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Samsung laptop keyboard cleaning. Rules for cleaning a laptop keyboard at home

Because laptops are often used outside the home or office, they get dirty much faster than their desktop counterparts. Also, laptop keyboards are much more delicate and need to be cleaned periodically to maintain normal operation. You will learn how to clean your laptop keyboard at home by reading this article.

Cleaning laptop keyboard

Before cleaning the keyboard on your laptop, make sure it is unplugged and turned off. Otherwise, you risk injury and damage the electronics. Also, unplug your mouse, remove CD-DVDs and any USB devices, as well as anything connected to your computer.

The process of cleaning a laptop keyboard itself will depend on how thoroughly you decide to clean it and what the design features of your computer are. For example, on some laptops, the keyboard buttons are easy to remove and replace. But on others, the procedure can be overwhelming. In other words, if you are not sure if you can put the buttons back on the laptop keyboard, do not remove them.

How to clean a laptop keyboard without disassembling it

If you decide to take the easy route and not remove the keys from the keyboard, you can clean the gaps between them using a balloon with compressed air... Keep in mind that the compressed air jet can contain harmful impurities, so be careful when handling the can. Just tilt it at an angle and, at a distance of 4-6 cm from the keyboard, direct a jet of compressed air between the keys. You can tilt the entire computer so that all dust and debris from under the buttons is better removed. Just be careful not to drop your laptop.

If you don't have a can of compressed air, use a paintbrush to clean the laptop keyboard. Tilt the computer and brush away any debris that has accumulated in the gaps between the buttons.

Turn the laptop upside down and shake it over the trash can to remove any debris from the keyboard. Be careful and hold the computer firmly to avoid dropping it.

After removing the debris, wipe each key with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

How to clean a laptop keyboard with its disassembly

If you do decide to remove the buttons, carefully remove them using a knife or other similar object. Then put them in a safe place so they don't get lost. It is highly recommended not to remove the spacebar and other large keys. Due to their design, it will take a lot of effort and time to install them back.

After removing all the buttons from the laptop keyboard, place them in a bowl of water and add a couple of drops of dish soap. While the keys are still soaking, continue with the rest of the cleaning procedures below.

Cleaning the rest of the laptop

Unlike a traditional desktop keyboard, you will not only have to clean the keyboard on your laptop, but you will also have to take care of the rest of the laptop. The laptop has many hidden spots that need to be cleaned - these are CD-DVD drive, ports and touchpad (touchpad). In order not to disassemble the computer, hard-to-reach places can be blown out of dust with a jet of compressed air directed into narrow slots. Remember that the air in the can is pressurized, so be careful not to damage the device.

Wipe the touchpad (touchpad) and the rest of the laptop with a lint-free cloth, such as an old T-shirt, handkerchief, microfiber cloth, or an electronic cloth.

Soak a cloth in a solution of equal amounts of warm water and isopropyl alcohol, in a bowl of warm water and a drop of dishwashing liquid, or just warm water if your laptop is not so dirty. Wring out the rag (water droplets in the computer can damage it), and then wipe the top, sides, and bottom of the device. Use a cotton swab to clean hard-to-reach areas, such as the interface between the laptop display lid.

Of course, you can also wipe the laptop with a special cleaning agent. electronic devices which can be purchased at the store household appliances and electronics. Always spray the cleaning agent onto a cloth, not onto the computer.

Leave the laptop keyboard to dry

Leave your laptop so that it can dry. Do not close the cover. If you have used water solution or a cleanser in moderation, your appliance will not dry for long. If you've removed all buttons from your laptop keyboard, lay them out on a table or wipe them dry with a dry cloth. Put them back only after the computer and the keys themselves are completely dry.

Never plug in and / or turn on your laptop until you are sure it is completely dry.

Did you spill liquid on the keyboard?

If you spill coffee, juice, beer or other liquid on the laptop keyboard, immediately turn it off, unplug it, and remove the battery. Turn the computer upside down and place it on a paper or kitchen towel. Wait a moment for the liquid to drain, then turn the device over and wipe the keyboard with a dry towel or paper towel. We strongly recommend that you remove all keys and do a complete cleaning of the keyboard. If the liquid still gets inside the laptop case, then it cannot be avoided. complete disassembly and further cleaning it. Turn on the computer only after the device is completely dry.

