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the main  /  the Internet / Do not start the drive on the Windows 10 computer. The shared folders, network computers, flash drives are not displayed, disks on the "Network" tab of the Windows Explorer

The drive is not started on the Windows 10 computer. There are no sharing folders, network computers, flash drives, disks on the "Network" tab of the Windows Explorer

There are many ways to exchange data between PCs, but not all of them are equally convenient and effective. It is also important to which network is carried out such an exchange, global or local. If the network is local, use cloud services It will be less rational than combining computers to one working group in which the data can be transmitted without any intermediaries.

Technically organization B. local network does not represent much difficulty, which cannot be said to eliminate one of the most common problems when the computer does not see other computers in windows networks 7/10. The problem may be caused by various reasons, but most often its source becomes incorrect network settings and disconnected services. So, what often prevents computers to see each other on the local network?

View a list of PC available on the network is not difficult, it is enough to deploy on the "Network" conductor transition panel or execute the command nET VIEW..

If computers are connected, and the command returns "no items in the list", check the settings listed below.

Network detection

Open the command control / Name Microsoft.NetworkandSharingCenter "Network and Common Access Control Center", go to extra options And make sure that the network type of the network profile is used by you. Next, check that network detection, files and printer and printer, and was also included in the profile settings. windows permission Manage domestic connections.

Now go to the "All Network" profile and enable (if disabled) sharing for network users, and password protection, on the contrary, disconnect.

Return to the Network Management Center, click "Changing the Adapter Settings", go to the properties of your adapter and check if the bird is installed in the checkbox "Sharing files and printers ...". Checkbox in IP version 6 (TCP / IPv6) must also be installed.

In Windows 10, access to all these settings can be from the "Network and Internet" section of the parameters. Please note that the option "Make this computer available for detection" in the properties of your connection should also be active.

Working group

The reason that computers do not see each other in the Windows 7/10 local network may become incorrect settings. working Group. Open the system properties, on the "Computer Name" tab, click "Identify", and when the wizard starts, select these settings:

  • The computer enters the corporate network;
  • My organization uses a network without domains;
  • The name of the Working Group - Workgroup.

After that, you need to restart the computer and make sure that the type of network is exposed to "private". Workgroup is used by default, do not change it if possible. All computers on the network should use one (the same) name of the Working Group, and this is a very important point.

Service browser service

In Windows 10,1703 and above, the problem with the network environment can be associated with the disconnected or, on the contrary, working in the network browser service. Look, is it active in the section windows components SMB 1.0 CIFS protocol. If so, try to turn it off, thereby you deactivate the network browser.

If the browser is disabled (in the latest versions of Windows 10 it should be), try to enable, and then reboot and check the correctness of the discovery of computers on the network.

Other network services

Network detection problems in Windows 10 1803 have to face more often than in other versions of the system. This is due to the restriction of the working group functionality, which Microsoft considers an outdated component. In this version, a number of services that are responsible for finding other computers on the local network can be disabled. If computers are not visible in the Windows 10 network environment, you need to make sure that these services are included:

  • Publish the function detection resources (type "automatically");
  • SSDP detection;
  • Computer browser (see above SMB 1.0);

Turning on these services on all computers, reboot. If other settings are set correctly, your PC must detect other resources on the local network.


If Windows 7/10 still does not see the computers on the network, it is perhaps to reset network settings to default values. To do this, open the command line or the PowerShell console on behalf of the administrator and perform such commands:

  • netsh int ipv4 reset my.log;
  • netsh int ipv6 reset my.log;
  • netsh WinSock Reset.

To reset the settings, you will need to restart the computer, what Windows will notify you. But even such a measure does not guarantee the correct network detection. There are other reasons why the computer is not visible in the network, in particular, incorrect work Drivers (rarely), as well as blocking with third-party firewall and antivirus.

The latest version of the popular operating system was officially published in the middle of the summer of 2015. For the past segment, many have already managed to acquire updates and in this moment are the happy owners of "dozens". However, Euphoria on Windows 10 faded after users began to notice some errors in the functionality. Actually, there is nothing surprising in this - nothing is completely. This is especially true of Windows products, which always tries to be in advanced positions, creating unique technologies and devices.

However, skillful users quickly revealed flaws in new version OS. One of the most common problems that often becomes the object of complaints is not DVD drive. The developers withdrawn even the November update, since it was after his release that the public began to indignant and disturb such problems. So what to do if Windows 10 does not see the CD / DVD drive?

