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How to install a wireless connection to Windows XP. How to connect Wi-Fi on a laptop with Windows XP operating system

Hello to all the blog readers. The title is higher, this topic is today, since there are still many uses this system, and I think it will be useful to many users.
Wireless technologies firmly entered our lives with the acquisition of smartphones, tablets, laptops. Most modern devices already have included set Wi - Fi. Module, it concerns most laptops, netbooks, tablets and smartphones.
However, if you have an old computer, it can also be connected to Wi-Fi. There is a special device for it: Wi - Fi adapter. And of course on your PC
still should be at least one uSB slot. Each owner of the gadget is sooner or later faces the question of how to set up Wi - Fi in Windows XP.

Equipment for Wi - Fi

To connect the Internet with a subsequent Wi-Fi organization, you will need
router or router. It should be noted that Router and router - this is two
names of the same device. It is used only if already
There is a ready-made Internet connection via a modem.
Modem and router- two different devicesperforming various functions.
Modemdesigned to convert a signal that is transmitted via wired or
3G network, in the system available for understanding.
Routerdesigned to transmit a decrypted signal to other network participants
Without conversion. In this way, without modemnetwork signal operating system
Windows XP.the device will not be recognized.
Now the line between the modem and the router is gradually erased. Many manufacturers
Both devices are combined in one case. Such a device allows you to create
Wired local network for 4-5 computers (depending on the number of ports in the model) and in parallel to organize wireless connection.
When choosing a router model, first of all pay attention to methodconnections K.

There are three types of WAN - ports for connecting to the Internet:

1. ADSL Designed for connecting the Internet through telephone line

2. USB 3G. Used to connect USB - modem

3. Ethernetdesigned for connection network cable

If you are planning to connect third-party devices to the wireless network,
You need to select a device that supports data encryption. In this case in
Settings modem (router) All permitted are prescribed IP addressesto connect.

Setting up router

Routher Setup and Web Interface View different models may be among themselves
differ. The principle of setting and the sequence of actions is preserved.
Pre-router must be connected to the Internet through the port
WAN I.lie USB 3G.and to the computer through the port LAN.

How to set up a network on Windows XP:

1. Go to B. Start → Control Panel → Network Connections →
Connecting to local network.

2. In the window that appears, select " Properties»,

Next, we allocate the right mouse button " Internet TCP / IP Protocol"And click" Properties».

3. In the window that appears, exhibit the checkboxes " Get IP address automatically"I.
"Get the DNS address - server automatically" And confirm OK.

How to configure TCP / IP configuration settings for Windows XP Read

If Wi-Fi does not work on Windows XP

Important! Windows C different Service Packs Support different protection protocols!
Windows XP SP2.does not support the Protection Protocol WPA2.! Only WPA1.
Thus, if the problem occurs when connected, you need to watch version
Windows XP, as well as protocol protectionthat uses the access point.

If you do not have on your computer " Wireless Network Connection " The reason maybe
To be as follows:
1. You Windows XP SP2, and the access point is configured to protocol WPA2.. Need or
Set SP3.or reconfigure access point WPA.
2. On your computer at all notWi - Fi. adapter. You can find it through Dispatcher
Devices. The list of devices should be wireless lAN card.
3. On your computer Wi - Fi.adapter there is but he disabled. For example, many
Laptops there are shutdown buttons Wi - Fi. adapter. It can separate button or
One of the buttons combination with the button Fn. If a Wi - Fi. The adapter is built into the maternal
fee, it can be Disabled in BIOS..
4. The adapter is, but not installed drivers on him, in this case it will be in the list
devices in quality unidentified device.
If a " Wireless network connection" there is, it shows list of networks,
but fails to connect To the right network, then the reason may be that:
but.Too weak signal Between your adapter and access point.
Large distance, thick walls, etc. And the signal level of the access point
can be decent but the signal of your adapter not "comes" to the point
Access. Because the adapter signal is generally weaker than the signal
Access points. Especially if the adapter is built-in, such as in a laptop.
b.You have entered wrongpassword. This is especially actual for WindWS XPbecause,
What is there It is impossiblesee password symbols.
in. If the connection to the access point is installed, but the Internet does not work, then
Causes can be:
- Wi - Fi.router(access point) not connected to the Internet. For example, a technical failure of
Provider, or lack of funds on your account with the provider.
- The technical error In the work of the servers DNS.provider.

