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Checkout the content in the open office. Presentation of abstracts by means of OpenOffice

OpenOffice - full-fledged text editor... Like many other popular text editors, OpenOffice easily copes with the task of automatically creating a table of contents in a document. There is no need to do it manually. Call the "Styles and Formatting" command from the "Format" menu. Place the text cursor on the desired paragraph, and select the Heading paragraph style in the Styles and Formatting window. When all the headings in the text have been processed in this way, how to create a table of contents in OpenOffice? Place the text cursor where the table of contents will be located, select in top menu the command Insert => Table of Contents and Indexes => Table of Contents and Indexes. Set the parameters and press "OK".

Alas, in PowerPoint 2007, the ability to automatically create a table of contents is disabled; here you have to create a table of contents manually. PowerPoint 2003 has a Final Slide button on the Outline toolbar. Knowing how to make a table of contents in PowerPoint 2003 is essential to speed up your work. You can display the "Structure" toolbar on the screen like this View => Toolbars => Structure (check the box). Then all the slides of the document are selected and the button "Final Slide" is pressed. The final table of contents slide appears as the first slide in your presentation. The table of contents text can be corrected manually.

When completing assignments at the end of the semester, students often wonder how to arrange a table of contents in term paper... It is necessary to carefully read the requirements for the design of the work in the manual, use the automatic possibilities for creating tables of contents provided by text editors. This will significantly speed up the work and help to avoid errors in the text and page numbering of the table of contents. During the work, the document is usually edited, and may change. page numbers where the headers are located. In this case, how do I re-number the table of contents? In MS Word (OpenOffice), right-click on the table of contents and select "Update Field" ("Update Table of Contents / Index).

The table of contents will be automatically updated according to the changes that have been made to the document. In the final version of the document, you can type the table of contents, set the line spacing. How do I align in OpenOffice? How to align the table of contents in Word? This question will not arise when automatic creation of the table of contents. The automatic table of contents has a standard look and usually does not need alignment. If nevertheless there is such a need, this is done using the standard alignment buttons from the "Formatting" toolbar or in the "Paragraph" window. In OpenOffice, "Manual Change Protection" must be removed.

Sections: Computer science

Lesson type: combined.

Purpose: creating a table of contents for the finished text - poems by A.S. Pushkin using the main menu and previously learned paragraph and character formatting skills.

  • repeat the main functions, the purpose of the text editor, techniques for editing and formatting a document,
  • execute practical work"Creating a table of contents in a text document",
  • evaluate the work received from the point of view of the technology for creating a table of contents in a text document, as well as from the point of view of usability in writing an abstract.

Hardware, software and visibility:

  • computers of students, teachers, the local network, projector, interactive whiteboard, whiteboard, chalk board,
  • Windows (operating system), OpenOffice. Org Writer (text editor), Netop School (classroom management program), moodle (distance learning system),
  • a document containing additional material on text editors (Appendix 1),
  • a document containing poems by A.S. Pushkin (Appendix 2),
  • algorithm for creating a table of contents with hyperlinks (Appendix 3).

Lesson plan.

  1. Organizational moment, goal setting (1-2 min.)
  2. Knowledge update. (2 minutes.)
  3. Presentation of new material (10 min.)
  4. Practical work (20 min.)
  5. Expert examination of works (5-7 min.)
  6. Summarizing. (1-2 min.)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Greetings, checking those present. Explanation of the course of the lesson.

II. Knowledge update.

In this lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the types of free software and its functions on the distance learning site.

For processing text information the computer uses text editors that allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents.

The simplest text editors (for example, the standard Notepad application) allow you to edit text, as well as perform the simplest formatting.

More advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. orgWriter), which are called word processors, have a wider range of document creation capabilities (insert pictures and tables, spell checkers, save edits, etc.).

To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers in the process of prototyping the publication, powerful word processing programs are used - desktop publishing systems (for example, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Office Publisher).

Specialized applications (such as Microsoft FrontPage) are used to prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet. (Annex 1)

Testing knowledge of the previous topic.

Frontal poll:

  1. What is a text editor?
  2. List the main functions, the purpose of the text editor.
  3. How do I start a text editor?
  4. What is text editing?
  5. What is text formatting?
  6. What is a symbol?
  7. What is a paragraph?
  8. How to highlight a word?
  9. How to highlight a paragraph?