Why does Windows 10 sees a drive?

Many update users complain that after the transition from previous version, The conductor has become selectively noticing the DVD drive.

Despite the inconstancy when viewing with using bios. No failures are observed and the CD / DVD-ROM is displayed as it should be. The problem comes from the software component of the OS.

Specialists voiced 3 The main reasons at this level are a violation of the drive driver; Systems in the system associated with incompatibility of a number of applications and OS; The problem is in the actor provoked failure.

In turn, the system may not detect the drive due to the absence of its connection to motherboard Or his banal physical breakdown. Problems that do not concern the repair or repair of the drive can solve the simple user without the help of professionals.

What to do to make the drive in Windows 10?

It is curious that the development developers are informed and in order to facilitate fate and help users, the company's forum published several correction options.

Eliminate the problem with the command line

The first option is based on command line. To begin with, activate the string using the Win + X key combination or through the "Start". In the new dialog box, you must enter the following:

rEG.exe Add HKLM \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ ATAPI \\ Controller0 / F / V EnumDevice1 / T

REG_DWORD / D 0x00000001

Then press ENTER. After that restart the computer. The drive is ready for work and defense.

Restoring Drive DVD Icons With DVD Drive. REPAIR

In the second way, the creators of "dozens" advise to eliminate the problem special programs. For example, install the CD-DVD REPAIR CD-DVD program (you can download it after you go on the link

After installing it, click the icon and check the box opposite the "Reset Autorun Setting" field. During a small time, the tool will eliminate existing problems, after which a message will appear on the end of the tool.

After the message restart the computer. In the case when it comes to software breakdown, CD-DVD Icon Repair will not help you. Noticing a mechanical malfunction, utilities will not necessarily report this to the user.

Other ways to solve the problem

In general, you can help clean the system from unknown devices. To implement such a procedure, use the device manager in which you save your computer from unnecessary and unknown devices, after which you reboot.

The root of the problem can be in the drivers. Especially this option is possible if you installed the "top ten" with the available OS of one of two recent versions. Therefore, you need to update the drivers.

The absence of the letter on the drive can also cause a failure or "invisible" CD / DVD-ROM mode. To check the presence of the letter, follow these steps:

1) Press Win + R;

2) dial diskmgmt.msc;

3) Press ENTER.

After performing these simple actions on the computer screen, the disk control window will appear. Check the list and find your drive. If the letter is missing - assign it.

If you are the possessor of a laptop, then it is possible to ban on the use of the drive activated in bIOS settings. In this case, disconnect this option.

The prohibition can be exposed to PC, but such cases are extremely rare.

If you have questions about "Windows 10 does not see the CD / DVD drive, what to do? "You can ask them in the comments.

Greetings to you, dear readers.

Some users of computers are encountered with a problem when the drive does not see windows discs 10. If you observe similar "symptoms" on your device, you should not immediately run to the store for a new reader. Such a disease may appear as a result of various reasons. There is a lot of ways to "return to life" an element. In the article Next, I will tell you how to do it.

The first, where to begin - determine the nature of the ailment. Check, the problem appears only when reading some discs or all. So, if it performs its functions selectively, most likely the drive is faulty. If the situation is repeated with all - a program failure.

How to fix at the level of software?( )

What to do when you suddenly stopped reading discs? Remember that it was recently installed on the equipment. It could be games or programs. Often, the problem is virtual managers, such as Alcohol 120, Daemon Tools. and the like. In addition, such "symptoms" appear as a result of placement on a laptop or stationary computer for data recording - Nero.

To solve the problem, it is worth simply removing the software installed before. If it does not help, use the system restore tool. I have repeatedly told about it earlier.

If the disease disappeared, we try to install other versions of solutions that will not interfere with the actuator operation. And in general, it is better to remove everything unused by device. It has many positive sides.

Driver( )

In addition, sometimes problems appear as a result of the failure of the drivers. The decision is as follows:

If the DVD drive continues to refuse to perform its functions, we do additional movements:

If it did not help, make a few more steps:

    Open the tree " IDE ATA ..." We are looking for a controller to which the drive is connected. For this, each channel is discovered alternately and check " A type».

    We find the option " Enable DMA"And we celebrate it. If she was there - removing. Restart, and then return it back.

Hardware failure( )

Why may not work the drive at the hardware level? Many options. The first thing to be done is to change the connections and power plug.
In addition, you can take advantage of a special cleaning disk. It provides microbins that make the head of the laser. But before that, make sure that they are flexible.