Keeping your laptop keyboard clean

There is, of course, no way to keep your laptop perfectly clean with regular use. But if you do not eat and drink while working with it, then you will much less often clean the keyboard on the laptop and save it. electronic circuits from damage by spilled liquid. Also, choose a non-dusty place to work with your computer - it will be better for both your laptop and your lungs.

The laptop is a faithful companion of many modern people. He is hired to work, to study, and sometimes even to rest. And it is not surprising that the keyboard clogs up rather quickly, the buttons start to sink or are practically not pressed.

  • Tired of typing text skipping letters?
  • Are you annoyed with having to press a key multiple times to make it work?
  • Do you want to bring the keyboard of your favorite laptop to its original state?

Well, then this article is exactly what you need. We will tell you how to solve the problem quickly and without any special effort.

Why the keyboard falls into disrepair: the main reasons

So let's take a close look at the laptop. The keyboard is the most vulnerable part of it. And that's why:

  • Apart from the mouse or touchpad, it is the most commonly used;
  • Mechanical pressing on the keys causes some of them to malfunction;
  • Dust gets clogged between the keys, penetrating to the internal parts too;
  • Very often, various liquids are spilled on the keyboard, as well as food crumbs.

All this by no means contributes to the prolongation of the life of the gadget. Moreover, improper and careless handling of it can easily lead to premature failure. This is why we strongly advise against combining meals and work or play for laptop... And for the stationary too.

So, we figured out the causes of the problem. Now let's see how they can manifest. Here are the main symptoms:

  • Keys fall.
  • Keys are difficult to press.
  • Dirt, stains, oil traces are visible on the buttons and between them.

All these are very alarming signs. And the sooner you clean your keyboard, the better, because in the most advanced cases, only professionals can help after a complete disassembly of the gadget. And sometimes it becomes impossible to fix the problem at all. That is why it is better to independently monitor the condition of the laptop and clean it in time. And now we will tell you how to do this.

So the laptop has a more responsive keyboard than ordinary computer... The fact that it is built into the body and forms a single unit with all other parts makes disassembly very difficult. After all, you risk ruining the entire gadget. Therefore, we will try to do without analysis.

In total, there are several effective ways:

  • Cleaning with compressed air;
  • Cleaning with special wet wipes;
  • Cleaning with a mini vacuum cleaner;
  • Cleaning by means of a special kit;
  • Disassembling the keyboard.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Method one: assistant - compressed air

There is such a device, it is called a "blower", outwardly looks like an enlarged pistol used by boys. When connected to the network, it delivers a powerful stream of air. Perfectly manifests itself in clearing old, already caked dust from the system units of stationary computers. In principle, it is useful for working with a laptop, but also better fit can of compressed air. It gives a thinner jet, which is important for a small keyboard of a gadget. Advantages: dry cleaning, not a drop of moisture gets inside, enough power to remove even the smallest and most difficult-to-reach dust. Disadvantages: This cleaning is not cheap. Spray can with heavy pollution may not even be enough for one time, while it costs around 500 rubles.

Method two: in the hands of a special napkin or brush

The industry produces a huge range of related products for computer technology... Now in any specialty store you can find wipes and brushes designed just for cleaning keyboards. The accessory is undoubtedly comfortable, but not particularly effective, and here's why. With a brush, you should gently and carefully sweep away any dirt and dust that has accumulated between the buttons. Then wipe this space and the keys themselves with a napkin. First, the process will take a long time. Secondly, you need to be very careful not to damage anything. Thirdly, this is only prevention, but not a complete cleaning. You only remove visible dirt, and rather superficially. However, as a preventive measure, it is worth using such accessories (approximately every 3 days).

Method three: mini vacuum cleaner to help you

What hardworking manufacturers can not come up with so that the laptop will serve its owners as long as possible. A special vacuum cleaner designed for cleaning the keyboard is an invention of just such a category. The thing is, of course, interesting. It's designed solely with one goal in mind: to keep your computer's buttons clean. But is it really so? In general, such a vacuum cleaner is a great detail in combined cleaning. For example, if used in conjunction with brushes or in addition to compressed air. By itself, the mini-vacuum cleaner copes with the task by about a "C". If the pollution is not strong, it will remove it. But the power of such a device is not enough to clean the litter from under the buttons, so neither the rubber bands nor the contacts will receive proper care. This does not mean that a keyboard vacuum cleaner is an unnecessary purchase. You shouldn't just count on deep cleaning using it.