III. Presentation of new material

Guys, we remembered that formatting a document is changing it appearance... Any word processor provides document formatting at five different levels:

  • at the character level (changing the typeface, style, changing the point size (size) and color of the font, background, animation),
  • at the paragraph level (align left, right, center and width; right and left indents; first line indent; before and after paragraph indents; line spacing),
  • at the page level (page settings, page size, page orientation, border, headers and footers, pagination),
  • at the section level (formation of sections from the next page or on the current page, breaking the text into columns),
  • at the document level (page numbers, table of contents).

When creating a new document based on a template Normal, it gets a copy of the styleset from the baseset styles general purpose (from inline styles): Regular, Headings 1, 2, 3... (Demonstrated on Whiteboard - Document Styles)

Assigning standard editor styles to paragraphs in a document is quick.

<Рисунок 1>

change the appearance of the created document by applying styles from the style library. Inline Styles Provide Heading Formatting different levels and allow you to view the hierarchical structure of the document in the mode structure as well as quickly build a table of contents.

Many users type a table of contents by hand, unaware that a word processor is capable of creating it automatically. You just need to designate the headings in the document using styles.

Let's start by highlighting the headings. Place the cursor on the line you want to make the heading and select the Heading 1 style from the drop-down list on the toolbar. In our work, the first level heading is the author of the poems.

For nested subheadings, use the style Heading 2, Heading 3, and so on. For example, the title of poems can be indicated with the style "Heading 2".

How to automatically create a table of contents text document? When you enter text, add specific styles to all headings. And carefully follow the hierarchy of heading styles in the document structure. Independent titles (in any other not nested, for example: Introduction, Chapter 1, ... Conclusion, References) are headings of the first level - "Heading 1" nested in them - second level headings - "Heading 2" etc.

To determine the level of the heading in the hierarchy of the document structure, you can use a simple rule: if the headings in your document were numbered, then the headings of the first level are those that would be numbered with one digit (1, 2, 3), the second - those that would be numbered with two digits (1.1,1.2,1.3), the third - three (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3), etc.

Let's work on the following algorithm: (the algorithm is in the distance learning system at the address -http: // in the 11th grade section.

<Рисунок 2>

Using tables of contents and indexes

Let's consider an example of creating an information system using the OpenOffice word processor. It is required to create a table of contents for the poems of A.S. Pushkin. (Appendix 2)

1. Save a text document for the editor OpenOffice.Writer in file Text data structures 1 in a personal folder and open it .
File for OpenOffice.Writer (hyperlink to file located on distance learning site)

2. String Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we form it as a heading of the first level.

  • highlight line
  • execute command style -> heading 1

3. We form the titles of the poems as second level headings .

<Рисунок 3>

4. We number the pages:

  • Insert - > Footer
  • Insert - > Fields - > Page number

5. Create a table of contents:

  • position the cursor where the table of contents will be located (the very beginning of the document)
  • Insert> Table of Contents and Indexes> Table of Contents and Indexes

<Рисунок 4>

  • Uncheck "Protected against manual changes"

6. Open the window for editing the table of contents (via context menu or execute the commands: Insert -> Table of Contents and Indexes -> Table of Contents and Indexes).

<Рисунок 5>

7. On the tab The elements edit the table of contents windows (Fig. 6):

1) heading level for hyperlinks;

2) put the cursor in front of Element;

<Рисунок 6>

4) put the cursor after Element(fig. 7);

<Рисунок 7>

6) Button Element should be between buttons GB(hyperlink start) and GK(hyperlink end) - OK

7) Repeat these steps for level 2(fig. 8).

<Рисунок 8>

<Рисунок 9>

Final work

Actions are demonstrated on an interactive whiteboard in real time and are commented by the teacher.

IV. Practical work

Pupils pass for workplaces in front of computers. They enter the distance learning site in the 11th grade section and carry out practical work according to the algorithm (it was considered above in Appendix 3) given in the system.

<Рисунок 10>

The resulting work is saved in the distance learning system under the proposed name for verification by the teacher.

<Рисунок 11>

5. Examination of works

As the work is received in the distance learning section, the teacher looks at the work, if the work is done correctly, a mark is set, if the teacher thinks that the work needs to be completed, he writes a comment on the work. The student sees the mark or comment and decides whether to publish the mark or finish the work.

6. Summing up.

Reflection with students on the topic of creating a table of contents with hyperlinks and a way to use this skill in the design of abstracts and articles on other subjects.

The content (or table of contents) is an integral part of any large text document OpenOffice Writer or MS Word. The larger the document, the harder it is to find the necessary information in it, because it is not always necessary to read the entire content, but you just need to find the necessary part of the text. For this, the content is used, which is built on the basis of the headings and subheadings of the text. It allows you to find out the page of the desired section, and if you also make the content items in OpenOffice hyperlinks, then when you click on the item, the document will automatically go to it. In this text, we will just look at how to create a table of contents in OpenOffice and configure it correctly.