Well, the worst option is of course the complete failure of the component we need. Solution - buying a new one.

Read how to fix outdoor hard disk that is not recognized windows. Causes and ways to solve the problem of non-recognition of the disk. In this manual, we will try to describe the problem of not recognizing the external disk in operating system "Windows 10" and imagine possible methods Her elimination.


External hard disk and user data?

Personal computers play a big role in everyday life each person. They are used by us for work and entertainment, communicating with friends and communications. In addition to personal computers, others have been developed. computer devices, complement and expanding applications computer technology for each. They greatly simplify any production process, allow you to create, manage, edit and share any projects, documents, tables, presentations, etc. Also computers allow you to receive and send correspondence by email; process, view or listen to a variety of images, video streams or music; Download, download or share any information via the network; receive fresh news and communicate with friends in social networks and much more.

A huge amount of information is constantly stored on personal computers and we are used constantly if necessary. Various storage devices are used to save data: hard drives and solid-state drives, external discs, memory cards, etc. Additionally, computers can store their information remotely on the Internet on various cloud storage, download, upload and share it at anytime. Also for the exchange you can use various online services and applications.

However, no matter how such methods for storing and sharing information were available, users continue to use external discs and drives. Thanks to them, the user always has the information you need and can take advantage of it at any time.

External discs - "USB drives" or external hard Disks are very comfortable and fairly easy to use. But, as often happens, at a certain point, unforeseen can occur. In some cases, you can connect your disc to personal computer with operating system "Windows" or another device using "USB port" and discover that hDD Not recognized. This problem may be caused by partition problems on your external disk, incorrect file system spoiled ports "USB", problems with drivers in "Windows" Or other options for troubleshooting. In the worst case, the disc itself can simply be finally spoiled.

The following steps described will be the same for both flash drives. "USB" and big outdoor hard disksthat work in the same way.

Additionally, you can view our video: "Windows 10, 8, 7 does not see the hard drive or SSD - how to connect!" . It will help you if after reinstalling "Windows" One of the sections hard disk Covered V. "Explorer"or the new hard drive installed in your computer is also not displayed, although it is visible in the settings "BIOS".

Is the disk in the application displays?

First, you need to check if the operating system detects "Windows" Your disk when it is connected. Connect yours removable drive to a computer. If it is an external hard drive, you may need to translate the power switch on the hard disk to position. "On"to activate it. Some heavy duty removable hard drives may even have to be connected using a separate power cable before they work.

Then open the disk management tool presented in standard set Applications of the operating system "Windows". This tool Allows you to exercise complete control All discs and sections located on your computer, internal and external connected in currently. can open different waysBut we will show you only some of them. Choose any method at your discretion for further use.

Fashion first: Click together the key combination "Windows + R" and open the dialog box "Run". In the query field "Open" Enter the command "Diskmgmt.msc"then click "OK" or key "Enter" on keyboard. The application will be open.

Method of the second: On the desktop, locate the file guide label "This computer" And right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select the section from the list of available action. "Control".

An application will open, which presents all the main controls and configuration of computer parameters. In the left pane of the window, select the section located at the following address: - -.

Method Third "Start"Located on "Task panels" in the lower left corner of the desktop, or click together the key combination "Windows + X"And open the pop-up menu. In the list available applications Choose a section .

You must see your external disk in the window. And even if it is not displayed in the conductor of the files of your computer, because it does not contain any partitions, it should be displayed here.

If you see here your disc, then you can immediately go to the last partition of our manual in which we will show how to format it correctly to the operating system "Windows" Or other devices could access it and recognize it.

If your disk is not displayed in the application, then go to the next section of the manual, where we will try to determine the reason why your disk is not recognized.

Possible causes and ways to solve the problem of disk recognition

If system "Windows" Does not see your disk at all, it may have a problem with hardware "USB port" Your computer, the problem with the driver or you can have just spoiled disk.

First disconnect the disk from "USB port" and try to connect it to another "USB port" Your computer. If it works in one "USB port"but not working in another, then probably your "USB port" Spoiled. If you connected the drive through "USB hub" (A device that allows you to increase the number "USB ports" And it provides the possibility of their simultaneous use), then try connecting the drive to the computer directly. Some "USB- hubs" may not provide sufficient power to work the external drive.

If the disk is not displayed in the window even after you removed "USB- hub" and connected the disk to another "USB port" On your computer, it is difficult to accurately determine whether your drive is bad or perhaps the computer itself is experiencing certain problems. If you have another computer nearby, try to connect the disk there to check whether it will be discovered there. If the disc does not work on any computer to which you connect it, it is probably completely spoiled and it will be necessary to replace it.

If the disk is determined and works on other computers, it is highly likely that in the operating system "Windows" There are problems with drivers for your disk. You can check this using an application that can be opened in various ways. The list of ways to access the application is large enough, but we will only describe three of them.

Fashion first: Right-click on the button "Start"Located on "Task panels" Or press together a combination of keys "Windows + X" And open the pop-up menu. Select the section from the list of available applications.

Method of the second: Open the dialog box "Run", for example, by clicking together a combination of keys "Windows + R". In the query field "Open" Enter the command "Devmgmt.msc" and press the key "Enter" or button "OK".

Method Third: Open the application window by the method described by us earlier in this manual. In the left pane of the window, go to the following address: "Computer Management (LAN)""Service Programs" – .

Find section "Disk devices" and check the presence of any device with yellow exclamation familiarLocated next to him. This marking of the disk device means that in the operating system "Windows" There have been certain problems with the driver of this device. Right-click the device with a yellow exclamation mark, select the section "Properties" And check the error message. This message can help you troubleshoot the problem - you can search for solutions for specified error On the Internet, and troubleshoot.

However, not all problems are easy to eliminate, and they can be quite complicated for correction. If the problem has recently occurred, you may want to run the system recovery process in the initial stateusing internal operating system tools "Windows". Or in the problem disk properties window, go to the tab. "Driver". Then you can use the button. "Update Driver" To install a new updated driver version for your device. Or use button "Roll back"To cancel any changes and return the previous driver. Or use the button "Delete device"to remove it from your system, and give the operating system "Windows" Alone reinstall the driver, and correctly configure it when you re-connect the drive.

Do not forget to click "OK" or key "Enter" on the keyboard to save the changes made.

Marking and disk formatting

you can use standard application "Windows" To correct the problems of the partition and the file system of the drive. If you see that the selected disk is not divided into sections and marked with a mark "Not distributed"You will have to create a new section on it. This will allow devices based on "Windows" Or other operating systems, use it.

Use any way described above and open the application. Then right-click within the unallocated space of the connected device and select "Create a simple volume".

Will be launched "Wizard of creating simple volumes"in which you will be offered assistance to create a volume of a disk. Press the button "Further" to continue.

Then select the volume size within the minimum and maximum values. Usually, the wizard establishes the default simple volume size, based on the characteristics of your disk. Press the button "Further" To go to the next page of the assistant.

Assign the letter for the disk and click "Further".

Select whether you want to format this volume and which formatting parameters need to be used, or not format it by setting the mark in the corresponding cell. By default, you will be prompted to format the volume, only you need to select which file system you will use. Press the button "Further" And go to the last page.

Here in the main window you will see all your selected options, click "Ready" And complete the process of creating a simple volume. If you want to change anything, use the button. "Back" To go to the desired page "Wizard creating a simple volume" and making the required changes.

If your disk is divided into partitions, but you still do not see it in the Wire Explorer, then make sure you have assigned it a drive letter to access it in the operating system "Windows". As we described above, it happens automatically, but if you manually canceled the drive letter, the disk may not be displayed and not available in the system "Windows".

To assign the letter to the disk, right-click the Removable Drive section, select "Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk ...".

Press the button "Add"And then assign a new drive letter by selecting your option or using the default option. For example, assign the drive letter "D" And it will be reflected in the conductor of files under the specified letter. Then press the buttons "OK" To save changes.

In some cases, the disk can be divided into partitions, however may have an incorrect file system. For example, you can format disk under the file system "EXT4" of "Linux" or file system "HFS Plus" of "Mac". Operating system "Windows" Cannot read such file systems. So reformat the disk to a newer file system "NTFS" or more old version File System "FAT32"to "Windows" She was able to recognize it.

To reformat the section, right-click on it, select section "Format…" And specify the desired file system.

Please note that the formatting process will erase all files on your disk. Therefore, if you want to save all important files, connect the disk to that file Systemwhere you have been formatting a disk before (for example, if you formatted a disk on a computer with "Linux" or "Mac", Connect it to a computer with the appropriate control), and copy your important files before continuing.

If you cannot access the disk from another device, for example, "DVD player", "SMART" television game console or media center, then perhaps the disk is formatted under the file system "NTFS". Many devices, even their own "XBOX 360" from the corporation "Microsoft"can not read "NTFS" from "Windows". They can only access disks formatted in the old file system. "FAT32". To resolve this problem, simply reformat the section "NTFS" re-in the system "FAT32". Now the disk will be recognized when connected to such devices.

Please note that this process will delete files on your external disk. Therefore, if necessary, copy files from the disk to another device.

Press the button "OK" or key "Enter" To start the reformatting process.

Following these actions, you can solve most of the problems with the recognition of the disks with which you may encounter. If the disc is not recognized by any computer to which it is connected, and never appears in the application window, then it may be finally spoiled, and you just need to replace it.

Have you ever had any actions designed to correct disk recognition problems? Tell us about it or leave your comments under the article, what methods you have helped you.

Network environment - the basis of construction computer network, Whether it is in the office or at home. Very often and there are already several computers in the apartments, some of them can be workers, other game. But at the same time everyone has access to the Internet. And therefore connected together to the Internet gateway wired or wireless way. For a long time they can work normally without the need to create a local network. So far, for example, you will not need to print a document on the printer that is connected to a neighboring computer.

And here it turns out that the computer does not see the network. There may be many obvious and hidden problems. But the problems that can meet when working with Windows 10 are not quite ordinary. And the decision on them is not entirely common on the Internet.

The most common reasons that are similar to work in other versions of Windows

Of course, the overall standard for building networks is one not only for Windows-based computers, but also other operating networks. Therefore, some errors are not specific for Windows 10, but simply apply to all versions of this operating system. And they need to decide exactly as in any other. Therefore, it is not worth them in this article to sharpen serious attention, the reasons because of which the computer may not see:

Possible problems with Windows 10

However, with all the absence of a computer in the network, new ones appeared in the network in the new operating system. And they should be considered. Before making changes in the system, we recommend making a recovery point.

Cause №1. There is no user with a password installed

Security Policies in Windows 10 by default require the login on the network using the password. Even if there is a user on the computer, but at the same time it does not have a password, in the network it will not work. Often, home computers do not install passwords, especially if you do not need to work in cloud onedrive And configure synchronization.

In this case, you can try to configure security policies. As another option, include the guest "Guest", but it is best to create a user with a password. Set the already existing password new at least reliable passwordTo do this, you need to right-click on the "Computer" icon -\u003e Control -\u003e Local Users -\u003e Users

In the event that you do not want to enter each time a password for logging in, where the choice of two users will appear, it can always be turned off.

Cause # 2. Does not see the computer on the network from another running Windows XP

The latest latest builds of Windows 10 will not be determined on the network if an attempt is attempting to enter them when using the old OS. For example - Windows XP or below (Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000).

It happens in mind that the OS is working by default on different protocols. Windowx XP older than a dozen years old. And the basis network work It was laid SMBV1. It is already disabled by default in the last line of Microsoft OS. It is disabled for security reasons. In this case, you can turn it on.
This requires:

It should be remembered that when the component is connected or disconnected, it will be necessary to reboot. Otherwise, no changes will occur. And everything will remain in their places.

Cause number 3. The "Publication of Function Detection Resources" service is disabled

Windows 10 acquired a large set of new features. In particular - for greater security of the computer and user data. On some versions, part of the services can simply be disabled. This is especially characteristic of home or one user versions of the OS. Therefore, it should be enabled to provide access.
In particular, a very important service - FUNCTION DISCOVERY RESOURCE PUBLICATION (publishing function detection resources).

However, due to this service, it is not always possible to work. And to seek to solve the problem, it is almost a little later, when all other options have exhausted themselves.

Cause №4. For the installed network connection, the file sharing component is not marked.

In this case, the connection itself will refuse to provide access. Typically, the access to the connection is turned on automatically. However, antiviruses or windows Defender Can turn off this component. Again, for safety reasons for the reason that the antivirus itself is known)

Fix or check it easy:

  1. You must select at the bottom of the clock connection, click the left mouse button.
  2. Select "Network and Internet"
  3. On the left to select Ethernet (or if WiFi connection, then WiFFI - you need to check what access is available)
  4. Adapter settings settings
  5. Double-click Mouse open connection
  6. Select Properties
  7. Find in the components component "Common access to files and printers for Microsoft Networks".
    Check that the component is enabled. If not, then turn on, then click OK. And close all windows. After that, it is recommended to restart the computer.

Why Windows 7 does not see computers online we considered