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How people earn in YouTube. How much and how much you can earn in YouTube on the views of your and strangers - Detailed Guide

Detailed guide, how to receive money from YouTube. Earn on your videos!

On the Internet there are many opportunities to earn additional means. For example, it is available thanks to the International YouTube video host.

If you do not know how to receive money from YouTubeThis article will be for you detailed leadership.

Moreover, it is not necessary to be able to shoot exclusively professional video with millions of browsing.

Almost any good video will definitely be advertising, which can be placed in front of it.

Namely, with its help, users receive money.

If the process is briefly described, it looks like this.

You become a partner YouTube, if you meet the requirements.

After that, in your rollers can post advertising announcements (In the form of a short insertion before video or separate blocks).

It is impossible to be called an accurate digit for clicking, as it depends on many factors.

Usually earnings varies within $ 3-10 per thousand views.

Why does the number of views do not match how much you will receive money?

As already mentioned above, a large number of views do not guarantee what you will receive big money from YouTube.

Although most often these indicators are really closely connected.

There are no direct dependencies between them due to varieties of advertisements that place advertisers.

To be clearer, explain on the example.

So you removed the master class on how to prepare a herring under a fur coat.

In this case, in the description indicated the ingredients, recipe and some tips.

If the description is inappropriate, then your audience will show an advertisement of other topics.

Accordingly, she will be uninteresting them, because they will not click on it either, and money will not be accrued either.

So you yourself understand how it is important to competently work on improving the efficiency of the video, and why you yourself are interested in this.

YouTube hosting itself is focused on the text - the name, description, hasties.

But since for some time the owners of the network became Google, the search engine should have become more complicated.

Perhaps now it includes both cookies and the location of the viewer. But no one can answer it to this, since the company holds such information secret.

Therefore, users remain only to lay high-quality rollers with an informative description.

What needs to be done to get money from YouTube?

  1. As a rule, the first step is needed to receive money from YouTube - create an account in.
  2. Defend certain account indicators in order for your application to approve the affiliate program.
    Experienced users They advise that on your channel youTube there are at least 5,000 subscribers, and the number of views sought to a million.
    Then you will be guaranteed!
  3. It matters and the number of rollers - there must be no less than 50.
    Experienced users say that the digit should even be more than 100.
    In addition, the video must be added regularly to warm up the interest of the subscribers.
    And also, it is for the leadership of YouTube a sign of what you are tuned for long-term cooperation.
  4. Work on your channel style.
    The resistant "brand" is not the requirement of an affiliate system, but will allow you to increase your chances.
    The development of a single design includes such elements:
    1. order the designer creating a personal logo,
    2. place the logo as in the form of a watermark on the video,
    3. cut the channel setup,
    4. if possible, pay specialists the creation of professional entry - "Intro".
  5. Check that the channel content does not violate foreign copyright.
    It also applies to video and music you can use for the background, and the use of other photos.

If you meet all the requirements affiliate program YouTube, you can safely apply and rely on approval after some time.

What videos can you get money from YouTube?

As you already understood, it is possible to receive money only on your own videos that do not violate other people's rights.

For monetization, you can use such videos:

  • various thematic video blocks;
  • homemade rollers;
  • music clips that "from and to" you have created yourself;
  • short films whose author are you;
  • reviews for your favorite games, equipment, films and books;
  • instructions for cooking dishes, manufacturing items Hand-Maid.

How to receive money from YouTube through an intermediary?

Some users do not want to wait until their channel correspond to all the requirements of the official.

There is a way out - contact the intermediaries.

Certified partner YouTube is VSP Group..

To become a member of this program, you must meet more modest requests: only 50 people subscribers, 3000 views, and on the channel must be more than three video.

As in the case of cooperation with the official "partner" YouTube, it is impossible to say for sure how much you will receive money.

But the amount of the Commission is fixed:

  • if the number of shots a month is less than 500,000, you will receive 70% of money,
  • if in the limit of 500,000 - 1 000 000, then 75%,
  • and if you achieve more than a million views, get 80%.

Payments are made using a variety of payment systems, among which the familiar Webmoney also has a direct conclusion to the card.

So what is the benefit of the VSP Group except the reduced "strip" of cooperation conditions?

In additional bonuses that are opening to participants.

