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Beautiful covers for the group come to the light. Vkontakte public design: how to make a menu and a header

Not so long ago, VK users had the opportunity to set a cover for the Vkontakte group. In this post we will tell you which optimal one is needed. VKontakte group cover size for the most optimal display of it on various monitors. The cover is, one might say, business card group VK. It should reflect the topic of the group, that is, any network user who visits the page should immediately determine by its appearance what kind of community it is. You can learn more about and for the Vkontakte avatar by clicking on the link above. Despite this, we still recall that the best option the size of the picture for the cover of the group is a picture with a width of 1590 pixels and a height of 400 pixels (see the picture below).

Of course, you can take any other sizes, but there is no guarantee that the cover image will look equally beautiful on all screens without exception. According to technical support, 1590: 400px is the best size for a group cover. Even when downloading and installing a picture, Vkontakte will give recommendations regarding the size and format of the uploaded photo, as shown in screenshot 3 below. To set your own unique cover, you must go to the action menu, and more specifically to manage your community (see Figure 1 below). This section of settings is located on the right under the group's avatar (photo). You can learn more about how to make an avatar for a VK group. After entering the management page, find the item regarding the cover, and click on the link: "Download" slightly to the right, as shown in picture 2 below. After that, a window will open (3 - in the picture below), where you can directly download the picture.

Those of our readers who own the basics of Photoshop or any other graphic editor will be able to make high-quality and beautiful cover the right sizes. But there are also those who do not own special graphics programs... What should they do? If you want your group's design to be unique and effective at the same time,. Then we will do everything for you. And finally, another option is make a cover for the Vkontakte group online with the help of special resources. This option is suitable for those who do not have Photoshop skills, and for those who do not want to spend money on designers and professionals.

A fairly popular site where you can make a cover layout for the Vkontakte community is “"(See the picture above). Now many users complain about the performance of this service, but we at SocPRka it has been tested and found to work correctly and without any glitches. If you have problems with fotor, then try using another equally popular resource - “". There are no complaints about his work from novice designers. This is a fairly simple site that anyone can figure out in a short time.

click on the link: "Use custom sizes" (1 - in the screenshot above). Then enter in the width field: "1590", and in the height field: "400". By default, all values ​​on the site are in pixels. Next, you will be presented with a ready-made size image constructor. In it, you can choose a background, overlay any text and a picture adjusted to the specified dimensions, which greatly simplifies the process of creating a VK cover online.

Very often, users underestimate the value of the cover itself. They think that you can take any picture that suits the topic and just upload finished cover for the Vkontakte group but it is not. All groups with tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions of subscribers have a unique, memorable, beautiful and simply inimitable design, where the cover plays a key role. Of course, beauty does not mean that people will come to you. The content of the group is very important, which will interest and will not let go of subscribers. If you are just at the beginning of this journey, to order any number of members to your community. In the meantime, we bring subscribers to you, you can explore the site, which has collected a huge variety of ready-made pictures of the right size for group covers. This is the site ""(Picture below).

All covers of this resource are structured by category, so it will be easier for you to find a suitable picture. Found it? In this case, click on it. A page will open (screen below) where you can see how this cover will look. If everything suits you, click on the download button to install it on your page.

Many community owners want to create a cover for a group in VK online. In our article we will try to understand all the nuances of the procedure and provide tips for users.

VK is a site that is constantly being updated and improved. Group admins now have a variety of tools to customize their community. One of them is creating a cover for the VK group online.

But what is it? This is a special image in the group's header. Why do you need a cover?

  1. It allows you to improve the design.
  2. Manages to give the page a special style.
  3. You will love the new design.
  4. The cover can tell about the topic of the community.
  5. Groups with beautiful design are of the greatest interest to users.
  6. People will be more willing to subscribe to the community.
  7. It is possible to adapt the image for the full and mobile version of the site.
  8. It is quite easy to create a cover, this procedure should not cause problems.

How to make a beautiful cover for a group in VK?

The labor costs for creation depend on your wishes. Generally, group administrators have two options:

Of course, the second method is much more complicated. To create a unique cover, you will need to use a photo editor. You need to have at least minimal skills in working with programs like Photoshop in order to achieve the desired result.

Cover for VK group: size

Dimensions may vary. For example, on a PC, the cover art is displayed at 795 × 200 pixels. On smartphones, it adapts to the screen of the device.

But after all, it is not always possible to find a picture with just such a resolution! Don't worry, when you load the image, the system will prompt you to crop it. Select the part you want, the edges will be automatically removed.

