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The client terminal can be installed and used on computers with the Mac OS operating system using Wine. Wine is a free software that allows UNIX-like users to run applications developed for use in microsoft systems Windows. Among others, there is also a version of Wine for Mac OS.

To install on Mac OS, we recommend using the freely disseminated development of PlayonMac. PlayonMac is a Wine-based software that allows you to easily install Windows applications in the Mac OS system.

To install PlayonMac, open the official site of the product, go to downloads section and click the download link.

After the installation DMG package is downloaded, run it from the downloads section of your system:

After that, the PLAYONMAc startup window will appear. After pressing the "Next" button, the installer will start checking and installing various components required for operation.

The first of the components you need is Xquartz. it software To use the X Window System window in Mac OS. The X Window System provides standard tools and protocols to build a graphical user interface in UNIX-like OS.

If you have already installed Xquartz or you want to install it later, select "DON" T Install Xquartz for the Moment "or" I "Ve Downloaded File by MySelf" respectively.

Installing Xquartz occurs in several stages. In the first stages need to read important information (READ ME) and agree with the terms of the license.

Before installation, the Mac OS security system will need to specify a password to your account:

Wait until the installation is completed. To change the changes, you must restart the computer.

After rebooting the system, start the PlayonMac from the installation file in the Downloads folder. You will again welcome the first launch window. This time the installer suggests installing MS Windows fonts, also necessary for correct operation.

Agree with the terms of the license agreement and wait for the installation. After that, PlayonMac is ready to use, you will see its main window:

Wine update

Together with PlayonMac, the Wine version 1.4 is installed. Currently, the last stable version is Wine 1.4.1. Also, a beta version of Wine 1.5.21 is available for download, which contains a large number of improvements, but may be less stable. It is recommended to install Wine the latest version.

To update the Wine to the latest version, open the PLAYONMAC top menu and select Manage Wine Versions:

After that, the window will open with the versions of Wine. Choose the latest version (at the moment 1.5.21).

Move the latest version of Wine to the right side of the window. After that, the installation process will begin.

Upon completion of the installation a new version Wine will appear on the left side of the PlayonMac Wine Versions Manager window. After that, you can close this window and proceed with the installation of the trading terminal.

Installing the terminal

Download the "MT4Setup.exe" installer to install the terminal. Upon completion of the download, run installation file.. It will be automatically open using PlayonMac.

After that, the standard terminal installation process will be launched, go through all its stages:

When the PlayonMAc is completed, it will offer you to create shortcuts for the terminal components - the client terminal and the MetaEditor code editor:

After creating the necessary shortcuts, you can start working with the trading terminal. To run twice, click on it in the PlayonMac window.

Famous problems

As noted above, Wine is not a fully stable application. Accordingly, some terminal functions work incorrectly. At the moment, the following problems are identified:

  • Market does not function

With the exception of the above problem, you can fully use all the functions of the terminal in Mac OS.

Terminal data directory

For each installed PlayonMac program creates its own virtual logical disk with the necessary environment. On the disk the directory of the terminal data when installing by default is on the next way:

Library \\ PlayonMac \\ WinePrefix \\ Client_Terminal_ \\ DriveC \\ Program Files \\ Client Terminal

But the name was necessary to change on legal considerations, since it was too similar to the sound on the name of the company Mcintosh Laboratory, producing audio equipment. Steve Jobs requested permission about the free use of this name for Apple, but received a refusal, so Apple then had to buy the rights to use this name. Raskin got permission to launch the project and began to recruit new people in September 1979, he needed an engineer capable of making a full-fledged prototype. Bill Atkinson, who was in the team of another Apple project called Lisa (they developed a similar computer, but a higher level), introduced Raskin with Barrell Smith, equipment repair technician who came to the company a little earlier in the same 1979. For several years, Raskin collected a large team of developers who designed and created the original Macintosh machines and the original version of the Mac OS operating system for their computer. In addition to Raskin, Atkinson and Smith, the team included George Crow, Chris Espinos, Joanna Hoffman, Bruce Horn, Suzen Care, Andy Herzfeld, Guy Kawasaki, Daniel Cottke and Jerry Malo.

Smith created his first motherboard for Macintosh according to the specification of Raskin: it had 64 kilobytes of RAM, the Motorola 6809E processor and supported the output raster image On the monochrome display with a resolution of 256 × 256 pixels. Bud Tribble (Bad Tribble), another member of the MAC team, was interested in launching graphic programs from the Lisa platform on Macintosh, so asked Smith, whether it could be built into the MOTOROLA 68000 processor from Lisa to the MAC system, without increasing the cost. By December 1980, Smith managed to design a fee, which not only carried the processor 68000, but also maintained an increased clock frequency - from 5 to 8 MHz; This motherboard could also display an image to a monitor with a resolution of 384 × 256 pixels. The design of Smith contained fewer RAM chips than Lisa, which significantly reduced the cost. The final design of Mac was self-sufficient and had a full-fledged language to work with QuickDraw graphics and the interpreter only 64 kilobytes ROM - much more than most of the other computers of that time; The car contained 128 kilobytes of RAM in the form of sixteen chips of 64 kilobit, charged on the motherboard. Although there were no slots for extra memory on the board, it was possible to expand RAM to 512 kilobytes due to the decay of sixteen connections, where it was possible to install chips of RAM with a capacity of 256 kilobit instead of the factory chip in 64 kilobit. In the series, the car went with a built-in monochrome monitor with a diagonal of 9 inches and a resolution of 512 × 342 pixels - the monitor size turned out to be more planned.

The original Mac OS 1984 system suggested a radically new graphical user interface. Users communicated with the computer not through abstract text commands, but using a metaphorical desktop that contains icons of objects from real life already familiar to the user

The design of the car attracted the attention of Steve Jobs, co-founder Apple. Realizing that Macintosh has the best market prospects than Lisa, he began focusing his attention on this project. Raskin finally left the Macintosh project in 1981 due to the personal conflict with Jobs, and the participant of Andy Herzfeld project said that the final design of Macintosh was closer to the ideas of Jobs, than to Raskin's ideas. Hearing that a breakthrough technology is created in the center of Xerox PARC graphic interfacesJobs agreed to visit the center, in order to consider the Xerox Alto computer and its Smalltalk development tools, offering Options for the purchase of Apple shares in return. User interfaces Lisa and Macintosh were created under the influence of technologies seen in the center of the Xerox Parc and connected to their own ideas of the Macintosh project. To work on the Macintosh Series, Jobs also attracted industrial designer Hartmut Esslinger, which as a result led to the creation of a special Snow White design language (Snow White); Although this language appeared too late and did not get into the first Mac models, it was implemented in most Apple computers released in the middle and end of the 1980s.

In spite of everything, the leadership of Jobs in the Macintosh project did not last long; After the fierce internal struggle with the new head of the company John Scully in 1985, Jobs resigned from Apple. After the care, Jobs founded another computer company NEXT, aimed at the market of the educational sphere, and did not return until 1997, when Apple switched to NEXT.

Macintosh 128K was made at Apple factory in Frimont.