  • you will get access to all tools available to Youtube Premium Account Owners;
  • you can put on the "screensaver" (preview) of your video specific pictures;
  • get access to advanced training with trainings and webinars;
  • you will be available round-the-clock technical support project;
  • uploaded video will be protected from theft and copy copyright;
  • it will be available for detailed statistics that will help significantly improve your channel.
  1. Work on video hosting should not bring you a feeling of fatigue.
    Choose the direction that will bring you real pleasure.
    Then the work will be in joy, and you can not just get money, but also self-realized.
    This is important for reverse dependence: what you will receive money from your rollers is not guaranteed.
    So try to choose the area that will bring you pleasant emotions even without money.
  2. Throw this established stereotype that no one is pressed for advertising!
    Yes, the demand for advertising windows and rollers has really decreased a little.
    Bright banners and blocks Many are simply automatically skipped from sight.
    But still many click on advertising and bring income to those who host the video on YouTube.
    At the same time, such people are quite a lot to make a good earnings for the click from a muster remuneration.
  3. You do not need to try to deceive the administration and wind clicks, including by clicking on advertising in your account yourself.
    Google is very preferable to comply with the established rules.
    Therefore, for such violations you can very quickly get a complete ban and lose all earned money.
  4. Another rule that sounded repeatedly, but it is worth repeating many times: do not try to monetize other people's videos!
    In your account, in general, there should be nothing to be what you do not belong.
    And even more so on such a material it is impossible to receive money on YouTube!
  5. Constantly collect information that will help improve the quality of the account.
    Many useful ideas for new content can be found in the comments to your video.
    It is also worth paying attention to statistics in which there is a very useful section.
    It displays, from which site there is traffic to your channel.
    Based on this, you will be able to conclude, in which direction it is worth working more actively.
  6. On how to make money on YouTube through the VSP Group Affiliate Program,

    look in the video:

  7. In addition to learning useful recommendationsYou will need to understand yourself, how to receive money from YouTube.
    Track which commercials are demonstrated on your channel, whether they correspond to content.
    If not, adjust the description, names.
    Tests until everything is perfect.
    Then the level of earnings will be maximum.

More and more people choose an independent career, the so-called freelance. Not everyone manages to adjust the corporate culture of employers' companies. Working in large corporations is rather reminded of slavery. The fact that the freelancer can work without removing domestic slippers is far from the only advantage of freedom from permanent employment. IN this review Some methods of earnings through the worldwide network will be considered. You should also consider how much money is obtained on YouTube. And an equally important problem for numerous owners of their own channel is the need to bring earned money. But everything is in order.

Advantages of work via the Internet

Freelancers can, for example, to go to the doctor, without explaining to anyone, where, and how much they have a hurt. You can visit among the White Day to visit the class teacher of your child, without worrying that this is already the second (!) Once for six months. You can be "owl". You can throw ties and not shave every day. Do not portray my happiness on five o'clock, while the corporate party lasts. Do not apologize for the fact that Mixed to give birth to a child ...

Negative networks of network activity

A minus is the lack of guaranteed and in the future, perhaps a meager pension. But the last problem is solvable: you need to create your own retirement cumulative account. More from minuses: There is always a risk that the customer will not pay for work (however, this can happen with a hired employee), bonuses and so on. Now the responsibility does not twist on the head of the self-director or non-historical subordinates. Exit - to diversify earnings. Let, in addition to the main cash flow, there will be many small streams. It would be nice to consider earnings on the Internet.

A large number of ways to earn

There is a lot of ways to make money online. For example, on the services of active advertising. The essence is to receive money for viewing sites, reading letters, registration on the forums. This is the easiest way, and do not earn a lot on it.
Possible earnings on file sharing. It consists in the fact that by downloading the file on the server, the user receives a unique link to download it. Now you need to make it so that the file is downloaded by moving through this link. You need to advise friends, to mention the forums, place on your website, etc.

And you can also earn in social networks with the help of "Likes", entry into various groups and so on. For good sellers or talented advertisers, an excellent look of earnings - partnership with online stores. You need to register on the site of a particular store and get an affiliate link. And then, using its seller's talent, in every way to promote the corresponding product or service, not forgetting everywhere to give an affiliate link.