5. If the Internet does not appear, addresses are prescribed manually, for this rearrange
tick on the string " Use the following address ".

Necessary addresses IP and DNS - Serversyou can clarify in the technical support service provider.
6 . To execute settings routher.necessary for included device in the browser
score IP - address of the router. IP address The router is indicated on the rear panel.
7. Next in the appearance window Enter login and password. If the device is purchased
directly from the provider, login and password are prescribed in contract.
If the router is purchased independently, login and password are indicated
manufacturer in documents, not all devices login and password are prescribed
on the sticker. Factorylogin and password recommended change, to avoid
Unauthorized access to network settings.
8 . The main menu opens: Web interfacemodels.

For the convenience of the user in some models there is a change of language in
upper right corner into Russian. Next you need to configure the parameters PPPoe,

they are configured once with the primary setup of the device

How to configure the router in Windows XP on the example
Models D - Link dir. - 320 .

In the main menu on the top panel, the buttons are selected Setup."And" Internet Setup ».
On the updated page click " MANUAL Connection Setup ».

In the new window to register necessary settings Networks:

1 .MY Internet Connection Is- Choose a protocol PPPoe (USERNAME / PASSWORD);
2. Dynamic PPPoe- choose from the list;
3 . User Name. loginfor Internet access specified in treaty provider;
4. Password.passwordfor Internet access specified in the provider's contract;
5 . Service Name. - title provider;
6. RETYPEPASSWORD.- Repeated passwordfor Internet access.

Settings need to be saved using the button " Save Settings », then reboot
Router using the button " Reboot"So that the entered parameters entered into force.
In some cases, the Protocol is used by the Provider DHCP. instead PPPoe, so
The type of protocol must be clarified by the provider.

For settings Wi - FI Nit is necessary in the menu to choose " SYSTEM » → « Wireless Setup »,
Next at the bottom of the window to choose "MANUAL WIRELESS CONNECTION SETUP».
In the window that appears, select or entertain the following parameters:

1. WI - FI PROTECTED SETUP (WCN2.0)disable
2 . Enable Wireless - Enable
3. Wireless Network Name (SSID) - invented wireless network name
eg Wi - Fi_Home.
4. Enable Auto Channel Selection - Enable
5. WMM Enable - Disable
6. Enable Hidden Wireless - Disable
7. Security Mode - Select WPA / WPA2, which will allow network encryption;
8. Cipher Type - TKIP
9. PSK / EAP - PSK
10. Network Key.- invented keyfor access to the wireless network (minimum 8
characters in English letters and numbers).
Settings Save using the button " Save Settings », then restart
router button "Reboot"So that the settings take effect.

Connecting devices by Wi - Fi

When connecting devices for a wireless network uncomfortable Enter each time
login and passwordIf the same gadgets are used to connect the same gadgets.
In order to connect devices to Windows XP. It was performed automatically,
But at the same time for third-party users Wi - Fi.access was closed, follows in the settings of the router limit access by Mac - addresses For these devices in this way:

1. Enter the settings router through browserAs described earlier.
2. Enter the menu " Advanced"Select item in it "Mac Filter.».
3. A table will open to which all available for connecting.
4. Data Save and restart the device.

How to determine Mac - addressesconnected devices?
For PC S. Windows XP. You must call the command line, register in the menu
Start - Run: team - CMD.

In the appeared command line Enter the command
ipconfigand press ENTER.

In line IP Address:- Isked Mac - address Devices.

How to distribute Wi-Fi using a computer to other devices?

Previously seen how to set up a router and connect to Wi - Fi on a PC with Windows XP. Can be organized Wi - Fi Network via PCBy making it a distribution device.
Most often this method Network organizations apply when it is necessary to limit Internet access to the second device. If specimen PC is turned off, Network transfer
Not produced. Such a transfer has a limited range, not available for
Transfer of network S. Windows XP.on the device C. Android OS.and does not work in the absence of
Built-in Wi - FI module.