It is important to remember that displaying the cover on mobile devices different from PC. It is cropped 83px from the top, this space is occupied by the system icons. Also on smartphones with a display width of up to 400px, the edges are cropped by 196px.

As a result, a small area will be invisible to mobile users. It is better to leave it empty, so that only the background of the image is located at the edges, then the elements will not be cropped.

The program for creating a cover for a group in VK

Available ways to create a group header:

  1. Download the finished picture for the cover.
  2. Make it through an online service.
  3. Order from specialists.
  4. Use photo editors and create yourself.

The internet is full of free psd images and templates. They can be adapted to your group and placed in the community header. This is the easiest option for today.

You can use special programsAdobe photoshop, Pixelmator, etc. But you should be able to work with these applications, it will take time to master them.

How to make a cover for a group in VK in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular image editing software. In it, you can quickly create a cover with certain skills. Main advantage this method- we manage to develop a unique design.

Important! As a basis, always choose pictures that are larger than the recommended sizes. You will need to adjust the image to fit desired resolution... But in the case of stretching, the quality of the picture deteriorates significantly, which is unacceptable.

Open Photoshop. In the menu, select the item to create a new file. To save it, you need to set the following parameters:

  • Enter the name of the file immediately.
  • Size - 1590x
  • The background is transparent.
  • The color mode is RGB 8-bit colors.
  • The resolution is 72 pixels per inch.

Now find the picture on the Internet, copy it and paste it into the program. To adapt the size you need:

  1. Go to the item "Editing".
  2. Then to "Transformation".
  3. Now select the "Scaling" section.
  4. Hold Shift.
  5. Grab a corner of the image with the left mouse button.
  6. Adjust the picture to fit the borders.
  7. Press Enter to confirm the action.

You need to write the name of the community. This requires:

  • Select the item to create a new layer.
  • Click on the button to add text.
  • Select an area to place it.
  • Choose size, color, font.
  • Enter the name of the community.
  • Open the style panel.
  • Choose the right one to make the text look beautiful.

You have a pretty simple cover. Almost any user can make it according to the instructions. Naturally, it will take a lot longer to create a header with many elements.

  1. Open in the "File" menu.
  2. Select "Save for Web".
  3. Specify the PNG-24 set.
  4. Save the picture.

How do I upload a finished image?

To upload a picture to a group, you will need:

  • Go to the community.
  • Select the item to control in the menu.
  • Find a community cover option.
  • Select an item to download.
  • A form for adding will open.
  • You can select a picture in the explorer or drag it into the window.
  • Upload it to the site.
  • Confirm saving.

Go to the main page of the community and evaluate the result. If you followed the recommendations for sizes, then the picture will fit completely.

You have learned how to create a cover for a group in VK. The process is not so complicated, it is enough to take into account all the tips provided.

Dynamic cover for VK group

Now it is possible to create a dynamic cover. The process of preparing it is much more complicated; you will have to spend much more time.

What is the difference between a dynamic hat and a regular one? In it, images can be updated. The frequency of the change is configured separately during creation.

But why do we need a dynamic header? There are many options for its use:

  1. You can display your CRM system.
  2. Manages to create a timer.
  3. Display the day of the week, date, time.
  4. Show the names of the most recent members.
  5. Provide additional information.
  6. Such covers are suitable for groups of companies.

It is possible to put various information in the header that can be obtained from VK or from any other site. The options for using it depend only on your needs.

How it works?

The principle is pretty simple:

  • A standard template is prepared.
  • Zones for updated data are allocated in the right places.
  • For a full-fledged work, a special script is required.

Why do you need a script?

The script is used to receive data and display it in designated areas. That is, it unloads information from the source and transfers it to the cover, it is a connecting element.

The refresh rate is customizable based on your wishes. You can choose the optimal value so that the relevant information is displayed in the header.

It is more difficult to create a dynamic cover with a script than a regular one. Much more knowledge and specialized software will be required. Therefore, it is better to entrust this procedure to professionals. Then you can be sure of perfect functioning.

How to connect a script?

After completing the project, specialists will provide you with:

  1. Design layout.
  2. Sources in PSD format.
  3. Script.
  4. License key for binding.

The community design professionals take on the core tasks. Due to this, it is possible to save time and not delve into all the nuances of creating such covers.

For the script to work, you need to install it somewhere. There are several options:

  • To your home computer.
  • To the server of the development company.
  • To a remote server.

You can put the script on your PC. But the computer must work around the clock. If the device is disconnected, the information in the header will stop updating. Therefore, few community owners use this method.