Released models

The latest desktop computers and PowerPC database servers were equipped with 64-bit G5 processors, and laptops - 32-bit G4. Due to the large heat generation and energy consumption of G5 processors, with which IBM could not be able to cope, they did not find applications in laptops. This problem, as well as IBM inability to release processors with a larger clock frequency, forced Apple to start searching for a new processor supplier. Such a supplier was found, and in 2006, Apple began transition to Intel processors. Running existing PowerPC applications on new computers occurred in emulation mode using ROSETTA technology. By the end of 2006, the entire line of computers was translated into new processors. Intel architecture at that time was supported by the Mac OS X 10.4 operating system only in 32-bit mode.

The transition to the OS X operating system, which is a UNIX compatible OS and officially received the UNIX 0.3 certificate, expanded the selection of software for Macintosh, because most of the programs for UNIX / Linux by simple recompilation or after refinement can run to OS X.

Transition to Intel architecture

With the change of architecture, the problem of incompatibility of processor commands has appeared: old applications written for PowerPC processors cannot start on Intel processors. The solution to this problem is kept in two directions. All new applications are proposed to be released within the Universal Binary Strategy (English. Universal Binary. ) When the same code can be launched on both types of processors, and therefore on old, and on new Macintosh computers. The old applications are launched on new processors through a special ROSETTA command translator that translates intel commands In PowerPC and back. For the client, this process is completely transparent, although somewhat slows down the application. However, the ROSETTA translator has some limitations, the main of which is that it is possible to run only applications written specifically for Mac OS X, that is, created in the Cocoa or Carbon (version designed specifically designed for Mac OS X), facilitating the transfer applications from previous systems). Applications that have passed from the earlier version of the operating system, Mac OS 9 (which is also called Classic), that is, not developed in the CARBON environment, cannot run through the ROSETTA translator, therefore, cannot be launched on new processors. Fortunately, such applications remained very little.

The transition to Intel processors has greatly simplified, and, therefore, and accelerated the work of virtual machines on which virtual operating systems are launched. Moreover, the Boot Camp project is currently implemented, which allows you to install and run other operating systems on Macintosh and boot into one of them. The work of Windows XP and Windows Vista is already supported (both 32-bit version and 64-bit for models with a 64-bit processor; drivers of all Macintosh devices for this operating system are written), Windows 7. Can be installed adaptable independently of Apple distributions Linux (when installing the OS problems, it does not occur, but the main problem is in the lack of drivers). This initiative turns Macintosh to a universal computer for which the diversity of operating systems for Intel processors is available. In Mac OS X 10.7, Rosetta was removed, so there will be no applications for PowerPC anymore.

The lineup

Current the lineup Macintosh computers are presented by several models:

  • MacBook Pro - Professional laptops, since 2006;
  • MacBook Air - Ultrathin laptops, since 2008;
  • Mac Pro - Workstation class desktop computers;
  • iMac - computers "All in one" (monitor, system unit, audio video peripherals) presented in 1998;
  • Mac Mini - system blocks personal computers since 2005;
  • Mac Mini Server, Mac Pro Server - servers;


Macintosh computers are often criticized due to the small selection of software for OS X, system and applied, compared with its choice for Windows-based computers and, moreover, systems based on Linux kernel (for example, Ubuntu). Others, on the contrary, argue that the choice of software for OS X is much wider than for Windows, as almost all programs for the UNIX platform are supported, including free programs. In practice, the comparative number of programs depends on the subject area under consideration.

Also, many critics express the view that the price of Macintosh computers is noticeably overestimated in comparison with computers from other manufacturers in a similar configuration.



  1. Jef Raskin. Recollections of the Macintosh Project. Articles from Jef Raskin About the History of the Macintosh (1996). Archived from the original source June 24, 2012. Checked on November 27, 2008.
  2. Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most Colorful Company, Owen W. Linzmayer, ISBN 978-1-59327-010-0
  3. Andy Hertzfeld. The Father Of The Macintosh. Archived
  4. George Crow. THE ORIGINAL MACINTOSH. Archived
  5. Dan Kottke. THE ORIGINAL MACINTOSH. Archived from the original source June 24, 2012. Checked April 28, 2010.
  6. Jerry Manock. THE ORIGINAL MACINTOSH. Archived from the original source on September 29, 2007. Checked April 28, 2010.
  7. Guy Kawasaki. (January 26, 2009). Archived from the original source June 24, 2012. Checked April 28, 2010.
  8. Andy Hertzfeld. Five Different Macintoshes. Archived from the original source June 24, 2012. Checked on April 24, 2006.
  9. Andy Hertzfeld. The End of An Era. Archived from the original source February 4, 2012.
  10. G SPECTOR. Apple's Jobs Starts New Firm, Targets Education MARKET // PC Week, September 24, 1985. P. 109
  11. Apple Computer, Inc. Finalizes Acquisition of Next Software Inc. . Apple (February 7, 1997). Archived from the original source on January 17, 1999. Checked on April 27, 2010.
  12. Patents - Doug EngelBart Institute


Workstation with a unique design

Recall that the debut of the first computer called Mac Pro, which came to replace the PowerMac G5 workstation, held in August 2006. At that time, it was really a revolutionary step forward, as it was the first Apple Workstation with the Intel processor. In fact, the first Mac Pro marked the completion of the era of computers based on PowerPC processors and the beginning of the new Era of Apple's workstations based on processors with the X86 architecture.

Despite the fundamentally different "stuffing", Mac Pro 2006 in its appearance is little difference from PowerMac G5. It was performed in a recognizable case, one glance to which was quite enough to make the Apple brainchild in it with a 100 percent probability. Nevertheless, despite the peculiar and unique design, the Mac Pro Case 2006, as well as the PowerMac G5 case, was classic, made on all cabinet canons for desktop PCs.

As for the concept of using and destination Mac Pro, then, as the preceding PowerMac G5, he was not just a personal desktop computer, namely, a workstation focused on users, professionally engaged in photo, video and musical content.

Naturally, the Mac Pro configuration of the Intel processors is updated and the Mac Pro configuration - since 2006, several generations of these workstations were issued. However, the design of the housing remained unchanged. And in June 2013, the announcement of the new version of Mac Pro was held, which differs from all previous generations not only and not even so much hardware configuration as a completely different design. It is about this new Mac Pro 2013 model that we will describe in detail in this article.


So, let's start with the main thing: with the revolutionary design of Mac Pro 2013. If you try to choose epithets that would be appropriate in this case, then this is a creative, extravagant, causing, unusual, glamorous, stylish. Moreover, in this case, on our part there is no bias and exaggeration. The design of this computer is really very unusual and challenges all the canons, which remained unshakable for decades. Instead of a traditional box with rectangular walls (parallelepiped), Apple engineers have created a cylindrical body that removes the turbine aircraft engine. The new cylindrical case is very compact: its diameter is 167 mm, and the height is only 251 mm. Well, mass new Mac. Pro is approximately 5 kg (the exact value depends on the configuration).

With such dimensions, the computer will not take a lot of space on the table, and put such "beauty" under the table - it's just blasphemy. Without any exaggeration, it can be said that the appearance of Mac Pro 2013 will make it decorating any interior.

But the most important thing is that with such compact sizes, the performance of Mac Pro 2013 is higher than the performance of the Mac Pro of the previous generation. That is, the compactness of the new workstation is not due to the decline in productivity. However, we will talk about performance and configurations a little later, but still come back to the design.