Method four: using cleaning kits

A dirty laptop keyboard is a problem so common and common that many manufacturers solve it. different ways... In addition to the devices and accessories already described, you can pay attention to special kits designed to effectively clean the buttons and the space between them. As a rule, this is the same brush, professional liquid and napkins safe for complex computer equipment. Roughly the same thing that was described under number 2, but only everything in one set and supplemented with a special solution. Again, it is quite effective with constant use since the purchase of the gadget. That is, if after the purchase you periodically and systematically process the "laptop" keys, then it will take a long time to clean them somehow more seriously. Or not required at all. In other words, the main disadvantage: the frequency of application of the method.

Method five: disassembly as a last resort

Finally, if the contamination is so strong that none of the described methods help, you will have to disassemble the keyboard. But remember: if you are not sure about own forces, it is better to give the equipment to a specialist. In the end, improper handling can lead to irreparable damage.

So, we carefully disassemble the keyboard, while carefully and carefully cleaning each rubber band and processing the contacts. Remember that the laptop in this case must be discharged and de-energized. Use a screwdriver, cleaning products, and a disassembly guide (there are many on the internet).

Whichever method you choose, they all require careful handling of your computer. It is strictly prohibited:

  1. Use aggressive liquids for cleaning that are not intended for complex equipment;
  2. To pull out or gouge out the keys, in order to remove them, you just need to hook each one with a screwdriver.

Remember to take a photo of the keyboard if you are going to take it apart. This will help you then place the buttons correctly.

With proper care, your laptop will last a very long time. keep an eye on it and carry out maintenance work regularly. Remember: not only the system filling should be clean, but also all the "hardware"!

Video: keyboard cleaning slime

Most laptop owners are quite careless about cleaning the keyboard. Therefore, for a long time no one is surprised by the sticky keys, the space between which is clogged with dust and crumbs.

The result of such slovenliness is always the same - a breakdown of the keyboard or even the entire device. Laptops are primarily at risk, since the keyboard is an integral part of them.

Laptop breakdown due to dirty keyboard

Many people mistakenly believe that getting rid of dirt is only necessary for an aesthetic reason.

But a clogged case can cause a number of problems, among which the following are the most common:

  • "Sinking" of buttons;
  • failure of the keyboard;
  • breakage of internal parts;
  • overheating of the laptop.

At the same time, careless cleaning can also result in damage to the device. However, this can be easily prevented by following the tips below.

How to clean keys

Most often, specially designed products are used to clean the keys. These include cleaning fluids, special wipes and brushes. Wipes are needed for the keys themselves, brushes will help remove dust and dirt between the keys. Thanks to the listed devices, you can clean the keyboard on a laptop at home not only quickly, but also quite efficiently.

But with the right approach, the surface can be cleaned with improvised means. The best cleaning agent is diluted isopropyl alcohol (regular alcohol can damage the paint on the keys). With its help, you can even get rid of stubborn dirt.

Advice! Do not overdo it with the cleaning liquid, it should never drip onto the contacts between the keys.

The dedicated computer cleaning brush can be replaced with a soft, long-bristled paint brush. Some also use a knife wrapped in a rag. As for the napkins, it is recommended to use any nonwoven cloths instead.

In addition, the keys should be regularly cleaned with soapy water. In this case, it is impossible for them to remain wet. Wipe them dry as soon as possible. It is also convenient to clean the surface with cotton swabs.

Video: clean laptop keyboard

Cleaning from dust and dirt

First you need to figure out what kind of cleaning the mechanism needs - superficial or deep. The first cleans the buttons and the space between them, and the second helps remove dust from the contacts, which can settle on internal devices over time. The more often you do superficial cleansing, the less often you need deep cleansing.

Anyone can do surface cleaning. First, turn the device over and shake out its contents. A car vacuum cleaner or a furniture cleaner will make the cleaning procedure more effective. They must be used carefully so as not to accidentally rip off the keys.

In this case, you can use a can of compressed air or, in extreme cases, a regular hairdryer. Note that the air comes out of the cartridge under strong pressure, which makes it possible to well blow out the dust that settles on the contacts. When using the former, try not to inhale its contents. After completing the procedure, ventilate the room.

Deep cleansing will take a lot of effort. The device will have to be untwisted. The keys can be detached from the case with a table knife or screwdriver. In this case, you need to act with the utmost care, otherwise you risk damaging the cable connecting the keyboard to the motherboard.