You can pay for hosting and install the script on a remote server. Service cost starts from 80 rubles per month. But you need to choose reliable hosting services that can ensure uninterrupted operation.

Many community design companies offer to install the script on their server. The cost of the service is low, the subscription fee usually does not exceed 100 rubles per month. Also, the company's employees will support the functioning of the script.

Do you want to decorate your group on VK (Vkontakte) and create a unique header (cover) for it? In this article I will tell you about what size and format it should be, how to add a header to VK, I will also post the PSD source (photoshop format) of the template of the required size.

How to make a header (cover) for a group in VK?

What is a hat in a group in VK? It's just a picture, 1590 × 400 in size and format - JPG, GIF or PNG. It is located on top in the VK group, it looks like this:

Step 1. Create an image of the desired size.

First, we need to create the picture itself, for this I used Photoshop (Download ready template in PSD format you can). Open Photoshop, select the menu "File" -> "Create" ("File" -> "Create").

A window will appear where you need to specify the dimensions of the image, our width will be 1590 px, height 400. Color modes can be left by default. Click "OK"

I want to note that the image can be of a larger size, when adding a VK image, I myself suggest cropping it to the size it needs. Above the width of 400 px, I do not recommend adding anything, VK will cut off part of the picture.

As a result, we will get a blank sheet of the size we need. Next, draw what we want to see in the hat and save our creation. My template looks like this:

Step 2. Change the header in the VK group.

Next, we need to upload our image to the VK group. To do this, go to our group, in the upper right corner (under the group's avatar), click “three dots” (...), select “Community Management” from the drop-down menu.

A window will appear prompting you to upload an image, click "Select file"

We select our image and a window appears with the ability to crop the image, since everything corresponds to the required dimensions, press "Save and continue"

As a result, we will see a message stating that the cover was loaded successfully, then just go to our group and admire the resulting effect.

You can change the cap (cover) as many times as you like.

So we created our own hat for the group in VK.

You can also take one of the suggested templates in this article:

The cover for the Vkontakte group is a new element of the group's design after the redesign. It seems that making one image should be easy, but at the same time finding the perfect one is quite difficult.

The Vkontakte cover is one of the first things people will see when they visit your group. That is why it is so important to make a good impression on the visitor, convey a clear understanding of the group's topics and interest.

In April 2017, it became available for communities. This is absolutely new feature and a great opportunity revive (in the literal sense of the word) the design of your group in order to increase the efficiency and return on promotion.

You will get three things from this article:

  • Cover size for the Vkontakte group;
  • Instructions on how to create a Vkontakte cover and how to choose the perfect picture;
  • Examples of groups with quality covers.

What is the size of the cover for the Vkontakte group?

The optimal size of a picture for a Vkontakte cover may vary. On computers, the cover is rendered 795 pixels wide by 200 pixels high. On mobile phones, it adjusts proportionally to the width of the screen. However, Vkontakte recommends uploading a picture with a size of at least 1590 × 400 pixels.

Advice: If you find an image that you like a lot, but its proportions do not match the recommended proportions, you can still use it! By uploading this picture, you can select the visible area and cut off all unnecessary Vkontakte internal means.

When developing the cover design, keep in mind that on mobile devices with a screen width of less than 400px, it is cropped to 196px at the edges of the image, and about 83px is occupied by the phone's system icons. Consider convenience for mobile users... Vkontakte is the majority.

Make sure the text on the cover is legible enough on the screen mobile phone when the cover adapts to its width. Also, make sure that important elements on the cover are not obscured by menu icons and private messages.

Below is a visual example of how the cover looks on a computer, and the dimensions are from edge to active elements groups.

Dimensions of the Vkontakte cover on the computer

How to make a cover for a Vkontakte group

If you have any design skills, create your own cover from scratch using software such as Adobe Photoshop. Choosing this path will allow you to create a design for your business the way you imagine it.

If you have no desire to buy and learn Photoshop, then use online services... Here . On this moment this is the most popular service.

Cover templates for the Vkontakte group

In order to help you with the design development, we have created a template for the cover of the group in VK (1590x400px).

Let's announce a few additional details on working with our template:

  • When you open the template, you will see appearance your design. You don't have to upload a cover to a group to see how it looks.
  • To start creating your own cover, double-click on the cover layer. This will take you inside the smart object.
  • Then you can start creating, all sizes are indicated inside.

You can download this and other templates in the article:.

Your photos

We understand that everyone cannot be a designer. But this does not mean that not everyone can have a beautiful cover of the VK community. Here are some places you can look to create your own hat, as well as some tips showing how this approach might work for you and your business.