The outer cylindrical housing casing is made of aluminum, it is a dark brown close to black, and the glossy coating, almost mirror. The casing has a decent thickness (on metal clearly did not save) and except for a purely decorative function performs more functions of the radiator and the air duct. It is a mirror-glossy cylindrical casing gives Mac Pro 2013 such an extravagant appearance. There is in this appearance and a certain degree of glamority, although we are talking about a professional workstation - however, Apple has its own ideas about whether professional technique should be beautiful.

In the case casing there is a rectangular hole that opens access to various interface ports, the power button and power connector.

If we talk about interface connectors, then their number cannot but rejoice. There is an HDMI 1.4 connector, two RJ-45 gigabit network port connections, six Thunderbolt 2 port connectors, four USB 3.0 connections, as well as two connectors of the minijack connector (one - for headphones with headset support, and the second is a combined optical digital and analog linear audio output ).

It would seem that it would seem to be very logical to place the interface connectors and the power connector next to the power button, since if the computer is deployed to the user's interface panel (the power button is available), the power cable, as well as all interface cables will be written forward, which is not very convenient . But in practice, this is not a problem: the interface panel should be just deployed from the user, and if you need to turn on the computer or connect something (for example, the same flash drive), then, considering the dimensions and mass Mac Pro 2013, make it very simple . It can always be easily rotated, wherein the built-in motion sensor immediately determines that the housing rotate or move, and the backlight will automatically turn on all connectors and the power button.

Naturally, one of the most intriguing issues - as it was possible to stuff in such a compact cylindrical body "Stuffing" of the workstation, and even ensure sufficient cooling. Running forward, we note that the Mac Pro 2013 is based on the server processor Intel Xeon. E5 and two professional graphic cards AMD FirePro! How can all this be placed in a small cylindrical building - the mind is incomprehensible. It is clear that the traditional design of the motherboard, perpendicular to which video cards are installed, in this case it is simply impossible.

To understand what focus is, it is enough to remove the cylindrical housing casing (the benefit of doing it is very simple). To do this, it is enough to translate the corresponding latch of the slider type to the "open" position and simply raise the casing.

With the removed cover it becomes clear what is the secret of Mac Pro 2013. Not traditional orthogonal placement of boards is applied here, and "triangular": two video cards and part of the system board, together with a 450 W power supply unit, are located on the edges of the correct triangular prism. Another part of the motherboard is located at the base of the whole design.

Non-standard boards and video cards allows not only to create a very compact computer, but also solve the cooling problem: to cool all components in the Mac Pro 2013 case, only one fan is used with a large number of blades. This fan is located on top, and below, at the base of the cylindrical body, there are ventilation holes. The fan sucks the cold air from below and blows it through the cylindrical body, which performs the function of the air duct.

Moreover, in the center of the whole design there is a radiator of a prismatic type (open from above and below) with vertically adjacent edges. Each of the three side faces of this radiator is a heat gluing platform for the fuel elements of Mac Pro 2013. Thus, one facet comes with the elements of the motherboard (Intel Xeon E5 processor and other components), and two more - heat from the chips of AMD FirePro video cards.

It is clear that such an unusual arrangement of components in the Mac Pro 5 case would be simply impossible if conventional video cards and a standard motherboard were used. Of course, in this case, all components are proprietary, they are designed specifically under Mac Pro 2013 and are compatible only with Mac Pro 2013 and with no more. By the way, it is at the same time a kind of guarantee that the design of this case will not copy other manufacturers, because not everyone can afford to produce (or order) and the case, and system fees, and video cards are specifically only for one computer model.

Well, ending with the design description of Mac Pro 2013, we note that even after removing the cylindrical casing, you can access only to memory modules (you can install four). But everything else remains unavailable. You can, of course, unwind the screws and try to make further disassembly, however, first, you are denying the warranty, and secondly, it will not give anything anyway, because to change anything in Mac Pro 2013 outside the service center simply It is impossible.


Well, now let's get acquainted with the configurations of the Mac Pro 2013 workstation.

So, let's start with the fact that all Mac Pro 2013 models are completed with 22-nanometer processors of the Intel Xeon E5 family (code name Ivy Bridge-E) and two professional aMD video cards FirePro, each of which is connected via the PCI Express 3.0 x16 interface. There are two basic versions of Mac Pro 2013, as well as various modifications of these basic versions. In the aggregate, a sufficiently large number of possible models are obtained.

CharacteristicsMac Pro 2013.
CPUIntel Xeon E5-1620 V2 (4 kernels)
Intel Xeon E5-1650 V2 (6 cores)
Intel Xeon E5-1680 V2 (8 cores)
Intel Xeon E5-2697 V2 (12 cores)
ChipsetIntel C602J.
MemoryDDR3-1866 (12, 16, 32 or 64 GB)
Video card2 × AMD FirePro D300
2 × AMD FirePro D500
2 × AMD FirePro D700
Storage device1 × SSD 256 GB
1 × SSD 512 GB
1 × SSD 1 TB
Interfaces4 × USB 3.0
6 × Thunderbolt 2
2 × RG-45 (1 Gb / s)
1 × HDMI 1.4
Wireless interfacesAirport Extreme Wi-Fi 802.11a / B / G / N / AC
Bluetooth 4.0.
Costfrom 124 990 rubles. For minimal configuration
up to 413 270 rubles. For maximum configuration

In the younger version, a quad-core processor is installed with a clock frequency of 3.7 GHz, and in the elder - a six-core processor with a clock frequency of 3.5 GHz. Optionally (surcharge) Workstation Mac Pro 2013 can also be equipped with an 8-nuclear processor or by a 12-nuclear processor. The parameters of these models are shown in the table:

CharacteristicsIntel Xeon E5-1620 V2Intel Xeon E5-1650 V2Intel Xeon E5-1680 V2Intel Xeon E5-2697 V2
Those. process22 nm
Number of nuclei / streams4/8 6/12 8/16 12/24
Clock frequency, GHz3,7 3,5 3,0 2,7
Maximum frequency in mode Turbo Boost., GHz.3,9 3,9 3,9 3,5
Cache L3, MB10 12 25 30
TDP, W.130
Number of memory channels4
Memory typeDDR3-800 / 1066/1333 / 1600/1866, ECC
Number of PCI Express 3.0 lines40

All Mac Pro 2013 models use DDR3-1866 ECC memory (with error correction). The youngest basic model is completed with three modules with a capacity of 4 GB (total 12 GB). The older basic model Mac Pro 2013 is completed with four 4 GB (16 GB) tank modules. Depending on the number of installed memory modules, either three-channel (for three modules) is implemented or four-channel (for four modules) mode of operation. In addition, optionally, you can order Mac Pro 2013 with 32 GB (four modules of 8 GB) or from 64 GB of memory (four modules of 16 GB).

