errors are found in the file system, then figure it out with access rights "

User response after running chkdsk command

Executed chkdsk with both parameters: no errors were found. And what about access rights? Please advise me what to see or read about this.

Also now I checked access from command line cmd, from it windows can see the entire structure of files and directories "

What you need to do:

  1. In explorer, right click on drive G:
  2. then - "Properties"
  3. after that - "Security

There is a lot of information in the search on how to change access rights in Windows. So it's hard to tell right away.

Also try to open the drive as follows: in the explorer, right-click on the G: drive, open. It may be that this is the result of a virus. And try to access the disk using some shell like Total commander».

User response after resolving rights issue

Thank you, we managed to figure out the rights. I made my user the owner of the files, after which access appeared. But another problem arose. When you connect this disk to another computer, the first one is still not available. We have to carry out the same manipulations. Can I somehow restore the rights for any user of this disk? "

Problem: Unable to access the network resource. The network folder is displayed ...

but when trying to log in, the system displays a message:

Windows cannot access \\\\ computer \\ network_resource. Permission to access \\\\ computer \\ network_resource absent. Contact your network administrator for access.

In the Windows XP operating system, a similar message sounds like this:

No access to \\\\ computer \\ network_resource... You may not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server for the appropriate access rights. Access denied

Why is there no access to the network resource?

This may be due to the following factors:

  • the user does not have permission to access the share.
    These rights are configured on the tab Access and are only relevant for configuring network access.
  • the user does not have NTFS permission to access the folder
    Configurable on a tab Security... This setting regulates both network and local access rights.
  • the user has neither network permissions nor NTFS rights.

How to open access to a network folder for all users

The settings must be made on the computer where the network resource is located.

We go to Computer Management:

Opening the section Shared folders ... Select the subsection Shared resources and find out the local path to the folder that is open to the network.
In our example, we see that the network resource temp matches local path C: \\ temp :

Find the local folder, right-click on it and call Properties:

1 The first thing to check is network access permissions... Open the tab Access and press the button Advanced customization:

Push the button Permissions:

We check for whom network access is open, and also check the rights.
In order to enter the network resource, all users could enter the list Share permissionsyou need to add a group All.
In our case, open full access for the group All... This means that everything is in order with network permissions:

2 The second thing to check is NTFS rights. Go to the tab Security and check the global permissions for the folder.
In our example, we see that only users and administrators of the local computer can see and enter this folder. This means that if we try to log into a network share as a user who does not have account on local computer, we will be denied access.

In order to allow access to the folder to all users, even those who do not have an account on the local computer, you need to add the same group to the list All... To do this, press the button Edit:

We press Add to:

Add a group All and press OK.

Attention! It is NOT necessary to search for a group in the list of groups and users. You can simply spell out the word "Everything" with your hands - always with a capital letter.

Many modern mobile PCs do not have built-in CD / DVD drives for a long time. The need for them very quickly disappeared with the advent of the possibility of booting from USB and large flash drives. But if you still have to use CD / DVD discs, then there is an opportunity to use the shared network optical drive, thereby bypassing the purchase of an external drive.

In order to be able to use the shared CD / DVD drive, both computers must be in one local networkand also requires using Windows Advanced Sharing.

Share your device

To get started, on your local computer, go to the "My Computer" menu.

Right-click on the device that you are going to share, go to the menu "Sharing" - "Advanced Sharing Settings".

Click on the "Advanced settings" button to open a window with additional parameters.

In the next window, check the box next to "Open general access to this folder ", type a description for the shared resource, for example" CD Drive "and click on the" Permissions "button.

Make sure that the user group named Everyone has read access to this device. In the event that you need additional security (if the computer is not, for example, on a closed home network), then here you can add certain users, thereby defining who can be accessed by this drive. Click OK if you have completed the access rights settings.

It is also possible to disable password protection for public access, which will make access to the device itself much easier. But it is advisable to do this only in the case of a closed home network. To disable password protection, click on the "Network and Sharing Center" link at the bottom of the window.

Click on the "Home or Work" heading, scroll down the scroll and select the "Disable password protected sharing" option to disable password protection. Then just click "Save Changes".

Finally, after you click on the OK button, your drive will become available from the network. You will see its address under the heading "Network path" in the properties window.

The drive icon will change to indicate that it is available for access. To remove the device from access, you must return to the menu of advanced sharing settings and uncheck the box next to the words "Public access to this folder".

Disk mapping

On your mobile computer open Windows Explorer and click on the "Network" tab to see all the computers on your network.

Go to remote computer with a shared drive, by pressing the button on the device, select from the menu "Connect network drive».