Step 1 - creating titles and subheadings

There are several ways to create titles and subheadings in OpenOffice Writer.

The simplest and quick option using the key combination Ctrl + "heading level number". For example, the first level heading is Ctrl + 1, the second level heading is Ctrl + 2, and so on (OpenOffice Writer allows you to create 10 levels). Just place the cursor on the line of text that you want to make a heading and press the key combination with the desired number. In this way, you need to format the entire document so that it has a clear structure with different heading levels. The more carefully you create the structure, the easier it will be to navigate the document and the more detailed the table of contents will be in OpenOffice.

You will learn that the required line has become a heading by the changed styles - the font will change (it will increase), the text will become more noticeable.

Headings can also be set using the Open Office interface. You need to go to the menu item "Formats - styles" and in the window that appears, select the heading level.

1 2

Choose the method that is clearer and easier to execute for you. But we recommend that you study the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + No..

Step 2 - creating a table of contents in OpenOffice

When the structure of the document is done and all the headings with subheadings are set, you can make the content in the Open Office. To do this, click on the menu item "Insert", then "Table of Contents and Indexes" and again "Table of Contents and Indexes".

In the window that appears, on the "View" tab, set the title of the table of contents (for example, table of contents, table of contents, etc.), indicate "Protected against manual changes" so that the items cannot be renamed, and determine the display area of ​​the table of contents.

The "Elements" tab is very interesting, because it is on this tab that you can make items in the table of contents hyperlinks. This is necessary so that when you click on a link with a clamped with the Ctrl key OpenOffice immediately redirected you to the correct part of the document.

To make all content items in OpenOffice hyperlinks, you need to select "Hyperlink" in the area before E #, and repeat in the same way in the area after E. Then click on "All levels".

E # denotes chapters, and E - a place in the text corresponding to an item in the table of contents.

To test the work of hyperlinks, hold down the Ctrl key and click on any item in the content. You should be in the right place in the OpenOffice Writer document.

With the help of the other tabs for setting the table of contents "styles, columns, background", you can customize the output of the table of contents in OpenOffice to your liking. You can see the changes in real time how the content will look if the "Preview" checkbox is checked in the lower left corner of the window.

Video instruction


We hope that it became clear to you how to create the content in OpenOffice and that the implementation of the table of contents was not difficult for you, because it is really very easy. Always use this function, do not be lazy, and the readers of your books, or something else, will always be grateful to you. To find out others useful features on working with OpenOffice, take a look at the "Instructions" section of our website.

I have previously published a similar material. I have now revised and expanded it to include it in the upcoming style guide.

The article discusses the creation and configuration of automatic table of contents, nominal, alphabetical and other indexes. These functions are somehow based on styles, which serves good example their practical application.

Automatic table of contents

An automatic table of contents is created based on styles that have outline levels other than " Main text". The table of contents is automatically generated in the form of cross-references, which allows you to quickly navigate to the desired section. This structure will also be preserved when importing to PDF and allows you to use the "Contents" function in PDF viewers.

Customizing headers

An automatic table of contents is generated based on heading styles. A heading style is essentially a paragraph style, with one difference. Heading styles have outline levels from 1 to 10. Outline levels allow you to customize complex table of contents, such as indenting chapters and subchapters of varying depths.

Table of Contents / Index Customization

The dialog for customizing the table of contents and indexes contains several tabs that allow you to customize the index type, structure and appearance. The setting is fine enough to give the table of contents any look you want. An example of how you can customize a table of contents is the book "Gimp for a Photographer: Effective Processing Techniques", a one-column layout of which was carried out in LibreOffice.

The " View»Is responsible for the formation of the table of contents (index). In field " Heading»The name is entered. In the list " Type of"The type of pointer is selected, in our case it is" Table of contents», Other types will be discussed later.

Marker " Protected against manual changes»Prohibits changing the table of contents from the document without using the dialog for setting the table of contents and indexes. I recommend that you always set this marker and make all changes only through the dialogue and through the styles.

Chapter " Create pointer»Allows you to create indexes for an entire document or a single chapter. There you can also select the outline levels to be included in the index, for example, you can include only the first level headings in the table of contents.

Chapter " Use»Allows you to define on the basis of what the pointer will be formed. For example, the marker “ Structure"Means that headings will be used to form the table of contents. For most cases, activation of this marker is sufficient. But you can refuse this method of formation and set “ Additional Styles", Which will be included in the table of contents, to do this, activate the marker" Additional Styles»And press the button with three dots. The " Assign Styles"(Figure 4). Select the style to be included in the table of contents and level it using the buttons below the list. Any style can be selected here, even the one with the "Body" outline level. The assignment of the level in this dialog does not affect the original style in any way and in fact it will have the level " Main text».