As for video cards, how already noted, all Mac Pro 2013 models are completed with two video cards of the AMD FirePro family. This can be AMD FirePro D300, D500 or D700 models. Note that in addition to Mac Pro 2013, these video card models nowhere more (in any case, until) do not apply. However, according to our existing, the AMD FirePro D300, D500 and D700 models are a bit simplified models. Similarly, the set of processor and memory options, the younger base model Mac Pro 2013 is completed with two professional AMD FirePro D300 video cards, the highest basic model Mac Pro 2013 is two professional AMD FirePro D500 video cards, and optionally you can order a configuration with two AMD FirePro D700 video cards. The parameters of these models are shown in the table:

Characteristics AMD FirePro D300. AMD FirePro D500. AMD FirePro D700.
Number of streaming processors1280 1526 2048
GPU frequency (basic / accelerated), MHz800/850 650/725 650/850
Textural blocks80 96 128
ROP.32 32 32
Type of video memoryGDDR5GDDR5GDDR5
Volume of video memory, GB2 3 6
Bit Bit Bit256 384 384
Bandwidth of memory, GB / s160 240 264
Memory frequency (efficient), MHz5080 5080 5480

As for the drive, both basic configurations are equipped with an SSD-storage capacity of 256 GB, but optionally you can order a configuration with an SSD-storage device with a capacity of 512 GB or 1 TB. Moreover, Mac Pro 2013 is set SSD drives with the PCI Express 2.0 x4 interface, which provides a higher bandwidth (up to 2 GB / s) in comparison with the traditional SATA 6 Gb / s.

As we have noted, Mac Pro 2013 is replete with various interfaces. This is 4. uSB ports 3.0, and 6 Thunderbolt 2 ports, and two gigabit network ports, and HDMI 1.4 port. Well, plus there is one combined audio output of the minijack type (optical digital and analog) and one audio output for headphones with headset support.

Gigabit network interfaces are implemented on the basis of two Broadcom BCM57762 controllers, and the FRESCO Logic FL1100 controller is used to implement USB 3.0 ports.

For the implementation of Thunderbolt 2 ports, controllers are used. Each such controller is connected to the four PCI Express 2.0 lines and allows you to implement two ports Thunderbolt 2. It is clear that for implementing 6 ports you will need three Intel DSL5520 controller and 12 PCI Express 2.0 lines. Naturally, the question arises: where are these 12 PCI Express 2.0 lines come from? Indeed, the Intel C602J chipset itself supports 8 PCI Express 2.0 lines, all these lines are busy: four are used to connect an SSD drive, two more - to connect two gigabit network controllers, one - for connecting uSB controller 3.0, and the last line is activated to connect the wireless communication module. Only 8 PCI Express 3.0 lines are left from the processor (the processor maintains 40 PCI Express 3.0 lines, of which 32 are engaged in video cards), and it is these 8 lines and are used to obtain 12 PCI Express 2.0 lines - for this, the PCI Express PEX lines switcher are used for this. 8723 companies. Unfortunately, there is no information on this switch on the company's website, however, it is likely to be very similar in its characteristics on the 6-port switch (on 24 PCI Express lines). Apparently, PEX 8723 uses the connection of 8 PCI Express 3.0 lines (input port) and distributes their bandwidth to three ports of 4 PCI Express 3.0 lines. It is thunderbolt controllers that connect to these ports. Thunderbolt 2 port provides bandwidth up to 20 Gbit / s per external device, to each ThunderBolt 2 port can be sequentially connected to three monitors with a resolution of 4K or up to six Apple Thunderbolt Display monitors with a resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels. In addition, the same ports allow you to connect external data storage systems, which solves the problem (if any) of the insufficient volume of the installed SSD drive.

The HDMI 1.4 port can also be connected to a monitor or a TV with a resolution up to 4K.

In addition to two gigabit network interfaces, in MAC Pro 2013, there is a Wi-Fi 802.11a / B / G / N / AC wireless wireless module bluetooth module 4.0, which is usually used to connect the Bluetooth keyboard and Apple mouse. The wireless module is implemented on the basis of a three-gone controller. This controller provides theoretical data transfer rate to 1.3 Gbps for 802.11ac protocol. Well, the Bluetooth 4.0 interface is implemented on the chip.

Note that the MAS Pro 2013 is also present a speaker of quite acceptable quality. Of course, it will not work for professional work with sound, but it will not be too much.

Well, in conclusion of the Mac Pro 2013 configuration description, we note that OS X Mavericks 10.9 operating system is installed on all models.

In addition, optionally when buying, you can order the installation of such software as Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X and Aperture.

In our Test Sample MAC Pro 2013, a 12-core processor Intel Xeon E5-2697 V2 was installed, two AMD FirePro D700 video cards, 32 GB of DDR3-1866 memory and SSD-drive with a capacity of 512 GB, that is, it is almost the most possible (even for additional Money) configuration.


Naturally, the Performance of the Mac Pro 2013 workstation makes sense only under OS X. Nevertheless, it is the workstation, and not a custom computer, and installing such a computer worth a few thousand dollars windows looks at least illogical. Such workstations are purchased for quite specific applications that must be optimized for it, that is, at least two professional video cards and all kernels of the processor (in our version are all 12 cores). That is why we consider absolutely meaningless and incorrect testing of Mac Pro 2013 in games or other Windows applications. Testing the workstation makes sense only with the use of those tasks that this workstation is oriented.

True, it is necessary to note that specialized benchmarks for workstations under OS X (as, by the way, under Windows) are simply no, and indeed the variety of benchmarks under OS X is not observed. There are several synthetic test applications, but, as it seems to us, the popularity of these benchmarks is explained not so much by their adequacy as the absence of any other. Well, giving a tribute tradition, we will also use these synthetic benchmarks (the benefit of them is quite a bit), but once again note that their adequacy, especially in relation to the 12-nuclear processor, is doubted.

So, let's start with the most popular benchmark (current version 3.0). On the website of the manufacturer's company of this test can be found with results for various platforms.

In our case, for a 64-bit benchmark GEEKBENCH 3, we got the following result:

Next benchmark -. Again, on the manufacturer's website you can find with test results for various platforms.

For our Test instance of Mac Pro 2013 with a 12-core processor Intel Xeon E5-2697 V2 in the test NOVABENCH 1.1 we received the following result:

Another cross-platform benchmark. In this test, we obtained the following results:

Moreover, in this case, it is necessary to take into account that the Cinebench R15 test does not know how to use two GPUs, and AMD CrossFire technology support in OS X, as is known, no. That is why the result in OpenGL is not very high, and the adequacy of the test in this case is questionable.

Well, the last test is the Blackmagic Disk Speed \u200b\u200bTest 2.2, evaluating the performance of the disk subsystem. Results for the SSD drive with the PCI Express X4 interface are impressive:

Of course, testing with the use of synthetic benchmarks is not so significant as testing based on real applications. And therefore, it seems to us, it is more interesting to test the new Mac Pro 2013 in real applications. Naturally, the question arises: what applications make sense to use? Actually, options in this case are not so much. Taking into account the fact that Mac Pro 2013 is, first of all, the workstation would be reasonably used for this video editor. The latest version of this video editor 10.1.1 is specifically optimized by Mac Pro 2013 and can use all its potential (in particular, simultaneously use two video cards).

There are several other specialized applications that are also optimized under Mac Pro 2013. In particular, this is Motion 5.1, a tool for the Foundry developer MARI 3D graphics, the Davinci Resolve color correction tool. Blackmagic Design. In addition, Adobe also in its latest product versions.