Azart can be used with benefit

For gambling users of the network - bookmakers or online poker. It is rather entertainment that may unexpectedly bring income. Exception - Serious poker clubs. Do not play there, namely win. There are also online games with money output. The last three ways are very important and very doubtful from a moral point of view. In addition, gambling as a disease takes the scale of the epidemic.

Network pyramids and securities

Earnings on "Forex". Options Two: either all the same "roulette" or the highest professionalism and knowledge of the subject. It is not this serious work and day and night, and inseparably linked to risk to lose big money.

Network pyramid. Comment One: This is aiding for criminals, fraudsters.

Network Freelance Exchange. You can earn money by performing any tasks: a set of text, translation, copywrites or rewriting texts, prescribing any formula in Excel, writing macros, registration and establishment in the forums, writing reviews, abstracts and term papers and much more.

We have listed the main opportunities for earning the Internet. We now move on to the second part of our review. How much money gives you to "YouTube", and how can I withdraw money from the resource?

Earnings with the most popular video hosting

So, video techno. The most popular free video hosting in the world is YouTube, which allows its users to watch, download and comment on various videos. Accordingly, you can get money for the video on YouTube. The service opened in November 2005. Created his three students of the Faculty of Computer Sciences in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The idea belonged to the two guys.

Prehistory of the appearance of resource

They wanted to see the third friend of their friend to see what loses without coming to a party. So originated the idea of \u200b\u200bYouTube.who originally thought as a video dating site. The Sequoia Capital Foundation has invested about $ 11.5 million in him for six months of the existence of the service. And then the day came when the number of views reached 100 million, and the number of downloaded videos - 65 thousand. It happened after 9 months. It is no secret that Google is trying to buy all promising Internet projects. As it should be expected, at the end of 2006, only for "some" $ \u200b\u200b1.65 billion YouTube moved to the full ownership of Google. In 2010, the number of daily views exceeded a billion.

The ability to earn with Youtube

Having become a partner of YouTube, you can not bad with "YouTube"? To do this, have a number of requirements:

  1. Create original, high-quality, memorable video.
  2. Be the owner of the loaded content.
  3. Load video at least once a week.
  4. There must be at least 1000 subscribers.
  5. Each roller - at least 1000 views.

If all the conditions are fulfilled, the question of how to receive money from YouTube will not cause too big difficulties. We just need to apply for a partnership with a popular video hosting. You have to wait, since the application may be considered up to several months, although it takes several weeks more often.

How pays video hosting?

Before maning his hands, rejoicing that you now know how to receive money from YouTube, and to count future profit, it would be nice to know what it is paid by YouTube partners. And youtube pays for advertising clicks, which is located on the video partner. Pays honestly, partnership share - from 40 to 67%. Thus, earnings depends on the number of clicks and the cost of one click. Do not think that this is a meager, additional to the main income. How much do video blocks get on "YouTube"? Some video channels earn thousands of dollars a day! For example, PewDiepie - $ 70 thousand, Roosterteeth - $ 50 thousand, smosh - $ 45 thousand. But the results of Russian-speaking channels: thisISHOROSHO - $ 10 thousand, AdamThomasmoran - $ 5 thousand, Omskoetv - $ 2 thousand. So "YouTube" pays money For watching. And it is worth noting that pays good enough. So why not try and earn it yourself?

How can I bring money?

But after all, the question of how to receive money from YouTube, implies not only their earnings. How can I transfer money from a resource on WebMoney and Google Adsense? This moment is interested in many people, so it is worth considering it in more detail. Before displaying cashThey need to earn. Suppose this problem was solved. Go ahead. To get money for views on YouTube, you will need to perform several actions:

This is a number simple actionwho are fully answering the question of how to bring money from YouTube. Now you can proceed directly to their earnings.


This does not mean that the fees mentioned above are waiting for everyone who will suddenly decide to become a partner youtube. Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to get as much as video blocks are obtained on YouTube. At least at first. But it demonstrates that earn and earn good, it is quite possible. And in Russian YouTube, there is no competition at all. It will take courage, talent and a little good luck. "Fate caresses young and zealous!"

It is important to remember, earning the Internet that it is not you - they make it earn you. Therefore, try not to get caught in its network thoroughly and acquire Internet addiction instead of money. Good luck to you in the search for funds earning with the world's network!