For example, if your group is about books, then you can take a photo of your bookshelves and use that photo as a cover. This will give you a hint that you are into books and can expect other book fans to take this photo well.

Stock photos

If you do not have any personal photos that you would like to use, look for them on photo stocks (sites with free images), there you can find the perfect image for the cover of the VK community. My favorite sites for finding beautiful photos are Unsplash and Pixabay.

I would like to encourage you to modify / improve all the selected photos to make them more personal. You can use the online editor toolkit Fotor, Pablo or Canva. If you like, you can even enhance your photo with these tools. For example, pick one of your favorite quotes and add it over the photo.

How to choose a cover

Now that we know how to make a cover for a Vkontakte group, the question is, what content to choose for it? Are there photographs that perform better than others?

Let's consider some important points:

  • Maintain the required cover dimensions (1590px wide and 400px high);
  • Choose high quality images;
  • Don't overload the image with visual elements;
  • Choose a picture for the cover, focusing on the general design of the Vkontakte group;
  • Use images that are original and relevant to your brand.

What type of images attracts people

Here are some of the components that make images attractive:

  • Emotions: feelings make people act;
  • Relevance: including what is in the interests of your audience;
  • Colors: choosing the right colors leads to an increase in conversions;
  • Typography: choosing the right font makes your message clear;
  • Hashtags and text: Find the right words that will provoke your audience to take the targeted action.

These components can be applied when creating a cover for the Vkontakte community to make people feel a certain way or take specific actions.

For example, Coca-Cola uses the commonly accepted red logo on the cover with the caption “Taste… Feel”, and as a background a happy couple holding a drink. This is, of course, in the hope of getting people to make some kind of connection in the mind that drinking cola means happiness. And it's effective!

Where are people looking?

When coming up with the perfect cover, it can be interesting to look at some research. I managed to find something entertaining on this issue. It is in English, but I will briefly convey the essence.

It has been found that if you want to draw attention to a specific element in an image, then according to the principle of visual queue, the gaze of the person depicted in the photo looking at the element will direct the viewer to that place. This can be an interesting way to use the person's gaze on the cover for the Vkontakte group.

Kissmetrics also discovered that adding an element that pops up in the cover can be effective. The important thing is that there should be one and one such element that calls for action.

In the example below, Electronic Arts knows this and makes it clear to people what they can buy. new game FIFA17.

Thinking outside the box

Covers for the Vkontakte group have become a great way to express yourself, a way to stand out. Here are some original ways.

Using a famous person in the design of a popular public about startups
Changing the cover for special occasions, upcoming events, promotions or holidays
Using cover art to send people to your site
Using the cover to show your special
Visitors are asked to join the group or write a message.

Examples of groups with quality covers

Now that we know how to make a good cover for the Vkontakte group, we can take a look at some pages that use high-quality and simple images... We hope you can find inspiration in them.

Because we are now doing custom work, we will be able to answer your questions about the design of social networks, if you have any. Feel free to send them to our mail or write right here in the comments. Together we can make the perfect cover for your Vkontakte group and increase the return on our efforts to promote it.

We have released new book"Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

The appearance of social media communities is very important. If the design does not catch on at first glance, then the visitors do not even pay attention to it. That is why sometimes the most useful content does not find its audience. Today we are examining how to make a cover for a Vkontakte group using online services or on a computer. By using this information, you not only transform your public, but also attract new subscribers.

Image options

The VK administration is constantly improving the appearance of its services, making it more beautiful and user-friendly. So vertical avatars were replaced by horizontal background pictures in the community header. Moreover, now it is possible not only the classical static display, but the use of dynamic blocks with timers, exchange rates, CRM data and other modules.

For the two options, the sizes of the group cover in VK are the same. The minimum width and height is 795 x 200 px. But the developers advise to increase the parameters source file twice - up to 1590 x 400 px. This allows the public to look equally good on a phone and a widescreen PC monitor.

When developing a design, you need to take into account the location of the navigation buttons. The distance from the right edge is 66 px, the distance between them is 10 px, and the size of each is 157 px.

When searching for a picture, it is not necessary to observe the specified proportions. It is important that the resolution is not less than the specified one. And how to adjust it to the required parameters, we will tell you below.

Navigation elements should be positioned so that they are visible not only on the PC, but also on the phone. Therefore, we will consider how to make a cover in a VK group for mobile version... There are size features:

  • 196 px on each side just goes out of sight.
  • The upper 83 px are occupied by service icons, where the clock is displayed, cellular operators and other information.
  • Pop-up icons for menus and messages occupy 140 px on the sides.