Marker " Pointer»Has nothing to do with the table of contents and belongs to different types pointers, which will be discussed later.

Table of Contents / Index Design

The rest of the tabs in the table of contents and index settings dialog are used for direct design.

Tab “ The elements»Allows you to customize the table of contents / index items. There are the following types of elements: ГН, ГК, Э #, Э, Т, №. All elements are buttons. When you click on them, the settings for each of the elements become available. Also, all buttons can be removed / added and arranged in a different order. For example, to delete a button, select it and press the " Delete" on keyboard.

The buttons "ГН" and "ГК" represent the beginning and the end of the hyperlink and are usually located at the beginning and end of the element structure. This makes the table of contents / pointers clickable.

Button "E #" - adds a "chapter number". Includes a heading number not only for chapters, but also for other heading levels. The "E" button is the text of the element.

Button "T" - tabulation step, allows you to adjust the distance and parameters of the placeholder between the title and the page number. Using the drop-down list when you right-click on the field " Aggregate»You can select any character to fill.

Button "№" - adds a page number. All elements have a design, which is set on the tab “ Styles". If necessary, you can assign your own design style to any of the elements by selecting it from the drop-down list “ Character style"(It is the character styles that are assigned here, and on the" Styles"- paragraphs).

White boxes between items allow you to add additional characters, such as spaces, between numbers.

For each level of headings, you can customize a set of elements, which allows you to achieve any design of the table of contents / index (Figure 8).

On the tab “ Styles»Each level of the table of contents / element can be assigned its own style, which will set the parameters for color, typeface, point size, indents, etc.

In the list " Levels"Select a level, in the" Paragraph Styles "list, select a style to assign. Use the arrow button in the center between the lists to style the level you want. If necessary, you can open the style parameters editor window by clicking on the " Edit».

In the example in Figure 8, the padding and formatting for different levels were specified in the styles. At the same time, additional character styles were applied for numbering and tabulation in the second level headings (Figure 7). Thus, in the lines with second-level headings, as many as three styles are used.

On the tab “ Loudspeakers»You can set the appearance of the table of contents / indexes in the form of columns. In this case, you can select and adjust the number and width of columns (Figure 10).

Change the table of contents / index

To make changes to the appearance and customization of a table of contents or index, you must right-click on it and select “ Edit table of contents / index". You can also make changes to the design by setting the styles used to design the table of contents / index.

Updating the table of contents / index

When making changes to the structure of the document, i.e. adding new chapters or index elements, it is necessary to update the table of contents / index. To do this, right-click on the table of contents / index and select " Refresh table of contents / index". Also the table of contents / index is updated when using the function “ Service → Refresh».

Deleting a table of contents

To remove a table of contents / index, right-click on it and select " Delete table of contents / index».
Author: Bruce Byfield
Published Date: October 1, 2009
Translation: M. Ulyanov
Date of transfer: October 7, 2009

Like other word processors, Writer lets you automatically create tables of contents — quickly and easily. Unfortunately, the default settings leave a lot to be desired, and using them will make the work process more complicated than better.

Luckily, Writer is flexible enough to allow us to create really useful and beautifully designed TOCs - just do a few simple steps on setting.

However, before continuing reading, I highly recommend that you read the article Off-the-Wall: ToCs, Indexes and Bibliographies in OOo Writer, which covers the basics of creating tables of contents. The basic procedure is simple: first, you need to create labels for use in the table of contents, which is done through Insert -> Table of Contents and Indexes -> Element -> Table of Contents; secondly, you need to create the actual table of contents, as follows: Insert -> Table of Contents and Indexes -> Table of Contents and Indexes. Now you can just press the OK button to create a table of contents, but you can also modify it to your liking - so reading the above article will help refresh your memory of the nuances of creating tables of contents before we proceed directly to our Steps.

Using the structure

Instead of adding labels individually each time, it is better to create the document from the beginning using Heading styles to delimit parts of the document, and then select Use -> Outline when creating the table of contents. This will not only save time, but also help readers to quickly find the exact place they need following the link in the table of contents.

Renumbering the outline to use different styles

Typically, TOCs in Writer use the styles of the Heading family, with only levels one through ten. If you need to add styles like Heading, Subheading or Chapter to the table of contents automatically, then select Tools -> Outline Numbering and a corresponding window will open where you can change the styles for any level of the heading - we will usually be interested in the first and second levels of headings.