Brief step-by-step instruction For those who intend to make money on their video with the help of YouTube.

The article is large and consists of two parts:

  1. How to create a channel on YouTube for earning
  2. How to make money on YouTube

But first the warning that the eyes will open to you on earnings in YouTube and probably do not like many.

I will not repeat what YouTube is, how many hours of video pour on it every minute and how many millions of dollars earn some channel owners on YouTube.

I will only say that in any case requiring creativity, it can only have talent.

Why? Because your canal on YouTube is your personal Hollywood.

In Big Hollywood, dozens of films are created annually, but the famous one of the ten becomes known. Most films barely pay off their budgets, and some do not even go into large rental. But in Hollywood specialists, talented scenarios, directors, actors work.

You will also have to create and publish more rollers on your channel than the entire Hollywood. You will have to be both screenwriter, director, and actor, and edited by a word, a man with a multifaceted talent.

Because the video on your channel should be interesting

If your rollers are uninteresting - they just won't look. Will not look, it means that they will not subscribe to the channel, they will not put likes, write comments - will simply leave the canal.

And you will not be able to try to look at people with any tricks and cheating.

Therefore, before creating a channel and dream about earnings on YouTube, you need to find a talent and learn how to make interesting videos.

And you still need to be patient and stubborn. Because the channel on YouTube is a project for many years, perhaps for life. The first results will be noticeable in a few months. And if you consider the channel in a year, then is it worth starting?

And further. YouTube passed his peak popularity. Began out the outflow of users in more popular projects today. The number of restrictions for the authors of the channels and quality requirements is growing. Earn on YouTube is not so simple and quick as five years ago.

If you are still ready to create and develop your channel on YouTube, then two large parts are waiting for you:

  1. How to create a channel - it will take 10-15 minutes and
  2. How to make money on YouTube, basic ways.

How to create a channel on YouTube for earning

Registration of Utuba account

Access to all google services It occurs through a single account. To get a Google account, just register mailbox on

Click To come in. Everything, the channel is created, you can do it with the design and setting.

Channel decoration

Your channel should look professionally. To do this, add a logo, cap and trailer on it.

If the channel is designed to promote itself as an expert - use your professional photo as a logo. If themed - select the image reflecting the essence of the channel and take into account the logo will be round.

You can add logo in the section Channel > Form style. Press the button Add canal logo And select a picture on your computer.

For the cap, you need a high-quality picture size 2560 x 1440 pixelsrevealing the subject of the channel. Consider that on computers and smartphones will be visible only middle part Images of 1546 x 423 pixels in size, and on different monitors in different ways.

The trailer is needed in order to briefly tell the viewer who came to your channel for the first time, about what your video content and encourage subscribe. The channel trailer looks like a trailer for the film: It is needed in order to interest the viewers.

First you need to upload a video to a duration of no more than 2 minutes. Then in the section Channel > Recommended content Press the button Select promotional video channel. On the pop-up window, check the box Allow the participation of my channels and video in the program and click To accept.

Then select the video shorter 2 minutes and click Save.

Trailer will see only users who are not yet signed on your channel. Subscribers are offered to view the recommended video.

Channel Setup

Create playlists - these are sections or rubrics of your video.

Go to section Video manager > Playlists and press New playlist. Enter the name and description of the playlist, trying to use keywords. For channel enough from 5 to 10 playlists.

You can select the channel settings that will simplify video loading. Go to section Channel > Additionally > Account information, Specify the country and list the keywords through the space that reflect the subject of the channel. They will help attract target visitors to the channel. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Specify the category to which the video belongs.

In field Name Enter part of the name, common to all video. You can use the name of the channel or keywords.

In field Description You can enter a common part of the video description. Here, for example, a list of your playlists with references to them, links to your other channels, accounts in social networks, sites, etc.

In field Tags List key phrases and words on the topic of the channel. Phrases of two or more words need to enter into quotes.

Then slide all checkboxes and click Save At the top of the page.

In general, the channel is ready for launch. Now you need to shoot and publish at least 2-3 times a week and no more often 2-3 times a day interesting, fascinating rollers and engage in promotion (not to be confused with the cheating!) Channel.

How to make money on YouTube

1. Earnings in the YouTube Partner Program

This is how YouTube's affiliate program works. This is the easiest, but least profitable way of earning on YouTube.