To configure the network in this way it is necessary for the already connected network to enter the section
1. « Wireless network connection» → "Change extra options» .
2. In the window that appears, allocate "Internet TCP / IP" protocol " and press
button " Properties ».
3. In the window that appears, check whether the necessary IP addresses if not,

The subnet mask is prescribed automatically. Press OK.
4. Then in the tab " Wireless networks" Mark " Use Windows
for settings", And below press the button" Add»

In a new window, register or note:

1. Network Name (SSID) - Wireless Network Name
2. Authentication - choose joint
3. data encryption - WEP
4. The key is provided automatically - tick \u200b\u200bremove
5 . Network keyconsisting of letters and numbers
6. Confirmation- repeat the key
7. Mark " This is a direct computer-computer connection, access points
Not used»
8. In the tab "Connection"mark "Connect if the network is in
Radius action.Press OK.
9. Then go to " Change additional parameters"And in the bookmark
« Additionally" Mark "Allow other users
Use connection ».

In the same way, configure the parameters Windows XP. on the taking PC.
Only in the column " Use the following IP address»Set the address to the host device: Replace only the latest address in the interval from 2 before 254.
In the column " Preferred DNS Server "Set parameters main PC:
Save changes by clicking OK.

Security Wi - Fi

Since when used Wi - Fi. All information is transmitted by radio
Wi - Fi.networks are much more vulnerable compared to wired networks. The fact is that radio signals sent by access point ( Wi - Fi. router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for intercepting any similar device that is in the "hearing" radius from the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, the interception of network traffic becomes very simple, affordable and imperceptible. And the interception of network traffic allows you to collect the information necessary for the attack on Wi - As more access points are becoming Wi - Fi. Increases the number of people "Hack" Wi -

The most common motivation for hacking access points Wi - Fi, this isconnect K. Internet through Wi - Fi. is free. For example, you have in the apartment installed Wi - Fi. Router and not only your devices are connected to it, but also a computer of someone from your neighbors.
You pay for the Internet, and your neighbor gets the Internet for free.
But " free online not the only reason for which "slam" networks Wi - Fi.. The fact is that if the attacker gets access to your access point, it can access all devices that are connected to your Wi - Fi. Router. And this gives him the opportunity to theft of your personal data. For example passwords to mail, to Internet banks, your documents - in general, what you own.
So use Wi - is necessary with caution.

Here are a few rules that should be observed.

1. Do not connect to K. open public networksWi - Fi. through a laptop on which
You have stored valuable information. And if you need access to the Internet
through open networks Wi - Fi., then use on your laptop
firewall and antivirus.
2. If you are using RouterWi - home or in the office, you need
Completely configure Wi - Fi. Routher.
but. Use the security type WPA2.
b. If on yours Wi - Fi. Router There is a function WPS.its necessary disable .
g.If yours Wi - Fi. Routersupports the administration function through the web interface,
need to disable accessto this interface through Wi - Fi..
Wi-Fi web interface The router must be available only through the network cable.
d. Turn offyour router Wi - Fi. At the time when you do not use the Internet - at night
Or when you leave home or office. If the access point works the clock
This facilitates the task of the cracker - he has a lot of time to hold attacks
On your access point

How to get around windows password Read

On the taskbar in Windows or in the menu "Center Network Management" no Wi-Fi icons? This does not mean equipment failed. Framing of technology - only one of the probable reasons. In some cases, you can independently.

What to do if there is no Wireless Network Connection icon.

This problem appears if:

Is there a Wi-Fi receiver?

If a receiver is not installed on the computer, you will not see the Wi-Fi network icon. But how to check what you have for the adapter? The simplest thing is to see the characteristics of the PC. On laptops there should be a sticker on which the specifications of the device are specified. Another option is to find out the adapter model and find information about it. Do you have a landline computer? Then find it out system block Ports for connecting a modem. If an antenna is installed there, then the product is suitable for working via Wi-Fi.

And the easiest way:

  1. You need a Windows Control Panel.
  2. Open the Device Manager. He is in the category "Equipment and Sound".
  3. Expand the "Network Adapters" menu.
  4. Look, whether there are models there in which "Wirelles", "802.11" or "WiFi".

If there are no such inscriptions, the wireless connection cannot be configured. But you can purchase a Wi-Fi module or a network card, which is already worth an antenna. There are also external Wi-Fi Receivers.


Usually, Windows independently loads the software you need. But if the network hardware driver is missing or damaged, it must be installed manually.

To connect, you need to download software. There are several ways. The first will suit if the driver was set incorrectly.

  1. In the Manager, right-click on the item with a yellow triangle.
  2. Select "Delete" and confirm the action.
  3. Restart the computer.
  4. After windows startup "Detect" the presence of a new device.
  5. If this happens, go to the dispatcher again.
  6. Highlight any item.
  7. "Actions - update the configuration."

It will work only with the equipment that is installed on the principle of "Plug and Play" (which means "insert and play"). Software for these devices is loaded itself. You can use them immediately after connection. If in the board, in general, there is no such function:

  1. Highlight any item in the dispatcher.
  2. "Actions - Install an old device"
  3. A window will open with explanations. Click "Next".
  4. Mark " Automatic search"Or" manually ".
  5. Select "Network Adapters".
  6. If you know the model and type of the gadget, find it in the list.
  7. Wait until the installation is completed.

To download an outdated update:

  1. In the dispatcher, click on the device with the right mouse button.
  2. In the drop-down list, click on "Update Driver". This option will be active if Windows defined the equipment model.
  3. Select "Automatic Search" so that the system finds the software on the network and downloaded it.
  4. Or click "Search on a computer" to specify the path to the installer.

Included with a new Wi-Fi adapter or laptop should go disk. You can download the necessary software. If you do not have a CD with the driver, and the system itself did not find it:

  1. Go to the manufacturer's website of the network equipment.
  2. In the search string, copy the model name.
  3. Open the page with information about your adapter.
  4. Download from there by software. Usually it is in the "Support" section, "downloads" ("downloads"), "Files" ("Files") or "Programs" ("Programs").

Exist special applications To install system software. For example, Driver Booster. It defines the equipment model and loads for it. actual versions Drivers.


Perhaps you have incorrectly selected network configuration. To connect to Wi-Fi, you must configure it. Initially, make diagnostics.

To connect to the access point, the Wi-Fi module must be active. On laptops, they can be controlled using a key combination. Which buttons click, depends on the gadget model. For example, "Fn + F5", "Fn + F7" or "Fn + F9". They draw on the relevant images. But sometimes users hurt them by chance. Yes, and on a stationary computer, the Wi-Fi module can be disabled. For settings:

Now you can restore the connection "by air" if the Wi-Fi icon disappears. But if the network board still broke, it is better to contact the master to the service center.

Using Wi-Fi Wireless Technology Allows you to combine all available in the house or in the office. computer devices. The result of this will be free exchange of information between them. Such a connection allows all available computers and laptops to access the Internet by using one connection channel to the worldwide network.

To connect, you must make sure that the wireless adapter is connected to the computer. Without such a device, the connection is impossible.

Before you need to check. To do this, do the following:

  1. Press the "Start" button, which is located in the lower left corner of the display screen.
  2. In the menu that appears, you need to select "My Computer" and click the right mouse button. Then you need to open the "Properties".
  3. Now several tabs are visible - the one is selected, where the list of equipment installed on the computer is provided.
  4. You need to check to go to the Device Manager.
  5. Opening the list of installed equipment, you can see devices that are grouped according to its purpose. In the situation under consideration, those that allow working with Wi-Fi Windows XP. This section is called "Network Adapters".

Clicking the mouse on this line, you can see the equipment that is installed in the system. One of them is a standard network card. If you can see the adapter in this list, providing Wi-Fi, you can confident that the computer will connect with it.