Only the 918 x 317 px area remains intact. And you need to focus on it.

The exact layout of all elements simplifies the work. But before approving the final version, it is better to post the picture and make sure that important parts are not overlapped by the pop-up icons and panels. This helps to make the community attractive to users of all devices.

Choosing a background for the cover of the VK group

The background of your public page should match its content as much as possible and inspire confidence among visitors. Author's photographs show good results. Pictures of machines in production, cakes in your kitchen, or satisfied customers in a hairdresser's "come in" better than hackneyed pictures from Yandex search. If there are no such materials, you can use a free stock photo base, for example, Unsplash. The service offers a huge selection. But key queries must be entered in English. Good Russian-language stock - Pixabay. But the number of freely available files is limited.

At the same time, you do not have to be a designer to do everything yourself. You just need to know the basic rules and techniques.

Not only the canvas of the text reveals the topic. A suitable illustration does this by itself. It is enough to highlight a key event, event or personality.

In recognizable niches, you can stick to a minimalist strategy. The brand comes first. The abundance of inscriptions, on the contrary, can ruin everything. A fan interested in the logo begins to study the details himself.

People are also attracted by feelings and emotions. A couple in love in the background creates a calm atmosphere, and a bright red font conveys the necessary information.

Using a cover for a community on VK, you can stimulate people to take targeted action. The menu pointer encourages visitors to explore sections of the public. And if you make an intriguing signature nearby, they start looking for a mysterious clue and stay with you.

An arrow pointing towards the subscribe button helps users stay with you. In this case, you should not limit yourself to visual highlighting only. Already at the first stage of getting to know the audience, you can interest it with a benefit or a bonus. Nice gift, a promise to solve a problem or a catchy phrase stimulates action.

In this case, not only direct, but also indirect levers of influence on the target audience are suitable. Research by marketers on eye traces has shown that we tend to look where others gaze. This, too, can be used for our own purposes to focus on the elements we need. Despite the vivid, expressive image of the characters, we concentrate on the text even without direct reference to it.

The latest innovations of VK - dynamic covers for the group help to make the page interactive. The community header contains blocks that change over time. These can be neutral elements: hours, exchange rates, weather in the region. But most of all, the attention is drawn to the photos of friends and acquaintances. Built-in modules "most active", "best commentator" or "last subscriber" show the avatar of the distinguished person in the header. However, there are many possibilities. We will talk about them in a separate article.

Color solutions play an important role. Correctly selected scale attracts to itself target audience no worse than a catchy slogan. This is actively used by marketers. Orange and yellow tones are typical for cheerful people. Green is associated with health, sustainability and money. Blue - symbolizes calmness and reliability. It is preferable for the male half of the participants. Shades of red are a great attention-grabber. Indispensable for holding promotions and sales. Using more than three colors will defocus the eye. Better to apply color resonance, tints and midtones.

The actual picture for the cover of the group in VK helps to get into trends. The upcoming event always attracts attention. Announce relevant events even if you are targeting a broader topic.

We design the "header" of the community

Professional web designers work in specialized applications: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Creative Cloud and others. But they are quite difficult for novice users. Despite the abundance of features and capabilities, beginners rarely use them. Often, only the functions of cropping and transforming images, overlaying text and pictures on top of the background layer remain in demand. All the same can be easily done without installing resource-intensive programs.

Let's consider how to create a cover for a VK group in the online graphic editor canva. To work on it, we register by e-mail or using the buttons of social networks.
After authorization, click on the top right "Use custom sizes" and set the parameters 1590 x 400px. Choose a background template from the gallery presented on the site or upload your photo. If necessary, stretch it to the required size using the "handles" in the corners. It remains to add navigation and labels. The application is shareware, so all modules with the appropriate mark can be used without restrictions. Add text, logo, pointers, arrows and other elements you like.

After the final formatting of each part, save the results to HDD by clicking "download". Most of the work is done. Now let's look at how to add a cover to a VK group.

Installing the community header

In the old version of the design of publics, an avatar is used. It is designed as a vertically elongated block that forms the right sidebar. When you change the design, this position changes to horizontal. But there are no corresponding switches in the settings. The change takes place automatically.
Through the "actions" menu, go to the options. Go to the appropriate section and see the download button:

We indicate the path to the background image on the hard disk. It occupies the position we need at the top of the public.
After reading the article, even beginners have no problems with how to download the cover in the VK group. In this case, you yourself create the background. And knowledge of marketing techniques allows you to adjust it to the seasons, social events and global trends, thereby attracting even more visitors.