It is equally important to reassemble the keyboard correctly. The main thing here is to place all the keys in the correct position. This will be easier if you prepare a photo before starting the procedure. Some buttons may have metal bases, so make sure all parts are installed in the designated slots before installing them.

But remember, if you decide to completely disassemble the mechanism, it is quite possible that later you will not be able to exchange it according to the guarantee. And in general, the computer buttons are not so easy to replace, especially the Enter and the space bar.

How to clean spilled liquid from a laptop keyboard

Specialists of service centers assure that every third breakdown of a laptop is, in one way or another, associated with a spilled liquid.

To avoid serious problems, you need to act correctly in the first seconds after what happened:

If a lot of liquid has been spilled, it is worth disassembling the product completely or separating the keys. After removing the buttons, wipe the surface of the case first with isopropyl alcohol and then with a dry sponge. In addition, you should be prepared to replace the protective membranes. If the body is damaged by the drink, then you will need a special detergent.

The described procedure does not require special knowledge and skills. But in order to avoid more serious damage, it is worth consulting with the specialists of the service center. They will diagnose the computer and check the health of the contact tracks. When oxidizing the latter, individual parts will need to be replaced.

You need to clean your laptop regularly. This simple procedure, in fact, is a mandatory preventive operation to extend the life of the computer. In addition, immediately after cleaning, you will be convinced that the mechanism is working better.

A laptop is much more prone to dirt than stationary computer, due to its mobility and compactness. With constant movement, various small debris and dust can penetrate into it. The laptop keyboard suffers especially.

The situation is complicated by the fact that cleaning N otebook Keyboard not as easy as a regular stand-alone keyboard. If it gets on a liquid, especially sweet, such as tea, it may fail. Or it will still work, but with partial sticking of the keys. Our instructions will tell you how to clean a laptop keyboard at home and do it just as well as expensive service center masters.

How to clean the keyboard

In order to clean the keyboard on a laptop, it must be removed. If you do not know how to disassemble a laptop at home, we recommend using the instructions that you can download on the Internet (for Asus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Lenovo, Toshiba, Packard Bell, etc.). We find in the manual the bolts that are attached and carefully unscrew.

Take out the keyboard carefully and place it on your home desk. On back side the keyboard may contain a special protective film which prevents liquid from getting inside the device. However, it is not found in all laptop modifications.

To clean the keyboard from possible dirt under the buttons, you must remove them by gently pressing on the mounts. it is better to put it in a separate box so as not to lose anything. If under them there is contact pad, remove it and wipe all contacts with an alcohol-based liquid that everyone has at home.

After the entire surface is cleaned, wait until the parts are completely dry before reassembling. In order not to confuse the sequence of keys, you can take a photo before disassembling. Or use the instructions with the picture of the device.

In some models, the buttons are not removable, i.e. the keyboard is not collapsible. In this case, it is not advisable to clean the laptop keyboard at home; it is better to order exactly the same model and replace it completely.

No matter how carefully you work with electronics, there is no escape from the manifestations of human nature: someone sins with food near a laptop, someone loves to drink aromatic coffee and eat crispy friable cookies. Therefore, how not to observe computer hygiene, after a short time the question will surely arise: how to clean a laptop keyboard at home?

Why clean your laptop?

Any device that runs on electricity attracts dust, such is the nature of electromagnetism, and if the device is also equipped with a forced ventilation system, then dust and dirt will collect inside like bees in a hive. Just such a device is a laptop.

Care and prevention in relation to a laptop comes down to timely and correct disposal of dust and stains. This is necessary not only to maintain a neat appearance, but also most importantly, for the normal operation of the device and the extension of its service life.

Important! If your PC is already several years old and you need it for work, or powerful games maybe you can use ours, made up of models from the latest release.

What can a laptop keyboard get dirty?

If dust and dirt gets inside the keyboard of a regular computer, then the only harm they can do is ruin the keyboard itself. But when dirt and dust from the laptop keyboard gets on its "filling", then the following troubles await you:

  • Due to the ingress of mechanical debris inside, one or more buttons may sink.
  • Failure of all keys can occur if you accidentally tipped a glass of liquid onto the surface.
  • Breakage of internal parts of the laptop can also occur due to moisture getting inside;
  • The laptop shuts down due to overheating - this can happen if dust and dirt gets on the heatsink. As a result, the ventilation system stops letting in air.