Note! If there is a mark on the name of the board that the device does not work (it may be a yellow triangle with black exclamation familiar Inside), this suggests that the driver is not installed or incorrectly.

As on Windows XP, connect to Wi-Fi in such a situation - described below:

  • Use the disk with the drivers, which was provided when buying a computer. It needs to be inserted into the drive and run installation program. Then remove and restart the computer. After that, everything should work.
  • There are situations where the disc was lost or not supplied at all. In this case, you can get for PC necessary driver through the Internet. To do this, find the manufacturer's site and for the existing adapter model to download, and then install the driver. After that, the computer is restarted.

If an incorrect installation was performed, the driver must be removed, then it is re-done.

Important! It should be borne in mind that in laptops such an adapter is almost always installed. In modern desktop computers, it also has. But sometimes it becomes necessary to make it installation.

How to use wi-fi

Reflecting on how on Windows XP it is possible to connect to Wi-Fi, you need to remember that to use the wireless connection on the laptop you need to make a hardware switching on. On the case, you can usually find a switch that performs this feature. On some models, it can be found on the end of the laptop, in others - on the reverse side.

For this purpose, in some models, the inclusion can be used using the presses of certain keys. They usually have an antenna icon. Sometimes the F2 or F3 keys are used for this purpose.

Basic difficulties when connecting to wireless networks on Windows XP

Since the possibility of obtaining a wireless network determines the operating system, it may occur so that it is not possible when it is turned on Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, in Windows XP, it is not sufficiently reliable to find available wireless networks. About how to connect to Wi-Fay on Windows XP, told later.

For this data entry, the following steps are taken:

  1. You need to go to the "Control Panel", select "Network Surrounding" in it.
  2. After the window opens, it will be possible to see all available on the connector. You need to select "Wireless", and click on it right mouse button. In the list that appears, select "Properties".
  3. The initial tab to select the desired connection protocol. In this case, this is the TCP / IP protocol. Then it will be necessary to establish its properties.

It should be noted the second option. Now you need to specify the necessary IP addresses in accordance with the data obtained from the provider.

Connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows XP: where to start

First of all, you must check the availability of a Wi-Fi adapter on the computer.

Note! To provide wireless communicationIt is important to install the desired driver.

Now you need to enable the ability to use the wireless network. If not to do this, even when the connection adapter is running, it will not happen.

How to enable Wi-Fi on Windows XP

When working with the Wi-Fi network is already prepared (the required driver is installed, inclusion is made), then the corresponding icon will appear at the right.

You need to click on her right mouse button and in the list that appears to search for working wireless networks. After the list shows, you must select the desired string, click on it and enter the login and password for access.

If this option It is not triggered, you can use the following way. To do this, the user needs to enter the "Control Panel".

After that, you need to take the following actions:

  1. Go to a section that relates to network connections.
  2. Select wireless and activate it.
  3. Click the right key to connect and select an item related to viewing list. existing networksTo which you can connect.
  4. You need to change the order of preference. To do this, the menu indicates the "Network at the Access Point", then check the need for an automatic connection. After actions performed, the list update is required. As a result, you can even see those that the system could hide.
  5. Now it remains to choose the desired Wi-Fi network.

If there is such a need, you can provide for the properties automatic activation. If you do, the wireless network will be installed every time automatically immediately after the computer is turned on.

Important! Sometimes you can not connect to the network without certifying. If the properties disable it, then this message will stop appearing.

Nuances of network selection and connection

When choosing a suitable provider, it is necessary to take into account its quality, reputation, the speed of the connection provided, the presence of a good support service.

When the router is bought in the house or office, it is necessary that its parameters responded to the tasks assigned: so that Wi-Fi is available on the entire area, and the Internet speed even with the simultaneous turning on the devices high.

What to do if the automatic connection does not work

When connecting to a wireless network using a router, you must remember that all parameters are determined by how to configure it. To see them, you need to take such steps:

  1. Run the browser and type the IP address that is needed to call the settings. Usually we are talking about It can be different, but it is easy to clarify if you read the information on the router.
  2. Often the login and the default password coincide - "admin". Typically, these data are also listed directly on the router. They must be scored on the main page.
  3. Configuration of settings may be different for different types routers. You need to see the installed login and password for Wi-Fi.

