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Find windows 8 services. Unnecessary services that can be disabled in Windows

You can configure the operation of services in a special Windows manager... To open it, use the combination Windows keys+ R, in the line that appears, type services.msc and press Enter. You will see the same or similar (if you have one of the older OS versions) window:

The manager displays the services in a table. Here you can view a list of available services, read their brief descriptions and find out the current status. Of particular importance is the Startup Type column. It is he who shows whether a particular service is enabled and in what mode it is started by the system.

By double clicking on one of the services, you will open a window in which you can disable it. It is enough to open the "Startup type" item, select "Disabled" and click "OK". But among other launch options, there is a value for "Manual". For security reasons, select it for all services that you want to disable. This will allow the system to start services when they are really needed and not waste on them the rest of the time.

Do not disable services completely, just switch them to manual mode.

The services listed below are not critical to system performance, and many users might not need them. Therefore, you can put these services in manual mode. Before making changes, be sure to read short descriptions so as not to stop the services that are important to you.

Some of the services on our list may already be completely disabled on your PC or initially work in manual mode. If so, just skip them.

Incorrect actions during the service configuration process can result in incorrect work systems. By making changes, you take responsibility for yourself.

Remember to restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Windows services that can be put into manual mode

The Russian-language names of some of the services from this list may differ from those that you see on your computer. But this only applies to the wording. If you cannot find the service you are looking for by the exact name, look for options that are similar in meaning.

Windows 10

  • Connected User Experiences and Telemetry.
  • Diagnostic Tracking Service.
  • dmwappushsvc.
  • Downloaded Maps Manager — If you are not using the Maps application.
  • Service touch keyboard and the Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service.
  • Service windows defender(Windows Defender Service).

Windows 8 / 8.1

  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • IP Helper - if you are not using an IPv6 connection.
  • Program Compatibility Assistant Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary Logon.
  • Security Center.
  • NetBIOS over TCP / IP support module (TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Registration service Windows errors(Windows Error Reporting Service).
  • Download service Windows images(Windows Image Acquisition, WIA) - if you don't have a scanner.
  • Windows Search - if you are not using the Windows search function.

Windows 7

  • Browser of computers (Computer Browser) - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • IP Helper - if you are not using an IPv6 connection.
  • Offline Files.
  • Enumerator service portable devices(Portable Device Enumerator Service).
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • Protected storage.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary Logon.
  • Security Center.
  • Server - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • NetBIOS over TCP / IP support module (TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Search - if you are not using the Windows search function.

Windows Vista

  • Browser of computers (Computer Browser) - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Desktop Window Manager Session Manager - If you are not using the Aero skin.
  • Diagnostic Policy Service.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Offline Files.
  • Portable Device Enumerator Service.
  • Print Spooler - if you don't have a printer.
  • ReadyBoost.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary Logon.
  • Security Center.
  • Server - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • Tablet PC Input Service.
  • NetBIOS over TCP / IP support module (TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • Themes - if you are using the classic Windows theme.
  • Windows Error Reporting Service.
  • Windows Media Center Service Launcher.
  • Windows Search - if you are not using the Windows search function.

Windows XP

  • Alerter.
  • Browser of computers (Computer Browser) - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client - if the computer is not connected to any network.
  • Indexing Service - If you are not using Windows Search.
  • Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).
  • Messenger service.
  • Remote Registry - This service can be completely disabled.
  • Secondary Logon.
  • Server - if the computer is not used as a server.
  • System Restore service.
  • NetBIOS over TCP / IP support module (TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper).
  • A source uninterruptible power supply(Uninterruptible Power Supply).
  • Upload Manager
  • Wireless Zero Configuration

The Windows operating system in its work uses a number of services - subprograms that interact with the RAM during the operation of the OS and programs in it. Some services are useful, but others may not work. It is better to remove "unnecessary", ineffective routines from random access memory, otherwise there may not be enough RAM for more required elements... Let's take a look at how to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7, 8, 10 and why to do it.

Why bother shutting down services at all?

Let's start with the fact that most privates Windows users in the CIS, computers are not the freshest / not the fastest / not the most "spacious" (clogged big amount information). All of this indicates poor system performance. Of course, you can reinstall Windows all the time, but why do this very often if you can simply "clean" the OS from unnecessary Windows services.

If you disable services correctly and safely (using our instructions), then you will definitely provide your PC with the best performance, even without expanding RAM (by the way, expanding RAM does not provide the best system performance yet). Please note that if your computer is quite nimble (from 6 GB of RAM, good processor starting with the i3 Intel), disabling unnecessary services will not change anything, so it's best not to take this venture.

After all, the system is designed to start by default even those services that are never used by users - for example, remote desktop services, registries, with the network, virtual printer etc.

How to disable unnecessary services in Windows 7

The process of disabling services in Windows is pretty straightforward, but you don't need to use it too often. If you disable any important service, your system may break, including glitches, blue screens death, errors in applications. If you are using virtual machine VM Ware Workstation, never delete its services! When you do, normal functioning this complex you can not wait - at least, the Internet in the virtual machine will disappear, as a maximum - you will not be able to start the virtual machine at all.

The instruction looks like this:

Of course, we will provide a list of those services that can be disabled. Please note that we have divided the list into blocks to make it easier for you to navigate.

From a security point of view, these manipulations should have a good effect on system optimization. However, if you get carried away, the system may lose important functions, carefully read the list that is presented above so as not to definitely delete the desired service.

How to disable unnecessary services in Windows 8

In the "eight" this process looks similar and does not bode well. You can disable the same services that are in the "seven". To enter the "Control Panel" then just go into "Start" and choose it from the Metro menu. If you do not have such a menu item, just type in the name into the "Search" in the system. Then repeat the instructions as you did with Windows 7.

There is a simpler option to open the "Services" menu: press on the keyboard Win + X and then go to "Computer Management".

After that we choose "Services" in a new window.

Now you can follow the instruction.

How to disable unnecessary services in Windows 10

In Windows 10, the process was also unchanged. The only difference is that the developers completely decided to get rid of the "Control Panel" and switched to "Options". To find the settings for services in this "confusion", you need to go to "Start", then to "Settings" and find "System" in the menu items. After moving to this block, positions will be shown on the side, among which you will find the one you need. If this is not the case, use the search by parameters.

This is how services are disabled in the Windows operating system. We recommend that you not get carried away with the process and carefully monitor which services you disable, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

Today we will look at two easy ways to remove a service on a family of operating systems. Windows by means the system itself. But before proceeding with the removal, you must learn very important points:

- After deleting a service, it is very difficult to restore it, often it is simply impossible, so you need to be very careful and do not delete services that can harm the system's performance;
- Some services are responsible for the performance of programs, therefore, when deleting services, you must be sure that it will not harm software installed on your computer;
- And again, do not delete system services, as with a very high probability this will render your operating system unusable and you will have to completely reinstall the system.

This instruction may be needed if any of the programs, after uninstallation, left their service untouched, and this service constantly generates errors due to the lack of executable files... Also, some viruses or create their own services, which antiviruses usually do not pay attention to, so you have to delete the service manually. But remember: all these actions you do at your own peril and risk.

So, in order to start deleting a service, you need to find out its name. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", open the "System and Security" section, select "Administrative Tools" and open "Services". In this window, select the service we need, in my case it is "2GIS UpdateService":

Double click to open the properties of the service. At the top of the window there is a field "Service name", copy it to the clipboard, in my case it is "2GISUpdateService". As in this case, the service name and display name are very often different, but sometimes they are the same. But remember that you need the "Service Name" to remove a service. Click the "Stop" button to stop the service:

Method 1. Removing the service from the Windows command line

1. Run the command line as administrator. To do this, follow the path:

C: \ Windows \ System32

Find the file cmd.exe , click on it with the right mouse button and select “Run as administrator.

V Windows Vista and 7 you can open the Start menu, start writing in the search bar cmd.exe and when Windows finds it, right-click on it and run as administrator.

2. To remove the service, use the system command sc Is a command line utility designed specifically for working with services. We need to remove services, so the command syntax will be like this:

Sc delete ServiceName

If the service name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes like this:

Sc delete "Service Name"

In my case, it will look like this:

Sc delete 2GISUpdateService

If the service has been successfully removed, the sc utility will inform us about it in command line record "DeleteService: success":

If we refresh the services window by pressing the F5 button, we will see that the service has disappeared:

Method 2. Removing the service through the Windows Registry Editor

An alternative to the previous method is to delete it using a registry editor. To do this, proceed according to the following instructions:

1) Open the registry editor, for this press Win + R and in the window that opens, enter regedit:

2) In the Registry Editor window that opens, go to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services

This branch contains a list of all services installed on the system:

3) Find the branch name in the registry that matches the name of the service to remove:

Make sure the DisplayName and InfoPath parameters contain information appropriate for the service to be removed.

4) Delete the registry branch with the service name. To do this, right-click on the branch and select "Delete":

The service has been removed.

That's all. I hope this article was useful to you, click one of the buttons below to tell your friends about it. Also subscribe to site updates by entering your e-mail in the field on the right.

Thank you for the attention:)

Alek55sandr5 | July 31, 2016, 02:46
First of all, I would disable the system update. Since sometimes this process loads the system very heavily, the RAM is especially loaded. To do this, go to the Center windows updates and then go to "Settings". Then set the value "Do not check for updates (not recommended)" and click "OK". If you rarely use the search in the system, you can also turn off the search service.

Sirano | February 6, 2015 12:44 pm
The question is not straightforward. Rather, the services to be disabled depend on the use of the computer. I will try to list the services that can be disabled without crashing the system. Again, you may have some additional services launched by additional software or Windows version may be different. In short, be careful and careful.

1. Offline Files - Responsible for caching offline files. If we do not use it, then we can cut it out. On a regular home PC, they are definitely not needed.

2. Computer browser - disable only if the computer does not work in the network in Microsoft networks or in the Home group.

3. Secondary login - allows you to run processes on behalf of another user. I use this function, so I leave it. If you are working with only one user, you can turn it off.

4. Grouping of network participants - disconnect if there are no other computers in local network.

5. Print manager - turn off if there is no printer or MFP.

6. Connection manager remote access- you can turn it off if you are not using VPN. One clarification, a number of ISPs use a VPN connection to authenticate a user on the network and connect to the Internet. Accordingly, if you turn off this service, then you will lose the Internet.

7. Identity manager for network participants - if there is no network, then you can turn it off.

9. Configuring Remote Desktop Server - if you do not plan to use Remote Desktop Management, it is better to disable it.

10. Policy for removing smart cards - turn off.

11. Network connection broker - I would turn it off if notifications from programs from the Windows store are not needed.

12. Homegroup listener - turn off if the computer does not work in the homegroup.

13. Collector Windows events- if it does not work in a local network, you can turn it off. In principle, this service collects events from other Windows PCs, therefore, if we do not use such information, turn it off.

14. Server - the service is needed for general access to PC resources. If there is no local network and shared folders you are not going to do it on it, then turn it off.

15. Network Login - This computer running in a Windows domain (AD)? If not, turn it off. Otherwise, your admin will tell you everything that he thinks of you and will be right.

16. Remote registry - disable it if we do not edit the registry remotely (I have never encountered the need for such a step).

17. Node of the diagnostic system - turn off.

18. Node of the diagnostic service - turn off.

19. Fax - do you send faxes from your computer? If not, then turn off this Windows 8 service as well.

20. Windows Update - ambiguous. I would turn it off and then start it with my hands once a month and a half. Still, sometimes security fixes are needed. If you do not want to update the system automatically, turn it off.

The list may not be complete, but I would not touch the rest of the services if you are not sure.

Greetings friends! I want to tell one interesting story about Task Manager in Windows 8... A few days ago I was asked to look at one laptop with an eight installed, the fact is that the operating system on it was terribly slow, and this was in the presence of the most modern quad-core processor and 6 GB of RAM. The problem was solved very quickly with the help of the usual task manager, I must say that it has changed a lot in the latest operating system from Microsoft, it has become more detailed and useful, and I decided to write a separate article about it.

Task Manager in Windows 8

The laptop owners could not understand what was the matter. The laptop began to slow down and freeze seemingly for no reason. Sometimes this was observed when working on the Internet (Internet pages opened slowly), and sometimes when working in ordinary office applications(opening and saving the document took an endlessly long time).