Becoming a party to the affiliate program YouTube, you can earn, not even thinking about the monetization of your video. In YouTube everything is already built.

However, not every channel owner can be connected to the affiliate program of YouTuba. After a recent scandal, Yatuba staff manually check channels for compliance with the rules of YouTube, on compliance with copyright and the lack of "bad" content.

And to save yourself from unnecessary work, new-night feeds are no longer taken to the partner. And right. The order of 90% of the channels on YouTube are unfinished and abandoned channels, which the authors do not enter over the years, as well as empty or with accepted subscribers.

In order not to dig in this garbage, YouTube takes only channels to the affiliate program, which scored at least 1,000 subscribers and on which there are at least 4,000 hours viewing video.

So the channels are cut off and uninteresting spectators channels, on which there is simply no one to watch advertisements.

How to connect to the YouTube affiliate program

First you need to confirm that the channel belongs to you. Go to page Creative Studio > Channel > Status and functions and click Confirm.

On the next page, enter the code that will come to SMS.

When the channel is confirmed, in the section Status and functions Channel name will appear "Tick" Confirmed.

Then you need to tie a youtube channel with an ADSENSE account. If there were no violations of the rules of YouTube on your channel, it already has at least 1,000 subscribers and at least 4,000 hours of viewing your video, then on the raid Monetization Will be written maybe.

Click there button Enable. Now you need to perform three steps to enable monetization.

Step 1. Take the Territory Conditions - click To begin. On the pop-up window Apply for monetization Put all checkboxes and click Accept.

Step 2. Tie with Channel account Adsense - Press the button To begin. On the next page Monetization Downstairs, press the button Further. On the AdSense program page, click To come in. Then specify what language your channel and click Save and continue. On the next page, specify your data - the name and surname, your email address, telephone number and time zone. Check what notifications you want to receive from Adsense and click Send a request. On the pop-up window with General provisions and AdSense Conditions Check I accept the agreement and click To accept.

It remains only to wait when your channel will pass a manual check and will be approved. It may take several days.

On the email You will receive a notice with the ID of your account in Adsense. You can use this account for earning on other channels, as well as your sites.

According to the rules Google Account In Adsense, an individual can only be one.

How much can you earn in the Utuba affiliate program

Earnings in the YouTube affiliate program is defined as a product of the number of clicks on ads on the price of clicking.

The more viewers on the channel, the more video look and more click. It's clear.

On the channels of frivolous, entertainment topics, the spectators are sluggishly reacting to ads, so there are few wishing to accommodate there, there are few competitions and advertisers are putting a minimum rate per click.

On the channels where "dwells" a solvent audience, for example, automotive, about real estate or business wishing to show advertising much more. There, high competition and advertisers are forced to appoint hundreds of rubles per click, just to get around competitors and show their advertising.

So, if for comparison, use the income for the conditional thousand visits (views) of the video, then on the entertainment channels, it can make the shares of the ruble, and on business channels hundreds of rubles for each averaged one thousand views.

Want to know how many bloggers do you really earn? See this rating.

Frequent information about the earnings of Russian bloggers and abroad is located.

2. Earnings on the sale of partnerships and services

Another way to make money on your video is often more profitable than earnings in the YouTube affiliate program, it is part in other affiliate programs.

For example, commodity are numerous online stores, CPAs. Or info partners selling all sorts of courses and trainings. Or in service partners, such as providing services for configuring contextual advertising.

Such partners pay or percentages from the cost of the order, or a fixed amount for each order. You just need to make your viewer want to go to the site on your affiliate link.

Your viewers will surely want to see a detailed analysis of the goods, up to its opening, comparison with the analogues and, most importantly, why this product is more profitable others and why the order is worth making it right now.

This can only be done by the members of the YouTube affiliate program. To do this, add and confirm your site in the section Creative Studio > Channel > Additionally > Related Web Site.

After that, you can create tips and end screensavers with reference to your site. Will only create individual pages - Redirects to redirect visitors in their affairs links.

In fact, the redirection of the Utuba rules is prohibited. However, there is still no information so that YouTube punishes for it. To reduce the risk, you can open partnership sites on your website with a frame.

To do this, make pages of type Tovar1.htm

And put the following code in them: