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Gadget program for Windows 10.

Users of computers that switched from Windows 7 on windows 10 or bought personal Computer with a pre-installed ten, often wondering - where widgets are gone. Answer this question is quite simple. Starting with Windows 8, the company is more does not use In their operating systems widgets.

For many users who are accustomed to widgets, this is a rather unpleasant news. But do not be upset. In this material we describe the process returning gadgets in the operating system Windows 10. in place. For example, the recovery of the widgets we use free programs Gadgets Revived and 8GadgetPack, whose installation and work we will consider in the new Windows 10 Pro operating system.

Return widgets using the GADGETS Revived utility

Program Gadgets Revived is absolutely free. You can download the utility from its official site After loading the installer, you can proceed to the immediate installation. After running the installer, a window will appear in front of us where we will be offered to select the installation language.

Choose language And we will continue, after which you will get into the starting window of the installer. In the starting window, click the Next\u003e button and move to the language selection window.

By default, we already have a Russian language, so we continue the installation.

In the window that appears, we need to click the Install button, after which the installation of the program will start. After completing the installation, the installer will output the last window in which we click the Complete button.

Now you can proceed to installation widgets. To do this, go to the desktop and click on it right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select " Gadgets».

A window should appear with widgets that were preset in the seven.

To add gadgets to the desktop, just think necessary for him. For example, it looks like a steady widget " Clock»On the desktop.

From the review utility Gadgets Revived It can be seen that it almost completely copies appearance and the functionality of the built-in widgets in the seven. For example, the gadget clock has similar settings windows gadgets 7.

If you are not enough pre-installed gadgets, you can find hundreds of new gadgets on main page

To install the gadget you like, it is enough to download from the official site. After that, open the downloaded file and click the Install button in the window that appears.

For example, it looks like the installed beautiful clock Ferrari Clock. On the desktop.

You can download this widget on the page.

Return widgets using the 8GadgetPack program

Another interesting utility is 8GadgetPack. The utility is also free and you can download it from the official site After launch installation File, we will fall into the starting window of the installer.

Press the Install button, after which the installation will start 8GadgetPack In Windows 10. At the final installation stage, the last window will appear in which you want to press the Finish button.

Installing 8GadgetPack, You can proceed to the use of gadgets. To do this, also go to the desktop and click on it right mouse button. In the context menu that appears, select the same item " Gadgets».

Utility should open 8GadgetPack With a set of gadgets, which seems to resemble the previous utility, but is slightly different.

The main difference 8GadgetPack from Gadgets Revived It is that all gadgets have already been added to the first, and they do not need to be downloaded separately. AT 8GadgetPack Enabled more than fifty applications and with each new version, this list is expanding. To install gadgets, they are the same as in Gadgets RevivedYou need to drag on the desktop. For example, in the image below shows a responted gadget " Digital clock».

If you press the combination of the Win + Q keys to invoke applications in Windows 10 and dial in it " 8Gadgetpack Tools."We can open the Advanced Settings menu.

The only unpleasant moment is that the menu will be on english language. So that our readers make it easier to deal with this menu, we signed every item in Russian in the image below.

Let's sum up

It is not known for what reason the developers removed widgets from new Windows operating systems. Perhaps this decision was made because of their small popularity. But whatever their solution, after all, the widgets are popular with many users, because they help recognize various information directly from the desktop screen.

Thanks to such utilities like 8GadgetPack and Gadgets RevivedThe Windows 10 operating system users will be able to use the widgets to which they are accustomed to the seven. And we, in turn, hope that detailed review program 8GadgetPack and Gadgets Revived It will help our readers to establish widgets on Windows 10. We also want to note that in 2016 Microsoft promises to release two major updates, perhaps they will add support for gadgets or find them an alternative.

Video on the topic

The Windows 7 operating system was very loved by users. She combined new design elements and small requirements for computer resources. With the arrival of Windows 8, and now Windows 10, users after the update showed the absence of a function of adding gadgets to desktop.

Causes of lack of gadgets in Windows 10

Microsoft explained the absence this element Two reasons.

  1. The first - the role of the applications attached on the desktop is now performed by live tiles in, which not only can show the necessary information, but also cause applications that combine the tasks of the standard label.
  2. Second reason - safety. The presence of widgets in the OS was dangerous, since the attackers could remotely access the computer using a vulnerability in the code that was responsible for the operation of these elements.

However, many users do not suit this provision, and they are asked about how to install gadgets for Windows 10.

Install gadgets using additional software

Insofar as standard means It is impossible to do it, the only option is to use third-party programs.


The most popular solution to the problem of lack of mini-applications in Windows 8 and 10 is the 8GadgetPack program. This utility It is a patch for the system, after using which it becomes possible to install the widgets created for Windows 7 in the system. To put gadgets on Windows 10 using this program, you will need:

  1. Go using any browser to the website.
  2. Click on the large "download" button on the main page of the site.
  3. Save the file by specifying the desired folder.
  4. Run the file by installing the components.

Important! To make changes to the OS, it is required to restart the computer.

After restarting the computer, the user will detect that you can enable gadgets in Windows 10 now you can now from the context menu of the same name on the desktop.

Desktop Gadgets Installer

The Desktop Gadgets Installer program has a similar set of features. She also adds the "Gadgets" item in context menu Desktop, restoring a standard set of applications from Windows 7. No other components, except for official widgets from Microsoft utility Does not contain, but successfully recognizes any file downloaded from the Internet with extension. Magadget.

To install the program, you need:

  1. Via the browser visit the site and go to the "Download Sidebar" section.
  2. This page provides illustrated instructions for installing the program and is given a direct link to download the installation file.


Read more about installing gadgets, you can learn from the video.


So, using solutions from third-party developers, you can easily return the gadgets in Windows 10. The main thing is not to forget about security and do not download files from unverified sites.

Gadgets (widgets) are one of the most controversial functions in the window OS. Some users establish them and do not even represent how to fully use the PC without their help. Others do not even know what it is, and quite successfully cope. Are there any gadgets for Windows 10, what it is and how to install them - the answer to these questions we will describe in detail further in the article.

Why widgets disappeared from windows 10?

With the arrival at first 8, and then the tenth version, this question was resolved, because Microsoft decided to completely remove the function from the system for some reasons:

  • Lost. The big emphasis in new systems was made on live tiles, which, in some plane, work in the same way as widgets. They displays useful information, updated in real time and look more appropriate;
  • For security reasons. Here the developers rather were told without special bases. Since it is hard to assume that such a small component of the system, as a widget, can strongly affect safety, and part of its code can be used by intruders. Although, perhaps, it affected the performance. You can check this by returning functionality and.

Now the gadgets for Windows 10 on the official website are not found.

However, there are no more widgets, and the causes are given. Most users simply agreed and began to use tiles, but there are those who do not want to deprive themselves so comfortable opportunity And they wondered how to put gadgets on Windows 10. For the sake of them and tried third-party developers who created the software that the widget functionality as much as possible and suggests how to install gadgets on the desktop in Windows 10.

How to install gadgets for Windows 10 using programs


  • Media center;
  • Movie Maker;
  • .NetFramework;
  • DirectX 9 versions and more.

It is likely that, fighting on the Internet, you can find other less well-known solutions, but whether it is necessary to do, given that the above described above allow you to return the functionality that was 7 and even more.

If you are looking for ways to delete gadgets on Windows 10 - this is done that add them to the OS.

One of the most sought-after windows functions 7 Always remained desktop gadgets that initially appeared in Windows Vista. In addition to a number of built-in gadgets in Vista and 7, both operating systems maintain the installation of third-party gadgets from the Internet, which offer fast access To various information with minimal consumption of system resources.