I got this laptop in the evening and I fought for a long time with the desire to postpone it all tomorrow. Okay - I thought, now I'll turn it on and look at at least the task manager, maybe I can immediately find the reason for the freezes and brakes. booted up quickly and worked so fast that I didn't even believe that this laptop could slow down. By clicking on the taskbar with the right mouse, I selected Task Manager,

At first glance, there was nothing criminal, working applications and background processes practically did not load the processor, memory was also not particularly expended. No suspicious, and most importantly, unfamiliar processes were observed. We can say that in the Windows 8 task manager, nothing boded trouble, the CPU load was 4%, the memory load was 7%, as well.

Note: Task Manager in Windows 8 shows all running programs and processes. With its help, you can easily stop any process, find out the location of the file to which the process belongs. The task manager can give any program you choose High priority and you will allow it to consume a large amount of processor resources, or, on the contrary, select these resources by assigning it a Low priority. Using the Task Manager, you can see the results of processor performance, RAM, disk and network connection speed, and much more. Everything is presented in the form of a clear graph.

There are several ways to launch the Task Manager, for example, by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC or another Ctrl + Alt + Del, or by clicking on the taskbar and choosing "Task Manager" from the menu. I left the task manager and decided to check Windows 8, but before I had time to download it, the icon on the taskbar attracted my attention (very good installed program(), it showed 64% CPU utilization.

Why would it suddenly - I thought and again opened the task manager and for sure, the processor load was already 72% and Kaspersky called its process Security Scan, gobbled up this process and half of the available memory.

Pretty good antivirus scanner Kaspersky Lab (we have written an article about him), is intended not to remove viruses, but only to diagnose your computer, after a full scan displays a detailed report on all the vulnerabilities of your operating system. When installed on a computer, it goes to startup and can start its own process in the future. So after using this scanner, remove it from your computer.
By clicking on the process with the right mouse, I selected "Open file location" in the Windows 8 task manager menu, the personal folder of the program C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Kaspersky Lab \ Kaspersky Security Scan 2.0, that is, everything is correct.

I decided to stop this process and uninstall the program. By clicking on the process with the right mouse, I chose "End task" from the menu.

The process was completed, the program did not work anymore, after that I safely removed it via the "Uninstall or change the program" panel. The laptop no longer slowed down and I returned it safely to the owners.

So friends, it is not necessary to resort to exotic solutions to solve certain problems, but you can successfully use the tools built into Windows 8, for example, a simple task manager.
I suggest you consider all the possibilities that the updated Task Manager in Windows 8 offers us. Let's start with the first tab. Processes
We have already familiarized ourselves with this tab. It contains information about all running applications and processes. The percentage indicates how much each application or process consumes processor resources, memory, how much disk space and network occupies.

You already know how to shutdown any application or process. You can also select the "Details" menu item and you will be taken to the "Details" tab, where you can see the service of the process you are interested in.


Shows the results of processor performance, RAM, disk data rate and network connection. Everything is presented in the form of a clear graph.

Application log
You can see how long each application was consuming processor resources and how intensively it took up network bandwidth.

A useful tab, with the help of it you can see applications that start together with operating system... If you want to turn off any application from startup, right-click on it and select "Disable". But I want to say that it looks rather pale compared to the AnVir Task Manager startup monitor.

In this contribution, you can see all the users in the system and the resources of the processor, memory, disk space, network consumed by them. Click on the arrow and see all applications opened by this user. If you are a computer administrator, you can disable any user by right-clicking on it and choosing Disable.


A very interesting tab. Any application in Windows 8 has its own priority most often "Normal", so you can change the status quo. For example, you work in TeamViewer, click on it with the right mouse, then "Set priority" and we can choose any other priority for this
Real time
Above the average
Below the average

By assigning "High priority" to any selected program, you will allow it to consume a large amount of processor resources, the program will work most functionally and without interruptions.
I would also like to note the first point of Real Time, by assigning this priority to the program, you will allow it to use the maximum amount of processor resources. I advise you not to do this unnecessarily.
I think it will be superfluous to tell you about the rest of the priorities, since this is most likely understandable. Services
Many readers often ask how to get into Windows 8 services. This can easily be done using the same Windows 8 task manager. In addition, right in the manager window, you can start, stop or start the service you are interested in. Selecting the "Details" item in the menu will take you to the "Details" tab