Note! Having received this data, they are injected to connect to a wireless network.

WPA2 protection problems

WPA2-PSK protection can prevent the wireless connection. This is usually happening when SP2 add-ons are installed for Windows XP. This problem will stop disturbing the user if you install the SP3 update package. Thereafter this defense Will not obstruct wi-Fi work Connections.

If you forgot the access key

To connect a netbook or computer, you will need to specify the username and password. Sometimes the automatic connection to the wireless network does not occur. In this case, you must enter the input data manually.

They can be found as follows:

  1. Enter the "Network and Internet Connections", then go to the Wireless Wizard section.
  2. To continue work, you must click the "Next" button.
  3. You need to select another computer to Wi-Fi.
  4. Mark the checkbox to install yourself.
  5. When the next screen appears, you need to click "Print Network Data". As a result, the notebook will open text filewhere you can see the login and password to enter the wireless network.

Other possible failures and methods for their elimination

The following problems are possible:

  1. It may be so that there is no Wi-Fi adapter on the computer. It is convenient to check if it uses the device manager. If in the section for network devices it is not then wireless adapter It will be inaccessible.
  2. Availability switch is possible Wi-Fi connections switched off. To check it, you need to find it, switch and check the availability of the network.
  3. Login (network name - SSID) and password were entered with errors.

Note! It also happens that everything is configured in the computer correctly, but there is no possibility to connect. Then you need to check that there are available connections in this place.

The reason may also be the lack of connection from the network to the router. If the system does not find a certificate, then it is usually about incorrect authorization.

In Windows XP, difficulties may occur during wireless connections. However proper setting They can be avoided and use through Wi-Fi with high-quality Internet in the house or office.

All articles of our site are undergoing an audit of the technical consultant. If you have any questions, you can always set them on his page.

The home access point or Wi-Fi in various public places is a comfortable and useful thing. Thanks to her, you can always be aware of news and communicate with friends without using additional wires. But with problems when connecting to Wi-Fi, everyone faced. This happens on any devices, but most of all with this trouble holders of old laptops with Windows XP are faced. Therefore, the user has to customize not only the access point, but also the OS.

Immediately start with the council. First of all, you need to choose software for built-in Wi-Fi device. The program can be downloaded from computer forums, sometimes it comes with a laptop. It happens that the Wi-Fi device in a computer or laptop may be absent, then you have to purchase it separately and connect to the PC.

Standard connection method

For fans of video instructions, we found a roller with detailed description inclusionWi-Fi on OS.WindowsXP:

If a PC with Windows XP is not connected to Wi-Fi, the reason can be disabled adapter. There is a Wi-Fi on / off button on the laptop. It can be one of the keyboard keys or removed into a separate switch to another part of the case. After pressing it, the adapter starts and the Wi-Fi icon appears on the Windows XP taskbar. On it, you need to double-click the list of available networks available. You need to select the network user who belongs to the user and click "Connect".

What to do if not connected?

If you cannot connect to the Internet, you will have to make a deeper adjustment of Wi-Fi parameters on Windows XP:

  1. Open the "Start" and select from the "Control Panel" list.
  2. Next, select "Network Connections" and enable "Wireless Network Connection".
  1. Next click on "Change the procedure for network preferences" and in the settings, click "Network at the Access Point". To do this, you need to check the "Automatic connection to the network".
  2. Then you need to return to the "Wireless Network Connection" and click on the "update network list".

  1. Determine your WiFi and click "Connect".

  1. After you need to enter the username and key.

The connection parameters have an automatic connection feature with Wi Fi. After its inclusion, the user does not have to connect to the Internet manually each time the launch of the launch.

Attention! If you find the shutdown key on the laptop Wi-Fi adapterand it does not work, then you can enable it in the dispatcher windows devices XP:

  1. Go to "My Computer" and in open folder, Right-click on any empty part of the directory.
  2. A list will open, select "Properties".
  3. Left at the top Click "Device Manager".
  4. Find your own Wi-Fi Equipment And run it.