To test Mac Pro 2013, we used the Final Cut Pro x 10.1.1 application, which was preset on our test sample (Recall that Mac Pro 2013 can be ordered with the Final Cut Pro x preset. When testing, we disabled rendering in the background (Background Render) and created a project from 13 videos with a resolution of 4K with a total volume of 9.2 GB.

In our case, the project rendering was carried out in 52 seconds, and exports in 3 minutes 47 seconds. Naturally, these results themselves are not yet talking about anything - they make sense only in comparison with the results of the run of the same tasks on any other PC. As such a reference system used for comparison, we chose IMAC 27 (just because at the time of testing, we did not have anything else) the following configuration:

For the reference system, the rendering time was 3 minutes 24 seconds, and the export time is 5 minutes 30 seconds. That is, on our test sample Mac Pro 2013, rendering is produced 3.9 times faster than on IMAC 27, and exports are made 1.45 times faster. This superiority is associated with the fact that when rendering in Mac Pro 2013, two graphic cards are used simultaneously. But exports are implemented mainly at the expense of the processor, and, apparently, to download all 12 cores of the program in this case simply fails, and therefore, when exporting, the superiority Mac Pro 2013 is not so obvious.

Of course, testing at the speed of rendering and exports to Final Cut Pro x 10.1.1 does not fully estimate all the advantages of the new Mac Pro workstation. And therefore, in order to supplement the picture, we also give test results obtained by Apple itself for the Final Cut Pro x application:

In this case, the new Mac Pro with the 12-core processor Intel Xeon E5 (2.7 GHz), two AMD FirePro D700 video cards, 64 GB DDR3 memory and a SSD-storage capacity of 1 TB is compared with the Mac Pro of the previous generation, equipped with a 12-nuclear processor. Intel Xeon with a clock frequency of 3.06 GHz, one video card ATI Radeon HD 5870, 64 GB DDR3 memory and SSD-drive with a capacity of 512 GB. As you can see, the advantage of the new Mac Pro is obvious.

Noise level

In addition, the new Mac Pro 2013 turned out to be very compact, it is also very quiet. As we have already noted, only one fan is used to cool all components inside the cylindrical housing. It would seem that this only fan should be madly noise in order to cool such power. But ... nothing like this. According to the manufacturer's information, the noise level Mac Pro 2013 in idle mode is 12 dBA, and in the mode under load - about 18 dba. It is hard to believe in such numbers, especially if you consider that 18 dBA is the level of noise that an ordinary person simply cannot hear. But here it is necessary to understand that noise level - the value is not absolute, it radically depends on the distance to the source, and Apple data is almost certainly true - the question is only from what distance. And most importantly - how these figures are translated into the language understandable to potential owners.

Therefore, we conducted our own measurement of the noise level Mac Pro 2013. The measurement was carried out in a special sound-absorbing chamber, and the sensing microphone of the noiseomer was located at a height of 50 cm vertically above the workstation housing. According to our dimensions, in idle mode, noise level is 25 dBA - it is so low noise that it is merged with the level of natural background, and "hear" Mac Pro 2013 is simply impossible in this mode. We also note that in idle mode, Mac Pro 2013 power consumption is 51 W.

To create a load, we used project rendering in Appendix Final Cut Pro x 10.1.1. In this mode, Mac Pro 2013 power consumption has increased to 340 W, but the noise level was only 28 dBA. Download Mac Pro 2013 so that it can be heard, we simply could not.

Thus, today Mac Pro 2013 is not only a productive, compact and stylish workstation. This is also the most quiet computer that in terms of noise can give odds to any ultrabook. True, there is one underwater stone here (well, you need to do something at least to something!). Let's imagine a hypothetical situation that the fan for some reason has failed. Then you just will not be able to diagnose the problem that occurred - and it is fraught with a fatal overcome.


So, in conclusion, we repeat the main conclusions that can be made with respect to the new workstation Mac Pro.

Mac Pro 2013 design can be called unique and revolutionary. Unique - because the Mac Pro 2013 workstation is not similar to any of the ever-existing computers. Revolutionary - because such a design requires a change in traditional approaches to the layout of all components. Of course, such a revolutionary design has a reverse side. First, it requires the use of proprietary components, and secondly, Mac Pro 2013 is not even partial disassembly, and it is simply impossible to make something outside the service center with it. And as far as this approach is justified for a professional workstation - the question is quite controversial.

The undoubted advantage of the new Mac Pro is the fact that this powerful workstation is very quiet. Moreover, it seems to us, today it is the most quiet of ever created computers (with active cooling).

And, of course, one of the main advantages of the new Mac Pro is its high performance. However, speaking about performance, once again we emphasize that it is possible to implement the entire potential of Mac Pro 2013 only if applications that are optimized for this workstation, such as Final Cut Pro x 10.1.1. Do not forget that Mac Pro 2013 is a workstation that is designed to perform such tasks as professional video editing, photo processing, etc.

The Mac Pro 2013 workstation undoubtedly earned our editorial award for the original design.

Today we have a call topic: the use of exchange technical analysis programs on computers running Mac OS X. I think the possibility of such an alliance is interested in many users: in recent year-two there has been an active trend towards the transition to computers Apple Not only newcomers (as always), but also advanced users, tired by the endless need for something constantly twist, configure and improve in native "Footers". Add a unique style here, prestige and - almost the main impulse! - The absence of any viruses on Mac, and you will understand the entire attractiveness of the alternative.

One of the most popular myths about Mac OS X in the world of Windows reads: "They have no software." Of course, the fiction is ridiculous: the software for "poppy" today is written no less than for Windows, almost in all categories - from office applications to any multimedia. For all, except for one - software for technical analysis of securities! Here, things on the "Make" are clock.

Trader software under Mac

I do not want to be unfounded: Look at what the typical native "stock exchange software" looks like, written for MAS OS X ( see Fragrance 1.). Quotes used not by chance. According to the monstrously alyapic interface of TradeRStar (this is the name of this poverty) you can immediately guess that it is written by programmers treated on Windows breads. In the "Mac" adopted a unified interface, weathered in moderate colors (usually gray), with a single structure of windows (in the figure, it can be seen as a dozen of a different visual visual spaces). In short, horror.

The functionality is to be the design: we have a simple mediator between the web service like and Standalone App, an independent application. In other words, all the same as in TraderStar, you can wonderfully watch directly from the web browser. Even more, because there is no indicator analysis, the more visual, there is no visual, in TraderStar (but there is, albeit in its infancy, on

The vertex of software for technical analysis under Mac OS X is Prota Gold. Old-timers- "technicians" remember and will not let it: something like this ( see chart 2) MetaStock looked in early 1990s (version 2-3-4).

On the existence of neural network simulators or, for example, Elliot wave counters and drawing for Gann Studies under Mac OS X can not even dream: there are no such in nature. It seems that there are simply no traders working under Mac OS X. Impression, of course, erroneous: traders are there, but the software developers do not really exist. It is not surprising: all the exchanges traditionally almost from the first days were guided first on DOS, and then on Windows. "Maki" remained the diocese of audiovisual professionals, book publishers and creative personalities.