You can choose any free drive letter for the shared drive, which will allow it to be automatically connected every time the computer is turned on (if, of course, all the necessary conditions are met: you are on the network and the remote drive is available in it).

The connected device will appear in the My Computer window with the drive letter you selected. The remote network drive is now available to you or your programs just like a normal drive.

Of course, there are other third-party applications that implement this feature, but in this case, standard tools are enough to solve this problem.

We have already organized a local network and now we need to figure out how to open shared access to the D drive.

Perhaps someone will ask: why exactly to this disc? Yes, because ironically, this is the most popular node when setting up network connections, since it comes right after the system C. At least when setting up a network in accounting offices, this is definitely the most popular letter.

So, guys, in fact, a very similar topic has already been discussed in detail on this blog, only there the conversation was about organizing access to the folder:

Although, to be honest, these processes are absolutely identical. But today some new nuances will be additionally considered. So let's start the story on the sly.

It is also worth saying that all the settings will be carried out using the example of Windows 10. But there is complete analogy with earlier systems like Win 7 and 8.

So, first of all, we look for the "My Computer" section on the desktop:

In it we find the coveted disk and click on it with the right mouse button. In the opened context menu select "Properties":

Then we follow the path "Access-Advanced setup":

At the next step, check the box next to the item "Share this folder":

In principle, the above settings are enough for all users of the local network to have access to the disk with the letter D. But with this layout, they can only view all the files stored on it.

If you need to give the rights to edit or change the content, then you need to click on the "Permissions" button and specify the necessary permissions:

That's all, in fact, the general access to the disk is open. Similar actions should be done on all computers in the local network. Now let's talk about the nuances.

If suddenly all of the above actions did not lead to anything and there is still no access to, then the first thing to do is to restart the computer. According to the author, this is the most effective technique in working with equipment 😉

There are also cases when, when accessing a disk with open access the system asks for a password anyway. Then you need to go to the settings section again, which is shown in the picture above, and select the "Add" item. Then click on "Advanced":

In the window that opens, press the "Search" button, after which, in the list that appears, put the cursor on the "All" line:

Now click on "OK" and see the result of the entire operation:

What else is worthwhile to say on this topic? For example, you can take note of the fact that all the described actions and settings are very convenient to perform in the popular file manager. Total commander:

At least much more convenient than in a regular conductor operating system Windows. And if you consider that already in we will connect a network drive, then this is simply an irreplaceable program.

Well, okay, this is the topic of how to share the D drive. Although in fact, why does this letter pop up again, because the partitions on the hard drive

That's all for now. As always, ask your questions in the comments to the post. The best we can, the more we will definitely help.

What if when trying to open in the environment Windows partition internal disk or an external storage medium, the system issues a notification “ Access denied"? Typically, this notification appears if security settings have been tampered with in the disk properties. Or if the system incorrectly identifies the current user as the owner of the disk, which happens when the media periodically connects to different computers... How to solve this problem?

So, when you try to open an external information device or a separate disk partition in windows Explorer we see an access denied message.

Moreover, in the properties of such an NTFS disk as file system is determined, but there is no information about the occupied and free space.

If there is no important data on the disk or, perhaps, it is empty, you need to go to the management utility windows disks and either format it or delete the partition and re-create it.

If there is valuable data on the disk, it must be removed and temporarily overexposed before formatting or deleting the partition. How to extract?

1. Total Commander

The disc invisible by the explorer can be seen by file manager... For example, Total Commander. We try to access the data in it and copy it to another partition or media visible by the system.

2. Full disk access

If there is no third-party file manager in the system, or the attempt to solve the problem with his participation was unsuccessful, you must configure full access for the disk in the system. In its properties, go to the security tab. Click "Advanced".

Above, where it says "Owner" (or in the "Owner" tab for Windows 7), click "Change".

In the empty field, enter the value "All" (without quotes and with a capital letter), click "Check names". The value "All" will be highlighted in the lower face, after that click "OK".

Then we press "Yes".

Now we copy the data.

3. Paragon Hard Disk Manager

Another way to get to the contents of the disk, to which Windows denies access - the program Paragon hard Disk Manager. It has a file manager on board, with which you can view and export the contents of not only physical disks, but also virtual files hard drives in the conditions of their mounting by means of the same program from Paragon. At the same time, not only NTFS is supported, but also a number of other file systems such as: FAT16, FAT32, Ext2 / 3/4, ReFS. And this means that the program from Paragon, perhaps, will help us even if, when opening the disk, the system issues a notification that access is denied due to the fact that the file system is not recognized. Plus, exporting large amounts of data will be faster than using Windows copy tools.