We limit ourselves to three levels of headings

Old technical documents often had half a dozen heading levels or more. This number is a real nightmare for a document developer, because there are only a few ways to distinguish between headings - mainly font type, font size (point size), and indentation - and using all possible combinations just leads to chaos.

And more importantly, in such cases it is almost impossible to keep track of where you are in the document.

Three levels of headings - this may seem like a random choice, but usually it is really enough to organize a document while maintaining both practical usability and aesthetically pleasing design. And this Total three levels, for the entire document — including any heading, subheading, or chapter that would appear in the table of contents. If it seems that in this specific case need more headings - ask yourself, is it possible to rearrange the document in such a way that fewer headings are required? In the vast majority of cases, it will turn out that you can.

Manual change protection

In the window for creating a table of contents, on the very first tab (View), there is an option Protected from manual changes. This parameter should always be enabled. The user will then be forced to use styles and other automation features built into Writer. At first, for a user who is not accustomed to the constant use of styles, this may seem unpleasant and unnecessary, but soon it becomes clear that this helps to organize the work and make it easier. Also, if you change the table of contents manually, those changes will be lost every time you update the fields in the document and cancel those updates if necessary. Instead of manual change individual elements It is better to change the table of contents styles (see below for more details).

Avoiding dots

Dots are repeating characters (usually dots) that separate table of contents items and page numbers to the right. For some reason, outlines have become the standard in word processor tables of contents, even though typography professionals tend to avoid them. As Robert Bringhurst writes in the book Style basics in typography, "Dots (lines of dots leading the eye from one word or number to another) are rarely useful in tables." This is both ugly and ineffective.

The abbreviations became such a necessity because the page number tabs are right-aligned by default, which means that all page numbers are at the right edge of the document. This is almost always so far away from the corresponding elements of the table of contents that it becomes difficult to see which number refers to which element, especially in a congested table of contents.

The easiest way to get rid of the need for dots is to change the tabs settings. In the window for creating a table of contents, go to the Elements tab and select the first level. Now look for the "Tab Step" block in the element structure line and set a space as a placeholder (you may not see it right away - it is at the very top of the drop-down list). Then uncheck the "Right Align" option and set your own tab stop - two or three centimeters are enough - and click the "All Levels" button to apply the changes to all heading levels. Now, when creating a table of contents, page numbers will be close to the elements and no traces are required.

There is also another way. If the result seemed not very pretty (like me, for example), you can make it so that the page number comes first in the element. To do this, put the "Page number" block in front of the "Tab" and "Element" blocks and press the "All levels" button. The result is not only pleasing to the eye, but also puts the most important information table of contents - page number - in first place.

Avoiding unnecessary embellishment

Lack of unnecessary formatting elements - important nuance in professional design. How should you avoid dots, because you can do without them, just as you need to avoid any other formatting that does not carry any useful functions for the reader. Therefore, I recommend not using the Columns and Backgrounds tabs for tables of contents at all.

Using multiple columns in a table of contents will rarely make it more readable - especially if the page number is on the right - because they [columns] can split a long table of contents element into two lines and thus slow down reading. Sometimes it's impossible not to use columns if you want the table of contents to take up as little space as possible, but even then using more than two columns will look inappropriate - unless you reduce the font size.

The same goes for the unusual color background: it will only draw unnecessary attention to itself, and at the same time it will not increase the readability of the table of contents in the least. We don't need this, so we can forget about this function.

Editing table of contents styles

Table of contents items use the Table of Contents style set. If you open the Styles and Formatting window ( Format -> Styles, or F11 - translator's note) and select the view By hierarchy, then we will see that these styles come from the Index style, which, in turn, from the Basic style. In other words, by default the table of contents will look virtually the same as the entire document.

There is nothing wrong with this similarity. In the end, general formatting shows that the two pieces of text are related. However, some formatting changes, such as changing the font size, can be useful from a practical point of view. As well as the degree of weight of the font, or even a different type of font, will help at first glance to determine that this is a table of contents.

For such purposes, you should change the styles of the table of contents used in each case. These styles will appear in the Styles and Formatting box after you first create the table of contents. Editing these styles will be faster than manual edits, and no changes will be lost on updates.


Using the default Writer settings to create tables of contents can lead to the risk of sounding illiterate about design. Editing these settings will take some time, but the result is a nicely designed and more user-friendly document.

Of course, no one wants to do the same job over and over again. Therefore, it is worth making the necessary changes to the structure of the table of contents in your base template - the one on the basis of which all other templates are created. Thus, it will be enough to edit the settings once - and never touch them again.