Therefore, two outputs remain for traders-makeups: keep a computer under Windows in the house or run the native "fortieth" software under Mac OS X on virtual Machine. For a more or less stationary user, the option with the second Windows computer is quite rational, the mobile soldiers are preferable to the virtual machine service.

Your humble servant will use both options. Though I spend nine months a year in different exotic places - from India to Moldova, I still take out for me everywhere in addition to the main working laptop MacBook Pro. 17 "also 13-inch Sony Vaio. VGN-Z11VRN with installed Windows 7 Maximum 64-bit, since except for various banking online terminals using a terrible nightmare named ActiveX, you have to work with a handful of proprietary programs written in my order programmers for about ten years ago. None of these programs for some reason does not want to function correctly in virtual machines on Mac OS X.

By the way, this is a very important circumstance: the program is started on a virtual machine, visually even performs functions assigned to it (for example, generates licensed and registration codes for my VCOLLEGE courses), but these codes are invalid, so they have to generate them again In the native environment - on VAIO under Windows 7.

Such an unusual behavior of a number of Windows programs, in fact, and pushed me to the study, which today I give to the court readers. I wanted to check which of the popular technical analysis programs of securities work in a virtual machine under Mac OS X is not formally, and in full functionality. Suddenly it turns out that some metastock seems to be installed correctly, but then it will begin to climb in the process of performing certain tasks (for example, when testing an indicator system with variables, performing a graphical analysis or starting an expert module). All this we now check.

Virtual machines

To start a few words about virtual machines. For Mac OS X there are several of them: first of all it is a mod legislator in the corporate sector VMware Fusion (, then two free Alternatives to VirtualBox ( and Q (www.kju, and finally the development of Russian programmers - Parallels (

My tasks do not include evidence of the advantages of this or that virtual machine. I just say that it tested all the listed, some time chose between VMware Fusion and Parallels, at the end I stopped at Parallels, which seemed to me more Shrous and reliable. Nevertheless, she also failed to avoid bottlenecks, haunting all the virtual machines without exception, namely: resource intensity, "monitoring" and other attacks. Suffice it to say that, together with the developers, I fought over a memory leakage for more than six months, which arose on a computer with a large number of simultaneously running programs (my case!). As a result, a set of cunning tricks and techniques was born, which allow radically optimizing and speeding up the work of the virtual machine.

Let's start with the quotes plus database. Nothing outstanding in it, I just use it since 1996 and recommend all my students (the study of Quotes Plus enters the VCOLLEGE - program). There are three modules in it: ordinary shares (Equities), futures (commodities) and mutual funds (MUTUAL FUNDS). The base requires daily updates and tracks almost all the securities of the American market. It has the minimum number of technical analysis indicators, there is a fairly developed script-language, thin visualization settings. The main purpose of Quotes Plus in the indicator analysis algorithm is to carry out the primary screening of papers by rough features, for example: explosions of volume, gaps up and down with respect to the last closure price, any trigger associated with the intersection of indicators of the specified lines and digital values, etc. Obviously What a fine finish (in-depth analysis) is performed at the next stage - in something like MetaStock.

Installing Quotes Plus on a Virtual Machine with Standard windows version XP passes without the slightest difficulty ( see schedule 3). Displaying all the items of the main window of the Display Charts utility (Quotes Plus confess the "package" philosophy in which each task is to scan the base, playback of the chart, export to metastock and other - perfectly performed by an independent mini utility) flawlessly ( cm.schedule4 ). Scanning a database for specified triggers (filters) passes "with a bang" - the filter is launched on the graph to identify the explosion of trading volume ( cm.schedule5 ). Porting in MetaStock also does not cause complaints, the daily update of the base through the Internet also transparently ( cm.schedule6 ).

Summary: The Quotes Plus database works in the Windows XP virtual machine on Mac OS X flawlessly. Moving on.

Test Metastock - Pass

Install MetaStock 11 Eod (End of Day) ( cm. schedule7 ). The graph contains a Bollinger strip and a gann fan - as you can see, and indicators, and graphical analysis work in a virtual machine in the same way as in the native Windows environment. We now look at the work of the testing system testing module. Let's start something tedious, for example, the inertial oscillator of Tuskhara Chande is useless, however, just like all other indicators ( cm.schedule8 ).

System testing has passed lightning times - thanks to quad-core iCore7. The main thing, in the virtual machine does not occur no failures in mathematics - the only thing that was feared when porting technical analysis programs in someone else's operating system was carried out. While everything goes like oil. Finally, check the work of expert systems ( cm.schedule9 ).

Master of Chaos Bill Williams habitually introduces us to false calm: in the "Alligator" we completely green zone! Please note: Absolutely all modules are played in the virtual machine: the multimedia block with the spelling head of the "Prophet" of Bill, and all graphic labels and lines are applied on the schedule.

Summary: Compatibility of the latest version of MetaStock with Windows 7, running under the Parallels virtual machine on Mac OS X, complete.


The next candidate for checking is AMIBROKER, my favorite terminal for tracking quotes on intredea. Of course, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bsimilar functionality platforms, but only Amibroker has an extremely popular $ 279, this is a slightly more monthly subscription to a professional feeder (data provider). And most importantly, it is supported by the feeder from Quotes Plus (the so-called QPFeed Real Time), which, in turn, is four times cheaper than the Esignal feeder.

Install the program and look ( cm.schedule10 ). Everything went like oil. Porting data from MetaStock, Real-time feeder from Quotes Plus - No differences on functionality from the "Fortune" OS is not observed. Automatic update EOD quotes through the built-in AMIQUOTE service also takes place without unnecessary issues.

Well, AMIBROKER joins previous testing participants with verdict confirming full functionality in a virtual machine under Mac OS X. We continue testing.

Test Neuroforecaster and Timing Solution - Pass

The next valuable tool is neuroforecaster - a popular neural analysis program from the category "DIY". We study Neuroforecaster in VCOLLEGE, despite difficulty and inhuman interface, by a single reason: the program is absolutely transparent in functionality. You yourself select the data on the input nodes, define the type of neural network, the number of intermediate nodes, the output data, and also control the entire network training process. In order to comprehend to neurallet in the most key points, it is better to think about Neuroforecaster.

Another thing is that in practice I have always been inclined (and recommended to students) to use more user-friendly solutions - say, Timing Solutions, which, in my opinion, also has significantly more expanded functionality compared to obsolete in many Neuroforecaster relations. In any case, we now check how it works, and another programs on a virtual machine under Mac OS X.

Install Neuroforecaster ( cm.schedule11 ). Installing, loading input data, choosing a type of neurodenel and a neural network file, training, testing, forceding - all procedures of a conventional algorithm run in the same way as in the native Windows environment. As you can see, no surprises with the Neuroforecaster in the Mac OS X virtual space did not happen.