You may notice that Microsoft refused gadgets after the release of Windows 8. There are no them in Windows 10, at least on this stage. The company deleted this feature for security reasons. Moreover, Microsoft even offers a tool for full shutdown Side panel and gadgets in the Windows 7 operating system.

In new windows versions As desktop gadgets, dynamic tiles are to some extent. For example, the Weather application tile displays as much or more information than the weather gadget. The same can be said about most other tiles. However, despite the fact that they are more informative, they cannot be fixed on the desktop, unlike gadgets, so to find out the current air temperature outside the window, for example, the user is forced to open the initial screen or the Start menu (in Window ten).

Personally, I did not feel the lack of these gadgets, since I never used them. However, there are many people who love this feature very much. If you are one of them and use Windows 10, continue reading this article, because here we will tell you how to install gadgets in new version Microsoft operating system.

Over the past few years, third-party developers have released many solutions to establish gadgets in Windows 8 and 8.1. Most of them work in the "dozen", but not all of them are good enough to spend their time on them.

Below are two best applicationsthat will help you install native Desktop Gadgets from Windows 7 in Windows 10.

We have already mentioned this program in one of our previous articles when they talked about. This program is great for installing gadgets in Windows 10.

Desktop Gadgets Installer adds all native gadgets available in Windows 7. All you need to do is just install the program.

In addition to gadgets, Desktop Gadgets Installer also adds the "Gadgets" option to the context menu of the desktop, which provides quick access to all installed gadgets - Just like in Windows 7.

To download the program (it is fully compatible with Windows 10 x86 and x64.), Visit the official website, which, among other things, contains more than 500 additional gadgets.

Desktop Gadgets Installer installer does not include any "surprises", i.e. You can be sure that in addition to gadgets, browser toolbar or other "trash" will not be installed in your system.

As well as the program above is free app To install gadgets. Initially, the program was designed for Windows 8 / 8.1, but it is fully compatible with Windows 10.

By installing 8GadgetPack, you will receive a sidebar to accommodate your favorite gadgets. In total, there are 45 gadgets in the program, including hours, calendar, currency informer, processor indicator, etc. Also 8gadgetpack adds the "Gadgets" option to the context menu of the desktop.


After installing one of the above applications, you can install and download hundreds of desktop gadgets from the Internet, but you must be careful. We recommend downloading gadgets only from reliable sources, for many of the gadgets available on the Internet are nothing but malicious programs.

Excellent day!

Dear readers, if you use Windows 10, then I suppose you wondered where the usual gadgets (processor load indicator, clock, weather, etc.) in this operating system, as in Windows 7. I will answer you - they are not. The developers of Windows 10 decided not to install gadgets, as they came to replace new applications tiles. However, you can easily install familiar gadgets on Windows 10 thanks to special third-party programs.

Today we will look at two programs that can add gadgets in Windows 10. So let's go!

Windows Desktop Gadgets.
This utility will return the gadgets to the new Windows 10 OS in this form in which they were in the "seven". Also everything is in Russian, with the same interface. You can download it at

We establish the program and after seeing the usual gadget window. Here we see all the gadgets, as in Windows 7 - watch, calendar, weather, puzzle and other original utilities.

Double-clicking on the gadget, you can take it on the desktop,

To open the gadgets window, you must click on the PCM desktop and choose the point of gadgets,

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. A couple of clicks gadgets returned to a new operating system.

8GadgetPack - another free analogue, thanks to which you can return the gadgets to the operating windows system 10. This utility is more functional than the above, however, it is partially in Russian. Swing from the site

Although the program and partially in Russian, I think to figure out will not be a lot of work. It has a much larger choice of gadgets, as they say for all occasions.

So, summarize. We reviewed two programs that return gadgets in Windows 10. One and second program allows you to upload and other third-party gadgets for your desktop. But there is one nuance, not all gadgets will work as the developers say. However, I. standard Set Gadgets are enough for most users.

If you have questions - ask in the comments. All the best!