Setting up Wi-Fi on Windows XP is a bit more complicated than in more modern OS. For example, in Windows 8, the Wi-Fi network is determined automatically and rarely requires manual adjustments of options. Despite this, possessing the necessary skills setting the adapter even on XP, can be made in a few minutes.

On a stationary computer to connect to Wi-Fi, you must not only understand Windows XP, but also to install external element. It can be a USB Wi-Fi adapter or PCI-E WiFi card.

The first option is perfect and in the case of a laptop, if, for example, the signal is caught bad.

Setting up or connecting to the Internet

After a successful connection to Wi-Fi, you need to make sure that the internet is presence. If it is not, then Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop. To solve the problem on Windows XP, you need to go to "Network environments" and select "View available wireless networks".

  • IP:
  • Mask:
  • Gateway:

Causes of problems with Wi-Fi

The most common causes, due to which you cannot connect to Wi-Fi on Windows XP, this is:

  1. On the computer installed OS with pack SP2, which does not match modern routers. The problem is fixed using the operating system update to SP3.

  1. PC does not see the Wi-Fi adapter. To make sure of its availability, it is enough to go to the "Task Manager" and open the Network Board tab. If the device is there, but it is designated by a red sign, then you need to install the drivers.

  1. The adapter is not included. To enable it, you may need to use not only a specially designated button on the keyboard, but also to clamp the "Fn" key.

If you forget the access key?

It happens that Wi-Fi will not connect to the network at a very banal reason - forgot the password. On Windows XP you can find it.

I'll tell you how:

  1. We go to the "Control Panel", we are looking for a "network and connect to the Internet".

  1. After selecting, click "Next" and note the addition of a new computer to the network, again "Next".
  2. Select the manual network installation.
  3. In the tab that opens, click on "Print Network Parameters". In the notepad opened, you will find a lost password.

And another access key can be searched in the router settings in the Safety section.

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1. Connect the cable that our installers in the WAN port in the apartment, and connect the computer to any of the LAN ports. Power adapter from routerClose to 220V power supply. Go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Network Connections - Connection over Local Network - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) - Properties - Tick "Get an IP Address automatically"

The rights and obligations under this Agreement cannot be appointed by you, and any attempted assignment is not valid and does not act. This Agreement binds and ensures in the interests of the parties and their successors and permitted appointments. In the event of any trial between the parties arising from this Agreement or related to it, the prevailing party has the right to recover in addition to any other exemption or compensation provided to him and the costs incurred in any such proceedings.

2. Open Internet EXplorer or any other browser, in the address bar, dial and press "ENTER"

3. In the "User" field, enter "Admin". In the "Password" field, also enter "Admin", click "OK"

4. Go to the Network tab, select WAN

5. Fill in the fields as follows: Connection type - PPPoE / Russia PPPoE; Next, enter the username and password; WAN Connection Mode - Automatic Connection. Leave other fields unchanged. Click the Save button.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router
5.1 To configure Wi-Fi, go to the "Wireless Mode" tab, select "Customize Wireless Mode". Fill in the fields as follows: Wireless Network Name - Enter the name of your breakpoint network, such as My_WiFi, Region - Ukraine, Channel - Auto. Leave other fields unchanged. Click "Save"

5.2 Next, you need to configure the security Wi-Fi network. Navigate to the "Wireless Mode" tab, select "Protection Wireless mode" Set the switch near WPA / WPA2 - Personal (Recommended) Fill in the fields as follows: version, encryption - automatic, PSK Password - password to access your wireless network (minimum eight characters). Next, click the Save button, then to reboot, click "Click here"

5.3 Wait until the router saves the settings and reboots, it usually takes 1-2 minutes. After downloading the wireless network is ready for use.

If you are in the United States, section 17 refers to you. If you are outside the United States, or if section 17 does not apply to you or otherwise cannot be applied in the court of competent jurisdiction, then Section 18 is applied to you.