With the slightest failure, the work of Timing Sulution also works. cm.schedule12 ). Honestly, it is this program that I was most afraid when preparing testing. The fact is that in the latest incarnation of the most comprehensive and advanced development in the field of computerization of exchange technical analysis - the version of Timing Solution Terra Incognita - the most complex algorithms that use all available computer computing resources are implemented. In addition to the traditional (for Timing Solution Advanced) neural networks based on spectral analysis and analysis of astrocycles, the TERRA INCOGNITA version presents a completely new trigger module Trading Strategy Constructor. This is an analogue of a mechanical model analyzing tens of thousands traditional systems (From the inverted moving average to the quantum systems) and outstanding ready-made signals for the purchase / sale. Anyway, testing has shown that absolutely all Timing Solution Terra Incognita package modules work in a virtual machine under Mac OS X is absolutely flawless.

Test Quik - Pass

Under the curtain test in the virtual space Parallels popular domestic terminal Quik. I did not install it, but I just copied from a Windows computer. QUIK QUIK code, so no surprises were observed in the work - under the virtual machine terminal for trading on Russian sites, a rustled with a familiar braid focused: withdrawn the quotes for all sheets, updated the lists of applications and transactions on the MICEX and so on.

Verdict: Quik, like all other test stock programs, turned out to be fully functional on the Parallels virtual machine running Mac OS X. In other words, traders-makeups can sleep quietly: an even account no discomfort from the transition to a new OS in professional (or hobby) Plan they will not feel - everything will be familiar and everyday, as on the computer with Windows.

Settings Parallels.

Finally, several promised words about the fine setting of Parallels, which will ensure maximum speed and optimization of memory on your "Mac". Detailed instructions I stated in one of the releases of "pigeon-online", to which I refer to readers ( It also limits the only one, however, the most important tweet, which at first glance seems paradoxical.

In the process of pre-configuring the virtual machine, we allocate a certain amount of dynamic memory for the needs of the guest operating system. By default, Parallels offers 1 GB on the needs of Windows XP (on a computer with 4 GB RAMs installed). With such a configuration and the native operating system (Mac OS X), and the guest (Windows XP) is transferred to the turtle allyur after 10-15 minutes, and even as much as they start just crawling, turning pleasure from work in flour. At this point, a natural desire arises to change the settings in the direction of increasing the memory allocated for the guest OS, up to 2 GB (more meaning has no meaning, because this maximum figure for Windows XP, it simply does not understand more).

This is a mistake! For a full-fledged and at the same time, the most fast guest windows in the virtual machine for the eyes grabs 512 MB of memory! Yes, yes, you did not hear. I will say more: for any tasks that are not related to resource-intensive calculations, there is enough and 312 MB, however, for exchange programs of the exchange technical analysis, I would recommend to take with a reserve - it is 512 MB. In the process of testing all the programs with which I introduced today, readers never had a situation where the memory resources in Windows XP were involved in more than 75%. Even at the time of the maximum computational load on the processor and the coprocessor. These are the paradoxical wonders work with these "parallels"!

WikiHow works on the principle of wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by several authors. When creating this article on its editing and improvement, they worked, including anonymous, 36 people (a).

What platform do you want to use? This instruction will help you choose between Apple Mac. Or another computer for personal use. All computers with Linux, MacOS or with installed windows considered "PC" (personal computers). But what to choose?

Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, but any of them is an excellent choice for basic computing. If you want to weigh all the options, it is better to first consider the differences between Apple Mac, PC Windows and custom PC.


  1. Remember that there are no restrictions. Explore the benefits of each platform. Any particular computer system that is sold as a PC is no longer the same PC restrictions that were several decades ago. Easy to get into the trap in this situation, especially when the fans of each platform emphasize certain advantages. There is no such thing as best platform in general, there is only best Platforms for each person and their proper use. The advantages of each platform will help you decide to understand what is better satisfying your needs.

    • Apple Mac: Historically known as easy-to-use platform with strong multimedia statements. Due to recent changes in computer technology and software, it is no longer the main advantages of Mac. Instead, the benefits of Mac focused on pre-configured and installed system Without a fuss with a multitude of software and utilities, to interest even the most illiterate users for the minimum amount of time with good user support. Apple laptops are also known for their smooth design and an attractive appearance. "Consumer Reports" called Apple one one in reliability and customer support, and there were serious grounds. Since Apple designs the operating system and controls all system configurations, they eventually obtain increased reliability and support for the product. Apple also has its own customer support center located in the United States, unlike many other manufacturers who have transferred customer support to other countries.
    • Factory assembly PC: Many people use Windows, because it is the software that they know, who enjoy their friends, as well as that used in their schools and offices. Some PCs are delivered with Ubuntu or other Linux distributions. The convenience of the finished PC is that you get it with the already installed and pre-configured system that is ready to install most of the various programs, and is compatible with the other computers that are already perhaps you use.
    • PC assembled: Sometimes this option is considered as the one that "only for computer gickers", the prefabricated PC receive proper respect or is not considered at all when new users of computers decide on the purchase. Despite its performance reputation and specialized systems, the acquisition of a prefabricular PC to run Linux, Windows, or MacOS on it can also be more economical and the best choice.
  2. Stay aware of any difficulties that may arise. Computers from each platform have strengthsBut they also have drawbacks that can interfere with your goals and desired use. No computer is perfect, the same applies to all platforms.

    • Apple Mac: Weaknesses are focused on price and compatibility. Desktop PC Apple and laptops are very expensive compared to other PCs. They are also very scrupulous with respect to their equipment, software and software licensing, even if it is based on the open source code BSD kernel (Darwin). This leads to a higher cost of equipment and services, which leads to an increase in the cost of content. Although it should be noted that the average user Macintosh is more inclined (and more in the state) computer system For a longer period of time, which leads to a decrease in the average property value.
    • Factory PC: similar to Mac, except for the lack of lack of price and sometimes fewer components of the computer. Some manufacturers, such as Dell and HP / COMPAQ, will sell models with unique components (power connection, motherboard size, system layout, etc.), but others can adhere to the component standards used throughout the PC Industry. It depends on each manufacturer and their models. This in itself is weakness. In addition, Windows licensing has become extremely limited with the advent of Vista, and the support of such a consumer level of finished systems is doubtful at best - many peripheral devices (printers, scanners, etc.) that worked with older systems, no longer work with Computers working under Vista.
    • PC teams: a disadvantage associated with a personalized PC is that they are less convenient for new computers users. It can be compensated for by friends and acquaintances who are able to assemble the system and give advice. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that PC, built of individual parts, requires a lot of research and a high degree of training for unprepared users.
  3. Studies of the nuances of each platform. Each computer and operating system have their own fraction of individual quiet or advantages that are sometimes called both trivial or minor. However, these nuances can translate differences to the world for specific users. Below are individual features, aspects and even models to ensure the presentation of the individual characteristics of each platform.