Considering all these factors, it is necessary for each owner to know how to clean a laptop keyboard and regularly do it on their own, if there is no time to refer the device to specialists.

Important! Do not forget to keep an eye on the cleanliness of the system itself. Solve both problems at the same time by choosing the more suitable option from the ones we have proposed in a separate article.

How do I clean my laptop keyboard?

First, figure out which cleaning you need - shallow or deep:

  1. Surface cleaning cleans up the keys as well as the spaces between them.
  2. A deep cleaning will help remove dust from the contacts so that it does not settle on internal devices laptop.

Important! The keyboard of the device needs two types of cleaning, but the more often you do surface cleaning, the less often you will have to resort to deep cleaning. Consider also the fact that not all models can simply remove the buttons. In some laptops and netbooks, they are a single design with a panel. Therefore, if you have just such a technique, then you will have to almost completely disassemble the device for deep cleaning.

Laptop cleaning products

Surface cleaning of the keyboard should be carried out regularly, at least once a month. You can buy a cleaning kit from specialized stores. It includes a brush, cloth and cleaning fluid. This kit will help you clean your keyboard more thoroughly. If you don't have special button cleaning fluids on hand, use the tools at hand to clean your laptop keyboard.

We offer some of them:

  • Diluted isopropyl alcohol. It is the optimal cleaning agent for removing stubborn dirt. Soak a soft cloth with alcohol and gently wipe all the keys. Handle the keyboard carefully, do not overdo it with liquid, so that it does not drip between the keys on the contacts.

    Important! Acetone and other aggressive substances cannot be used, as they can not only erase the paint on the keyboard, but, worst of all, melt the laptop case. Ethyl alcohol and vodka can also ruin the paint on the buttons.

  • Soapy water. Soak a swab or cotton swab in soapy water and gently remove any dirt from the buttons. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the keyboard with a dry cloth, as moisture is contraindicated for the device.

Basic rules for the use of cleaning agents

  1. Use only special liquids, as well as lint-free wipes, which are sold in any computer stores. Users recommend high-quality computer cleaning products from Defender.
  2. Use special soft brushes to remove dust and dirt between the keys, and it is better to clean the buttons themselves with wipes.

Important! Before cleaning the laptop keyboard at home, disconnect it from the power supply completely and remove the battery.

How to remove dirt from under the keyboard?

Dirt and debris can also collect under the keys and interfere with normal laptop operation. The easiest way to get rid of the trash is to turn the device over and empty the contents.

For the same purpose, you can use:

  • a brush with a long hard bristle;
  • hair dryer - lift the laptop and tilt it, blow the keyboard with cold air;
  • household vacuum cleaner using a narrow nozzle;
  • a portable can of compressed air - such an aerosol is sold in computer stores.

Important! When vacuuming, do not use the vacuum cleaner at full power.

Deep cleaning laptop keyboard

If you want to be sure that no dirt remains in the keyboard, then perform a deep cleaning. You need:

  • disassemble the keyboard;
  • remove the keys using a screwdriver;
  • clean the rubber bands and contacts using a cleaning agent and soft wipes.

Important! All this must be done very carefully, so if you are not sure of your strengths and results, do not take it, but contact service center... There, specialists will remove the buttons with a special tool without damaging them, and after carrying out the necessary cleaning, they will return everything back.

If you nevertheless decide to thoroughly clean your laptop at home, use the following algorithm:

  1. Take a picture of the keyboard to return everything to its original place at the end of the work.
  2. Use a screwdriver to remove the keys. The fastening of the keyboard buttons, although simple, is very weak. Therefore, be careful not to damage the ribbon cable.
  3. Once the keys are detached, use a brush or a special laptop vacuum cleaner to remove the dust (a vacuum cleaner for cleaning upholstered furniture is also suitable).
  4. Return all keys to their places.
  5. If after cleaning a couple of keys do not work, and you are sure that you did everything correctly, then replace the keyboard. Most likely, it's not about dust.

Important! After you have done all the work, check the operation of the device. You may need to devote some more time to it. For this, we have prepared a selection of ways.

What difficulties can arise in caring for a laptop?

There are times when it is not possible to do with ordinary cleaning of the keyboard. For example, when you flooded your laptop with juice or tea. Here you will have to completely disassemble the keyboard, rinse it with a special solution.