Any actions arising from this Agreement or related to it can be represented solely in the relevant state or federal court in Los Angeles, California and Belkin, and you unconditionally agree to the jurisdiction of such vessels and venues in Los Angeles, California. In addition, Belkin may require a forensic ban in any court with jurisdiction to protect their intellectual property rights.

They asked to tell how to configure the computer's work on the Internet via an ADSL modem (similarly set up with the router) and the computer operation on the local network via the local router.

We will configure the network in Windows XP, with Windows 7 is similar.

1. Local network c router
2. ADSL modem from the provider tuned by a router with IP included in the Local Network Speed, then-there handle the Internet of the entire subnet who will be registered with the main gateway.

Installing a network adapter driver

Each of the United Nations Convention on the International Purchase and Selling Contracts and the United Nations Convention on the Limitation of the International Purchase and Sale period is directly excluded and will not be applied to this Agreement. These trademarks of third parties are the property of the respective owners.

Understanding the network bridge in the "Real World" Bridge is a structure that covers the distance between two points and provides communication or connection from one place to another. In the network terminology, the bridge performs a similar function, since it covers two local networks and allows packets from one to another.

Task customize the operation of computers on the Internet with simultaneous work on the local network through the router and other networks that are behind the router.

The first thing we do is turn off the DHCP server in the modem. This in order for the modem to dispel the IP on the local network, all Aipi gives his hands.
Second - open the settings of the network card and prescribe:

As a bridge differs from the router. Bridges and routers are network connection devices that connect network segments together. However, there are a number of differences between them. Routers are more complex devices than bridges. Bridges can be combined with routers for the production of Bruiver.

The bridge also restores the data when it sends them, but does it at the package level, and not at the signal level. Repeaters cannot connect segments that use different methods Access to the environment, but some types of bridges, called translated bridges, can. The most important thing, repeaters transmit everything, without considering the addresses or not distinguishing the addresses as bridges.

The parameter entry window opens, enter the IP address, mask, gateway and DNS in the settings network cardand and go to the additional settings:

Assigning a bridge You can use the bridge to segment the network to reduce traffic overload. When you first send a message to a specific address, the bridge sends it to all computers on both sides. Thus, it detects which side the address relates, and adds the address to its table. Port numbers are used to represent different segments. Then, when subsequent messages are sent to this address, the bridge knows to send a package to the appropriate segment if the destination address is in another segment from the source or if the source and the destination computer are located on the same segment, and not to send a package through the bridge.

Main gate:

For each configured computer, you must specify a different IP address, for example,, etc.

After filling out all the fields as on the screenshot, press the button Additionally:

Consequently, unnecessary traffic does not cross the bridge. Bridges can connect two network segments that use different media into one subnet if they use the same network protocol. You can use the bridge instead of buying a wireless access point.

The bridge automates the data transfer process from one type of media to another, without requiring you to adjust individual subnets for each type of media and manually adjusted the transfer of packages between subnets. Adapters on which specific functions, such as the Internet connecting screen and internet access, are included, cannot be part of the bridge. Look under the hood of the network bridge. Bridge places network adaptersbelonging to him in the "erratic mode". This means that the adapter can intercept all transmitted packets, and not just those addressed to him.

To do this, we just add everything that goes on the network to go through the local router, for this click Start - execute And enter the command ::


To check static permanent routes, execute the command:

In order that when executing you, the console window is closed, run the command Start - Run - CMD And in the window that opens is already above the above commands.

Click the Start button. The control panel window opens. Click "Switch to the classic view", which appears in the navigation bar on the left side of the control panel window, if the control panel is not yet in the classic viewing mode. When the control panel window is classically, the Network Connections menu will be displayed on the on the right panel.

Connecting and configuring WiFi in Windows XP: Video

Double-click the Network Connections icon on the control panel to open the Network Connections window. Find a wireless connection, the settings of the router of which you want to find in the "Network Connections" window. Right-click on the connection. This will open the Connection window to the wireless network for this connection.

If you have other addresses, simply change to your analogy.

Setup network completed. With you was Sergey Lazarenko.

We will take a little break and browse a short video clip.