    • Apple Mac.
      • Mac laptop (called MacBook) Trekpad has only one "mouse button", but you can make right clicks by pressing the trackpad with two fingers. The current line of Apple laptops will allow you to right-click by clicking on the right side / trackpad button. Connecting the regular 2, 3rd, or multi-key mouse will cost this limitation. Apple "Mighty Mouse" was accepted as a Macintosh multi-button mouse, with a multidirectional scroll wheel that comes with IMAC (Mac Desktop Computer).
      • the iMac is the desktop "all-in-one", all components of which are built into the widescreen monitor. It includes built-in Bluetooth, wireless communication, speakers, microphone and webcam. Power cord essentially all that is required to run a computer. IMAC has a limited update path, which is why it is necessary to buy a new computer to execute this update.
      • MacOS can be safer than Windows, since it is often not a target for viruses and malicious developers. Basically, because it is not beneficial for viruses to choose the purpose of Mac, because Maks have a smaller market share in the PC market. Mac is also created based on BSD kernel (Darwin), which helps increase its stability and reduce its susceptibility to existing viruses.
      • The most powerful (and most customizable) Macintosh is currently Mac Pro. It supports up to 2 four-nuclear Intel processors for 3.2 GHz, a total of 8 cores, up to 32 GB 800 MHz DDR2 RAM, 4 1-TB SATA hard drives totaling 4 TB disk space, or up to 4 ATI Radeon 256 MB HD 2600 XT video cards that can support 2 additional 30-inch Apple Cinema Displays on a map or one, 1.5 GB NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 video card, and 2 16x SuperDrives for final work on a computer, games, design, video production, programming, Hosting servers, 3D rendering and performance.
    • Factory PC:
      • You can get "all-in-one" PC. Some examples include Gateway One, Dell XPS One.
      • Until now, there has not been a single widespread Linux threat of a malicious type with which software Microsoft Windows. faces at present; This is usually due to the lack of access to system files for malicious programs and quickly released updates for most Linux vulnerabilities. Windows systems have the widest and the best choice Antiviruses and protection against malicious software available to them. It does not necessarily make the operating system more secure than other platforms, but it offers one of the best algorithms for detecting bandwidth scanning on all other platforms. Where there is a need, there is a solution. The Windows system is often exposed to attacks by developers of viruses and malicious programs, so the third parties take the function to develop powerful applications to protect the weak points of the system.
    • PC PC:
      • A common misconception that PCs are sold monotonous. Let's see him. In fact, there is a desire to combine people who love modified PCs reaching fantastic parameters. These "mods" can be anything, from painting the hull to its mechanical modification, and even the manufacture of a completely new one. It is also attempts to improve cooling, overclocking and a quieter PC, as it is clean for artistic and aesthetic value.
      • Linux can be used either with PC installation or Mac and can be installed from Dell online with Ubuntu Linux. Linux has much lower system requirementsthan Mac or Windows, and is completely free and open source, because of this there are several versions of Linux to choose from. Linux can be used almost on any processor platform with X86 on the old PowerPC MAC basis. The only problem is that if you do not know how to use the console in Linux (input commands are somewhat similar to MS-DOS or run Unix in Mac), you will not be able to use all Linux features.
      • Linux is also compatible with many Windows (and Mac) applications using software such as Wine and Crossover Office, and can emulate MacOS X with various software. Linux and MA are based on the UNIX base, so they can share part of the code base, which makes both these operating systems with a good option for use.
  • Recent Consumer Reports messages argue that Apple has better technical support for all manufacturers of computers. They solve more than 82% of the problems, more than the second place IBM (69%).
  • Intel Mac offer breakdown hard diskThey offer the ability to run simultaneously Mac and PC software. Bootcamp, Parallels or VMware Fusion will be required to start software for PC. Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) comes with Bootcamp as part of standard software. After installing the bootcamp, the user can split hDD And install Windows in a new section. When using Bootcamp Mac, you will run Windows, so all programs for Windows can start and all hardware resources can be used in Windows. However, a reboot is required to boot in each operating system. Parallels and Fusion are both working in conjunction with OS X, so that no reboot is required, but both operating systems slow down, since the computer resources must be divided to start two operating systems at the same time.
  • The PC can cope with the resource-intensive video installation and with resource-intensive graphics as well as MAS, however PCs with the same productivity, like Mas, can be purchased much cheaper. The only real advantage that masses is the presence of XGrid, the component of the operating system, which allows you to "combine" several MAC processors together to form a mini "supercomputer". This allows the user to use the combined power of computers to render video (or animation) much faster. But PCs also have such an opportunity.
  • If you stop on Mac, you will want to buy it either at the Apple retail store ( or in the online store. Most traditional retail stores do not sell Mac (with the exception of Compusa, Best Buy, and some others), so you are likely to end up stay on the order directly with Apple. Places as an Apple online store ( and Macmall ( are focused on Mac and offer all products for Mac. sells a limited mac selection.
  • Consider updated models. They go with the same one-year limited warranty, and the applecare advanced warranty is available for three years.
  • Linux comes with an already set multiple applications similar to Windows and Mac, but it depends on your distribution, various applications are adapted to specific user bases.
  • Remember, Dell is not the only option in which the Linux computers are initially installed. Among other others, there are companies such as System76, R-Squared and Zareason. Many of them have competitive (or better) prices than Dell and have improved Linux support. Technical support will also be based on Windows.


  • Many internal components of some MAC are not available and maybe they will not be available for updates. In Mac PRI, most components can be updated, but IMAC can only be improved rAM. Keep this in mind before making a purchase.
  • Apple changes all the encoding of its operating system every time they make a new OS (even if it does not occur very often). This means that if you run Office 2007 (or any other program) on Mac, and operating mAC system Changed, you will have to buy all new version of the office to work on the new OS. All old Windows programs work even on the latest editions of Windows.
  • Despite the fact that Macintosh can have built into the column system, you may notice that they are not very good quality. If you want to avoid loss of quality, then you can consider purchasing another set of speakers to connect them to your Macintosh.
  • Avoid sellers in the Big Box electronics stores, which, as a rule, know little about computers, but a lot about a special offer this week. Instead, talk to a dedicated PC user or Mac platform before making your choice. Ask at the same time show you that every machine can do with the software that comes with the machine. To find out if the seller knows about computers, ask the question "Will there be an overclocking of my processor the cause of any negative consequences?" Answer: The warranty is canceled if the wrong update made may result in your processor to explode. If everything is done correctly, it will increase the speed of the processor.
  • When you buy a new computer with another platform other than the one you used may be a wise idea to keep your old computer In case you do not master the new platform as you would like it. It is also good if you have a lot of documents, photos or programs on the old computer you want to save and use. In addition, it is just a good to have an extra computer nearby for your children or someone else.
  • Since Mac has a smaller share of users, less software has been developed for them, but their software is usually considered as a higher quality software. When it comes to programs, windows userstend to have a huge range of choice, including commercial, open source and free programs. Software selection on MACS can be strict. Linux also suffers from this problem with a lower user base and most of the open source Linux software. Also there are less commercial software than for Windows and Mac
  • If you go with a PC to Mac or vice versa, you will have to adapt to some minor keyboard differences (that is, you will use the command key instead of the Ctrl key in most cases when switching from PC to Mac, and windows with apples icons).
  • Windows, as a rule, updates its operating system every four to six years, and modernization can cost from $ 100 to $ 400 depending on the version and functions that are needed (business users, home users, gamers, main users, etc. d.). Apple usually updates Mac OS X no more than once every two years, and update Snow Leopard costs $ 35. For a period of 6 years, you will spend $ 100 to 400 per PC, at the same time for Mac you will spend $ 70.
  • New mAC version OS (10.7) will be compatible with many of the earlier systems from Apple (except PowerPC), and the new version of Windows (7) will work on many recent PCs. Nevertheless, both may suffer from performance problems when installing on a weak computer.